honorary citizen of Passau

title of honor awarded by the City of Passau, Germany

honorary citizen of Passau is …
instance of (P31):

sublass of (P279):
honorary citizenshipQ987080

P2517category for recipients of this awardCategory:Honorary citizens of PassauQ8943032
P1269facet ofPassauQ4190
P2354has listlist of honorary citizens of Passau, GermanyQ1838459
P910topic's main categoryCategory:Honorary citizens of PassauQ8943032

Reverse relations

award received (P166)
Q60446Franz Ritter von Epp
Q45622Sigismund Felix Freiherr von Ow-Felldorf

Q8943032Category:Honorary citizens of Passaucategory's main topicP301
Q8943032Category:Honorary citizens of Passaucategory combines topicsP971

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