Thorsten Meinl

Born 1980-01-01

Thorsten Meinl is …
instance of (P31):

P734family nameMeinlQ16858067
P735given nameThorstenQ19688775

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author (P50)
Q40241794A KNIME-Based Analysis of the Zebrafish Photomotor Response Clusters the Phenotypes of 14 Classes of Neuroactive Molecules
Q38742346Automated workflows for modelling chemical fate, kinetics and toxicity
Q62652343Get your chemistry right with KNIME
Q27162504KNIME - the Konstanz information miner: version 2.0 and beyond
Q21284307KNIME-CDK: Workflow-driven cheminformatics
Q38666876Looking over the rim: algorithms for cheminformatics from computer scientists
Q46595192Maximum-score diversity selection for early drug discovery.
Q51604449Maximum-score diversity selection for early drug discovery.
Q45789355What's new in KNIME?

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