

DBpedia resource is: http://dbpedia.org/resource/Xtext

Abstract is: Xtext is an open-source software framework for developing programming languages and domain-specific languages (DSLs). Unlike standard parser generators, Xtext generates not only a parser, but also a class model for the abstract syntax tree, as well as providing a fully featured, customizable Eclipse-based IDE. Xtext is being developed in the Eclipse Project as part of the Eclipse Modeling Framework Project and is licensed under the Eclipse Public License.

Xtext is …
instance of (P31):
free softwareQ341
software frameworkQ271680

External links are
P646Freebase ID/m/0gy0ztl
P856official websitehttp://xtext.org
P1972Open Hub IDxtext
P3417Quora topic IDXtext

P275copyright licenseEclipse Public LicenseQ1281977
P277programmed inJavaQ251
P348software version identifier2.21.0

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