
Spanish-American literary movement

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Abstract is: Modernismo is a literary movement that took place primarily during the end of the nineteenth and early twentieth-century in the Spanish-speaking world, best exemplified by Rubén Darío who is also known as the father of Modernismo. The term Modernismo specifically refers to the literary movement that took place primarily in poetry. This literary movement began in 1888 after the publication of Rubén Darío's Azul... . It gave Modernismo a new meaning. The movement died around 1920, four years after the death of Rubén Darío. In Aspects of Spanish-American Literature, the author writes (1963), “We must make art the basic element in our culture; the appreciation of beauty is a promise that we will arrive at the understanding of justice...” (pg. 35). Modernismo influences the meaning behind words and the impact of poetry on culture. Modernismo, in its simplest form, is finding the beauty and advances within the language and rhythm of literary works. Other notable exponents are Leopoldo Lugones, Manuel Gutiérrez Nájera, José Asunción Silva, Julio Herrera y Reissig, Julián del Casal, Manuel González Prada, Aurora Cáceres, Delmira Agustini, Manuel Díaz Rodríguez and José Martí. It is a recapitulation and blending of three European currents: Romanticism, Symbolism and especially Parnassianism. Inner passions, visions, harmonies and rhythms are expressed in a rich, highly stylized verbal music. This movement was of great influence in the whole Hispanic world (including the Philippines), finding a temporary vogue also among the Generation of '98 in Spain, which posited various reactions to its perceived aestheticism.

Wikimedia Commons category is Modernismo

Modernismo is …
instance of (P31):
literary movementQ3326717

External links are
P1417Encyclopædia Britannica Online IDart/Modernismo-Brazilian-art
P3219Encyclopædia Universalis IDmodernismo
P646Freebase ID/m/04203b
P8408KBpedia IDModernismo
P12596museum-digital tag ID43826

P1889different frommodernismQ878985
Catalan modernismQ1122677
P910topic's main categoryCategory:ModernismoQ8637406

Reverse relations

movement (P135)
Q23301733Antonino Lamberti
Q5707138Arturo Borja
Q2281130Clemente Palma
Q239458Delmira Agustini
Q5368667Elías Nandino
Q5600238Enrique A. Carrillo
Q5836961Ernesto Noboa Caamaño
Q111848745Evar Méndez
Q5904905Humberto Fierro
Q2983255José Asunción Silva
Q930961José Santos Chocano
Q29056809Juan Soca
Q15998486Julio J. Casal
Q6752546Manuel Díaz Rodríguez
Q2637654Manuel Gutiérrez Nájera
Q3136707María Eugenia Vaz Ferreira
Q6805151Medardo Ángel Silva
Q18418738Rafael Ángel Troyo
Q5709090Ventura García Calderón
Q17478079Óscar Imaña

different from (P1889)
Q1122677Catalan modernism

main subject (P921)
Q126384391Comienzos del modernismo en la novela

Q8637406Category:Modernismocategory's main topicP301

The articles in Wikimedia projects and languages

Arabic (ar / Q13955)الحداثة (الأدب باللغة الإسبانية)wikipedia
Catalan (ca / Q7026)Modernisme literari hispanoamericàwikipedia
Esperanto (eo / Q143)Modernismo (hispanlingva literaturo)wikipedia
      Modernismo (literatura en español)wikipedia
Basque language (eu / Q8752)Modernismo (Literatura Hispanoamerikarra)wikipedia
      Modernisme (littérature espagnole)wikipedia
glLiteratura modernistawikipedia
      Modernismo (letteratura ispanoamericana)wikipedia
      Испаноамериканский модернизмwikipedia
      Modernismo (literatura en español)wikiquote

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