Lausanne District

district of the canton of Vaud, Switzerland

DBpedia resource is:

Abstract is: Lausanne District (French: District de Lausanne) is a district in the canton of Vaud, Switzerland. The seat of the district is the city of Lausanne.

Wikimedia Commons category is Lausanne District

(P625, lat/long)46.521111111 / 6.641111111

Lausanne District is …
instance of (P31):
district of the canton of VaudQ3032132

External links are
P5573archINFORM location ID42804
P1036Dewey Decimal Classification2--4945241
P646Freebase ID/m/09dc8v
P8714GADM IDCHE.24.5_1
P1566GeoNames ID6458866
P902HDS ID007576
P7471iNaturalist place ID97873
P6778OBO Gazetteer ID00012929
P856official website
P402OpenStreetMap relation ID365551

P150contains the administrative territorial entityLausanneQ807
Le Mont-sur-LausanneQ70221
P2044elevation above sea level501
P395licence plate codeVD
P1456list of monuments???Q47471601
P131located in the administrative territorial entitycanton VaudQ12771
P1448official nameDistrict de Lausanne
P47shares border withGros-de-Vaud DistrictQ681215
Lavaux-Oron DistrictQ660985
Ouest Lausannois DistrictQ666343
P910topic's main categoryCategory:Lausanne DistrictQ8906343

Wikimedia Commons Images

P94: coat of arms image

FileName: CHE Lausanne COA.svg

License: Public domain

P41: flag image

FileName: CHE Lausanne Flag.svg

Description: Drapeau Lausanne



License: Public domain

Reverse relations

located in the administrative territorial entity (P131)
Q27483733Schweizerisches Bundesgericht, Archiv
Q18288690Abbaye de l'arc
Q16010656Ale Tower
Q29890945Ancienne cure catholique
Q27483377Archives historiques EOS
Q2860447Archives of the City of Lausanne
Q2879941Bains de Bellerive
Q2972597Bois-de-Vaux Cemetery
Q18019493Building of the Banque cantonale vaudoise
Q29890954Bâtiments pour la Compagnie du Lausanne-Ouchy
Q3329516Cantonal Museum of Geology in Lausanne
Q14630546Cantonal monetary museum
Q27483301Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV), Collections
Q29890991Chapelle de Guillaume Tell
Q23783973Clinique Cecil
Q2982900Collection de l'art brut
Q1006058Federal Supreme Court Building
Q29891050Gaudard house (MUDAC)
Q56220805Hermitage Foundation collection
Q3149070Immeuble administratif André & Cie S.A.
Q3149071Immeuble administratif de la Vaudoise assurances
Q3155863Italie (ship, 1908)
Q2983441La Cité
Q70221Le Mont-sur-Lausanne
Q3585906Les Croisettes reformed church
Q16887797Montagne du Château
Q3329765Musée de design et d'arts appliqués contemporains
Q598646Olympic Museum
Q2792254Palais de justice de Montbenon
Q2860443Radio suisse romande archive
Q3586118Saint-Laurent reformed church
Q29890951Swiss National Bank
Q29542038The Stump-Speaker, racist money box on display at Rumine
Q29890665castle and old farm
Q29891060church (former abbey church)
Q29890992château Béthusy
Q29890894château Mézery (paintings)
Q29890995château Valency
Q25389689château Vennes
Q29891009cooperative housing complex Prélaz
Q19406921english church
Q29890936former Hotel Excelsior and clinic Cécil
Q29890949former Leresche house
Q29890932former customs building and free port
Q29891008former reformed church Saint-Étienne
Q29891013housing complex Georgette
Q27483303library of the Literary Circle (collection)
Q29890989literary circle (building)
Q29890895manor house (Rivier) with country house and garage
Q97366445methodist church, Valentin chapel
Q2845792old hospital
Q15275724scottish church
Q29891052Maison Gaulis

shares border with (P47)
Q681215Gros-de-Vaud District
Q660985Lavaux-Oron District
Q666343Ouest Lausannois District

Q12771canton Vaudcontains the administrative territorial entityP150
Q21289879Thomas Strong Seccombeplace of deathP20
Q807Lausannecapital ofP1376
Q97678979Bernard Métrauxorganization directed by the office or positionP2389
Q8906343Category:Lausanne Districtcategory's main topicP301
Q165080Dianthus sylvestristaxon rangeP9714

The articles in Wikimedia projects and languages

Catalan (ca / Q7026)Districte de Lausannewikipedia
cebLausanne Districtwikipedia
      Okres Lausannewikipedia
      Bezirk Lausannewikipedia
      Lausanne Districtwikipedia
en-simpleLausanne (district)wikipedia
Esperanto (eo / Q143)Laŭzano (distrikto)wikipedia
      Distrito de Lausanawikipedia
Basque language (eu / Q8752)Lausana barrutiawikipedia
Persian (fa / Q9168)بخش لوزانwikipedia
      Lausannen aluewikipedia
      District de Lausannewikipedia
frpDistrict de Losenawikipedia
gswBezirk Lausannewikipedia
      Distretto di Losannawikipedia
      Lausonium (districtus)wikipedia
lmoLausanne (distret)wikipedia
nanLausanne Koānwikipedia
      Lausanne (district)wikipedia
Norwegian, Nynorsk (nn / Q25164)Distriktet Lausannewikipedia
      Okręg Lozannawikipedia
      Distrito de Lausanawikipedia
rmLosanna (district)wikipedia
      Лозанна (округ)wikipedia
      Lausanne (distrikt)wikipedia
      Лозанна (округ)wikipedia
vecDistreto de Łoxanawikipedia
      Lausanne (huyện)wikipedia
warLausanne (distrito)wikipedia

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