host-parasite interaction

relationship between an invertebrate and another organism (the host), one of which lives at the expense of the other

host-parasite interaction is …
sublass of (P279):
host-pathogen interactionQ5909198

External links are
P5922ANZSRC 2008 FoR ID060307
P8529ANZSRC 2020 FoR ID310407
P486MeSH descriptor IDD006790
P672MeSH tree codeG16.527.200.400
P2892UMLS CUIC0020034

P1269facet ofparasitismQ186517

Reverse relations

field of work (P101)
Q87606042Michael M Meijler
Q57245514Sara Magalhães

subclass of (P279)
Q5909508Host–parasite coevolution
Q124150763gall formation

main subject (P921)
Q48123882"Cyst-ained" research into Heterodera parasitism.
Q100305631"Parasite turnover zone" at secondary contact: a new pattern in host-parasite population genetics
Q693211611. Isocitrate dehydrogenase activity in relation to the mitochondrial changes during the life-cycle of P. berghei 2. Observations on the host-parasite relationship between P. berghei and the mouse reticulocyte
Q403290681. The effect of dietary fat on the host-parasite relations in cotton rat filariasis. 2. Host-parasite relations in the progeny of cotton rats fed protein deficient diets and infected with filariasis-a preliminary report. 3. Immunoglobulin levels in
Q5727440712 Rust Fungi: Achievements and Future Challenges on Genomics and Host–Parasite Interactions
Q7090633112th annual UCLA symposia. Abstracts: Molecular biology of host-parasite interactions
Q680863681992 Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology. Molecular and cellular biology of host-parasite interactions. January 15-20, 1992. Abstracts
Q553080833D virtual histology at the host/parasite interface: visualisation of the master manipulator, Dicrocoelium dendriticum, in the brain of its ant host.
Q60152285A Bit of Sex Stabilizes Host–Parasite Dynamics
Q30329184A CENTURY OF PLANT PATHOLOGY: A Retrospective View on Understanding Host-Parasite Interactions.
Q59069969A Concept of the Host–Parasite Relationship in Verticillium Wilt Diseases
Q52510004A Host-Parasite System for Testing Systemic Insecticides1
Q93025602A Host-Parasite System with Multiple Parasite Strains and Superinfection Revisited: The Global Dynamics
Q59619036A Potential New Role for bFGF in Host-Parasite Interactions
Q58874103A Review of Host-Parasite Associations between Terrestrial Parasitengona (Actinotrichida: Prostigmata) and Bugs (Hemiptera)
Q39322379A Role for the Host DNA Damage Response in Hepatitis B Virus cccDNA Formation-and Beyond?
Q80381328A Toxoplasma gondii Superantigen: Biological effects and implications for the host-parasite interaction
Q29467054A checklist of sucking lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera: Anoplura) associated with Mexican wild mammals, including geographical records and a host-parasite list
Q68215780A comparative study of the host-parasite relationship of Pomphorhynchus patagonicus (Acanthocephala) in two species of fish from Lake Rosario (Chubut, Argentina)
Q37071761A compendium of molecules involved in vector-pathogen interactions pertaining to malaria
Q92114544A comprehensive review of omics and host-parasite interplays studies, towards control of Opisthorchis viverrini infection for prevention of cholangiocarcinoma
Q30873831A family of diverse Kunitz inhibitors from Echinococcus granulosus potentially involved in host-parasite cross-talk.
Q46406818A geographical mosaic of coevolution in a slave-making host-parasite system
Q52561503A geography aware reconciliation method to investigate diversification patterns in host/parasite interactions.
Q45887606A host parasite interaction rescues Drosophila oogenesis defects
Q97462930A host-parasite catalog of world Dryinidae (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea): first supplement
Q46395078A host-parasite catalogue of the haematozoa of the sub-Saharan birds
Q43917278A host-parasite checklist of helminths of wild ruminants in New Zealand
Q48020196A host-parasite list of the haematozoa of domestic poultry in sub-Saharan Africa and the isolation of Plasmodium durae Herman from turkeys and francolins in South Africa
Q39923140A host-parasite list of the protozoan and helminth parasites of new Guinea animals
Q56602298A host-parasite model explains variation in liana infestation among co-occurring tree species
Q52404267A host-parasite model yielding heterogeneous parasite loads.
Q21562261A large repertoire of parasite epitopes matched by a large repertoire of host immune receptors in an invertebrate host/parasite model
Q52996659A model of host–parasite relationships
Q68622210A morphological and histochemical study of Trichuris suis (Schrank, 1788) with special reference to the host-parasite relationship
Q30820237A new feather mite species of the genus Neumannella Trouessart, 1916 (Analgoidea, Dermoglyphidae) from the Red-winged Tinamou Rhynchotus rufescens (Temminck, 1815) (Aves, Tinamiformes) with remarks to the evolution of host-parasite associations [...]
Q104624451A new species of larval Leptus (Leptus) (Trombidiformes: Erythraeidae) from Brazil with list of host-parasite associations between Leptus and arthropods in America
Q67267863A note on concomitant immunity in host-parasite relationships: a successfully transplanted concept from tumor immunology
Q40700194A novel host-parasite lipid cross-talk. Schistosomal lyso-phosphatidylserine activates toll-like receptor 2 and affects immune polarization
Q52664049A novel progesterone receptor membrane component (PGRMC) in the human and swine parasite Taenia solium: implications to the host-parasite relationship.
Q43921134A permutation test of host-parasite cospeciation
Q52341743A pocket guide to host-parasite models.
Q40743549A proteome approach to the host-parasite interaction of the microsporidian Encephalitozoon intestinalis
Q33281038A proteomic-based approach for the characterization of some major structural proteins involved in host-parasite relationships from the silkworm parasite Nosema bombycis (Microsporidia).
Q37917924A proteomics view of programmed cell death mechanisms during host-parasite interactions
Q51896699A quantitative test of the relationship between parasite dose and infection probability across different host-parasite combinations.
Q33816408A review of Sarcoptes scabiei: past, present and future
Q38183534A review of molecular approaches for investigating patterns of coevolution in marine host-parasite relationships
Q34978695A review of the population biology and host-parasite interactions of the sea louse Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Copepoda: Caligidae).
Q28212010A revision of Platybothrium Linton, 1890 (Tetraphyllidea: Onchobothriidae), with a phylogenetic analysis and comments on host-parasite associations
Q24627332A role for host-parasite interactions in the horizontal transfer of transposons across phyla
Q56657353A shared chemical basis of avian host-parasite egg colour mimicry
Q44147660A simple deterministic model for host-parasite relationship in Wuchereria bancrofti infection & its relevance to parasite regulation in human host
Q48383255A simple model for the dynamics of a host-parasite-hyperparasite interaction
Q46980405A simple model of host-parasite evolutionary relationships. Parasitism: Compromise or conflict?
Q28217740A single ancient origin of brood parasitism in African finches: implications for host-parasite coevolution
Q52596483A statistical test for host-parasite coevolution.
Q54558360A study of host-parasite relationship in Loa loa; a case report.
Q73661794A study of the host-parasite relationship of Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Trichophyton rubrum when introduced into the granuloma pouch of rats
Q67530457A suggested role of a host-parasite lipid complex in mycobacterial infection
Q41352561A synthetic workflow for coordinated direct observation and genetic tagging applied to a complex host-parasite interaction
Q38482965A three-way perspective of stoichiometric changes on host-parasite interactions
Q33908903A virus essential for insect host-parasite interactions encodes cystatins.
Q30847120A walk on the tundra: Host-parasite interactions in an extreme environment
Q48643519Abundance-variance and abundance-occupancy relationships in a marine host-parasite system: the importance of taxonomy and ecology of transmission
Q41557454Accelerated evolution of schistosome genes coding for proteins located at the host-parasite interface.
Q93058369Acceptance of the 2019 Stoll-Stunkard Memorial Lectureship Award: The Study of Host-Parasite Interactions to Better Understand Fundamental Host Physiology: The Model of Giardiasis
Q39361306Acetylcholinesterase activity in the host-parasite system of the cod Gadus morhua and acanthocephalan Echinorhynchus gadi from the southern Baltic Sea.
Q33651505Acetylcholinesterase secreted by Anisakis simplex larvae (Nematoda: Anisakidae) parasitizing herring, Clupea harengus: an inverse relationship of enzyme activity in the host-parasite system.
Q34495730Acquired immune heterogeneity and its sources in human helminth infection.
Q40513650Adaptation, specificity and host-parasite coevolution in mites (Acari).
Q111313392Adaptive Radiation of Four-Legged Mites of the Family Phytoptidae (Acariformes, Eriophyoidea) on Dicotyledons: Host–Parasite Relationships and Ability to Induce Gallogenesis
Q47736013Adaptive and genetic evolution of Toxoplasma gondii: a host-parasite interaction.
Q37166595Advances and trends in the molecular systematics of anisakid nematodes, with implications for their evolutionary ecology and host-parasite co-evolutionary processes
Q56669635Advancing the multi-disciplinarity of parasitology within the British Society for Parasitology: studies of host-parasite evolution in an ever-changing world
Q90217229Aggregation patterns of helminth populations in the introduced fish, Liza haematocheilus (Teleostei: Mugilidae): disentangling host-parasite relationships
Q27306766Aligning Microtomography Analysis with Traditional Anatomy for a 3D Understanding of the Host-Parasite Interface - Phoradendron spp. Case Study
Q38131724Amblyomma parvitarsum (Acari: Ixodidae): localities, hosts and host-parasite ecology
Q37531559An Overview of Trypanosoma brucei Infections: An Intense Host-Parasite Interaction
Q72500372An alteration in the host-parasite relationship in subjects with chronic bronchitis prone to recurrent episodes of acute bronchitis
Q96610011An alternative route of bacterial infection associated with a novel resistance locus in the Daphnia-Pasteuria host-parasite system
Q52245864An approach to the teaching of host/parasite population modelling.
Q72893162An attempt to use the autoradiographic method for studying host-parasite relationships in trichinellosis
Q112835697An ecological study of the decomposition of the carrion of the European hare, Lepus europaeus Pallas with special reference to the insect fauna
Q38392647An ecosystem approach to understanding and managing within-host parasite community dynamics
Q50576812An epidemiological model of host-parasite coevolution and sex.
Q36316065An experimental approach to the immuno-modulatory basis of host-parasite local adaptation in tapeworm-infected sticklebacks.
Q75549825An experimental study of Entamoeba muris (Grassi, 1879); its morphology, affinities and host-parasite relationship
Q26828730An historical perspective on how advances in microscopic imaging contributed to understanding the Leishmania Spp. and Trypanosoma cruzi host-parasite relationship
Q34159958An invasive species reverses the roles in a host-parasite relationship between bitterling fish and unionid mussels
Q112837597An investigation of the susceptibility of varieties of lucerne, Medicago sativa L., to the nematode Ditylenchus dipsaci (Kuhn)
Q46244701An overview on Leishmania (Mundinia) enriettii: biology, immunopathology, LRV and extracellular vesicles during the host-parasite interaction
Q41170586An unusual host-parasite relationship: the growth hormone-like factor from plerocercoids of spirometrid tapeworms
Q29466669An updated host-parasite catalogue of world Dryinidae (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea)
Q111313494Analysis of Findings and Host-Parasite Relations of the Tick Ixodes trianguliceps Birula, 1895 (Ixodidae, Ixodinae) in Northwestern Russia and in Neighboring European Countries
Q100490824Analysis of Plasmodium vivax schizont transcriptomes from field isolates reveals heterogeneity of expression of genes involved in host-parasite interactions
Q64258653Analysis of Predicted Host-Parasite Interactomes Reveals Commonalities and Specificities Related to Parasitic Lifestyle and Tissues Tropism
Q39655343Analysis of host-parasite coevolution
Q33860365Analysis of host-parasite incongruence in papillomavirus evolution using importance sampling
Q36153946Analysis of the host-parasite equilibrium in chronic murine tuberculosis by total and viable bacillary counts.
Q43407501Analysis of the roles of cysteine proteinases of Leishmania mexicana in the host-parasite interaction
Q33693412Analysis of the transcriptome of adult Dictyocaulus filaria and comparison with Dictyocaulus viviparus, with a focus on molecules involved in host-parasite interactions
Q52868229Ancylostoma ceylanicum in the hamster: observations on the host-parasite relationship during primary infection.
Q40687389Animal chamber models for study of host-parasite interactions
Q30830347Annexin B1 at the host-parasite interface of the Taenia solium cysticercus: Secreted and associated with inflammatory reaction
Q71178489Antagonistic and mutual host-parasite reactions under natural conditions
Q51148021Anthropogenic resource subsidies and host-parasite dynamics in wildlife.
Q41171984Antibiotics and the host-parasite relationship (a short review).
Q69841999Antigenic structure of helminthes. Immunological aspects of the host-parasite relationship
Q53746109Antigenic structure of the nematode Angiostrongylus cantonensis. Immunologic aspects of host-parasite relations
Q40686018Antimalarial properties of bredinin. Prediction based on identification of differences in human host-parasite purine metabolism
Q38483837Apoptosis and programmed cell death. Host parasite relationship new paradigm
Q35798981Application of the Deoxyribonucleic Acid/Ribonucleic Acid Hybridization Technique in Bdellovibrio as a Model for Studying Ribonucleic Acid Turnover in Host-Parasite Systems
Q36103884Architecture of a Host-Parasite Interface: Complex Targeting Mechanisms Revealed Through Proteomics
Q38795711Are Dispersal Mechanisms Changing the Host-Parasite Relationship and Increasing the Virulence of Varroa destructor (Mesostigmata: Varroidae) in Managed Honey Bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Colonies?
Q51354406Are host-parasite interactions influenced by adaptation to predators? A test with guppies and Gyrodactylus in experimental stream channels.
Q100992820Arthropod parasites of Antarctic and Subantarctic birds and pinnipeds: A review of host-parasite associations
Q58097217Aspartyl Protease 5 Matures Dense Granule Proteins That Reside at the Host-Parasite Interface in Toxoplasma gondii
Q70266428Aspects of successful host-parasite association: opossum and Trypanosoma cruzi
Q66939754Aspects of the Host-Parasite Relationship of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes
Q46158867Aspidodera kinsellai n. sp. (Nematoda: Heterakoidea) from nine-banded armadillos in Middle America with notes on phylogeny and host-parasite biogeography
Q51466241Assessing host-parasite specificity through coprological analysis: a case study with species of Corynosoma (Acanthocephala: Polymorphidae) from marine mammals.
Q30726348Assessing the effects of climate on host-parasite interactions: a comparative study of European birds and their parasites.
Q40834746Atrazine reduces the transmission of an amphibian trematode by altering snail and ostracod host-parasite interactions
Q44250536Avian brood parasitism and ectoparasite richness-scale-dependent diversity interactions in a three-level host-parasite system.
Q35901249Avian coccidiosis: a disturbed host-parasite relationship to be restored.
Q40974457Babesiosis in Long Island. Host-parasite relationships of rodent- and human-derived Babesia microti isolates in hamsters
Q34432327Bacteriophage migration via nematode vectors: host-parasite-consumer interactions in laboratory microcosms
Q52521551Basic regulatory parameters of the host-parasite system for warble flies of farm animals using Hypoderma bovis as an example.
Q52657149Bat flies (Diptera: Streblidae, Nycteribiidae) parasitic on bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) at Parque Estadual da Cantareira, São Paulo, Brazil: parasitism rates and host-parasite associations.
Q57247284Bat flies from the deciduous Atlantic Forest in southern Brazil: Host-parasite relationships and parasitism rates
Q30049214Batflies parasitic on some phyllostomid bats in southeastern Brazil: parasitism rates and host-parasite relationships
Q90455785Bayesian Inference of Ancestral Host-parasite Interactions under a Phylogenetic Model of Host Repertoire Evolution
Q30700283Bayesian modelling of hunting data may improve the understanding of host-parasite systems: wild boar diseases and vaccination as an example.
Q28087736Behavioural adaptations of argulid parasites (Crustacea: Branchiura) to major challenges in their life cycle
Q35600991Below-ground abiotic and biotic heterogeneity shapes above-ground infection outcomes and spatial divergence in a host-parasite interaction
Q34439727Betulin derivatives impair Leishmania braziliensis viability and host-parasite interaction
Q96172396Bioaccumulation of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) in Fish Host-Parasite Bentho-Pelagic Food Chain in Epe Lagoon, Lagos, Nigeria
Q43171796Biochemical Characterization of Echinococcus multilocularis Antigen B3 Reveals Insight into Adaptation and Maintenance of Parasitic Homeostasis at the Host-Parasite Interface
Q54674590Biochemical and genetical studies on host parasite relationship: role of tyrosinase in pathogenicity and host resistance of two mutants of Fusarium vasinfectum Atk.
Q71626069Biochemical and genetical studies on host-parasite relationship: Studies on the hydrolytic enzymes of two mutants of Fusarium vasinfectum ATK
Q71200270Biochemical genetical studies on host-parasite relationship. Pathogenicity of two mutants ofFusarium vasinfectum Atk. on cotton plants
Q79355859Biochemical studies of host-parasite interaction in tularemia
Q72912419Biochemical, genetical studies on host-parasite relationship: variation in fusaric acid production with different carbon sources
Q55472410Biodiversity and host-parasite cophylogeny of Sphaerospora (sensu stricto) (Cnidaria: Myxozoa).
Q43972174Bioecology of the parasites of high altitude homeothermic host-parasite systems. I. Influence of season and temperature on infections by strobilocerci of three species of Hydatigera in Indian house rat.
Q47211730Bioecology of the parasites of high altitude homeothermic host-parasite systems. II. Infections by strobilocerci of Hydatigera balaniceps (Hall), H. laticollis (Rudolphi) and H. parva (Baer) in relation to sex, size and weight of Indian house rat.
Q51178557Biological and statistical processes jointly drive population aggregation: using host-parasite interactions to understand Taylor's power law.
Q40627169Biological invasions and host-parasite coevolution: different coevolutionary trajectories along separate parasite invasion fronts
Q35647057Biological warfare: Microorganisms as drivers of host-parasite interactions.
Q99695180Biology and Host-Parasite Relationships of the Spiral Nematode, Helicotylenchus microlobus
Q51708224Biomagnification and polychlorinated biphenyl congener distribution in an aquatic predator-prey, host-parasite system.
Q81396082Bothriocroton concolor (Acari: Ixodidae) on the Kangaroo Island kangaroo: a new host-parasite relationship
Q38537872Bovine Cryptosporidiosis: A Transmission and Scanning Electron Microscopic Study of Some Stages in the Life Cycle and of the Host-Parasite Relationship
Q40096897Bovine cryptosporidiosis: impact, host-parasite interaction and control strategies.
Q112937413Breaking the Parasite life cycle
Q26745526Breeding for resistance to gastrointestinal nematodes - the potential in low-input/output small ruminant production systems
Q28475159Brugia malayi excreted/secreted proteins at the host/parasite interface: stage- and gender-specific proteomic profiling
Q35865647Building the perfect parasite: cell division in apicomplexa
Q31171768Bursaphelenchus xylophilus: opportunities in comparative genomics and molecular host-parasite interactions
Q93522184Byersalges, a New Genus of Falculiferid Feather Mite and Host-Parasite Records for El Salvador
Q90973083Caenorhabditis Elegans and Probiotics Interactions from a Prolongevity Perspective
Q46702850Calcium Builds Strong Host-Parasite Interactions
Q90275575Can Community Structure Causally Determine Dynamics of Constituent Species? A Test Using a Host-Parasite Community
Q26747119Can environmental change affect host/parasite-mediated speciation?
Q38737808Cancer and life-history traits: lessons from host-parasite interactions
Q72761445Candida granuloma. Studies of host-parasite relationships
Q82299623Capsular type and the pneumococcal human host-parasite relationship
Q45793648Carrier state of hepatitis B virus--an interesting host-parasite relationship
Q43908118Catoessa boscii (Crustacea, Isopoda, Cymothoidae) parasitic on Carangoides malabaricus (Pisces, Carangidae) from India. Taxonomy and host-parasite relationships
Q34257012Cell Biology of Host‐Parasite Membrane Interactions in Leishmaniasis
Q36103902Cell Surface Proteomics Provides Insight into Stage-Specific Remodeling of the Host-Parasite Interface in Trypanosoma brucei
Q33237799Cell-host-parasite interactions: biodiversity, pathogenesis, environment
Q36497145Cellular and immunological basis of the host-parasite relationship during infection with Neospora caninum
Q36869305Ceratomyxa sparusaurati (Protozoa: Myxosporea) infections in cultured gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata (Pisces: Teleostei) from Spain: aspects of the host-parasite relationship
Q33939794Cerebral malaria: insights from host-parasite protein-protein interactions
Q79006476Certain Aspects of the Host-Parasite Relationship of Aspiculuris tetraptera, a Mouse Pinworm. III. Effect of Cortisone
Q78594591Certain aspects of the host-parasite relationship of Aspiculuris tetraptera, a mouse pinworm. I. Host specificity and age resistance
Q78594594Certain aspects of the host-parasite relationship of Aspiculuris tetraptera, a mouse pinworm. II. Sex resistance
Q72921072Certain aspects of the host-parasite relationship of Nematospiroides dubius (Baylis)
Q54726039Certain aspects of the host-parasite relationship of Nematospiroides dubius (Baylis). I. Resistance of male and female mice to experimental infections.
Q79378316Certain aspects of the host-parasite relationship of Nematospiroides dubius (Baylis). II. The effect of sex on experimental infections in the rat (an abnormal host)
Q44912127Certain aspects of the host-parasite relationship of Nematospiroides dubius (Baylis). III. The effect of a milk diet on experimental infections in the adult male mouse
Q30992851Cestode parasites in Potamotrygon motoro (Natterer) (Chondrichthyes: Potamotrygonidae) from southwestern Brazil, including Rhinebothroides mclennanae n. sp. (Tetraphyllidea: Phyllobothriidae), and a revised host-parasite checklist for helminths inha
Q34868802Cestode parasites: application of in vivo and in vitro models for studies on the host-parasite relationship.
Q106423469Chagasic cardiopathy: a disease reflecting imbalance in the host-parasite relationship
Q51828241Chalkbrood: epidemiological perspectives from the host-parasite relationship.
Q47965376Changes in infectiousness of malarial gametocytes. I. Patterns of oocyst production in seven host-parasite combinations
Q40581830Characteristics of host-parasite interactions that promote parasite persistence
Q48094963Characterization of Trichuris muris secreted proteins and extracellular vesicles provides new insights into host-parasite communication
Q79754078Characterization of the fetuin-binding fraction of Neospora caninum tachyzoites and its potential involvement in host-parasite interactions
Q42029745Chemical coevolution: host-parasite arms race runs hot and cold
Q67501578Chemistry, biology, and pathology of Mycobacteria grown in vivo. 2. The host-parasite relationship and the properties of the organism grown in vivo
Q36323402Chemokines in host-parasite interactions in leishmaniasis.
Q47981374Chemotherapy of malaria and the host-parasite interaction.
Q28818338Chewing Lice of Swan Geese (Anser cygnoides): New Host-Parasite Associations
Q29464312Chewing lice (Phthiraptera: Amblycera, Ischnocera) from Red Sea gulls with new host-parasite records
Q36018224Chicken infectious anemia virus: an example of the ultimate host-parasite relationship
Q30054571Chitinases of fungi and plants: their involvement in morphogenesis and host-parasite interaction
Q70619638Chromoblastomycosis. A morphological investigation of the host-parasite interaction
Q41658424Chronic chagasic cardiopathy: the product of a turbulent host-parasite relationship
Q70677300Chronobiological aspects of the host-parasite relationships between Biomphalaria glabrata and Schistosoma mansoni: cercarial production and infectivity, and growth kinetics of the host
Q103951859Cironiscus dahliGen. et Sp. Nov. (Crustacea Epicaridea) with notes on host-parasite relations and distribution
Q56450985Climate impacts on landlocked sea lamprey: Implications for host-parasite interactions and invasive species management
Q56047502Clocks, Clades, and Cospeciation: Comparing Rates of Evolution and Timing of Cospeciation Events in Host-Parasite Assemblages
Q38349643Cloning and sequence analysis of human and bovine corneal antigen (CO-Ag) cDNA: identification of host-parasite protein calgranulin C.
Q35747279Co-extinction in a host-parasite network: identifying key hosts for network stability
Q92414652Co-transmission of Related Malaria Parasite Lineages Shapes Within-Host Parasite Diversity
Q42696581Coccidia of Wombats: Correction of Host-Parasite Relationships. Eimeria wombati (Gilruth and Bull, 1912) comb. nov. and Eimeria ursini Supperer, 1957 from the Hairy-Nosed Wombat and Eimeria arundeli sp. n. from the Common Wombat
Q67278075Coccidioidomycosis: Factors Affecting the Host-Parasite Interaction
Q21198923Coendangered hard-ticks: threatened or threatening?
Q41579021Coevolution between Contracaecum (Nematoda, Anisakidae) and Austrolebias (Cyprinodontiformes, Rivulidae) host-parasite complex from SW Atlantic coastal basins
Q58192981Coevolution between Lamellodiscus (Monogenea: Diplectanidae) and Sparidae (Teleostei): The Study Of a Complex Host-Parasite System
Q104503887Coevolution fails to maintain genetic variation in a host-parasite model with constant finite population size
Q52588499Coevolution in host-parasite systems: behavioural strategies of slave-making ants and their hosts.
Q55872265Coevolution of daily activity timing in a host-parasite system
Q35244648Coevolution of hosts and microorganisms: an analysis of the involvement of cytokines in host-parasite interactions.
Q34475814Coevolution: A History of the Macroevolutionary Approach to Studying Host-Parasite Associations
Q44634276Coevolution: mathematical analysis of host-parasite interactions
Q100416576Coinfecting parasites can modify fluctuating selection dynamics in host-parasite coevolution
Q38433569Colony kin structure and host-parasite relatedness in the barnacle goose
Q105296454Combined effects of intestinal parasite infestation and extrinsic stress on the host gross energy in Malapterurus electricus (Teleostei: Malapteruridae) host-parasite system in the Lekki Lagoon, Nigeria
Q90598616Commentary on: "Host-parasite interaction associated with major mental illness". Why we need integrative explanations based on evolutionary theory
Q47955152Comments on host-parasite-drug interactions
Q35035015Community interactions govern host-switching with implications for host-parasite coevolutionary history
Q47550760Comparative analyses of co-evolving host-parasite associations reveal unique gene expression patterns underlying slavemaker raiding and host defensive phenotypes.
Q44572299Comparative aspects of host-parasite and host-tumor relationships
Q40825397Comparative genome analysis--a novel strategy to study the genetics of host-parasite interaction.
Q80207251Comparative genomics of human-like Schistosoma japonicum genes indicates a putative mechanism for host-parasite relationship
Q48039463Comparative host-parasite population genetic structures: obligate fly ectoparasites on Galapagos seabirds
Q59652762Comparative host-parasite population structures: disentangling prospecting and dispersal in the black-legged kittiwake Rissa tridactyla
Q36762836Comparative host-parasite relationships in ovine toxoplasmosis and bovine neosporosis and strategies for vaccination.
Q41296357Comparative morphology of human and animal malaria parasites. I. Host-parasite interface
Q77864952Comparative population structure and genetic diversity of Arceuthobium americanum (Viscaceae) and its Pinus host species: insight into host-parasite evolution in parasitic angiosperms
Q46243675Comparison of Echinococcus multilocularis and Echinococcus granulosus hydatid fluid proteome provides molecular strategies for specialized host-parasite interactions
Q91699744Comparisons of N-glycans across invertebrate phyla
Q64063105Compatibility Polymorphism Based on Long-Term Host-Parasite Relationships: Cross Talking Between and the Trematode From Endemic Areas in Brazil
Q39186360Compatibility and host-parasite relationships between species of the genus Bulinus (Basommatophora: Planorbidae) and an Egyptian strain of Schistosoma haematobium (Trematoda: Digenea).
Q38398915Competing invaders: Performance of two Anguillicola species in Lake Bracciano.
Q39481621Complete Mitochondrial DNA Sequence of the Mucoralean Fungus Absidia glauca, a Model for Studying Host-Parasite Interactions
Q54098729Components of glucose transport in the host-parasite system, Hymenolepis diminuta (Cestoda) and the rat intestine.
Q113558044Computational analysis of gene expression in the parasite protostome Schistosoma mansoni
Q93023849Computational and Experimental Approaches to Predict Host-Parasite Protein-Protein Interactions
Q35988100Computational aspects of host-parasite phylogenies
Q34082740Computational prediction of host-parasite protein interactions between P. falciparum and H. sapiens
Q71244343Concurrent infections of cecal trematodes, Zygocotyle lunata, and Notocotylus sp., in the domestic chick and observations on host-parasite relationships of Notocotylus sp
Q38238674Conflict RNA modification, host-parasite co-evolution, and the origins of DNA and DNA-binding proteins1.
Q43308956Considerations concerning the host-parasite relationship of Escherichia coli in poultry
Q35704618Consistent pattern of local adaptation during an experimental heat wave in a pipefish-trematode host-parasite system.
Q24807148Construction and use of Plasmodium falciparum phage display libraries to identify host parasite interactions
Q98176755Contacting domains segregate a lipid transporter from a solute transporter in the malarial host-parasite interface
Q34687439Contaminant effects on host-parasite interactions: atrazine, frogs, and trematodes
Q37048323Contemporary approaches to the study of host-parasite interactions: an introduction.
Q49117352Contribution of nitric oxide to the host parasite equilibrium in toxoplasmosis.
Q40561979Contributions of animal and macrophage models to the understanding of host parasite interaction of Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) disease
Q51100421Control strategies for a stochastic model of host-parasite interaction in a seasonal environment.
Q42651357Convergent host-parasite codon usage between honeybee and bee associated viral genomes
Q108679816Cophylogenetic relationships of penguins and their chewing lice
Q59789741Correction: Obligate development of Blastocrithidia papi (Trypanosomatidae) in the Malpighian tubules of Pyrrhocoris apterus (Hemiptera) and coordination of host-parasite life cycles
Q89580774Corrigendum to "Shotgun proteomics of Strongyloides venezuelensis infective third stage larvae: Insights into host-parasite interaction and novel targets for diagnostic" [Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 235 (2020) 111249]
Q44709954Cortisol influences the host-parasite interaction between the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and the crustacean ectoparasite Argulus japonicus.
Q93604983Cost of resistance: relationship between reduced fertility and increased resistance in a snail—schistosome host—parasite system
Q54724705Coyotes (Canis latrans) are definitive hosts of Neospora caninum.
Q36367680CpABC, a Cryptosporidium parvum ATP-binding cassette protein at the host-parasite boundary in intracellular stages
Q51150216Cross-Resistance: A Consequence of Bi-partite Host-Parasite Coevolution.
Q38442643Cross-talk in host-parasite associations: What do past and recent proteomics approaches tell us?
Q60141401Cryptic disease-induced mortality may cause host extinction in an apparently stable host-parasite system
Q58646565Cryptosporidium Parvum: Infectivity, Pathogenesis and the Host-parasite Relationship
Q30847658Cryptosporidium parvum induces host cell actin accumulation at the host-parasite interface
Q41745364Cryptosporidium: molecular basis of host-parasite interaction
Q26740066Current analysis of host-parasite interactions with a focus on next generation sequencing data
Q73356538Current millennium biotechniques for biomedical research on parasites and host-parasite interactions
Q37390828Current opinions: Zeros in host-parasite food webs: Are they real?
Q71512499Cyclic AMP mediates change in superoxide dismutase activity to monitor host-parasite interaction in Leishmania donovani
Q35224447Cyclosporin A: antiparasite drug, modulator of the host-parasite relationship and immunosuppressant
Q37076723Cystatins from filarial parasites: evolution, adaptation and function in the host-parasite relationship
Q40751354Cysticercus fasciolaris infection induced oxidative stress and apoptosis in rat liver: a strategy for host-parasite cross talk
Q68578435Cytological studies on host-parasite relations in experimental leprosy of mice
Q43796544Cytological studies on host-parasite relationships in sporozoa (Eimeria, Toxoplasma, Sarcocystis, Frenkelia, Hepatozoon, Plasmodium, and Babesia) by means of different methods (author's transl)
Q46983842Damped long-term host-parasite Red Queen coevolutionary dynamics: a reflection of dilution effects?
Q38799004Defensive Symbionts Mediate Host-Parasite Interactions at Multiple Scales
Q89952078Defensive Symbionts Mediate Host-Parasite Interactions at Multiple Scales: (Trends in Parasitology 33, 53-64; 2017)
Q90681998Defining host range: host-parasite compatibility during the non-infective phase of the parasite also matters
Q70793379Degree of host-parasite compatibility between Schistosoma mansoni and their intermediate molluscan hosts in Brazil
Q42194425Delta-aminolevulinate-induced host-parasite porphyric disparity for selective photolysis of transgenic Leishmania in the phagolysosomes of mononuclear phagocytes: a potential novel platform for vaccine delivery
Q68968234Demonstration of host-parasite common antigens in hydatidosis
Q80381689Dense-granule organelles of Toxoplasma gondii: their role in the host-parasite relationship
Q84774640Description of nymphal stages of Periglischrus cubanus (Acari, Spinturnicidae), parasites from Erophylla sezekorni bombifrons (Chiroptera) from Puerto Rico with observations on the nymphal stages and host-parasite relationships within the genus Peri
Q110667946Detection of Eumonospora henryae (Apicomplexa: Sarcocystidae) from Falco columbarius (Falconiformes: Aves): Comparison of host–parasite phylogram and comments on the family Sarcocystidae Poche, 1913
Q54335185Development of some larval nematodes in experimental and natural animal hosts: an insight into development of pathological lesions vis-a-vis host-parasite interactions.
Q49356808Diet assimilation trends and host-parasite relationships in two species of sunfish (Lepomis) revealed by stable isotope analyses of multiple tissues
Q47692956Diet protein in relation to disturbed host-parasite balance
Q96746010Different thermal conditions of lakes affect host–parasite systems: A case study of Viviparus contectus (Millet, 1813) and digenean trematodes
Q45788152Differential contribution of neutrophilic granulocytes and macrophages to nitrosative stress in a host-parasite animal model
Q33512914Differential expression of immune defences is associated with specific host-parasite interactions in insects.
Q56897714Differential expression of the costimulatory molecules CD86, CD28, CD152 and PD-1 correlates with the host-parasite outcome in leprosy
Q45234150Differentiation in Trypanosoma brucei: host-parasite cell junctions and their persistence during acquisition of the variable antigen coat
Q93399672Digeneans Parasitic in Freshwater Fishes (Osteichthyes) of Japan. XII. A List of the Papers of the Series, a Key to the Families in Japan, a Parasite-Host List, a Host-Parasite List, Addenda, and Errata
Q49586961Digest: The Red Queen hypothesis demonstrated by the Daphnia-Caullerya host-parasite system
Q80759558Direct and correlated responses to selection in a host-parasite system: testing for the emergence of genotype specificity
Q51682653Discrimination of fish populations using parasites: Random Forests on a 'predictable' host-parasite system.
Q41658011Discussion of the relationships betweenSchistosoma and their intermediate hosts, assessment of the degree of host-parasite compatibility and evaluation of schistosome taxonomy
Q51155713Disease ecology across soil boundaries: effects of below-ground fungi on above-ground host-parasite interactions.
Q64106718Disentangling host-parasite-pathogen interactions in a varroa-resistant honeybee population reveals virus tolerance as an independent, naturally adapted survival mechanism
Q89784331Disentangling non-specific and specific transgenerational immune priming components in host-parasite interactions
Q44415492Disruption of a host-parasite system following the introduction of an exotic host species
Q107744933Distribution and Specificity of Host-Parasite Associations of Fleas (Siphonaptera) in the Central Caucasus
Q40107292Divergent co-transcriptomes of different host cells infected with Toxoplasma gondii reveal cell type-specific host-parasite interactions
Q31101023Diversity of Quill Mites of the Family Syringophilidae (Acari: Prostigmata) Parasitizing Owls (Aves: Strigiformes) With Remarks on the Host-Parasite Relationships
Q38583467Diversity of spiroplasma host-parasite relationships
Q110697735Diversity, similarity, and host–parasite relationships in parasitic infracommunities of Hypostomus spp. from the Tietê-Batalha river basin, southeastern Brazil
Q79239796Do antioxidants play a role in schistosome host-parasite interactions?
Q45723022Do human and JC virus genes show evidence of host-parasite codemography?
Q22065289Draft genome sequence of the Daphnia pathogen Octosporea bayeri: insights into the gene content of a large microsporidian genome and a model for host-parasite interactions
Q111164756Dynamics of host-parasite interactions with horizontal and vertical transmissions in spatially heterogeneous environment
Q34387789Dynamics of host-parasite interactions: the example of population biology of the liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica).
Q52560115Dynamics of some simple host-parasite models with more than two genotypes in each species.
Q40979342Early Concepts of the Host-Parasite Relationship in Mycology: The Discovery of the Dermatophytes
Q40116221Early events in the host-parasite relationship and immune response in clinical leprosy: its possible importance for leprosy control
Q33671828Eating at the table of another: metabolomics of host-parasite interactions
Q38275875Echinococcus granulosus antigen B: a Hydrophobic Ligand Binding Protein at the host-parasite interface
Q51921125Echinococcus multilocularis as an experimental model in stem cell research and molecular host-parasite interaction.
Q57632931Ecological and Evolutionary Oscillations in Host-Parasite Population Dynamics, and The Red Queen
Q51183708Ecological and developmental dynamics of a host-parasite system involving a sea anemone and two ctenophores.
Q51182249Ecological and genetic determinants of multiple infection and aggregation in a microbial host-parasite system.
Q51153625Ecology and Infection: Studying Host-Parasite Interactions at the Interface of Biology and Medicine.
Q46102895Ecology and evolution of host-parasite associations: mycophagous Drosophila and their parasitic nematodes
Q51205954Ecology of host parasite relationships in the Baltic Sea.
Q112840231Ecology of phages attacking Bacillus circulans
Q43234783Ectoparasitic flies (Diptera: Streblidae) of bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) from São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil: infestation rates and the host-parasite association
Q39485386Ectoparasitism and stress hormones: strategy of host exploitation, common host-parasite history and energetics matter.
Q70176895Effect of cortisone administration on host-parasite relationships in early experimental syphilis
Q40283622Effect of host-parasite relations on parasitic pathogenicity
Q39878100Effect of sexual segregation on host-parasite interaction: model simulation for abomasal parasite dynamics in alpine ibex (Capraibex).
Q83130990Effect of some immunomodulators on the host-parasite system in experimental Hymenolepiasis nana
Q44146425Effect of temperature and host-parasite ratio on sex differentiation of Romanomermis iyengari (Welch), a mermithid parasite of mosquitoes.
Q40105012Effector and Escape Mechanisms in Host-Parasite Relationships (Part 1 of 4)
Q26738653Effects of Invariant NKT Cells on Parasite Infections and Hygiene Hypothesis
Q92493426Effects of Light Level and Nitrogen Supply on the Red Clover-Orobanche Minor Host-Parasite Interaction
Q39527051Effects of Maturity and Determinacy in Soybean on Host-Parasite Relationships of Heterodera glycines
Q44945617Effects of Toxoplasma gondii (Gleadle strain) on the host-parasite relationship in trichinosis
Q77568577Effects of a 100 metacercarial cyst inoculum on the host-parasite relationship of Echinostoma caproni and ICR mice
Q54530696Effects of azole antifungals in vitro on host/parasite interactions relevant to Candida infections.
Q40251922Effects of cyanobacteria Synechocystis spp. in the host-parasite model Crassostrea gasar-Perkinsus marinus
Q97597856Effects of different roadway deicing salts on host-parasite interactions: The importance of salt type
Q26747040Effects of environmental variation on host-parasite interaction in three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus)
Q42074005Effects of epistasis on infectivity range during host-parasite coevolution
Q112853014Effects of insecticides on Sitona discoideus (Gyllenhal) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and its parasitoid Microctonus aethiopoides (Loan) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)
Q87380458Effects of predation on real-time host-parasite coevolutionary dynamics
Q33422116Effects of shortened host life span on the evolution of parasite life history and virulence in a microbial host-parasite system
Q56530220Effects of social immunity and unicoloniality on host-parasite interactions in invasive insect societies
Q38098764Efficiency of ginger (Zingbar officinale) against Schistosoma mansoni infection during host-parasite association
Q71957677Eimeria tenella infections in chickens: aspects of host-parasite: interaction
Q36576744Electron Microscope Studies of the Gland Cells and Host-Parasite Interface of the Adhesive Organ of Cyathocotyle bushiensis Khan, 1962
Q31008435Electron microscope cytochemistry of host-parasite membrane interactions in malaria
Q36604475Electron microscope study of host-parasite interactions of Sarcocystis muris (Protozoa, Coccidia) in tissue culture and in vivo
Q70155736Electron microscopic study on macrogametogenesis of Eimeria labbeana infecting the Egyptian wild doves and host-parasite relationship
Q35093324Electron tomography and cryo-SEM characterization reveals novel ultrastructural features of host-parasite interaction during Chlamydia abortus infection
Q38870474Elucidating transmission dynamics and host-parasite-vector relationships for rodent-borne Bartonella spp. in Madagascar
Q97634551Emergence and diversification of a host-parasite RNA ecosystem through Darwinian evolution
Q34102723Emerging parasite zoonoses: the role of host-parasite relationship
Q46917406Empirical evaluation of neutral interactions in host-parasite networks
Q50133307Empirical evidence that metabolic theory describes the temperature dependency of within-host parasite dynamics.
Q57427438Endemism in host-parasite interactions among island populations of an endangered species
Q40745190Endocrine and neuroendocrine host-parasite relationships.
Q87591463Endoparasitic flies, pollen-collection by bumblebees and a potential host-parasite conflict
Q56836324Enemy release and genetic founder effects in invasive killer shrimp populations of Great Britain
Q54187266Energetics of a host-parasite system: A preliminary report
Q41684669Enhanced Host-Parasite Resistance Based on Down-Regulation of Phelipanche aegyptiaca Target Genes Is Likely by Mobile Small RNA.
Q39269409Entamoeba histolytica: Host parasite interactions at the colonic epithelium
Q45158300Enterobius vermicularis infection. Certain aspects of the host-parasite relationship.
Q37978671Environment and host-parasite relationships in Monogenea
Q37439001Environment can alter selection in host-parasite interactions
Q45374929Environmental risk and toxicology of human and veterinary waste pharmaceutical exposure to wild aquatic host-parasite relationships
Q90259331Epidemiology and hypothetical transmission cycles of Trichinella infections in the Greater Kruger National Park of South Africa: an example of host-parasite interactions in an environment with minimal human interactions
Q46529451Equilibrium in lung schistosomula sphingomyelin breakdown and biosynthesis allows very small molecules, but not antibody, to access proteins at the host-parasite interface.
Q107744830Eriophyoid Mites (Acariformes, Eriophyoidea) from Rosaceae: Taxonomic Diversity, Host-Parasite Relationships, and Ability to Cause Galls
Q104460581Erythraeid larvae parasitizing dragonflies in Zambia—description of Leptus (Leptus) chingombensis sp. nov. with data on biology and ecology of host-parasite interactions
Q55871069Establishment of a new host–parasite association between the introduced invasive species Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Smith) (Gastropoda) and Sanguinicola sp. Plehn (Trematoda) in Europe
Q47287942Evaluating host-parasite co-adaptation relationships involving Angiostrongylus costaricensis
Q28539528Evans blue staining reveals vascular leakage associated with focal areas of host-parasite interaction in brains of pigs infected with Taenia solium
Q78364516Evidence for a dynamic host-parasite relationship in e-negative hepatitis B carriers
Q52711712Evidence for trans‐generational medication in nature
Q33687200Evidence of horizontal transfer of non-autonomous Lep1 Helitrons facilitated by host-parasite interactions
Q51656012Evolution in a multi-host parasite: chronobiological circadian rhythm and population genetics of Schistosoma japonicum cercariae indicates contrasting definitive host reservoirs by habitat.
Q58962116Evolution of Host–Parasite Relationships
Q73301685Evolution of cyclic sexual reproduction under host-parasite interactions
Q48785989Evolution of host life-history traits in a spatially structured host-parasite system
Q40007830Evolution of host-parasite adaptation in nematodes of vertebrates
Q41996450Evolution of host-parasite associations among species of lice and rock-wallabies: Coevolution? (J.F.A. Sprent Prize lecture, August 1990)
Q73269537Evolution of host-parasite relationships of Golovinomyces (Ascomycete: Erysiphaceae) inferred from nuclear rDNA sequences
Q74017116Evolution of parasites and host-parasite relationships
Q68796857Evolution of recombination in "host-parasite" systems. Multilocus models
Q38273506Evolution of spatially structured host-parasite interactions.
Q73054228Evolutionary biology of host-parasite relationships: reality meets models
Q45886536Evolutionary dynamics of a spatially structured host-parasite association: Drosophila innubila and male-killing Wolbachia
Q56680818Evolutionary patterns and processes in the genus Rosa (Rosaceae) and their implications for host-parasite co-evolution
Q40885448Excreted/secreted antigens of Toxoplasma gondii--their origin and role in the host-parasite interaction
Q35193463Exoerythrocytic malaria vaccine development: understanding host-parasite immunobiology underscores strategic success.
Q26772866Expanding the antimalarial toolkit: Targeting host-parasite interactions
Q70748860Experimental Filariasis in the Syrian Hamster; Immunological Aspects of Complex Host-Parasite Interactions
Q28069833Experimental Models to Study the Role of Microbes in Host-Parasite Interactions
Q90816991Experimental characterization of the complete life cycle of Haemoproteus columbae, with a description of a natural host-parasite system used to study this infection
Q72136801Experimental host-parasite relationship studies with Oesophagostomum columbianum in sheep. I. Attempts to establish infection by different routes
Q68729219Experimental host-parasite relationship studies with Oesophagostomum columbianum in sheep. II. Some effects of subcutaneous infections upon host immune and hypersensitive responses
Q47234004Experimental investigation of alternative transmission functions: Quantitative evidence for the importance of nonlinear transmission dynamics in host-parasite systems.
Q45257596Experimental studies on host-parasite equilibrium in tuberculous infection, in relation to vaccination and chemotherapy
Q44328047Experimental trichinosis: effect of immunosuppression on the host-parasite system.
Q30728572Experimental warming drives a seasonal shift in the timing of host-parasite dynamics with consequences for disease risk
Q92347242Exploiting Genetically Modified Dual-Reporter Strains to Monitor Experimental Trypanosoma cruzi Infections and Host-Parasite Interactions
Q112951277Exploring the host-parasite relationship between brown kiwi (Apteryx mantelli), kiwi ticks (Ixodes anatis) and kiwi tick-borne haemoparasites
Q37618399Exploring the molecular landscape of host-parasite coevolution
Q53588071Exploring the role of biogenic amines in schistosome host-parasite interactions.
Q79378929External environmental factors and host-parasite relationships. Effect of artificial acclimatization to heat on the nasal carriage of staphylococci
Q79378931External environmental factors and host-parasite relationships. II. Effect of a synthetic mineralocorticoid on the nasal carriage of staphylococci during chronic exposure to heat
Q37834800Extracellular Trypanosoma cruzi calreticulin in the host-parasite interplay
Q61448100Extracellular Vesicle-Mediated Communication Within Host-Parasite Interactions
Q35681143Extracellular Virions: The Advance Guard of Poxvirus Infections
Q42348012Extracellular vesicle-mediated communication in host-parasite interactions: insight from Fasciola hepatica.
Q33968852Factors influencing infection patterns of trophically transmitted parasites among a fish community: host diet, host-parasite compatibility or both?
Q40461773Fasciola hepatica mucin-encoding gene: expression, variability and its potential relevance in host-parasite relationship.
Q68347390Fatty acid composition of plerocercoid and adult of Spirometra erinacei and the host-parasite relationship
Q73462037Field observations of the host-parasite relationship associated with the common horse bot fly, Gasterophilus intestinalis
Q47644181Filaria-induced immune evasion: suppression by the infective stage of Brugia malayi at the earliest host-parasite interface
Q41526823Fine structure and cellular responses at the host-parasite interface in a range of fish-helminth systems
Q91989492Flying into the future: avian haemosporidians and the advancement of understanding host-parasite systems
Q51147982Food for contagion: synthesis and future directions for studying host-parasite responses to resource shifts in anthropogenic environments.
Q84581531Food supplementation leads to bottom-up and top-down food-host-parasite interactions
Q38877484Forest fragmentation, the decline of an endangered primate, and changes in host-parasite interactions relative to an unfragmented forest
Q68243393Formation of new host-parasite systems on the example of nematodes genus Neoaplectana
Q99967952Four species of Lepidapedoides Yamaguti, 1970 (Digenea: Lepocreadiidae) from fishes of the southern Great Barrier Reef, with a tabulation of host-parasite data on the group
Q41154921Francisella tularensis: host-parasite interaction
Q51664188Friendly competition: evidence for a dilution effect among competitors in a planktonic host-parasite system.
Q51173324Frontiers in host-parasite ecology and evolution.
Q92229865Frozen Antarctic path for dispersal initiated parallel host-parasite evolution on different continents
Q70614860Function of the Thyroid and the Host-Parasite Relation in Murine Schistosomiasis Mansoni
Q30419781Functional genomics of a generalist parasitic plant: laser microdissection of host-parasite interface reveals host-specific patterns of parasite gene expression.
Q93038043Functional genomics of simian malaria parasites and host-parasite interactions
Q27316912Fundamental Roles of the Golgi-Associated Toxoplasma Aspartyl Protease, ASP5, at the Host-Parasite Interface
Q101440419Fur-mites of the family Atopomelidae (Acari: Astigmata) parasitic on Philippine mammals: systematics, phylogeny, and host-parasite relationships
Q53719610Further research on filariasis in Fiji; a study of host-parasite relationships, with special reference to the status of the Pacific filaria, Wuchereria pacifica.
Q33514634GRA proteins of Toxoplasma gondii: maintenance of host-parasite interactions across the parasitophorous vacuolar membrane
Q62738091Gametocyte Sex Ratio: The Key to Understanding Plasmodium falciparum Transmission?
Q83265455Gas exchange characteristics of the sorghum-striga host-parasite association
Q92622660Gastrointestinal Nematodes of Goats: Host-parasite Relationship Differences in Breeds at Summer Mountain Pasture in Northern Italy
Q38937005Gastrointestinal helminth fauna of rodents from Cambodia: emphasizing the community ecology of host-parasite associations
Q41684132Gene Expression Contributes to the Recent Evolution of Host Resistance in a Model Host Parasite System
Q37628074Gene expression differences underlying genotype-by-genotype specificity in a host-parasite system
Q39863941Generation of murine growth factor-dependent long-term dendritic cell lines to investigate host-parasite interactions
Q43124300Genes involved in host-parasite interactions can be revealed by their correlated expression
Q50441064Genetic Aspects of Host-Parasite Relationships
Q67835471Genetic Variation and Host-Parasite Relations: Nematospiroides dubius in Mice
Q40840674Genetic analysis of host-parasite coevolution in human malaria
Q33892367Genetic assignment methods for gaining insight into the management of infectious disease by understanding pathogen, vector, and host movement
Q50527646Genetic characterization of flea-derived Bartonella species from native animals in Australia suggests host-parasite co-evolution.
Q59847282Genetic co-structuring in host-parasite systems: Empirical data from raccoons and raccoon ticks
Q69641097Genetic determination of host-parasite relationships in mycotic infections
Q40493749Genetic gradient of a host-parasite pair along a river persisted ten years against physical mobility: Baltic Salmo salar vs. Gyrodactylus salaris
Q40735039Genetic patterns of plant host-parasite interactions.
Q57048676Genetic structure and host-parasite co-divergence: evidence for trait-specific local adaptation
Q41018491Genetic variability in parasites and host-parasite interactions.
Q55435708Genetic variability of host-parasite relationship traits: utilization of isofemale lines in a Drosophila simulans parasitic wasp.
Q36571809Genetic variation affecting host-parasite interactions: different genes affect different aspects of sigma virus replication and transmission in Drosophila melanogaster
Q45392526Genetic variation affecting host-parasite interactions: major-effect quantitative trait loci affect the transmission of sigma virus in Drosophila melanogaster
Q38851247Genetic variation and host-parasite specificity of Striga resistance and tolerance in rice: the need for predictive breeding.
Q37828934Genetics of host-parasite interactions.
Q50750876Genetics of host-parasite interactions: towards a comprehensive dissection of Drosophila resistance to viral infection.
Q34800040Genome sequencing and comparative genomics of honey bee microsporidia, Nosema apis reveal novel insights into host-parasite interactions
Q90564954Genomic sequence capture of haemosporidian parasites: Methods and prospects for enhanced study of host-parasite evolution
Q82705801Geographical distribution and host-parasite relationships of Plistophora ovariae (Microsporida, Nosematidae) in Notemigonus crysoleucas
Q83831479Geographical variations in infectivity and susceptibility in the host-parasite system Schistosoma mansoni/Biomphalaria glabrata: no evidence for local adaptation
Q41165707Global analysis of lymphocyte gene expression: perturbation of H-9 cells by infection with distinct isolates of human immunodeficiency virus--an exposition by multivariate analysis of a host-parasite interface.
Q34297849Global gene expression analysis of the zoonotic parasite Trichinella spiralis revealed novel genes in host parasite interaction
Q81561265Global warming is changing the dynamics of Arctic host-parasite systems
Q41846814Glutathione levels modulation as a strategy in host-parasite interactions-insights for biology of cancer.
Q91774766Glycans in the roles of parasitological diagnosis and host-parasite interplay
Q36088115Granulocytes in helminth infection -- who is calling the shots?
Q46852617Grillotia erinaceus (van Beneden, 1858) (Cestoda:Trypanorhyncha) from whiting in the Black Sea, with observations on seasonality and host-parasite interrelationship
Q36437255Growth factor receptors in helminth parasites: signalling and host-parasite relationships
Q37722838Growth factors and chemotactic factors from parasitic helminths: molecular evidence for roles in host-parasite interactions versus parasite development
Q52740113Gut microbiota instead of host genotype drive the specificity in the interaction of a natural host-parasite system.
Q35578901Habitat fragmentation alters the properties of a host-parasite network: rodents and their helminths in South-East Asia
Q37548968Haemonchus contortus P-glycoproteins interact with host eosinophil granules: a novel insight into the role of ABC transporters in host-parasite interaction.
Q37552927Heads or tails: host-parasite interactions in the Drosophila-Wolbachia system
Q37778933Heat shock proteins in host-parasite interactions
Q37933172Heat-shock proteins: a missing link in the host-parasite relationship?
Q35248005Helicobacter pylori and gastroduodenal disease: pathogenesis and host-parasite interaction
Q33971971Helminth C-type lectins and host-parasite interactions
Q91260067Helminth extracellular vesicles in host-parasite interactions
Q39035025Helminth glycomics - glycan repertoires and host-parasite interactions
Q61982384Helminthes and protozoan of farmed pirarucu (Arapaima gigas) in eastern Amazon and host-parasite relationship
Q61805252Helminthiases; prevalence, transmission, host-parasite interactions, resistance to common synthetic drugs and treatment
Q41937957Hemoglobin catabolism and host-parasite heme balance in chloroquine-sensitive and chloroquine-resistant Plasmodium berghei infections.
Q36680620Hemolytic and antimalarial effects of tight-binding glyoxalase 1 inhibitors on the host-parasite unit of erythrocytes infected with Plasmodium falciparum
Q35515440Hepatic tissue culture model for study of host-parasite interactions in alveolar echinococcosis.
Q51548415Herbicides in the environment alter infection dynamics in a microbial host-parasite system.
Q56833264Heritable Non-Susceptibility in an Allopatric Host-Parasite System: Biomphalaria glabrata (Mollusca)-Echinostoma caproni (Platyhelminth Digenea)
Q51473150Heritable variation in host tolerance and resistance inferred from a wild host-parasite system.
Q93129673Heterogeneity in helminth infections: factors influencing aggregation in a simple host-parasite system
Q52008902Heterogeneous interspecific interactions in a host-parasite system.
Q58837293Heterogeneous selection promotes maintenance of polymorphism in host-parasite interactions
Q49328274Hidden diversity of Nycteribiidae (Diptera) bat flies from the Malagasy region and insights on host-parasite interactions
Q100503948High fidelity defines the temporal consistency of host-parasite interactions in a tropical coastal ecosystem
Q51681398High intervality explained by phylogenetic constraints in host-parasite webs.
Q101487248High levels of prevalence related to age and body condition: host-parasite interactions in a water frog Pelophylax kl hispanicus
Q34639689Higher resources decrease fluctuating selection during host-parasite coevolution
Q46251609Highly contrasted population genetic structures in a host-parasite pair in the Caribbean Sea.
Q44016418Histopathologic study of the host-parasite relationship: the earthworm-, wild boar-metastrongyle model
Q37064548Histophilus somni host-parasite relationships
Q33846136Holobiont-Holobiont interactions: redefining host-parasite interactions.
Q27675830Hookworm SCP/TAPS protein structure--A key to understanding host-parasite interactions and developing new interventions
Q67007640Host ? parasite relationship in staphylococcal infections: the role of the staphylococcal cell wall during the process of phagocytosis
Q38264599Host Parasite Relations In Initiation of Infection: III. Hyperglycemia without Stress in Experimental Infection with L. Monocytogenes.
Q35058135Host Parasite Relations in Initiation of Infection: II. Hyperglycemia and Stress in Experimental Infection with L. Monocytogenes.
Q111626410Host Reaction, Host-Parasite Relationship, Hosts, and Taxonomic Criteria in Synchytrium
Q60300518Host Specificity and Ecology of Digenean Parasites of Nassariid Gastropods in Central Queensland, Australia, with Comments on Host-Parasite Associations of the Nassariidae
Q48270843Host adaptation and host-parasite co-evolution in Cryptosporidium: implications for taxonomy and public health
Q41213143Host age modulates within-host parasite competition
Q34790750Host defense reinforces host-parasite cospeciation
Q30417541Host immune response to intestinal amebiasis
Q27316192Host life history and host-parasite syntopy predict behavioural resistance and tolerance of parasites
Q40997286Host parasite communications-Messages from helminths for the immune system: Parasite communication and cell-cell interactions
Q39611963Host parasite interaction in urinary tract infection
Q37891333Host parasite interactions and pathophysiology in Giardia infections
Q44013336Host parasite relationship among 3 Schistosoma mansoni and 6 Biomphalaria glabrata strains from epidemic and no epidemic Venezuelan areas is studied
Q47838056Host parasite relationship in bird malaria-haemoglobin and serum composition in susceptible and resistant birds
Q36110719Host parasite relationships in Trypanosoma (duttonella) vivax with special reference to the influence of antigenic variation
Q70243229Host parasite relationships in gram-negative infections
Q52411629Host parasite relationships in gram-negative infections. Introduction.
Q73514932Host parasite relationships in myxomatosis of the Australian wild rabbit
Q68605543Host parasite relationships of chimpanzee viruses. ARL-TR-69-9
Q41050953Host parasite response in nerve in leprosy.
Q54651809Host resistance in a natural host-parasite system. Resistance to Hymenolepis citelli by Peromyscus maniculatus.
Q31838640Host responses to Plasmodium yoelii hepatic stages: a paradigm in host-parasite interaction
Q35998798Host-Parasite Associations in Small Mammal Communities in Semiarid Savanna Ecosystems of East Africa
Q37051689Host-Parasite Biology of Thripinema fuscum (Tylenchida: Allantonematidae) and Frankliniella fusca (Thysanoptera: Thripidae).
Q91546692Host-Parasite Interaction between Parasitic Cymothoid Ceratothoa oestroides and Its Host, Farmed European Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax)
Q104140433Host-Parasite Interaction in Sarcoptes scabiei Infestation in Porcine Model with a Preliminary Note on Its Genetic Lineage from India
Q37046015Host-Parasite Interaction of Resistant Sugarbeet and Heterodera schachtii.
Q63433045Host-Parasite Interactions
Q57300147Host-Parasite Interactions Promote Disease Tolerance to Intestinal Helminth Infection
Q36199641Host-Parasite Interactions and Population Dynamics of Rock Ptarmigan
Q35913332Host-Parasite Interactions and Purifying Selection in a Microsporidian Parasite of Honey Bees
Q36127518Host-Parasite Interactions from the Inside: Plant Reproductive Ontogeny Drives Specialization in Parasitic Insects
Q27318283Host-Parasite Interactions in Chagas Disease: Genetically Unidentical Isolates of a Single Trypanosoma cruzi Strain Identified In Vitro via LSSP-PCR
Q33701044Host-Parasite Interactions in Human Malaria: Clinical Implications of Basic Research
Q55394333Host-Parasite Interactions in Individuals with Type 1 and 2 Diabetes Result in Higher Frequency of Ascaris lumbricoides and Giardia lamblia in Type 2 Diabetic Individuals.
Q57533267Host-Parasite Interactions of Tropical Bats in Puerto Rico
Q71908737Host-Parasite Relations
Q35057992Host-Parasite Relations In Initiation Of Infection: I. Occurrence Of Listeriosis In Arctic Mammals, With A Note On Its Possible Pathogenesis.
Q111623945Host-Parasite Relations and Development of Elsinoë panici
Q106924184Host-Parasite Relations between Parasitic Protozoa and Their Hosts
Q72331877Host-Parasite Relations in Some Pentastomida
Q111625587Host-Parasite Relations in Spot Anthracnose of Desmodium
Q111625152Host-Parasite Relations in a Mycoparasite III. Morphological and Biochemical Differences in the Parasitic- and Axenic-Culture Spores of Piptocephalis Virginiana
Q111625164Host-Parasite Relations in a Mycoparasite IV. a Correlation Between the Levels of Γ-Linolenic Acid and Parasitism of Piptocephalis Virginiana
Q111624839Host-Parasite Relations in a Mycoparasite. V. Electron Microscopy of Piptocephalis Virginiana Infection in Compatible and Incompatible Hosts
Q111624629Host-Parasite Relations in a Mycoparasite. VII. Light and Scanning Electron Microscopy of Interactions of Piptocephalis Virginiana with Host and Nonhost Species
Q111624338Host-Parasite Relations in a Mycoparasite. VIII. Age-Related Host Resistance in Choanephora Cucurbitarum
Q111625342Host-Parasite Relations in the Gibberidea Disease of Helianthus Strumosus
Q72517853Host-Parasite Relations of Certain Endoparasitic Helminths of the Channel Catfish and White Crappie in an Oklahoma Reservoir
Q111623731Host-Parasite Relations of Phyllachora Species on Native Grasses
Q54018485Host-Parasite Relationship and Taxonomic Position of Moraxella and Morphologically Related Organisms
Q41863460Host-Parasite Relationship in Human Brucellosis with Prolonged Illness due to Suppuration of the Liver and Spleen: Report of Six Cases.
Q41662521Host-Parasite Relationship in Schistosomiasis Mansoni in the Mutation Diabetic Mouse (db/db)
Q43206461Host-Parasite Relationship of Meloidogyne chitwoodi on Potato
Q28829332Host-Parasite Relationship of Ticks (Acari: Ixodidae and Argasidae) and Feral Pigs (Sus scrofa) in the Nhecolândia Region of the Pantanal Wetlands in Mato Grosso do Sul
Q93517264Host-Parasite Relationship of the House Fly, Musca domestica L., and the Microhymenopteran Pupal Parasite, Muscidifurax raptor Girault and Sanders (Diptera: Muscidae and Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae)
Q93519215Host-Parasite Relationship: Augmentative Releases of Spalangia endius Walker Used in Conjunction with Population Modeling to Suppress Field Populations of Musca domestica L. (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae and Diptera: Muscidae)
Q36316935Host-Parasite Relationships and Life Histories of Trypanosomes in Australia.
Q93438243Host-Parasite Relationships between a Malagasy Fruit Bat (Pteropodidae) and Associated Bat Fly (Diptera: Nycteribiidae): Seasonal Variation of Host Body Condition and the Possible Impact of Parasite Abundance
Q37399676Host-Parasite Relationships in Experimental Airborne Tuberculosis II. Reproducible Infection by Means of an Inoculum Preserved at −70 C
Q41317127Host-Parasite Relationships in Experimental Airborne Tuberculosis. VI. Influence of Vaccination with Bacille Calmette-Guerin on the Onset andIor Extent of Hematogenous Dissemination of Virulent Mycobacterium tuberculosis to the Lungs
Q40912839Host-Parasite Relationships in Experimental Streptobacillus moniliformis Arthritis in Mice
Q91711688Host-Parasite Relationships in Fall-Sown Sugar Beets Infected by the Stem and Bulb Nematode, Ditylenchus dipsaci
Q45894616Host-Parasite Relationships in Living Cells
Q92117577Host-Parasite Relationships in Root-Knot Disease of White Mulberry
Q40936047Host-Parasite Relationships in Typhoid and Paratyphoid Patients with Tachycardia, with Special Reference to their Biological Significance
Q39926822Host-Parasite Relationships in Urinary Tract Infections
Q37046430Host-Parasite Relationships of Atalodera spp. (Heteroderidae).
Q68452623Host-Parasite Relationships of Caryophyllaeid Cestodes and Aquatic Oligochaetes: II. Effects of Host Age and Mixed Infections
Q53907744Host-Parasite Relationships of Fasciola hepatica in the White Mouse. V. Age of Fluke Responsible for the Induction of Acquired Immunity
Q67445064Host-Parasite Relationships of Fasciola hepatica in the White Mouse. VII. Effects of Anti-Worm Incubate Sera on Transferred Worms and Successful Vaccination with a Crude Incubate Antigen
Q67043990Host-Parasite Relationships of Fasciola hepatica in the White Mouse. VIII. Successful Vaccination with Culture Incubate Antigens and Antigens from Sonic Disruption of Immature Worms
Q99698775Host-Parasite Relationships of Fessisentis necturorum (Acanthocephala: Fessisentidae)
Q60551475Host-Parasite Relationships of Meloidogyne Javanica and M. Lusitanica With Olea Europaea
Q37046889Host-Parasite Relationships of Meloidogyne arenaria and M. incognita on Susceptible Soybean
Q37049176Host-Parasite Relationships of Meloidogyne trifoliophila Isolates from New Zealand.
Q99733438Host-Parasite Relationships of Spathebothrium simplex Linton, 1922 (Cestoda: Spathebothriidae) Infecting the Seasnail, Liparis atlanticus (Jordan and Ever man, 1898) (Osteichthyes: Liparidae)
Q99700751Host-Parasite Relationships of Tanaorhamphus longirostris (Acanthocephala: Neoechinorhynchidae) in the Intermediate Host, Diaptomus pallidus (Crustacea: Copepoda)
Q58944406Host-Parasite Specificity in a Braconid, Apanteles glomeratus L
Q27686869Host-Parasite interactions in Entamoeba histolytica and Entamoeba dispar: what have we learned from their genomes?
Q42295396Host-Parasite list updating of Ciliates and fermentation in the digestive tract of wild miscellaneous herbivores in South Africa (RSA).
Q37672395Host-Parasite-Bacteria Triangle: The Microbiome of the Parasitic Weed Phelipanche aegyptiaca and Tomato-Solanum lycopersicum (Mill.) as a Host
Q91805086Host-Parasite: Graph LSTM-in-LSTM for Group Activity Recognition
Q74317682Host-derived annexin II at the host-parasite interface of the Echinococcus granulosus hydatid cyst
Q33305626Host-parasite 'Red Queen' dynamics archived in pond sediment
Q36664604Host-parasite Red Queen dynamics with phase-locked rare genotypes
Q43198038Host-parasite Relationship of Carrot Cultivars and Meloidogyne chitwoodi Races and M. hapla.
Q78636390Host-parasite Relationships
Q99694683Host-parasite Relationships of the Root-knot Nematodes, Meloidogyne spp. III. The Nature of Resistance in Plants to Root Knot
Q69453295Host-parasite Relationships ofBulinus globosusandB. truncatuswith Strains ofSchistosoma haematobiutm
Q91273284Host-parasite Responses Outcome Regulate the Expression of Antimicrobial Peptide Genes in the Skin of BALB/c and C57BL/6 Murine Strains Following Leishmania major MRHO/IR/75/ER Infection
Q53862858Host-parasite and genotype-by-environment interactions: temperature modifies potential for selection by a sterilizing pathogen.
Q41243287Host-parasite and phylogenetic relationships of Myxobolus filamentum sp. n. (Myxozoa: Myxosporea), a parasite of Brycon orthotaenia (Characiformes: Bryconidae) in Brazil.
Q71932257Host-parasite arms race in mutation modifications: indefinite escalation despite a heavy load?
Q48792841Host-parasite arms races and rapid changes in bird egg appearance
Q88210309Host-parasite association between Didelphis albiventris (Didelphimorphia: Didelphidae) and Ixodes loricatus (Acari: Ixodidae) in their southern ranges
Q36530513Host-parasite association in trombiculid mites (Actinotrichida: Trombiculidae) of temperate zone - the case of Hirsutiella zachvatkini (Schluger, 1948); are we dealing with prolonged contact with the host?
Q97535590Host-parasite association of Placobdella costata (Glossiphoniidae: Hirudinea) and Mauremys leprosa (Geoemydidae: Testudinoidea) in aquatic ecosystems of Morocco
Q54330973Host-parasite associations and host-specificity in haemoparasites of reed bed passerines.
Q107459938Host-parasite associations in a population of the nectarivorous bat Anoura geoffroyi (Phyllostomidae) in a cave in a Brazilian ferruginous geosystem
Q68450976Host-parasite associations of Eimeria spp. (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) in rock wallabies, Petrogale spp. (Marsupialia: Macropodidae)
Q31126871Host-parasite associations of Eimeria spp. (Apicomplexa:Eimeriidae) in kangaroos and wallabies of the genus Macropus (Marsupialia:Macropodidae).
Q60244756Host-parasite associations on a coral reef: Pomacentrid fishes and digenean trematodes
Q33719320Host-parasite biology in the real world: the field voles of Kielder
Q98829711Host-parasite co-evolution and its genomic signature
Q50099275Host-parasite co-metabolic activation of antitrypanosomal aminomethyl-benzoxaboroles
Q80315098Host-parasite coevolution and optimal mutation rates for semiconservative quasispecies
Q34811139Host-parasite coevolution and patterns of adaptation across time and space
Q50716196Host-parasite coevolution and selection on sex through the effects of segregation.
Q55056203Host-parasite coevolution beyond the nestling stage? Mimicry of host fledglings by the specialist screaming cowbird.
Q88420596Host-parasite coevolution can promote the evolution of seed banking as a bet-hedging strategy
Q34833346Host-parasite coevolution favours parasite genetic diversity and horizontal gene transfer
Q112868911Host-parasite coevolution in New Zealand: how has Odontacarus, a mite with a free-living stage in its life-cycle, coevolved with its skink host?
Q54004487Host-parasite coevolution in a multilocus gene-for-gene system.
Q35792334Host-parasite coevolution in populations of constant and variable size.
Q50504879Host-parasite coevolution induces selection for condition-dependent sex.
Q87939501Host-parasite coevolution-rapid reciprocal adaptation and its genetic basis
Q34786655Host-parasite coevolution: Insights from the Daphnia-parasite model system
Q98203099Host-parasite coevolution: Role of selection, mutation, and asexual reproduction on evolvability
Q56833292Host-parasite coevolution: comparative evidence for covariation of life history traits in primates and oxyurid parasites
Q51218852Host-parasite coevolution: ecology and genetics of host-parasite interactions.
Q45376119Host-parasite coevolution: genetic variation in a virus population and the interaction with a host gene
Q26751048Host-parasite coevolution: why changing population size matters
Q83973253Host-parasite coevolutionary arms races give way to fluctuating selection
Q53877309Host-parasite coevolutionary conflict between Arabidopsis and downy mildew.
Q41293202Host-parasite coevolutionary dynamics with generalized success/failure infection genetics
Q51651843Host-parasite determinants of parasite population structure: lessons from bats and mites on the importance of time.
Q59154802Host-parasite distribution patterns under simulated climate: implications for tick-borne diseases
Q37590309Host-parasite dynamics and outgrowth of virus containing a single K70R amino acid change in reverse transcriptase are responsible for the loss of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 RNA load suppression by zidovudine
Q56796851Host-parasite dynamics and the evolution of host immunity and parasite fecundity strategies
Q52265710Host-parasite dynamics and the evolution of host immunity and parasite fecundity strategies.
Q98476103Host-parasite dynamics in Chagas disease from systemic to hyper-local scales
Q38875508Host-parasite ecology of the helminths in mountain gorillas
Q60398558Host-parasite ecology, behavior and genetics: a review of the introduced fly parasite Philornis downsi and its Darwin’s finch hosts
Q79239599Host-parasite evolution: general principles and avian models
Q36265213Host-parasite factors in group A streptococcal infections. A comparative study of streptococcal pyrogenic toxins and gram-negative bacterial endotoxin
Q36264903Host-parasite factors in group A streptococcal infections. Pyrogenic and other effects of immunologic distinct exotoxins related to scarlet fever toxins
Q51169886Host-parasite fluctuating selection in the absence of specificity.
Q42023792Host-parasite genetic interactions and virulence-transmission relationships in natural populations of monarch butterflies
Q37058738Host-parasite genotypic interactions in the honey bee: the dynamics of diversity
Q37693225Host-parasite hormonal relationships: a common theme?
Q34825162Host-parasite incongruences in rodent Eimeria suggest significant role of adaptation rather than cophylogeny in maintenance of host specificity
Q69869826Host-parasite interaction
Q40615104Host-parasite interaction and development of infraforms in chicken embryos infected with Coxiella burnetii via the yolk sac.
Q34294002Host-parasite interaction and microbiome response: effects of fungal infections on the bacterial community of the Alpine lichen Solorina crocea
Q35211697Host-parasite interaction and morbidity in malaria endemic areas
Q93130055Host-parasite interaction as a toxicity test endpoint using asymmetrical exposures
Q91049140Host-parasite interaction associated with major mental illness
Q96768189Host-parasite interaction between trematode, Clinostomum marginatum (Clinostomidae) and armoured catfish, Pterygoplichthys pardalis (Loricariidae) from Brazilian Amazon
Q92103793Host-parasite interaction during subepidermal sporulation and pustule opening in rust fungi (Pucciniales)
Q64058623Host-parasite interaction explains variation in the prevalence of avian haemosporidians at the community level
Q33921239Host-parasite interaction in bovine infection with Tritrichomonas foetus
Q38223670Host-parasite interaction in fungal infections
Q28119075Host-parasite interaction in human onchocerciasis: identification and sequence analysis of a novel human calgranulin
Q47985274Host-parasite interaction in malaria
Q43772203Host-parasite interaction in patients with infections due to Escherichia coli. 3. Physicochemical characterization of O-specific antibodies in serum and urine
Q43431171Host-parasite interaction in patients with infections due to Escherichia coli. II. Serologic response of the host
Q44361543Host-parasite interaction in relation to leprosy
Q40201406Host-parasite interaction in serious infections due to gram-negative bacteria
Q37471664Host-parasite interaction in the pathogenesis of rheumatic fever
Q36273732Host-parasite interaction in the rat renal pelvis: a possible role for pili in the pathogenesis of pyelonephritis
Q39629541Host-parasite interaction in the urinary tract
Q39655501Host-parasite interaction of blood-feeding dipterans in health and productivity of mammals
Q58707130Host-parasite interaction: changes in human placental gene expression induced by Trypanosoma cruzi
Q28115976Host-parasite interaction: multiple sites in the Plasmodium vivax tryptophan-rich antigen PvTRAg38 interact with the erythrocyte receptor band 3
Q36077428Host-parasite interaction: parasite-derived and -induced proteases that degrade human extracellular matrix.
Q38948195Host-parasite interaction: selective Pv-fam-a family proteins of Plasmodium vivax bind to a restricted number of human erythrocyte receptors
Q72750390Host-parasite interactions and abortive parasitic attachments. II. Abortive parasitic attachments or "parasitic impasses"
Q52309004Host-parasite interactions and ecology of the malaria parasite-a bioinformatics approach.
Q56972693Host-parasite interactions and global climate oscillations
Q38029418Host-parasite interactions and immunity to irradiated sporozoites
Q24794881Host-parasite interactions and the evolution of gene expression.
Q34644040Host-parasite interactions and the evolution of nonrandom mating
Q22066379Host-parasite interactions and the evolution of ploidy
Q72349907Host-parasite interactions and the feeding of blood-sucking arthropods
Q54664208Host-parasite interactions and the immunobiology of cestodes.
Q35206900Host-parasite interactions and trypanosome morphogenesis: a flagellar pocketful of goodies
Q51703428Host-parasite interactions between the local and the mean-field: how and when does spatial population structure matter?
Q59133972Host-parasite interactions between the piranha Pygocentrus nattereri (Characiformes: Characidae) and isopods and branchiurans (Crustacea) in the rio Araguaia basin, Brazil
Q36320437Host-parasite interactions between whiteflies and their parasitoids
Q40547434Host-parasite interactions during a biological invasion: The fate of lungworms (Rhabdias spp.) inside native and novel anuran hosts
Q39724303Host-parasite interactions during pregnancy
Q48034270Host-parasite interactions for virulence and resistance in a malaria model system
Q37137828Host-parasite interactions from an ecotoxicological perspective.
Q33889601Host-parasite interactions in Acanthocephala: a morphological approach
Q52533281Host-parasite interactions in Coccus hesperidum L. (Hom. Coccidae) and its parasite Coccophagus scutellaris Dalman (hum. Aphelinidae). III. Effect of the number of hosts and their sanitary conditions on the oviposition of the parasite
Q34776539Host-parasite interactions in Staphylococcus aureus keratitis
Q35282965Host-parasite interactions in Taenia solium cysticercosis
Q45032135Host-parasite interactions in a fragmented landscape
Q38744254Host-parasite interactions in human giardiasis
Q41267463Host-parasite interactions in molluscs.
Q91993881Host-parasite interactions in non-native invasive species are dependent on the levels of standing genetic variation at the immune locus
Q51183882Host-parasite interactions in oligotrophic stream ecosystems: the roles of life-history strategy and ecological niche.
Q37780265Host-parasite interactions in periodontitis: microbial pathogenicity and innate immunity
Q82274835Host-parasite interactions in periodontitis: subgingival infection and host sensing
Q35131011Host-parasite interactions in rodent nematode infections
Q36151461Host-parasite interactions in some fish species
Q33853848Host-parasite interactions in sympatric and allopatric populations of European bitterling.
Q70284068Host-parasite interactions in the pathogenesis of experimental renal candidiasis
Q37145013Host-parasite interactions in trypanosomiasis: on the way to an antidisease strategy
Q101222758Host-parasite interactions in vector-borne protozoan infections
Q70502788Host-parasite interactions influencing establishment of gonococcal infection--a paradox resolved?
Q41860803Host-parasite interactions of Pratylenchus scribneri on selected crop plants
Q41995973Host-parasite interactions revealed by Plasmodium falciparum metabolomics
Q38376500Host-parasite interactions that guide red blood cell invasion by malaria parasites
Q105942398Host-parasite interactions under extreme climatic conditions
Q46556659Host-parasite interactions which influence the virulence of Trypanosoma (Trypanozoon) brucei brucei organisms
Q34132174Host-parasite interactions with peritoneal macrophages of mice and rats in vitro and in vivo
Q38122924Host-parasite interactions: Marine bivalve molluscs and protozoan parasites, Perkinsus species
Q34346983Host-parasite interactions: a litmus test for ocean acidification?
Q58078834Host-parasite interactions: an interview with Emily Troemel
Q38533835Host-parasite interactions: an intimate epigenetic relationship
Q33976430Host-parasite interactions: elicitation of defense responses in plants with chitosan
Q44401331Host-parasite interactions: mechanisms for recognition and attack
Q37100608Host-parasite interactions: recent developments in the genetics of abortive phage infections
Q42907352Host-parasite interactions: resist or tolerate but never stop running
Q56980120Host-parasite interactions: the balance of trade
Q74181462Host-parasite interface between Asellus aquaticus (Isopoda) and larvae of Acanthocephalus anguillae (Acanthocephala)
Q69429599Host-parasite interface of Paratenuisentis ambiguus (Eoacanthocephala) in naturally infected eel and in laboratory-infected sticklebacks and juvenile carp and rainbow trout
Q67240542Host-parasite interface of the fluke Collyriclum faba (Bremser in Schmalz, 1831) as revealed by light and electron microscopy
Q67940947Host-parasite interface of the urinary bladder-inhabiting nematode Trichosomoides crassicauda: changes induced in the urothelium of infected rats
Q68936706Host-parasite interrelationship between M. leprae and Schwann cells in vitro
Q33852111Host-parasite intimacy: how do mosquito defense reactions affect Plasmodium sporogonic development?
Q34642155Host-parasite kinship in a female-philopatric bird population: evidence from relatedness trend analysis
Q92240204Host-parasite life-histories of the diurnal vs. nocturnal chronotypes of Schistosoma mansoni: adaptive significance
Q83392280Host-parasite local adaptation after experimental coevolution of Caenorhabditis elegans and its microparasite Bacillus thuringiensis
Q51957190Host-parasite models on graphs.
Q38066171Host-parasite molecular cross-talk during the manipulative process of a host by its parasite
Q35329175Host-parasite network structure is associated with community-level immunogenetic diversity
Q36821547Host-parasite oscillation dynamics and evolution in a compartmentalized RNA replication system.
Q44231748Host-parasite population genetics: a cross-sectional comparison of Bulinus globosus and Schistosoma haematobium
Q37286849Host-parasite relatedness shown by protein fingerprinting in a brood parasitic bird
Q109431648Host-parasite relation between Bucephalopsis haemeanas and Crassostrea madrasensis in the Pulicat Lake
Q66702711Host-parasite relation between Carcinus mediterraneus and Sacculina carcini; immunochemical analysis and demonstration of antisacculin precipitin
Q33343421Host-parasite relation in invasive aspergillosis.
Q70873628Host-parasite relationhips: a summation
Q75803462Host-parasite relations among the digenetic trematodes
Q39002259Host-parasite relations and implications for control
Q68243328Host-parasite relations between Oligochaeta and helminths
Q69629159Host-parasite relations in Lobatostoma manteri Rohde (Trematoda: Aspidogastrea)
Q67825038Host-parasite relations in cotton rat filariasis. I: The quantitative transmission and subsequent development of Litomosoides carinii infections in cotton rats and other laboratory animals
Q67825040Host-parasite relations in cotton rat filariasis. II: The quantitative transmission of Litomosoides carinii to Delhi and Carworth strains of white rats, including the effect of age
Q54568360Host-parasite relations in cotton rat filariasis. III. The quantitative transmission of Litomosoides carinii to un-irradiated and irradiated golden hamsters and white mice
Q71280598Host-parasite relations in experimental trichinellosis in the course of various treatments
Q43497258Host-parasite relations in infections by Candida
Q36268311Host-parasite relations in mouse typhoid
Q43430379Host-parasite relations in trichinosis studied by means of intestinal transplantations
Q38357660Host-parasite relations of bacteria and phages can be unveiled by oligostickiness, a measure of relaxed sequence similarity
Q95548148Host-parasite relations with a polyvalent streptomycophage from Streptomyces griseus
Q40027852Host-parasite relations: Demodicidae
Q40677368Host-parasite relationship and an alliance for progress
Q39170857Host-parasite relationship and tissue response in tropical and parasitic diseases
Q46484244Host-parasite relationship between Biomphalaria amazonica (Paraense, 1966) and Schistosoma mansoni (Sambon, 1907).
Q86103021Host-parasite relationship between colonial terns and bacteria is modified by a mutualism with a plant with antibacterial defenses
Q42490138Host-parasite relationship between congenital Toxoplasma infection and mouse brain: role of small vessels
Q80294190Host-parasite relationship between the American Streblidae and the bats, with a new key to the American genera and a record of the Streblidae from Trinidad, British West Indies (Diptera)
Q44000474Host-parasite relationship in Pneumocystis carinii infection: activation of the plasmalemmal vesicular system in type I alveolar epithelial cells
Q34029489Host-parasite relationship in cystic echinococcosis: an evolving story
Q67284508Host-parasite relationship in echinococcosis. I. Parasite biomass and antibody response in three strains of inbred mice against graded doses of Echinococcus multilocularis cysts
Q47359899Host-parasite relationship in echinococcosis. II. Cyst weight, hematologic alterations, and gross changes in the spleen and lymph nodes of C57L mice against graded doses of Echinococcus multilocularis cysts
Q74215954Host-parasite relationship in experimental pertussis. I. Histamine-sensitizing and protective activities of pertussis vaccine in mice
Q74611928Host-parasite relationship in experimental pertussis. II. Chromatographic analysis of mouse tissue extracts for a determination of the free amino acid constituents
Q40255361Host-parasite relationship in gastrointestinal helminthiasis
Q70766493Host-parasite relationship in human cysticercosis
Q36078814Host-parasite relationship in monkeys administered live tularemia vaccine
Q36340518Host-parasite relationship in murine leishmaniasis: pathophysiological and immunological changes
Q39745381Host-parasite relationship in opportunistic mycoses
Q40781395Host-parasite relationship in paracoccidioidomycosis
Q68182585Host-parasite relationship in superficial mycoses
Q67991118Host-parasite relationship in the brains of mice with congenital toxoplasmosis
Q44608559Host-parasite relationship in the transmission of tuberculosis
Q40145638Host-parasite relationship in urinary tract infections during pregnancy
Q67450556Host-parasite relationship of Angiostraongylus cantonensis in Lymnaea palustris. I. Intramolluscan larval growth and development
Q66926531Host-parasite relationship of Angiostrongylus cantonensis 1. Intracranial transplantation into various hosts
Q67450560Host-parasite relationship of Angiostrongylus cantonensis in Lymnaea palustris
Q67450564Host-parasite relationship of Angiostrongylus cantonensis in Lymnaea palustris. III. Oxygen uptake of Lymnaea palustris
Q70711893Host-parasite relationship of Angiostrongylus cantonensis. 2. Angiotropic behaviour and abnormal site development
Q43959725Host-parasite relationship of Bulinus forskalii (Ehrenberg) and Schistosoma intercalatum Fisher 1934, from Cameroun
Q40651571Host-parasite relationship of Bulinus truncatus and Schistosoma haematobium in Iran. 1. Effect of the age of B. truncatus on the development of S. haematobium
Q40651605Host-parasite relationship of Bulinus truncatus and Schistosoma haematobium in Iran. 2. Effect of exposure dosage of miracidia on the biology of the snail host and the development of the parasites
Q40651165Host-parasite relationship of Bulinus truncatus and Schistosoma haematobium in Iran. 3. Effect of water temperature on the ability of miracidia to infect snails
Q40651403Host-parasite relationship of Bulinus truncatus and Schistosoma haematobium in Iran. 4. Effect of month of infection on cercarial-incubation periods of S. haematobium and S. bovis
Q33934751Host-parasite relationship of Ceratomyxa puntazzi n. sp. (Myxozoa: Myxosporea) and sharpsnout seabream Diplodus puntazzo (Walbaum, 1792) from the Mediterranean with first data on ceratomyxid host specificity in sparids
Q70641113Host-parasite relationship of Ergasilus labracid Krøyer (Cyclopidea, Ergasilidae) and the striped bass, Morone saxatilis (Walbaum) from the lower Chesapeake Bay
Q68845095Host-parasite relationship of Fasciola hepatica in the white mouse. VI. Studies on the effects of immune and normal sera on the viability of young worms transferred to normal recipients
Q52465534Host-parasite relationship of Leishmania mexicana mexicana and Lutzomyia abonnenci (Diptera: Psychodidae).
Q39302686Host-parasite relationship of Nosema algerae, a parasite of mosquitoes
Q90766550Host-parasite relationship of Ortholinea lauquen sp. nov. (Cnidaria: Myxozoa) and the fish Galaxias maculatus in northwestern Patagonia, Argentina
Q83019832Host-parasite relationship of S. mansoni and B. glabrata
Q52454720Host-parasite relationship of Trypanosoma corvi in Ornithomyia avicularia.
Q34303087Host-parasite relationships among bolete infecting Hypomyces species
Q36845848Host-parasite relationships among group A streptococci. IV. Suppression of antibody response by streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxin
Q40968316Host-parasite relationships as determinants of heavy metal concentrations in perch (Perca fluviatilis) and its intestinal parasite infection.
Q74659168Host-parasite relationships between Echinostoma caproni and RAG-2-deficient mice
Q45111113Host-parasite relationships between Paragonimus ohirai and various crabs. I. Morphology of the metacercariae parasitic in Sesarma (Holometopus) dehaani and S. (H.) haematocheir
Q34337767Host-parasite relationships between Schistosoma mansoni and Echinostoma liei and their intermediate host Biomphalaria alexandrina using RAPD-PCR analysis
Q52460592Host-parasite relationships between larval Sialis lutaria (Megaloptera) and Neoechinorhynchus rutili (Acanthocephala).
Q99563579Host-parasite relationships between seabirds and the haemadipsid leech Chtonobdella palmyrae (Annelida: Clitellata) inhabiting oceanic islands in the Pacific Ocean
Q34444137Host-parasite relationships during a biologic invasion: 75 years postinvasion, cane toads and sympatric Australian frogs retain separate lungworm faunas
Q54776089Host-parasite relationships in acute pyelonephritis.
Q45085831Host-parasite relationships in amebiasis: conference report
Q77218614Host-parasite relationships in brucellosis. I. Infection of normal guinea pig macrophages in tissue culture
Q78840866Host-parasite relationships in brucellosis. II. Destruction of macrophage cultures by Brucella of different virulence. J
Q38784423Host-parasite relationships in candidosis
Q75803465Host-parasite relationships in cestode infections, with emphasis on host resistance
Q79025604Host-parasite relationships in echinococcosis--IV. Acetylcholinesterase and permeability regulation in the hydatid cyst wall
Q78503855Host-parasite relationships in echinococcosis. I. Observations on the permeability of the hydatid cyst wall
Q78503858Host-parasite relationships in echinococcosis. II. Age resistance to secondary echinococcosis in the white mouse
Q78723221Host-parasite relationships in echinococcosis. III. Relation of environmental oxygen tension to the metabolism of hydatid scolices
Q79045154Host-parasite relationships in echinococcosis. V. Histochemical observations on Echinococcus granulosus
Q79073625Host-parasite relationships in echinococcosis. VI. Hatching and activation of Echinococcus granulosus ova in vitro
Q79015856Host-parasite relationships in echinococcosis. VII. Resistance of the ova of Echinococcus granulosus to germicides
Q76498319Host-parasite relationships in echnoccosis. VIII. Infrared spectra and chemical composition of the hydatid cyst
Q46734579Host-parasite relationships in experimental airborne tuberculosis. 3. Relevance of microbial enumeration to acquired resistance in guinea pigs
Q35144482Host-parasite relationships in experimental airborne tuberculosis. I. Preliminary studies in BCG-vaccinated and nonvaccinated animals
Q54054064Host-parasite relationships in experimental airborne tuberculosis. IV. Early events in the course of infection in vaccinated and nonvaccinated guinea pigs.
Q43765852Host-parasite relationships in experimental airborne tuberculosis. V. Lack of hematogenous dissemination of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to the lungs in animals vaccinated with Bacille Calmette-Guérin
Q39614545Host-parasite relationships in experimental airborne tuberculosis. VII. Fate of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in primary lung lesions and in primary lesion-free lung tissue infected as a result of bacillemia
Q42820478Host-parasite relationships in experimental pneumonia due to pneumococcus type III.
Q33685051Host-parasite relationships in flatfish (Pleuronectiformes)--the relative importance of host biology, ecology and phylogeny.
Q42463633Host-parasite relationships in hyperkeratotic (Norwegian) scabies: pathological and immunological findings
Q73228722Host-parasite relationships in infections with two Kenyan isolates of Schistosoma mansoni in NMRI mice
Q52626742Host-parasite relationships in natively resistant and susceptible rabbits on quantitative inhalation of tubercle bacilli. Their significance for the nature of genetic resistance.
Q39765230Host-parasite relationships in paracoccidioidomycosis
Q35540437Host-parasite relationships in patients with dysproteinemias.
Q72909277Host-parasite relationships in schistosomiasis. 3. The effect of temperature on the survival of Schistosoma mansoni miracidia and on the survival and infectivity of Schistosoma mansoni cercariae
Q72904486Host-parasite relationships in schistosomiasis. I. The effect of temperature on the infection of Biomphalaria sudanica tanganyicensis with Schistosoma mansoni miracidia and of laboratory mice with Schistosoma mansoni cercariae
Q72904489Host-parasite relationships in schistosomiasis. II. The effects of age and sex on the infection of mice and hamsters with cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni and of hamsters with cercariae of Schistosoma haematobium
Q29400640Host-parasite relationships in six species ofSphecodes bees and their halictid hosts: Nest intrusion, intranidal behavior, and Dufour's gland volatiles (Hymenoptera: Halictidae)
Q67060544Host-parasite relationships in systemic mycoses. Part II. Specific diseases and therapy. Round table discussion
Q40492551Host-parasite relationships in the alimentary tract of domestic birds
Q28744103Host-parasite relationships in the genome
Q40908328Host-parasite relationships in the yeastlike form of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis strain IVIC Pb9
Q43515630Host-parasite relationships in virus and rickettsial disease: approaches to therapy
Q45300390Host-parasite relationships of Ascogregarina chagasi (Eugregarinorida, Aseptatorina, Lecudinidae) in Lutzomyia longipalpis (Diptera: Psychodidae).
Q72201790Host-parasite relationships of Fasciola hepatica in the white mouse. II. Studies on acquired immunity
Q67293609Host-parasite relationships of Fasciola hepatica in the white mouse. IV. Studies on worm transfer and the induction of acquired immunity by worms of different ages
Q43204583Host-parasite relationships of Hoplolaimus columbus on Cotton and soybean.
Q72336196Host-parasite relationships of Nematospiroides dubius in the mouse
Q71992969Host-parasite relationships of Paramphistomum microbothrium Fischoeder, 1901, in experimentally infested ruminants, with particular reference to sheep
Q34226303Host-parasite relationships of Rhabdochona kidderi Pearse, 1936 (Nematoda: Rhabdochonidae) in fishes of the Lacantún River in the Lacandon rain forest of Chiapas State, southern Mexico, with a key to Mexican species of Rhabdochona Railliet, 1916.
Q73493639Host-parasite relationships of Schistosoma mansoni
Q42977795Host-parasite relationships of Wuchereria bancrofti and mosquito hosts, Culex pipiens L. and Aedes caspius pallas.
Q74181447Host-parasite relationships of Zootoca vivipara (Sauria: Lacertidae) in the Pyrenees (North Spain)
Q43830752Host-parasite relationships of Zygocotyle lunata (Trematoda) in the domestic chick
Q53836313Host-parasite relationships of acarine parasites and their vertebrate hosts. I. The lesions produced by Bakerocoptes cynopteris in the skin of Cynopterus brachyotis.
Q54211971Host-parasite relationships of acarine parasites and their vertebrate hosts. II. Lesions produced by myobiid mites in the skin of their hosts.
Q44836000Host-parasite relationships of longnose dace, Rhinichthys cataractae, from the Ford River, Michigan
Q51713707Host-parasite relationships of monogeneans in gills of Astyanax altiparanae and Rhamdia quelen of the São Francisco Verdadeiro River, Brazil.
Q44155183Host-parasite relationships of some Thelohania from mosquioes (Nosematidae: Microsporidia).
Q99694594Host-parasite relationships of the root-knot nematode, Heterodera marioni. I. The question of races
Q82195421Host-parasite relationships of the root-knot nematode, Heterodera marioni; some effects of the host on the parasite
Q36362692Host-parasite relationships: Mothocya plagulophora parasitizing Hemiramphus far in the Southeast coast of India.
Q73517320Host-parasite relationships: occurrence and effect of the parasitic isopod Mothocya epimerica on sand smelt Atherina boyeri in the Mesolongi and Etolikon Lagoons (W. Greece)
Q83242760Host-parasite specificity in Coccidia; infection of the chicken with the turkey coccidium, Eimeria meleagridis
Q70902204Host-parasite specificity in experimental trichinellosis models in the aspect of transplantation immunology
Q39338174Host-parasite studies of Angiostrongylus cantonensis (Nematoda, Metastrongylidae) in Malaysian rodents: natural infection of rodents and molluscs in urban and rural areas of central Malaya
Q98177148Host-parasite tissue adhesion by a secreted type of β-1,4-glucanase in the parasitic plant Phtheirospermum japonicum
Q109048256Host-parasite translocation: A potential source of zoonoses emergence in Nigeria
Q48060564Host-parasite-environment relationship, morphology and molecular analyses of Henneguya eirasi n. sp. parasite of two wild Pseudoplatystoma spp. in Pantanal Wetland, Brazil.
Q112950271Host-parasitoid avoidance behaviour in the context of contemporary evolution in insect classical biological control
Q112926222Host-race specificity in the endemic pygmy mistletoe Korthalsella salicornioides (Viscaceae)
Q72234722Host/Parasite Interventions in the Treatment of Periodontal Disease: Prospects for the Future. Symposium proceedings. May 2, 1992
Q41400049Host/parasite interactions in bacterial endophthalmitis.
Q79447365Host/parasite relationship in the in vitro infection of rat gliocytes by Neospora caninum: evaluation of cell respiration
Q78708807Host/parasite relationships in experimental moniliasis. I. Candida albicans
Q46598159Hosts are ahead in a marine host-parasite coevolutionary arms race: innate immune system adaptation in pipefish Syngnathus typhle against Vibrio phylotypes.
Q24810013Host–Parasite Battles Shed Light on the Evolution of Gene Expression
Q59024623Host–Parasite Interactions and the Evolution of Immune Defense
Q59133964Host–parasite interaction between branchiurans (Crustacea: Argulidae) and piranhas (Osteichthyes: Serrasalminae) in the Pantanal wetland of Brazil
Q60387939Host–parasite interaction between cultivated mushroom,Agaricus bisporushybrid strain Sylvan A15, and the mycoparasiteVerticillium fungicola, a causal agent of dry bubble disease
Q60569474Host–parasite interactions and host species susceptibility of the marine oomycete parasite, Olpidiopsis sp., from Korea that infects red algae
Q61136708Host–parasite interactions in food webs: Diversity, stability, and coevolution
Q38586191Host–parasite interactions of Tribolium confusum and Tribolium castaneum with Hymenolepis diminuta
Q58874111Host–parasite interactions within terrestrial Parasitengona (Acari, Trombidiformes, Prostigmata)
Q29011585Host–parasite relations and seasonal occurrence of Paragordius tricuspidatus and Spinochordodes tellinii (Nematomorpha) in Southern France
Q43673619Host–parasite relationship of the geoduck Panopea abbreviata and the green alga Coccomyxa parasitica in the Argentinean Patagonian coast
Q58514278Host–parasite transcriptomics during immunostimulant-enhanced rejection of salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) by Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
Q58949961Host—Parasite Relationships
Q38183245How does human-induced environmental change influence host-parasite interactions?
Q35178798How mathematical epidemiology became a field of biology: a commentary on Anderson and May (1981) 'The population dynamics of microparasites and their invertebrate hosts'.
Q68102429Human amnion membrane as a model for studying the host-parasite relationship in trichomoniasis
Q101576396Human microRNAs in host-parasite interaction: a review
Q100568843Human peripheral blood mononuclear cells as an ex vivo model to study the host parasite interaction in Toxoplasma gondii
Q46436948HybHyp--hybridizing the host: the long reach of parasite genes. A new hypothesis to explain host-parasite interrelationships in plant hybrid complexes
Q44747383Hymenolepis nana var. fraterna (Cestoda: Hymenolepididae) in Leucophaea maderae (Dictyoptera: Blattidae): the host-parasite conflict after experimental inhibition of haemocytic reaction (author's transl)
Q44112021Hyperhomocysteinemia in acute Plasmodium falciparum malaria: an effect of host-parasite interaction.
Q54994887Hypoxia, Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1α, and Innate Antileishmanial Immune Responses.
Q33342283Identification, characterization of functional candidate genes for host-parasite interactions in entomopathogenetic nematode Steinernema carpocapsae by suppressive subtractive hybridization.
Q39176908Identifying the molecular basis of host-parasite coevolution: merging models and mechanisms
Q35210848IgA1 proteases and host-parasite relationships in the oral cavity
Q37760628Imaging of the host/parasite interplay in cutaneous leishmaniasis
Q100442268Immune response to Leishmania mexicana: the host parasite relationship
Q70899389Immunobiological studies of the host-parasite relationship between rabbits and the tick Ornithodoros moubata
Q58844446Immunodominance: a new hypothesis to explain parasite escape and host/parasite equilibrium leading to the chronic phase of Chagas' disease?
Q40825412Immunoecological succession in host-parasite communities
Q37778413Immunoendocrine host–parasite interactions during helminth infections: from the basic knowledge to its possible therapeutic applications
Q40862958Immunofluorescent reactions with microfilariae 2. Bearing on host-parasite relations
Q35490727Immunogenetic and evolutionary influences on the host-parasite relationship
Q71637536Immunologic phenomena in the host-parasite system
Q37797183Immunological aspects of the host-parasite relationship
Q43954491Immunological factors in the host-parasite relationship. I. Serum immunoglobulin levels in mice infected with Trichinella pseudospiralis
Q39891689Immunological parameters of the host-parasite relationship in neoplasia
Q98771321Immunomodulatory Properties of Leishmania Extracellular Vesicles During Host-Parasite Interaction: Differential Activation of TLRs and NF-κB Translocation by Dermotropic and Viscerotropic Species
Q108757656Impact of Landscape on Host-Parasite Genetic Diversity and Distribution Using the -Bank Vole System
Q35097790Impairment of T cell function in parasitic infections
Q35398192Implication of haematophagous arthropod salivary proteins in host-vector interactions
Q31047788Importance of opgHXcv of Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria in host-parasite interactions
Q104051751In vitro Growth Characterization and Host-Parasite Relationship of Leptomonas pulexsimulantis n. sp., a Trypanosomatid Flagellate of the Flea Pulex simulans
Q35073506In vitro culture of Echinococcus multilocularis and Echinococcus vogeli metacestodes: studies on the host-parasite interface.
Q33521518In vitro modeling of host-parasite interactions: the 'subgingival' biofilm challenge of primary human epithelial cells
Q44443274In vitro models for host-parasite interactions involving mycoplasmas.
Q91209935In vitro models for investigation of the host-parasite interface - possible applications in acute Chagas disease
Q98730874In vivo and in vitro assessment of host-parasite interaction between the parasitic copepod Brachiella thynni (Copepoda; Lernaeopodidae) and the farmed Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus)
Q42253477In vivo imaging of trypanosomes for a better assessment of host-parasite relationships and drug efficacy
Q70636454In vivo microscopy of schistosomiasis. IV. The dynamics of the host-parasite responses to Schistosoma mansoni in the hypodermal tissues as observed in transparent chambers in two susceptible hosts during primary and challenge infections
Q39652371In-vitro study of the host-parasite interactions between mouse macrophages and the opportunistic fungus Paecilomyces lilacinus
Q80883837Incorporating mating preferences into a host-parasite model
Q112543836Incorporating rhizosphere microbiota from the native and non-native ranges into tests of post-naturalisation performance: New Zealand Trifolium as a model system
Q51693581Increasing productivity accelerates host-parasite coevolution.
Q56927582Indirect ecological effects interact with community genetic effects in a host-parasite system and dramatically reduce parasite burden
Q91226876Induction and measurement of the early stage of a host-parasite interaction using a combined optical trapping and Raman microspectroscopy system
Q91838731Infection Outcomes are Robust to Thermal Variability in a Bumble Bee Host-Parasite System
Q34446366Infection genetics and the likelihood of host shifts in coevolving host-parasite interactions
Q40647448Infection of organotypic slice cultures from rat central nervous tissue with Neospora caninum: an alternative approach to study host-parasite interactions
Q41436450Inferring host-parasite relationships using stable isotopes: implications for disease transmission and host specificity
Q75525872Infertility in cattle with special reference to trichomoniasis; the host-parasite relationship between the female bovine and Trichomonas foetus
Q39134290Infestation experience of a rodent host and offspring viability of fleas: variation among host-parasite associations
Q37153078Inflammation and oxidative stress in vertebrate host-parasite systems
Q37937194Influence of antibiotics on host-parasite interactions with an emphasis on in-vivo studies
Q40301522Influence of antimicrobial agents on host-parasite interactions
Q56833114Influence of geographical scale on the detection of density dependence in the host-parasite system, Arvicola terrestris and Taenia taeniaeformis
Q43169575Inhibition of Trypanosoma cruzi proline racemase affects host-parasite interactions and the outcome of in vitro infection
Q41231595Initiation and regulation of CD4+ T-cell function in host-parasite models
Q38153024Insect host-parasite coevolution in the light of experimental evolution.
Q79522327Insight into the host-parasite interplay by proteomic study of host proteins copurified with the human parasite, Schistosoma japonicum
Q37255733Insights from natural host-parasite interactions: the Drosophila model
Q53142325Insights into fish host-parasite trophic relationships revealed by stable isotope analysis.
Q40316783Integral Projection Models for host-parasite systems with an application to amphibian chytrid fungus.
Q51148229Integrative Approaches to Understand the Mastery in Manipulation of Host Cytokine Networks by Protozoan Parasites with Emphasis on Plasmodium and Leishmania Species.
Q93185985Inter-Species/Host-Parasite Protein Interaction Predictions Reviewed
Q69595240Interaction between the Biomphalaria glabrata-Schistosoma mansoni host-parasite system and the non-target molluscs: influence on cercarial production
Q69373738Interaction of Viruses and Bacteria in Host-Parasite Relations
Q50235586Interaction of salmonellae and schistosomes in hostparasite relations
Q52564638Interactions Among Host-Parasite MicroRNAs During Nosema ceranae Proliferation in Apis mellifera.
Q63383847Interactions between environmental stressors: the influence of salinity on host–parasite interactions between Daphnia magna and Pasteuria ramosa
Q73609933Interactions between frequency-dependent and vertical transmission in host-parasite systems
Q91544748Interactions between hydatid cyst and regulated cell death may provide new therapeutic opportunities
Q68635530Interference of Echinoparyphium elegans with the host-parasite system Bulinus truncatus-Schistosoma bovis in natural conditions
Q72666185International Iberoamerican Symposium. Advances in Host-Parasite Interactions in Fungal Research. Proceedings. Mexico City, Mexico, October 6-9, 1992
Q28478461Intracellular targeting specificity of novel phthalocyanines assessed in a host-parasite model for developing potential photodynamic medicine
Q39917351Intramolluscan Inter-trematode Antagonism: a Review of Factors Influencing the Host-parasite System and its Possible Role in Biological Control
Q90154540Intravital imaging of host-parasite interactions in organs of the thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities
Q92070844Intravital imaging of host-parasite interactions in skin and adipose tissues
Q90071815Intravital microscopy: Imaging host-parasite interactions in lymphoid organs
Q92110236Intravital microscopy: Imaging host-parasite interactions in the brain
Q56782662Introduction of Alien Host–parasite Complexes in a Natural Environment and the Symbiota Concept
Q73380864Introduction: host-parasite interrelations in the genomic age
Q28603606Invaded Invaders: Infection of Invasive Brown Treesnakes on Guam by an Exotic Larval Cestode with a Life Cycle Comprised of Non-Native Hosts
Q37415695Invasion of the body snatchers: the diversity and evolution of manipulative strategies in host-parasite interactions.
Q37491469Invasive Haemophilus influenzae disease: changing epidemiology and host-parasite interactions in the 21st century
Q52536164Invertebrate host-parasite relationships: convergent evolution of a tropomyosin epitope between Schistosoma sp., Fasciola hepatica, and certain pulmonate snails.
Q34778771Involvement of apoptosis in host-parasite interactions in the zebra mussel
Q36228901Isolation and characterization of a secretory component of Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes potentially involved in modulating the host-parasite interface
Q38551575Jungles: a new solution to the host/parasite phylogeny reconciliation problem
Q38990319Knowledge gaps in host-parasite interaction preclude accurate assessment of meat-borne exposure to Toxoplasma gondii
Q37427439LIVE TULAREMIA VACCINE I. : Host-Parasite Relationship in Monkeys Vaccinated Intracutaneously or Aerogenically
Q71644772Laboratory studies of the host-parasite relationship ofSchistosoma mansoniandBiomphalaria glabratafrom St Lucia, West Indies
Q38937993Laboratory studies on host-parasite relationship of Bithynia snails and the liver fluke, Opisthorchis viverrini.
Q35550838Large, rapidly evolving gene families are at the forefront of host-parasite interactions in Apicomplexa
Q68862891Lectin activation in Giardia lamblia by host protease: a novel host-parasite interaction
Q51666365Leeches on mudskippers: host-parasite interaction at the water's edge.
Q39779106Leishmania cell surface prohibitin: role in host-parasite interaction.
Q71627808Leishmania donovani flagellum-specific epitopes mediating host-parasite interactions
Q71054708Leptospira interrogans serovar hardjo in pigs: a new host-parasite relationship in the United Kingdom
Q56355023Lernaea cyprinacea (Crustacea: Copepoda) in the Iberian Peninsula: climate implications on host–parasite interactions
Q30828573Leucochloridium perisorisae, a new species of trematode (Leucochloridinae) from the Oregon jay, with a discussion of the application of host-parasite relationships to the taxonomy of this group
Q70686714Lice of birds of prey. VII. The Neocolpocephalum group and its host-parasite relations
Q43636222Life cycle of Ornithodoros rostratus (Acari: Argasidae) under experimental conditions and comments on the host-parasite relationship in the Pantanal wetland region, Brazil.
Q40633233Life cycles and host-parasite relationships of Microsporidia in culicine mosquitoes
Q73088498Life history and host-parasite relations of Heterakis spumosa, a nematode parasite in the colon of the rat
Q37122639Life history determines genetic structure and evolutionary potential of host-parasite interactions
Q109298258Life in the margins: host-parasite relationships in ecological edges
Q66865426Light and electron microscopy of the host-parasite interface and histopathology of Nassarius obsoletus infected with rediae of Himasthla quissetensis
Q42485068Light and electron microscopy studies on Onchocerca jakutensis and O. flexuosa of red deer show different host-parasite interactions
Q54964249Lipid Droplet, a Key Player in Host-Parasite Interactions.
Q40796337Lipids of three microsporidian species and multivariate analysis of the host-parasite relationship
Q54794247Liposomes-mycobacteria incubation systems as a partial model of host-parasite interaction at cell membrane level.
Q36177555Live Imaging of Host-Parasite Interactions in a Zebrafish Infection Model Reveals Cryptococcal Determinants of Virulence and Central Nervous System Invasion
Q72652070Liver Damage and the Host-parasite Relationship in Experimental Fascioliasis in the Albino Rat
Q57277878Local adaptation and host–parasite interactions
Q57048699Local diversity reduces infection risk across multiple freshwater host-parasite associations
Q46308209Long-distance transport of mRNA via parenchyma cells and phloem across the host-parasite junction in Cuscuta
Q41107854Long-term genomic coevolution of host-parasite interaction in the natural environment
Q109374672Long-term genomic coevolution of host-parasite interaction in the natural environment
Q50643944Long-term study of Sarcoptes scabiei infection in Norwegian red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) indicating host/parasite adaptation.
Q92187958Long-term variation in environmental conditions influences host-parasite fitness
Q43143887Loose and compact agglomerates of 50 nm microvesicles derived from Golgi and endoplasmic reticulum membranes in pre- and in -apoptotic Mycoplasma infected HeLa cells: host-parasite interactions under the transmission electron microscope
Q35046833Lotka-Volterra dynamics kills the Red Queen: population size fluctuations and associated stochasticity dramatically change host-parasite coevolution
Q98395247Lousy grouse: Comparing evolutionary patterns in Alaska galliform lice to understand host evolution and host-parasite interactions
Q45155018Malaria research: host-parasite interactions and new developments in chemotherapy, immunology and vaccinology
Q34318196Malassezia fungi are specialized to live on skin and associated with dandruff, eczema, and other skin diseases
Q35775461Manipulation of apoptosis in the host-parasite interaction
Q36515699Mapping interspecific genetic architecture in a host-parasite interaction system
Q98241431Mapping of host-parasite-microbiome interactions reveals metabolic determinants of tropism and tolerance in Chagas disease
Q50891606Mathematical modelling of spatial sorting and evolution in a host-parasite system.
Q55032634Melanin-based coloration and host-parasite interactions under global change.
Q49634400Membrane trafficking and remodeling at the host-parasite interface
Q40084820Mesoscale spatiotemporal variability in a complex host-parasite system influenced by intermediate host body size
Q33369018Metastrongyloid nematode (Otostrongylus circumlitus) infection in a stranded California sea lion (Zalophus californianus)--a new host-parasite association.
Q68243407Methods of analysis of the host-parasite system dynamics
Q42369810MicroRNAs in Taenia solium Neurocysticercosis: Insights as Promising Agents in Host-Parasite Interaction and Their Potential as Biomarkers
Q26766336MicroRNAs in the Host-Apicomplexan Parasites Interactions: A Review of Immunopathological Aspects
Q67049288Microcalorimetric investigations of the host-parasite relationship between Biomphalaria glabrata and Schistosoma mansoni (author's transl)
Q79516977Microfilaria infestation as an instance of periodic phenomena seen in host-parasite relationships
Q52756019Microsatellite loci-based distribution of Trypanosoma cruzi genotypes from Chilean chronic Chagas disease patients and Triatoma infestans is concordant with a specific host-parasite association hypothesis.
Q93111958Microsporidian infections in the species complex Gammarus roeselii (Amphipoda) over its geographical range: evidence for both host-parasite co-diversification and recent host shifts
Q46456169Migration highways and migration barriers created by host-parasite interactions.
Q104135637Migratory hosts can maintain the high-dose/refuge effect in a structured host-parasite system: The case of sea lice and salmon
Q35835568Missing links: testing the completeness of host-parasite checklists
Q97563674Mites of the subgenus Microtimyobia (Acariformes: Myobiidae: Radfordia) and their host-parasite relationships with cricetid rodents (Cricetidae)
Q56794613Model selection criteria for overdispersed data and their application to the characterization of a host-parasite relationship
Q44660406Modeling host-parasite coevolution: a nested approach based on mechanistic models
Q37035491Modelling malaria pathogenesis
Q57008231Modelling the Dynamics of Host-Parasite Interactions: Basic Principles
Q42933074Modelling within host parasite dynamics of schistosomiasis.
Q42963490Models of host-parasite interaction and MHC polymorphism
Q52487142Models of the host-parasite relation
Q40211487Modification of RPMI 1640 for use in vitro immunological studies of host-parasite interactions in giardiasis
Q59792550Modulation of Host Immunity by Helminths: The Expanding Repertoire of Parasite Effector Molecules
Q27021418Modulation of specific and allergy-related immune responses by helminths
Q56776987Modus vivendi: invasive host/parasite relations—Charybdis longicollis Leene, 1938 (Brachyura: Portunidae) and Heterosaccus dollfusi Boschma, 1960 (Rhizocephala: Sacculinidae)
Q45787163Molecular Biology of Host-Parasite Interactions
Q93697554Molecular Biology of Host-Parasite Interactions
Q96165875Molecular Phylogeny and taxonomy of a new Myxobolus species from the endangered ornamental fish, Otocinclus cocama endemic to Peru: A host-parasite coextinction approach
Q73908206Molecular and Immunological Aspects of Host-Parasite Interactions. Symposium proceedings. Wurzburg, Germany, June 6-8, 1996
Q58730645Molecular and cellular characterization of apoptosis in flat oyster a key mechanisms at the heart of host-parasite interactions
Q68303548Molecular aspects of immunological host-parasite-interactions. 4th International Erlangen Workshop. Erlangen, Germany, September 24-29, 1990. Proceedings
Q38749505Molecular basis of host-parasite relationship: towards the definition of protective antigens
Q50210716Molecular biology of host-parasite relationship in infectious diseases, especially in salmonellosis, tuberculosis and leprosy.
Q36168749Molecular characterization of host-parasite cell signalling in Schistosoma mansoni during early development.
Q57299723Molecular confirmation of in field mice () from St Kilda has potential to resolve a host-parasite relationship
Q37240359Molecular cross-talk in host-parasite relationships: the intriguing immunomodulatory role of Echinococcus antigen B in cystic echinococcosis
Q34106768Molecular crosstalk in host-parasite relationships: schistosome- and leech-host interactions.
Q97868817Molecular detection of Leishmania (Sauroleishmania) tarentolae in human blood and Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum in Sergentomyia minuta: unexpected host-parasite contacts
Q53684821Molecular evidence for host-parasite co-speciation between lizards and Schellackia parasites.
Q71367877Molecular phylogenies and host-parasite cospeciation: gophers and lice as a model system
Q78901247Monoclonal antibody affinity purification of a 78 kDa membrane protein of Leishmania donovani of Indian origin and its role in host-parasite interaction
Q53905081Monogenetic trematodes from the Bay of Quinte area, Ontario. IV. Genus Dactylogyrus Diesing, 1850, with provisional host–parasite and parasite–host lists
Q52657833Morphological phylogeny of Geusibia Jordan, 1932 (Siphonaptera: Leptopsyllidae) and the host-parasite relationship with pikas.
Q84766257Morphology and host-parasite interaction of Henneguya azevedoi n. sp., parasite of gills of Leporinus obtusidens from Mogi-Guaçu River, Brazil
Q27686928Mouse models for pathogenic African trypanosomes: unravelling the immunology of host-parasite-vector interactions.
Q81733820Multi-host parasite species in cophylogenetic studies
Q46903754Multi-mode fluctuating selection in host-parasite coevolution
Q39190605Multi-parasite host susceptibility and multi-host parasite infectivity: a new approach of the Biomphalaria glabrata/Schistosoma mansoni compatibility polymorphism.
Q36348097Murine encephalitozoonosis model for studying the host-parasite relationship of a chronic infection
Q63379835Mutating away from your enemies: The evolution of mutation rate in a host–parasite system
Q38151205Nancy E. Beckage (1950-2012): pioneer in insect host-parasite interactions
Q111172475Native and invasive hosts play different roles in host–parasite networks
Q83481437Natural history of host-parasite interactions. Preface
Q41186535Natural history, clinical evolution, and the host-parasite interaction in New World cutaneous Leishmaniasis
Q33341590Natural insect host-parasite systems show immune priming and specificity: puzzles to be solved
Q51711200Natural variation in the genetic architecture of a host-parasite interaction in the bumblebee Bombus terrestris.
Q78588321Nematopsis ostrearum and N. prytherchi (Eugregarinina: Porosporidae) with Special Reference to the Host-Parasite Relations
Q40653429Neoplastic disease and tumor immunology from the perspective of host-parasite relationships
Q99668515Neotropical Monogenoidea. 18. Anacanthorus Mizelle and Price, 1965 (Dactylogyridae, Anacanthorinae) of Piranha (Characoidea, Serrasalmidae) from the Central Amazon, their Phylogeny, and Aspects of Host-Parasite Coevolution
Q58747635Nested distributions of bat flies (Diptera: Streblidae) on Neotropical bats: artifact and specificity in host-parasite studies
Q37945947Neurohormonal peptides in parasitic worms: a new frontier in host-parasite pathophysiology
Q37391201Neuroimmunoendocrine modulation in the host by helminth parasites: a novel form of host-parasite coevolution?
Q48863634Neuropathology and host-parasite relationship of acute experimental toxoplasmosis of the blue fox (Alopex lagopus).
Q92127721Neutral genomic signatures of host-parasite coevolution
Q68112358Neutrophil defects and host-parasite interactions in the pathogenesis of localized juvenile periodontitis
Q99974839New Host Records, Redescriptions and New Species of Labiostrongylinea (Nematoda: Chabertiidae) from Macropodid Marsupials, with a Revised Host-Parasite Checklist
Q45976924New chemical clues for broomrape-sunflower host-parasite interactions: synthesis of guaianestrigolactones.
Q99694556New host-parasite records
Q39200592New host/parasite record for very rare chewing louse Cuculotogaster arabicus (Clay, 1938) (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera) on endemic mountain partridges of Arabian Peninsula
Q53724074New immunochemical system for study of intracellular host-parasite relationships.
Q38449909New insights into host-parasite ubiquitin proteome dynamics in P. falciparum infected red blood cells using a TUBEs-MS approach
Q105118359New observations on mites of the family Myobiidae Megnin, 1877 (Acari: Prostigmata) with special reference to their host-parasite relationships
Q33240031New perspectives on host-parasite interplay by comparative transcriptomic and proteomic analyses of Schistosoma japonicum
Q46439365New records of host-parasite relationships between Coenagrion scitulum (Rambur, 1842) (Odonata) and water mite larvae (Hydrachnidia) in core and edge host populations
Q89666486New species of fleas (Siphonaptera) from Cerro Potosi, Mexico, with notes on ecology and host parasite relationships
Q67295402Nippostrongylus brasiliensis (Travassos, 1914) as a useful model for studies of the host-parasite system
Q37823914Nitrosative stress during infection-induced inflammation in fish: lessons from a host-parasite infection model.
Q43606376No effect of host-parasite co-evolution on host range expansion.
Q64997769No measurable fitness cost to experimentally evolved host defence in the Caenorhabditis elegans-Serratia marcescens host-parasite system.
Q36641326Nocardia species: host-parasite relationships
Q38715974Non-linear phenomena in host-parasite interactions
Q47908705Nonhuman primate models. I. Nonhuman primate host-parasite combinations
Q92837506Norileca indica (Crustacea: Isopoda, Cymothoidae) Infects Rastrelliger kanagurta Along the Malabar Coast of India - Seasonal Variation in the Prevalence and Aspects of Host-parasite Interactions
Q38021055Northern host-parasite assemblages: history and biogeography on the borderlands of episodic climate and environmental transition.
Q56833045Not everything is everywhere: the distance decay of similarity in a marine host-parasite system
Q107979677Notes on Some "Rare" Eastern Nearctic Tabanidae (Diptera); State Records and Host-Parasite Relationship for Other Species
Q69814924Notes on the host-parasite relationship during infection of Praomys (Mastomys) natalensis with the filarial parasite Litomosoides carinii
Q73827900Notes on the morphology and host-parasite specificity of Fibricola cratera (Barker and Noll, 1915) Dubois 1932 (Trematoda: Diplostomatidae)
Q48134840Numerical study of a three-state host-parasite system on the square lattice
Q58691747Obligate development of Blastocrithidia papi (Trypanosomatidae) in the Malpighian tubules of Pyrrhocoris apterus (Hemiptera) and coordination of host-parasite life cycles
Q71512416Observations on Ichthyosporidium giganteum (Microsporida) with particular reference to the host-parasite relations during merogony
Q45063263Observations on certain phases of nutrition and host-parasite relations of Hymenolepis diminuta in white rats.
Q67735302Observations on the host-parasite relations between Echinostoma revolutum and lymnaeid snails
Q43204533Observations on the host-parasite relationship of Pratylenchus vulnus on grapevine, Vitis vinifera
Q86983483Occurrence of Podocotyle Dujardin, 1845 (Opecoelidae, Podocotylinae) in three species of deep-sea macrourids from the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea with an updated key to species and host-parasite checklist
Q36555752Occurrence of prostaglandins and other eicosanoids in parasites and their role in host-parasite interaction.
Q48261649Of dogs and hookworms: man's best friend and his parasites as a model for translational biomedical research
Q30524743Olfaction shapes host-parasite interactions in parasitic nematodes
Q46483907On a Haemogregarine sp. (Protozoa, Apicomplexa, Adeleina) naturally infecting the viper Bitis arientans in Saudi Arabia with reference to the host-parasite relationship.
Q34407735On genetic specificity in symbiont-mediated host-parasite coevolution
Q51201879On the evolutionary ecology of host-parasite interactions: addressing the question with regard to bumblebees and their parasites.
Q72214411On the host-parasite relationship in Mastomys natalensis (Smith, 1834)
Q59595014On the interpretation of host-parasite ecology:Heligmosomoides polygyrus(Nematoda) in wild wood mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus) populations
Q73785099On the nature of genetic resistance to tuberculosis in the light of the host-parasite relationships in natively resistant and susceptible rabbits
Q30961634On the relevance of abundance and spatial pattern for interpretations of host-parasite association data
Q47441793On the variation of the plaque size in the host-parasite system of the bacteriophage P84.
Q39491526Onchocerciasis: clinical presentation and host parasite interactions in patients of southern Sudan
Q40658971One day is enough: rapid and specific host-parasite interactions in a stickleback-trematode system.
Q60532138One snail – three Digenea species, different strategies in host-parasite interaction
Q99700893Ophioxenos microphagus (Ingles, 1936) comb. n. (Digenea: Paramphistomidae) from Ectotherms in Western North America with Comments on Host-Parasite Relationships
Q93156964Opisthorchis viverrini Proteome and Host-Parasite Interactions
Q37189794Opportunities and challenges of Integral Projection Models for modelling host-parasite dynamics
Q36087934Origin of host-parasite associations of Marsupialges misonnei (Acariformes: Psoroptidae)-a parasitological detective story
Q37777812Outer membrane vesicles function as offensive weapons in host-parasite interactions
Q97886154Overview of Poultry Eimeria Life Cycle and Host-Parasite Interactions
Q90649263Overview of the role of kinetoplastid surface carbohydrates in infection and host cell invasion: prospects for therapeutic intervention
Q38718267Oxidant stress and malaria: host-parasite interrelationships in normal and abnormal erythrocytes
Q57600388Oxidative stress and canine leishmaniasis: More than a simple consequence of host–parasite interaction
Q35704960Oxidative stress in malaria parasite-infected erythrocytes: host-parasite interactions
Q47646036Paleo-parasitology and the antiquity of human host-parasite relationships.
Q53869331Parallel Phylogenies: Reconstructing the History of Host-Parasite Assemblages
Q79796513Parasite dose, prevalence of infection and local adaptation in a host-parasite system
Q36182157Parasite immune escape: new views into host-parasite interactions
Q60237417Parasite loads are higher in the tropics: temperate to tropical variation in a single host-parasite system
Q107009275Parasite specificity in Podarcis bocagei and P. carbonelli (Lacertidae) from NW Portugal: a host-parasite history
Q51681170Parasite-driven extinction in spatially explicit host-parasite systems.
Q57801266Parasites as negative regulators of cancer
Q67007937Parasites of Salmo trutta L. from the Tirino River. II. Host-parasite interactions of helminth species
Q90312883Parasitic Quill Mites of the Family Syringophilidae (Acariformes: Prostigmata) Associated With Sub-Saharan Sunbirds (Passeriformes: Nectariniidae): Species Composition and Host-Parasite Relationships
Q39996463Parasitological review. Nippostrongylus brasiliensis: a review of immunity and host-parasite relationship in the rat.
Q31042142Past, present and future of host-parasite co-extinctions.
Q46349867Paternity-parasitism trade-offs: a model and test of host-parasite cooperation in an avian conspecific brood parasite
Q35534735Pathogenesis of Acanthamoeba keratitis: carbohydrate-mediated host-parasite interactions
Q33304216Pathogenesis, virulence, and infective dose
Q91357298Pathogenicity and Host-Parasite Relationships of Heterodera cruciferae in Cabbage
Q91625824Pathogenicity and Host-Parasite Relationships of Meloidogyne arenaria in Sweet Basil
Q47965804Pathological and immunological host-parasite relationships between albino rat and Plasmodium berghei
Q67777502Pathophysiology and compensatory mechanisms in a compatible host-parasite system
Q45586333Patterning and separating infected bacteria using host-parasite and virus-antibody interactions
Q56985485Patterns and processes of alternative host use in a generalist parasite: insights from a natural host-parasite interaction
Q42005945Patterns of host-parasite adaptation in three populations of monarch butterflies infected with a naturally occurring protozoan disease: virulence, resistance, and tolerance
Q98159230Patterns of host-parasite associations in tropical lice and their passerine hosts in Cameroon
Q33449210Patterns of host-parasite interactions between the nematode Heligmosomum mixtum (Schulz, 1952) and the bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus Schreber, 1780)
Q36380317Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerases (immunophilins) and their roles in parasite biochemistry, host-parasite interaction and antiparasitic drug action
Q37530965Periodic and chaotic host-parasite interactions in human malaria
Q38833761Peromyscus as a model system for human hepatitis C: An opportunity to advance our understanding of a complex host parasite system.
Q38211432Peroxynitrite and peroxiredoxin in the pathogenesis of experimental amebic liver abscess.
Q71238488Persistence of Acholeplasma laidlawii in an established cell line RL 19. 1. Host-parasite morphology
Q61686697Persistence of Host-parasite Interactions in a Disturbed Environment
Q96170390Persistence of a Core Microbiome Through the Ontogeny of a Multi-Host Parasite
Q45712249Persistent infection of Rickettsia orientalis (Ozeki strain) in Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells and effect of ED virus upon this host-parasite relationship.
Q92818806Phenological synchrony shapes pathology in host-parasite systems
Q44976436Phenotypic analysis of host-parasite interactions in lambs infected with Teladorsagia circumcincta
Q43525921Phenotypic differences on the outcome of the host-parasite relationship: behavior of mice of the CBi stock in natural and experimental infections
Q34435469Phenotypic plasticity of host-parasite interactions in response to the route of infection.
Q39835619Pheromone-inducible conjugation in Enterococcus faecalis: interbacterial and host-parasite chemical communication
Q33308909Phocid seals, seal lice and heartworms: a terrestrial host-parasite system conveyed to the marine environment
Q34066294Phylogenetic and host-parasite relationship analysis of Henneguya multiplasmodialis n. sp. infecting Pseudoplatystoma spp. in Brazilian Pantanal wetland.
Q39147650Phylogenetic signal in module composition and species connectivity in compartmentalized host-parasite networks
Q56794605Phylogenetic signals in host-parasite associations for Neotropical bats and Nearctic desert rodents
Q32068753Phylogeny of amblyospora (Microsporida: amblyosporidae) and related genera based on small subunit ribosomal DNA data: A possible example of host parasite cospeciation
Q48144837Phylogeny, evolution and host-parasite relationships of the order Proteocephalidea (Eucestoda) as revealed by combined analysis and secondary structure characters
Q33816690Phylogeny, host-parasite relationship and zoogeography
Q59745260Phylogeography of a Holarctic nematode, Soboliphyme baturini, among mustelids: climate change, episodic colonization, and diversification in a complex host-parasite system
Q58848137Physiology of host parasite relationship: effects on serum alkaline phosphatase levels of fish hosts parasitized by trypanosomes
Q71921077Plant Pathology: Host-Parasite Contact
Q36831486Plant parasitic nematode proteins and the host parasite interaction
Q27972950Plasmodium falciparum Hsp70-x: a heat shock protein at the host-parasite interface
Q21131363Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte invasion: combining function with immune evasion
Q31125954Plasmodium falciparum var gene expression homogeneity as a marker of the host-parasite relationship under different levels of naturally acquired immunity to malaria
Q110908843Polyandromyces coptosomatis (Dimorphomycetaceae, Laboulbeniales): new records, distribution patterns and host–parasite interactions in Brazil
Q42176211Polymorphism in multilocus host parasite coevolutionary interactions.
Q71244297Population biology and host-parasite relationships of Triganodistomum attenuatum (Trematoda: Lissorchiidae) infecting the white sucker, Catostomus commersoni (Lacépède)
Q56833213Population dynamics of host-parasite interactions in a cockroach-oxyuroid system
Q51391546Population mixing promotes arms race host-parasite coevolution.
Q57025943Possible host-parasite adaptations in honey bees infested byVarroa destructormites
Q42734399Possible roles of ectophosphatases in host-parasite interactions
Q43987283Predator-spreaders: predation can enhance parasite success in a planktonic host-parasite system
Q98159256Predators can influence the host-parasite dynamics of their prey via nonconsumptive effects
Q36380092Predicting cryptic links in host-parasite networks
Q43828445Presidential address. The role of variation in host-parasite interactions: linking genetic demes and life history schemes
Q38593377Prevalence and host-parasite list of some nasal mites from birds (Acarina: Rhinonyssidae, Speleognathidae).
Q57231767Primates and the Ecology of their Infectious Diseases: How will Anthropogenic Change Affect Host-Parasite Interactions?
Q52429538Probability description of regulation on the level of population and individual in the host-parasite system using Oestrus ovis (Diptera: Oestridae) as an example.
Q106423570Proceeding of the round-table on host-parasite relationship
Q54187998Proceedings: Host-parasite relationships between Capillaria obsignata and the domestic fowl.
Q54026143Proceedings: Lysosomes in the host-parasite relationship.
Q37485397Progesterone induces scolex evagination of the human parasite Taenia solium: evolutionary implications to the host-parasite relationship
Q71265624Propionate metabolism in the host-parasite complex of Puccinia graminis
Q36680572Protective role of helminthiasis in the development of autoimmune diseases
Q34432069Proteomic analysis of rhoptry organelles reveals many novel constituents for host-parasite interactions in Toxoplasma gondii
Q45188629Proteomic characterization of larval and adult developmental stages in Echinococcus granulosus reveals novel insight into host-parasite interactions
Q45005698Pterigodermatites (Paucipectines) spinicaudatis n. sp. (Nematoda: Rictularidae) from Dromiciops australis (Marsupialia: Microbiotheriidae) in Bariloche, Rio Negro, Argentina. Biogeographical distribution and host-parasite relationships
Q78402014Public health hazards of amoebiasis in the light of its host-parasite relations
Q91553517Punctuated plastome reduction and host-parasite horizontal gene transfer in the holoparasitic plant genus Aphyllon
Q44657785Pyruvate kinase in malaria host-parasite interaction
Q33627622Q fever and Coxiella burnetii: a model for host-parasite interactions
Q69533637Quantification of parasite development in the host-parasite system Biomphalaria glabrata and Schistosoma mansoni
Q50208863Quantitative bacteriological studies of experimentally infected laboratory animals. 1. Dynamics of the pathogen count as an expression of host-parasite relations in Salmonella-infected mice--review of literature
Q38122218RNAi pathways in the recognition of foreign RNA: antiviral responses and host-parasite interactions in nematodes
Q57591428Rapid change in parasite infection traits over the course of an epidemic in a wild host-parasite population
Q92379504Rapid divergence, molecular evolution, and morphological diversification of coastal host-parasite systems from southern Brazil
Q51187356Rapid evolution and ecological host-parasite dynamics.
Q35662538Rapid evolution of virulence leading to host extinction under host-parasite coevolution.
Q59670439Rapid host-parasite coevolution drives the production and maintenance of diversity in digital organisms
Q24651091Recent advances in malaria parasite cultivation and their application to studies on host-parasite relationships: a review
Q39842616Recent advances in malaria research: parasite biology, chemotherapy and host/parasite relationships
Q94586311Recent advances on innate immune pathways related to host-parasite cross-talk in cystic and alveolar echinococcosis
Q107146248Recent knowledge of geographical distribution, host-parasite relationship and recorded species of Siphonaptera in Japan
Q34479496Receptor-ligand interactions and cellular signalling at the host-parasite interface
Q52573387Reciprocal Natural Selection on Host-Parasite Phenotypes.
Q56157119Reciprocal Natural Selection on Host‐Parasite Phenotypes
Q45932503Recognition and polymorphism in host-parasite genetics.
Q64966866Red Queen dancing in the lek: effects of mating skew on host-parasite interactions.
Q29394656Regulation and Stability of Host-Parasite Population Interactions: I. Regulatory Processes
Q51637543Relatedness and spatial proximity as determinants of host-parasite interactions in the brood parasitic Barrow's goldeneye (Bucephala islandica).
Q42287854Relative host body condition and food availability influence epidemic dynamics: a Poecilia reticulata-Gyrodactylus turnbulli host-parasite model.
Q61411436Reproductive plasticity and local adaptation in the host–parasite system formed by the toxic Alexandrium minutum and the dinoflagellate parasite Parvilucifera sinerae
Q56929276Resistance gained, resistance lost: An explanation for host–parasite coexistence
Q33826826Resolving the infection process reveals striking differences in the contribution of environment, genetics and phylogeny to host-parasite interactions
Q51180052Resource ecology of virulence in a planktonic host-parasite system: an explanation using dynamic energy budgets.
Q28750354Review of "Primate Parasite Ecology: The dynamics and study of host-parasite relationships" by Michael A. Huffman and Colin A. Chapman (Eds.)
Q47126976Review of The Biogeography of Host-Parasite Interactions by Serge Morand and Boris R Krasnov
Q54564015Revision ofDennyus(Collodennyus) lice (Phthiraptera: Menoponidae) from swiftlets, with descriptions of new taxa and a comparison of host-parasite relationships
Q48036995Revisiting host/parasite interactions: molecular analysis of parasites collected during longitudinal and cross-sectional surveys in humans
Q40784358Rickettsiae of the spotted fever group associated with the host-parasite system Oryctolagus cuniculi/Rhipicephalus pusillus
Q48710229Role of porcine serum haptoglobin in the host-parasite relationship of Taenia solium cysticercosis.
Q37767201Role of regulatory peptides in parasitic platyhelminths and their vertebrate hosts: possible novel factors in host-parasite interactions
Q64058594Role of temperature and carbonate system variability on a host-parasite system: Implications for the gigantism hypothesis
Q40030027Role of the Genetics and Physiology of Bordetella pertussis in the Production of Vaccine and the Study of Host–Parasite Relationships in Pertussis
Q37401447Role of the Phagocyte in Host-Parasite Interactions XII. Hydrogen Peroxide-Myeloperoxidase Bactericidal System in the Phagocyte
Q34160356Role of the Phagocyte in Host-Parasite Interactions XXIV. Aldehyde Generation by the Myeloperoxidase-H(2)O(2)-Chloride Antimicrobial System: a Possible In Vivo Mechanism of Action.
Q34169874Role of the Phagocyte in Host-Parasite Interactions XXVII. Myeloperoxidase-H(2)O(2)-Cl-Mediated Aldehyde Formation and Its Relationship to Antimicrobial Activity.
Q39918360Role of the phagocyte in host-parasite interactions. 38. Metabolic activities of the phagocyte as related to antimicrobial action
Q36843568Role of the phagocyte in host-parasite interactions. 8. Effect of whole-body x-irradiation on nicotinamides, lysosomal enzymes and bactericidal activities of leukocytes during phagocytosis
Q37401420Role of the phagocyte in host-parasite interactions. XI. Relationship between stimulated oxidative metabolism and hydrogen peroxide formation, and intracellular killing
Q71470705Role of the phagocyte in host-parasite interactions. XXII. H2O2-dependent decarbosylation and deamination by myeloperoxidase and its relationship to antimicrobial activity
Q40006180Roles of Iron in Host-Parasite Interactions
Q33538646Roles of cysteine proteinases of trypanosomes and Leishmania in host-parasite interactions.
Q37195362Roles of metallic ions in host-parasite interactions
Q24630269Running with the Red Queen: host-parasite coevolution selects for biparental sex
Q46629721Scanning and transmission electron microscopic observations on the host-parasite relationship in intestinal cryptosporidiosis of neonatal calves.
Q37561082Schistosoma genomics: new perspectives on schistosome biology and host-parasite interaction.
Q70363170Schistosoma japonicum in rabbits: differences in the host-parasite relationship over a seven-year period
Q74314691Schistosoma japonicum in the pig: the host-parasite relationship as influenced by the intensity and duration of experimental infection
Q54008758Schistosoma japonicum in the pig: the influence of age on the host/parasite relationship.
Q72357408Schistosoma mansoni host-parasite relationship: interaction of contrapsin with adult worms
Q38899130Schistosoma mansoni infection in the West Nile district of Uganda. V. Host-parasite relationships
Q72963632Schistosoma mansoni: an enkephalinergic system that may participate in internal and host-parasite signaling
Q39335503Schistosoma mansoni: the ultrastructure of larval morphogenesis in Biomphalaria glabrata and of associated host-parasite interactions
Q68926595Schistosoma mattheei in Sheep: The Host-Parasite Relationship
Q69721045Schistosoma mattheei in cattle: the host-parasite relationship
Q34959344Schistosome glycoconjugates in host-parasite interplay
Q36056288Schistosomes: the road from host-parasite interactions to vaccines in clinical trials
Q44660941Schistosomes: unanswered questions on the basic biology of the host-parasite relationship
Q58241099Selective Predation and Productivity Jointly Drive Complex Behavior in Host‐Parasite Systems
Q44424793Selective pressure in host-parasite systems
Q90591733Self-perpetuating ecological-evolutionary dynamics in an agricultural host-parasite system
Q40842134Sensitivity of Gram-Negative Bacilli to the Serum Bactericidal Activity: A Marker of the Host-Parasite Relationship in Acute and Persisting Infections
Q97554020Serpins in Fasciola hepatica: insights into host-parasite interactions
Q92968724Set up of an in vitro model to study early host-parasite interactions between newly excysted juveniles of Fasciola hepatica and host intestinal cells using a quantitative proteomics approach
Q36848646Sex differences in host defence interfere with parasite-mediated selection for outcrossing during host-parasite coevolution
Q28554367Sex-Biased Transcriptome of Schistosoma mansoni: Host-Parasite Interaction, Genetic Determinants and Epigenetic Regulators Are Associated with Sexual Differentiation
Q53923899Shared control of epidemiological traits in a coevolutionary model of host-parasite interactions.
Q92279318Shotgun proteomics of Strongyloides venezuelensis infective third stage larvae: Insights into host-parasite interaction and novel targets for diagnostics
Q39617686Signalling pathways and the host-parasite relationship: putative targets for control interventions against schistosomiasis: signalling pathways and future anti-schistosome therapies
Q33724857Significance of Cuscutain, a cysteine protease from Cuscuta reflexa, in host-parasite interactions.
Q96822540Sika deer presence affects the host-parasite interface of a Japanese land leech
Q36381310Simulated climate change, epidemic size, and host evolution across host-parasite populations
Q40368743Small alteration - big impacts: effects of small-scale riparian forest management on host-parasite dynamics in streams
Q60527517Soleidae macroparasites along the Portuguese coast: latitudinal variation and host–parasite associations
Q34459692Somatostatin and intestinal schistosomiasis: therapeutic and neuropathological implications in host-parasite interactions
Q40014260Some Physiological and Biochemical Aspects of Host-Parasite Relations
Q46929945Some aspects of host-parasite relationship in rickettsial infections
Q80689029Some characteristics of host-parasite relationship for Cryptocaryon irritans isolated from South China
Q69442317Some host parasite genetic interaction models
Q47965746Some host-parasite relationships in Plasmodium berghei infections
Q50509532Some metabolic aspects of host-parasite interaction using the albino mouse and Salmonella typhimurium.
Q53600065Spatial heterogeneity and the stability of host-parasite coexistence.
Q41621103Spatial heterogeneity lowers rather than increases host-parasite specialization.
Q40888153Spatial heterogeneity, frequency-dependent selection and polymorphism in host-parasite interactions
Q42235647Spatial structure mitigates fitness costs in host-parasite coevolution
Q51718637Spatially extended host-parasite interactions: the role of recovery and immunity.
Q96017022Spatiotemporal patterns of avian host-parasite interactions in the face of biogeographical range expansions
Q92932820Specialized structures on the border between rhizocephalan parasites and their host's nervous system reveal potential sites for host-parasite interactions
Q47365595Speciation and host-parasite relationships in the parasite genus Gyrodactylus (Monogenea, Platyhelminthes) infecting gobies of the genus Pomatoschistus (Gobiidae, Teleostei).
Q57068143Species abundance and the distribution of specialization in host-parasite interaction networks
Q92211753Species of Characidotrema Paperna & Thurston, 1968 (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) from fishes of the Alestidae (Characiformes) in Africa: new species, host-parasite associations and first insights into the phylogeny of the genus
Q34633741Species spectrum, diversity profile and infection indices of helminth parasite fauna of Chirruh snowtrout, Schizothorax esocinus (Heckel) in lake ecosystems of Kashmir Himalayas-Do similarity and host-parasite associations arise?
Q71637543Specificity in the host-parasite system
Q64073924Specificity of resistance and geographic patterns of virulence in a vertebrate host-parasite system
Q72242776Specificity versus detectable polymorphism in host-parasite genetics
Q50473386Speed of adaptation and genomic footprints of host-parasite coevolution under arms race and trench warfare dynamics.
Q45323548Spiroplasmas: diversity of arthropod reservoirs and host-parasite relationships
Q59293311Stability analysis of a host parasite model
Q51919113Stability analysis of within-host parasite models with delays.
Q36246419Stability of A Coevolving Host-parasite System Peaks at Intermediate Productivity
Q79653916Stability of genetic polymorphism in host-parasite interactions
Q51530378Stability of within-host-parasite communities in a wild mammal system.
Q60152283Stabilizing factors interact in promoting host–parasite coexistence
Q99566664Stable isotopes reveal contrasting trophic dynamics between host-parasite relationships: a case study of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and parasitic lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis and Argulus foliaceus)
Q28534035Stage-regulated GFP Expression in Trypanosoma cruzi: applications from host-parasite interactions to drug screening
Q43496449Staphylococcus aureus: some host-parasite interactions
Q90660737Starving the Enemy? Feeding Behavior Shapes Host-Parasite Interactions
Q36827545Stem cell progeny contribute to the schistosome host-parasite interface.
Q38035139Stem cell-derived cell cultures and organoids for protozoan parasite propagation and studying host-parasite interaction
Q96617780Stem cell-derived enteroid cultures as a tool for dissecting host-parasite interactions in the small intestinal epithelium
Q54922436Stochastic environmental fluctuations drive epidemiology in experimental host-parasite metapopulations.
Q52077469Stochastic host-parasite interaction models.
Q57249880Streptococcal disease and the host–parasite relationship
Q39734378Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetes Mellitus and the Host-Parasite Relation in Murine Schistosomiasis Mansoni
Q27641357Structure of the human S100A12-copper complex: implications for host-parasite defence
Q56896344Structure of the human S100A12–copper complex: implications for host-parasite defence
Q111626555Studies of an Insect Mycosis. IV. The Physiology of the Host-Parasite Relationship of Platysamia Cecropia and Aspergillus Flavus
Q99699885Studies on Acanthocephalus jacksoni Bullock, 1962 (Acanthocephala: Echinorhynchidae). II. An Analysis of the Host-Parasite Relationship of Larval Acanthocephalus jacksoni in Lirceus lineatus (Say)
Q78334862Studies on Clonorchis sinensis. III. The host-parasite relations in the rabbit and observations on the relative susceptibility of certain laboratory hosts
Q72336209Studies on Host-Parasite Relationships: Syphacia obvelata in the Mouse
Q112840360Studies on Wiseana iridescent virus
Q50710953Studies on bovine demodecosis in northern Nigeria. Specification and host parasite relationships.
Q68268997Studies on fundamental mechanisms in host-parasite relationships with special reference to etiology of nontuberculous mycobacteriosis
Q72304897Studies on host-parasite relationship between the Puerto Rican strain of Schistosoma mansoni and Biomphalaria snails
Q44170568Studies on host-parasite relationships in gaffkemia
Q43210835Studies on host-parasite relationships of Ilan strain of Schistosoma japonicum in animals. 2. Worm recovery rate
Q52471487Studies on host-parasite relationships of Simuliidae with mermithids and microsporidans.
Q54729774Studies on immunity and host-parasite relationships. I. The immunological response of resistant and susceptible breeds of cattle to trypanosomal challenge.
Q58850818Studies on immunity and host-parasite relationships. II. The immune response of antelope to trypanosomal challenge
Q78955047Studies on morphological changes of inflammation from the viewpoint of host-parasite relation
Q54729590Studies on the Host Parasite Relationships to Schistosoma japonicum. IV. Resistance Acquired by Infection, by Vaccination and by the Injection of Immune Serum, in Monkeys, Rabbits and Mice
Q78825665Studies on the Host Parasite Relationships to Schistosoma japonicum. V. Reactions in the Skin, Lungs and Liver of Normal and Immune Animals Following Infection with Schistosoma japonicum
Q72583228Studies on the Host-Parasite Relationship between Schistosoma Mansoni and the Snail Australorbis Glabratus *
Q54724730Studies on the Host-Parasite Relationships to Schistosoma japonicum. VI. Acquired Resistance in Mice and Monkeys Infected with the Formosan and Japanese Strains
Q111782792Studies on the Life Cycle of Romanomermis jingdeensis (Nematoda:Mermithidae and Host-Parasite Relationship)
Q61772301Studies on the host parasite relationship between the parasitic prosobranch Thyca crystallina and the asteroid starfish Linckia laevigata
Q78668043Studies on the host parasite relationships to Schistosoma Japonicum. III. The use of purified antigens in the diagnosis of infection in humans and experimental animals
Q78312667Studies on the host parasite relationships to Schistosoma japonicum. I. The effect of single graded infections and the route of migration of schistosomula
Q78312671Studies on the host parasite relationships to Schistosoma japonicum. II. Quantitative changes in the concentration of serum proteins in humans and rabbits
Q39783301Studies on the host-parasite interaction and role of esterases during biting of the Indian cattle leech, Poecilobdella granulosa
Q72349880Studies on the host-parasite interface of strigeoid trematodes. IV. The ultrastructure of the lappets of Apatemon gracilis minor Yamaguti, 1933
Q72349886Studies on the host-parasite interface of strigeoid trematodes. V. Regional differentiation of the adhesive organ of Apatemon gracilis minor Yamaguti, 1933
Q72409229Studies on the host-parasite interface of strigeoid trematodes. VI. Ultrastructural observations on the lappets of Diplostomum phoxini Faust, 1918
Q72230171Studies on the host-parasite relation in albino rats infected with Litomosoides carinii
Q73048919Studies on the host-parasite relationship between Trichostrongylus colubriformis and susceptible and resistant sheep
Q40695559Studies on the host-parasite relationship in Schistosoma mansoni-infected mice: the immunological dependence of parasite egg excretion
Q72120564Studies on the host-parasite relationship of Schistosoma japonicum in normal and immunosuppressed mice
Q67725366Studies on the host-parasite relationship on tparagonimus westermani (Kerbert, 1878). III. Incidence of cercariae related to host sex in the snail, Semisulcospira libertina (Gould, 1859) at different seasons
Q74318472Studies on the host-parasite relationship. I. Influence of diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus vaccine on guinea-pig tuberculosis
Q74318475Studies on the host-parasite relationship. II. Influence of pertussis vaccine on guinea-pig tuberculosis
Q73880626Studies on the host-parasite relationships of Schistosoma japonicum in common laboratory animals
Q68043353Studies on the host/parasite interface during the development of a pentastomid arthropod parasite in rodent intermediate hosts, with observations on protective surface membranes
Q93702698Studies on the immunologic host-parasite relationships. II. Comparative electrophoretic and immunoelectrophoretic studies on experimental Trichinella spiralis infection in swine and sheep
Q37772269Studies on the parasitology, phylogeography and the evolution of host-parasite interactions for the snail intermediate hosts of medically important trematode genera in Southeast Asia
Q51802623Subcellular distribution of the Entamoeba histolytica 140 kDa FN-binding molecule during host-parasite interaction.
Q46978250Superinfection reconciles host-parasite association and cross-species transmission
Q83261438Surface galactolipids of wheat protoplasts as receptors for soybean agglutinin and their possible relevance to host-parasite interaction
Q47556055Sustainability of a Compartmentalized Host-Parasite Replicator System under Periodic Washout-Mixing Cycles.
Q48334519Symbiont-Mediated Host-Parasite Dynamics in a Fungus-Gardening Ant.
Q52588079Symbiotic fungal endophytes control insect host-parasite interaction webs.
Q41365131Sympatric Speciation of the Plague Microbe Yersinia pestis: Monohostal Specialization in the Host-Parasite Marmot-Flea (Marmota sibirica-Oropsylla silantiewi) System
Q72000557Symposium on host-parasite interactions. Umeå, Sweden, June 6-8, 1979
Q51680244Synchronization of host-parasite cycles by means of diapause: host influence and parasite response to involuntary host shifting.
Q38854334Syphacia obvelata (Nematode, Oxyuridae) infecting laboratory mice Mus musculus (Rodentia, Muridae): phylogeny and host-parasite relationship.
Q104052036Systematics, Distributional Ecology, and Some Host-Parasite Relationships of Uhlorchestia uhleri (Shoemaker) and U. spartinophila, New Species (Crustacea: Amphipoda), Endemic to Salt Marshes of the Atlantic Coast of North America
Q89845783Systemic collapse of a host-parasite trematode network associated with wetland birds in Europe
Q71301263Systems analysis of a host-parasite interaction
Q36372378Systems analysis of host-parasite interactions
Q39547581T cell clones: tools to investigate host-parasite relationships
Q41431695Taenia solium cysticercosis: host-parasite interactions and the immune response
Q70198078Taenia taeniaeformis (Cestoda) in the Rat: Ultrastructure of the Host-Parasite Interface on Days 8 to 22 Postinfection
Q70455834Taenia taeniaeformis (Cestoda) in the rat: ultrastructure of the host-parasite interface on days 1 to 7 postinfection
Q54577599Taxonomic Ranking of Major Trombiculid Subtaxa with Remarks on the Evolution of Host-Parasite Relationships (Acariformes: Parasitengona: Trombiculidae)
Q104506463Taxonomic resolution affects host-parasite association model performance
Q92918442Taxonomy, phylogeny and host-parasite interaction of two novel Myxobolus species infecting Brycon orthotaenia from the São Francisco River, Brazil
Q52276045Temperature and development in host-parasite relationships.
Q90813169Temperature-dependent changes to host-parasite interactions alter the thermal performance of a bacterial host
Q39356566Temporal dynamics of direct reciprocal and indirect effects in a host-parasite network
Q56438442Temporal effects on host-parasite associations in four naturalized goby species living in sympatry
Q63849674Temporal host-parasite relationships of the wild rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus (L.) as revealed by stable isotope analyses
Q35577312Testing for local host-parasite adaptation: an experiment with Gyrodactylus ectoparasites and guppy hosts.
Q58423749Testing the predictive adaptive response in a host-parasite system
Q104049227Tetrabothrius shinni sp.nov. (Eucestoda) from Phalacrocorax atriceps bransfieldensis (Pelecaniformes) in Antarctica with comments on morphological variation, host–parasite biogeography, and evolution
Q33475441The Arctic as a model for anticipating, preventing, and mitigating climate change impacts on host-parasite interactions
Q26829884The Dialogue of the Host-Parasite Relationship: Leishmania spp. and Trypanosoma cruzi Infection
Q26774946The Divergent Intracellular Lifestyle of Francisella tularensis in Evolutionarily Distinct Host Cells
Q57952638The Diversity of Bacterial Lifestyles Hampers Bacteriophage Tenacity
Q50276942The Effect of Environmental Temperature on the Host-Parasite Relationship in Mice
Q54101283The Evolution of Costly Resistance in Host-Parasite Systems.
Q98709949The Host-Parasite Relationship between Elaphe Subocularis (Reptilia: Colubridae) and Aponomma Elaphensis (Acarina: Ixodidae)
Q71614034The Host-Parasite Relationship between Freshwater Crayfish and the Crayfish Disease Fungus Aphanomyces astaci: Responses to Infection by a Susceptible and a Resistant Species
Q99733347The Host-Parasite Relationships and Seasonal Occurrence of Fessisentis friedi (Acanthocephala: Fessisentidae) in the Isopod (Caecidotea communis)
Q39999982The Host-Parasite Relationships of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes
Q58943761The Host–Parasite Relationship
Q92389885The Impact of Selective Predation on Host-Parasite SIS Dynamics
Q111155218The Importance of Marine Bivalves in Invasive Host–Parasite Introductions
Q36000559The Integral Role of Genetic Variation in the Evolution of Outcrossing in the Caenorhabditis elegans-Serratia marcescens Host-Parasite System
Q97481443The Ixodes (Acari: Ixodidae) of Mexico: parasite-host and host-parasite checklists
Q29035804The Maintenance of Sex, Clonal Dynamics, and Host‐Parasite Coevolution in a Mixed Population of Sexual and Asexual Snails
Q64935217The Microbiome of the Maculinea-Myrmica Host-Parasite Interaction.
Q41611391The N- and C-terminal carbohydrate recognition domains of Haemonchus contortus galectin bind to distinct receptors of goat PBMC and contribute differently to its immunomodulatory functions in host-parasite interactions
Q56957089The Nematode and Acanthocephalan Parasites of the Sheathbill, Chionis alba (Gmelin), at Signy Island, South Orkney Islands and a summary of host parasite relationships in the Sheathbill
Q52489949The Pattern of a Host-Parasite Distribution
Q110943801The Role of Malaria Parasites in Invasion Biology
Q33714368The Role of Nutrition in the Host-Parasite Relationship
Q102327596The Role of Small Extracellular Vesicles in Viral-Protozoan Symbiosis: Lessons From Trichomonasvirus in an Isogenic Host Parasite Model
Q22122229The Schistosoma japonicum genome reveals features of host-parasite interplay
Q36738558The Tapeworm Tegument: A Model System for Studies on Membrane Structure and Function in Host-Parasite Relationships
Q39194264The Toxoplasma Parasitophorous Vacuole: An Evolving Host-Parasite Frontier
Q112933238The ability of nitrogen fertilisers to break the lifecycle of gastro-intestinal nematodes
Q80664195The acquisition of isotopically labeled inorganic phosphate by the tapeworm, Hymenolepis diminuta, with some remarks on the host-parasite relationship
Q72621236The antigens of Schistosoma mansoni. II. Comparative immunoelectrophoretic study on various larval stages and of adults of both sexes. Immunological aspects of the host-parasite relationships of S. mansoni cercaria and adults
Q51209219The behavioral ecology of host-parasite interactions: An interdisciplinary challenge.
Q71456360The cell wall of fungal human pathogens: its possible role in host-parasite relationships
Q43090234The cellular immune response of Daphnia magna under host-parasite genetic variation and variation in initial dose
Q41940016The chemotherapy of rodent malaria. 3. Host-parasite relationships. 3. The relationship between haemozoin formation and the age of the host cell
Q41940263The chemotherapy of rodent malaria. I. Host-parasite relationships. I. The virulence of infection in relation to drug resistance and time elapsed since isolation of the 'wild' strain
Q41940249The chemotherapy of rodent malaria. II. Host-parasite relationships. 2. The relationship between chloroquine sensitivity and the age of the host cell.
Q41940008The chemotherapy of rodent malaria. IV. Host-parasite relationships. 4. The relationship between haemozoin formation and host-cell age in chloroquine- and primaquine-resistant strains of Plasmodiun berghei
Q34530932The common swift louse fly, Crataerina pallida: an ideal species for studying host-parasite interactions
Q27026799The context of host competence: a role for plasticity in host-parasite dynamics
Q104466112The cost of travel: how dispersal ability limits local adaptation in host-parasite interactions
Q35819832The cytoskeleton and motor proteins of human schistosomes and their roles in surface maintenance and host-parasite interactions
Q30568994The description and host-parasite relationships of a new quadrigyrid species (Acanthocephala) from the Persian tooth-carp, Aphanius farsicus (Actinoptreygii: Cyprinodontidae) in Iran
Q28074078The development of malaria parasites in the mosquito midgut
Q58844313The diversity, distribution and host-parasite associations of trypanosomes in Western Australian wildlife
Q64216097The dynamics of the host-parasite relationship. IV. The response of sheep to graded and to repeated infection with Haemonchus contortus
Q64216096The dynamics of the host-parasite relationship. V. Evidence for immunological exhaustion in sheep experimentally infected with Haemonchus contortus
Q43887781The dynamics of the host-parasite relationship. VII. The effect of discontinuity of infection onesistance to Haemonchus contortus in sheep
Q30991621The ecology, evolution, impacts and management of host-parasite interactions of marine molluscs
Q98781758The effect of Brachiaria brizantha cultivars on host-parasite-environment interactions in sheep naturally infected with gastrointestinal nematodes
Q41774134The effect of corticosteroid treatment on the cell surface glycocalyx of the rat pulmonary alveolus: relevance to the host-parasite relationship in pneumocystis carinii infection
Q56771034The effect of landscape heterogeneity on host–parasite dynamics
Q53614683The effect of migration on local adaptation in a coevolving host-parasite system.
Q40602480The effect of radiation upon host parasite interaction in the Schistosoma mansoni infected mouse
Q72909179The effect of the synthetic plant-growth substance, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, on the host-parasite relationships of some plant-parasitic nematodes in monoxenic callus culture
Q67601036The effects of tumour necrosis factor on host-parasite relations in murine Mesocestoides corti (Cestoda) infection
Q34240179The endosymbionts of tsetse flies: manipulating host-parasite interactions
Q36395995The enemy within: Targeting host-parasite interaction for antileishmanial drug discovery
Q77875016The epidemiology and host-parasite relationships of Schistosoma japonicum in definitive hosts
Q99726390The evolution of TNF signaling in platyhelminths suggests the cooptation of TNF receptor in the host-parasite interplay
Q33577257The evolution of host-parasite range.
Q36945882The evolution of reduced antagonism--A role for host-parasite coevolution
Q40094370The evolutionary and coevolutionary consequences of defensive microbes for host-parasite interactions
Q31160341The evolutionary dynamics of variant antigen genes in Babesia reveal a history of genomic innovation underlying host-parasite interaction
Q36701758The evolutionary expansion and host-parasite relationships of the Digenea
Q72925912The feeding processes of the cattle-tick Boophilus microplus (Canestrini): a study in host-parasite relations. I. Attachment to the host
Q39076488The fleas (Siphonaptera) of Egypt. Host-parasite relationships of carnivora.
Q39076500The fleas (Siphonaptera) of Egypt. Host-parasite relationships of rodents of the families Spalacidae, Muridae, Gliridae, Dipodidae, and Hystricidae
Q68007818The formation of host-parasite relationships in an experimental mixed pathology of opisthorchiasis-tuberculosis as dependent on the phase of the Opisthorchis infestation
Q36286126The genetic basis of resistance and matching-allele interactions of a host-parasite system: The Daphnia magna-Pasteuria ramosa model
Q38538954The helminth parasite proteome at the host-parasite interface - Informing diagnosis and control
Q80373224The host parasite relationship in tuberculous infection
Q80619324The host parasite relationship in tuberculous infection
Q78833153The host parasite relationships in schistosomiasis mansoni
Q54377379The host-parasite interface in molluscan schistosomiasis: biotin as a probe for sporocyst and hemocyte surface peptides.
Q36584472The host-parasite interface of Cyathocotyle bushiensis Khan, 1962 (Trematoda: Strigeoidea)l. II. Electron microscope studies of the tegument
Q43511574The host-parasite interface of strigeoid trematodes VIII. Surface specialization of the adhesive organ of cardiocephaloides physalis (Lutz, 1926)
Q70137774The host-parasite interface of strigeoid trematodes. VII. Ultrastructural observations on the adhesive organ of Diplostomum phoxini Faust, 1918
Q44576931The host-parasite interface of trematodes
Q37016236The host-parasite neuroimmunoendocrine network in schistosomiasis: consequences to the host and the parasite
Q43942088The host-parasite relationship between fresh-water fish and tapeworms of the genus Proteocephalus.
Q69433297The host-parasite relationship between the Saudi Arabian Schistosoma mansoni and its intermediate and definitive hosts. 1. S. mansoni and its local snail host Biomphalaria arabica
Q70364718The host-parasite relationship between the Saudi Arabian Schistosoma mansoni and its intermediate and definitive hosts. 2. Effects of temperature, salinity and pH on the infection of mice by S. mansoni cercariae
Q70386451The host-parasite relationship between the Saudi Arabian Schistosoma mansoni and its intermediate and definitive hosts. 3. Effects of duration of exposure and cercarial concentration on the infection of mice by S. mansoni cercariae
Q44770494The host-parasite relationship between the domestic rabbit and Trichostrongylus colubriformis
Q100641768The host-parasite relationship between the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and the ectoparasite Argulus foliaceus (Crustacea: Branchiura): epithelial mucous cell response, cortisol and factors which may influence parasite establishment.
Q74798515The host-parasite relationship in amoebiasis
Q36228492The host-parasite relationship in bovine neosporosis.
Q51000471The host-parasite relationship in canine heartworm infection in a hyperendemic area of Italy.
Q73892481The host-parasite relationship in filariasis
Q33600895The host-parasite relationship in neosporosis.
Q36980857The host-parasite relationship in pregnant cattle infected with Neospora caninum
Q42107043The host-parasite relationship in tularemia. I. A study of the influence of bacterium tularense on the amino acid metabolism of white rats.
Q36618567The host-parasite relationship in tularemia. II. A clinical study of the blood and urine of white rats infected with Pasteurella tularense
Q43180802The host-parasite relationship in tularemia. III. The influence of Pasteurella tularensis on enzymes involved in amino acid metabolism in tissue of white rats
Q44886734The host-parasite relationship in urinary tract infections
Q38862366The host-parasite relationship of Schistosoma haematobium in CBA mice
Q71113260The host-parasite relationship of Schistosoma japonicum in CBA mice
Q48251099The host-parasite relationship of Toxoplasma gondii in the brains of chronically infected mice
Q69630441The host-parasite relationship: Phagocytosis in pyridoxine deficiency
Q69025273The host-parasite relationship: digestive capcity in vitro
Q46574324The host-parasite relationships between man and his tissue invasive parasites in East Africa as a basis for medical policy.
Q71465606The host-parasite relationships in normal and protein-malnourished cotton rats infected with Litomosoides carinii (Nematoda: Filarioidea)
Q71874957The host-parasite relationships in pyridoxine (vitamin B6) deficient cotton rats infected with Litomosoides carinii (Nematoda: Filaroidea)
Q53884864The host-parasite response to Schistosoma mansoni infection in experimental animals.
Q39909590The host/parasite relationships of Xenopsylla astia and X. cheopis on Bandicota bengalensis in Rangoon, Burma
Q33992788The human gastric colonizer Helicobacter pylori: a challenge for host-parasite glycobiology
Q90126043The immune response of inbred laboratory mice to Litomosoides sigmodontis: A route to discovery in myeloid cell biology
Q67510436The immunological "host-parasite" relationships in Cymothoidae (Isopoda, Flabellifera)
Q48003680The immunology of the host-parasite relationship in the nasopharynx
Q112910592The impact of conservation translocations on vector-borne parasites
Q51622175The impact of environmental change on host-parasite coevolutionary dynamics.
Q58493827The impact of parasite dispersal on antagonistic host-parasite coevolution
Q51663441The implications of coevolutionary dynamics to host-parasite interactions.
Q56435712The importance of parasite geography and spillover effects for global patterns of host-parasite associations in two invasive species
Q35613123The influence of biological rhythms on host-parasite interactions
Q79365907The influence of host-parasite dispersion upon the capacity of Shistosoma mansoni miracidia to infect Australorbis glabratus
Q71005393The influence of thyroxine on the host-parasite relationship of Ancylostoma caninum in swiss albino mice
Q53857690The influences of thyroid and antithyroid substances on murine leprosy. I. Comparison of host-parasite relationship within liver lesions.
Q111320248The macroparasite fauna of cichlid fish from Nicaraguan lakes, a model system for understanding host-parasite diversification and speciation
Q50598049The maintenance of sex: host-parasite coevolution with density-dependent virulence.
Q52325386The malaria PTEX component PTEX88 interacts most closely with HSP101 at the host-parasite interface.
Q71337000The migration and survival of gamma-irradiated Schistosoma mansoni larvae and the duration of host-parasite contact in relation to the induction of resistance in mice
Q60629393The mode of host-parasite interaction shapes coevolutionary dynamics and the fate of host cooperation
Q37130924The neuroimmunoendocrine network in the complex host-parasite relationship during murine cysticercosis
Q48165236The oral microbiome: A Lesson in coexistence.
Q44254637The post-parturient rise in the faecal nematode egg count of ewes: some host-parasite relationships
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Q89961579Two's company, three's a crowd: Exploring how host-parasite-microbiota interactions may influence disease susceptibility and conservation of wildlife
Q40124139Ultrastructural Features of Host-Parasite Relationship in Oral Candidiasis
Q52456807Ultrastructural biology of Leishmania (Viannia) panamensis (=Leishmania braziliensis panamensis) in Lutzomyia gomezi (Diptera: Psychodidae): a natural host-parasite association.
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Q68516842Ultrastructural features of host-parasite interactions in "in vitro" cultures of Plasmodium falciparum
Q39122993Ultrastructural study of host-parasite relationship and pathogenicity of Eimeria sp. infecting Libyan Jird (Meriones libycus) (Lichtenstein, 1828).
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Q52443758Ultrastructural study of the host-parasite relationship of trypanosomatids in the housefly.
Q45250222Ultrastructure and host parasite relationships of Kudoa pagrusi (Myxozoa) infecting the heart muscles of sea bream Pagrus pagrus (L.) from the Red Sea.
Q42471172Ultrastructure of Developing Gamonts of Eimeria contorta Haberkorn, 1971 (Protozoa, Sporozoa) with Emphasis on the Host-Parasite Interface
Q100711361Ultrastructure of the Host-Parasite Relationships of Pseudoperonospora humuli on Hops
Q33511604Ultrastructure, development, and host-parasite relationship of a new species of the genus Pleistophora--a microsporidian parasite of the marine fish Epinephelus chlorostignei
Q37703327Uncertain links in host-parasite networks: lessons for parasite transmission in a multi-host system.
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Q90758606Understanding the role of eco-evolutionary feedbacks in host-parasite coevolution
Q37650912Understanding trophic interactions in host-parasite associations using stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen
Q104284167Understanding variation in energy flows in host-parasite relationships
Q46744293Unhealthy herds: Some epidemiological consequences of host heterogeneity in predator-host-parasite systems
Q96292730Unique glycan and lipid composition of helminth-derived extracellular vesicles may reveal novel roles in host-parasite interactions
Q37578637Unique physiology of host-parasite interactions in microsporidia infections.
Q47934864Unusual host-parasite relationship in blood-donors responsible for transfusion-induced falciparum malaria
Q33961358Urbanization breaks up host-parasite interactions: a case study on parasite community ecology of rufous-bellied thrushes (Turdus rufiventris) along a rural-urban gradient
Q61982340Urbanization effects on the host/parasite relationship in fishes from tributary streams of Pirapó River, Paraná State: assessment of potential environmental bioindicators
Q36365967Uropathogenic Escherichia coli as a model of host-parasite interaction
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Q41918197Using host species traits to understand the consequences of resource provisioning for host-parasite interactions
Q38839240Using metabolomics to dissect host-parasite interactions.
Q43888103Using process algebra to develop predator-prey models of within-host parasite dynamics
Q35846305Variability and its implications for host-parasite interactions
Q60370322Variation and covariation in infectivity, virulence and immunodepression in the host-parasite association Gammarus pulex-Pomphorhynchus laevis
Q54356824Variation in lipid and fatty acid uptake among nematode and cestode parasites and their host, domestic fowl: host-parasite interaction.
Q68535912Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-like immunoreactive tegumental cells in the digenean helminth Echinostoma liei: possible role in host-parasite interactions
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Q52561025Vector-host-parasite inter-relationships in leishmaniasis. II. Influence of blood meal from natural vertebrate hosts with and without Leishmania infantum and L. major on the proteolytic activity in the gut of Phlebotomus langeroni (Diptera: Psychodi
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Q46784739Vector-host-parasite inter-relationships in leishmaniasis. IV. Electrophoretic studies on proteins of four vertebrate bloods with and without Leishmania infantum or L. major
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Q35091211Viral enhancer mimicry of host innate-immune promoters
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