online service | Q19967801 |
SPARQL endpoint | Q26261192 |
data analysis software | Q28050159 |
SPARQL query tool | Q114893143 |
OpenStreetMap tool | Q121492952 |
P2037 | GitHub username | Sophox |
P856 | official website | |
P9138 | service status information URL | |
P1324 | source code repository URL | |
P5305 | SPARQL endpoint URL | |
P144 | based on | Wikidata Query Service | Q20950365 |
P195 | collection | OSM Apps Catalog | Q125108901 |
P275 | copyright license | Apache Software License 2.0 | Q13785927 |
P6216 | copyright status | copyrighted | Q50423863 |
P170 | creator | Yuri Astrakhan | Q50554371 |
P1343 | described by source | OpenStreetMap Wiki | Q18635431 |
P178 | developer | Yuri Astrakhan | Q50554371 |
P366 | has use | spatial data analysis | Q9150413 |
P463 | member of | Open Collective | Q106993071 |
P2283 | uses | OpenStreetMap database | Q116859711 |
P10 | video | This video demos how Wikidata and OpenStreetMap data can be joined in a single database, gives a short introduction to RDF & SPARQL, and shows a few basic queries to improve the quality of OSM data. See License: CC BY 3.0 Artists: Yuri Astrakhan (User:yurik / YouTube:nyurik) This work is copyrighted. Attribution is required. |
Q50554371 | Yuri Astrakhan | notable work | P800 |
Category:Sophox | wikimedia | |
Sophox | wikipedia |
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