Aging in Perennials

article published in 2007

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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P50authorSergi Munné-BoschQ38548289
P2860cites workDrought, abscisic acid and transpiration rate effects on the regulation of PIP aquaporin gene expression and abundance in Phaseolus vulgaris plants.Q38880318
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How phenology influences physiology in deciduous forest spring ephemeralsQ39123234
Age-related changes in oxidative stress markers and abscisic acid levels in a drought-tolerant shrub, Cistus clusii grown under Mediterranean field conditionsQ39281468
Changes in gas exchange characteristics during the life span of giant sequoia: implications for response to current and future concentrations of atmospheric ozoneQ39676356
Plant growth substances ? Metabolic flywheels for plant developmentQ40157482
Effect of abscisic acid, gibberellic acid, indoleacetic acid, and kinetin on selective ribosomal cistron regulation in quiescent and senescent onion leaf base tissueQ42490122
Impact of tree leaf phenology on growth rates and reproduction in the spring flowering species Trillium erectum (Liliaceae)Q42732460
Plant aging increases oxidative stress in chloroplastsQ43941193
Hormonal changes throughout maturation and ageing in Pinus pineaQ44878047
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Spatial and temporal distribution of polyamine levels and polyamine anabolism in different organs/tissues of the tobacco plant. Correlations with age, cell division/expansion, and differentiationQ46453556
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Plant size, not age, regulates growth and gas exchange in grafted Scots pine treesQ47309858
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Size-mediated ageing reduces vigour in treesQ47363448
Influence of tree size on shoot structure and physiology of Pinus contorta and Pinus aristataQ47372389
Differences in leaf gas exchange and water relations among species and tree sizes in an Arizona pine-oak forestQ48019753
THE WATER-WATER CYCLE IN CHLOROPLASTS: Scavenging of Active Oxygens and Dissipation of Excess PhotonsQ51703138
Photodamage of the photosynthetic apparatus and its dependence on the leaf developmental stage in the npq1 Arabidopsis mutant deficient in the xanthophyll cycle enzyme violaxanthin de-epoxidaseQ52165353
Metabolic repression of transcription in higher plantsQ52240040
Interactions between senescence and leaf orientation determine in situ patterns of photosynthesis and photoinhibition in field-grown riceQ54177443
Creosote Bush: Long-Lived Clones in the Mojave DesertQ56092872
Regulation of Leaf Senescence by Cytokinin, Sugars, and LightQ56288309
A big issue for treesQ56991891
Ecophysiological differences among juvenile and reproductive plants of several woody speciesQ57030038
Die and let live: leaf senescence contributes to plant survival under drought stressQ57066886
Drought-induced senescence is characterized by a loss of antioxidant defences in chloroplastsQ57066908
The aging processQ24616537
Phenotypic plasticity for plant development, function and life historyQ28140534
Apical meristems: the plant's fountain of youthQ28204540
Identification of a specific telomere terminal transferase activity in Tetrahymena extractsQ28306745
Living with genome instability: plant responses to telomere dysfunctionQ33335422
Age-related changes in foliar morphology and physiology in red spruce and their influence on declining photosynthetic rates and productivity with tree age.Q33336532
Regulation of meristem activity by chromatin remodellingQ33341266
The aging paradox: free radical theory of agingQ33703380
For debate: defective mitochondria, free radicals, cell death, aging-reality or myth-ochondria?Q33901173
Age-related changes in photosynthesis of woody plantsQ33978918
The limits to tree heightQ34315687
Ageing in plantsQ34547033
Telomeres, telomerase, and stability of the plant genomeQ34572316
Age- and size-related trends in woody plant shoot development: regulatory pathways and evidence for genetic controlQ34667364
Defining senescence and deathQ35091307
Molecular manifestations and molecular determinants of telomere cappingQ35132538
Relay and control of abscisic acid signaling.Q35217918
Juvenility and maturation in conifers: current conceptsQ35668697
Senescence and programmed cell death: substance or semantics?Q35884395
The molecular and genetic control of leaf senescence and longevity in ArabidopsisQ36159258
Telomeres in evolution and evolution of telomeresQ36245183
Programmed senescence of plant organsQ36390290
The hydraulic limitation hypothesis revisitedQ36642368
Short telomeres: cause or consequence of aging?Q36642786
The molecular analysis of leaf senescence--a genomics approachQ36674230
Chromosome first aid.Q37430022
The aging process: major risk factor for disease and deathQ37533013
An attempt at a rational classification of theories of ageingQ37952680
P577publication date2007-06-06
P1433published inCritical Reviews in Plant SciencesQ15751118
P1476titleAging in Perennials

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