Geostatistical inverse modeling of transient pumping tests using temporal moments of drawdown

Geostatistical inverse modeling of transient pumping tests using temporal moments of drawdown is …
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scholarly articleQ13442814

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P50authorOlaf A. CirpkaQ50621250
P2093author name stringWei Li
Wolfgang Nowak
P2860cites workA comparison of seven geostatistically based inverse approaches to estimate transmissivities for modeling advective transport by groundwater flowQ56287270
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Efficient Computation of Linearized Cross-Covariance and Auto-Covariance Matrices of Interdependent QuantitiesQ59363655
Sensitivity of temporal moments calculated by the adjoint-state method and joint inversing of head and tracer dataQ59363726
Pumping tests in heterogeneous aquifers: An analytical study of what can be obtained from their interpretation using Jacob's MethodQ61736908
P921main subjectinverse modelingQ131318964
P577publication date2005-08-01
P1433published inWater Resources ResearchQ7973358
P1476titleGeostatistical inverse modeling of transient pumping tests using temporal moments of drawdown

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