Q10927301 | Q10927301 |
Q11083973 | Q11083973 |
Q11132330 | Q11132330 |
Q111921054 | Q111921054 |
Q111921741 | Q111921741 |
Q111921742 | Q111921742 |
Q111921743 | Q111921743 |
Q111921749 | Q111921749 |
Q111921750 | Q111921750 |
Q111921752 | Q111921752 |
Q111921754 | Q111921754 |
Q111921756 | Q111921756 |
Q111921757 | Q111921757 |
Q111921758 | Q111921758 |
Q111921762 | Q111921762 |
Q111923788 | Q111923788 |
Q111923789 | Q111923789 |
Q113542099 | Q113542099 |
Q113542878 | Q113542878 |
Q113652369 | Q113652369 |
Q113700007 | Q113700007 |
Q116927194 | Q116927194 |
Q116927196 | Q116927196 |
Q118427442 | Q118427442 |
Q121822599 | Q121822599 |
Q121823067 | Q121823067 |
Q121823259 | Q121823259 |
Q121823677 | Q121823677 |
Q121842405 | Q121842405 |
Q126197234 | Q126197234 |
Q126259732 | Q126259732 |
Q127633715 | Q127633715 |
Q23040119 | Q23040119 |
Q56402602 | Q56402602 |
Q67043864 | Q67043864 |
Q113646192 | Casa Miquel Brillas |
Q115536838 | Alppitalo |
Q115103915 | Böhmische Sparkasse |
Q115103722 | C. K. privilegovaný Rakouský úvěrový ústav pro obchod a průmysl |
Q115103846 | Dům České obchodní společnosti |
Q115103628 | Exportní dům C.A. Schmidt |
Q115103623 | Hotel Cristal |
Q115103642 | Komerční banka |
Q115103834 | Komerční banka (KB) |
Q115103911 | Nová Komerční banka |
Q115103756 | Nová děčínská tržnice |
Q115103822 | Nákupní středisko Horizont |
Q115103878 | Obchod firmy A.B.C. |
Q115103793 | Obchodní dům JEPA |
Q38036885 | Obchodní dům Olympic |
Q115103833 | Obchodní dům Sever |
Q115103718 | Pavilon trutnovského pivovaru |
Q115103764 | Pobočka Německé zemědělské a průmyslové banky v Rumburku |
Q38048105 | Pražská městská pojišťovna v Plzni |
Q124408584 | Showroom společnosti MY DVA v Brně |
Q115103927 | Sklad Rakousko-uherské státní dráhy |
Q115103646 | Vinárna Postilion |
Q115103877 | Ústecká pobočka České eskomptní banky |
Q115103826 | Česká národní banka |
Q115103908 | Česká spořitelna |
Q131453662 | A. Rehbock Witwe |
Q123813213 | Alemanniahaus |
Q127694746 | Alexanderstraße 3 |
Q106104811 | Altes Gemeinde- und Schulhaus, Schwaz |
Q98412951 | Altes Rathaus Lienz |
Q29883905 | Appartementhaus |
Q131405269 | Arkadenhaus Rathausplatz 4 |
Q123173244 | Arkadenhäuser Reichsratsstraße 7-9 |
Q94694490 | Aschinger-Haus |
Q115103707 | Ausstellungspavillon der Fa. Siemens & Halske |
Q99846677 | Bahnhofstraße 10, Wörgl |
Q130749053 | Balzer Kohlen- und Baustoffhandel |
Q15856813 | Bank- und Kaufhaus Obernstr 2–12 |
Q124256098 | Bautzner Landstraße 6a (Dresden) |
Q125526718 | Baťa-Geschäftshaus |
Q130749052 | Beerdigungsinstitut Vaupel |
Q127843887 | Blauer Turm |
Q106201818 | Burggasse 5, Schwaz |
Q130749049 | Bäckerei Junk |
Q61767634 | Büro- und Geschäftshaus Tauentzienstraße 16 |
Q61767633 | Büro- und Geschäftshaus Tauentzienstraße 18A Nürnberger Straße 12 |
Q131180888 | Büro- und Geschäftshaus an der Prager Straße |
Q121624010 | Büro- und Geschäftshaus »Wiener Bürohaus« |
Q125457020 | Büro-, Gewerbe- und Lagerhaus (1991) |
Q56234719 | Bürogebäude und Geschäftshaus Brabanter Straße 18–20 |
Q130356483 | Café Konditorei Im Amthof |
Q1025666 | Café Spitz |
Q90401171 | Deutsche Bank, Block I |
Q90401429 | Deutsche Bank, Block II |
Q90401459 | Deutsche Bank, Block III |
Q96882062 | Deutsches Kolonialhaus (Gebäude) |
Q106656268 | Dorfplatz 5, Zell am Ziller |
Q106656230 | Dorfplatz 7, Zell am Ziller |
Q86589019 | Druckerei Ullstein |
Q41180879 | Ehem. Bayerische Bank, jetzt Geschäftshaus |
Q106104767 | Ehemaliger Gasthof Brücke |
Q109773030 | Ehemaliger Gasthof Goldene Rose |
Q106205980 | Ehemaliger Gasthof Grauer Bär |
Q105495899 | Ehemaliger Gasthof Sonne, Kitzbühel |
Q109658273 | Ehemaliger Unterer Salzstadel |
Q29933281 | Ehemaliges Geschäftshaus Volkart (SUVA) |
Q37993524 | Ehemaliges Thallergasthaus |
Q109658290 | Ehemaliges bürgerliches Spital, Reutte |
Q98416953 | Elektrotechnik Green |
Q106241915 | Ettelhaus |
Q41180882 | Fassade der ehem. Galerie Heinemann, jetzt Geschäftshaus |
Q106161732 | Finsterwalderturm |
Q106205530 | Fuggergasse 3 |
Q41176230 | Gablerhaus |
Q114815306 | Gasthaus Muldenthal |
Q113112645 | Gebäude Würmhalde 4 |
Q106656159 | Gerlosstraße 11, Zell am Ziller |
Q41175580 | Geschäfts- und Mietshaus |
Q115867690 | Geschäfts- und Wohnhaus |
Q116250856 | Geschäfts- und Wohnhaus Gumpendorfer Straße 15 |
Q72927660 | Geschäfts- und Wohnhaus Zimmerstraße 72-74 |
Q101252303 | Geschäftsgebäude Spengler |
Q41176114 | Geschäftshaus |
Q41180885 | Geschäftshaus |
Q48200636 | Geschäftshaus (Merkurhaus (Leipzig)) Markgrafenstraße 2 |
Q117256473 | Geschäftshaus (»Weißes Haus«), ehemals Lerche-Radiogeschäft |
Q124217594 | Geschäftshaus Aeschengraben 9 |
Q87239763 | Geschäftshaus Behrenstraße 22 |
Q51371473 | Geschäftshaus Bischofsnadel |
Q115731343 | Geschäftshaus Bleicherhof |
Q118801871 | Geschäftshaus Brückenwaage |
Q48200322 | Geschäftshaus Brühl 56; 58 |
Q48200325 | Geschäftshaus Brühl 62 |
Q48200328 | Geschäftshaus Brühl 64 |
Q48200333 | Geschäftshaus Brühl 68 |
Q48200337 | Geschäftshaus Brühl 74 |
Q48200349 | Geschäftshaus Burgstraße 1; 3; 5 |
Q118901737 | Geschäftshaus Bärenstrasse 2 |
Q49232753 | Geschäftshaus Büttnerstraße 10 |
Q124339331 | Geschäftshaus Demuth |
Q121782179 | Geschäftshaus Dinocenter |
Q119231301 | Geschäftshaus Domgasse 15 |
Q49232884 | Geschäftshaus Friedrich-List-Platz 1 |
Q123996319 | Geschäftshaus Goethestraße 34 |
Q48200462 | Geschäftshaus Grimmaische Straße 21 |
Q48200529 | Geschäftshaus Hainstraße 20; 22; 24 |
Q48200492 | Geschäftshaus Hainstraße 5 |
Q49232912 | Geschäftshaus Hans-Poeche-Straße 8 |
Q76383835 | Geschäftshaus Jägerstraße 9 |
Q48200556 | Geschäftshaus Katharinenstraße 15 |
Q48200587 | Geschäftshaus Kleine Fleischergasse 8 |
Q48200597 | Geschäftshaus Klostergasse 18 |
Q77699425 | Geschäftshaus Krausenstrasse 41 |
Q79747426 | Geschäftshaus Leipziger Straße 23 |
Q98584309 | Geschäftshaus Markt 4 in Coburg (D-4-63-000-305#1) |
Q48200675 | Geschäftshaus Markt 9 |
Q73146854 | Geschäftshaus Niederwallstraße 38 |
Q48200805 | Geschäftshaus Nikolaikirchhof 5 |
Q48200826 | Geschäftshaus Nikolaistraße 25 |
Q48200808 | Geschäftshaus Nikolaistraße 3 |
Q48200835 | Geschäftshaus Nikolaistraße 33; 35; 37 |
Q48200841 | Geschäftshaus Nikolaistraße 38 |
Q48200885 | Geschäftshaus Petersstraße 16 |
Q48200887 | Geschäftshaus Petersstraße 18 |
Q48200893 | Geschäftshaus Petersstraße 22 |
Q49233731 | Geschäftshaus Pfaffendorfer Straße 12 |
Q49233728 | Geschäftshaus Pfaffendorfer Straße 2 |
Q115868670 | Geschäftshaus Reithoffer |
Q48200959 | Geschäftshaus Richard-Wagner-Straße 10 |
Q48201002 | Geschäftshaus Ritterstraße 30; 32; 34; 36 |
Q48201006 | Geschäftshaus Ritterstraße 38; 40 |
Q48201009 | Geschäftshaus Ritterstraße 42 |
Q48201012 | Geschäftshaus Ritterstraße 44; 46; 48 |
Q48200979 | Geschäftshaus Ritterstraße 9; 11; 13 |
Q116149647 | Geschäftshaus Robert Bosch |
Q123666553 | Geschäftshaus Salzstraße 52 |
Q49235365 | Geschäftshaus Seeburgstraße 14; 16; 18; 20 |
Q49235455 | Geschäftshaus Sternwartenstraße 15 |
Q49235449 | Geschäftshaus Sternwartenstraße 8 |
Q96729035 | Geschäftshaus Unter den Linden 64 |
Q79105648 | Geschäftshaus Voßstraße 2 |
Q77698121 | Geschäftshaus Winckelmann am Hausvogteiplatz |
Q83874297 | Geschäftshaus der Berliner Handels-Gesellschaft |
Q41175341 | Geschäftshaus der Vereinigten Werkstätten |
Q123908738 | Geschäftshaus der Versicherungsgesellschaft „Germania“ |
Q122816937 | Geschäftshaus in der Herrnstraße |
Q49232845 | Geschäftshaus und Fabrik Dohnanyistraße 11; 13; 15 |
Q122802854 | Geschäftshaus »Zur Laute« |
Q98456463 | Glanzlhaus |
Q109923741 | Grässle |
Q105714318 | Handelshaus Sachsenring 89, Köln |
Q131413894 | Handelshof |
Q116539329 | Haus Am Salzhaus 6Roßmarkt 17 |
Q98417606 | Haus Bibiza-Ingruber |
Q130749051 | Haus Bodenstein |
Q116708680 | Haus Dalbergstraße 1a |
Q105427121 | Haus Devina |
Q72584631 | Haus Equitable |
Q105495788 | Haus Gerold |
Q125472042 | Haus Goldschmidt |
Q105422593 | Haus Grünwald |
Q105436855 | Haus Hahnenkamm |
Q105427116 | Haus Haid |
Q105495971 | Haus Hinterbräu |
Q30315931 | Haus Kungsgatan 54 |
Q105490842 | Haus Lackner |
Q99618341 | Haus Neubau |
Q116137637 | Haus Stiller, Geschäftshaus Oranienstraße 161 |
Q123916365 | Haus Wolfseck |
Q131744737 | Haus Zieseniss |
Q126371973 | Haus zur weißen Ilge |
Q122816962 | Helvetia-Versicherungen |
Q105495922 | Hinterstadt 11, Kitzbühel |
Q105427006 | Im Gries 20 |
Q106224003 | Innsbrucker Straße 22 |
Q105620654 | Jagglbäck |
Q19843433 | Kaiserstraße 50, Mönchengladbach |
Q15056931 | Kalter-Haus |
Q15116279 | Kardinal-Faulhaber-Straße 15 |
Q72725115 | Kauf- und Wohnhaus Krausenstraße 40 |
Q77802121 | Kaufhaus Ascher & Münchow am Spittelmarkt |
Q79393178 | Kaufhaus Kronenstraße 28 |
Q98456507 | Kellerei Schwarzer |
Q118205927 | Kohlmarkt 3 |
Q113604428 | Kottbusser Damm 2–3 |
Q105555086 | Krämer, Reith bei Kitzbühel |
Q117107680 | Kunstgasse 21 |
Q131581065 | Königstraße 17 (Nürnberg) |
Q131580882 | Königstraße 33 (Nürnberg) |
Q106239631 | Lacknerhaus, Schwaz |
Q106240988 | Lahnbachmetzger |
Q106181943 | Lendtpach |
Q106104539 | Lergetporerhaus |
Q105064184 | Lukaskrämer |
Q105422579 | Mantinerhaus |
Q130726383 | Mehrfamilienhaus Catharinenstraße 59 |
Q105061256 | Meierhofgasse 1, Hopfgarten im Brixental |
Q83794477 | Meisterhaus der Fleischerinnung Berlin |
Q98456546 | Messinggase 20 |
Q105490810 | Messnerhaus, Kitzbühel |
Q130749050 | Metzgerei von Konrad Daube |
Q115903100 | Miethaus Mariahilfer Straße 29 |
Q119693823 | Miethaus »Zum weißen Engel« |
Q77793005 | Miets- und Geschäftshaus Hubertusallee 10/10A |
Q127785585 | Mietshaus mit Geschäften |
Q126278481 | Modehaus Feldpausch |
Q106182225 | Mühlegger Metzger |
Q105836111 | Optik Ritzl |
Q1270323 | Osram-Haus |
Q130642356 | Osterstraße 22 |
Q116861418 | Palais Schlobach |
Q41180392 | Palastartiges Mietsgebäude, später Palais Eichthal |
Q123370698 | Pelsterhaus |
Q105427029 | Pirchlhaus |
Q106205996 | Pirnsiederhaus |
Q76157051 | Pollmannhaus |
Q106223931 | Praunbehausung |
Q125525792 | Rappolthaus |
Q106182025 | Rauscherhaus |
Q105488389 | Ritzerhaus |
Q106161680 | Roter Turm, Schwaz |
Q124088151 | Rue Girardet 57 |
Q106180945 | Scharfegg |
Q61767665 | Schirmständer-Haus |
Q95501061 | Schulerhaus |
Q116542652 | Sparkasse und Provinzialbank |
Q117022652 | Sporthaus Schaefer |
Q106104458 | Stadel, Schwaz |
Q117087143 | Stadthof Sursee |
Q105488415 | Steinerhaus, Kitzbühel |
Q105064180 | Steinerkrämer |
Q49383936 | Straßenbahnhof Connewitz |
Q126616518 | Tapeten- Teppichboden - Markt GmbH, Dresdner Straße 8c in Pirna |
Q105436875 | Tiroler Reisebüro, Kitzbühel |
Q105490825 | Trachten Eder |
Q105490803 | Traunsteinerhaus |
Q131419553 | Tuchschererhaus |
Q106857837 | Uhren Leitner, Ehrwald |
Q106224025 | Unterlechnerhaus |
Q109923779 | Untermarkt 17, Reutte |
Q109650452 | Untermarkt 18, Reutte |
Q37881113 | Verwaltungs- /Bürogebäude |
Q72929221 | Verwaltungsgebäude der Spiritus-Zentrale |
Q105427130 | Villa Abendstein |
Q61697199 | Villa Alte Ziegelei |
Q98596651 | Villa Leiter |
Q105436840 | Vorderstadt 31, Kitzbühel |
Q105368181 | Vorderstadt 6, Kitzbühel |
Q105488427 | Vorderstadt 9, Kitzbühel |
Q115503827 | Warenhaus Tietz |
Q105611097 | Weihsbrodt |
Q98806923 | Wildbichler Straße 24, Ebbs |
Q83868376 | Wilhelmahaus |
Q98608664 | Wohn- und Geschäftsgebäude Sillian 124 |
Q38178179 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus |
Q41176279 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus |
Q41381857 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus |
Q37944257 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus |
Q41403070 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus |
Q41403072 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus |
Q116179670 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus (Fabriksanbau im Hof) |
Q126177258 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus (Hauptstraße 86, Heidelberg) |
Q115987428 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus A. und L. Kolbe |
Q116179760 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Aegidigasse 5 |
Q32663352 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Ahlbecker Straße 22 |
Q123578215 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Alser Straße 18 |
Q115896302 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Alser Straße 20 |
Q115897845 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Alser Straße 23 |
Q115898946 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Alser Straße 51 |
Q115896335 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Alser Straße 71 |
Q116810463 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Alserbachstraße 15 |
Q130736420 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Bahnhofstraße 12 |
Q130736815 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Bahnhofstraße 14 |
Q115899705 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Biberstraße 15 |
Q116045019 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Billrothstraße 49 |
Q56232388 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Bitterstraße 21 |
Q41175376 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Brienner Straße 7 |
Q116414211 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus C. Fromme |
Q130725923 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Catharinenstraße 17 |
Q72844825 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Charlottenstraße 70 |
Q116299012 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Derflinger |
Q116149737 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Döblinger Hauptstraße 33 |
Q116452705 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Esterházygasse 25 |
Q116247649 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Florianigasse 35 |
Q115980871 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Franz-Hochedlinger-Gasse 25 |
Q117211941 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Franz-Josefs-Kai 13 |
Q115896428 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Führichgasse 8 |
Q116262546 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Gersthofer Straße 73 |
Q123124857 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Gluckgasse 2 |
Q116784138 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Graf-Starhemberg-Gasse 37 |
Q118967663 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Hadikgasse 58 |
Q116150235 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Hauptstraße 65 |
Q115899459 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Heinrich Sortsch |
Q115926861 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Hermanngasse 8 |
Q116910904 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Hernalser Hauptstraße 67 |
Q116910841 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Hernalser Hauptstraße 78 |
Q116251044 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Hietzinger Hauptstraße 99 |
Q122852738 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Hippgasse 17 |
Q116250868 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Hirschengasse 2 |
Q116910788 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Hoher Markt |
Q130862212 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Holstenstraße 7 |
Q117743911 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Hütteldorfer Straße 206 |
Q119565002 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Invalidenstraße 9 |
Q115902198 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus J. Gartner |
Q115896444 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Johannesgasse 3 |
Q116159235 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Josefstädter Straße 21 |
Q115988736 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Josefstädter Straße 30 |
Q116179610 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Kaiserstraße 15 |
Q122678472 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Kaiserstraße 43 |
Q115902697 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Kirchengasse 3 |
Q121115181 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Kirchengasse 44 |
Q116058127 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Kochgasse 29 |
Q116059398 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Kriemhildplatz 6-7 |
Q116432666 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Landstraßer Hauptstraße 113 |
Q116432856 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Landstraßer Hauptstraße 39 |
Q116432571 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Landstraßer Hauptstraße 7 |
Q116432808 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Landstraßer Hauptstraße 88 |
Q116057999 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Lange Gasse 65 |
Q116939038 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Lange Gasse 8 |
Q116158981 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Lerchenfelder Straße 16 |
Q116939398 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Lerchenfelder Straße 50 |
Q116939403 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Lerchenfelder Straße 71 |
Q116839243 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Liechtensteinstraße 23 |
Q116839284 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Liechtensteinstraße 32 |
Q125526890 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Lietzenburger Straße |
Q116258580 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Lindengasse 21 |
Q116258599 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Lindengasse 35 |
Q126488866 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Liniengasse 18/20 |
Q56233341 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Ludolfingerplatz 4 / Maximiliankorso 1 |
Q117211984 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Lugeck 1 |
Q122841416 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Löwengasse 45 |
Q115902725 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Mariahilfer Straße 102 |
Q115910288 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Mariahilfer Straße 111 |
Q119019966 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Mariahilfer Straße 117 |
Q117743665 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Mariahilfer Straße 19-21 |
Q116250326 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Mariahilfer Straße 27 |
Q115902764 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Mariahilfer Straße 3 |
Q115902987 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Mariahilfer Straße 5 |
Q115903118 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Mariahilfer Straße 53 |
Q115903125 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Mariahilfer Straße 58 |
Q115903132 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Mariahilfer Straße 64 |
Q115942170 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Mariahilfer Straße 68 |
Q115926800 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Mariahilfer Straße 71 |
Q116701851 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Marokkanergasse 22 |
Q116151454 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Masarykova 19-21 |
Q116258499 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Mayerhofgasse 8 |
Q115927082 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Millöckergasse 6 |
Q119626689 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Neubaugasse 4 |
Q119626782 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Neubaugasse 8 |
Q116265899 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Neustiftgasse 51 |
Q115988632 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Neustiftgasse 57-59 |
Q115926624 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Neustiftgasse 74-76 |
Q116265903 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Neustiftgasse 87 |
Q130757177 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Nordersteinstraße 24 |
Q130749511 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Nordersteinstraße 42 |
Q130758953 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Nordersteinstraße 43 |
Q130759295 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Nordersteinstraße 44 |
Q130779291 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Nordersteinstraße 52 |
Q130779396 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Nordersteinstraße 53 |
Q130789301 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Nordersteinstraße 54 |
Q116007480 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Nußdorfer Straße 19 |
Q116007493 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Nußdorfer Straße 61 |
Q116170817 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Oskar Pischinger |
Q119019357 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Otto-Bauer-Gasse 24 |
Q115988886 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Piaristengasse 54 |
Q115984125 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Porzellangasse 45 |
Q32659235 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Potsdamer Straße 116 |
Q121129727 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Roseggergasse 33-35 |
Q121624399 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus S.¤L. Morgenstern |
Q115966337 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Salzgries 6 |
Q116910928 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Schaumburgergasse 12 |
Q116714369 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Schottenfeldgasse 3 |
Q126726809 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Schottengasse 4 |
Q125345554 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Schulerstraße 20 |
Q121615125 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Schwarzenbergplatz 13 |
Q116266065 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Schwertgasse 2 |
Q122811347 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Schwitter |
Q119511906 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Schönbrunner Straße 125 |
Q119510864 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Schönbrunner Straße 39 |
Q130973183 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Schönbrunner Straße 98 |
Q115918544 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Sechskrügelgasse 2 |
Q130362512 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Seilergasse 16 |
Q116709574 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Singerstraße 3 |
Q116709723 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Singerstraße 6 |
Q116449453 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Steinbauergasse 31 |
Q116701703 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Stiftgasse 15-17 |
Q32661377 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Stromstraße 61 |
Q115918518 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Stumpergasse 22 |
Q117601365 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Stumpergasse 51 |
Q117601425 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Stumpergasse 62 |
Q123134761 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Taborstraße 20/20 A |
Q119693899 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Tuchlauben 13 |
Q116294400 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Ungargasse 2 |
Q115918593 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Ungargasse 20 |
Q122841609 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Widerhofergasse 5 |
Q117068752 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Wiedner Gürtel 26 |
Q117068911 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Wiedner Gürtel 30-32 |
Q121506738 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Wiedner Hauptstraße 14 |
Q116266195 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Wipplingerstraße 20 |
Q116123623 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Worellstraße 4 |
Q115926867 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Zieglergasse 26 |
Q115902708 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Zollergasse 13 |
Q115902704 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Zollergasse 15 |
Q116432723 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus mit Kino |
Q120719165 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus »Bürgerladefondshaus« |
Q116007410 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus »Donau-Hof« |
Q117150140 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus »Fanny-Hof« |
Q116839399 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus »Glashüttenhof« (Firma Schreiber & Neffen) |
Q127768797 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus »Haas-Haus« |
Q115969024 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus »Mariahilfer-Hof« |
Q130901495 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus »Ring-Eck« |
Q116266123 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus »Römerhof« |
Q115896290 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus »Salzerhof« |
Q115922950 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus »Schottenfelder-Hof« |
Q116701606 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus »Zu den 7 Sternen« |
Q119693721 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus »Zum Bogner« |
Q122854474 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus »Zum Herrenhuter« |
Q119718311 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus »Zum Römertor« |
Q116159050 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus »Zum Walfisch« |
Q116247543 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus »Zum goldenen Adler« |
Q116266044 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus »Zum kleinen Zwettler Hof« |
Q128104861 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus »Zum schwarzen Mohr« |
Q116432550 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus »Zur goldenen Birn« |
Q72839136 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus, Lindenstraße 81 |
Q114812348 | Wohn- und Geschäftshauses Bahnhofstraße 5-7 |
Q130749003 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude Roßbachstraße 22 |
Q130748987 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Ahornstraße 4 |
Q130749035 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Alheimer Straße 2new |
Q130356522 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Alte Hersfelder Straße 22 |
Q130748971 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Alte Schulstraße 9 |
Q130356506 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Am Burggarten 12 |
Q130356524 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Am Eisfeld 9 |
Q130356508 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Am Köhlersrain 11 |
Q130356507 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Am Köhlersrain 5 |
Q130749017 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Am Lehngarten 10 |
Q130356503 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Am Molkenborn 11 |
Q130748957 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Am Platz 1 |
Q130748963 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Am Schlossgarten 8 |
Q130748977 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Am Steg 1 |
Q130356521 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Am Steinweg 12 |
Q130749030 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Am Wasser 5 |
Q130356509 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Am Wiesenbach 3 |
Q130749027 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Am Wässerchen 5 |
Q130749037 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Bachstraße 22 |
Q130749042 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Bahnhofstraße 2 |
Q130749036 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Bahnhofstraße 23 |
Q130749028 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Bahnhofstraße 4 |
Q130749032 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Baumbacher Straße 11 |
Q130356500 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Baumbacher Straße 23 |
Q130749031 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Baumbacher Straße 6 |
Q130356484 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Bergseestraße 2 |
Q130748954 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Birkenstraße 16 |
Q130356505 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Braunhäuser Straße 8 |
Q130356515 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Burgring 27 |
Q130748956 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Burgstraße 2 |
Q130748967 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Cornberger Straße 1 |
Q130749041 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Dankmarshäuser Straße 20 |
Q130356501 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Dorfstraße 10 |
Q130356527 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Dorfstraße 12 |
Q130356526 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Dorfstraße 8 |
Q130749023 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Dreienbergstraße 11 |
Q130749024 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Dreienbergstraße 15 |
Q130749054 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Dreienbergstraße 15 |
Q130749025 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Dreienbergstraße 17 |
Q130749055 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Dreienbergstraße 21 |
Q130356517 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Eisenacher Straße 178 |
Q130748978 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Eisenbergstraße 1 |
Q130748990 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Friedhofstraße 11 |
Q130748991 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Friedhofstraße 16 |
Q130748968 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Gutsstraße 1 |
Q130749040 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Haseltalstraße 31 |
Q130749020 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Hattorfer Straße 39 |
Q130749021 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Hattorfer Straße 41 |
Q130749022 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Hattorfer Straße 48 |
Q130356487 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Hauptstraße 11 |
Q130749009 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Hauptstraße 35 |
Q130356496 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Heinebacher Straße 21 |
Q130356495 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Heinebacher Straße 5 |
Q130356498 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Heinebacher Weg 7 |
Q130748981 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Hersfelder Straße 12 |
Q130356504 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Hersfelder Straße 128 |
Q130748983 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Hersfelder Straße 24 |
Q130748984 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Hersfelder Straße 29 |
Q130748985 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Hersfelder Straße 34 |
Q130748979 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Hersfelder Straße 4 |
Q130748980 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Hersfelder Straße 7 |
Q130748982 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Hersfelder Straße 7 |
Q130749044 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Hessenweg 13 |
Q130356518 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Hessische Straße 32 |
Q130748976 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Hof 4 |
Q130748995 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Hohlgasse 10 |
Q130748996 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Hohlgasse 12 |
Q130748993 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Hohlgasse 2 |
Q130356516 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Ibaer Weg 2 |
Q130356488 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Im Graben 1 |
Q130356489 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Im Hof 1 |
Q130356490 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Im Hof 5 |
Q130749047 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Im Oberdorf 16 |
Q130748998 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Im Unterdorf 22 |
Q130748958 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Im Unterland 13 |
Q130356485 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Jägerhof 2 |
Q130749029 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Kasseler Straße 11 |
Q130748986 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Kirchplatz 9 |
Q130356499 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Kirchrainstraße 11 |
Q130356491 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Kirchstraße 4 |
Q130356492 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Kirchstraße 4a |
Q130749045 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Kirchweg 12 |
Q130749005 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Klebaer Straße 9 |
Q130748989 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Knüllstraße 11 |
Q130748988 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Knüllstraße 5 |
Q130356497 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Konnefelder Straße 4 |
Q130748972 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Kreuzeichenstraße 23 |
Q130748973 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Kreuzeichenstraße 42 |
Q130748999 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Kreuzweg 5 |
Q130356486 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Lindengasse 15 |
Q130356502 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Lindenplatz 2 |
Q130749000 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Lindenstraße 2 |
Q130749001 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Lindenstraße 3 |
Q130749002 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Lindenstraße 6 |
Q130356523 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Losenholz 5 |
Q130748955 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Meisenbacher Straße 4 |
Q130749010 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Mittelstraße 1 |
Q130356519 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Mühlenweg 2 |
Q130749033 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Mühlgasse 5 |
Q130749018 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Mühlstraße 22 |
Q130749019 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Mühlstraße 26 |
Q130749038 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Mühlweg 3 |
Q130749048 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Oberhauner Straße 19 |
Q130748975 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Raiffeisenstraße 12 |
Q130748974 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Raiffeisenstraße 9 |
Q130356529 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Rhönstraße 35 |
Q130749034 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Ringbachstraße 13 |
Q130749004 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Roßbachstraße 24 |
Q130356528 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Rundstraße 7 |
Q130356510 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Sandkaute 2 |
Q130356511 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Schieferstraße 22 |
Q130356512 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Schieferstraße 45 |
Q130356513 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Schieferstraße 47 |
Q130356514 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Schieferstraße 55 |
Q130748992 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Schlossberg 3 |
Q130356520 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Schulstraße 6 |
Q130748969 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Schützenrasen 12 |
Q130748965 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Solmser Straße 11 |
Q130748964 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Solmser Straße 2 |
Q130749026 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Steilstraße 6 |
Q130748966 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Strauchweg 1 |
Q130749046 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Strauchweg 2 |
Q130748962 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Tannenweg 1 |
Q130749043 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Thüringer Straße 67 |
Q130749056 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Waldstraße 1 |
Q130748959 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Wehrdaer Straße 2 |
Q130748953 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Weihersgrund 14 |
Q130749016 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Werrastraße 18 |
Q130356525 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Weststraße 2 |
Q130748960 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Wetzloser Straße 28 |
Q130748961 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Wetzloser Straße 31 |
Q130748952 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Zum Stieg 12 |
Q130748951 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Zur Mosterei 10 |
Q130356530 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftgebäude, Zur Mosterei 2 |
Q130748970 | Wohn- und Wirtschaftsgebäude, Unter den Linden 8 |
Q98456469 | Wollstube Geiger |
Q115773747 | Wünschmanns Hof |
Q106161643 | Zellnitzerhaus |
Q121288795 | Zentrum Kirchgasse |
Q117023193 | Zeppelinbau |
Q96678676 | Zillelerhaus |
Q2356291 | 't Vergulde Lam |
Q54336844 | 007 Plank Road |
Q53797083 | 074-076 Prescott Street |
Q54336849 | 078 Prescott Street, Neville Framing |
Q118534001 | 1 Alfred Road, Chipping Norton |
Q66606572 | 1 Maitland Street |
Q29485170 | 1 Mostyn Street |
Q17845478 | 1 and 3 Northgate, Peebles |
Q17774602 | 1, 3, 5 George Street, Aberdeen |
Q56625365 | 1, 3, 5 St Nicholas Street, Aberdeen |
Q17825172 | 1-17 Union Street, Inverness |
Q17771930 | 1-3 Belmont Street, Aberdeen |
Q105713864 | 10 1/2 King Street West |
Q62015835 | 10 Lindsay Street South |
Q56644996 | 10 St Mirren Street, Paisley |
Q107055455 | 10 West 56th Street |
Q66606470 | 10, 12, 14 King Street West |
Q17811892 | 10-12 Ward Road, Dundee |
Q59872496 | 10-12a Argyle Place, Millers Point |
Q17825199 | 10-18 Union Street, Inverness |
Q60507420 | 100-102 Queen Street |
Q108108550 | 101 Queen Street East |
Q50234433 | 101 Rideau Street |
Q108108551 | 102 Queen Street East |
Q17828502 | 103 High Street, Nairn |
Q49025823 | 103-105 Rideau Street |
Q108108552 | 104 Queen Street East |
Q17155615 | 104–128 South Side Square |
Q108108553 | 105 Queen Street East |
Q16970494 | 105 South Washington Street |
Q108108554 | 106 Queen Street East |
Q108108555 | 108 Queen Street East |
Q108108557 | 109 Queen Street East |
Q4546794 | 109-115 Wood Street |
Q108108568 | 11 Church Street South |
Q131603657 | 11 Mill Street South |
Q17809171 | 11 Panmure Street, Dundee |
Q108108569 | 11 Wellington Street North |
Q106977642 | 11 West 54th Street |
Q56625323 | 11, 11A Dee Street, Aberdeen |
Q17795492 | 11-15 St Vincent Place |
Q108108570 | 110 Queen Street East |
Q60680818 | 110 Queen Street, Stamper Block |
Q108108572 | 111 Queen Street East |
Q108108478 | 111-117 Downie Street |
Q96277626 | 113 Foregate Street |
Q108108573 | 113 Queen Street East |
Q4547421 | 113 and 117 Foregate Street |
Q108108526 | 114 and 112 Queen Street East |
Q108108574 | 116 Queen Street East |
Q96277601 | 117 Foregate Street |
Q110374217 | 117 King Street West |
Q108108575 | 117 Queen Street East |
Q108108576 | 118 Queen Street East |
Q66606609 | 118-120 Walton Street |
Q60333343 | 119-121 Grafton Street |
Q101445791 | 12 Bayfield Main Street North |
Q56625350 | 12 Exchange Street, Aberdeen |
Q80864230 | 12 King Street East |
Q66606610 | 12 Mill Street South |
Q56627185 | 12, 14 St David Street, Brechin |
Q27080794 | 12-14 Long Acre |
Q60507425 | 120 Prince Street |
Q108108577 | 121 Queen Street East |
Q66606497 | 121-123 King Street West |
Q111693586 | 1218 Wharf Street |
Q109771589 | 122 Cardigan Street |
Q108108578 | 122 Queen Street East |
Q87158570 | 123 Dunlop Street East |
Q112977973 | 1239-1241 Government Street |
Q60507426 | 124 Prince Street |
Q108108580 | 124 Queen Street East |
Q100960398 | 125 Broadway |
Q108108581 | 125 Queen Street East |
Q56634088 | 125-127 Candleriggs, Glasgow |
Q60333319 | 126-128 Richmond Street |
Q118004345 | 127 East Pender Street |
Q60680819 | 127 Grafton Street |
Q87158899 | 127 Hurontario Street |
Q108108582 | 127 Queen Street East |
Q108108583 | 128 Queen Street East |
Q104389615 | 129-131 Wellington Street |
Q101445792 | 13 Bayfield Main Street North |
Q56630122 | 13 Exchange Street, Dundee |
Q108108584 | 13 Water Street South |
Q106977692 | 13 and 15 West 54th Street |
Q118538834 | 13-15 Alfred Road, Chipping Norton |
Q118930143 | 13-15 Governor Macquarie Drive, Chipping Norton |
Q56635727 | 13-15 Young Street, Inverness |
Q48499546 | 13-17 Clothier Street East |
Q17809163 | 13-19 Panmure Street, Dundee |
Q60680820 | 131 Grafton Street |
Q108108585 | 131 Queen Street East |
Q109771775 | 132 St. Andrew Street West |
Q108108586 | 132-134 Queen Street East |
Q52144646 | 132-138 Bank Street |
Q108108587 | 133 Queen Street East |
Q77769936 | 133 Rose Street, Edinburgh |
Q109771591 | 133 Wyndham Street North/Alma Block |
Q60333375 | 134 Richmond Street |
Q87158901 | 135 Hurontario Street |
Q63147245 | 136 Princess Street |
Q108108588 | 136 Queen Street East |
Q60680784 | 137-139 Kent Street |
Q60680809 | 137-139 Queen Street |
Q111132877 | 138 Fountain Street South |
Q61039542 | 138-142 Richmond Street, Cameron Block |
Q108108589 | 139 Queen Street East |
Q118727746 | 14 Alfred Road, Chipping Norton |
Q101445794 | 14 Bayfield Main Street North |
Q108108590 | 14 Church Street North |
Q56625351 | 14 Exchange Street, Aberdeen |
Q17838013 | 14 Sandgate, Ayr |
Q17808287 | 14, 16 Murragate, Dundee |
Q17567686 | 14, 16 Royal Exchange Square |
Q56635630 | 14-18 Inglis Street, Inverness |
Q107112462 | 14-18 Stowell Street |
Q108108592 | 14-18 Wellington Street South |
Q108108591 | 140 Queen Street East |
Q108108544 | 141 Queen Street East |
Q61039565 | 141-143 Great George Street |
Q48932172 | 1411 Walnut Street Building |
Q87719608 | 143 Hurontario Street |
Q108108594 | 143 Queen Street East |
Q17808530 | 143C Nethergate, Dundee |
Q108108595 | 144 Queen Street East |
Q60680782 | 144-150 Richmond Street, Cameron Block |
Q108108545 | 145 Queen Street East |
Q108108546 | 147 Queen Street East |
Q108108547 | 149 Queen Street East |
Q63147578 | 149-151 Wellington Street |
Q108108598 | 151 Queen Street East |
Q108108599 | 152 Queen Street East |
Q108108548 | 153 Queen Street East |
Q108108600 | 154 Queen Street East |
Q56625220 | 154 Union Street, Aberdeen |
Q60680834 | 154-156 Richmond Street, Morris Building |
Q108108601 | 155 Queen Street East |
Q116985164 | 155-157 King Street West |
Q50820372 | 155-159 Princess Street |
Q50234438 | 155-159 Rideau Street |
Q109974674 | 1552 Broadway |
Q60507436 | 156 Queen Street |
Q50234442 | 156-158 Sparks Street |
Q108108532 | 158 Queen Street East |
Q108108454 | 159-161 Queen Street East |
Q108108533 | 16 Water Street North |
Q17803909 | 16, 17, 18 Princes Street, Edinburgh |
Q60680783 | 160-164 Richmond Street, Newson Block |
Q114186350 | 160-168 St. Paul Street |
Q108108534 | 162 Queen Street East |
Q104389593 | 163 Mill Street |
Q108108535 | 163 Queen Street East |
Q108108536 | 165 Queen Street East |
Q50820379 | 165 Wellington Street |
Q107171942 | 165 West 57th Street |
Q108108543 | 166 Queen Street East |
Q118727733 | 167 Newbridge Road, Chipping Norton |
Q108108602 | 167 Queen Street East |
Q56630087 | 17 Commercial Street, Dundee |
Q56630123 | 17 Exchange Street, Dundee |
Q80864212 | 17 King Street East |
Q108108603 | 17 Water Street South |
Q17830687 | 17-19 High Street, Inverness |
Q118518249 | 17-23 Alfred Street, Chipping Norton |
Q4552293 | 170–176 John Street Building |
Q108108604 | 172 Queen Street East |
Q108108605 | 174 Queen Street East |
Q49026270 | 175-177 King Edward Avenue |
Q108108606 | 176 Queen Street East |
Q104535943 | 177 Franklin Street |
Q114186351 | 18 Lakeport Road |
Q66606393 | 1812 Heritage Shops |
Q108108609 | 182 Queen Street East |
Q54858870 | 187-189 Water Street |
Q121078415 | 187–195 Oxford Street |
Q56634261 | 188, 190, 192 St Vincent Street, Glasgow |
Q56624817 | 19 Belmont Street, Aberdeen |
Q17779856 | 19 Correction Wynd, Aberdeen |
Q106824196 | 19 East 54th Street |
Q108108610 | 19 Water Street South |
Q56630088 | 19, 21 Commercial Street, Dundee |
Q108108611 | 190 Queen Street East |
Q106458320 | 1900-1942 Wyandotte Street East |
Q55887374 | 1901 McGee Street Automotive Service Building |
Q4558677 | 1907 Dorris Motor Car Company Building |
Q110637906 | 191 Saint-André Street |
Q54858871 | 191 Water Street |
Q54858872 | 193 Water Street |
Q49026436 | 193-195 Cumberland Street |
Q108108615 | 198 Queen Street East |
Q17845455 | 2 High Street, Peebles |
Q62015841 | 2 Kent Street West |
Q17814431 | 2-20 Paisley Road West |
Q50358811 | 2-6 Wilson Street East |
Q17806658 | 20, 21, 22 Dock Street, Dundee |
Q17825195 | 20-24 Union Street, Inverness |
Q105713866 | 20-26 William Street South |
Q4597762 | 2000 Pennsylvania Avenue |
Q108108625 | 201 Jones Street East |
Q108108616 | 201 Queen Street East |
Q54858876 | 201 Water Street |
Q108108617 | 202 Queen Street East |
Q54858878 | 203 Water Street |
Q54858879 | 205 Water Street |
Q17807895 | 21 Albert Square, Dundee |
Q101445808 | 21 Bayfield Main Street North |
Q108108626 | 21 Church Street South |
Q56630108 | 21 Crichton Street, Dundee |
Q80864218 | 21 King Street East |
Q108108627 | 21 Water Street South |
Q108108628 | 21 Wellington Street North |
Q17567712 | 21, 23, 25 Royal Exchange Square |
Q26493645 | 21, Market Place |
Q118849562 | 21-23 Governor Macquarie Drive |
Q59377956 | 210 Second Street South |
Q61039518 | 213 Prince Street |
Q106543201 | 215 Main Street |
Q80864220 | 22 King Street East |
Q56635869 | 22 Lang Street |
Q108108631 | 22 Wellington Street North |
Q56630247 | 22, 24, 26, 28, 30 Perth Road, Dundee |
Q17902832 | 22, 26 Seagate, Dundee |
Q111132891 | 22-24 Queen Street East |
Q112037308 | 221 Brant Avenue |
Q51591724 | 223-225 Bagot Street |
Q90029162 | 229 10th Street East |
Q108108632 | 23 Water Street South |
Q66606557 | 23, 25, 27, 29 King Street West |
Q17771649 | 23-25 Gordon Street, Huntly |
Q108108513 | 235 St. Patrick Street |
Q80864224 | 24 King Street East |
Q66606689 | 24 Ontario Street |
Q17808434 | 24 Princes Street, Edinburgh |
Q118713172 | 24A Alfred Road, Chipping Norton |
Q108108637 | 25 Church Street South |
Q17808447 | 25 Princes Street, Edinburgh |
Q56634683 | 25, 27 Kempock Place, Gourock |
Q17567748 | 25, 27 St Vincent Place |
Q118854298 | 25-27 Governor Macquarie Drive, Chipping Norton |
Q4632092 | 254-260 Canal Street |
Q64819849 | 258 Front Street |
Q95988976 | 258 Queen Street North |
Q17806457 | 25A Thistle Street South West Lane, Edinburgh |
Q17830732 | 26 High Street, Inverness |
Q11103059 | 26 Nathan Road |
Q108108640 | 26 Water Street South |
Q108108642 | 26 Wellington Street South |
Q17567672 | 26, 28, 32 Royal Exchange Square |
Q80864160 | 26-28 King Street East |
Q17812142 | 26-36 Whitehall Street, Dundee |
Q50406656 | 262-268 Raglan Street South |
Q51591860 | 263 Ontario Street |
Q63147672 | 269-271 Queen Street |
Q56630066 | 27 Castle Street, Dundee |
Q118005548 | 27 East Pender Street |
Q63147670 | 27 Princess Street |
Q108108643 | 27 Water Street South |
Q17567696 | 27, 29 Royal Exchange Square |
Q17799502 | 27-29 Bank Street, Dundee |
Q54858880 | 271-275 Duckworth Street |
Q50406660 | 274 Raglan Street South |
Q50406663 | 276 Raglan Street South |
Q116985198 | 276-278 King Street West |
Q101445814 | 28 Bayfield Main Street North |
Q17843181 | 28 High Street, Paisley |
Q114186355 | 28 St. Paul Street |
Q2127737 | 280 Broadway |
Q18748914 | 287 Broadway |
Q56630065 | 29 Castle Street, Dundee |
Q17808195 | 29-31 Murraygate, Dundee |
Q66606693 | 29-33 Walton Street |
Q63147891 | 291-297 Princess Street |
Q60137199 | 292 Water Street |
Q2815717 | 299 Queen Street West |
Q16152923 | 2½ Beacon Street |
Q56642464 | 3 Grange Place, Kilmarnock |
Q62015848 | 3 Kent Street West |
Q2816516 | 3 Park Avenue |
Q56630138 | 3, 4 City Square, Dundee |
Q56642487 | 3, 5, 7 St Marnock Street, Kilmarnock |
Q17808069 | 30 Meadowside, Dundee |
Q108108650 | 31 Water Street South |
Q66606592 | 31-33 Main Street |
Q123675390 | 31-89 123rd Street |
Q4634693 | 312 Kittson Avenue |
Q51591919 | 312-318 Princess Street |
Q51591927 | 315 Bagot Street |
Q109771574 | 32 Gordon Street |
Q108108652 | 32 Wellington Street South |
Q56630114 | 32, 33, 34 Dock Street, Dundee |
Q131603721 | 320 King Street East |
Q106458382 | 3200 Sandwich Street |
Q114186381 | 321 St. Paul Street |
Q56634230 | 321, 323, 325, 327 Argyle Street, Glasgow |
Q29481446 | 33 Vale Street |
Q104389883 | 330 Clarence Street |
Q51591975 | 334-336 Princess Street |
Q108108656 | 34 Water Street South |
Q108108657 | 34 Wellington Street North |
Q51592012 | 34-40 Clarence Street |
Q51591997 | 340-342 King Street East |
Q51592028 | 346-352 King Street East |
Q66606694 | 35 Walton Street |
Q108108658 | 35 Water Street South |
Q104389813 | 350 Talbot Street |
Q51592043 | 354-356 King Street East |
Q51592062 | 358 King Street East |
Q108108661 | 36 Water Street South |
Q86183398 | 360 Newbury Street |
Q29488241 | 37 & 38 King Street |
Q66606695 | 37 Walton Street |
Q110374241 | 37-39 King Street West |
Q50829816 | 377 Duckworth Street |
Q80864279 | 379 George Street North |
Q17808155 | 38, 40, 42, 44 St Enoch Square |
Q27085726 | 38, St Mary Axe EC3 |
Q17779890 | 39 - 41 Union Terrace, Aberdeen |
Q72980690 | 39 King Street West |
Q60137132 | 4 Queen Street |
Q66606396 | 4, 6, 8 King Street West |
Q17791360 | 4-12 Brewland Street, Galston |
Q60333349 | 40 Queen Street |
Q105713944 | 40-48 William Street South |
Q80864286 | 402-404 George Street North |
Q80864288 | 407-409 George Street North |
Q50238805 | 41 York Street |
Q80864290 | 414-416 George Street North |
Q80865299 | 415 George Street North |
Q104532321 | 4183-4187 Petrolia Line |
Q49026951 | 419-423 Sussex Drive |
Q80864166 | 42 King Street East |
Q118534012 | 42 Newbridge Road, Chipping Norton |
Q118675965 | 42-46 Alfred Road, Chipping Norton |
Q104532264 | 4224 Petrolia Line |
Q72980691 | 43 King Street West |
Q60333344 | 43 Queen Street |
Q17811727 | 43 Trades Lane, Dundee |
Q17830287 | 43-45 Church Street, Inverness |
Q28092152 | 44 + 46 Park Street |
Q118860009 | 45 Governor Macquarie Drive, Chipping Norton |
Q110374251 | 45 King Street West |
Q17811737 | 45 Trades Lane, Dundee |
Q107183358 | 46 West 55th Street |
Q56624778 | 47 Market Street, Aberdeen |
Q17811746 | 47 Trades Lane, Dundee |
Q108108669 | 47 Water Street South |
Q118539009 | 48 Alfred Road, Chipping Norton |
Q66606696 | 48 Walton Street |
Q108108671 | 48 Water Street South |
Q109771767 | 48 West Mill Street |
Q116985222 | 49 King Street West |
Q17811741 | 49 Trades Lane, Dundee |
Q118533845 | 49-51 Governor Macquarie Drive |
Q26548131 | 5 Albion Place |
Q17799184 | 5 Bank Street, Dundee |
Q101445823 | 5 Bayfield Main Street North |
Q80864173 | 5 King Street East |
Q111133129 | 5 Meadowcreek Lane |
Q131603766 | 5 Mill Street South |
Q111133130 | 5 Old Mill Road |
Q108108673 | 5 Water Street South |
Q106977200 | 5 West 54th Street |
Q17567706 | 5, 5a, 7 Royal Exchange Square |
Q56630139 | 5, 6, 7, 8 City Square, Dundee |
Q108108675 | 50 Water Street South |
Q112977812 | 505-511 Pandora Avenue |
Q17810254 | 51 William Street, Edinburgh |
Q60846449 | 51-65 Commercial Street, Dundee |
Q111133183 | 512-516 Coronation Blvd. |
Q112977823 | 515-527 Pandora Avenue |
Q60507477 | 52 Queen Street |
Q66606697 | 52 Walton Street |
Q108108754 | 53 Downie Street |
Q4640345 | 53 King Street |
Q112118600 | 536-544 Pandora Avenue |
Q66606698 | 54 Walton Street |
Q49025421 | 54-60 York Street |
Q17575419 | 55, 57, 59 Commercial Street, Dundee |
Q51592123 | 55-61 Brock Street |
Q66606700 | 56-60 Walton Street |
Q50721872 | 562-564 Water Street |
Q60680771 | 57 Queen Street |
Q17845466 | 6 High Street, Peebles |
Q80864178 | 6 King Street West |
Q17844282 | 6 St Mirren Street, Paisley |
Q108108457 | 6 Water Street North |
Q63147554 | 6-10 Princess Street |
Q17831349 | 6-10 Queensgate, Inverness |
Q108108497 | 6-8 Shakespeare Street |
Q17575416 | 61-65 Commercial Street, Dundee |
Q66606601 | 62 Walton Street |
Q51592189 | 62-66 Brock Street |
Q104390276 | 623 Richmond Street |
Q51592203 | 63 Brock Street |
Q4641941 | 63 Nassau Street |
Q66606701 | 63 Walton Street |
Q49025452 | 63-65 William Street |
Q66606702 | 64 Walton Street |
Q108108711 | 64 Wellington Street South |
Q17811732 | 65 Trades Lane, Dundee |
Q109772471 | 65 Wyndham Street North |
Q50820324 | 65-71 Brock Street |
Q51592271 | 662 King Street West |
Q104390286 | 664 Dundas Street |
Q127798491 | 6679 Hollywood Boulevard |
Q28475051 | 67, rue Front |
Q63147656 | 68 Brock Street |
Q51592318 | 68 Princess Street |
Q66606703 | 68 Walton Street |
Q128200167 | 6806 Hollywood Boulevard |
Q60846432 | 68–110 Commercial Street, Dundee |
Q63147609 | 69 Princess Street |
Q50358815 | 69-71 Foster Street |
Q66606704 | 69-75 Walton Street |
Q109771699 | 7 Waterloo Avenue |
Q106977204 | 7 West 54th Street |
Q17808170 | 7-15 Murraygate, Dundee |
Q108108756 | 70 Ontario Street |
Q56052645 | 71-73 High Street, Fremantle |
Q63147611 | 71-73 Princess Street |
Q17830343 | 72 Church Street, Inverness |
Q87159003 | 72 Dunlop Street West |
Q60680806 | 72-74 Queen Street |
Q51010996 | 73, 75 and 77 Water Street |
Q51592334 | 73-75 Brock Street |
Q17792494 | 73-77 Main Street, Newmilns |
Q60846443 | 73–99 Commercial Street |
Q108108720 | 75 Queen Street East |
Q60680788 | 75 Queen Street, Connolly Block |
Q17575596 | 75-6 High Street, Dundee |
Q60507486 | 75-77 Dorchester Street |
Q51592365 | 77-79 Brock Street |
Q104390334 | 778 Dundas Street |
Q60846452 | 77–80 High Street, Dundee |
Q100960402 | 78 Broadway |
Q101445833 | 8 Bayfield Main Street North |
Q17567654 | 8, 10 Royal Exchange Square |
Q62015869 | 8-10-12 William Street South |
Q66606706 | 80-82 Walton Street |
Q119421168 | 81 Willoughby Street |
Q16868857 | 810 Wabash Avenue |
Q108108721 | 83 Queen Street East |
Q50358797 | 85-87 Gore Street East |
Q90029172 | 856-858 2nd Avenue East |
Q60680811 | 86-90 Queen Street |
Q104389577 | 864-872 Dundas Street |
Q90029211 | 883 2nd Avenue East |
Q49025669 | 89 Rideau Street |
Q50358798 | 89-91 Gore Street East |
Q56635726 | 9 And 11 Young Street, Inverness |
Q56630084 | 9 Commercial Street, Dundee |
Q109771611 | 9 Douglas Street |
Q108108722 | 9 Water Street South |
Q17825981 | 9 William Street, Greenock |
Q118516503 | 9-11 Alfred Road, Chipping Norton |
Q63147616 | 90-94 Brock Street |
Q87719596 | 91 Hurontario Street |
Q131603806 | 91 John Street South |
Q108108723 | 91 Queen Street East |
Q56293781 | 91–115 Hope Street |
Q26518523 | 92 High Street |
Q60507412 | 92 Queen Street |
Q56635592 | 92-94 Church Street, Inverness |
Q87719600 | 93 Hurontario Street |
Q60680753 | 94 Queen Street |
Q22924623 | 94 rue du Bac, Paris |
Q66606604 | 94-96 Walton Street |
Q90029213 | 941 2nd Avenue East |
Q108108724 | 95 Queen Street East |
Q60680741 | 96 Queen Street |
Q90029218 | 964 2nd Avenue East |
Q90029222 | 966 2nd Avenue East |
Q108108725 | 97 Queen Street East |
Q56052669 | 97-99 High Street, Fremantle |
Q17830007 | 99-101 Academy Street, Inverness |
Q15177634 | A & P Food Stores Building |
Q11188584 | A-Factory |
Q85738797 | A. B. Moss Building |
Q104390014 | A. Chisholm Co. Building |
Q128236882 | A. I. Namm Department Store |
Q4647889 | A. J. Borden Building |
Q4647904 | A. J. Clark Store |
Q4647940 | A. J. Mason Building |
Q16824252 | A. Landi General Merchandise Building |
Q19460070 | A. Nanbu Hotel-Holy's Bakery |
Q15177522 | A. P. Carter Store |
Q4648378 | A. S. Woodruff and Law Buildings |
Q20707183 | A.B. Brewer Building |
Q107322420 | A.B. Poe Motor Company |
Q124038497 | A.G. Gaston Building |
Q41796616 | A.G.T. Building |
Q16848293 | A.H. Buchan Company Building |
Q19871366 | A.R. Carroll Building |
Q65964378 | A.S. Noon Building |
Q111252441 | ADAC-Haus |
Q70746521 | AEON Kamiiida |
Q79300650 | AGC House |
Q67931614 | AIA Building |
Q64355172 | ASTY Ozone |
Q99454184 | ASTY Shopping Center |
Q110643465 | ASTY Tsurumai |
Q11283552 | ASUNAL Kanayama |
Q111562182 | AXA Building |
Q113501981 | Aarbergerhof |
Q48498936 | Aaron Mirick Building |
Q131451100 | Aberdeen Block |
Q4667542 | Abial Cushman Store |
Q102338458 | Abrams Block |
Q4669409 | Abrams Building |
Q4671339 | Academy Building |
Q41796617 | Acadia Block |
Q58205213 | Accountants House |
Q65118670 | Acklin Store |
Q85739623 | Acme Building |
Q18148252 | Acme Farm Supply Building |
Q14705936 | Acoma Curio Shop |
Q4678068 | Ad-Lin Building |
Q4678794 | Adam Brown Block |
Q65084509 | Adam C. Arnold Block |
Q105713877 | Adams Block |
Q4680299 | Adams Building |
Q4680385 | Adams Odd Fellows Hall |
Q4680466 | Adams and Sickles Building |
Q4680281 | Adams-Pickering Block |
Q54878615 | Adelphi Building |
Q4682439 | Adgate Block |
Q85739803 | Adin Supply Company |
Q4683418 | Administration Buildings |
Q126366630 | Administration of Altay Okrug |
Q4684317 | Adolph Block |
Q107318297 | Adolph Goldman Building |
Q42842301 | Adolph Rose Building |
Q4686080 | Advance Thresher/Emerson-Newton Implement Company |
Q123109405 | Affärscentrum |
Q17510036 | Afro-American Insurance Company Building |
Q57423003 | Ah Louis Store |
Q112586258 | Ahjo commercial building |
Q56634292 | Ailsa Court, 117, 121, 119, 123 West Regent Street, Glasgow |
Q11257160 | Akihabara Radio Center |
Q16868885 | Al Thompson and Son's Feed and Seed Company |
Q14711957 | Al's Motors |
Q123220853 | Alameda County Building and Loan Association Building |
Q17510501 | Alaska Steam Laundry |
Q19946127 | Albemarle Opera House |
Q4713525 | Alden-Delahanty Block |
Q16159128 | Alderman's 20 Stores in One |
Q43371260 | Aldrich Building |
Q85740607 | Aldrich Godfrey and White Block |
Q65054300 | Alert-Hatcher Building |
Q16159185 | Alex Loeb Building |
Q26434469 | Alexander Cross Building |
Q56280130 | Alexanders |
Q2644253 | Alfandary-Haus |
Q4724294 | Algoma Coal and Coke Company Store |
Q4727681 | Alkemeyer Commercial Buildings |
Q131745104 | Allely Building |
Q16159394 | Allen Mercantile Company |
Q60667286 | Alliiertenhof |
Q64617623 | Allison Block |
Q58204711 | Allison's Pharmacy |
Q87158894 | Alliston Monuments Works |
Q4733318 | Allton Building |
Q109771709 | Alma Block |
Q18351402 | Almer Store |
Q107320443 | Almost Heaven |
Q2493233 | Alms and Doepke Dry Goods Company |
Q131581485 | Alter Bahnhof Plauen |
Q37861521 | Altes Landhaus |
Q120160068 | Am Büchl 1 |
Q15804556 | Am Hof 28 |
Q130749006 | Am Linges 10 |
Q81207291 | Am Zeughaus 1-2 |
Q18148283 | Amanda Blake Store |
Q3208373 | American Bank Note Company Building |
Q112045961 | American Can Building |
Q126009589 | American Cash Apartments-American Cash Store |
Q24256877 | American Express Building-Carroll |
Q107320008 | American Express Office |
Q107317665 | Amicable Life Insurance Company Building |
Q4747831 | Amos Block |
Q107260555 | Amos H. Root Building |
Q22117796 | Amyu Atsugi |
Q107318313 | Anchor Lumber Yard Building |
Q29523050 | Ancien Hôtel des Postes |
Q28803887 | Ancien magasin Horace-Stewart |
Q2845947 | Anciens magasins Boulenger |
Q15181036 | Anderson Brothers Building |
Q4754033 | Anderson Building |
Q48818047 | Anderson Style Shop |
Q95988998 | Anderson's Drug Store |
Q18205246 | Anderson–Hobson Mercantile Store |
Q108108525 | Andrews Jeweller Building |
Q111942644 | Andy's Handy Store |
Q48807638 | Anger's Block |
Q110376821 | Angerschlößchen |
Q4764349 | Anheuser-Busch Beer Depot |
Q4766019 | Ankeny Building |
Q4770710 | Anson Brown Building |
Q4770724 | Anson Grange No. 88 |
Q65049477 | Antelope Grocery |
Q14678978 | Antique Store |
Q60746681 | Antlers Cafe and Bar |
Q126942571 | Apartment and Commercial Complex Zürich-Wollishofen |
Q95988981 | Apothecaries Hall (Gourmet Chicken House) |
Q41391194 | Apotheke in Lauf an der Pegnitz |
Q48838508 | Apperson-Iowa Motor Car Company Building |
Q4781303 | Appleby Building |
Q18922744 | Applegate Drugstore |
Q17227812 | Aqeru Maebashi |
Q132531762 | Arawa Building |
Q98560946 | Arc 380 |
Q4785068 | Arcade Building |
Q17985580 | Arcade Building |
Q637539 | Arco-Palais |
Q55604177 | Argyle House, Newcastle |
Q113561424 | Ark Sakae Tokai Building |
Q4793755 | Armory Block |
Q4793786 | Armour and Jacobson Building |
Q108108466 | Armoury |
Q33212294 | Armstrong Block |
Q102485968 | Armstrong, Smyth and Dowswell Building |
Q41796623 | Arndt's Machine Shop |
Q4794954 | Arnold Bakery |
Q706104 | Artaria-Haus |
Q107320444 | Artefactz |
Q16868985 | Arthur G. Rocheford Building |
Q11258689 | Aruaru City |
Q4802527 | Arvon Block |
Q4803126 | Asa Hanson Block |
Q1953728 | Asahi Beer Hall |
Q11557205 | Asakusa Rox |
Q120439679 | Asamstraße 36 |
Q91220739 | Asemapäällikönhovi Building |
Q51185453 | Ashbourne Shop |
Q17985622 | Asheville Transfer and Storage Company Building |
Q4805236 | Ashland Company Store |
Q2357198 | Aspin Tower |
Q4811103 | Astoria Elks Building |
Q111461261 | Asuteer Kasai |
Q104962385 | Atamé by Eva Pannecoucke |
Q11190514 | AtiKoriyama |
Q4815908 | Atkinson Building |
Q17182921 | Atkinsons Building |
Q15193167 | Atlantic City Mercantile |
Q16835060 | Atlantic Motor Company |
Q38250993 | Atlas Block |
Q11284027 | Atre |
Q108791361 | Atrium |
Q110765467 | Atrium am Rosengarten |
Q130240709 | Atsuta nagAya |
Q128107640 | Attie Building |
Q2870264 | Au Planteur |
Q4819044 | Aubertine Building |
Q131746799 | Auckland Gas Company (former) |
Q546009 | Auditorium Building |
Q20180973 | Aufbau-Haus |
Q107318646 | August Faltin Store |
Q16822071 | Augusta Cotton Exchange Building |
Q4821832 | Ault Store |
Q107318159 | Austin and Austin Building |
Q55757653 | Auto Coach Building |
Q4826117 | Auto Rest Garage |
Q105043869 | Avery Pontiac Building |
Q65052312 | Aztec Motor Company Building |
Q17985703 | B & B Motor Company Building |
Q15195769 | B and C Grocery Building |
Q99295970 | B. Altman and Company Building |
Q14711993 | B. Williams & Co. Store |
Q102338380 | B.C. Market Company Building |
Q117139458 | B.C. Permanent Building |
Q15195733 | B.F. Goodrich Company Showroom |
Q4835936 | BMA Tower |
Q110231218 | BRANCH |
Q4837615 | Babcock Block |
Q130356493 | Backhausweg 2 |
Q4839940 | Bacon and Tomlin Building |
Q55316506 | Bagley–Cater Building |
Q26836636 | Bahnhofplatz 1 |
Q49452129 | Bahnhofsgebäude Borsdorf |
Q49582487 | Bahnhofstraße 18 |
Q41136069 | Bahnhofstraße 22 |
Q4848323 | Bailey's Store |
Q19865408 | Bailey–Rugg Building |
Q803869 | Bain Commercial Building |
Q76925268 | Bakehouse |
Q30152326 | Baker Motor Vehicle Company Building |
Q38251573 | Baldwin Building |
Q4850575 | Baldwin Market |
Q4850498 | Baldwin's Arcade |
Q4850510 | Baldwin-Chandlee Supply Company-Valley Supply Company |
Q4850766 | Balfour–Guthrie Building |
Q107322944 | Balie Griffith Tire Company Building |
Q112977747 | Ballantyne's Florists |
Q4851591 | Ballenger Building |
Q63536451 | Banco de Bilbao Building |
Q4855611 | Bangs Block |
Q14691874 | Bank Building |
Q4855909 | Bank Buildings |
Q126688938 | Bank House and 2-4 King's Arms Street |
Q14705050 | Bank Saloon |
Q4856061 | Bank of British North America Building |
Q16837770 | Bank of Commerce |
Q18662123 | Bank of Finland house |
Q18922740 | Bank of Gentry |
Q16920682 | Bank of Lucas, Turner & Co. |
Q62011663 | Banks Store |
Q2882891 | Banque Charles Renauld |
Q4857916 | Bar Building |
Q37947769 | Barbarahof |
Q4859582 | Barber Block |
Q807795 | Barber’s Buildings |
Q130698330 | Baresel-Bau |
Q18205432 | Barge's Tavern |
Q131340354 | Barker Brothers Building |
Q4860943 | Barker Building |
Q14684298 | Barker House |
Q4861414 | Barnard Block |
Q48844889 | Barnard Mortuary |
Q56279784 | Barnes Block |
Q57987980 | Barnes Block |
Q57987982 | Barnes-Fawcett Block |
Q107143930 | Barney L. Ford Building |
Q15196819 | Barr Building |
Q60747851 | Baskin Building |
Q16253523 | Bass Building |
Q22033103 | Batcher Opera House Block |
Q104979066 | Bautzner Landstraße 7 |
Q51415712 | Bauwenshaus |
Q101445687 | Bayfield Archives Building |
Q4874849 | Baystate Corset Block |
Q812654 | Bazar |
Q23035096 | Beaconsfield Supply Store |
Q48790907 | Bear Lake Market |
Q60762042 | Bearinger Building |
Q131451105 | Beasley Block |
Q4876831 | Beasley Building |
Q114253909 | Beauchamp Building |
Q107113843 | Beck Store |
Q16983948 | Beckers Block |
Q4878745 | Beckley Feed and Hardware Company |
Q4879106 | Bedford Block |
Q3579102 | Belgo Building |
Q106554927 | Bell Mercantile |
Q4883272 | Bell Telephone Building |
Q4883274 | Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania Western Headquarters Building |
Q102423358 | Bell's Dry Goods Store |
Q97213699 | BellTel Lofts |
Q41796629 | Bells Welding Building |
Q4885130 | Bemis Omaha Bag Company Building |
Q108319155 | Benary building |
Q4888547 | Benjamin F. Kuhns Building |
Q107320379 | Bennett's Office Supply |
Q85746625 | Benson & Rixon Building |
Q4890242 | Benson Block |
Q4890246 | Benson Building |
Q16840398 | Benson's New Block and the Mohawk Chambers |
Q61819817 | Bentley Block |
Q128601545 | Bergdorf Goodman Building |
Q21015920 | Berger Building |
Q60747470 | Bergetta Moe Bakery |
Q4891674 | Bergin Block |
Q104962217 | Berging zonder vuurwerk |
Q56278221 | Berkshire Block |
Q826485 | Bernheimer-Haus |
Q110816528 | Berolina-Haus |
Q4894672 | Berquist & Nelson Drugstore Building |
Q61774750 | Berry & Co. Photographers |
Q56062935 | Berry Motor Car Service Building |
Q41796630 | Berte Grocery |
Q16984207 | Berteling Building |
Q99197004 | Bertha-von-Suttner-Platz 25 |
Q65043535 | Bertolini Block |
Q108790602 | Berufsgenossenschaft der Bauwirtschaft Böblingen |
Q55887199 | Best Building |
Q16840890 | Bestwick's Market |
Q30948965 | Beverley Commercial Center |
Q21654316 | BiVi Hiji |
Q115902150 | Biberstraße 26, Vienna |
Q4904336 | Biederstaedt Grocery |
Q80865291 | Bierk Building |
Q2385515 | Big Duck |
Q4906804 | Bigelow Block |
Q4907256 | Bijou Theatre |
Q28803891 | Bijouterie Drainville |
Q125659122 | Bike Barn |
Q15199280 | Bill's Diner |
Q4913308 | Billy Simpson's House of Seafood and Steaks |
Q17985904 | Biltmore Hardware Building |
Q17985907 | Biltmore Shoe Store |
Q113142160 | Biltmore Tower |
Q17985908 | Biltmore Village Commercial Buildings |
Q4913760 | Bimson Blacksmith Shop |
Q4916507 | Birks Building |
Q4917420 | Bishop's House |
Q4918313 | Bismarck Tribune Building |
Q18012394 | Bismarckhaus (Leipzig) |
Q22920970 | Bistrot du 1er |
Q4921643 | Black River Canal Warehouse |
Q4920054 | Black-Elliott Block |
Q14712035 | Blacksburg Motor Company, Inc. |
Q17182413 | Blake and Amory Building |
Q59377932 | Blake's Funeral Home |
Q4924577 | Blakeley Building |
Q26638085 | Blandford House |
Q16843074 | Blankinship Motor Company Building |
Q18333145 | Blau-Gold-Haus |
Q48200844 | Blauer Hecht |
Q17985956 | Bledsoe Building |
Q2044053 | Bleekerij De Drie Notenboomen, Gouda |
Q85747745 | Block Realty Building |
Q124045474 | Blue Bird Hardware and Seed |
Q65121293 | Bluebird Building |
Q3280003 | Blumenthal Building |
Q39086581 | Bo Lynn's Grocery |
Q4937231 | Boesch, Hummel, and Maltzahn Block |
Q14684322 | Boggs Lumber and Hardware Building |
Q4939390 | Boley Building |
Q113968425 | Bonbon Center |
Q96483326 | Bond's Grocery Store |
Q20708188 | Bondi Brothers Store |
Q64657698 | Bonnington House, Christchurch |
Q104960258 | Bookshop Palais de Tokyo |
Q21058171 | Boramae Samsung Chereville |
Q4947785 | Boston Building |
Q4947892 | Boston Edison Electric Illuminating Company building |
Q85748387 | Boston Store |
Q44664013 | Botha Mercantile |
Q21015927 | Boulder on the Park |
Q107318158 | Bouldin Building |
Q691375 | Bourse de commerce |
Q23034763 | Bourse des marchands of Nancy |
Q2922452 | Bourse du Travail |
Q16507279 | Bourse du Travail de Saint-Étienne |
Q22955859 | Bourse du travail de Châtellerault |
Q17309923 | Bourse départementale du travail |
Q27667984 | Boutique Garèle |
Q28062641 | Boutique du charron |
Q41796633 | Bow on Tong |
Q30625828 | Bowery Street Grocery Store |
Q4951037 | Bowker Place |
Q14705948 | Bowlin's Old Crater Trading Post |
Q16845397 | Boxley Building |
Q22033371 | Boyce Block |
Q55438357 | Boyd Building |
Q65066358 | Boyden Block |
Q48838339 | Boyt Company Building |
Q29640508 | Braastad–Gossard Building |
Q4954750 | Bradford Smith Building |
Q131993855 | Braemar Building |
Q4955384 | Bragassa Toy Store |
Q16207958 | Branch Building |
Q115869720 | Brandstätte 4 |
Q63892587 | Brandt's Flower Shop |
Q123137349 | Bratří Čapků 2673 |
Q131388801 | Braun Building |
Q14685271 | Braunstein's Building |
Q107320445 | Brazos Moon Antiques |
Q107320417 | Brazos River Trading Company |
Q85230404 | Breier Building |
Q907529 | Bremen Cotton Exchange |
Q4965884 | Brick Block |
Q4965945 | Brick Store |
Q16953650 | Brick Store |
Q4965947 | Brick Store Building |
Q4965948 | Brick Store Museum |
Q131827596 | Brick shops |
Q60745996 | Bricker-Price Block |
Q111367074 | Bridgman Building |
Q915129 | Brienner Straße in Munich |
Q48499717 | Brigadoon Restaurant |
Q106194869 | Brigham City Mercantile and Manufacturing Association Mercantile Store |
Q41796638 | Brighton Block |
Q4968670 | Brisk & Jacobson Store |
Q55757575 | Bristow Tire Shop |
Q131937233 | Britannia Theatre (former) |
Q63241482 | Broad Quay House |
Q26498277 | Broadcasting House |
Q17986100 | Broadway Market Building |
Q131375102 | Broadway Mart Center |
Q4972527 | Broadway Tower |
Q56619956 | Brodick Bazaar, Invercloy, Brodick |
Q113587413 | Broer-Freeman Building |
Q4973548 | Brokers Exchange |
Q14712088 | Brooklyn Store and Post Office |
Q17802130 | Brough's Buildings, 37-40 Dock Street, Dundee |
Q104536919 | Brouse Building |
Q60680814 | Brown Block |
Q130564502 | Brown Building |
Q60741556 | Brown Hotel and Cafe |
Q112114722 | Browne-Masonic Building |
Q24534798 | Brownell Block/Senger Dry Goods Company Building |
Q14687017 | Browning Block |
Q18148690 | Brundidge Building |
Q4979924 | Bryan's Store |
Q38250580 | Bryant Building |
Q39253934 | Bräugasse 3 |
Q48200319 | Brühl 54 |
Q131456301 | Buchanan’s Building |
Q60761501 | Buckhorn Exchange |
Q4983173 | Buckhout-Jones Building |
Q4983558 | Buckwalter Building |
Q29649447 | Budde-Singer Building |
Q29681711 | Buess viticulture |
Q55888195 | Buick Automobile Company Building |
Q107317372 | Building |
Q107330211 | Building |
Q55606109 | Building at 108 Green Street |
Q17512648 | Building at 1210–1214 Main Street |
Q60749849 | Building at 1214 Bridge |
Q25028564 | Building at 126 South Riverview Street |
Q25028574 | Building at 130–132 North Riverview Street |
Q4986541 | Building at 138–142 Portland Street |
Q17512653 | Building at 1644 Main Street |
Q4986545 | Building at 171–177 Clinton Street |
Q17512658 | Building at 1722–1724 Main Street |
Q20638860 | Building at 201 North Market Street |
Q4986548 | Building at 201 S. 3rd St. |
Q20638862 | Building at 203–205 North Market Street |
Q4986551 | Building at 205 DeMers Ave. |
Q4986555 | Building at 237–239 Main Street |
Q4986560 | Building at 30–34 Station Street |
Q4986561 | Building at 317 S. 3rd St. |
Q4986565 | Building at 361 Broadway |
Q23091447 | Building at 44 Central Avenue |
Q4986576 | Building at 551–555 North Goodman Street |
Q64022566 | Building at 561 West 200 South |
Q85749454 | Building at 6 and 7 Public Square |
Q4986577 | Building at 600 Main Street |
Q4986578 | Building at 606 Main Street |
Q4986579 | Building at 614 Main Street |
Q4986580 | Building at 813–815 W. Second Street |
Q14680295 | Building at 826 North Main Street |
Q24693401 | Building at 84–96 Hammond Street |
Q4986583 | Building at High and Cannon Streets |
Q123207330 | Building of Elektrizace železnic Praha |
Q55434413 | Building of SPb Private Commercial Bank |
Q4986634 | Buildings at 104–116 West Water St. |
Q4996674 | Bullard Block |
Q60231981 | Bulletin Place Restaurant |
Q19874359 | Bunch Store |
Q105045122 | Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung |
Q4998140 | Burbach Block |
Q106357212 | Burchill and Howey Block |
Q4998267 | Burden Ironworks Office Building |
Q4998585 | Burgess Garage |
Q61819819 | Burgman Building |
Q4998927 | Burke Building |
Q17153030 | Burke Building |
Q4999239 | Burlington Headquarters Building |
Q14708775 | Burnaugh Building |
Q15206005 | Burnett's Diner |
Q57840112 | Burns Block |
Q107125481 | Burns Block |
Q59872523 | Burns Philp Building, Sydney |
Q19873140 | Burnside Trolley Building |
Q103844419 | Burr Block |
Q5000511 | Burrows Block |
Q65964505 | Burton Building |
Q18208316 | Burton-Blackstone-Carey Store |
Q5001419 | Bush Temple of Music |
Q5001628 | Bush–Breyman Block |
Q22073154 | Bush–Herbert Building |
Q29786184 | Business house Stöckli |
Q5002572 | Butler Block |
Q17182479 | Butlers' Store |
Q48790698 | Bux's Place |
Q54707410 | Byrne Building |
Q5004369 | Byron Greenough Block |
Q110596653 | Bölschestraße 76 |
Q25247891 | Börsenstraße 2–4 |
Q37993472 | Bürgerhaus, Franz-Josef-Straße 24, Schwaz |
Q56240445 | Büro- und Geschäftshaus Ernst-Reuter-Platz 9-10 |
Q5006464 | C. G. Howes Dry Cleaning-Carley Real Estate |
Q63147860 | C. Gildersleeve Building |
Q65117472 | C. H. Waymire Building |
Q60755616 | C. Segelke Building |
Q5005983 | C.A. Schnack Jewelry Company Store |
Q20708262 | C.B. Case Motor Co. Building |
Q55012798 | C.B. Caudill Store |
Q85749776 | C.E. McEachron General Merchandise |
Q5006105 | C.G. Meaker Food Company Warehouse |
Q24969459 | C.L. Smith & Son General Store |
Q11314770 | CENTFARE |
Q119149034 | COCONO SUSUKINO |
Q92364050 | CROSS TOWN |
Q81757545 | Cabaret Dorus |
Q107320439 | Cactus Flower |
Q1025571 | Café Bauer (Frankfurt am Main) |
Q104960229 | Café Capital - Stelplaats Groendienst |
Q5017457 | Cahow Barber Shop |
Q5019138 | Caldwell Block |
Q55606426 | Caldwell Building |
Q5019375 | Caledonia Building |
Q33212514 | Calgary Cattle Company Building |
Q33212550 | Calgary Milling Company Building |
Q115478071 | California Hall (San Francisco, California) |
Q56279807 | California Wine and Liquor Store |
Q65085544 | Callas Sweet Shop |
Q5025045 | Cambern Dutch Shop Windmill |
Q5025793 | Camden Masonic Temple |
Q5025810 | Camden Safe Deposit & Trust Company |
Q41796645 | Cameron Block |
Q105323020 | Cameron's Store |
Q107321593 | Camp Street Café and Store |
Q116136936 | Camp4 |
Q33212562 | Campbell Block |
Q5028006 | Campbell Building |
Q14705062 | Campbell and Kelly Building |
Q18386342 | Cana Store and Post Office |
Q50160909 | Canada Goose Shop |
Q1033446 | Cannon Building |
Q5034966 | Cape Nome Roadhouse |
Q20871013 | Capitol Centre |
Q5035934 | Capitol Theater Building |
Q102465363 | Captain French Building |
Q87719622 | Captains house, Sortavala |
Q118672074 | Caradine Building |
Q104962443 | Carbon |
Q101445732 | Cardno Block |
Q48791446 | Carey Block |
Q17514546 | Carithers Store Building |
Q131843425 | Carlton Club Hotel (former) |
Q5043022 | Carlton House Block |
Q5043491 | Carmen IOOF Lodge No. 84 |
Q84046660 | Carnegie Building |
Q118433857 | Carolaschlösschen |
Q18643657 | Carolina Cadillac Company Building |
Q29093570 | Carolina Life Insurance Company |
Q19460852 | Carolina School Supply Company Building |
Q17514678 | Carolina Supply Company Building |
Q19460853 | Carolina Transfer and Storage Company Building |
Q85750760 | Carpenter Building |
Q19962135 | Carpzowsches Haus |
Q114447866 | Carr-Millar-McMillan Block |
Q19600671 | Carrboro Commercial Historic District |
Q5046466 | Carriss's Feed Store |
Q41796651 | Carsell Building |
Q14705063 | Carson Brewing Company |
Q5047129 | Carter Block |
Q63147863 | Carter's Grocery |
Q6914847 | Cartier Building |
Q104962204 | Carwash (Beveren) |
Q5047606 | Cary Building |
Q55264640 | Casa Portugal (Beira) |
Q54555499 | Casa Soller |
Q67000990 | Casarão 1 |
Q67000991 | Casarão 2 |
Q67000992 | Casarão 3 |
Q111921745 | Casarão Cotia |
Q67000597 | Casarão Regência I |
Q67000598 | Casarão Regência II |
Q57366241 | Casarão Sabbado D'angelo |
Q111921747 | Casarão da Família Damasceno |
Q111921751 | Casarão da Família Pinheiro |
Q111921753 | Casarão da Fundação de Cultura e Turismo |
Q61000407 | Casarão do Anastácio |
Q56693290 | Casarão do Chá |
Q56396177 | Casarão do Valongo |
Q5049173 | Cass Motor Sales |
Q97280912 | Cassels' Store |
Q99658941 | Cassidy-Luesby Building |
Q17801142 | Castle Chambers, 26 Castle Street, Dundee |
Q29696701 | Castle granary |
Q5052203 | Cathedral Building |
Q29093353 | Cavender's Store |
Q5055263 | Caxton Building |
Q56630101 | Caxton House, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19 Cowgate, Dundee |
Q19933044 | Celeia Park |
Q14709699 | Central Block |
Q131610156 | Central Buildings |
Q17805891 | Central Chambers, 160-164 High Street, Kirkcaldy |
Q5060682 | Central Dairy Building |
Q107318658 | Central Drug Store |
Q5061116 | Central Garage |
Q5061152 | Central Hall |
Q130660786 | Central Huntington Garage |
Q107317673 | Central Motor Company Showroom |
Q5061473 | Central Music Hall |
Q5061516 | Central New York Telephone and Telegraph Building |
Q107619930 | Central Park ANNEX |
Q5061932 | Central Trust Company |
Q5062010 | Central Warehouse |
Q117833217 | Central dos Fabricantes |
Q87158662 | Centre of King Block |
Q97619191 | Centro Social y Comercial |
Q83701716 | Centrum building |
Q601881 | Century Building |
Q5063136 | Century Building |
Q14687435 | Century Building (St. Louis) |
Q113377266 | Century House |
Q132421373 | Ceramic House |
Q5069614 | Chamberlin Iron Front Building |
Q5069636 | Chambers Building |
Q80864263 | Chambers-Potvin Building |
Q125450232 | Chambliss Building |
Q48839683 | Champion and Pearson Funeral Home |
Q85751449 | Chandler Bookstore |
Q25005882 | Chandler Store |
Q5073161 | Chapin Block |
Q44664101 | Chapman Bros. Ltd. |
Q5077488 | Charles F. Berg Building |
Q14714423 | Charles G. Janson Garage |
Q14685302 | Charles Gray Printing Shop |
Q65121535 | Charles Lundwall Building |
Q25346099 | Charles McCormick Building |
Q18346354 | Charles Q. Clapp Block |
Q19460936 | Charles R. Craig Building |
Q107320538 | Charles R. Lynch AIA |
Q50358799 | Charles Rice (Thomas-Wright) Building |
Q14685305 | Charles Schagrin Building |
Q3897252 | Charles Scribner's Sons Building |
Q5085653 | Charlie Wagner's Cafe |
Q19460941 | Charlotte Supply Company Building |
Q111333693 | Charlotte-Bühler-Straße, Arsenal |
Q5087059 | Chase's Theater and Riggs Building |
Q16826394 | Chauncey Hall Building |
Q55646060 | Chauvet Building |
Q132291214 | Cheapside (727-731 Dominion Road) |
Q132291231 | Cheapside (767-771 Dominion Road) |
Q15209270 | Cheatham Building |
Q131412141 | Cheney Block |
Q118008639 | Cheng Wing Yeong Tong Society Building |
Q128199732 | Cherokee Building |
Q105713881 | Cherry Block |
Q46542262 | Chester's Barber Shop and Laurie's Beauty Salon |
Q87302378 | Chikashin Ikeshita |
Q107318390 | Chilton Building |
Q117712300 | Chin Wing Chun Society Building |
Q110311430 | China Banking Corporation Building |
Q54878495 | Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association Building |
Q19460977 | Chitina Tin Shop |
Q130734358 | Chitose Mall |
Q112678626 | Chocobar Cortés |
Q25112753 | Chong Hing Finance Center |
Q85752210 | Chope's Town Cafe and Bar |
Q55876601 | Chown Building |
Q107320036 | Chrissy's Hoemstyle Bakery |
Q23091463 | Christ Building |
Q21015940 | Christian Dick Block |
Q107320441 | Christina's Boutique and Bistro |
Q5112042 | Christopher C. Layman Law Office |
Q85752458 | Cimarron Mercantile |
Q127699522 | Cinemart Building |
Q107319321 | Cisco Banking Company Building |
Q28058853 | Citizens Publishing Company Building |
Q14906735 | Citroen-Garage Schlotterbeck |
Q108799577 | City Center am Hauptbahnhof |
Q131404008 | City Centre I |
Q29649419 | City Market |
Q77975945 | City Meat Company Building (Former) |
Q107319852 | City Tire Company Building |
Q85752684 | Clapp-Cunningham Building |
Q107320756 | Clarendon Motor Company Building |
Q5126888 | Clarendon Stone Store |
Q19461008 | Clark and Sorrell Garage |
Q123772604 | Clay Building |
Q17795171 | Cleghorn's Department Store, 100-104 George Street, Edinburgh |
Q5132020 | Cleveland's Hall and Blacksmith Shop |
Q5134130 | Clinton Block |
Q14713613 | Cloverland Garage |
Q5136001 | Clovis Robert Block |
Q5136620 | Clune Building |
Q17848091 | Clydebank Co-Operative Society, 2 Sylvania Way South, Clydebank |
Q108857796 | CoCoLo |
Q22033799 | Coal Company Store |
Q5137726 | Coal Exchange |
Q5138750 | Cobb Building |
Q107320784 | Cobb's Department Store |
Q5139060 | Coca-Cola Bottling Company Building |
Q65080296 | Cockey-Jamison-Hendrickson House and Store |
Q11193499 | Cocon Karasuma |
Q5140310 | Codman Building |
Q14679037 | Coffin Shop |
Q19865416 | Col. Jacob Yoes Building |
Q5141777 | Col. Joseph Young Block |
Q14687467 | Col. Matthew Rogers Building |
Q19865439 | Cole Block |
Q131827560 | Cole's Buildings |
Q22058779 | Colebrook Store |
Q51605386 | Coleman/Jenkins Commercial Establishment |
Q47488522 | Colfax Freight Depot |
Q30625112 | College Block Building |
Q5146458 | College Inn Bar |
Q5147350 | Collins Block |
Q5147355 | Collins Building |
Q26708576 | Colman Automotive Building |
Q19950941 | Colonnades |
Q16890565 | Colony's Block |
Q94933292 | Columbia Larrimer Building |
Q26614779 | Commerce House |
Q122761134 | Commercial Bank and Trust Company Building |
Q107318162 | Commercial Block |
Q107329744 | Commercial Block |
Q25209672 | Commercial Building |
Q29575452 | Commercial Building |
Q56052636 | Commercial Building |
Q56052639 | Commercial Building |
Q56052641 | Commercial Building |
Q77979406 | Commercial Building |
Q95949537 | Commercial Building |
Q107318054 | Commercial Building |
Q107329690 | Commercial Building |
Q107329692 | Commercial Building |
Q107329696 | Commercial Building |
Q107329699 | Commercial Building |
Q107329700 | Commercial Building |
Q107329702 | Commercial Building |
Q107329704 | Commercial Building |
Q107329710 | Commercial Building |
Q107329712 | Commercial Building |
Q107329713 | Commercial Building |
Q107329721 | Commercial Building |
Q107329760 | Commercial Building |
Q107329761 | Commercial Building |
Q107329762 | Commercial Building |
Q107329895 | Commercial Building |
Q107329926 | Commercial Building |
Q107330037 | Commercial Building |
Q107330038 | Commercial Building |
Q107330039 | Commercial Building |
Q107330040 | Commercial Building |
Q107330052 | Commercial Building |
Q107330054 | Commercial Building |
Q107330070 | Commercial Building |
Q107330074 | Commercial Building |
Q107330094 | Commercial Building |
Q107330178 | Commercial Building |
Q107330179 | Commercial Building |
Q107330182 | Commercial Building |
Q107330213 | Commercial Building |
Q107330214 | Commercial Building |
Q107330217 | Commercial Building |
Q107330229 | Commercial Building |
Q107330235 | Commercial Building |
Q107330258 | Commercial Building |
Q107330272 | Commercial Building |
Q107330296 | Commercial Building |
Q107330302 | Commercial Building |
Q107330310 | Commercial Building |
Q107330311 | Commercial Building |
Q107330314 | Commercial Building |
Q107330315 | Commercial Building |
Q107330316 | Commercial Building |
Q107330380 | Commercial Building |
Q107330381 | Commercial Building |
Q107330388 | Commercial Building |
Q107330390 | Commercial Building |
Q107330391 | Commercial Building |
Q107330392 | Commercial Building |
Q107330393 | Commercial Building |
Q107330394 | Commercial Building |
Q107330399 | Commercial Building |
Q107330400 | Commercial Building |
Q107330401 | Commercial Building |
Q107330410 | Commercial Building |
Q107330412 | Commercial Building |
Q107330426 | Commercial Building |
Q107330463 | Commercial Building |
Q107330622 | Commercial Building |
Q107330907 | Commercial Building |
Q56052642 | Commercial Building & Attached Residence |
Q126363368 | Commercial Building (1870/1871) |
Q77979400 | Commercial Building (243–245 Cuba Street) |
Q77979402 | Commercial Building (Courtenay Place) |
Q126363454 | Commercial Building (after 1840) |
Q56052644 | Commercial Building 8-12 Bannister Street |
Q107318396 | Commercial Building and Empresario Restaurant |
Q19461101 | Commercial Building at 500 North Tryon Street |
Q56065952 | Commercial Building, 37-45 Cliff Street |
Q77976909 | Commercial Building, 70 Manchester Street |
Q56052668 | Commercial Building, 93-97 Market Street |
Q56052670 | Commercial Building, 99 Market Street |
Q77993639 | Commercial Buildings |
Q107318090 | Commercial Buildings |
Q107329897 | Commercial Buildings |
Q107330041 | Commercial Buildings |
Q107330044 | Commercial Buildings |
Q107330112 | Commercial Buildings |
Q107330734 | Commercial Buildings |
Q107330735 | Commercial Buildings |
Q107330789 | Commercial Buildings |
Q107330834 | Commercial Buildings |
Q50829921 | Commercial Chambers Building |
Q126712567 | Commercial Premises |
Q107319588 | Commercial Standard Building |
Q107320950 | Commercial State Bank Building |
Q29651850 | Commercial and Residential building |
Q126363832 | Commercial building (1954/55) |
Q115265658 | Commercial building Kurze-Kamp-Straße 17, Hannover |
Q115265737 | Commercial building Kurze-Kamp-Straße 19, Hannover |
Q29785640 | Commercial building building insurance |
Q132042210 | Commercial building on 118-126 Ponsonby Rd |
Q131749511 | Commercial building on 16-18 Victoria Road |
Q56052643 | Commercial building, 49 Pakenham Street |
Q77979388 | Commercial/Retail Building (161–163 Cuba Street) |
Q77979384 | Commercial/Retail Building (191–195 Cuba Street) |
Q79300651 | Commercial/Retail Building [relocated] |
Q5153704 | Commonwealth Building |
Q108073145 | Comparet Building |
Q17986619 | Conabeer Chrysler Building |
Q97837002 | Concession Building |
Q5158776 | Concord Building |
Q63439797 | Confitería London City |
Q5160748 | Congregational Store |
Q63349111 | Coniagas Headframe and Giachino Grocery Store |
Q22073556 | Conley–Maass–Downs Building |
Q77994105 | Connell and Clowes' Store |
Q107320422 | Connies/Kountry Korner |
Q29891000 | Conservatory, former Galeries du Commerce |
Q17986638 | Consolidated Building |
Q5164098 | Constitution Hall |
Q104960006 | Construction Materials Hub |
Q128200117 | Consumer Drug Building |
Q3674377 | Convento di Giaccherino |
Q5167475 | Coolidge Stores Building |
Q22978872 | Coomb's Old English Shoe Store |
Q131611433 | Cooper & Curd Building |
Q5167787 | Cooper Landing Post Office |
Q16828029 | Cornelius Hennessy Building |
Q44664143 | Corner Business Block |
Q87792577 | Corner House on Leningradsky Prospekt, 10 in Vyborg |
Q107322677 | Corner Store |
Q5171951 | Cornwall Brothers' Store |
Q57988002 | Coronation Block |
Q5172868 | Correll's Farm and Lawn Supply |
Q110913866 | Cossebauder Straße 18, 20/Mobschatzer Straße 15 |
Q105544538 | Costco Chubu Airport |
Q105544092 | Costco Moriyama |
Q5175827 | Cottonwood Paper Mill |
Q64617661 | Country Store and Tea Room |
Q23091484 | Courier Building |
Q79300740 | Courtenay Market |
Q131702203 | Courts Building |
Q5179876 | Cox Building |
Q16980373 | Cox Building |
Q5179883 | Cox Furniture Store |
Q55012957 | Crain's Wholesale and Retail Store |
Q19461194 | Crane Company Building |
Q47482471 | Crawford Block |
Q30626457 | Creaser Building |
Q103962004 | Crescent Block |
Q5186000 | Crisp Building |
Q60137247 | Crockett-Gallant Building |
Q14685336 | Crosby and Hill Building |
Q80864265 | Crystal Building |
Q3006233 | Crédit municipal de Paris |
Q122212212 | Culwulla Chambers |
Q107317880 | Cummins Southern Plains Parts and Service Building |
Q24895963 | Cundill Block |
Q5195699 | Curtis Building |
Q14714431 | Cushing Land Agency Building |
Q95988983 | Custom Machine Shop |
Q5196886 | Cutler and Porter Block |
Q107320413 | D'Vine Wine of Texas |
Q30623377 | D.A. Varnado and Son Store |
Q22059336 | D.V. Adams Co.-Bussell and Weston |
Q130140644 | DAIMARU SHINSAIBASHI Main Building |
Q19461252 | Dabbs Store |
Q65069086 | Daft Block |
Q5208477 | Dagen's Grocery |
Q507296 | Daily Northwestern Building |
Q61768600 | Daimler office building |
Q5209990 | Dakota Block |
Q16953972 | Dale Building |
Q65118299 | Daniel Cassidy and Sons General Merchandise Store |
Q78494512 | Daniel Sciumbato Grocery Store |
Q901770 | Daniels & Fisher Tower |
Q48840401 | Darragh Building |
Q56629785 | Darvel Industrial Co-Operative Society, 2, 4, 6 East Main Street, Darvel |
Q5227892 | Daugherty Furniture Building |
Q41796671 | Dave White Block |
Q5239345 | David S. Brown Store |
Q20709306 | Davis Brothers Store |
Q16954675 | Davis Coal and Coke Company Administrative Building |
Q65084606 | Davis Mercantile |
Q57987987 | Dawson Block |
Q5243187 | Daylight Building |
Q5243503 | Dayton Arcade |
Q38251567 | Dayton Mercantile |
Q132531741 | De Luxe Theatre (former) |
Q2327269 | De Utrecht, Leeuwarden |
Q14684434 | DeGraff Building |
Q5244135 | DeVinne Press Building |
Q111670388 | Dean's Beauty Salon and Barber Shop |
Q103844551 | Deane Block |
Q5252840 | Dekum Building |
Q54707367 | Delgado Building |
Q81827561 | Delton Grocery |
Q24041116 | Democrat Printing & Lithograph Co. Building |
Q5256396 | Dempsey Store |
Q107321870 | Denison Commercial District |
Q5259693 | Denver City Cable Railway Building |
Q19362637 | Department Store |
Q73227646 | Der Anker |
Q48499266 | Derbyshire's Store |
Q107322020 | Desco Tile Company Building |
Q65068318 | Desenberg Building |
Q131388729 | Desmond's Building |
Q17534801 | Devere House |
Q5268508 | Dey Building |
Q17182649 | Dick Block |
Q37777774 | Dickson Store and Site |
Q5273809 | Dickson Tavern |
Q1219037 | Die mitte |
Q2066802 | Diezerstraat 93, Zwolle |
Q97383542 | Digby Chambers |
Q15214012 | Dillingham Transportation Building |
Q30624259 | Dillon Building |
Q14875134 | Dineen Building |
Q5278442 | Dinnie Block |
Q19461347 | Discovery Saloon |
Q116148606 | Distillerie Agra |
Q48200377 | Dittrichring 2 |
Q17018157 | Dixon Building |
Q107319854 | Dixon Motor Company Building |
Q54878717 | Doane Block |
Q16829908 | Doctor's Building |
Q15051794 | Doctor's Office |
Q107320440 | Dog Tired |
Q5290269 | Domhoff Buildings |
Q5290730 | Dominican Block |
Q22952124 | Dominion Enterprises Building |
Q23040121 | Domus Litonii |
Q104450662 | Don Quijote Chikusa Kanare |
Q17155908 | Don Roman Santos Building |
Q24041119 | Donaghey Building |
Q55438322 | Donaldson Block |
Q17300130 | Donegan Block |
Q16830044 | Donnan–Asher Iron-front Building |
Q112586978 | Donnerintori commercial building |
Q48499140 | Donovan's Commercial Building |
Q5298897 | Dorsey Building |
Q107321002 | Doscher Building |
Q107320421 | Doug's Sports House |
Q24693568 | Doughty Block |
Q37777840 | Douglas Block |
Q65069172 | Douglas General Mercantile |
Q85757503 | Douglas-Farr Building |
Q105607614 | Dover Building |
Q5302601 | Dow Block |
Q5303191 | Downing Building |
Q18922591 | Downtown Smithfield Historic District |
Q107320415 | Downtown Store |
Q18755144 | Doyle Florist Inc.-H.R. Schenkel Inc. Greenhouse Range |
Q124045440 | Dr. Andrew D. McLain Office and Drug Store |
Q5304129 | Dr. H. Huber Block |
Q5304167 | Dr. J. R. Mosier Office |
Q5304360 | Dr. S.W. Hill Drug Store |
Q39050230 | Dr. Wilson Foskett Home and Drugstore |
Q1254344 | Drachentöterhaus |
Q49457690 | Dresdner Gardinen- und Spitzenmanufaktur |
Q104961054 | Driekoningenstraat 39-41 building |
Q5307794 | Driscoll's Block |
Q5309216 | Drummond Business Block |
Q54878727 | Duck's Block |
Q55610064 | Ducrest Building |
Q60755459 | Duff Building |
Q114186402 | Dufferin Block/Helliwell Block |
Q20639050 | Dugan's Saloon |
Q118179027 | Duigan's Buildings |
Q29487681 | Duke's Arms P.H. Including Off-Licence Shop,Broad Street |
Q109771637 | Duncan-McPhee and Gallery One Building |
Q16974266 | Dunlap Building |
Q5315417 | Dunlap Square Building |
Q131481121 | Dunn Block |
Q19461441 | Dunn Commercial Historic District |
Q18149588 | Dunnavant's Building |
Q123232179 | Dunns Block |
Q85757947 | Duprey Building |
Q112066360 | Dělnická 1568 |
Q11287887 | E'site |
Q65228296 | E-Zo Fukuoka |
Q5321870 | E. G. Patterson Building |
Q60771865 | E. H. Dewey Stores |
Q16890815 | E. Janssen Building |
Q1589264 | E. V. Haughwout Building |
Q16890841 | E.S. Levy Building |
Q5325274 | Eagle Tavern |
Q18149649 | Eagle Tavern |
Q5324978 | Eagle's Store |
Q5325347 | Eagles Building-Strand Theater |
Q24041270 | Earl Building |
Q5326557 | Earlville Opera House |
Q104881548 | East Broad Street Commercial Building |
Q29641733 | East Jordan Lumber Company Store Building |
Q14691917 | Eastville Mercantile |
Q107318398 | Eberhards and Meeve Building |
Q104722669 | Economat d'Altos Hornos del Mediterráneo, Port de Sagunt |
Q5336634 | Eddy Block |
Q5337150 | Edgar Building |
Q126688548 | Edifici Servei Estació |
Q130325594 | Edifício Andrade e Campos |
Q116856554 | Edifício Costa Leite |
Q55264643 | Edifício Lacerda (Beira) |
Q130341135 | Edifício Parc Royal |
Q51885953 | Edifício Wilson Mendes Caldeira |
Q109444719 | Edifício na Avenida dos Combatentes da Grande Guerra, n.º 17 |
Q40160065 | Edmonstone, Allan and Company Building |
Q15216114 | Edom Store and Post Office |
Q5346091 | Edwards Building |
Q105713919 | Effie Jackson's Tea House and Ice Cream Parlour |
Q17508245 | Efird Building |
Q17508249 | Efird's Department Store |
Q122911714 | Egochs House |
Q29689551 | Ehemalige Gemeindeschule, dann Café de la Croix Fédérale |
Q111030459 | El Corte Inglés Constitución |
Q62938242 | El Corte Inglés Goya, Madrid |
Q62937308 | El Corte Inglés Preciados-Callao, Madrid |
Q111030476 | El Corte Inglés Zorrilla |
Q116142904 | El Corte Inglés, Plaça de Catalunya |
Q115155931 | El Shourbagy |
Q17508414 | Elbert H. Parsons Law Library |
Q49593547 | Elbstraße 23 |
Q20708915 | Elden's Store |
Q85758868 | Eldridge Building |
Q16890972 | Eldridge–Higgins Building |
Q5364394 | Elks Club and Store Building-Dickinson Lodge No. 1137 |
Q103845560 | Ellard Block |
Q5365111 | Ellendale Opera House |
Q103845117 | Ellis Block |
Q85759036 | Ellis Building |
Q11878340 | Elm Place |
Q16891040 | Elsasser Bakery |
Q1333850 | Elsnerhaus |
Q5368316 | Elwood Adams Store |
Q16891061 | Emerson–Holmes Building |
Q30590905 | Emmel Building |
Q56278751 | Empire Block |
Q108073288 | Empire Furniture Co. Building |
Q65084404 | Emporium |
Q111206796 | Emporium |
Q5375379 | Enchanted Mesa Trading Post |
Q65052675 | Engleman-Thomas Building |
Q107317932 | Entergy |
Q14708818 | Enterprise Mercantile and Milling Company Building |
Q16864790 | Ephraim United Order Cooperative Building |
Q61989866 | Equitable Bank Building |
Q115924405 | Estación Gorlero |
Q16064283 | Europa-Haus |
Q124631252 | Eusebio Villanueva Building |
Q5470087 | Everard's Printing Works |
Q17509780 | Everett Building |
Q79301222 | Everybody's Building |
Q131843369 | Excelsior Buildings |
Q1383505 | Exchange Chambers (Former) |
Q5419569 | Exchange Hall |
Q124038493 | Exclusive Furniture Shop |
Q66027329 | Exhibitors Building |
Q119198823 | F. F. White Block |
Q130384423 | F. Morgan Building |
Q131541882 | F. R. Stewart and Company Building |
Q5424091 | F. W. Woolworth Building |
Q5424095 | F. W. Woolworth Building |
Q65120559 | F. W. Woolworth Company Store |
Q131388668 | F. and W. Grand Silver Store Building |
Q23017192 | F.D. Rose Building |
Q16899850 | F.W. Scheper Store |
Q54888885 | Fairfield Block |
Q15217227 | Fairman Building |
Q5435091 | Fargo's Furniture Store |
Q107320411 | Farina's Winery & Café |
Q5435604 | Farmacia Serra |
Q44664368 | Farmer's Exchange Building |
Q23091518 | Farmer's National Bank and W.H. Hughes Slate Company Office |
Q5435693 | Farmer's Southern Market |
Q5435965 | Farnam Building |
Q65082139 | Farrell Block |
Q56290732 | Faulk and Gauntt Building |
Q55078453 | Fazer commercial |
Q107058736 | Fazer commercial |
Q79301868 | Feilding Jockey Club (Former) |
Q85760731 | Felix-Block Building |
Q5442634 | Felt Cobblestone General Store |
Q107321626 | Fenley Commercial Building |
Q5443546 | Fennimore Store |
Q130384460 | Ferrara Court |
Q131400082 | Fifth Street Store Building |
Q65063471 | Fillauer Brothers Building |
Q5450435 | Finks and Gokey Block |
Q111525944 | Finlayson Building |
Q131394721 | Finney's Cafeteria |
Q20006828 | Fireweed Studio |
Q5452595 | First Camden National Bank & Trust |
Q85761042 | First Hittinger Block |
Q5453256 | First McGillicuddy Block |
Q107321381 | First National Bank |
Q30621833 | First National Bank of Ekalaka and Rickard Hardware Store Building |
Q28153620 | First State Bank of Baggs |
Q5453926 | First Trust Company Building |
Q19461755 | Fisher Building-Latham Block |
Q25346049 | Fisher-Plane Commercial Building |
Q51409990 | Fishermen’s Union Trading Company Cash Store |
Q51081907 | Fishermen’s Union Trading Company Premises |
Q51081916 | Fishermen’s Union Trading Company Retail Store |
Q20707128 | Fitzhugh Snapp Company |
Q5455669 | Fitzpatrick Building |
Q95988984 | Five-To-A-Dollar Store |
Q106357346 | Flack Block |
Q23302667 | Flanders' Block |
Q19461780 | Florida Brothers Building |
Q47469654 | Flour Store |
Q85761459 | Flynt Building |
Q14685401 | Foord & Massey Furniture Company Building |
Q5467658 | Ford Block |
Q16993633 | Ford Building |
Q5467599 | Ford's Store |
Q5469230 | Forester's Hall |
Q50358789 | Forgie House |
Q65065377 | Forkenbrock Funeral Home |
Q132042474 | Former ASB Bank |
Q131309192 | Former Butchers Shop |
Q126363324 | Former Company Comptoir (1873) |
Q126363323 | Former Comptoir (1901/1902) |
Q50160971 | Former F.W. Woolworth Co. Store |
Q112782163 | Former Farmhouse, so-called Salzbütti |
Q29931530 | Former Felber warehouse |
Q112585892 | Former Hyvinkään säästöpankki bank building |
Q87719625 | Former Lombard in Vyborg |
Q131763331 | Former Masonic Hall (Titirangi Lodge) |
Q90029225 | Former Reitman's Store |
Q62015889 | Former Tremont Hotel |
Q117407952 | Former carriage house (1897) |
Q123263588 | Former custom house (15.c.) |
Q118279259 | Former farm and grocer's house |
Q126363829 | Former post and telegraph building (1891/92) |
Q122885086 | Former post and telegraph station building |
Q112849146 | Former residential and commercial building / today residential house |
Q118593559 | Former school house (1860) |
Q126363343 | Former wine merchant comptoir (1892/1893) |
Q131388805 | Forrester Building |
Q5470570 | Forrey Building and Annex |
Q41184335 | Forstenrieder Allee 186 |
Q5471463 | Fort Laramie Three-Mile Hog Ranch |
Q16981236 | Fort Monroe |
Q63435869 | Fort Worth Club Building |
Q5473046 | Forum Cafeteria |
Q131354027 | Forve-Pettebone Building |
Q5473458 | Fossil Cabin |
Q18922573 | Four Oaks Commercial Historic District |
Q41175802 | Four-storey corner building by Karl Stöhr |
Q132531525 | Fowlds Buildings |
Q85761850 | Fox Commercial Building |
Q107320110 | Fox and Mills Hardware Store |
Q23017188 | Francis T. Roots Building |
Q107318829 | Francisco Salinas Store |
Q16993767 | Frank Golden Block |
Q16891430 | Frank Howard Building |
Q132041395 | Frank Parker House |
Q90568360 | Frank Van Der Stucken Birthplace |
Q5491309 | Franklin Block |
Q18150425 | Franklin Block |
Q131610018 | Franklin Electric Power Board (former) |
Q1445253 | Franklin House |
Q30625669 | Franklin Printing House |
Q124045448 | Franklin Yarbrough Jr. Store |
Q1445302 | Franklin and Armfield Office |
Q99354775 | Franz-Josef-Platz 2 |
Q116259465 | Franz-Josefs-Kai 47, Vienna |
Q102478378 | Fraser Block |
Q44664427 | Fraser and Seabloom Block |
Q55876599 | Fraser's Mens Apparel |
Q61819821 | Fraser-MacDonald Building |
Q5493940 | Frauenthal & Schwarz Building |
Q19461834 | Fred Gottschalk Grocery Store |
Q130467133 | Frederick Building |
Q5498118 | Frederick J. Osterling Office and Studio |
Q131870381 | Frederick-Wyse House |
Q5501033 | Freeman Store and Museum |
Q64491394 | Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 127 |
Q64491496 | Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 131 c, d, e, f und g |
Q64491579 | Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 131 h |
Q64491434 | Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 131, 131 a und b |
Q23493651 | Friedrich-Schmidt-Platz 2 |
Q49593839 | Friedrichplatz 8 |
Q107319890 | Fritz Motor Company Building |
Q5507242 | Fugal Blacksmith Shop |
Q17210271 | Fukuoka Parco |
Q130381286 | Fukuoka Parco Main Building |
Q130388678 | Fukuoka Parco New Building |
Q5508241 | Fuller Block |
Q5508402 | Fulton Building |
Q119440237 | Fululu Garden Yachiyo |
Q5512170 | G. C. Moses Block |
Q14681997 | G. T. Marsh and Sons |
Q28685888 | GINZA SIX |
Q32659372 | GIZ-Haus |
Q18151327 | Gadsden Times-News Building |
Q105956725 | Gaffney Building |
Q5516849 | Gage and Tollner |
Q37778013 | Gainer Block |
Q19461890 | Gakona Roadhouse |
Q15948844 | Galeries de Jaude |
Q5518824 | Gallagher Building |
Q51320032 | Galleria del popolo |
Q62020875 | Galloway Bros. Department Store |
Q113960299 | Galveston News Building |
Q14680849 | Gann Building |
Q124656904 | Garaje Modelo |
Q5522040 | Garbose Building |
Q57243403 | Gardner Building |
Q17575578 | Gardyne's Land, 70, 71 High Street, Dundee |
Q5522655 | Gardyne's Land, Dundee |
Q18148533 | Garver Brothers Store |
Q107321549 | Gas Stations |
Q48840403 | Gay Oil Company Building |
Q14680855 | Gazzola and Vaccaro Building |
Q90029327 | Geberdt's Shoe Store |
Q51897032 | Geehan Building |
Q14704549 | Gem Saloon |
Q110377140 | Gemeindeecke |
Q119683900 | General-von-Nagel-Straße 2 |
Q85763006 | Genius Brothers Building |
Q5533424 | Genoa Building |
Q22692015 | Georg-von-Cölln house |
Q65964668 | George B. Marsh Building |
Q125347238 | George B. Peck Dry Goods Company Building |
Q5537293 | George Brothers Building |
Q112118591 | George Joe Building |
Q24693391 | George R. Mann Building |
Q65119271 | George Sibole Store |
Q105713920 | George Stephens Building |
Q65069923 | Gering Courier Building |
Q55612572 | German House |
Q108668499 | German Red Cross Boeblingen |
Q5551904 | Germania Building |
Q55316819 | Germania Building Complex |
Q41176283 | Geschäfts- und Wohnhaus Kustermann |
Q98576849 | Geschäftshaus |
Q98577555 | Geschäftshaus |
Q98606233 | Geschäftshaus |
Q98606544 | Geschäftshaus |
Q98606571 | Geschäftshaus |
Q98606577 | Geschäftshaus |
Q98608196 | Geschäftshaus |
Q98608397 | Geschäftshaus |
Q98643968 | Geschäftshaus |
Q98644491 | Geschäftshaus |
Q98644652 | Geschäftshaus |
Q98650276 | Geschäftshaus |
Q98650295 | Geschäftshaus |
Q98650340 | Geschäftshaus |
Q98650370 | Geschäftshaus |
Q98650405 | Geschäftshaus |
Q98717945 | Geschäftshaus |
Q1518170 | Geschäftshaus Altmarkt 10 |
Q1518172 | Geschäftshaus Dessauer Straße 4 und 5 |
Q98630158 | Geschäftshaus Frauengasse 12 in Nürnberg |
Q32688894 | Geschäftshaus Gebrüder Tietz |
Q98632950 | Geschäftshaus Neue Gasse 16 in Schillingsfürst |
Q98739941 | Geschäftshaus Ottostraße 4; Ottostraße 6; Ottostraße 8 in München |
Q98633093 | Geschäftshaus Schnieglinger Straße 229 in Nürnberg |
Q98682517 | Geschäftshaus Tändlergasse 18 in Regensburg |
Q56378209 | Geschäftshäuser Domsheide 4 und 5 |
Q110377169 | Gesellschaftshaus Reichshallen |
Q95055653 | Gewerbehaus Mödling |
Q44664452 | Gibbard Block |
Q107321279 | Gibbs Store |
Q37778036 | Gibson Block |
Q112167549 | Gibson-Bunn Building |
Q16839070 | Giles J. Gibbs Building |
Q18148556 | Gilfillin and Houston Building |
Q5562182 | Gilliam and Bisbee Building |
Q5562417 | Gillon Block |
Q19461991 | Gilmer Building |
Q123855430 | Gilsey Building |
Q1525074 | Ginn's Furniture Store |
Q24876207 | Ginza Place |
Q80507676 | Ginza Sony Park |
Q55438361 | Glasgow/Smyth Building |
Q1529647 | Glaskugelhaus Dresden |
Q5567403 | Gleason Building |
Q14712362 | Glebe Center |
Q5567517 | Gleim Building |
Q131747723 | Gleim Building II |
Q65066781 | Glenwood Cooperative Store |
Q5569555 | Glidden-Austin Block |
Q79301693 | Gloucester Court |
Q28124989 | Goedert Meat Market |
Q49593895 | Goethestraße 2 |
Q48200426 | Goethestraße 3-5 |
Q18345155 | Goff and Gamble Merchandise Store |
Q65071752 | Gold and Company Store Building |
Q121339187 | Golden Burro Cafe and Lounge |
Q115177985 | Golden Era Building |
Q15221813 | Golden Plough Tavern |
Q120021855 | Golden Sheaf Bakery |
Q20707600 | Goldman and Son Store |
Q5580373 | Goldthwaite Block |
Q85865407 | Good Nature Station |
Q131687770 | Goodlet's |
Q41796703 | Goodridge Block |
Q85764047 | Goodspeed Brothers Building |
Q107320787 | Goodwill Shoppe |
Q14716112 | Goodyear Block |
Q85764086 | Gordon Building |
Q80357441 | Gorham Building |
Q14685423 | Govatos'/McVey Building |
Q5589981 | Gowan Block |
Q116313315 | Graben 8 |
Q37993025 | Grabherr-Haus, Reutte |
Q54707456 | Grace Building |
Q5591423 | Grace and Thomaston Buildings |
Q5592448 | Graff's Market |
Q107320448 | Granbury-Hood County Economic Development Corp |
Q29641442 | Grand Auditorium and Hotel Block |
Q14708320 | Grand Forks Herald Building |
Q5594567 | Grand Forks Mercantile Building 1898 |
Q5594568 | Grand Forks Mercantile Co. |
Q113501145 | Grand Garage Göuffi |
Q11300286 | Granduo |
Q27728184 | Granger Building |
Q3115352 | Graniittitalo |
Q104390729 | Granite Block |
Q5595937 | Granite Store |
Q19365013 | Granite Store |
Q56284192 | Grant Street Grocery and Market |
Q5597125 | Graphic Arts Building |
Q5597126 | Graphic Arts Building |
Q130301285 | Grazie Town Futagawa |
Q21187917 | Green Block |
Q111367020 | Green Block |
Q15222102 | Green Lantern Saloon |
Q5602866 | Green Mercantile Store |
Q5603657 | Greenawalt Building |
Q14687062 | Greenhow and Rumsey Store Building |
Q102216208 | Greenshields Building |
Q29093448 | Greenville Elks Lodge |
Q76828276 | Greenwald Furniture Building |
Q111367051 | Greenwood Building |
Q87158652 | Gribbin (McMaster) Building |
Q14705117 | Gridley Store |
Q37778103 | Grier Block |
Q105764856 | Griffin's Bakery |
Q5609380 | Grinager Mercantile Building |
Q55316760 | Grinnell Brothers Music House |
Q48838432 | Grocers Wholesale Company Building |
Q60755512 | Grow Block |
Q130299923 | Große Straße 117 |
Q117546161 | Großmarkthalle |
Q5614836 | Guenther & Handel's Block |
Q20821994 | Guernsey Dairy Milk Depot |
Q103843901 | Guichon Block |
Q30627431 | Guild Street drill hall, Aberdeen |
Q109771642 | Gummer Building/Brownlow Block |
Q14715502 | Gunn and Hubbard Blocks |
Q54874513 | Gunning–Purves Building |
Q19462121 | Gunter Building |
Q14706305 | Gunther Building |
Q16840597 | Gust Brothers' Store |
Q118669769 | Gute Änger 9 |
Q18347788 | H. A. Meldrum Company Building |
Q5628107 | H. C. Cohen Company Building–Andrews Building |
Q5628122 | H. C. Pitney Variety Store Building |
Q5628147 | H. D. Champlin & Son Horseshoeing and Wagonmaking |
Q90412797 | H. D. Gruene Mercantile |
Q65063550 | H. H. Bryant Garage |
Q5628292 | H. H. Warner Building |
Q54889164 | H. Saunders Grocery and Liquor Store |
Q96380072 | H.A. Higgins Building |
Q16994674 | H.A. McKim Building |
Q5627896 | H.B. Lothrop Store |
Q107318638 | H.D. Gruene Store |
Q85765419 | Haaswood Store |
Q118955277 | Hackescher Markt 2-3 |
Q16891975 | Hadley Furniture Company Building |
Q107323100 | Hagelstein Commercial Building |
Q5640263 | Hajoca Corporation Headquarters and Showroom |
Q110608358 | Hakata Ikiikidori |
Q109594753 | Hakodate Tsutaya Books |
Q5642529 | Hall's Opera Block |
Q5642543 | Hall-Benedict Drug Company Building |
Q79311356 | Hallenstein Brothers Building (Former) |
Q113500824 | Haller House |
Q5642964 | Hallidie Building |
Q128199855 | Hallmark Building |
Q14712444 | Hallsboro Store |
Q14716431 | Hamer's General Store |
Q5644858 | Hamilton Building |
Q126178707 | Hamilton Building |
Q111367084 | Hamley Building |
Q5645528 | Hamm Brewing Company Beer Depot |
Q5645526 | Hamm Building |
Q65065376 | Hammond Arcade |
Q55613334 | Hammond and Wheatley Commercial Emporium |
Q15222702 | Hanapepe Town Lot No. 18 |
Q20745470 | Hankins' Store |
Q54889156 | Hanna's Undertaking Parlour |
Q79309044 | Hannah's Buildings |
Q107317401 | Hannig Row |
Q1578189 | Hans-Sachs-Haus |
Q19964267 | Hansa-Haus |
Q29048979 | Hansahaus |
Q87158908 | Harbour Hardware |
Q1366035 | Hardenberg House |
Q41796706 | Hargrave Sissons Block |
Q5658940 | Harlow Block |
Q14716123 | Harlow Block |
Q107320567 | Harman-Gault Motor Company |
Q45060262 | Harmelin-Haus |
Q5659340 | Harmonie Centre |
Q41796707 | Harmony Lane |
Q5664570 | Harrington Block |
Q16931211 | Harrington-Smith Block |
Q61499677 | Harrington’s Store |
Q5664722 | Harris & Ewing Photographic Studio |
Q18151406 | Harris Arcade |
Q107323062 | Harris Drug Store |
Q16994861 | Harrison-Hancock Hardware Company Building |
Q5667051 | Harry B. Merrihew Drugstore |
Q63656461 | Harshaw Block |
Q5674102 | Hart Building |
Q15223128 | Hartley-Rose Belting Company Building |
Q2913603 | Harumi Island Triton Square |
Q115691706 | Hastings Mill Store |
Q30625709 | Hathaways Store |
Q130693828 | Hauptpost Tübingen |
Q127258785 | Hauptstraße 34 |
Q23787358 | Haus Basse |
Q1589947 | Haus Behrenstraße 3 und 4 |
Q55176054 | Haus Erdmann |
Q62561124 | Haus Grenzwacht |
Q1250918 | Haus Huth |
Q1562716 | Haus Leipzigerstraße 114, Berlin |
Q48200837 | Haus Zwei Reiter |
Q98112591 | Haus der Mode |
Q58218802 | Haus der Wirtschaft |
Q29882924 | Haus zum Gutenberg, Frauenfeld |
Q59872518 | Hawken and Vance Produce Exchange |
Q20709163 | Hawkes Pharmacy |
Q1591848 | Hayden Building |
Q18348777 | Hayes Hardware Store |
Q19462245 | Hayes-Byrum Store and House |
Q22022673 | Hayford Block |
Q107320435 | Haynes-Burns-Ewell Building |
Q14705122 | Hazen Store |
Q29690175 | Headquarters of the Fribourg Cantonal Bank |
Q24041121 | Healey and Roth Mortuary Building |
Q18348900 | Heathman Plantation |
Q22059087 | Hedge Block |
Q16892218 | Hedlund Motor Company Building |
Q14712518 | Heflin's Store |
Q5699428 | Heilbronner Block |
Q19868023 | Heiney's Meat Market |
Q1596347 | Heinold's First and Last Chance Saloon |
Q5700487 | Heins Block |
Q131827737 | Hellaby Building |
Q14704555 | Heltne Oil Company |
Q113960296 | Hendley Buildings |
Q65059909 | Hendricks Confectionery Building |
Q5714500 | Henkel-Duke Mercantile Company Warehouse |
Q15910892 | Hennessy Centre |
Q14688986 | Henry Berg Building |
Q19462274 | Henry Furniture Store Building |
Q5724516 | Henry Kuehle Investment Property |
Q102232449 | Henry Neil Property |
Q80864425 | Henry Newton Building |
Q5728760 | Henry Store Foeste Building |
Q14685454 | Henry Townsend Building |
Q5729713 | Henry W. Prince Building |
Q72980728 | Henry Warren House |
Q5730367 | Henry Wilson Shoe Shop |
Q47469663 | Herring Store |
Q14708894 | Heryford Brothers Building |
Q5746248 | Hessinger Store |
Q18151679 | Hester Store |
Q100268528 | Hewison-Skeele House and Shop |
Q116026257 | Hewlett & Hughes Barbershop |
Q41796711 | Hick-Sehl Building |
Q5751384 | Hicks Lumber Company Store |
Q65068700 | Higgins Block |
Q42377238 | Higgins Doctors Office Building |
Q79301539 | High Street Auto Centre (former) |
Q5758770 | Highland Falls Village Hall |
Q5759719 | Hightower Building |
Q85766556 | Hihn Building |
Q79301548 | Hildebrandt's Building |
Q14709717 | Hilger Block |
Q15224024 | Hill's Tavern |
Q41796713 | Hillier Block |
Q131624739 | Hillind Building |
Q19462318 | Hillsdale Brick Store |
Q15224123 | Hilzinger Block |
Q107320042 | Hinckley's Country Store |
Q1277186 | Hindenburgbau |
Q55013008 | Hindman Ben Franklin |
Q106543207 | Hiram Burley Smith Store |
Q18573163 | Hirmer |
Q130946619 | Hirschen bakery inn |
Q14712543 | Hite Store |
Q20706929 | Hjerpe Grocery |
Q5875236 | Hobson Block |
Q1621860 | Hochhaus am Albertplatz |
Q51185463 | Hodge Brothers Premises |
Q90567393 | Hoerster Building |
Q48841865 | Hoffelt Drug Store |
Q103960684 | Holbrook Block |
Q5881222 | Hollenberg Pony Express Station |
Q85767000 | Holley-Mason Building |
Q24192787 | Hollis Country Store |
Q128200146 | Hollywood Studio Building |
Q14689591 | Holmberg and Johnson Blacksmith Shop |
Q131929204 | Holmdene |
Q17183059 | Holt-Poindexter Store Building |
Q107320447 | Home Sweet Home |
Q43371266 | Homestead Building |
Q117352460 | Hon-Atsugi Mylord |
Q5892027 | Honan's Block and 112–114 Main Street |
Q5893825 | Honeyman Hardware Company Building |
Q32171478 | Hongyadong |
Q14682329 | Honigsberger Store |
Q107322872 | Honolulu Oil Company Building |
Q19462391 | Hood Brothers Building |
Q65119070 | Hooks-Moore Store |
Q25006368 | Hoosier Theater |
Q79301918 | Hooson's Building |
Q18350008 | Hopkins Feed and Seed Store |
Q4643425 | Hopkins Store |
Q14691994 | Hopkins and Brother Store |
Q14715556 | Hopkinton Supply Co. Building |
Q14712577 | Hornbarger Store |
Q91794221 | Hortala House |
Q29641701 | Horton Bay General Store |
Q29791545 | Hosman and Wheeler Meat Market |
Q5908230 | Hospe Music Warehouse |
Q55012719 | Hotel Breeding |
Q116518801 | Hotel Hohenzollern |
Q16892472 | Hotel Roxy |
Q115202170 | House Fegetzallee 7 (former Hafter) |
Q29785905 | House Vallier |
Q47492675 | House of Aviation |
Q2717859 | House of the Black Madonna |
Q132434028 | House on 3075 Great North Road |
Q87719601 | House on Krepostnaya Street, 14 in Vyborg |
Q4555996 | Houston Cotton Exchange Building |
Q107320446 | Houston Street Merchantile Fabrics and Quilting |
Q1631731 | Howard Block |
Q43371278 | Howard Block |
Q14682387 | Howard Motor Company Building |
Q5921535 | Howe Building |
Q14689036 | Howes Building |
Q5922219 | Howland Cobblestone Store |
Q5924097 | Hryszko Brothers Building |
Q30623722 | Hub Building |
Q19462432 | Hubbard-Cotton Store |
Q131367371 | Hubert-Thom McAn Building |
Q131566836 | Hudson's Bay Company Store |
Q5929446 | Huff's Store |
Q29786204 | Hug House |
Q111132930 | Hugh Cant Building |
Q5934780 | Hugus Hardware |
Q47482473 | Hulbert Block |
Q37778213 | Hull Block |
Q41796722 | Hull Block |
Q85767743 | Humer Building |
Q5944180 | Hunter-Oliphant Block |
Q5946233 | Hupmobile Building |
Q5946411 | Hurdsfield Round House |
Q57987989 | Hussey Block |
Q48499181 | Hutchins-Heroux Commercial Building |
Q130332325 | Hutchinson Block |
Q10921660 | Hutchison House |
Q108108523 | Hutton Block |
Q85767815 | Hutton Building |
Q132334831 | Hydrostone Market |
Q40157057 | Hyman House and Store |
Q112586486 | Hämeenkatu 12 |
Q104854096 | I. C. Thomas Drug Store |
Q23018299 | I.J. Fox Building |
Q5972879 | I.O.O.F. Building |
Q25007130 | I.O.O.F. Centennial Building |
Q5972871 | I.O.O.F. – Paris Fair Building |
Q47004858 | I.P. Campbell Building |
Q105486076 | IKEA Nagakute |
Q5975712 | IXL Historical Museum |
Q104979209 | Ica-Werk |
Q29729401 | Ichikawa Kanbundo Yamagiwa Building |
Q60323662 | Idaho Building |
Q48790721 | Idaho Mining and Smelter Company Store |
Q5987797 | Iddings Block |
Q24972098 | Iddings-Gilbert-Leader-Anderson Block |
Q14706520 | Ilium Building |
Q3345248 | Immeuble - 15 rue Gambetta (Saint-Étienne) |
Q20640656 | Immeuble - PA00090089 |
Q3149061 | Immeuble Petit-Fers |
Q79311912 | Imperial Building |
Q16892649 | Imperial Tobacco Company Building |
Q115179650 | In der Steinbreite 38, Hannover |
Q17575734 | India Buildings, 2 Victoria Road, Dundee |
Q17575732 | India Buildings, 4 Victoria Road, Dundee |
Q20710567 | Indianapolis White Castle #3 |
Q130552372 | Industrial Trust Building |
Q41164490 | Ingolstädter Straße 3 |
Q2840237 | Ingraham Building |
Q49231043 | Innere Klosterstraße 7-13 Chemnitz |
Q56615628 | Innes And Smith's Property, Drummond Street, Comrie |
Q130749007 | Inselstraße 14 |
Q6044619 | Inter-County Mortgage and Finance Company |
Q6044714 | Inter-State Building |
Q85769650 | International Fur Exchange Building |
Q1666614 | International Harvester Building |
Q111915031 | International Harvester Showroom and Warehouse |
Q60189788 | International House, Sydney |
Q38250928 | Iowa Wind Mill and Pump Company Office and Warehouse |
Q56277352 | Ira F. Powers Building |
Q6072331 | Iron Block Building |
Q6074999 | Irwin Brothers Store |
Q111133199 | Irwin's Store |
Q48976893 | Isaacson Building |
Q85869775 | Island Eye |
Q424748 | Italian Hall |
Q48749598 | Ito Yokado Minami Matsumoto |
Q19462593 | J&O Irish Store |
Q14692040 | J. A. Belt Building |
Q14687096 | J. C. Fox Building |
Q14708941 | J. C. Penney Building |
Q6105034 | J. C. Penney–Chicago Store Building |
Q85770335 | J. Coody Johnson Building |
Q131340526 | J. E. Carr Building |
Q6105622 | J. Eshelman and Company Store |
Q65041677 | J. G. McDonald Chocolate Company Building |
Q127273743 | J. J. Newberry |
Q6106258 | J. Kurtz and Sons Store Building |
Q16892768 | J. L. Robinson General Store |
Q6106712 | J. P. Schneider Store |
Q79592116 | J. P. Strong Store |
Q28450351 | J. S. Sweeney Store, Barn, Livery and Hall |
Q20709200 | J. T. Ferguson Store |
Q16935426 | J. W. Benn Building |
Q6107497 | J. Y. Dykman Flour and Feed Store |
Q6107498 | J. Y. Dykman Store |
Q56280471 | J.A. Bookman General Store |
Q17986184 | J.A. Byrd Mercantile Store |
Q23926610 | J.B. Brown Memorial Block |
Q19462563 | J.C. Berry's Dry Goods Store |
Q107319857 | J.C. Penny Company Building |
Q107330132 | J.C. Penny Company Building |
Q44664756 | J.E. Upton Block |
Q65964712 | J.E. Wise Building |
Q14689090 | J.H.C. Petersen's Sons Wholesale Building |
Q123964886 | J.S. Block Building |
Q6104371 | J.S. Schroeder Building |
Q47087114 | J.V. Berscht Block |
Q22059363 | Jabez Knowlton Store |
Q14712614 | Jackson Blacksmith Shop |
Q15964617 | Jacob Noyes Block |
Q85770485 | Jacobs Building |
Q107317635 | Jacques Adoue Building |
Q48499203 | Jakes-Maclean Block |
Q17806319 | James Allan and Son, 15, 17, 19, 21 Gordon Street, Glasgow |
Q85770595 | James Boyter Shop |
Q14692048 | James Brown's Dry Goods Store |
Q16892834 | James Building |
Q107317373 | James H. Robertson Building |
Q18151391 | James Harman Building |
Q14712621 | James Mills Storehouse |
Q95989012 | James Rothwell Block (336 Durham Street East) |
Q95989013 | James Rothwell Block (336A Durham Street East) |
Q51409234 | James Ryan Shop |
Q6143070 | James Sheeley House |
Q80864426 | James T. Henthorn Building |
Q23035383 | Jameson-Richards Cafe |
Q63349113 | Jamieson Meat Company |
Q17509455 | Janani Luwum Church House |
Q55614931 | Janin Store |
Q24040357 | Jasper Block |
Q3289794 | Jean-Talon Market |
Q6177609 | Jenkins Music Company Building |
Q28153672 | Jenne Block |
Q14687672 | Jennie Foley Building |
Q19462616 | Jennings Ford Automobile Dealership |
Q116026064 | Jensen & Kuhre Lumber and Hardware |
Q25004646 | Jesse N. Cypert Law Office |
Q16855131 | Jewell Building |
Q85771153 | Jewell Building |
Q111342323 | Jin Hongqiao International Center |
Q6203154 | Jischke's Meat Market |
Q112875980 | Jiyugaoka Plaza (Nagoya) |
Q117466169 | Jo-Terrace Osaka |
Q6206679 | Job Mills Block |
Q21037169 | Joe Knight Building |
Q6213704 | Joel M. Pruyn Block |
Q15229639 | Johannesburg Manufacturing Company Store |
Q105045252 | Johannishof |
Q54874544 | John Baeten Store |
Q28147998 | John Bell Block |
Q6224447 | John C. Hieber Building |
Q109975367 | John Darlington Building |
Q24886084 | John G. Kerr Company |
Q107321264 | John G. Williams Building |
Q96384570 | John Griffith Store Building |
Q24062205 | John O'Ferrell Store |
Q24062187 | John Pound Store |
Q50627586 | John Quinton Limited Fish Store and Salt Store |
Q50627584 | John Quinton Limited Shop |
Q60772929 | John Tourtellotte Building |
Q6266013 | Johnie's Coffee Shop |
Q128107581 | Johnny Grant Building |
Q127798469 | Johnny's Steak House Building |
Q19881021 | Johnson Building |
Q19881027 | Johnson Switch Building |
Q14692071 | Johnston Building |
Q54958674 | Johnston's Grocery Store |
Q131708776 | Johnstone & Noble Building |
Q53855512 | Jolimont Centre |
Q6275137 | Jones Block |
Q14708953 | Jones Cash Store Building |
Q55438327 | Jones-Harding Block |
Q23074016 | Jonesville Store |
Q19362529 | Jordi-Kocher House |
Q107318908 | Jose Nestor Saenz Store |
Q85771956 | Jose Piscorski Building |
Q1001615 | Joseph Bosch Building |
Q6287698 | Joseph W. Podmore Building |
Q130749011 | Jossastraße 5 |
Q130749012 | Jossastraße 7 |
Q6294518 | Joubert and White Building |
Q25248138 | Journal Building |
Q16892963 | Journal-Gazette Building |
Q131314595 | Judson-Rives Building |
Q127604101 | Julian Medical Building |
Q85772408 | Julian-Drew Building |
Q54874564 | Julius Krause Store Building |
Q47495927 | Julius Swirsky Clothing Store |
Q113499825 | Jura House |
Q112586938 | Jussintori commercial building |
Q104961253 | Juwelier |
Q2398510 | K in Kortrijk |
Q112674468 | KITTE Nagoya |
Q113700051 | KOP house |
Q6347003 | Kahl Building |
Q29094318 | Kahlert Mercantile Store |
Q102300222 | Kahn Tailoring Company |
Q131278041 | Kai Tak Commercial Building |
Q96385042 | Kaiser's |
Q1650474 | Kaiserpalast |
Q11869052 | Kaivotalo |
Q57378470 | Kalberer Building |
Q56279683 | Kalispell Monumental Company |
Q41143030 | Kammerhof 5 |
Q120197720 | Kammerhof 6 |
Q54953294 | Kanab Hotel and Cafe |
Q11647512 | Kanazawa Hyakubangai |
Q102227680 | Kane Block |
Q6364701 | Kansas City Cold Storage Company Building |
Q6364787 | Kansas City Live Stock Exchange |
Q4352432 | Kansas City Power and Light Building |
Q14704417 | Kansas City Southern Railway Building |
Q6364902 | Kansas City Title and Trust Building |
Q6364917 | Kansas City Water Department Building |
Q6364620 | Kansas City, Missouri Western Union Telegraph Building |
Q104960821 | Kantoorgebouw Famous |
Q11735008 | Kantyna |
Q14709752 | Karcher Block |
Q131345289 | Karl's Building |
Q65072710 | Karrick Block |
Q107036906 | Kassantalo (Tikkurila) |
Q112586275 | Kassatalo |
Q29883002 | Kaufhaus Hauptwil |
Q1259928 | Kaufleutstube |
Q6378692 | Kaufmann's Department Store Warehouse |
Q28685568 | Kawagoe City Industry and Tourism Center |
Q87158858 | Kean's Block |
Q25135335 | Kegler Gonner Store and Post Office |
Q61944098 | Keilty Building |
Q113330822 | Keith's Restaurant |
Q14711741 | Keith-O'Brien Building |
Q6385896 | Kelly's Westport Inn |
Q85773935 | Kemp & Hebert Building |
Q42331588 | Kemp Block |
Q131701959 | Kemp’s Building (former) |
Q19881202 | Kennedy Bakery |
Q6389592 | Kennedy Building |
Q79311353 | Kennedy Buildings |
Q101445765 | Kent Block |
Q107319855 | Kent Tire and Storage Company Building |
Q131843411 | Kent's Buildings |
Q14712661 | Keokee Store No. 1 |
Q54889402 | Ker Block |
Q108311218 | Kerava borough house |
Q130749008 | Kerspenhäuser Straße 8 |
Q16893292 | Kesler Law Building |
Q132355368 | Kesselsdorfer Straße 2 |
Q132250970 | Kesselsdorfer Straße 208 |
Q16893314 | Ketchin Building |
Q107320436 | Ketzler Schnitzel Haus & Biergarten |
Q11265970 | Keyaki Hiroba |
Q6398450 | Keystone Building |
Q23976348 | Khan al-Zarakisha |
Q13023913 | Khun Ampai Commercial Building |
Q24041414 | Kickapoo Building |
Q6407609 | Killgore Hall |
Q19462770 | Kimball's Store |
Q14682971 | Kindel Building |
Q18153152 | King Block |
Q15238529 | King Lumber Company Warehouse |
Q42331594 | Kingston Powell Building |
Q72414801 | Kino Edison |
Q61041589 | Kinshachi Yokocho |
Q61273912 | Kinshachi Yokocho Muneharu Zone |
Q61276741 | Kinshachi Yokocho Yoshinao Zone |
Q122499116 | Kippy Mall |
Q130749013 | Kirchberg 1 |
Q30327406 | Kirkkokatu 24, Oulu |
Q6415886 | Kirkwood Building |
Q6416057 | Kirstein Building |
Q6417281 | Kissock Block Building |
Q17211142 | Kitano Meister Garden |
Q6417952 | Kitchen, Montross & Wilcox Store |
Q22118525 | Kitte Hakata |
Q11871895 | Kivikukkaro |
Q24062176 | Kixmiller's Store |
Q11518305 | Kiyamachi Kōji |
Q104961445 | Kledingzaak Twiggy |
Q6420185 | Klein and Sutmar Block |
Q55616090 | Kliegle Garage |
Q37925844 | Knappenhaus St. Jakob in Defereggen |
Q6421973 | Knerr Block, Floyd Block, McHench Building and Webster and Coe Building |
Q6422205 | Knight Block |
Q85774743 | Knudson Brothers Building |
Q6423828 | Knuessl Building |
Q24041143 | Kocourek and Son Hardware |
Q110377321 | Kohlgarten |
Q16858413 | Kohlhagen Building |
Q37904240 | Kohlmarkt 8-10, Vienna |
Q115902055 | Kolmiotalo |
Q94981036 | Komercijalna Banka, Shtip |
Q66437953 | Komsomolskoye shosse, 22 |
Q6428725 | Konak Pier |
Q15239381 | Kong Lung Store |
Q44664902 | Koopman Building/Old Billiard Hall |
Q107317370 | Koppel Building |
Q130749014 | Korngasse 14 |
Q1784793 | Kort Grocery |
Q131395414 | Kosmetiksalon Babett |
Q49236127 | Kosmoshaus |
Q65238035 | Kosola house |
Q109714599 | Kotochika Yamashina |
Q112650821 | Kototalo commercial building |
Q112573123 | Kramerstraße 19, 20 |
Q85774997 | Krenz-Kerley Trading Post |
Q24694632 | Kresge Building |
Q61819824 | Kresge Building |
Q6436813 | Kress Building |
Q14710916 | Kress Building |
Q18151121 | Kress Building |
Q107322355 | Kress and Company Building |
Q1789670 | Krochhochhaus |
Q47354365 | Krone inn / cinema |
Q1789864 | Kronenhalle |
Q48200622 | Krystallpalast Varieté Leipzig |
Q25028585 | Kucheman Building |
Q6441850 | Kuehn Blacksmith Shop-Hardware Store |
Q131395444 | Kunst im Heim |
Q1794804 | Ku’damm-Eck |
Q7237793 | Kwong Sang Hong Building |
Q59872498 | Kyle House, Sydney |
Q116927104 | Kymppitalo |
Q115896392 | Kärntner Straße 20, Vienna |
Q37878098 | Kärntner Straße 57, Vienna |
Q116446382 | Kölnstraße 468 |
Q48200271 | König-Albert-Haus |
Q1270988 | Königsbau |
Q117350776 | Königsbrücker Straße 49 |
Q125406373 | Kısmet Han |
Q85775344 | L and L Building |
Q130371863 | L&D House |
Q56277744 | L. A. Larson & Co. Store |
Q20708757 | L. D. Giddens and Son Jewelry Store |
Q16893793 | L. Haas Store |
Q107320011 | L. Simpson and J.T. Spears Building |
Q85775265 | L.B. Bentley General Merchandise |
Q43083089 | L.C. Adam Mercantile Building |
Q85775275 | L.J. Bernard Hardware Store |
Q11346736 | LACHIC |
Q48759514 | LINOAS |
Q110785355 | La Buvette |
Q6461583 | La Casina |
Q6462428 | La Fave Block |
Q122915360 | La Stella |
Q60986441 | LaLaGran |
Q103278046 | LaPlont Block |
Q24887320 | LaSalle Annex |
Q55616473 | Lafayette Hardware Store |
Q22059105 | Lagomarcino–Grupe Company |
Q131687778 | Laidlaw House and the Frazier Shop |
Q131603899 | Laing Apartment Block |
Q6477240 | Lake Oswego Odd Fellows Hall |
Q14687768 | Lakeside Press Building |
Q6479292 | Lakeview Tithing Office |
Q55616527 | Lamartina Building |
Q25006743 | Lamb Block |
Q6481023 | Lamb Building |
Q42331598 | Lambton Block |
Q6483115 | Lancaster Block |
Q6483117 | Lancaster Block |
Q48847275 | Lander's Wagon and Carriage Shop |
Q41143184 | Landshuter Straße 68 |
Q16932067 | Lappin-Hayes Block |
Q113576318 | Las Saetas |
Q630304 | Lasipalatsi |
Q16894013 | Last Chance Store |
Q65070052 | Lawrence and Chapin Building |
Q102216517 | Le Magasin |
Q60765339 | LeMoine Building |
Q17227616 | Leaf Minatomirai |
Q17183314 | Leake–Ingham Building |
Q24062046 | Learner Building |
Q80864398 | Lech Building |
Q101445770 | Leckie Block |
Q111693683 | Lee Block |
Q128199999 | Lee Drug |
Q54889414 | Lee Woy & Company Building |
Q127797414 | Leed's Building |
Q55888298 | Leeman Auto Company Building |
Q85776183 | Lefler-Woodman Building |
Q15242212 | Lehigh Valley Railroad Headquarters Building |
Q118432171 | Leipziger Straße 170 |
Q6520220 | Leis Block |
Q26538935 | Leopold Chambers |
Q131378751 | Lerners Building |
Q38250809 | Lesinger Block |
Q131993121 | Letholite Factory (former) |
Q121337882 | Levantkade 10 (NRM offices) |
Q18151164 | Lever Building |
Q6535353 | Levi Anthony Building |
Q107320543 | Levine's Department Store |
Q54889421 | Lewis & Humphreys Block |
Q6537410 | Lewiston Trust and Safe Deposit Company |
Q24693771 | Libby-Hill Block |
Q6541633 | Liberty Building |
Q16894149 | Liberty Warehouse |
Q115689679 | Lieblerhaus |
Q65058832 | Lilyquist-Christianson Building |
Q54889430 | Lim Dat Building |
Q919079 | Lincoln Building |
Q25203655 | Lincoln Building |
Q15242385 | Lincoln House (Stickney, South Dakota) |
Q43305287 | Lincoln Theatre |
Q6552149 | Lindauer and Rupert Block |
Q130356494 | Lindenstraße 31 |
Q6552866 | Lindsey Building |
Q108309881 | Lindström's pharmacy building |
Q18786381 | Lindwurmstraße 76 (München) |
Q18153616 | Linville Falls Tavern |
Q111937024 | Lion Block |
Q15940647 | Lions' Plaza Commercial Building |
Q102362984 | Lipsett Building |
Q6557347 | Liquid Carbonic Company Building |
Q60189803 | Little Hunter and Hamilton Street Precinct |
Q23035188 | Little Rock Boys Club |
Q6658748 | Livestock Exchange Building |
Q6665349 | Locke Block |
Q111191107 | Loggia am Stadthaus |
Q6668013 | Lohman Block |
Q65072810 | Lollin Block |
Q14683163 | Long Beach Professional Building |
Q105082051 | Long and Third Commercial Building |
Q54889443 | Loo Tai Cho Building |
Q6678986 | Lord Block |
Q100268513 | Lorne Block |
Q29651909 | Lorraine Commercial Building (former Brewery) |
Q20712319 | Lostine Pharmacy |
Q52089702 | Lot 5, St. Lawrence Street East |
Q96390859 | Lottie Roth Block |
Q38528416 | Lougheed Building |
Q23017255 | Louis H. Sturm Hardware Store |
Q20709356 | Louis Mohr Block |
Q29649449 | Louisa Building |
Q44664937 | Louise Block |
Q6689563 | Louisville and Nashville Railroad Office Building |
Q14709440 | Louttit Laundry |
Q130467036 | Love Hardware Building |
Q6692157 | Loveland Block and Coors Building |
Q131541867 | Lovell Block |
Q107320793 | Lubbock Power and Light |
Q107321006 | Ludlum Cable and Can Building |
Q107321014 | Luella Building |
Q6703085 | Lumber Exchange Building |
Q112593457 | Luoma house |
Q6704879 | Lura Building |
Q6708005 | Lyman Block |
Q123125201 | Lynn Item Building |
Q14715687 | Lynn Realty Company Building No. 2 |
Q24895980 | Lyon Block |
Q6709789 | Lyons Garage |
Q38528445 | M & J Hardware Building |
Q18217032 | M & O Chevrolet Company |
Q56347158 | M!Nara |
Q112032479 | MEGA Don Quijote Meiyon Tangodori |
Q61747205 | MIDAS Center |
Q108857806 | MIDORI |
Q25346051 | Maas Commercial Building |
Q54889453 | Mable Carriage Works |
Q42331606 | MacKenzie Kenny Law Office |
Q114447917 | Macartney Drug Store |
Q54889460 | Macdonald Block |
Q6723740 | Machinery Row |
Q60746002 | Mack-International Motor Truck Corporation Building |
Q55876602 | Mackay Building |
Q6724469 | Mackie Building |
Q17828479 | Mackintosh Buildings, 80 - 82 High Street, Nairn |
Q63656471 | Madden Store |
Q6727760 | Madina Building |
Q3276549 | Magasin Aubinais |
Q92933951 | Magasin-entrepôt Charles-Wilson |
Q8341625 | Magatzems Can Jorba (Portal de l'Àngel) |
Q125489371 | Magdalenen-Terrasse |
Q112767566 | Magyar Posta Vehicle Factory |
Q117712179 | Mah Society Building |
Q65118162 | Mahoney Building |
Q131405350 | Mailing's Building |
Q14685619 | Main Office of the New Castle Leather Company |
Q14559703 | Main post office (district post office) |
Q23926619 | Maine Publicity Bureau Building |
Q14715240 | Maine Supply Company Building |
Q3278602 | Maison Bacot |
Q28803986 | Maison Houston |
Q28803993 | Maison Laplante |
Q123414329 | Maison des Halles |
Q22924812 | Maison du miel |
Q27865893 | Majestic Building |
Q29203625 | Maker’s Pier |
Q123735466 | Malaya Semenovskaya street 6 s1 |
Q10270239 | Maletta Building |
Q124038515 | Manchester Terrace |
Q108326502 | Manchester Unity House |
Q12772800 | Manderla House |
Q42331692 | Manie Opera Society Building |
Q16894630 | Manne Building |
Q38251101 | Mansuy and Smith Automobile Showroom Building |
Q85783706 | Manti Motor Company Building |
Q85783807 | Margaret Block |
Q92636801 | Maria-Theresien-Straße 4 |
Q37934078 | Mariahilfer Straße 70 |
Q1897903 | Marienplatz 21 |
Q5187819 | Market Cross House |
Q26336657 | Market Harborough Town Hall |
Q6770693 | Market House |
Q17552745 | Market House |
Q79312195 | Market Reserve Building |
Q107320442 | Market on the Square |
Q99290878 | Markt 13–21/Marktbrücke 1–3/Remigiusplatz 6 |
Q16894714 | Marschner Building |
Q6773658 | Marshall J. Kinney Cannery |
Q15248829 | Marshall's Store |
Q14709064 | Marshfield Elks Temple |
Q29641484 | Marthasville Hardware Building |
Q14709761 | Martilla-Pettingel and Gorder General Merchandise Store |
Q6776755 | Martin Tower |
Q108108469 | Marty's Men's and Ladies' Shop |
Q111461910 | Maruei Galleria |
Q11341447 | Maruya gardens |
Q7284075 | Mary E. Switzer Memorial Building |
Q85784134 | Mascho Building and Public Privy |
Q18154146 | Mason Building |
Q57379109 | Mason Ehrman Annex |
Q6783661 | Masonic Block |
Q6783662 | Masonic Block |
Q14714186 | Masonic Temple |
Q14687847 | Massie Variety Store |
Q30623211 | Masters Building |
Q18154167 | Mathewson Block |
Q41421440 | Mathildenstraße 23 |
Q114356933 | Matsujiro Fujino Property |
Q30575001 | Matthew and McLean Heritage Building |
Q76435929 | Matthews Building |
Q6794035 | Mausert Block |
Q14685628 | Max Keil Building |
Q14685631 | Max Keil Building |
Q53647748 | Max-Joseph-Straße 2 |
Q1913743 | Maxburg |
Q41175798 | Maximiliansplatz 18 |
Q48810737 | Maxwell-Briscoe Automobile Company Showroom |
Q18154187 | May Company Building |
Q42331702 | Maybank Drug Store |
Q6797495 | Mayo Building |
Q21188476 | Mays General Store |
Q131455384 | Mays’ Buildings |
Q65066711 | McAdams and Morford Building |
Q117139971 | McBeth and Campbell Building |
Q6800041 | McBride-Sims Garage |
Q16894873 | McCabe Building |
Q6800086 | McCain Furniture Store |
Q30623209 | McCandless Building |
Q6800149 | McCanna-Hubbell Building |
Q6800186 | McCarthy Building |
Q6800467 | McConahay Building |
Q107319861 | McConnell Brothers Furniture Company Building |
Q6800560 | McCormick–International Harvester Company Branch House |
Q6800665 | McCracken Brothers Motor Freight Building |
Q50160698 | McElroy Store |
Q18154257 | McGeahy Building |
Q87158868 | McGibbon Lumber Company |
Q6801279 | McGill Historical Drug Store Museum |
Q6801626 | McIntosh Building |
Q65072905 | McIntyre Building |
Q104532295 | McKay Block |
Q90029288 | McKay Brothers Limited |
Q107317371 | McKean-Eilers Building |
Q42331707 | McKenzie Sharland Grocery |
Q105713926 | McKinlay Block |
Q6801965 | McKinney Building |
Q19987063 | McMinn Building |
Q16894938 | McMorran and Washburne Department Store Building |
Q101542338 | McRae's Country Store |
Q17826003 | Mcewing Building Contractors, 98-100 Bearhope, Greenock |
Q61944099 | Mechanics Block (112-118 King Street West) |
Q61944100 | Mechanics Block (124 King Street West) |
Q61944101 | Mechanics Block (126 King Street West) |
Q61944102 | Mechanics Block (130 King Street West) |
Q6804584 | Mechanics Building |
Q14715258 | Mechanics Hall |
Q113672367 | Mediacentrum |
Q6806266 | Medical Arts Building |
Q55316492 | Medical Arts Building |
Q16894936 | Medical Arts Building (Newport News, Virginia) |
Q24041352 | Meek Building |
Q14714998 | Meeker's Hardware |
Q15936909 | Mehas City |
Q6809980 | Meier & Frank Delivery Depot |
Q68012468 | Meitetsu Lejac |
Q46996841 | Melligan Store-Agriculture Hall |
Q38528855 | Melsness Mercantile Building |
Q130342419 | Menlyn Maine |
Q6010512 | Mercado de Abastos |
Q56630059 | Mercantile Buildings, 44-48 Bell Street, Dundee |
Q56630060 | Mercantile Buildings, 54, 56 Bell Street, Dundee |
Q14716216 | Merchants Building |
Q23303454 | Merchants Textile Mill |
Q66315838 | Merchants' Exchange Building of Bahia |
Q14685647 | Mermaid Tavern (Newark, Delaware) |
Q24896121 | Merrero Building |
Q29468956 | Merritt Beach & Son Building |
Q57930483 | Messehaus am Markt |
Q23647580 | Metallic Roofing Company Offices |
Q6825005 | Metropolitan Block |
Q111525936 | Metropolitan Building |
Q60189781 | Metters Building |
Q15253310 | Michael J. Kirwan Educational Television Center |
Q6835671 | Michaels-Stern Building |
Q6840691 | Mid-Continent Tower |
Q29489627 | Midland Bank, Rhosmaen Street |
Q6666599 | Midland Building |
Q6843080 | Midtown Exchange |
Q14704955 | Midwest Theater |
Q125398479 | Mikimoto Ginza 2 |
Q115909857 | Milchgasse 1, Vienna |
Q14704727 | Miles City Steam Laundry |
Q85785544 | Miller Block |
Q111133201 | Miller Block |
Q6859094 | Miller Building |
Q50160156 | Miller's Oven |
Q6859007 | Miller's Store |
Q127604111 | Millers Stationers Building |
Q18154431 | Milligan Block |
Q54889474 | Milne Block |
Q38528965 | Milnes Block |
Q56648683 | Minato AQULS |
Q56648715 | Minato AQULS E.ZONE |
Q126027943 | Miner's Hat |
Q117712388 | Ming Wo Building |
Q1540984 | Minneapolis Grain Exchange |
Q6868098 | Minnequa Steel Works Office Building and Dispensary, Colorado Fuel and Iron Company |
Q6879743 | Missouri Theatre |
Q6884130 | Mixter Blacksmith Shop |
Q70890763 | Miyuki Mall |
Q6884721 | Mizpah Lodge Building |
Q61499756 | Mme. Tremblay’s Store |
Q47277758 | Mockbeggar Plantation Fish Store |
Q107320933 | Mode O'Day / J.C. Penny Company Building |
Q60748919 | Molyneux Chevrolet Company |
Q25004911 | Monroe County Bank Building |
Q65067090 | Monsieur Giron's Confectionery |
Q130313712 | Monte de Piedad and Savings Bank Building |
Q14709077 | Montgomery Park |
Q6905818 | Montgomery Ward Building |
Q6905821 | Montgomery Ward Building |
Q6905827 | Montgomery Ward Building |
Q14684961 | Montgomery Ward Building |
Q107320559 | Montgomery Ward Company Building |
Q107319408 | Montgomery Ward Store |
Q107330268 | Montgomery Ward Store |
Q16895323 | Monticello Arcade |
Q16895351 | Monticello Store and Post Office |
Q122223683 | Montreal Postal Station F |
Q11280212 | Monzen Plaza |
Q24041196 | Moore Building |
Q124020322 | Moore Store |
Q16895373 | Moore's Auto Body and Paint Shop |
Q24062071 | Moore/Carlew Building |
Q56062907 | More Automobile Company Building |
Q14715723 | Morgan Block |
Q42331732 | Morgan Building |
Q79302890 | Morgan's Building |
Q16895382 | Morgan-Copp-Mervau Building |
Q85786359 | Morris Roberts Store |
Q102228000 | Morris Tobacconists |
Q24436325 | Morse and Wade Building |
Q20714846 | Morton Brothers Grocery |
Q122945623 | Moscow Aminyevskoye Highway 6 |
Q124316579 | Moscow Nizhny Susalny Lane 5 s1 |
Q6918633 | Mott Willis Store |
Q104881824 | Mottman Building |
Q20858125 | Mountain Brook Estates Building |
Q6927287 | Mowers' Block |
Q48845155 | Moyers Building |
Q64617677 | Mrs. Furlong's Store |
Q6931563 | Mudbaden Sulphur Springs Company |
Q17026973 | Mueller Lumber Company |
Q72183766 | MultinaBox |
Q6936837 | Munroe Building |
Q6936893 | Munson Diner |
Q114186356 | Murphy's |
Q113499826 | Murten House |
Q6941184 | Musgrove Block |
Q14704451 | Mutual Ice Company Building |
Q63349114 | Myles' Jewelery Store |
Q55316198 | Mystic Bank |
Q94670600 | Myu plat |
Q108922755 | Myu plat Jingu-mae |
Q94670590 | Myu plat Kanayama |
Q95681463 | Myu plat Ozone |
Q85175214 | Möbelhaus Trunck & Co. |
Q125525787 | Mönckebergstraße 3 |
Q111595540 | Münzhof |
Q85787446 | N. A. Jacobsen Building |
Q25006201 | N.E. Dickerson Store |
Q70298278 | NAMBA Sky'O |
Q130357856 | NTT-T Building |
Q124038523 | Nabers, Morrow and Sinnige Building |
Q83793595 | Nagoya Parco |
Q111125997 | Nagoya Parco East Building |
Q111125045 | Nagoya Parco South Building |
Q111125598 | Nagoya Parco West Building |
Q106409720 | Nagoya Zero Gate |
Q124047473 | Nagoya-Minato Shopping Center |
Q65082606 | Nando Felty Saloon |
Q20711130 | Nansen Store |
Q111362327 | Narita-shi Sōgō Ryūtsū Center |
Q6966764 | Nash Block |
Q107320859 | Nash Building/Hooper Motor Company |
Q125955033 | Nathan Tower |
Q6969919 | Nathaniel West Buildings |
Q6972851 | National Garage |
Q107322946 | National Supply Company Building |
Q6978998 | National Transit Building |
Q29489639 | National Westminster Bank, Rhosmaen Street |
Q108311186 | National Workers' Savings Bank |
Q66606765 | Neelands Block |
Q96395157 | Neely Building |
Q14704456 | Neff Tavern Smokehouse |
Q63656474 | Neilson Store |
Q107322133 | Neiman-Marcus Store |
Q131340626 | Nelson Building |
Q16895752 | Nelson Tift Building |
Q14708369 | Nelson's Grocery |
Q23017114 | Nester House |
Q15836621 | Neues Stadthaus |
Q7003364 | Nevada Brewery |
Q14683470 | Nevada-California-Oregon Railway Co. General Office Building |
Q14689262 | New Era Building |
Q113639376 | New Fliedner Building |
Q7009440 | New Jersey Safe Deposit and Trust Company |
Q14709107 | New Logus Block |
Q14705801 | New Milford Plant of the Hackensack Water Company |
Q8772027 | New York County Lawyers' Association Building |
Q105806944 | New Zealand Shipping Company building |
Q131910634 | New Zealand Shipping Company, Farmer’s Cooperative Auctioneering Company, North Auckland Farmers’ Cooperative Ltd (former) |
Q7018423 | Newman Brothers Building |
Q130321792 | News-Advertiser Building |
Q14707102 | Niagara Mohawk Building |
Q14689266 | Nicholas Koester Building |
Q7026552 | Nichols Block |
Q63147774 | Nicholson Meat Market |
Q55625175 | Nick's Hamburger Shop |
Q54557540 | Nickels Arcade |
Q56871665 | Niederstraße 20, Uerdingen |
Q57198171 | Niederstraße 36, Uerdingen |
Q16895852 | Niewerth Building |
Q48200814 | Nikolaistraße 16 |
Q48200854 | Nikolaistraße 53 |
Q54890704 | Ning Young Building |
Q131672831 | Ninnis Building |
Q14708102 | Nissen Building |
Q20707179 | Noah Bryan Store |
Q7045574 | Nob Hill Business Center |
Q24693831 | Noble Block |
Q85789352 | Nogales Steam Laundry Building |
Q16895888 | Noland Company Building |
Q96396160 | Nordstrom Downtown Portland |
Q18151807 | North Carolina Mutual Building |
Q7054908 | North Conway 5 and 10 Cent Store |
Q7055728 | North Jay Grange Store |
Q7637598 | North Toronto railway station |
Q26664127 | Northern Glass Works with attached gates and railings |
Q107318128 | Northington Land and Cattle Company Store Building |
Q98123132 | Northwest Trading Post |
Q85789799 | Northwestern Improvement Company Store |
Q131325089 | Norton Building |
Q46996839 | Norwood Tower |
Q99935780 | Notre Maison |
Q107320430 | Nutshell Eatery & Bakery |
Q17040452 | Nye County Mercantile Company Building |
Q7073333 | O Street Market |
Q7071672 | O'Brien General Store and Post Office |
Q107318996 | O'Dell Store |
Q18706052 | O'Hanlon Building |
Q7071836 | O'Kane Building |
Q7071839 | O'Kane Market and O'Kane Building |
Q16896015 | O'Shea Building |
Q7072063 | O.K. Corral, Arizona |
Q15837211 | ORAG-Haus |
Q132395709 | Oag's Buildings |
Q7073846 | Oakes National Bank Block |
Q118654168 | Obere Hauptstraße 52 |
Q118655080 | Obere Hauptstraße 52 |
Q109923633 | Obermarkt 31, Reutte |
Q19365041 | Observer Building |
Q7075686 | Occidental Life Building |
Q55264646 | Oceana Building (Beira) |
Q125029907 | Oceania shopping mall |
Q29523951 | Oceanic business building |
Q7077346 | Odd Fellows Hall |
Q41181084 | Odeonsplatz 1-2 |
Q7078547 | Oeldorf Building |
Q46996843 | Ogilvie Building |
Q96030808 | Ohrid Bank Building, Struga |
Q112586969 | Oikokuja 2 |
Q7082274 | Oklahoma Natural Gas Company Building |
Q115600951 | Okotoks Post Office |
Q112585859 | Old Alko commercial building |
Q16896119 | Old Baltimore College of Dental Surgery |
Q14685728 | Old Brick Store |
Q16896114 | Old Brick Warehouse |
Q4774850 | Old Camuy Casino |
Q107323022 | Old Carson Store |
Q387456 | Old Corner Bookstore |
Q107322012 | Old Dallas Power & Light Company Building |
Q112650899 | Old Elanto shop |
Q14711848 | Old Hansen Planetarium |
Q29483455 | Old Library |
Q7084376 | Old Livery Stable |
Q17103896 | Old Market Building |
Q107323036 | Old Mercantile Building |
Q85790506 | Old Napa Register Building |
Q126363730 | Old Orphanage (1786) |
Q17084280 | Old Post Office Block |
Q131827694 | Old Remuera Post Office |
Q91582987 | Old Rock Store |
Q2652905 | Old Saint Petersburg Stock Exchange |
Q29681656 | Old Saw |
Q7085123 | Old Stone Shop |
Q7085130 | Old Stone Warehouse |
Q14683562 | Old Tavern |
Q7085209 | Old Thomas James Store |
Q33100582 | Old Veterinary School of Anderlecht |
Q87792585 | Old Vyborg Telephone Exchange |
Q132192947 | Olesen’s Buildings |
Q56266697 | Olinsky Building |
Q115600953 | Oliver Block |
Q7087578 | Oliver H. Bair Funeral Home |
Q107318819 | Olivera Dry Goods Store |
Q114071737 | Olmedo Building |
Q7088439 | Olmsted Station Powerhouse |
Q7088430 | Olmsted-Hixon-Albion Block |
Q63349115 | Olympia Candy Store |
Q113500583 | Olympia House |
Q7089406 | Omaha Bolt, Nut and Screw Building |
Q7089456 | Omaha Star building |
Q107449033 | One North State |
Q7093400 | One Woodward Avenue |
Q107317406 | Openheimer-Montgomery Building |
Q56195507 | Oranienburger Straße 4 |
Q27780854 | Orda cinema |
Q112657807 | Oreco Building |
Q29787622 | Orient cinema |
Q23035190 | Oscar Redman Building |
Q65067729 | Osterman and Tremaine Building |
Q104962100 | Osterrieth huis Dexia Bank |
Q55023114 | Osuuskaupan talo |
Q55023930 | Osuuskauppa Aura house |
Q11462174 | Otaru Canal Terminal |
Q24971924 | Otto Schlemmer Building |
Q55023870 | Oulun Osuuskauppa |
Q127781782 | Outpost Building |
Q107320474 | Over the Hill Antiques |
Q57397785 | Overland Warehouse Building |
Q50719380 | O’Dwyer Block |
Q14715805 | P. J. Barrett Block |
Q104962099 | PATRIDEC |
Q11331694 | PIVOT |
Q24870967 | PLAYatré Tsuchiura |
Q113700080 | POK house |
Q7122327 | Pacific Building |
Q102317245 | Pacific Coast Stock Exchange building |
Q54918974 | Pacific Transfer Building |
Q7122922 | Packard Motor Car Showroom and Storage Facility |
Q7123361 | Paddock Arcade |
Q7123360 | Paddock Building |
Q65117093 | Paden's Drug Store |
Q131603923 | Pagoda and Treble Hall |
Q56276015 | Paige Motor Car Co. Building |
Q7124864 | Paine Furniture Building |
Q54918980 | Palace Cigar Store |
Q7126159 | Palace Clothing Company Building |
Q7126173 | Palace Hotel |
Q7126181 | Palace Lodge |
Q17061747 | Palais Royale Building |
Q767657 | Palais de la Bourse |
Q16764353 | Palais du Mobilier Bonn Frères |
Q127161242 | Palau Nou de la Rambla |
Q29881142 | Palazzi |
Q7127307 | Palestine Lodge |
Q48806197 | Pallay Building |
Q7128001 | Palm Beach Mercantile Company |
Q128217862 | Palmer Building |
Q107320438 | Pamela and Company |
Q107320428 | Pan Handle |
Q107320432 | Paradise Bistro and Coffee Company |
Q2052074 | Parcus-Haus |
Q124029797 | Parham Apothecary Building |
Q85792255 | Parker and Weeter Block |
Q17084858 | Parker's Store |
Q65044906 | Parkhurst Building |
Q131378636 | Parmelee Building |
Q29700612 | Patek Philippe Salons |
Q24969675 | Patten Building |
Q7148455 | Patterson Law Office |
Q131429512 | Patthargatti |
Q15265702 | Patton Block Building |
Q7148632 | Patton Building |
Q7148653 | Patton and Loomis Block |
Q23091990 | Payjack Chevrolet Building |
Q108857803 | PePe |
Q61039515 | Peake-Carvell Building |
Q85792623 | Peck Block |
Q2067999 | Pelikanhaus |
Q7162300 | Pence Automobile Company Building |
Q7162301 | Pence Automobile Company Warehouse |
Q7162388 | Pender's Store |
Q18155823 | Pendergrass Building |
Q87158877 | Penetanguishene Centennial Museum |
Q85792744 | Pennsylvania National Bank Building |
Q123458512 | Penrose House |
Q110863833 | Pension Seestraße 15 |
Q7165485 | People's Co-op Building |
Q50358806 | Perkins Motors |
Q107317374 | Perkins-Timberlake Company Building |
Q110921201 | Perley Block |
Q15265996 | Perry-Payne Building |
Q105082163 | Peruna Drug Manufacturing Company Building |
Q7174114 | Peter Fuller Building |
Q24041371 | Peter Joplin Commercial Block |
Q7176025 | Peter Myers Pork Packing Plant and Willard Coleman Building |
Q7176392 | Peter Pierce Store |
Q124038562 | Peter Zinszer's Mammoth Furniture House |
Q7178134 | Peters Paper Company Warehouse |
Q127798505 | Petersen Building |
Q29786028 | Petite Rochette du Faubourg |
Q29791521 | Petoskey Grocery Company Building |
Q109771650 | Petrie Building |
Q109771651 | Petrie-Kelly Building |
Q107320961 | Petroleum Building |
Q48850207 | Pettit Cleaners Building |
Q126937155 | Peuchen Block |
Q7179521 | Pevely Dairy Company Plant |
Q85793020 | Peyton Building and Peyton Annex |
Q15266100 | Peyton-Ellington Building |
Q18156803 | Philcade Building |
Q19460839 | Philip Carey Building |
Q7185544 | Philipsburgh Building |
Q42331784 | Phillips Building |
Q3381275 | Philtower Building |
Q7186404 | Phipps-McElveen Building |
Q14713057 | Phlegar Building |
Q2088497 | Phoenix Building |
Q60680758 | Phoenix Building |
Q14688020 | Phoenix Opera House Block |
Q105043680 | Phoenix Pharmacy |
Q45040406 | Phyllis Grocery |
Q131603928 | Picone's Food Market |
Q113700157 | Pieksämäki Savings Bank Building |
Q114667681 | Pieni Roobertinkatu 7 |
Q15266250 | Piereus Store |
Q14693347 | Pigford Building |
Q7194509 | Pilsbury Block |
Q7194969 | Pincus Building |
Q102325929 | Pine Mine store |
Q28147963 | Pinkie's Corner |
Q7196651 | Pioneer Building |
Q7196809 | Pioneer Building |
Q16898507 | Pitts-Inge |
Q14693000 | Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company Building |
Q107320564 | Plains Chevrolet/Amarillo Furniture Company |
Q38124559 | Plankengasse 1, Vienna |
Q13415838 | Plaza Futura |
Q7205423 | Plumer Block |
Q110542434 | Plunkett-Jarrell Grocer Co. Building |
Q17066288 | Plunkett-Meeks Store |
Q18763655 | Plymouth Building |
Q7206268 | Pocahontas Fuel Company Store |
Q42331791 | Pokotilo Block |
Q19987627 | Polmer Store |
Q7227582 | Ponce City Market |
Q131981856 | Ponsonby Fire Station (former) |
Q79303607 | Ponsonby Post Office (Former) |
Q7228457 | Pony Express Stables |
Q7228455 | Pony Express Terminal |
Q55646167 | Poppe Building |
Q7229546 | Poppleton Block |
Q47469657 | Pork Store |
Q17567948 | Port House |
Q54918996 | Porter Block |
Q14709200 | Portland Police Block |
Q7232068 | Portland Van and Storage Building |
Q29575854 | Post Building |
Q130681869 | Post Building |
Q87719589 | Post Office in Sortavala |
Q7233729 | Post and King Saloon |
Q118676269 | Post office building (1968/69) |
Q7233979 | Postal Building |
Q7235500 | Poughkeepsie Trust Company |
Q25004859 | Powell Clothing Store |
Q14716787 | Power Building |
Q60333410 | Pownal Street Bakery |
Q55012781 | Poynter Building |
Q7238789 | Prattsville Commercial Building |
Q26664124 | Premises occupied by Helme Footwear |
Q132290715 | Preston House (former) |
Q61768601 | Preußische Central-Bodenkredit-AG |
Q7242864 | Prien Building |
Q47037178 | Primrose Lane |
Q54940538 | Prior Building |
Q86752785 | Proctor Building |
Q7247935 | Professional Building |
Q25248309 | Professional Building |
Q7252787 | Provo Third Ward Chapel and Amusement Hall |
Q7252789 | Provo West Co-op |
Q79303662 | Prudential Insurance Building |
Q103837801 | Prédio do Visconde de Sá |
Q7257462 | Public Market |
Q7258070 | Publicity Building |
Q120735038 | Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce Building |
Q44665360 | Puffer-Chung Block |
Q14688037 | Pure Oil Station |
Q107321995 | Purse & Company Building |
Q126489147 | Pushkina Street 51, Barnaul |
Q7263863 | Pythian Home of Missouri |
Q11240208 | Q-FRONT |
Q14713108 | Q. M. Pyne Store |
Q7268240 | Quackenbush Hardware Store |
Q7268514 | Quaintance Block |
Q122167385 | Queen of the South |
Q109408180 | Quincaillerie Normand Turcotte et Frère inc. |
Q106625742 | Quincy Block |
Q47452588 | Quinn's Store |
Q7273564 | R. D. McNaughton Building |
Q108108765 | R. Lorne Eedy Buildings |
Q16899080 | R. M. Jones General Store |
Q38529805 | R. T. Barker Building |
Q16891894 | R. T. Greer and Company |
Q18151092 | R. T. Greer and Company Root and Herb Warehouse |
Q85795373 | R.L. Leach Grocery Store |
Q85795376 | R.T. Barnett and Company Building |
Q99378172 | RAYARD Hisaya-odori Park |
Q16899067 | Rabinowitz Building |
Q107319853 | Racine Tire Company Building |
Q41721422 | Rack building |
Q7279801 | Rackleff Building |
Q7280058 | Radding Building |
Q11346823 | Radio Garden, Akihabara |
Q107321001 | Ragland Building |
Q7283924 | Rail and Titsworth Canal Warehouse |
Q16899137 | Railway Express Agency Building |
Q126689251 | Railway Goods Shed Horgen |
Q128246356 | Railway Goods Shed Schwerzenbach |
Q127420895 | Railway Goods Shed Uzwil |
Q7291516 | Randall Building |
Q16899118 | Randall Building |
Q55757642 | Randall Tire Company |
Q7291650 | Randecker's Hardware Store |
Q25006682 | Rankin Block |
Q24895192 | Raphael Kirshbaum Building |
Q110970978 | Rapid City Fruit Company |
Q85796067 | Rapid City Garage |
Q16899164 | Rasor and Clardy Company Building |
Q125148767 | Rathausplatz 3 |
Q73391927 | Ratschow House |
Q11890264 | Rautatalo |
Q7297918 | Ray Opera House |
Q107322370 | Raynold Building |
Q26664150 | Re North and Co Limited and attached railings and gate piers |
Q55837860 | Reach Block |
Q120735105 | Red Cross Building |
Q60189791 | Red Cross House |
Q7303972 | Red Crown Tourist Court |
Q107320437 | Red Haute Boutique on the Square |
Q14683811 | Reed's Store |
Q127782273 | Regal Shoes Building |
Q17778327 | Regent House, 36 Regent Quay, Aberdeen |
Q43079550 | Register and Tribune Building |
Q23552677 | Reichsratsstraße 11-13 |
Q7310164 | Reilly Brothers and Raub Building |
Q7310159 | Reilly's Store |
Q126937157 | Reliance (Armour) Block |
Q131827659 | Remuera Pharmacy |
Q7312407 | Renaissance Centre |
Q38529919 | Renwick Building |
Q30668318 | Republic Building |
Q7314573 | Republican Block |
Q61769682 | Residential & commercial building Baumschulenstraße 92 |
Q112753397 | Residential and Commercial Building |
Q111329216 | Residential and Commercial Building «Sporting» |
Q112750254 | Residential and Commercial building |
Q112679008 | Residential and commercial Building (1902) |
Q113501356 | Residential and commercial building (1930) |
Q115265480 | Residential and commercial building Kurze-Kamp-Straße 13, Hannover |
Q115265622 | Residential and commercial building Kurze-Kamp-Straße 14, Hannover |
Q115265638 | Residential and commercial building Kurze-Kamp-Straße 15, Hannover |
Q115265648 | Residential and commercial building Kurze-Kamp-Straße 16, Hannover |
Q115265667 | Residential and commercial building Kurze-Kamp-Straße 18, Hannover |
Q115265743 | Residential and commercial building Kurze-Kamp-Straße 20, Hannover |
Q112734039 | Residential house with jewel bearing workshop |
Q126363406 | Restaurant Hofstatt (around 1850) |
Q104960462 | Restaurant Volta |
Q20745488 | Revel General Store |
Q111168074 | Reynolds Arcade |
Q54940571 | Reynolds Block |
Q107320433 | Rhinestone Ranch Boutique |
Q14709457 | Rhode Island Medical Society Building |
Q111693596 | Rhode's Bakery |
Q7322147 | Rialto Theater |
Q16899286 | Rice Brothers and Adams Building |
Q128405735 | Rich's Department Store |
Q52153510 | Richard B. Petzold Building |
Q44665400 | Richards Block |
Q99485456 | Richards McNaughton Company Limited General Store |
Q14706091 | Richardson Store |
Q18157275 | Richbourg Motors Building |
Q104776495 | Richie Block |
Q22073231 | Richland Hall |
Q132153780 | Richmond Buildings |
Q130371224 | Richmond Commercial Building |
Q130749015 | Richthofstraße 4 |
Q16948705 | Rickeman Grocery Building |
Q107319587 | Ridgmar Oil and Gas Building |
Q7333070 | Riede's City Bakery |
Q7333147 | Riepe Drug Store/G. Ott Block |
Q131603936 | Right House |
Q19881427 | Rinehart Building |
Q107320434 | Rio Grande Mercantile Company |
Q131702038 | Rishworth's Building |
Q25004967 | Ritchie Block |
Q54940600 | Rithet Building |
Q17845365 | Riverside, Abbey St Bathans |
Q55631769 | Riviere Building |
Q7339343 | Road Island Diner |
Q55438336 | Robert Sheridan Store |
Q7349847 | Robert Smail's Printing Works |
Q130321845 | Roberts Block |
Q102361884 | Roberts Building |
Q66606735 | Robertson Building |
Q23074024 | Robertson Drugstore |
Q7352148 | Robertson–Cataract Electric Building |
Q7352185 | Robie's Country Store |
Q102227006 | Robinson Block |
Q54940640 | Robinson's Sporting Goods |
Q7353779 | Rochat-Louise-Sauerwein Block |
Q107323028 | Rock Store |
Q50358827 | Roderick Matheson Building (Kellock Block 1) |
Q50358832 | Roderick Matheson Building (Kellock Block 2) |
Q50358828 | Roderick Matheson Building (Shaw's of Perth) |
Q28006261 | Rodgers Theatre |
Q107318998 | Rodriguez Store |
Q79303867 | Roebuck House |
Q7359265 | Rogers Building |
Q60680808 | Rogers Hardware Company Warehouse |
Q15272955 | Rogers' Store |
Q7361035 | Roller Office Supply |
Q55316780 | Rollin Sprague Building |
Q110377471 | Rollmopsdiele |
Q55075294 | Romeo Block |
Q55075233 | Rood Building |
Q51324710 | Rorke Store |
Q51324712 | Rorke’s Stone Jug |
Q49233119 | Rosa-Luxemburg-Straße 17 |
Q49233126 | Rosa-Luxemburg-Straße 19–21 |
Q5126284 | Rosberg-Holmgren-Clareen Block |
Q7367665 | Rose Building |
Q23017194 | Rosenberger Building |
Q7368615 | Rosenwald Building |
Q55013292 | Rosine General Store and Barn |
Q44665445 | Ross Block |
Q85797943 | Ross Building |
Q7370894 | Roughan Hall |
Q132444616 | Routley's Buildings |
Q27083874 | Royal Arsenal Cooperative Society Headquarters Building |
Q63147777 | Royal Canadian Horse Artillery Club |
Q79311628 | Royal New Zealand Foundation for the Blind Workshop (Former) |
Q14705271 | Ruby Valley Pony Express Station |
Q2174724 | Ruffinihaus |
Q107329695 | Rugeley Building |
Q48840019 | Rumph Mortuary |
Q38250934 | Rundle Building |
Q125157118 | Russia Today studios |
Q7381985 | Russian-American Building No. 29 |
Q16899537 | Rutter Store |
Q7383815 | Ryan & Company Lumber Yard |
Q47378015 | Ryan Retail Store |
Q47377883 | Ryan Store and Fish Purchasing Centre |
Q107319790 | Ryus Store Building |
Q121339210 | S Tobi Honten |
Q16899521 | S. B. Barker Building |
Q125467170 | S.D. Robinett Building |
Q19877644 | S.H. Kress & Co. Building |
Q107321030 | S.H. Kress & Company Building |
Q14711866 | S.J. Mickelsen Hardware Store and Lumber Yard |
Q50719356 | S.O. Steele Building |
Q62563478 | SAKUMACHI Shopping Street |
Q67469708 | SAKURA MACHI Kumamoto |
Q11307764 | SHAMINE |
Q66314566 | SKYLE |
Q11243734 | SM bar |
Q50189257 | SSJ Shinagawa Building |
Q126597123 | Saab Autohaus |
Q124177182 | Saatchi & Saatchi Building |
Q12251191 | Sabil-Kuttab-Wikala of Sultan Qaitbay |
Q7396889 | Saco Mercantile |
Q22058719 | Saddle Store |
Q7398688 | Safeway Stores Office and Warehouse Building |
Q25248256 | Sail Loft |
Q131387565 | Saint-Augustin Print Shop |
Q96404820 | Saks Fifth Avenue, Beverly Hills |
Q94580625 | Salamanderhaus |
Q47469662 | Salmon Store |
Q106458416 | Salmoni Building (Stedman's Dealer Store) |
Q47469661 | Salt Store |
Q28122399 | Saltus Grocery Store |
Q85799294 | Salvation Army Building |
Q123742240 | Sam Hill Hardware |
Q4263314 | Sam Kee Building |
Q112586956 | Sampotalo commercial building |
Q107317403 | Sampson-Hedricks Building |
Q7411291 | Samuel E. Hackman Building |
Q7412725 | Samuel Sweet Canal Store |
Q11355422 | San-ai Dream Center |
Q107319242 | Sanders Drug Store |
Q99468996 | Sanderson Store and Residence |
Q14711871 | Sandy Co-Op Block |
Q18157738 | Sanger Harris department store building |
Q7418264 | Sanibel Colored School |
Q7420592 | Santora Building |
Q17226316 | Sapporo Ginza Building |
Q41466076 | Sapporo Nanairo |
Q48838422 | Sargent's Garage |
Q54887857 | Sartori & Berger-Speicher |
Q107320764 | Saturdays Discount Furniture |
Q7428308 | Savings Bank Block |
Q18157792 | Sawyer Building |
Q18157796 | Sawyer Motor Company Building |
Q56062927 | Saxon Motor Car Store |
Q64617685 | Saylor Block |
Q131388745 | Schaber's Cafeteria Building |
Q7430896 | Schaefers Building |
Q17457384 | Schakelstation Staatsmijnen |
Q7431076 | Scheffel Hall |
Q30625827 | Schepis Building |
Q7431244 | Schick's Express and Transfer Co. |
Q88798916 | Schiffbrückenplatz 7 |
Q18157811 | Schiffman Building |
Q104979345 | Schillerplatz 10 |
Q48201034 | Schillerstraße 5 |
Q29575863 | Schilplin House |
Q445838 | Schinkelwache |
Q96405095 | Schlee-Kemmler Building |
Q116474609 | Schloßstraße 35 |
Q16899872 | Schmitz Block |
Q7432768 | Schornstein Grocery and Saloon |
Q22059132 | Schramm Building |
Q29694300 | Schroeter House |
Q131384778 | Schulte United Building |
Q24256855 | Schultz Brothers Drug Store |
Q115785991 | Schwalbenweg 1 |
Q59872310 | Science House |
Q30626134 | Scotia Chalk Building |
Q54322512 | Scott Commercial Building |
Q17795508 | Scottish Amicable Life Assurance Society, 31-39 St Vincent Place, Glasgow |
Q17568375 | Scottish Temperance League Offices, 106, 108 Hope Street, Glasgow |
Q7438740 | Scranton Chamber of Commerce Building |
Q3701950 | Scribner Building |
Q16899886 | Seaboard Air Line Railway Building |
Q47469659 | Seal Store |
Q7441781 | Sears, Roebuck and Company Store |
Q7443150 | Second Callahan Block |
Q7443453 | Second O'Shea Building |
Q16933880 | Security Building |
Q7446183 | Segal Building |
Q7446808 | Seiler Building |
Q29197669 | Seilwinderhaus |
Q85800313 | Selig Company Building |
Q59187778 | Selters Haus |
Q126301105 | Semi-detached residential and commercial building (1900) |
Q85800329 | Semorile Building |
Q16899965 | Senn's Grist Mill-Blacksmith Shop-Orange Crush Bottling Plant |
Q113700121 | Sepponen house |
Q128397408 | Service Building Express Restaurant |
Q127700807 | Service Building Restaurant Buchs SG |
Q128499467 | Service Building Zürich-Wollishofen |
Q47004856 | Seth Richards Commercial Block |
Q15276429 | Seto Building |
Q105750184 | Sew Hoy's Building |
Q44665568 | Sexsmith Hardware Store |
Q16899944 | Seybold Baking Company Factory |
Q26535850 | Shackleton Hall |
Q7462799 | Shakespeare Hall |
Q57378311 | Shamess Block |
Q111996176 | Shanpia Port |
Q44665583 | Shaw and Cooper Block |
Q48844543 | Shay Building |
Q7493441 | Shelden-Dee Block |
Q15277141 | Shenandoah Land and Improvement Company Office |
Q7494930 | Sheridan Trust and Savings Bank Building |
Q7495071 | Sherlock Building |
Q16900025 | Sherman Building |
Q90878137 | Sherman and Ross Block Building |
Q97310199 | Shibuya Parco・Hulic Building |
Q11527015 | Shibuya Tokyu Bunka Kaikan |
Q97310850 | Shin-Tokorozawa PARCO |
Q17218157 | Shin-Yokohama L'Entracte |
Q95988992 | Shoemaker's Jewellers |
Q132111402 | Shop and residence on 179-181 Ponsonby Road |
Q132110244 | Shop and residence on 78-86 Ponsonby Rd |
Q81827607 | Shop-Easy Grocery |
Q104961672 | Shopping 1 |
Q125153135 | Shopping Plaza Awaazu |
Q132111904 | Shops on 256-262 Ponsonby Rd |
Q132124607 | Shops on 264-272 Ponsonby Rd |
Q132124641 | Shops on 286-292 Ponsonby Rd |
Q7501432 | Shoreland Arcade |
Q24041336 | Shores Warehouse |
Q23091312 | Shoup Building |
Q7507213 | Sibley Triangle Building |
Q23092074 | Sibley's, Lindsay and Curr Building |
Q22058723 | Sid Hutcheson Building |
Q91314014 | Silver Dollar Saloon |
Q131374988 | Silverwood's Building |
Q25000675 | Sim Hudson Motor Company Building |
Q7517993 | Simmons Block |
Q111525913 | Simmons Block |
Q107320012 | Simpson Building |
Q14683993 | Singer Building |
Q131309881 | Singer Building |
Q65121309 | Singer Sewing Company Building |
Q7534875 | Ski Lift No. 1 |
Q7535503 | Skinner Building |
Q105776128 | Slat House |
Q105607566 | Slater Building |
Q7539563 | Slayton Mercantile Co. |
Q65234975 | Smile Aki |
Q7544950 | Smith & Gray Company Building |
Q66606736 | Smith Block |
Q7544841 | Smith's Building |
Q23092079 | Smith's Grain and Feed Store |
Q16900298 | Smith's Pharmacy |
Q63987151 | Smith-Tuthill Funeral Parlors |
Q16900304 | Smithson and McKay Brothers Blocks |
Q18158145 | Smithville Apothecary |
Q38251464 | Smulekoffs Furniture Store |
Q105713936 | Snook Block |
Q17560712 | Snow Camp Mutual Telephone Exchange Building |
Q111192987 | Snyder-Hahn Building |
Q89481159 | Soberane |
Q114246455 | Soda factory "Polo Norte" (San Juan) |
Q122712429 | Sogo Hachioji |
Q7555861 | Solar Building |
Q11315374 | Solaria Plaza |
Q108828329 | Solo Kleinmotoren building |
Q27957622 | Solomon Wilson Building |
Q7559978 | Somerville Journal Building |
Q50188934 | Sony Interactive Entertainment Headquarters |
Q50358807 | Soong Building |
Q21016203 | Sosnik-Morris-Early Commercial Block |
Q17061809 | South Camden Trust Company |
Q7567570 | South Jersey Gas, Electric and Traction Company Office Building |
Q107363159 | South Side Tower |
Q20745505 | Southall Drugs |
Q24894882 | Southard Block |
Q25004595 | Southern Mercantile Building |
Q107318728 | Southern Minerals Company Building |
Q107321996 | Southern Supply Company Building |
Q7570564 | Southern Union Gas Company Building |
Q107322997 | Southwestern Bell Telephone Company Building |
Q5397106 | Southwestern Finland Agricultural Cooperative Building |
Q122889026 | Soyora Kamiiida |
Q7572774 | Spade Ranch Store |
Q19520935 | Sparkasse an der Goseriede |
Q57399070 | Sparta Building |
Q106543212 | Sparta House (Temperance House) |
Q7574128 | Spaulding Block |
Q7575498 | Speed Printing |
Q116179888 | Speisinger Straße 119, Vienna |
Q107320414 | Spellbound |
Q16900406 | Spengler–Thomas Building |
Q105712337 | Spichern Höfe |
Q18158313 | Spinning Wheel |
Q16900417 | Spivey Building |
Q111493517 | Sportpavillon, Grunaer Straße |
Q7580864 | Springer Building |
Q107113849 | Springford Store |
Q100960422 | Sproule's Drug Store |
Q42331848 | Spudnuts |
Q101110547 | Spáŋgu |
Q131822831 | St Heliers Bay Hotel (former) |
Q7586968 | St. Ann's Federation Building |
Q2317177 | St. Annahof |
Q2317180 | St. Annahof (Zürich) |
Q107320431 | St. Helen's |
Q7588579 | St. John's Block Commercial Exchange |
Q66606772 | St. Lawrence Hall Block |
Q7589489 | St. Lawrence Market |
Q16900575 | St. Luke Building |
Q7595792 | Stabrie Grocery |
Q48842596 | Stackpole, Moore, and Tryon Building |
Q104961872 | Stad en Sanba |
Q65121631 | Stafford's Grocery |
Q25004873 | Staggs-Huffaker Building |
Q65119306 | Stamey Company Store |
Q25004574 | Stamps Store |
Q7598165 | Standard Adding Machine Company |
Q21261705 | Standard Drug No. 2 |
Q17569421 | Standard Life Assurance Company, 3, 5, 9, 11 George Street, Edinburgh |
Q7598273 | Standard Oil Building |
Q107319889 | Standard Sanitary Manufacturing Company Building |
Q107016000 | Stapleton Building |
Q116464625 | Star Hill Post Office and Store |
Q14707348 | Starr Clark Tin Shop |
Q7602617 | Startup Candy Factory |
Q18002785 | State Rifle Factory |
Q127548132 | Station Building Bassersdorf |
Q127429207 | Station Building Benken SG |
Q127700801 | Station Building Buchs SG |
Q127225366 | Station Building Oberglatt |
Q127222852 | Station Building Oberrieden Dorf |
Q127265832 | Station Building Rümlang |
Q127713215 | Station Building/Railway Goods Shed Killwangen-Spreitenbach |
Q7605521 | Stearns Building |
Q107009877 | Stearns Hardware Store |
Q16900688 | Stearns Iron-Front Building |
Q7605575 | Steckart and Falck Double Block |
Q95989116 | Steele Block |
Q24041095 | Stegall General Store |
Q48200832 | Steibs Hof |
Q65082160 | Stein Brothers Building |
Q7607258 | Stelling House |
Q55865066 | Stentzlers Hof |
Q110912948 | Sterling Block-Bishop Arcade |
Q55438367 | Stern Building |
Q66606773 | Stevenson Block |
Q64617697 | Stevenson-Masterfeeds Building |
Q28124723 | Steyer Opera House |
Q16900717 | Stiefelmeyer's |
Q48839239 | Stine Building |
Q38284513 | Stoa Pyrrou |
Q404416 | Stockholm Stock Exchange Building |
Q44665876 | Stockton Block (Okotoks Town Hall) |
Q20679841 | Stockton Building |
Q7618285 | Stockyards Exchange |
Q54274094 | Stoesser Block and Annex |
Q18158887 | Stony Brook Village Center |
Q17384048 | Stora Enson pääkonttori |
Q118877416 | Storage King Moorebank |
Q109918246 | Storek Building |
Q81827609 | Stovel Block |
Q7620909 | Stradley and Barr Dry Goods Store |
Q113960298 | Strand Lofts |
Q7621944 | Stratford Building |
Q115585997 | Strathcona Garage |
Q22059403 | Strathglass Building |
Q49231387 | Straße der Nationen 26-54 |
Q107321487 | Stringer Mortuary |
Q18158534 | Struve-Hay Building |
Q24041057 | Stuart Motor Company |
Q20679843 | Studebaker Showroom |
Q104960630 | Studentenwoningen en optiek |
Q28124767 | Sturgis and Haskell Building |
Q123926208 | Stübelallee 4, Dresden |
Q17332488 | Summer Brothers Stores |
Q132420845 | Sunde Buildings |
Q23035274 | Sunnydale |
Q7641442 | Sunshine Building |
Q1106616 | Sunshine Sakae |
Q16900928 | Supreme Life Building |
Q132839721 | Surabaya Struggle Press Monument |
Q7649471 | Sussex Post Office and Store |
Q7650217 | Sutton Block |
Q19362515 | Suva House |
Q7652179 | Svenson Blacksmith Shop |
Q85804438 | Swartz Printing Company Building |
Q17184140 | Sweeney, Coombs, and Fredericks Building |
Q107321010 | Sweetwater Reporter |
Q131345254 | Swelldom Building |
Q107320147 | Swenson Land and Cattle Company Building |
Q7659220 | Swoboda Bakery |
Q16990938 | Sylvester Local News |
Q122541287 | Syzran Sovetskaya street 6 |
Q29523431 | Séchoir à absinthe, Boveresse |
Q103843212 | T. Eaton and Company Store |
Q104759551 | T. L. Thorpe Building |
Q80864464 | T.C. Yonge House and Store |
Q25005055 | T.E. Olmstead & Son Funeral Home |
Q17460077 | TCS Regelstation Berkelstreek |
Q17219251 | TOiGO |
Q120147453 | TSURUMA GARDEN |
Q7672506 | TWA Corporate Headquarters Building |
Q7675028 | Taft Brothers Block |
Q126710491 | Tai Po Commercial Centre |
Q11315961 | Takapla |
Q7683637 | Tanner Block |
Q2393587 | Tapetenhaus Uihlein |
Q7685647 | Tarbell Building |
Q107319864 | Tarry Warehouse & Storage Company Building |
Q130381348 | Tat Lee Commercial Building |
Q7690263 | Taylorstown Store |
Q17808115 | Teacher building |
Q20712445 | Teeland's Country Store |
Q61766613 | Teiji Yamatsuka Store |
Q7696229 | Telegraph Building |
Q7696460 | Telephone Building |
Q7696461 | Telephone Co. Building |
Q15260574 | Tempelhofer Ufer 23–24 |
Q113259661 | Temperance Temple (Chicago) |
Q87719646 | Temple Building |
Q7699312 | Ten Sleep Mercantile |
Q131863909 | Tenjin Central Park Hareno Garden |
Q130360791 | Tenjin Kirameki Dōri Building |
Q21180545 | Terasso Himeji |
Q107322802 | Terlingua Trading Company |
Q7702642 | Terminal Building |
Q18158690 | Terry Hutchens Building |
Q54874668 | Tester and Polin General Merchandise Store |
Q107317400 | Thaison Building |
Q131749639 | The 1888 Building |
Q46541336 | The A.A. Building |
Q106543227 | The Abby |
Q124045528 | The Alabama Book Store |
Q96408407 | The Arcade |
Q50234476 | The Atwood |
Q7720706 | The Burton Store |
Q7721044 | The Calumet |
Q15917618 | The Corner Store and Office |
Q80864202 | The Crown Jewel |
Q105044247 | The Edna |
Q7731642 | The Egyptian Halls |
Q110174435 | The Exchange |
Q52166203 | The Garcin Building |
Q55887166 | The Garibaldi |
Q107113783 | The Glass Swan |
Q131378733 | The Golden Rule |
Q87158878 | The Green Block |
Q7738207 | The Green Shack |
Q54858875 | The Gypsy Tea Room |
Q10853000 | The Hennessy |
Q7741176 | The Huyler Building |
Q46541290 | The Hyndman Building |
Q7743950 | The Kamman Building |
Q16894113 | The Lewis Store |
Q107321629 | The Lufkin Daily News |
Q7751217 | The Mexico Stone Store |
Q54707374 | The Old London, New York and Paris Building |
Q127797373 | The Orient Building |
Q17845406 | The Riverside, Abbey St Bathans |
Q87158606 | The Sanders Block |
Q7764279 | The Silver Dome Ballroom |
Q114447928 | The Stone Store |
Q7767822 | The Syndicate |
Q22061085 | The Tepee |
Q60769532 | The Van Buren |
Q16902765 | The Virginia |
Q7774225 | The Wellman Building |
Q25004664 | The Wheel Store |
Q7774930 | The Wildcat Cafe |
Q7776884 | The Zink Block |
Q105082136 | Theresa Building |
Q65050751 | Thomas Drugs |
Q24041101 | Thomas Jefferson Hale General Merchandise Store |
Q112976607 | Thomas Nicholson Grocery |
Q48201072 | Thomaskirchhof 11 |
Q48201077 | Thomaskirchhof 13 |
Q1366417 | Thomass-Eck |
Q7795695 | Thompson Block |
Q50721878 | Thompson Building |
Q7795789 | Thompson Store |
Q54952986 | Thompson's Block |
Q38530668 | Thomson Brothers Block |
Q107317645 | Thomson Grocery Company Building |
Q107318064 | Three Commercial Buildings |
Q16901625 | Thule-Plummer Buildings |
Q7800751 | Ticonderoga Pulp and Paper Company Office |
Q130332395 | Tiedemann Block |
Q15060390 | Tiedthof |
Q17191385 | Tiffany & Co. flagship store |
Q65077426 | Times Building-Lodge Hall |
Q28093510 | Times Furnishing Company Building |
Q30623245 | Timmerman-Burd Building |
Q7807294 | Timothy J. McCarthy Building |
Q7808701 | Tioga Commissary |
Q107317404 | Tips Hardware Building |
Q55448772 | Tipton Investment Company Building |
Q28153579 | Tivoli Bar and Grill |
Q50721875 | Tobin Building |
Q112615335 | Tokyo Rakutenchi Asakusa Building |
Q29025774 | Tolley & Company Warehouse |
Q17026321 | Tonopah Liquor Company Building |
Q12071236 | Toof Building |
Q11321378 | Topos Kitasenju |
Q18662393 | Toppelius House |
Q14685788 | Torbert Street Livery Stables |
Q3995184 | Torre Eurosky |
Q42331910 | Tory Building |
Q29881334 | Touring House |
Q5446386 | Tower on the Maumee |
Q7830028 | Town and Country Building |
Q102338559 | Town and Robinson Block |
Q29522549 | Town hall with fountain |
Q126363819 | Townhouse (1614) |
Q115472965 | Townhouses of Wu Ru-siang |
Q7830156 | Townsend & Wall |
Q11273415 | Toyama Station Tokusenkan |
Q125586281 | Toyosu Senkyaku Banrai |
Q7831670 | Tracy-Causer Block |
Q104887772 | Trade and Exhibition Complex |
Q105990674 | Trattnerhof |
Q16965598 | Treasures of Madison County |
Q24041357 | Treat Commercial Building |
Q122922411 | Trent House |
Q14684160 | Tretheway Block |
Q42331913 | Tribune Block |
Q65041387 | Tribune Building |
Q14684164 | Tribune-Republic Building |
Q7842595 | Trinity Block |
Q18158939 | Triplett Company Building |
Q7845371 | Trommald Building |
Q131360053 | Trustee Building |
Q38027151 | Tuchlauben 3 |
Q114580093 | Tuckey-Lee Building |
Q30623810 | Tulane Building |
Q26701018 | Tulsa Tribune Building |
Q125955149 | Tung Fai Building |
Q7855718 | Turn Store and the Tinsmith's Shop |
Q60742882 | Turner-Cottman Building |
Q4453199 | Tver (business center) |
Q48130754 | Twin Falls Milling and Elevator Company Warehouse |
Q122885056 | Two-story building |
Q105713939 | Tye Block |
Q112977914 | Tye Chong Building |
Q18158962 | Tyson Family Commercial Building |
Q18158964 | U. S. B. Dale's Market |
Q24041104 | U.L. Hickmon Hardware Store |
Q22117978 | Ueno no Mori Sakura Terrace |
Q107320187 | Under One Roof |
Q42331925 | Underwood Block Annex |
Q22120777 | Unimo Chiharadai |
Q15177443 | Union Auto Company |
Q48842032 | Union Bakery |
Q7885427 | Union Block |
Q7885429 | Union Block |
Q14707535 | Union Block |
Q38252095 | Union Block |
Q48845332 | Union Block |
Q55636545 | Union Block |
Q85812015 | Union Block |
Q60772531 | Union Block and Montandon Buildings |
Q14689315 | Union Electric Telephone & Telegraph |
Q7885731 | Union Hall |
Q6783730 | Union Implement and Hardware Building-Masonic Temple |
Q7885988 | Union Railway Car Barn |
Q7886126 | Union Storage & Transfer Cold Storage Warehouse and Armour Creamery Building |
Q7886387 | Union Warehouse |
Q95988993 | United Co-operatives of Ontario Buildings |
Q107321008 | United States Post Office |
Q79349314 | University Book Shop building |
Q85852378 | Unmanned store |
Q120159725 | Untere Hauptstraße 1 |
Q120165480 | Untere Hauptstraße 20 |
Q120165162 | Untere Hauptstraße 22 |
Q41163242 | Untere Hauptstraße 24 |
Q41163246 | Untere Hauptstraße 26 |
Q120163403 | Untere Hauptstraße 29 |
Q120160596 | Untere Hauptstraße 34 |
Q120158394 | Untere Hauptstraße 36 |
Q41163227 | Untere Hauptstraße 5 |
Q120164828 | Untere Hauptstraße 50 |
Q99354619 | Unterer Stadtplatz 11 |
Q99478283 | Unterer Stadtplatz 27, 29, 31 |
Q2499779 | Upper Peninsula Brewing Company Building |
Q38530749 | Urquhart Block |
Q114497752 | Utsunomiya Terrace |
Q58218871 | VDE building |
Q110607977 | VIERRA Yamashina |
Q49478105 | Vale I.O.O.F. Hall |
Q20679854 | Valentine Building |
Q7911066 | Valentown Hall |
Q87447291 | Valor Kouonji |
Q18705993 | Van Horn Building |
Q7913572 | Van Ornam & Murdock Block |
Q33106172 | Vanderborght Building |
Q1407256 | Vanity Ballroom Building |
Q65043327 | Vashon Hardware Store |
Q102227960 | Vassie's Corner |
Q121853082 | Vaughn's Book Store |
Q65072141 | Veith Building |
Q112607016 | Venner's house |
Q131575835 | Venture Buildings |
Q61769430 | Verein deutscher Ingenieure Berlin |
Q107323133 | Verizon |
Q107323082 | Verizon Building |
Q49235072 | Verlagshaus Hiersemann |
Q131708761 | Verran's Building |
Q2058384 | Verwaltungsgebäude der Patzenhofer-Brauerei |
Q105045407 | Verwaltungsgebäude der Schlafwagengesellschaft Wagon-Lit |
Q107320009 | Vestal Building |
Q28124782 | Vickery Building |
Q131412182 | Victor Clothing Company Building |
Q131709397 | Victoria Arcade |
Q101445700 | Victoria Block |
Q105713962 | Victoria Block |
Q17809309 | Victoria Chambers, 10, 12, Victoria Road, Dundee |
Q17809318 | Victoria Chambers, 14 Victoria Road, Dundee |
Q108802905 | Victoria Chambers, Dundee |
Q7926749 | Victoria Hall |
Q107318307 | Victoria Hardware Company Building |
Q63147803 | Victoria and Grey Trust Company |
Q108562220 | Villa Belle-Vue |
Q29883168 | Villa Roberta |
Q42331944 | Village Treasures |
Q38530808 | Vilna Pool Hall and Barbershop |
Q11351990 | Vioro |
Q7934161 | Virginia Building |
Q48210384 | Vivian Apartments |
Q15813032 | Volksfürsorgehaus |
Q85813472 | Vollmer Building |
Q24062227 | Voltaire Twombley Building |
Q29641736 | Votruba Block |
Q18159084 | Vriner's Confectionery |
Q115600965 | Vulcan Advocate Building |
Q35816737 | Vyborg Hotel |
Q26107727 | Väärätalo |
Q132154257 | W H Murray shoe factory (former) |
Q107862635 | W. C. Reebie and Brother Building |
Q55642622 | W. H. Boller Meat Market and Residence |
Q14687354 | W. H. Watt Building |
Q17813513 | W. Hopwood & Company Ltd, 11, 13, 15 Bath Street, Glasgow |
Q18159090 | W. T. Hutchens Building |
Q65067765 | W. T. Thorne Building |
Q107318088 | W.A. Harrison Building |
Q107317744 | W.L. Foley Dry Goods Company Building |
Q17032314 | W.L. Hill Store |
Q24886219 | W.R. Hinkle and Co. |
Q107322358 | W.S. Hills Commercial Structure |
Q107321595 | W.V. McConnell Building |
Q54987138 | WCAU Studios |
Q105560221 | WGPR-TV Studio |
Q105045419 | WMF-Geschäftshaus |
Q107020927 | WROX Building |
Q56062936 | Wachter Motor Car Company Building |
Q20709706 | Waddell Block |
Q18217633 | Waddill's Store |
Q24041111 | Wade Building |
Q7959538 | Waggaman–Ray Commercial Row |
Q65082097 | Wagner's Block |
Q24970258 | Wait Block |
Q79311791 | Waitaiki House |
Q7961073 | Wakefield Trust Company |
Q54952990 | Wakeley-Giles Commercial Building |
Q7961798 | Wales and Hamblen Store |
Q7961883 | Walgreen Drug Store |
Q66606775 | Walker Building |
Q55637343 | Wallace Block |
Q14709319 | Wallowa County Chieftain Building |
Q55637355 | Walnut Tire and Battery Co.-Globe Publishing Company Building |
Q7963817 | Walsh Building |
Q7963825 | Walsh Flats/Langworth Building |
Q30102881 | Walter Sully Emporium |
Q7966796 | Walton and Willett Stone Store |
Q102232247 | Wamboldt Building |
Q121720405 | Wammer's House |
Q6287497 | War Office |
Q124021769 | Ward Nicholson Corner Store |
Q16902895 | Ware Neck Store and Post Office |
Q7969329 | Warfield, Pratt and Howell Company Warehouse |
Q60545982 | Warner Building |
Q7970060 | Warren Block |
Q25205965 | Warren Block |
Q14715988 | Warren Fox Building |
Q28124827 | Warren Opera House Block and Hetherington Block |
Q42331972 | Washburn Building |
Q7971921 | Washington High School |
Q7972495 | Washington Trust Building |
Q29523956 | Washington business building |
Q17033996 | Water Company of Tonopah Building |
Q124038557 | Waters Building |
Q7974781 | Watson's Grocery |
Q130337419 | Watts & Tannahill Company Store |
Q7978348 | Weaver & Devore Trading |
Q7978358 | Weaver Mercantile Building |
Q7978641 | Webb Brothers Block |
Q56062933 | Weber Implement and Automobile Company Building |
Q39050915 | Weber's Store |
Q112036374 | Weiler Brothers Warerooms |
Q1369570 | Weinhaus Rheingold |
Q55316820 | Weinmann Block |
Q25346085 | Weins Commercial Building |
Q120176500 | Weizengasse 11 |
Q7981574 | Wellman Block |
Q61039520 | Welsh and Owen Building |
Q1230900 | Werderhaus Berlin |
Q14687357 | Werthheimer Building |
Q27958749 | West End Saloon |
Q107320196 | West Texas Utilities Company Building |
Q7984166 | West's Block |
Q7987597 | Western Auto Building |
Q130332051 | Western Canada Building |
Q131443193 | Western Costume Building |
Q107319720 | Western Union Building |
Q107322878 | Western United Life Building |
Q17792486 | Westgate Co-Operative Society, 25-35 Main Street, Newmilns |
Q48845183 | Wethersfield Avenue Car Barn |
Q19362442 | Wetter House |
Q131687797 | Wheeler-Williams Store |
Q20679859 | Wheelwright Block |
Q2566872 | White Castle Building No. 8 |
Q15106127 | White House Building, 36-42 Main Street, Kilsyth |
Q110780877 | White Rock Saloon |
Q16903237 | Whitesel Brothers |
Q85815443 | Whitten Block |
Q7998447 | Wicks Building |
Q48845774 | Wide Awake Grocery Building |
Q7998803 | Widow Piper's Tavern |
Q105713941 | Wiersma Building |
Q2464513 | Wijdstraat 20, Gouda |
Q23976329 | Wikala al-Bazar'a |
Q23975642 | Wikalat al-Ghuri |
Q3570251 | Wikalet Al-Ghuri |
Q109508162 | Wilgus Block (Ithaca) |
Q2571528 | Wilhelm Marx House |
Q49233936 | Wilhelm-Liebknecht-Platz 3-4 (Leipzig) |
Q16903444 | Will County Historical Society Headquarters |
Q16903478 | Will Rogers Theatre |
Q85815571 | Willard Building |
Q8004420 | William Anderson General Merchandise Store |
Q15693996 | William Brown Building |
Q38251916 | William R. Moore Dry Goods Building |
Q18739444 | William Rea Store |
Q116985147 | William Thomas Building |
Q80864397 | William Yelland Building |
Q16903448 | Williams' Store |
Q107320045 | Willow Creek Café |
Q8022642 | Willys-Overland Building |
Q25208350 | Wilson Building |
Q131345333 | Wilson Building |
Q14713545 | Wilson Warehouse |
Q8023363 | Wilton Candy Kitchen |
Q61499751 | Winaut's Store |
Q85815864 | Winchester Auto Store |
Q98079154 | Winders Motor Sales Company |
Q46541311 | Windows on the Water Restaurant |
Q79311141 | Windsor Castle Hotel (former) |
Q79311137 | Windsor House |
Q118007027 | Wing Sang Building |
Q99484639 | Wing Wah Chong Co. Building |
Q8025639 | Winnett Block |
Q38251769 | Winona and St. Peter Railroad Freight House |
Q30623806 | Winter Building |
Q51508496 | Winter Home |
Q54958228 | Winterringer Building and House |
Q55075565 | Wirth Building |
Q8027222 | Wisconsin Leather Company Building |
Q28107712 | Wise Feed Company Building |
Q56633027 | Wm Scott & Son, Chapel Street, Eyemouth |
Q41395910 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus |
Q41395926 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus |
Q41395928 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus |
Q41395932 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus |
Q41395941 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus |
Q108799213 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus |
Q58368475 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Chauseestraße 94 |
Q72849333 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Friedrichstraße 240-241 |
Q108619408 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Großstraße 19 |
Q108619108 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Marktplatz 6 |
Q108619180 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Marktplatz 9 |
Q29882927 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus Zur Glashalle |
Q41390174 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Altdorf bei Nürnberg |
Q41390269 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Altdorf bei Nürnberg |
Q41390272 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Altdorf bei Nürnberg |
Q41390303 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Altdorf bei Nürnberg |
Q41390316 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Altdorf bei Nürnberg |
Q41390323 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Altdorf bei Nürnberg |
Q41390357 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Altdorf bei Nürnberg |
Q41390362 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Altdorf bei Nürnberg |
Q41390538 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Feucht |
Q41390543 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Feucht |
Q41385060 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385064 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385066 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385069 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385072 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385075 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385077 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385082 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385104 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385108 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385112 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385119 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385147 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385157 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385172 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385204 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385206 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385207 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385213 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385215 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385217 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385219 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385221 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385224 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385229 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385235 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385238 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385240 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385245 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385246 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385251 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385273 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385274 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385275 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385277 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385281 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385283 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385285 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385288 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385294 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385297 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385299 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385304 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385309 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385312 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385313 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385315 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385349 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385351 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385353 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385357 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385359 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385361 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385367 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385370 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385372 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385374 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385377 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385392 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385398 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385410 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385414 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385415 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385424 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385426 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41385438 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q58066515 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q58066520 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q58066522 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q58066523 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q58066915 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Hersbruck |
Q41391080 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Lauf an der Pegnitz |
Q41391115 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Lauf an der Pegnitz |
Q41391126 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Lauf an der Pegnitz |
Q41391130 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Lauf an der Pegnitz |
Q41391166 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Lauf an der Pegnitz |
Q41391170 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Lauf an der Pegnitz |
Q41391171 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Lauf an der Pegnitz |
Q41391174 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Lauf an der Pegnitz |
Q41391177 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Lauf an der Pegnitz |
Q41391179 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Lauf an der Pegnitz |
Q41391182 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Lauf an der Pegnitz |
Q41391186 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Lauf an der Pegnitz |
Q41391187 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Lauf an der Pegnitz |
Q41391189 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Lauf an der Pegnitz |
Q41391209 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Lauf an der Pegnitz |
Q41391224 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Lauf an der Pegnitz |
Q41391226 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Lauf an der Pegnitz |
Q41391242 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Lauf an der Pegnitz |
Q41391254 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Lauf an der Pegnitz |
Q41391256 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Lauf an der Pegnitz |
Q41391257 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Lauf an der Pegnitz |
Q41391259 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Lauf an der Pegnitz |
Q41391347 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Lauf an der Pegnitz |
Q41391366 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Lauf an der Pegnitz |
Q58067416 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Lauf an der Pegnitz |
Q41392008 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Neuhaus an der Pegnitz |
Q41392351 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Schnaittach |
Q41392419 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Schnaittach |
Q41392442 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Schnaittach |
Q41392447 | Wohn- und Geschäftshaus in Schnaittach |
Q60330589 | Wohnhaus Hauptstraße 25 |
Q41390660 | Wohnhaus in Happurg |
Q41390616 | Wohnstallhaus in Happurg |
Q20745531 | Wolleson–Nicewander Building |
Q117709737 | Wong Benevolent Association Building |
Q10921572 | Woo Cheong Pawn Shop |
Q131388703 | Wood Brothers Building |
Q29485634 | Woodbine with front wall and railings |
Q131827648 | Wooden Facade Shop |
Q8033078 | Woodman Building |
Q24041112 | Woodmen of Union Building |
Q107321834 | Woodmen of the World Home |
Q24041230 | Woodrow Store |
Q8033229 | Woodruff Block |
Q65072159 | Woods Brothers Building |
Q8033377 | Woodson Law Office |
Q16903692 | Woodsville Opera House |
Q8033553 | Woodward & Lothrop Service Warehouse |
Q85816148 | Woodward Building |
Q8033755 | Wool Warehouse |
Q131405359 | Woolworth's Building |
Q14686580 | Worth's Block |
Q8038179 | Wright Block |
Q8038187 | Wright Brothers Mule Barn |
Q16903738 | Wright Opera House |
Q28153554 | Wright and Taylor Building |
Q8038153 | Wright's Stone Store |
Q16999462 | Wrightsville and Tennille Railroad Company Building |
Q8038714 | Wrought Iron Range Company Building |
Q8040361 | Wyoming Mercantile |
Q108332072 | Yalutorovsk, Revolutsii street 35 |
Q112260675 | Yamada Denki Hoshigaoka |
Q112260091 | Yamada Denki LABI Nagoya |
Q29730442 | Yamagiwa Building (1983) |
Q24871951 | Yamaha Ginza Building |
Q55013386 | Yeager General Store |
Q51011105 | Yellow Belly Corner |
Q96742498 | Yokohama Terminal Building |
Q110885151 | Yokote Union |
Q85287365 | Yorimachi Fushimi |
Q15924807 | York House |
Q88165209 | Yoshizuya Heiwa |
Q92388640 | Yoshizuya Tsushima Honten |
Q65066765 | Young Block |
Q16904152 | Young Building |
Q107322775 | Young's Store |
Q25345647 | Youngville Cafe |
Q130389049 | Yuen Long Trade Centre |
Q24693466 | Zeb Ward Building |
Q80864453 | Zellers Building/Turnbull Company |
Q59356994 | Zeppelinhaus |
Q104822745 | Zettler Grocery and Hardware |
Q28147999 | Ziepprecht Block |
Q55757601 | Zip Auto |
Q102064180 | Zone-kichi |
Q64692306 | Zubra-Centre |
Q30623244 | Zuhn Building |
Q18335157 | Zum Grönländer |
Q123892388 | Zum Kaiser Karl |
Q126363369 | Zum Kyburger commercial building (1955) |
Q75363429 | Zum schwarzen Bären |
Q29787579 | Zur Goldschmiede House |
Q110377520 | Zur Schmiede |
Q25939333 | Zweibrückenstraße 10 (München) |
Q25932706 | Zweibrückenstraße 8 (München) |
Q116818226 | Zöllnerstraße 44 |
Q124535592 | auction house |
Q2921693 | boulangerie-pâtisserie place Henri-Krasucki |
Q29677471 | business building |
Q131369270 | commercial building & apartment block (Mehringplatz) |
Q111444735 | commercial building (1970) |
Q130364877 | commercial building Kottbusser Damm 25/26 |
Q123339443 | commercial building Opel Kiffe |
Q123353876 | commercial building Rincklake van Endert |
Q116137829 | commercial building Wallstraße 15-15A, Neue Grünstraße 24 |
Q55596307 | commercial building in Eerikinkatu 13–17 |
Q55596288 | commercial building in Oulu University architectural department |
Q55596306 | commercial building in Oulun Osuuskauppa |
Q110001308 | de la Pena, Silverio, Drugstore and Post Office |
Q109658988 | ecute EDITION IIDABASHI |
Q109335759 | ecute EDITION SHIBUYA |
Q109335755 | ecute EDITION YOKOHAMA |
Q109658979 | ecute EDITION YURAKUCHO |
Q113496773 | former Grand Garage du Jura |
Q110753107 | former Ryff factory |
Q116137004 | former administration building of the construction and civil engineering Berufsgenossenschaft |
Q114572182 | former cheese dairy (1927) |
Q29575827 | former dye works |
Q112117686 | former hat sewing shop |
Q29575832 | former salt house |
Q112603603 | former savings bank Konolfingen |
Q106614394 | former tram depot (1889/90) |
Q29881163 | house |
Q29574610 | main post office |
Q11341454 | maruyama class |
Q113052591 | middle mill |
Q131618673 | moyuk SAPPORO |
Q85866538 | nonowa |
Q28687712 | nonowa Musashi-Koganei |
Q114572588 | old cheese dairy (around 1850) |
Q11328852 | paseo |
Q29678075 | printing house Farnsburg |
Q28653578 | residential and commercial building |
Q113496459 | residential and commercial building |
Q112796281 | residential and commercial building (1893) |
Q112441449 | residential and commercial building (18th/19th c.) |
Q111424293 | residential and commercial building (1900) |
Q111436329 | residential and commercial building (1960) |
Q130266543 | residential and commercial building Bölschestraße 114 Aßmannstraße 44, 46 |
Q106632500 | residential and commercial building Fischbrathalle |
Q106632472 | residential and commercial building Rosenhof |
Q131406175 | residential building Bülowstraße 17 |
Q29881351 | residential houses |
Q29679512 | residential, commercial building Begge-Huus |
Q2237846 | slaughterhouse |
Q29651731 | so-called Kaiserhaus |
Q29576530 | upper mill on the Aabach |
Q122885094 | «Kavkaz i Merkuriy» enterprise building and gates |
Q27667999 | Édifice O'Connor |
Q29048068 | Édifice Thomas-Zozyme-Cloutier |
Q28803903 | Édifice Wilder-Pierce |
Q104962326 | ’s Hertogenmolens |
Q88220928 | 1300, terrasse Turcotte |
Q114174000 | Ancienne Banque de Montréal succursale Ontario |
Q120804431 | Théâtre Sarah Bernhardt de La Roche |
Q106892803 | ancienne coopérative La Vaillante |
Q2921694 | boulangerie Anatole |
Q22997387 | bourse du travail de Calais |
Q79975841 | complexe Bourbon |
Q28475141 | dépôt Gilmour |
Q131621284 | galerie Botton |
Q52125372 | immeuble de la Pohjoismainen Yhdyspankki |
Q56544592 | immeuble de négoce de la rue Jean-Chatel |
Q22924579 | immeuble du crédit municipal de Paris |
Q115924311 | maison Jean-Baptiste-Bernard |
Q125025636 | pavillon Jacques Cartier |
Q125473427 | À Saint-Fiacre |
Q131905105 | épicerie Moisan |
Q112141776 | Supermercato |
Q30934276 | HAPINAHA |
Q108866091 | Pico丸亀 |
Q116873585 | tekuteせんだい |
Q108857797 | さんすて |
Q30927400 | みつかいどうプラザ |
Q17191993 | アリコベール |
Q48756982 | アルピコプラザ |
Q11285719 | アーバンテラス茶屋町 |
Q22117833 | イオンタウン新船橋 |
Q85870178 | イオンモール上尾 |
Q131702255 | イオン市川妙典店 |
Q108857793 | ウィング |
Q109658779 | エキア |
Q112301403 | エキュートエディション新橋 |
Q109335750 | エキュート上野 |
Q109335752 | エキュート京葉ストリート |
Q109335754 | エキュート品川 |
Q109707571 | エキュート大宮 |
Q109335747 | エキュート日暮里 |
Q109707574 | エキュート東京 |
Q109335753 | エキュート立川 |
Q109707573 | エキュート赤羽 |
Q108857794 | エミオ |
Q106945513 | カミーノ古町 |
Q114795170 | カメイドクロック |
Q109714597 | コトチカ北大路 |
Q109714593 | コトチカ四条 |
Q109714595 | コトチカ御池 |
Q131183715 | ザ・香里園タワー |
Q121008705 | センテラス天文館 |
Q108893106 | デイトス |
Q108857799 | トスカ |
Q11296520 | トナリエ南千里 |
Q85872621 | ナナ・ビーンズ |
Q18338768 | ノース天神 |
Q108857800 | バル |
Q110608026 | ビエラタウン玉造 |
Q110608027 | ビエラタウン鴫野 |
Q110608021 | ビエラ加古川 |
Q110608012 | ビエラ塚口 |
Q110608016 | ビエラ大久保 |
Q110607976 | ビエラ大津 |
Q110608023 | ビエラ奈良 |
Q110608008 | ビエラ姫路 |
Q110608025 | ビエラ小倉 |
Q110607997 | ビエラ岸辺健都 |
Q110607996 | ビエラ東岸和田 |
Q110607981 | ビエラ桃谷 |
Q107125495 | ビエラ森ノ宮 |
Q110608024 | ビエラ海田市 |
Q110608018 | ビエラ甲子園口 |
Q110608001 | ビエラ神戸 |
Q110607978 | ビエラ福知山 |
Q110607982 | ビエラ野田 |
Q110607999 | ビエラ高槻 |
Q110608000 | ビエラ高槻南 |
Q108898057 | ビーンズ |
Q108857801 | ピオレ |
Q11332930 | フォーカスポーカス |
Q131862910 | ブランチ福岡下原 |
Q108893088 | ペリエ |
Q108857804 | ミオ |
Q114579943 | ミカン下北 |
Q108836753 | ミュープラット一宮 |
Q108857807 | ミロード |
Q59186307 | メイト黒崎 |
Q29728958 | ヤマギワ東京本店ビル |
Q11349119 | ルルサス防府 |
Q11351517 | ワンズモール |
Q11352037 | ヴィッツ豊田タウン |
Q107026604 | 上越あるるん村 |
Q122829224 | 五井駅東ショッピングセンター |
Q108857795 | 京王リトナード |
Q110608357 | 味の小路 |
Q65263062 | 小名浜美食ホテル |
Q109360694 | 小江戸横丁 |
Q11467021 | 山口県東京観光物産センター |
Q132042030 | 岡島百貨店 |
Q11485827 | 庄内観光物産館 |
Q130535449 | 札幌パルコ |
Q106841228 | 東京鰹節センター |
Q125470413 | 東横のれん街 |
Q109268059 | 池袋パルコ |
Q11553636 | 河原町ビブレ |
Q11559421 | 海鮮なぶら市場 |
Q90866555 | 漁港の駅 TOTOCO小田原 |
Q11567650 | 焼津さかなセンター |
Q65273596 | 琉球ワールド沖縄宝島 |
Q11577776 | 甲府会館 |
Q29730858 | 石丸電気本店ビル |
Q115195523 | 近鉄百貨店草津店 |
Q11648269 | 釧路和商市場 |
Q24874653 | 阿佐ヶ谷アニメストリート |
Q2106216 | Astraat 19 |
Q2436786 | Markt 10 |
Q87792581 | Деловой и жилой дом В. Диппеля |
Q117378111 | Ленина 168 |
Q122417888 | Торговый дом «Пермяковой А.Н. и сыновья» с магазинами и отделением Волжско-Камского банка |
Q116767191 | Хавская улица 24 корпус 1 |
Q116767209 | улица Шаболовка 57 |
Q116767201 | улица Шаболовка 67 |