
query tool for OpenStreetMap

Wikimedia Commons category is Sophox

Sophox is …
instance of (P31):
online serviceQ19967801
SPARQL endpointQ26261192
data analysis softwareQ28050159
SPARQL query toolQ114893143
OpenStreetMap toolQ121492952

External links are
P2037GitHub usernameSophox
P856official website
P9138service status information URL
P1324source code repository URL
P5305SPARQL endpoint URL

P144based onWikidata Query ServiceQ20950365
P195collectionOSM Apps CatalogQ125108901
P275copyright licenseApache Software License 2.0Q13785927
P6216copyright statuscopyrightedQ50423863
P170creatorYuri AstrakhanQ50554371
P1343described by sourceOpenStreetMap WikiQ18635431
P178developerYuri AstrakhanQ50554371
P366has usespatial data analysisQ9150413
P463member ofOpen CollectiveQ106993071
P2283usesOpenStreetMap databaseQ116859711
P10videoThis video demos how Wikidata and OpenStreetMap data can be joined in a single database, gives a short introduction to RDF & SPARQL, and shows a few basic queries to improve the quality of OSM data. See
License: CC BY 3.0
Artists: Yuri Astrakhan (User:yurik / YouTube:nyurik)
This work is copyrighted.
Attribution is required.

Reverse relations

used by (P1535)
Q18635431OpenStreetMap Wiki
Q116859711OpenStreetMap database

Q50554371Yuri Astrakhannotable workP800

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