(P625, lat/long) | 35.78991 / 139.96897 |
polling place | Q335778 |
elementary school in Japan | Q5358913 |
P11127 | MEXT school code | B112210002692 |
P10689 | OpenStreetMap way ID | 584055202 |
P1329 | phone number | +81-47-385-4111 |
P2196 | count of students | 440 | |
P17 | country | Japan | Q17 |
P131 | located in the administrative territorial entity | Matsudo | Q320943 |
P126 | maintained by | Matsudo | Q320943 |
P1448 | official name | 松戸市立松飛台第二小学校 | |
P6375 | street address | 千葉県松戸市松飛台59 | |
P2868 | subject has role | public school | Q1080794 |
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