Jamie M. Kass


Jamie M. Kass is …
instance of (P31):

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P2037GitHub usernamewallaceecomod
P2798Loop ID870640
P496ORCID iD0000-0002-9432-895X

P69educated atCity University of New YorkQ762266
P108employerTohoku UniversityQ1062129
Okinawa Institute of Science and TechnologyQ7082022
P734family nameKassQ21510486
P735given nameJamieQ1674029
P6104maintained by WikiProjectWikiProject Invasion BiologyQ56241615

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author (P50)
Q115405584A large‐scale assessment of ant diversity across the Brazilian Amazon Basin: integrating geographic, ecological and morphological drivers of sampling bias
Q124840312Biotic predictors with phenological information improve range estimates for migrating monarch butterflies in Mexico
Q119580242Breakdown in seasonal dynamics of subtropical ant communities with land-cover change
Q111160050Co-occurrence of invasive and native carnivorans affects occupancy patterns across environmental gradients
Q60544606Disentangling the genetic effects of refugial isolation and range expansion in a trans-continentally distributed species
Q122859791Dynamic distribution modelling of the swamp tigertail dragonfly Synthemis eustalacta (Odonata: Anisoptera: Synthemistidae) over a 20‐year bushfire regime
Q110094679ENMeval 2.0: Redesigned for customizable and reproducible modeling of species’ niches and distributions
Q56446656ENMeval: An R package for conducting spatially independent evaluations and estimating optimal model complexity forMaxentecological niche models
Q110994588Explainable artificial intelligence enhances the ecological interpretability of black-box species distribution models
Q112802638Idea paper: Improving forecasts of community composition with lightweight biodiversity monitoring across ecological and anthropogenic disturbance gradients
Q125107059Improving Area of Occupancy Estimates for Parapatric Species Using Distribution Models and Support Vector Machines
Q99707800Improving area of occupancy estimates for parapatric species using distribution models and support vector machines
Q112795555Intraspecific genetic variation matters when predicting seagrass distribution under climate change
Q114146336Lineage‐level distribution models lead to more realistic climate change predictions for a threatened crayfish
Q112490831Linking ecological niche models and common garden experiments to predict phenotypic differentiation in stressful environments: Assessing the adaptive value of marginal populations in an alpine plant
Q56974405Revised distributional estimates for the recently discovered olinguito (Bassaricyon neblina), with comments on natural and taxonomic history
Q112569939Species' range model metadata standards: RMMS
Q114174405Temporal matching of occurrence localities and forest cover data helps improve range estimates and predict climate change vulnerabilities
Q113788029The global distribution of known and undiscovered ant biodiversity
Q46258102Toward ecologically realistic predictions of species distributions: A cross-time example from tropical montane cloud forests
Q56959924Wallace : A flexible platform for reproducible modeling of species niches and distributions built for community expansion
Q112569907occCite: Tools for querying and managing large biodiversity occurrence datasets

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