Detection and Treatment of Endocrine Abnormalities in Childhood Cancer Survivors and Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Recipients

clinical trial

Detection and Treatment of Endocrine Abnormalities in Childhood Cancer Survivors and Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Recipients is …
instance of (P31):
clinical trialQ30612

External links are IDNCT00504218

P17countryUnited States of AmericaQ30
P921main subjectobesityQ12174
P4135maximum age24
P1050medical conditionhypopituitarismQ922411
P2899minimum age2
P1132number of participants62
P6153research siteNational Institutes of HealthQ390551
P8005research subject recruitment statusterminatedQ76649944
P859sponsorEunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human DevelopmentQ5409765
P580start time2007-07-17
P8363study typeobservational studyQ818574
P1476titleDetection and Treatment of Endocrine Abnormalities in Childhood Cancer Survivors and Hematopoitic Stem Cell Transplant Recipients

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