
induction of an adaptive response in the immune system, either for immunization to disease or as allergy

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Abstract is: In immunology, the term sensitization is used for the following concepts: * Immunization by inducing an adaptive response in the immune system. In this sense, sensitization is the term more often in usage for induction of allergic responses. * To bind antibodies to cells such as erythrocytes in advance of performing an immunological test such as a complement-fixation test or a Coombs test. The antibodies are bound to the cells in their Fab regions in the preparation. * To bind antibodies or soluble antigens chemically or by adsorption to appropriate biological entities such as erythrocytes or particles made of gelatin or latex for passive aggregation tests. Those particles themselves are biologically inactive except for serving as antigens against the primary antibodies or as carriers of the antigens. When antibodies are used in the preparation, they are bound to the erythrocyte or particles in their Fab regions. Thus the step follows requires the secondary antibodies against those primary antibodies, that is, the secondary antibodies must have binding specificity to the primary antibodies including to their Fc regions.

sensitization is …
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External links are
P1417Encyclopædia Britannica Online IDscience/sensitization-medicine
P2671Google Knowledge Graph ID/g/12176616
P6366Microsoft Academic ID2909330029
P2892UMLS CUIC3839736

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symptoms and signs (P780)
Q211742461-dodecanethiol exposure
Q211750351-pentanethiol exposure
Q211747462-methyl-2,4-pentanediol exposure
Q211741563,3'-dichlorobenzidine exposure
Q21173335N-butyl glycidyl ether exposure
Q21281647abrin exposure
Q21167527acetic acid exposure
Q21167640acrylic acid exposure
Q21167894atrazine exposure
Q21174296aziridine exposure
Q21167929benomyl exposure
Q21173347calcium cyanamide exposure
Q21173356caprolactam exposure
Q21173357captafol exposure
Q21173358captan exposure
Q21173543catechol exposure
Q21173554chloroacetaldehyde exposure
Q21174123cyclohexanamine exposure
Q21174183diethylenetriamine exposure
Q21174292ethylene glycol exposure
Q21175067exposure to soluble platinum salts
Q21174343glutaraldehyde exposure
Q21174762hydroquinone exposure
Q21174794isopropyl glycidyl ether exposure
Q21174912methylene bis(4-cyclohexylisocyanate) exposure
Q21175045phenyl glycidyl ether exposure
Q21175046phenylhydrazine exposure
Q21175064piperazine dihydrochloride exposure
Q21175376toluene diisocyanate exposure
Q21175403turpentine exposure

main subject (P921)
Q23918380A combined murine local lymph node and irritancy assay to predict sensitization and irritancy potential of chemicals
Q119012558A cross sectional study of respiratory and allergy status in dairy workers
Q23918807A field method for near real-time analysis of perchloroethylene in end-exhaled breath
Q24170254A four-year prospective study to evaluate the efficacy of glove interventions in preventing natural latex sensitization in healthcare workers at two hospitals
Q23912077A laboratory investigation of the effectiveness of various skin and surface decontaminants for aliphatic polyisocyanates
Q25893484A multistate outbreak of Salmonella enterica serotype typhimurium infection linked to raw milk consumption--Ohio, 2003
Q66593151A preventive program for decreasing sensitization in beryllium workers
Q23921379Adjuvant effect of zymosan after pulmonary treatment in a mouse ovalbumin allergy model
Q77790776Age-dependent pulmonary reactivity to house dust mite allergen: a model of adult-onset asthma?
Q23910521Airborne fungal fragments and allergenicity
Q24824818Airway responses after specific challenge of rats sensitized via skin exposure to trimellitic anhydride (TMA)
Q23923937Airway responses in Brown Norway rats following inhalation sensitization and challenge with trimellitic anhydride
Q64078735Allergen Sensitization and Asthma Outcomes among World Trade Center Rescue and Recovery Workers
Q23913402Allergen concentration in natural rubber latex
Q24169952Allergen concentration in natural rubber latex
Q23913403Allergen concentration in natural rubber latex (Clin Exp Allergy 36(8):1078 - correction)
Q41571466Allergenicity to Cannabis sativa L. and methods to assess personal exposure
Q23911164Allergic airway inflammation is differentially exacerbated by daytime and nighttime ultrafine and submicron fine ambient particles: heme oxygenase-1 as an indicator of PM-mediated allergic inflammation
Q95855878Allergic and Respiratory Symptoms in Employees of Indoor Cannabis Grow Facilities
Q24170398Allergic and latex-specific sensitization: route, frequency, and amount of exposure that are required to initiate IgE production
Q25932315Alteration of allergic response following an acute pulmonary exposure to nickel oxide nanoparticles in a murine OVA asthma model
Q64137208Alternaria is associated with asthma symptoms and exhaled NO among NYC children
Q57102138Ambient particulate matter enhances the pulmonary allergic immune response to house dust mite in a BALB/c mouse model by augmenting Th2- and Th17-immune responses
Q25892271American College of Chest Physicians issues consensus statement on diagnosing and treating work-related asthma
Q23912078An FTIR investigation of isocyanate skin absorption using in vitro guinea pig skin
Q29010322An animal model of adult-onset allergic asthma
Q41571386An official American Thoracic Society workshop report: presentations and discussion of the Sixth Jack Pepys Workshop on Asthma in the Workplace
Q24169790Analysis of available diagnostic tests for latex sensitization in an at-risk population
Q107001868Analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms in chronic beryllium disease
Q26339759Animal models and mechanisms of latex allergy
Q23921643Antibody-independent complement activation by cardroom cotton dust
Q107002032Antimicrobials and allergic disease: identifying novel biomarkers and mechanisms of action
Q24719247Application of data from animal toxicity testing and alternative methods in assignment of skin notations
Q57272944Application of moisturizer to neonates prevents development of atopic dermatitis
Q23921328Application of the random forest method in studies of local lymph node assay based skin sensitization data
Q26339684Assessment of a modified local lymph node assay to evaluate the irritancy/sensitization potential of chemicals exposed to breached skin
Q99415646Association between lone star tick bites and increased alpha-gal sensitization: evidence from a prospective cohort of outdoor workers
Q27908640Association of MHC region SNPs with irritant susceptibility in healthcare workers
Q77790265Associations of metrics of peak inhalation exposure and skin exposure indices with beryllium sensitization at a beryllium manufacturing facility
Q29010345Asthma control, treatment patterns, and self-management among WTC rescue and recovery workers
Q57051713Authors' response
Q26154901Baker's asthma
Q24995245Beryllium disease
Q23913231Beryllium exposure: dermal and immunological considerations
Q23915962Beryllium: a modern industrial hazard
Q29009018Beryllium: hazard alert
Q23913233Bioavailability of beryllium oxide particles: an in vitro study in the murine J774A.1 macrophage cell line model
Q119013235Biomass smoke exposure and atopy among young children in the western highlands of Guatemala: a prospective cohort study
Q23918163C57BL/6 mice are resistant to acute restraint modulation of cutaneous hypersensitivity
Q24703893CCL2 KO mice demonstrate enhanced TH2 responses following dermal sensitization
Q25112810Case-by-case assessment of adult-onset asthma attributable to occupational exposures among members of a health maintenance organization
Q24849318Cellular and humoral factors in a subchronic model of toluene diisocyanate-induced (TDI) asthma
Q23918262Characterisation of wet work and glove use in healthcare occupations
Q23917246Characteristics of beryllium exposure to small particles at a beryllium production facility
Q23918567Characterization and comparative analysis of 2,4-toluene diisocyanate and 1,6-hexamethylene diisocyanate haptenated human serum albumin and hemoglobin
Q26206590Characterization and comparison of methylene diphenyl diisocyanate haptenated human serum albumin and hemoglobin
Q24169795Characterization of Cannabis sativa allergens
Q119013094Characterization of cleaning and disinfection product use, glove use, and skin disorders by healthcare occupations in a midwestern healthcare facility
Q66666411Characterization of methylene diphenyl diisocyanate haptenated human serum albumin and hemoglobin
Q23909683Characterization of physicochemical properties of beryllium aerosols associated with prevalence of chronic beryllium disease
Q24170387Chemical activation of innate and specific immunity in contact dermatitis
Q23921462Chromium complexes with proteins and mucopolysaccharides and their relationship to chromium allergy in sensitized guinea pigs
Q66587312Chromium sensitization in an artist's workshop
Q23916117Chronic beryllium disease and sensitization at a beryllium processing facility
Q26237341Chronic beryllium disease and sensitization at a beryllium processing facility
Q23917118Chronic beryllium disease, HLA-DPB1, and the DP peptide binding groove
Q23917120Chronic beryllium disease, HLA-DPB1, and the DP peptide binding groove
Q24169988Clinical relevance of the Hevea brasiliensis lipid transfer protein Hev b 12
Q23920112Comparison of NiSO4 and NiCl2 as sensitizers in the guinea pig
Q39379802Comparison of biological effects with albumin adducts of 4,4'-methylenediphenyl diisocyanate in workers
Q23918348Comparison of mouse strains using the local lymph node assay
Q23918222Comparison of murine assays for the identification of chemical sensitizers
Q26339555Comparison of murine models for the identification of potential chemical sensitizers
Q26339700Comparison of pulmonary response to inhaled and intratracheally instilled diesel exhaust particulate
Q23917252Considerations of peak exposure indices for the epidemiology of beryllium sensitization
Q77792223Contribution of antimicrobials to the development of allergic disease
Q26375448Controles de peligro de NIOSH HC28 - Control de riesgos químicos durante la aplicación de uñas postizas
Q23924383Controlling chemical hazards during the application of artificial fingernails
Q26349298Controlling chemical hazards in the nail salon industry
Q24849207Cumulative incidence of chronic beryllium disease in a ceramics factory cohort
Q23915724Dermal exposure to 3-amino-5-mercapto-1,2,4-triazole (AMT) induces sensitization and airway hyperreactivity in BALB/c mice
Q24091383Dermal exposure to the commonly used antimicrobial chemical triclosan promotes allergic responses in skin and lung (HYP7P.317)
Q24706740Dermal exposure to triclosan induces changes in expression of innate and adaptive immune genes in a mouse model
Q24718330Development of a computer database of skin sensitizers
Q25017420Development of new QSAR approaches in occupational contact dermatitis
Q23913502Development of sensitive immunoassays for the detection of the glucuronide conjugate of 3-phenoxybenzyl alcohol, a putative human urinary biomarker for pyrethroid exposure
Q24170258Diagnostic performance of Food and Drug Administration-cleared serologic assays for natural rubber latex-specific IgE antibody. The multi-center latex skin testing study task force
Q24706572Differences in dissolution behavior in a phagolysosomal simulant fluid for single-component and multi-component beryllium materials associated with beryllium sensitization and chronic beryllium disease
Q23909680Differences in dissolution behavior in a phagolysosomal simulant fluid for single-constituent and multi-constituent materials associated with beryllium sensitization and chronic beryllium disease
Q26158575Differential expression kinetics of miRNA involved in allergic chemical sensitization following dermal exposure in a murine model
Q24717596Dissolution of finely divided single-constituent and multiconstituent beryllium aerosol materials associated with beryllium sensitization and chronic beryllium disease
Q47583803Divergent hypersensitivity responses following topical application of the quaternary ammonium compound, didecyldimethylammonium bromide.
Q24703177Do indicators of beryllium skin exposure predict beryllium sensitization?
Q61955812Does Acupuncture Activate Endogenous Pain Inhibition in Chronic Whiplash?
Q23918704Dose-dependent thiol and immune responses to ovalbumin challenge in Brown Norway rats
Q23923852Dose-response and time course of specific IgE and IgG after single and repeated topical skin exposure to dry trimellitic anhydride powder in a Brown Norway rat model
Q29009470Dry cutting & grinding is risky business
Q24826321Educating beryllium workers about genetic information
Q26059290Efectos de las sustancias químicas al contacto con la piel: lo que deben saber los trabajadores
Q23910872Effect of diesel exhaust particles on allergic reactions and airway responsiveness in ovalbumin-sensitized Brown Norway rats
Q26343222Effect of subchronic dermal application of O-ethyl O-4-nitrophenyl phenylphosphonothioate on producing delayed neurotoxicity in hens
Q61924426Effects of Mycophenolate Mofetil (MMF) On Anti-HLA (Human Leukocyte Antigen)Antibody Levels In Patients Awaiting Cadaveric Renal Transplant.
Q24718971Effects of skin contact with chemicals: guidance for occupational health professionals and employers
Q24631265Effects of skin contact with chemicals: what a worker should know
Q24704524Effects of static compression on the vibration modes of a fingertip
Q24719433Efficacy of serial medical surveillance for chronic beryllium disease in a beryllium machining plant
Q36451943Elevated urine arsenic: un-speciated results lead to unnecessary concern and further evaluations
Q23916393Enhanced preventive programme at a beryllium oxide ceramics facility reduces beryllium sensitisation among new workers
Q66666405Enrichment and measurement of a signature MDI human serum albumin peptide adduct
Q26323773Environmental survey of occupational exposure to aerosolized egg allergens in the egg processing industry
Q26342917Erratum: surveillance of work-related asthma in selected U.S. states using surveillance guidelines for state health departments - California, Massachusetts, Michigan, and New Jersey, 1993-1995
Q24353900Evaluation of IL-9, IL-10, IL-13 and IL-15 as biomarkers of dermal exposure to respiratory sensitizers
Q23919883Evaluation of a preventive program to reduce sensitization at a beryllium metal, oxide, and alloy production plant
Q24707170Evaluation of dermal sensitization to Western Red Cedar extract and abietic acid using the local lymph node assay
Q26339551Evaluation of human irritants and weak to moderate sensitizers using a modified LLNA and an irritancy/phenotyping assay
Q24631486Evaluation of irritancy and the sensitization potential of metal working fluids and metal working fluid components
Q77790585Evaluation of laser coding particulate composition, health effects, and safety climate at a brewery
Q23911380Evaluation of the NIOSH draft method 5525 for determination of the total reactive isocyanate group (TRIG) for aliphatic isocyanates in autobody repair shops. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Q23921560Evaluation of the contact and respiratory sensitization potential of volatile organic compounds generated by simulated indoor air chemistry
Q24825536Evaluation of the contact hypersensitivity-inducing potential of a commercial weapon cleaning and maintenance compound
Q25929990Evaluation of the dermal sensitization potential of 3-amino-5- mercapto-1,2,4-triazole and n-(2,6-difluorophenyl)-5-methyl)1,2,4) triazolo-(1,5a)-pyrimidine-2-sulfonamide
Q27908639Evaluation of the irritancy and hypersensitivity potential following topical application of didecyldimethylammonium chloride
Q24170356Evaluation of the prevalence of antiwheat-, anti-flour dust, and anti-alpha-amylase specific IgE antibodies in US blood donors
Q24266092Evaluation of the sensitization potential of two chemicals, methyl red and basic fuchsin, with potential use in indicator pads
Q24351820Evaluation of the sensitization potential of two lubricant additives, phenyl-alpha-naphthylamine and alkylated phenyl-alpha-naph
Q26329403Evaluation of the skin's role in natural rubber latex induced hypersensitivity
Q24091382Exploring the role of miRNA 210 and regulatory T cells during TDI sensitization (HYP6P.270)
Q23915013Exposure and immunological determinants in a murine model for toluene diisocyanate (TDI) asthma
Q24704228Exposure assessment at a beryllium ceramics facility following implementation of a dermal protection program
Q23910873Exposure of Brown Norway rats to diesel exhaust particles prior to ovalbumin (OVA) sensitization elicits IgE adjuvant activity but attenuates OVA-induced airway inflammation
Q23912469Exposure to flour dust and sensitization among bakery employees
Q23917719Exposure to protein aeroallergens in egg processing facilities
Q119012977Exposure to the antimicrobial chemical triclosan disrupts keratinocyte function and skin integrity in a model of reconstructed human epidermis (dataset)
Q115074862Exposure to the immunomodulatory chemical triclosan differentially impacts immune cell populations in the skin of haired (BALB/c) and hairless (SKH1) mice
Q119012759Exposure to the immunomodulatory chemical triclosan differentially impacts immune cell populations in the skin of haired (BALB/c) and hairless (SKH1) mice (dataset)
Q23921574Expression kinetics of miRNA involved in dermal toluene 2,4-diisocyanate sensitization
Q52716104Farnesyltransferase Inhibition Exacerbates Eosinophilic Inflammation and Airway Hyperreactivity in Mice with Experimental Asthma: The Complex Roles of Ras GTPase and Farnesylpyrophosphate in Type 2 Allergic Inflammation.
Q25930239Fatal asthma from powdering shark cartilage and review of fatal occupational asthma literature
Q23917717Federal government regulation of occupational skin exposure in the USA
Q29960427Fine particulate matter (PM2.5) enhances allergic sensitization in BALB/c mice
Q23916387Flu-like illness among workers at a soy processing plant
Q25891668Frequency of sensitization and disease among workers in beryllium service and distribution centers
Q92869175Frequency-dependent changes in mitochondrial number and generation of reactive oxygen species in a rat model of vibration-induced injury
Q24720730Genetic susceptibility and occupational exposure to beryllium
Q23916053Genetic susceptibility testing for beryllium: worker knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes
Q26237328Genetic susceptibility testing for beryllium: worker knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes
Q26248517Graphene oxide augments airway remodeling and hyperresponsiveness in a murine model of asthma
Q24848096Guía de salud ocupacional para profesionales de la salud y empleadores
Q26353043HHE Determination Report No. HHE-75-147-318, Westinghouse Electric Corporation
Q26351990HHE HHE-72-22-31-34-24, Bendix Corporation, Kansas City, Missouri
Q26347825HHE Report No. HETA-81-466-1591, Electric Machinery - McGraw Edison Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Q26350281HHE Report, No. HETA-82-176-1236, U. S. Customs Service, Patrol Division Office, Treasure Island, San Francisco, California
Q26348596HHE determination report no. HHE-73-30-90, King Seeley Thermos Company, Macomb, Illinois
Q26349201HHE determination report no. HHE-74-84-188, Cosmo Plastics Company, Fredericksburg, Ohio
Q26354996HHE determination report no. HHE-79-86-675, Tufts Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts
Q26351684HHE report HHE-72-84-31, Dunham-Bush, Inc., West Hartford, Connecticut
Q26351506HHE report no. HETA-94-0373-2480, Suffolk County Courthouse, Boston, Massachusetts
Q26341772HLA-A1 and coalworkers' pneumoconiosis
Q108918124HLA-DPB1 E69 genotype and exposure in beryllium sensitisation and disease
Q26374787Hazards of ethyl methacrylate
Q26155162Health care workers and asthma: 'occupational asthma' is a risk for nurses
Q115075347Health effects of exposure to cannabis in workers in an indoor growing facility
Q24847088Health hazard evaluation report: HETA-2007-0261-3122, evaluation of contact dermatitis among ink ribbon manufacturing employees - New York
Q26355279Health hazard evaluation report: HETA-81-146-1162, Ralston Purina Company, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania
Q26346693Health hazard evaluation report: HETA-83-116-1570, Essex Group, Incorporated, Vincennes, Indiana
Q26351161Health hazard evaluation report: HHE-80-065-780, Clorox Company, Jersey City, New Jersey
Q24978010Health hazard evaluation report: evaluation of ortho-phthalaldehyde in eight healthcare facilities
Q26206262Health hazard evaluation report: evaluation of sensitization and exposure to flour dust, spices, and other ingredients among poultry breading workers
Q23918595Healthcare for obstructive lung disease in an industrial spirometry surveillance program
Q29009815High impact: preventing occupational latex allergy in health care workers
Q23917588Histamine release from human lung by a component of cotton bracts
Q26206451Home enviroment and childhood asthma in a rural Iowa county
Q23919596How to improve skin notation. Position paper from a workshop
Q66651662Identification of immunologic and genetic biomarkers for TMA sensitization
Q66664876Identification of immunologic and genetic biomarkers for TMA sensitization
Q23916595Identification of phenolic dermal sensitizers in a wound closure tape
Q24169948Identifying domestic aeroallergen exposure in a cystic fibrosis patient: a case study
Q29010117IgE antibodies to fungi among asthmatic children living in homes damaged by Hurricane Sandy in New York City
Q23909597Immunogenetic factors in beryllium sensitization and chronic beryllium disease
Q24719062Immunogenetics factors in chronic beryllium disease
Q64126006Immunological methods for diagnosis and monitoring of IgE-mediated allergy caused by industrial sensitizing agents (IMExAllergy)
Q23918378Immunological responses of mice following administration of natural rubber latex proteins by different routes of exposure
Q24170252Immunological responses of mice following administration of natural rubber latex proteins by different routes of exposure
Q24979909Immunomodulation of the IGE response to natural rubber latex (NRL) proteins by endotoxin and glutaraldehyde
Q66670915Immunoregulatory responses in Trimellitic Anhydride occupational sensitization
Q66671704Immunoregulatory responses in Trimellitic Anhydride occupational sensitization
Q23913353In Vitro Dermal Penetration of 4-Chloro-3-Methylphenol from Commercial Metal Working Fluid and Aqueous Vehicles
Q29009204In vitro assay for hapten-specific priming of human T lymphocytes
Q23917589In vitro histamine release from human lung as a model for the acute response to cotton dust
Q32944506In-depth survey report: spray polyurethane foam chemical exposures during spray application, Priority 1, Cincinnati, Ohio
Q23913773Increased cell proliferation in spleen and lymph nodes peripheral to contact allergen application site
Q26237118Increased cell proliferation in spleen and lymph nodes peripheral to contact allergen application site
Q25017381Increased expression and immunoregulatory potential of microRNA 210 in a murine model of TDI sensitization
Q24169977Increasing the ability to correctly identify latex sensitized patients using serologic tests
Q23920199Indirect and direct gas exchange at maximum exercise in beryllium sensitization and disease
Q23912804Induction and localization of cutaneous interleukin-1 beta mRNA during contact sensitization
Q23919329Industries in the United States with airborne beryllium exposure and estimates of the number of current workers potentially exposed
Q23917019Influence of MHC CLASS II in susceptibility to beryllium sensitization and chronic beryllium disease
Q24706785Inhalation exposure of trimellitic anhydride (TMA) aerosol in a brown norway rat model
Q23923300Inhibitor of nuclear factor kB kinase deficiency enhances oxidative stress and prolongs c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase activation induced by arsenic
Q23909535Insights into the quantitative relationship between sensitization and challenge for allergic contact dermatitis reactions
Q37182615Investigating the Effects of Particulate Matter on House Dust Mite and Ovalbumin Allergic Airway Inflammation in Mice
Q24719199Irritancy and allergic responses induced by topical application of didecyldimethylammonium chloride
Q23921557Irritancy and sensitization potential of glyoxylic acid
Q26206854Isocyanate sensitization: a cross sectional study of MDI exposure and effects in the production of polyurethane coated fabrics
Q26155199Job-related risk of beryllium disease at a beryllium copper alloy facility
Q24703714Late-phase airway response to trimellitic anhydride in Brown Norway rat: effect of dexamethasone and salbutamol
Q26248475Latex allergy in the workplace
Q23917811Latex allergy in the workplace
Q23910860Latex allergy symptoms among health care workers: results from a university health and safety surveillance system
Q23919330Letter to the editor: prevention of beryllium sensitization and chronic beryllium disease
Q24994057Local lymph node assay as a quantitative risk assessment tool to model biologic skin response of allergic contact dermatitis in the mouse
Q24169789London Plane Tree bioaerosol exposure and allergic sensitization in Sydney, Australia
Q23910902Long-term efficacy of a program to prevent beryllium disease
Q29010150Longitudinal asthma patterns in a large cohort of US women with 22-Year follow-up
Q24255396Lung antigen induced cell-mediated immune injury in chronic respiratory diseases
Q24706589Lung toxicity and allergy responses in mice exposed to nanoparticle silver
Q29010149Medication use among individuals with work-related asthma, Asthma Call-back Survey, 2012-2013
Q77791988Metal nanomaterials: immune effects and implications of physicochemical properties on sensitization, elicitation, and exacerbation of allergic disease
Q23914627Migration of beryllium via multiple exposure pathways among work processes in four different facilities
Q24706559Models vs. measurement. Are we on the right track? The promise and limitations of occupational exposure banding
Q26339561Murine immune responses to natural rubber latex proteins
Q26373682NIOSH hazards controls HC28 - controlling chemical hazards during the application of artificial fingernails
Q26206278NIOSH skin notation (SK) profile: 1,3-dichloropropene (1,3-D) [CAS No. 542-75-6]
Q26060146NIOSH skin notation (SK) profile: 2-butoxyethanol (BE) [CAS No. 111-76-2]
Q25930007NIOSH skin notation (SK) profile: 2-ethoxyethanol (EE) [CAS No. 110-80-5]
Q24718539NIOSH skin notation (SK) profile: acrylamide [CAS No. 79-06-1]
Q25114240NIOSH skin notation (SK) profile: acrylonitrile [CAS No. 107- 13-1]
Q25106553NIOSH skin notation (SK) profile: bisphenol A (BPA) [CAS No. 80-05-7]
Q25892238NIOSH skin notation (SK) profile: dinitrobenzene (DNB) [CAS No. 25154-54-5]; m-dinitrobenzene (m-DNB) [CAS No. 99-65-0]; o-dinitrobenzene (o-DNB) [CAS No. 528-29-0] p-dinitrobenzene (p-DNB) [CAS No. 100-25-4]
Q24718604NIOSH skin notation (SK) profile: dinitrotoluene [CAS No. 25321-14-6]; 2,4-dinitrotoluene (2,4-DNT) [CAS No. 121-14-2]; 2,6-dinitrotoluene (2,6-DNT) [CAS No. 606-20-2]
Q25932913NIOSH skin notation (SK) profile: epichlorohydrin [CAS No. 106- 89-8]
Q24725268NIOSH skin notation (SK) profile: ethylene glycol dinitrate (EGDN) [CAS No. 628-96-6]
Q25930054NIOSH skin notation (SK) profile: formaldehyde/formalin [CAS No. 50-00-0]
Q25112551NIOSH skin notation (SK) profile: glutaraldehyde [CAS No. 111- 30-8]
Q24266379NIOSH skin notation (SK) profile: hydrazine [CAS No. 302-01-2]
Q24847464NIOSH skin notation (SK) profile: hydrogen fluoride/hydrofluoric acid (HF) [CAS No. 7664-39-3]
Q26206648NIOSH skin notation (SK) profile: methyl cellosolve [CAS No. 109-86-4]
Q26155250NIOSH skin notation (SK) profile: nitroglycerin [CAS No. 55-63- 8]
Q26056188NIOSH skin notation (SK) profile: nonane [CAS No. 111-84-2]
Q26059320NIOSH skin notation (SK) profile: p-phenylene diamine [CAS No. 106-50-3]
Q24363097NIOSH skin notation (SK) profile: phenol [CAS No. 108-95-2]
Q25930236NIOSH skin notation (SK) profile: sodium hydroxide (NaOH) [CAS No. 1310-73-2]
Q115075071NIOSH skin notation profile: 2,4-toluene diisocyanate (2,4-TDI), 2,6-toluene diisocyanate (2,6-TDI), 2,4- and 2,6-toluene diisocyanate mixture
Q77796936NIOSH skin notation profile: atrazine
Q115075073NIOSH skin notation profile: beta-chloroprene
Q77790337NIOSH skin notation profile: catechol
Q89716501NIOSH skin notation profile: chlorinated camphene
Q105468939NIOSH skin notation profile: chlorodiphenyl (42% chlorine)
Q115075069NIOSH skin notation profile: chlorodiphenyl (54% chlorine)
Q105468940NIOSH skin notation profile: cyclohexanol
Q105468942NIOSH skin notation profile: cyclohexanone
Q105468943NIOSH skin notation profile: cyclonite
Q115075072NIOSH skin notation profile: diacetyl and 2,3-pentanedione
Q105468941NIOSH skin notation profile: diethylenetriamine (DETA)
Q115075074NIOSH skin notation profile: dioxane
Q77790329NIOSH skin notation profile: pentachlorophenol (PCP)
Q77790333NIOSH skin notation profile: sodium fluroacetate
Q26340729Natural rubber latex: glove use, sensitization, and airborne and latent dust concentrations at a Denver hospital
Q62811588Neurophysiological Validation of the Clinical Criteria of Sensitization in Chronic Pelvic and Perineal Pain Population
Q29008723New sampling and analysis method for isocyanates
Q77789706Novel cutaneous mediators of chemical allergy
Q112237455OSHA's beryllium OEL: inadequacy and urgent need for a new standard, the case of recycling operations and dental technicians
Q26323770Occupational asthma and rhinitis among egg-processing workers
Q89710285Occupational asthma: in and out of the workplace conference, April 30 - May 2, 1998, Morgantown, West Virginia
Q23924468Occupational exposure to "environmentally-friendly" spray foam insulation associated with isocyanate immune responses and asthmatic symptoms
Q29008804Occupational health and funeral homes
Q24250674Occupational latex asthma
Q23910218Occupational sensitization to soy allergens in workers at a processing facility
Q23918217Occupational use of insecticides, fungicides and fumigants and risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma and multiple myeloma in the Agricultural Health Study
Q23909313Ovalbumin aeroallergen exposure-response in brown Norway rats
Q26328908Oxidative stress and hypersensitivity response to phenolic haptens
Q25891873Parental atopy and asthma in rural children: is there a link?
Q26207025Particle penetration of the skin as a route of sensitization in occupational lung disease
Q24169974Performance of FDA-approved serologic testing for latex allergy in an at-risk population
Q26343733Peroxidase/H2O2 enhances hypersensitivity responses induced by eugenol: inhibitory effect of an antioxidant, lipoic acid
Q112235604Photothermal desorption of toluene from carbonaceous substrates using light flash
Q23909687Physicochemical characteristics of aerosol particles generated during the milling of beryllium silicate ores: implications for risk assessment
Q23912076Polyisocyanates in occupational environments: a critical review of exposure limits and metrics
Q115075107Population-based genetic model for diisocyanate-induced asthma
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Q26153691Preventive program reduces sensitization in beryllium workers
Q23912103Prior exposure to a behaviorally sensitizing regimen of d-methamphetamine does not alter the striatal dopaminergic damage induced by a neurotoxic regimen
Q23911118Process-related risk of beryllium sensitization and disease in a copper-beryllium alloy facility
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Q23913776Pyridoxylamine reactivity kinetics as an amine based nucleophile for screening electrophilic dermal sensitizers
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Q23909398Release of beryllium from beryllium-containing materials in artificial skin surface film liquids
Q23918028Release of beryllium from mineral ores in artificial lung and skin surface fluids
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Q23918161Restraint-induced modulation of allergic and irritant contact dermatitis in male and female B6.129 mice
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Q26160376Role of tumor necrosis factor in toluene diisocyanate asthma
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Q66643093Sensory nerve ending structures after 5 weeks of vibration exposure
Q29010148Serum IgE levels among U.S. workers - National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), 2005-2006
Q23912974Setting occupational exposure limits for chemical allergens-understanding the challenges
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Q66670890Spinal cord and systemic inflammation are linked with sickness behavior in aged rats performing a repetitive task
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Q24169951Strict avoidance of exposure to natural rubber latex (NRL) glove products is associated with longitudinal reduction in percutaneous reactivity to NAL and hev B proteins
Q23909564Structure-activity models for contact sensitization
Q23921490Suppressed NF-kB and sustained JNK activation contribute to the sensitization effect of parthenolide to TNF-a induced apoptosis in human cancer cells
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Q57102984TH17-Induced Neutrophils Enhance the Pulmonary Allergic Response Following BALB/c Exposure to House Dust Mite Allergen and Fine Particulate Matter From California and China
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Q23911456Testing of glove efficacy against sprayed isocyanate coatings utilizing a reciprocating permeation panel
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Q26329437The effects of an educational "Alert" on hospital policy making: communication, organizational change and occupational latex allergy
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Q21173555phenacyl chloride exposurehas effectP1542
Q21112701respiratory sensitizationsubclass ofP279
uri / for this senseP5137

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