Bindings-Restricted Triple Pattern Fragments

Bindings-Restricted Triple Pattern Fragments is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P8978DBLP publication IDconf/otm/HartigA16

P50authorOlaf HartigQ30103409
P2093author name stringCarlos Buil-Aranda
P2860cites workQuerying Datasets on the Web with High AvailabilityQ35812105
Deployment of RDFa, Microdata, and Microformats on the Web – A Quantitative AnalysisQ57239777
Executing SPARQL Queries over the Web of Linked DataQ57239800
Triple Pattern Fragments: A low-cost knowledge graph interface for the WebQ57339052
Opportunistic Linked Data Querying Through Approximate Membership MetadataQ57339099
Query Execution Optimization for Clients of Triple Pattern FragmentsQ57339103
Substring Filtering for Low-Cost Linked Data InterfacesQ57339107
Binary RDF representation for publication and exchange ( HDT )Q58049416
P577publication date2016-01-01
P1433published inOn the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2016 ConferencesQ59620788
P1476titleBindings-Restricted Triple Pattern Fragments

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cites work (P2860)
Q64225262A Decentralized Architecture for Sharing and Querying Semantic Data
Q58631663Toward sustainable publishing and querying of distributed Linked Data archives

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