European Paintings

curatorial department of The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, USA

Wikimedia Commons category is Department of European Paintings, Metropolitan Museum of Art

European Paintings is …
instance of (P31):
curatorial departmentQ61781831
art collectionQ7328910

External links are
P856official website

P17countryUnited States of AmericaQ30
P749parent organizationMetropolitan Museum of ArtQ160236
P361part ofMetropolitan Museum of ArtQ160236

Reverse relations

collection (P195)
Q19912054'Ghâtaignier' Apples and Glazed Earthenware on a Table
Q95469231807, Friedland
Q19912291A Banquet
Q19861826A Bashi-Bazouk
Q19905124A Bashi-Bazouk
Q19912851A Basket and Birds
Q19912673A Basket of Flowers
Q19911906A Bather (Echo)
Q19905271A Beach with Fishing Boats
Q78611137A Bedroom in Bernstorff Palace near Copenhagen
Q19912002A Benedictine Monk
Q19912513A Bishop Saint
Q96185603A Bouquet of Flowers
Q19912888A Bouquet of Flowers in a Crystal Vase
Q19905061A Boy with a Cat—Morning
Q19906272A Brazilian Landscape
Q19904850A Brook in a Clearing (possibly "Brook, Valley of Fontcouverte; Study")
Q19913221A Brook in the Forest
Q78633545A Cairo Bazaar
Q19912613A Canal in Venice
Q19905654A Cardinal's Procession
Q19912933A Cat Stealing Fish
Q19913275A Cavalry Engagement
Q19913319A Cavalryman
Q19912106A Circus Boy
Q19911544A City on a Rock
Q19913207A Classical Landscape
Q19905363A Colonnade in Ruins
Q19905347A Contest between the Shepherds Alcesto and Acaten
Q19912782A Country Road
Q19912215A Couple in an Interior with a Gypsy Fortune-Teller
Q19905369A Cowherd at Valhermeil, Auvers-sur-Oise
Q19911584A Dance in the Country
Q19913417A Day in October, near Waxholm, Sweden
Q78611072A Deerhound
Q19912088A Donor Presented by a Saint
Q19913376A Dragoon on Horseback
Q19905040A Farm in Brittany
Q19905345A Female Allegorical Figure
Q19905441A Female Allegorical Figure
Q19905178A Female Martyr Saint
Q19912727A Footman Sleeping
Q20167163A Forest at Dawn with a Deer Hunt
Q19913553A Fountain in Rome
Q19906242A General and His Aide-de-camp
Q19912852A Hare and Birds
Q19912853A Hare, Partridges, and Fruit
Q19913703A Hunter with a Dog
Q3649298A Hunting Scene
Q78638958A Huntsman and a Peasant Woman by the Isar River with a View of Munich
Q19912397A Kitchen
Q19912900A Knight of Alcántara or Calatrava
Q20168308A Lane through the Trees
Q19913615A Large Oak
Q19911960A Limier Briquet Hound
Q78639914A Lock, a Column, and a Church beside a Lagoon
Q78638850A Man Leaning on a Parapet
Q19912083A Man Mounting a Horse
Q19912084A Man Riding a Horse
Q116726824A Man Seated and Asleep
Q19912876A Man and a Woman on Horseback
Q19913681A Man with the Initials AC
Q19914097A Man with the Initials CJD
Q19913861A Man with the Initials FM
Q19913696A Man with the Initials JD
Q19914038A Man with the Initials RH
Q19911904A Masked Ball in Bohemia
Q19912915A Meadow Bordered by Trees
Q78613331A Miracle of Saint Joseph of Cupertino (1603–1663)
Q19912588A Mosque
Q19913013A Mosque
Q19911943A Mountainous Landscape with a Waterfall
Q19913141A Musical Gathering at the Court of the Elector Karl Albrecht of Bavaria
Q19905385A Musical Party
Q19912715A Musical Party
Q19905258A Musician and His Daughter
Q19912156A Panoramic Landscape with a Country Estate
Q19913057A Partridge and Small Game Birds
Q19905297A Party of Merrymakers
Q19912615A Path among the Rocks
Q19913953A Patrician and His Wife
Q19911962A Peasant Girl Knitting
Q19912838A Peasant Woman Picking Fleas off a Dog
Q19912837A Peasant with a Bird
Q19913876A Picnic
Q19913196A Pond in Picardy
Q19912739A Renaissance Portico with Elegant Figures
Q19912797A River Landscape
Q19913875A River Landscape
Q20168357A River Landscape with Storks
Q19912910A River in a Meadow
Q19906268A Road in Louveciennes
Q19905337A Roman Landscape with Figures
Q19912872A Saint (Mark?) Reading
Q19913838A Sea Nymph
Q19905299A Section of the Claudian Aqueduct, Rome
Q19912661A Section of the Via Sacra, Rome (The Church of Saints Cosmas and Damian)
Q19912389A Sermon on Charity (possibly the Conversion of Saint Anthony)
Q19911874A Shaded Avenue
Q19913023A Shepherd and a Rider on a Country Lane
Q19913466A Shepherdess and Her Flock
Q19913804A Ship in a Stormy Sea
Q19912995A Shipwreck in a Storm
Q19912801A Spanish Garden
Q19912672A State Yacht and Other Craft in Calm Water
Q19913036A Storm off the Normandy Coast
Q19912922A Vase of Flowers
Q19912017A Vase with Flowers
Q19913092A View of The Hague from the Northwest
Q19911954A Village Street: Dardagny
Q19912403A Village in a Valley
Q20168193A Village on Ischia (Fontana?)
Q19911767A Virtue, Possibly Patriotism
Q19913389A Vista through Trees: Fontainebleau
Q1236170A Waitress at Duval's Restaurant
Q19912926A Washerwoman at Éragny
Q19912355A Windy Day on the Pont des Arts
Q19906142A Winter Landscape with Ice Skaters and an Imaginary Castle
Q19912079A Woman Gathering Faggots at Ville-d'Avray
Q19904848A Woman Ironing
Q19914030A Woman Playing a Harp
Q19911961A Woman Playing the Theorbo-Lute and a Cavalier
Q19911824A Woman Seated at a Window
Q3713914A Woman Seated beside a Vase of Flowers
Q19912975A Woman and Two Men in an Arbor
Q19905690A Woman with a Dog
Q19911872A Woman with a Dog
Q19913683A Woman with the Initials MCC
Q19913808A Woman, Possibly Sophia Dorothea (1687–1757), Later Queen of Prussia
Q19911851A Woodland Road with Travelers
Q19906257A Young Girl with Daisies
Q19913807A Young Knight of the Garter, Possibly George Augustus (1683–1760), Later George II of Great Britain and Ireland
Q19905080A Young Woman Reading
Q19911991A Young Woman and a Cavalier
Q19912274A Young Woman as a Shepherdess ("Saskia as Flora")
Q19905243A Young Woman at Her Toilet with a Maid
Q19913393A Young Woman in a Landscape
Q19911825Abbess Lucrezia Agliardi Vertova (1490?–1558)
Q19913858Abbé Charles Bossut (1730–1814)
Q19911645Abner's Messenger before David (?); The Queen of Sheba Bringing Gifts to Solomon; (The Annunciation, on the reverse)
Q19904878Abraham Dismissing Hagar and Ishmael
Q19912499Abraham Dismissing Hagar and Ishmael
Q19913091Abraham's Parting from the Family of Lot
Q19912183Adam; Eve
Q19913956Admiral Adam Duncan (1731–1804)
Q19913383Admiral Harry Paulet (1719/20–1794), Sixth Duke of Bolton
Q19912952Admiral Jacob Binkes (born about 1640, died 1677)
Q19913118Admiral Sir Chaloner Ogle (1726–1816)
Q3605556Adoration of the Shepherds
Q19905222Aegina Visited by Jupiter
Q19913202Aeneas and the Sibyl in the Underworld
Q19912228After the Ball
Q19912331After the Hunt
Q19913918Agnes Sewell
Q19912536Albert (René) Grenier (1858–1925)
Q19912118Alessandro Vittoria (1524/25–1608)
Q19913299Alexander Maconochie (1777–1861) of Meadowbank
Q19912554Alexander the Great Rescued from the River Cydnus
Q19905439Alexandre Charles Emmanuel de Crussol-Florensac (1743–1815)
Q19913938Alexandre Théodore Victor (1760–1829), Comte de Lameth
Q20166957Alfonso d'Este (1486–1534), Duke of Ferrara
Q19905811Alfred Dedreux (1810–1860) as a Child
Q19913752Algernon Percy (1602–1668), Tenth Earl of Northumberland, after Van Dyck
Q19913919Ali Pasha (born about 1741, died 1822)
Q19913449All Saints
Q20168348Allegory of Autumn
Q19905097Allegory of Avarice
Q19912369Allegory of Government: Wisdom Defeating Discord
Q19913373Allegory of Lyric Poetry
Q12077592Allegory of Music
Q111272632Allegory of Sacred and Profane Love
Q19914256Allegory of Winter
Q19912873Allegory of the Arts
Q19911765Allegory of the Planets and Continents
Q19905396Alphonse Promayet (1822–1872)
Q19913332Alpine Landscape
Q19905425Ameto's Discovery of the Nymphs
Q19912862Among the Humble
Q19912921An Allegory
Q19913241An Allegory, Probably of the Peace of Utrecht of 1713
Q19912896An Artist Painting a Heraldic Shield in a Cabinet of Curiosities
Q19905311An Egyptian Peasant Woman and Her Child
Q78633962An Egyptian in a Doorway
Q19912338An Episode from the Life of Saint Giovanni Gualberto
Q78637988An Eruption of Vesuvius
Q19911973An Evening School
Q19912432An Evening beside Lake Arresø
Q19905228An Extensive Wooded Landscape
Q19913829An Interesting Story (Miss Ray)
Q19911883An Old Bridge at Hendon, Middlesex
Q19912802An Old Chapel in a Valley
Q78605934An Old Man with a Dog
Q19913034An Overgrown Mineshaft
Q14619160Ancient Rome
Q19905102Andromache and Astyanax
Q19912367André François Alloys de Theys d'Herculais (1692–1779)
Q19912218Angelica and Medoro
Q19912481Angelica and Medoro
Q19913168Aniene River at Tivoli
Q19905280Anne Dashwood (1743–1830), Later Countess of Galloway
Q19912335Anne Elizabeth Cholmley (1769–1788), Later Lady Mulgrave
Q19912827Anne de Pisseleu (1508–1576), Duchesse d'Étampes
Q19912285Apollo and Aurora
Q19912322Apple Blossoms
Q19906246Apples and Grapes
Q19912611Aqueduct in Ruins
Q78632826Arab Warrior
Q19912702Arabs Crossing a Ford
Q19913447Arabs on the March
Q19905358Arches in Ruins
Q2404992Aristotle with a Bust of Homer
Q19913419Asters and Fruit on a Table
Q19913075At Lake Garda
Q19913187At the Edge of the Forest
Q19912193At the Milliner's
Q19913086At the Milliner's
Q19905150Atalanta and Meleager
Q19912522Auction Sale in Clinton Hall, New York, 1876
Q19912159Autumn Landscape with a Flock of Turkeys
Q19913053Autumn: The Woodland Pond
Q19912843Awaiting the Reply
Q19886724Bacchante by the Sea
Q18177494Bacchante in a Landscape
Q19913107Bacchus and Ariadne
Q19913225Bacchus and Nymphs in a Landscape
Q3842385Bache Madonna
Q19905310Baigneuses (Bathers)
Q19905360Bandits on a Rocky Coast
Q20168416Banks of the Stream near the Corot Property, Ville d'Avray
Q19912942Barbara Villiers (1640–1709), Duchess of Cleveland
Q19912997Barges at Pontoise
Q19905182Barnyard Scene
Q19912032Baron Alexander von Humboldt
Q19913978Baron Joseph Dominique Louis (1755–1837)
Q20166980Bartolommeo Bonghi (died 1584)
Q19904813Basket of Flowers
Q111272640Basket of Fruit
Q19913375Bather Stepping into a Tub
Q19905387Bather in the Woods
Q19911956Bathsheba at Her Bath
Q19863030Bathsheba at her Toilette
Q19913300Battle Scene
Q19913111Battle Scene: Arabs Making a Detour
Q19905325Bearded Man with a Velvet Cap
Q19912070Beaulieu: The Bay of Fourmis
Q19913175Beech Tree
Q19913334Beech Trees in the English Garden, Munich
Q19913251Before the Mirror
Q19912245Beggars at a Doorway
Q19904795Benedikt von Hertenstein (born about 1495, died 1522)
Q19905187Benjamin Franklin (1706–1790)
Q19912701Benjamin Franklin (1706–1790)
Q19913045Benjamin Franklin (1706–1790), after a Painting by Greuze of 1777
Q19913090Bertel Thorvaldsen (1768–1844) with the Bust of Horace Vernet
Q116726825Bindo Altoviti (1491–1557)
Q19912437Birch Tree in a Storm
Q19861716Black Bashi-Bazouk
Q19913493Blasted Tree
Q19911450Blind Orion Searching for the Rising Sun
Q19912691Boatman among the Reeds
Q19912725Boatmen of Barcelona
Q19912321Boats on the Seacoast at Étaples
Q19913147Book Cover
Q19912281Bouquet in a Chinese Vase
Q19905438Bouquet of Chrysanthemums
Q19913963Bouquet of Flowers
Q19905329Bouquet of Flowers in a Vase
Q19905274Bouquet of Sunflowers
Q1844748Boy Carrying a Sword
Q19912333Boy with a Black Spaniel
Q19911888Boy with a Greyhound
Q17609277Boy with a Lute
Q19912201Breton Brother and Sister
Q19912620Breton Fishermen and Their Families
Q19913292Bridge over a Cascade
Q19905213Bridge over a Pond of Water Lilies
Q19911841Brigand and his wife in prayer
Q19904884Broken Eggs
Q3937689Brother Gregorio Belo of Vicenza
Q19914288Brother Philippe's Geese
Q17176660Bullfight in a Divided Ring
Q78614384Bust of a Man (Saint Matthias?)
Q111729420Bust-Length Study of a Man
Q472037By the Seashore
Q19914259Cabin of the Customs Watch
Q19912506Cafe House, Cairo (Casting Bullets)
Q111272643Cain Slaying Abel
Q19913446Calendar of Saints and Festivals
Q19905209Calling the Cows Home
Q19912761Calm Sea
Q19912269Cambyses Appointing Otanes Judge
Q19905436Camille Monet (1847–1879) in the Garden at Argenteuil
Q13451237Camille Monet on a Garden Bench
Q78640265Campo Santa Maria Zobenigo, Venice
Q19913433Canal Side
Q19912637Capriccio with St. Paul's and Old London Bridge
Q5036652Captain George K. H. Coussmaker
Q19912527Captain Swaton
Q19912341Card Players in a Drawing Room
Q3784753Cardinal Fernando Niño de Guevara
Q78611922Carlo Rimbotti (1518–1591)
Q19913790Caroline Maria Therese of Parma (1770–1804)
Q19913250Caroline of Ansbach (1683–1737), Consort of George II of Great Britain and Ireland
Q19913235Cartoon for the Back of a Tapestry Settee
Q19913173Castel Sant'Elmo from Chiaia, Naples
Q19912917Castle by a River
Q19912791Castle of San Servando, Toledo
Q19913070Catania and Mount Etna
Q19912184Catharine Lorillard Wolfe (1828–1887)
Q20168325Cavalier and Shepherd
Q19913114Cephalus and Procris
Q19911424Chancellor Leonhard von Eck (1480–1550)
Q19912563Changing Pasture
Q19912718Charles Beauclerk (1670–1726), Duke of St. Albans
Q19912093Charles Coguin, Abbot of Anchin
Q19913976Charles II (1630–1685), King of England
Q19912319Charles IX (1550–1574), King of France
Q19905232Charles Maurice de Talleyrand Périgord (1754–1838), Prince de Bénévent
Q19905615Charles Maurice de Talleyrand Périgord (1754–1838), Prince de Bénévent
Q19913236Charles Rousseau Burney (1747–1819)
Q19912671Charles Suisse
Q19912772Charles V (1500–1558), Holy Roman Emperor
Q19913751Charles X (1757–1836), King of France, after Gérard
Q19912330Charles de Cossé (1506–1563), Comte de Brissac
Q19913363Charles de Cossé (1506–1563), Count of Brissac
Q19913340Chestnut Limb, Ischia
Q19912748Children Playing with a Goat
Q19913226Children and a Cow
Q19912735Choosing the Dinner
Q19904794Christ Appearing to His Mother
Q19911431Christ Asleep during the Tempest
Q19911547Christ Bearing the Cross
Q19912212Christ Bearing the Cross
Q19912235Christ Bearing the Cross
Q19911527Christ Blessing
Q19911774Christ Blessing
Q19913287Christ Blessing
Q19911658Christ Blessing the Children
Q19911427Christ Blessing, Surrounded by a Donor Family
Q55594040Christ Carrying the Cross
Q19911551Christ Crowned with Thorns
Q19912524Christ Crowned with Thorns (Ecce Homo), and the Mourning Virgin
Q19911968Christ Enthroned with Saints
Q19911430Christ Healing the Blind
Q19912483Christ Healing the Sick
Q19904881Christ Presented to the People
Q19913422Christ Presented to the People (Ecce Homo)
Q19913001Christ Shown to the People
Q19905246Christ Taking Leave of His Mother
Q19912796Christ among the Doctors
Q19913298Christ among the Doctors
Q19911576Christ and the Adulteress
Q19912867Christ and the Twelve Apostles
Q19913018Christ and the Woman Taken in Adultery
Q19905093Christ and the Woman of Samaria
Q78614077Christ and the Woman of Samaria
Q19911460Christ before Pilate; The Resurrection
Q19913719Christ in Glory
Q19911611Christ in the Wilderness
Q19911565Christ with a Staff
Q19905183Christ's Descent into Hell
Q19913718Christ's Entry into Jerusalem
Q19912216Chrysanthemums in the Garden at Petit-Gennevilliers
Q19913188City Wall at the Foot of a Mountain
Q19913271Classical Landscape with Figures
Q20167225Classical Landscape with Figures
Q19913558Clearing at the Edge of a Wood
Q20167131Clothing the Naked
Q19913336Cloud Study
Q19913482Cloud Study
Q19913552Cloud Study
Q19913599Cloud Study
Q19911840Cloud Study (Distant Storm)
Q19911919Cloud Study (Early Evening)
Q19913484Cloud Study with Distant Mountains
Q116726826Clouds Heavy with Rain above Flyvesandsbakkerne and Lake Arresø
Q19913505Cluster of Trees
Q19913030Coastal Landscape with Tower
Q19914095Colonel Woodford
Q19912664Columns of the Temple of Neptune at Paestum
Q19912350Comical Repast (Banquet of the Starved)
Q19905172Comtesse de La Tour-Maubourg (Marie-Louise-Charlotte-Gabrielle Thomas de Pange, 1816–1850)
Q19912372Comtesse de la Châtre (Marie Charlotte Louise Perrette Aglaé Bontemps, 1762–1848)
Q19906248Concert Champêtre
Q19905893Consuelo Vanderbilt (1876–1964), Duchess of Marlborough, and Her Son, Lord Ivor Spencer-Churchill (1898–1956)
Q19913596Convent at Subiaco
Q19912713Conversation Piece (The Sense of Smell)
Q78637493Copenhagen Harbor by Moonlight
Q19913689Copy after "Rubens, His Wife Helena Fourment (1614–1673), and Their Son Frans (1633–1678)"
Q20167143Copy after Delacroix's "Bark of Dante"
Q19912105Copy after Rubens's "Wolf and Fox Hunt"
Q19913699Copy after Valenciennes's "Ruins at the Villa Farnese"
Q19912696Cosimo I de' Medici (1519–1574)
Q19905122Cottage Children (The Wood Gatherers)
Q19913985Count Alexander Ivanovich Sollogoub (1788–1844)
Q19912171Count Giacomo Durazzo in the Guise of a Huntsman with His Wife
Q19914230Country House near the Water
Q19912444Cow in a Barn
Q19911975Cows Crossing a Ford
Q574004Crucifixion and Last Judgement diptych
Q19913306Crusaders before Jerusalem
Q19914260Côte des Grouettes, near Pontoise
Q19913761Dancer Onstage
Q19913762Dancer in Ukrainian Dress
Q19913212Dancer with a Fan
Q19914007Dancer with a Fan
Q19905112Dancers Practicing at the Barre
Q19905404Dancers in the Rehearsal Room with a Double Bass
Q19905405Dancers, Pink and Green
Q19905376David at the Cave of Adullam
Q19911953Dead Christ Supported by Angels
Q19913486Deer at the Edge of a Wood
Q19912472Departure of the Amazons
Q19911567Derick Berck of Cologne
Q19913069Descent from the Cross
Q78639694Desdemona (The Song of the Willow)
Q19911988Diana and Cupid
Q19912736Diana the Huntress
Q19913124Diego Pignatelli d'Aragona (1687–1750)
Q19904864Dish of Apples
Q19912172Dog Guarding Dead Game
Q19911436Doge Alvise Mocenigo (1507–1577) Presented to the Redeemer
Q19911880Doge Andrea Gritti (1455–1538)
Q19912131Domestic Scene
Q19911826Don Andrés de Andrade y la Cal
Q19912732Don Bernardo de Iriarte (1735–1814)
Q19904792Don Gaspar de Guzmán (1587–1645), Count-Duke of Olivares
Q3035829Don Manuel Osorio de Zuniga
Q19913054Don Quixote and Sancho Panza Entertained by Basil and Quiteria
Q19911727Don Quixote and the Dead Mule
Q19913116Doña Marianna Stampa Parravicina (born 1612), Condesa di Segrate
Q19913296Dr. Brian Walton (born about 1600, died 1661)
Q19912122Dr. Leclenché
Q19905301Dramatic Scene with Monks in a Crypt
Q19905279Drawing the Eel
Q19912263Ducks Resting in Sunshine
Q19914305Dusk, Monte Mario, Rome
Q78611000Dying Stag
Q19912708Ecce Homo, (reverse) Christ Blessing; The Disrobing of Christ, (reverse) Saint John the Baptist
Q19911945Edge of a Wood
Q19905100Edmond Cavé (1794–1852)
Q19912217Edward Miles (1752–1828)
Q19913260Edward R. Bacon (1846–1915)
Q19912046Edward Smith Stanley (1752–1834), Twelfth Earl of Derby, with His First Wife (Lady Elizabeth Hamilton, 1753–1797) and Their Son (Edward Smith Stanley, 1775–1851)
Q19911425Edward VI (1537–1553), When Duke of Cornwall
Q19913965Elizabeth Bushby
Q6106751Elizabeth Farren (born about 1759, died 1829), Later Countess of Derby
Q78612475Ellen Maurice (1578–1626)
Q19913920Endymion Porter (1587–1649)
Q19914020Ensign Lionel Robert Tollemache (1774–1793)
Q19912543Entrance to a Dutch Port
Q19905167Entrance to a Village
Q19913568Entrance to the Giardino del Lago, Villa Borghese, Rome
Q19912316Entrance to the Grotto of Posillipo
Q19913642Environs of Fontainebleau: Woodland and Cattle
Q19904836Equestrian Portrait of Cornelis (1639–1680) and Michiel Pompe van Meerdervoort (1638–1653) with Their Tutor and Coachman ("Starting for the Hunt")
Q19913487Escarpment with Tree Stumps, Romsdal
Q3733425Esther before Ahasuerus
Q19912146Etruscan Vase with Flowers
Q19912544Eugène Joseph Stanislas Foullon d'Écotier (1753–1821)
Q19912240Eugène Murer (Hyacinthe-Eugène Meunier, 1841–1906)
Q19905427Eve with Cain and Abel
Q19911548Evening: Landscape with an Aqueduct
Q19911433Everhard Jabach (1618–1695) and His Family
Q19905078Examining Antique Arms
Q19914044Eye Miniature
Q19914047Eye Miniature
Q19913999Eye Miniature
Q19914001Eye Miniature
Q19914004Eye Miniature
Q19912164Falling Leaves, Allegory of Autumn
Q19912722Family Group in a Landscape
Q19912197Fan Mount: Ballet Girls
Q19911965Fan Mount: The Ballet
Q19912301Fan Mount: The Cabbage Gatherers
Q19905294Fantastic Landscape
Q19905464Fantastic Landscape
Q19911785Fantastic Landscape
Q19914285Faustine Léo (1832–1865)
Q19911703Federigo Gonzaga (1500–1540)
Q5442918Femme Lisant
Q19905291Ferdinand VII (1784–1833), Prince of Asturias
Q19913263Ferdinando II de' Medici (1610–1670) as a Boy
Q19912595Ferry near Gorinchem
Q3976307Final study for "La Grande Jatte"
Q19905108First Steps
Q11816717First Steps, after Millet
Q19913672Fish Market
Q19913164Fishing Boats on a River
Q19913533Flock of Sheep, Civita Castellana
Q19912099Flora and Zephyr
Q19912874Flora and Zephyr
Q19913048Florentine Poet
Q19913392Flowers by a Stone Vase
Q19912169Flowers in a Blue Vase
Q111272635Flowers in a Grotesque Vase
Q19913395Flowers in a Stone Vase
Q18177448Fontainebleau: Oak Trees at Bas-Bréau
Q19912308Fortified Wall, Italy
Q19913468Four Figures
Q20166988Four Scenes from the Passion
Q19913821Francesca Ghirardi Lechi
Q15089686Francesco Sassetti and His Son Teodoro
Q19911468Francis I (1494–1547), King of France
Q19912042Frans Hals (1582/83–1666)
Q19913165François Gérard (1770–1837), later Baron Gérard
Q19914110François Joseph Lefebvre (1755–1820)
Q19912450François de Jullienne (1722–1754) and Marie Elisabeth de Jullienne (Marie Elisabeth de Séré de Rieux, 1724–1795)
Q19912390Frescoes from the Villa Stati-Mattei
Q19913099Frieda Schiff (1876–1958), Later Mrs. Felix M. Warburg
Q19912136Friedrich I (1460–1536), Margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach
Q19911508Friedrich III (1463–1525), the Wise, Elector of Saxony
Q111272637Fruit and Flowers
Q19912005Gamepiece with a Dead Heron ("Falconer's Bag")
Q19913151Garden Scene
Q432253Garden at Sainte-Adresse
Q19913359Garden of the Villa Medici, Rome
Q19911979Gathering Olives at Tivoli
Q19913100Gathering Wood
Q19913387Gendarmes d'Ordonnance
Q19912039General Garibaldi's Residence at Caprera
Q19911964General Étienne-Maurice Gérard (1773–1852), Marshal of France
Q19912399George Capel, Viscount Malden (1757–1839), and Lady Elizabeth Capel (1755–1834)
Q19912630George Harley Drummond (1783–1855)
Q19914014George Howard (1773–1848), Lord Morpeth
Q19913385George IV (1762–1830) as Prince Regent, after Lawrence
Q19905877George IV (1762–1830), When Prince of Wales
Q19912891George Moore (1852–1933)
Q19905443George Moore (1852–1933) at the Café
Q19911661George Sand's Garden at Nohant
Q19906259Georgiana Augusta Frederica Elliott (1782–1813), Later Lady Charles Bentinck
Q19912665German Landscape with View towards a Broad Valley
Q19912991Girl Building a House of Cards
Q19912178Girl Weaving a Garland
Q19912037Girl with Cherries
Q19913302Girls at a Window
Q19911650Giuliano de' Medici (1479–1516), Duke of Nemours
Q19913588God the Father
Q19912210Goddess of Chaste Love
Q19912546Going Home
Q19905336Going to Market
Q19911842Gothic Chapel
Q19914292Gothic Windows in the Ruins of the Monastery at Oybin
Q19913413Grandmother's Treasure
Q78613809Grape Vines and Fruit, with Three Wagtails
Q19912841Grappling for the Lost Cable
Q19905268Gray Weather, Grande Jatte
Q19913257Group Portrait: A Wedding Celebration
Q19912116Guardroom with the Deliverance of Saint Peter
Q19904838Guillaume Budé (1467–1540)
Q19912306Gustavus Hamilton (1710–1746), Second Viscount Boyne, in Masquerade Costume
Q19913707Gérard de Vesme
Q19912441Hagar and the Angel
Q18177483Hagar in the Wilderness
Q78633401Halt of Caravans at the Wells of Saba (Beersheba) in the Desert South of Hebron
Q19905113Hamlet and His Mother
Q19905595Hampstead Heath with Bathers
Q19913845Hannah Mahady
Q19914099Harbor Scene
Q19912114Harbor Scene with a Grotto and Fishermen Hauling in Nets
Q19905351Harbor Scene: An English Ship with Sails Loosened Firing a Gun
Q19912080Hautbois Common, Norfolk
Q19905211Haystacks (Effect of Snow and Sun)
Q19912659Haystacks, Morning, Éragny
Q19911604Haystacks: Autumn
Q3546958Head of Christ
Q19911665Head of Christ
Q19913789Head of Christ
Q20166999Head of Christ
Q20167849Head of Christ
Q112644476Head of Christ
Q19906223Head of Jean-Baptiste Faure (1830–1914)
Q19913426Head of Saint John the Baptist
Q19911868Head of Saint John the Baptist on a Charger
Q19905295Head of Saint John the Evangelist
Q19911920Head of a Bishop
Q19913211Head of a Child
Q19911563Head of a Donor
Q19912793Head of a Man
Q19913436Head of a Man
Q19912034Head of a Young Boy
Q19912407Head of a Young Woman
Q19905303Head of an Old Woman
Q19911693Head of the Madonna
Q112644184Head of the Virgin
Q19904851Heinrich(?) vom Rhein zum Mohren (1477–1536)
Q19911539Hendrickje Stoffels (1626–1663)
Q19911664Henri Fantin-Latour (1836–1904)
Q19913646Henri III (1551–1589), King of France
Q19913268Henri-Gabriel Ibels (1867–1936)
Q19913941Henriette Sontag (1806–1854)
Q19913971Henry Carey (1596–1661), Second Earl of Monmouth
Q19905450Henry Frederick (1594–1612), Prince of Wales, with Sir John Harington (1592–1614), in the Hunting Field
Q19913803Henry Hope (1735/36–1811), after Jones
Q19905407Henry II (1519–1559), King of France
Q19913984Henry III (1551–1589), King of France
Q19911428Hermann von Wedigh III (died 1560)
Q19911464Heroic Landscape with Rainbow
Q19912799Hills around the Bay of Moulin Huet, Guernsey
Q19913524Hilly Landscape with Sheep
Q19912153Holy Family
Q19913233Holy Family with Saint Anne
Q19912704Homeward Bound: "The Great Eastern"
Q18177484Honfleur: Calvary
Q19913574Houses, Rome
Q19912645Hugo van der Goes Painting the Portrait of Mary of Burgundy
Q19905249Hunting Dogs with Dead Hare
Q1118465Ia Orana Maria
Q19905353Ice Floes
Q19912205Imaginary Landscape
Q19911926Imaginary Landscape with the Palatine Hill from Campo Vaccino
Q78611272Imaginary View with a Tomb by the Lagoon
Q19911794In Full Sunlight (En plein soleil)
Q19905164In the Meadow
Q19911879In the Studio
Q19913454In the Studio
Q19912352In the Sun
Q19913119Infant Bacchanal
Q19912001Infanta María Luisa (1782–1824) and Her Son Carlos Luis (1799–1883)
Q19912947Ingena Rotterdam (died 1704), Betrothed of Admiral Jacob Binkes
Q19911837Ingres (1780–1867) as a Young Man
Q19912038Inter artes et naturam (Between Art and Nature)
Q19905105Interior Passage in the Colosseum
Q19912593Interior of Saint Peter's, Rome
Q19912901Interior of a Gothic Church at Night
Q19912902Interior of a Gothic Church at Night
Q19912775Interior of a Gothic Church by Day
Q19913313Interior of a Kitchen
Q19913172Interior of a Wood at Pierrefitte
Q19905272Interior of the Oude Kerk, Delft
Q19911792Interior of the Oude Kerk, Delft
Q19912411Interior with a Young Couple
Q19905189Isaac Blessing Jacob
Q19913497Ischia and the Bay of Naples by Moonlight
Q18009719Isle of the Dead (2nd version)
Q19913416Italian Garden
Q19913195Italian Landscape
Q19913248Ivan Rodin
Q19911835Jacob Willemsz. van Veen (1456–1535), the Artist's Father
Q19912892Jacob van Dalen (1570–1644), Called Vallensis
Q19911908Jacques-Louis Leblanc (1774–1846)
Q19905368Jalais Hill, Pontoise
Q19912938James Johnston of Straiton (died 1841)
Q3937579James-Jacques-Joseph Tissot (1836–1902)
Q19914261Janet Law
Q19913280January: Cernay, near Rambouillet
Q19913020Jean Charles Garnier d'Isle (1697–1755)
Q19912919Jean Jacques Caffieri (1725–1792)
Q19912238Jean Marc Nattier (1685–1766)
Q19905652Jean Monet (1867–1913) on His Hobby Horse
Q19913038Jean d'Albon de Saint-André (1472–1549)
Q19905399Jean-Baptiste Colbert (1619–1683)
Q19912763Jean-Baptiste Faure (1830–1914)
Q19912013Jean-Louis-André-Théodore Gericault (1791–1824)
Q19912345Jerusalem from the Environs
Q19904849Jo, the beautiful Irish Girl
Q16651190Joan of Arc
Q111272650Joanna de Silva
Q19911466Johann (1498–1537), Duke of Saxony
Q19911660Johann I (1468–1532), the Constant, Elector of Saxony
Q19911924Johann I (1468–1532), the Constant, Elector of Saxony
Q19912135John Barker (1707–1787)
Q19913897John Churchill (1650–1722), First Duke of Marlborough
Q19914238John Gray (1731–1811) of Newholm
Q19913059John Hobart (1723–1793), 2nd Earl of Buckinghamshire
Q19911813John Julius Angerstein (1736–1823)
Q20168339John Taylor Johnston (1820–1893)
Q19914024Joseph II (1741–1790), Emperor of Austria
Q19912647Joseph Interpreting the Dreams of His Fellow Prisoners
Q19911408Joseph Interpreting the Dreams of Pharaoh
Q19913724Joseph and Karl August von Klein
Q12142540Joseph-Antoine Moltedo
Q19912324Joseph-Henri Altès (1826–1895)
Q19911764José Costa y Bonells, Called Pepito
Q111272638Judgment of Paris
Q12172896Judith with the Head of Holofernes
Q19904811Judith with the Head of Holofernes
Q19912741Judith with the Head of Holofernes
Q78638126Julie Le Brun (1780–1819) Looking in a Mirror
Q19913562Jungfrau, Mönch, and Eiger
Q19912200Jupiter, in the Guise of Diana, and Callisto
Q19913805Jérôme Bonaparte (1784–1860), King of Westphalia
Q19905036Katharina Merian
Q19912050King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba
Q19913098Kitchen Scene
Q19911573L'Homme au bonnet de coton (Antoine Dominique Sauveur Aubert, the Artist's Uncle)
Q19905398L'Homme au chapeau de paille (Gustave Boyer in a Straw Hat)
Q19911437La Berceuse (Woman Rocking a Cradle; Augustine-Alix Pellicot Roulin, 1851–1930)
Q941549La Grenouillère
Q12097501Lady Elizabeth Hamilton (1753–1797), Countess of Derby
Q19911416Lady Guildford (Mary Wotton, 1499–1558)
Q19914234Lady Hester King (died 1873)
Q19911441Lady Lee (Margaret Wyatt, born about 1509)
Q19912653Lady Maitland (Catherine Connor, died 1865)
Q19905428Lady Maria Conyngham (died 1843)
Q19912866Lady Mary Berkeley, Wife of Thomas Chambers
Q19911462Lady Rich (Elizabeth Jenks, died 1558)
Q19905357Lady Smith (Charlotte Delaval) and Her Children (George Henry, Louisa, and Charlotte)
Q20168300Lake Albano and Castel Gandolfo
Q19911718Lake Fucino and the Abruzzi Mountains
Q19905203Lake Nemi and Genzano from the Terrace of the Capuchin Monastery
Q19912844Landing at Newfoundland
Q19912845Landing the Shore End of the Atlantic Cable
Q19913538Landscape Study with Clouds
Q20168169Landscape at Civita Castellana
Q19913479Landscape at Olevano
Q20168211Landscape at Olevano Romano
Q19912804Landscape at Saint-Ouen
Q19913480Landscape at Sunset
Q19914279Landscape at Sunset
Q18890383Landscape from Kragerø
Q19913617Landscape near Rome
Q20168258Landscape near Rome during a Storm
Q19913208Landscape on a River
Q19905089Landscape with Cattle
Q19913620Landscape with Distant Mountains
Q19911517Landscape with Erminia
Q20167096Landscape with Moses and the Burning Bush
Q19913087Landscape with Peasants at a Fountain
Q19905176Landscape with Rocks, Augerville
Q19913095Landscape with Thatched Cottages
Q19913322Landscape with Travelers on a Woodland Path
Q19912894Landscape with a Battle between Two Rams
Q19913527Landscape with a Castle on the River Etsch
Q19912459Landscape with a Cave
Q19912168Landscape with a Cottage
Q19912381Landscape with a Plowed Field and a Village
Q19913324Landscape with a Shepherd
Q19905752Landscape with a Sunlit Stream
Q19905162Landscape with a Village in the Distance
Q19912479Landscape with the Flight into Egypt
Q19913510Landscape with the Pyramid of Gaius Cestius, Rome
Q19905447Landscape: The Parc Monceau
Q19913407Laure de Sade, Comtesse Adhéaume de Chevigné
Q19912510Leda and the Swan
Q19913982Leda and the Swan, after Boucher
Q19913237Lieutenant Colonel Paul Pechell (1724–1800)
Q19905364Lieven Willemsz van Coppenol (born about 1599, died 1671 or later)
Q19913586Lighthouse at Groix
Q19912175Lions in a Mountainous Landscape
Q77587746Little Denise
Q19913455Lola Montez (1818–1861)
Q19913289Lost: Souvenir of Auvergne
Q19905411Louis Gueymard (1822–1880) as Robert le Diable
Q19914109Louis Morau
Q19914058Louis XV (1710–1774), King of France
Q19913443Louis XV at the Age of Five in the Costume of the Sacre
Q19913849Louis XVI (1754–1793), King of France
Q19913981Louis XVI (1754–1793), King of France
Q19913052Louis-Félix Amiel (1802–1864)
Q19912429Ludus pro patria (Patriotic Games)
Q19911797Lukas Spielhausen
Q78637846Léon Pallière (1787–1820) in His Room at the Villa Medici, Rome
Q19912998Madame Arthur Fontaine (Marie Escudier, born 1865)
Q19912693Madame Auguste Cuoq (Mathilde Desportes, 1827–1910)
Q19912257Madame Bergeret de Frouville as Diana
Q19905488Madame Charles Maurice de Talleyrand Périgord (1761–1835)
Q11802629Madame Cézanne (Hortense Fiquet, 1850–1922) in the Conservatory
Q20167086Madame Cézanne in a Red Dress
Q19911836Madame Edmond Cavé (Marie-Élisabeth Blavot, born 1810)
Q19905307Madame Frederic Breyer
Q19912503Madame Gaye
Q686105Madame Georges Charpentier and her Children
Q19905205Madame Grand (Noël Catherine Verlée, 1761–1835)
Q19911860Madame Henri François Riesener (Félicité Longrois, 1786–1847)
Q19913826Madame Ingouf
Q20167211Madame Jacques-Louis Leblanc (Françoise Poncelle, 1788–1839)
Q19912314Madame Jacques-Louis-Étienne Reizet (Colette-Désirée-Thérèse Godefroy, 1782–1850)
Q19913944Madame Jean-Baptiste Isabey (Jeanne Laurice de Salienne, died 1829)
Q19914232Madame Jean-Baptiste Nicolet (Anne Antoinette Desmoulins, 1743–1817)
Q19905267Madame Manet (Suzanne Leenhoff, 1830–1906) at Bellevue
Q19912022Madame Marsollier and Her Daughter
Q19911992Madame Philippe Panon Desbassayns de Richemont (Jeanne Eglé Mourgue, 1778–1855) and Her Son, Eugène (1800–1859)
Q19912697Madame Sophie de France (1734–1782)
Q19912870Madame Thadée Natanson (Misia Godebska, 1872–1950) at the Theater
Q19911862Madame Théodore Gobillard (Yves Morisot, 1838–1893)
Q19912706Madame de Saint-Maurice
Q19905288Madame Édouard Bernier (Marie-Octavie-Stéphanie Laurens, 1838–1920)
Q19912049Madame Édouard Manet (Suzanne Leenhoff, 1830–1906)
Q19912447Madame Élisabeth de France (1764–1794)
Q19913314Mademoiselle Isabelle Lemonnier (1857–1926)
Q19913701Mademoiselle Lucie Delabigne (1859–1910), Called Valtesse de la Bigne
Q19912199Mademoiselle Marie Dihau (1843–1935)
Q19913096Mademoiselle Nys
Q72650Mademoiselle V. . . in the Costume of an Espada
Q19912251Madonna Adoring the Child
Q19905099Madonna Adoring the Child with the Infant Saint John the Baptist and an Angel
Q19911532Madonna Adoring the Sleeping Child
Q3842406Madonna and Child
Q6728394Madonna and Child
Q16574822Madonna and Child
Q19904854Madonna and Child
Q19905168Madonna and Child
Q19905199Madonna and Child
Q19905216Madonna and Child
Q19905389Madonna and Child
Q19911420Madonna and Child
Q19911474Madonna and Child
Q19911566Madonna and Child
Q19911619Madonna and Child
Q19911691Madonna and Child
Q19911705Madonna and Child
Q19911894Madonna and Child
Q19912040Madonna and Child
Q19912092Madonna and Child
Q19912149Madonna and Child
Q19912336Madonna and Child
Q19912427Madonna and Child
Q19912516Madonna and Child
Q19912668Madonna and Child
Q19912854Madonna and Child
Q19912863Madonna and Child
Q19912979Madonna and Child
Q20167027Madonna and Child
Q19913594Madonna and Child (after Duccio)
Q3842408Madonna and Child Enthroned
Q19905388Madonna and Child Enthroned
Q19905444Madonna and Child Enthroned
Q19905467Madonna and Child Enthroned
Q19912294Madonna and Child Enthroned
Q19912864Madonna and Child Enthroned
Q19912052Madonna and Child Enthroned with Angels
Q19912982Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saint John the Baptist and Another Saint
Q19905245Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints
Q19905403Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints
Q19911509Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints
Q27033728Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints
Q19912249Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints James Minor and Lucy
Q19905397Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints Mary Magdalen and John the Baptist
Q19905343Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints Peter and Paul and Angels
Q19905792Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints and Angels
Q3842542Madonna and Child Enthroned with Two Angels
Q19913041Madonna and Child Enthroned with Two Angels and a Donor
Q1125200Madonna and Child with Angels
Q19905219Madonna and Child with Angels
Q19911555Madonna and Child with Angels
Q19911568Madonna and Child with Angels
Q19912361Madonna and Child with Angels
Q19913062Madonna and Child with Angels
Q19913148Madonna and Child with Angels
Q19911621Madonna and Child with Donors
Q19906273Madonna and Child with Saint Joseph and an Angel
Q19905201Madonna and Child with Saints
Q19905231Madonna and Child with Saints
Q19905238Madonna and Child with Saints
Q19911550Madonna and Child with Saints
Q19912833Madonna and Child with Saints
Q20166951Madonna and Child with Saints
Q3842570Madonna and Child with Saints Francis and Clare
Q19905371Madonna and Child with Saints Francis and Dominic and Angels
Q19905251Madonna and Child with Saints Francis and Jerome
Q19912292Madonna and Child with Saints Jerome and Francis
Q19912258Madonna and Child with Saints Jerome and Mary Magdalen
Q19912379Madonna and Child with Saints Jerome and Mary Magdalen
Q19913072Madonna and Child with Saints Michael and John the Baptist; The Noli Me Tangere; The Conversion of Saint Paul
Q19911758Madonna and Child with Saints Philip and Agnes
Q19905469Madonna and Child with Saints and Angels
Q19906252Madonna and Child with Saints and Donors
Q19911675Madonna and Child with Six Saints
Q19911859Madonna and Child with Two Angels
Q19913223Madonna and Child with Two Angels
Q19913331Madonna and Child with Two Angels
Q19911996Madonna and Child with Two Angels and a Donor
Q19905330Madonna and Child with the Annunciation and the Nativity
Q19913442Madonna and Child with the Dead Christ, Saints Agnes and Catherine of Alexandria, and Two Angels
Q19911674Madonna and Child with the Donor, Pietro de' Lardi, Presented by Saint Nicholas
Q19905083Madonna and Child with the Infant Saint John the Baptist
Q19912020Madonna and Child with the Infant Saint John the Baptist
Q111272631Madonna and Child with the Infant Saint John the Baptist
Q19912300Madonna and Child with the Infant Saint John the Baptist and Angels
Q3842520Madonna and Child with the Young Saint John the Baptist
Q19912295Madonna and Child with the Young Saint John the Baptist
Q20168386Madonna of the Rose
Q3218257Majas on a Balcony
Q19912422Major Thomas Pechell (1753–1826)
Q19912700Making the Splice between the Shore End and the Ocean Cable
Q19913026Male Nude
Q19905532Male Nude, Seen from Behind
Q19911627Malle Babbe
Q19913321Man Holding a Jug
Q19912107Man Weighing Gold
Q19905220Man in Armor (Mars?)
Q987985Man in Oriental Costume ("The Noble Slav" or "Man in a Turban")
Q19911950Man in Oriental Costume in the Artist’s Studio
Q20167062Man in Prayer
Q19905289Man in a Beret
Q19905221Man in a Red Cloak
Q19911831Man with a Beard
Q19912924Man with a Celestial Globe
Q19904868Man with a Magnifying Glass
Q19911900Man with a Steel Gorget
Q19913009Man with a Tankard
Q19912349Maple Street, London
Q19911833Marcantonio Pasqualini (1614–1691) Crowned by Apollo
Q19914051Margaret Rieche Richard
Q19912766Margaretha van Clootwijk (born about 1580/81, died 1662), Wife of Jacob van Dalen
Q19912649Margherita Gonzaga (1591–1632), Princess of Mantua
Q20167158Marguerite-Thérèse (Margot) Berard (1874–1956)
Q19914079Maria Louisa (1745–1792), Empress of Austria
Q19905451Maria Luisa of Parma (1751–1819), Later Queen of Spain
Q19912236Mariana of Austria (1634–1696), Queen of Spain
Q19912365Marie Adélaïde de Savoie (1685–1712), Duchesse de Bourgogne
Q19913318Marie Françoise de La Cropte de St. Abre, Marquise d'Argence
Q19912342Marie Rinteau, called Mademoiselle de Verrières
Q19913759Marie-Thérèse-Charlotte (1778–1851), Daughter of Louis XVI
Q19912078Marine: The Waterspout
Q19912520Marion Lenbach (1892–1947), the Artist's Daughter
Q19913458Market Scene
Q19912594Market by the Seashore
Q19914080Marquis de Lafayette (1757–1834)
Q19911719Martin Luther (1483–1546)
Q19906186Mary (1505–1558), Queen of Hungary
Q19905375Mary Capel (1630–1715), Later Duchess of Beaufort, and Her Sister Elizabeth (1633–1678), Countess of Carnarvon
Q19912681Mary, Queen of Scots, with Her Son, James
Q19912275María Luisa of Parma (1751–1819), Queen of Spain
Q19905348María Teresa (1638–1683), Infanta of Spain
Q19911687María Teresa (1638–1683), Infanta of Spain
Q19913144Masquerade Ball at the Ritz Hotel, Paris
Q19913632Matthew Baillie (1761–1823), F.R.S., after Hoppner
Q19912129Maude Adams (1872–1953) as Joan of Arc
Q19913180Mausoleum of San Vito near Pozzuoli
Q20168176Medea Rejuvenating Aeson
Q19905210Mercury and Battus
Q19905429Merry Company on a Terrace
Q19911651Michelangelo Buonarroti
Q19911476Midas Washing at the Source of the Pactolus
Q19913810Miss Chambers
Q19913891Miss Ramus
Q3094651Modern Rome
Q19905393Monks in the Cloister of the Church of Gesù e Maria, Rome
Q19913601Monolith and Trees
Q19912486Monsieur de Bellefourière
Q55594048Monsignor Giuseppe Spina (1756–1828)
Q19911958Mont Sainte-Victoire
Q6903107Mont Sainte-Victoire and the Viaduct of the Arc River Valley
Q20168270Moonlight, Strandgade 30
Q19913488Moonlit Harbor in Southern Italy
Q116726827Moonlit View of the River Elbe at Dresden
Q19912384Morning on the Seine near Giverny
Q19906270Morning, An Overcast Day, Rouen
Q19912290Morning, Interior
Q19911618Moses Striking the Rock
Q19911429Moses and Aaron before Pharaoh: An Allegory of the Dinteville Family
Q19912694Mother and Child
Q19913017Mother and Child
Q19905395Mother and Child by the Sea
Q19905435Mother and daughter
Q19913605Mountain Landscape
Q19913519Mountain Landscape in Italy
Q19913531Mountain Landscape with Deer at a River
Q19913518Mountain Landscape, Valais, Switzerland
Q19912779Mountain Torrent
Q19913190Mountainous Landscape
Q19913024Mountainous Landscape at Tivoli
Q19911947Mountainous Landscape at Vicovaro
Q19912310Mountainous Landscape with Bridge
Q19913345Mountains and Sky
Q19905456Mrs. Bryan Cooke (Frances Puleston, 1765–1818)
Q19913896Mrs. Caroline Deas
Q19912028Mrs. Charles Frederick (Martha Rigden, died 1794)
Q19913399Mrs. Charles Warren-Cram (Ella Brooks Carter, 1846–1896)
Q19913893Mrs. Charlotte Lennox
Q19913895Mrs. Comyns
Q19912619Mrs. George Baldwin (Jane Maltass, 1763–1839)
Q19912401Mrs. George Horsley (Charlotte Mary Talbot, died 1828)
Q19905192Mrs. Grace Dalrymple Elliott (1754?–1823)
Q19905156Mrs. Horton, Later Viscountess Maynard (died 1814/15)
Q19905109Mrs. James Pulham Sr. (Frances Amys, ca. 1766–1856)
Q19912889Mrs. John Crosby Brown (Mary Elizabeth Adams, 1842–1918)
Q19914249Mrs. John Garden (Ann Garden, 1769–1842) and Her Children, John (1796–1854) and Ann Margaret (born 1793)
Q19912334Mrs. John Puget (Catherine Hawkins)
Q19905157Mrs. Lewis Thomas Watson (Mary Elizabeth Milles, 1767–1818)
Q19913788Mrs. Peter De Lancey (Elizabeth Colden, 1720–1784)
Q19912490Mrs. Ralph Izard (Alice De Lancey, 1746/47–1832)
Q19912414Mrs. Richard Alexander Oswald (Louisa Johnston, ?born about 1760, died 1797)
Q19905381Mrs. Richard Bache (Sarah Franklin, 1743–1808)
Q19912140Mrs. Richard Brinsley Sheridan (Hester Jane Ogle, 1775/76–1817) and Her Son (Charles Brinsley Sheridan, 1796–1843)
Q19912393Mrs. Robert Shurlock (Henrietta Ann Jane Russell, 1775–1849) and Her Daughter Ann
Q19913109Mrs. Robert Shurlock Sr. (Ann Manwaring)
Q19913693Mrs. Rufus Prime (Augusta Temple Palmer, 1807–1840)
Q19912141Mrs. Thomas Pechell (Charlotte Clavering, died 1841)
Q19913841Mrs. Vanderbank
Q19912409Mrs. Whaley (died 1798, Isle of Man)
Q19912825Mrs. William Astor (Caroline Webster Schermerhorn, 1831–1908)
Q19912780Mrs. William Man Godschall (Sarah Godschall, 1730–1795)
Q19913128Mrs. Winthrop W. Aldrich (Harriet Alexander, 1888–1972)
Q19912225Mäda Primavesi (1903–2000)
Q19913066Napoleon Bonaparte (1769–1821)
Q19913945Napoléon I (1769–1821)
Q19913950Napoléon I (1769–1821)
Q19913952Napoléon I (1769–1821)
Q19913961Napoléon I (1769–1821) on Horseback
Q19911877Narcisa Barañana de Goicoechea
Q19912385Near Penshurst, Kent
Q19912533Neptune and the Winds
Q19913288Night Scene on the Volga
Q19912113Nini in the Garden (Nini Lopez)
Q19912132Notre-Dame-de-la-Garde (La Bonne-Mère), Marseilles
Q19912475Nude with Flowering Branch
Q19913303Nuns at Work
Q19906265Nymph and Putti in a Vintage Scene; Nymph with a Wreath and Putti with Garlands of Flowers
Q19911630Nymph and Shepherd
Q19913503Oak Tree
Q19913530Oak Tree in a Mountainous Landscape
Q19913213Objects of Art from the Louvre
Q19911717Odalisque in Grisaille
Q293990Oedipus and the Sphinx
Q19912143Officer paying a woman in a stable
Q19911779Old Woman Cutting Her Nails
Q19912884Old Woman Praying
Q19905253Old Woman in an Armchair
Q19911891Olive Trees
Q20168226Olivier Journu (1724–1764)
Q19905416On the Beach at Trouville
Q19913424On the Beach, Dieppe
Q19913470On the Beach, Sunset
Q19912914On the Seine
Q20167172Orpheus and Eurydice
Q20167046Ovid Among the Scythians
Q19912227Paintings of physicians by Jan Steen
Q19912608Pallas Athena and the Herdsman's Dogs
Q19912382Palm Trees at Bordighera
Q19912781Panel from a Saints' Calendar (painted on both sides)
Q19913396Panthers of Bacchus Eating Grapes
Q19913475Parochialstrasse in Berlin
Q19911853Pastoral Landscape: The Roman Campagna
Q19913614Path in the Roman Campagna
Q19912282Paul and Barnabas at Lystra
Q19913143Peasant Girl with a White Headcloth
Q19906011Peasant Woman Cooking by a Fireplace
Q19912419Peasants Dancing
Q19912237Peasants Dancing and Feasting
Q19912518Petronella Elias (1648–1667) with a Basket of Fruit
Q19912181Philip IV (1605–1665) in Parade Armor
Q19911409Philip IV (1605–1665), King of Spain
Q19660389Piazza San Marco
Q19912041Piazza San Marco
Q19913962Pierre Louis Dubus (1721–1799), Called Préville, of the Comédie-Française
Q19906271Pilate Washing His Hands
Q19911776Pilate Washing His Hands
Q19912443Pilgrims Arriving at Rome during the Jubilee
Q19905665Piping Shepherds
Q19911875Pirna: The Obertor from the South
Q19912931Place Saint-Germain-des-Prés, Paris
Q19913342Plane Tree
Q19911909Pomegranates and Other Fruit in a Landscape
Q19912066Ponte Loreto near Nettuno
Q19912234Ponte San Rocco and Waterfalls, Tivoli
Q19912062Pope Benedict XIV (Prospero Lambertini, 1675–1758)
Q19911697Pope Gregory XVI Visiting the Church of San Benedetto at Subiaco
Q19913967Pope Pius VII (1742–1823)
Q18629676Poplars, Éragny
Q19912538Poppy Fields near Argenteuil (1875)
Q19912687Portejoie on the Seine
Q7232242Portrait Miniature of Margaret Roper
Q19911720Portrait d'un moine (Monk's Portrait)
Q17815340Portrait of Anna van der Aar
Q613928Portrait of Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier and his wife
Q19904807Portrait of Cardinal Filippo Archinto
Q19912276Portrait of Charles Claude de Flahaut de La Billarderie (Comte d'Angiviller)
Q3659494Portrait of Charles I of England
Q19904863Portrait of Charlotte du Val d'Ognes
Q17642974Portrait of Claes Duyst van Voorhout
Q19912746Portrait of Countess Alexander Nikolaevitch Lamsdorff
Q19913083Portrait of Empress Eugénie de Montijo
Q18649144Portrait of Floris Soop
Q3399428Portrait of Francesco d'Este
Q19912616Portrait of Frans Francken I (1542–1616)
Q18760265Portrait of Herman Doomer
Q19912222Portrait of Ignacio Garcini y Queralt
Q3937577Portrait of James Stuart, Duke of Lennox and Richmond
Q19905208Portrait of Jan (1438–1516), First Count of Egmond, husband of Countess of Egmond (Magdalena van Werdenburg, 1464–1538)
Q19913136Portrait of Johan Hulshout (1623–1687)
Q19905230Portrait of Johann Joachim Winckelmann (1717–1768)
Q19912000Portrait of Josefa de Castilla Portugal y van Asbrock de Garcini
Q4717953Portrait of Juan de Pareja
Q19911598Portrait of Lucas van Uffel (died 1637)
Q19912458Portrait of Marianne Dorothy Harland (1759–1785), Later Mrs. William Dalrymple
Q19868939Portrait of Mrs Bacon
Q17426156Portrait of Paulus Verschuur
Q17813915Portrait of Petrus Scriverius
Q3937658Portrait of Robert Rich, second earl of Warwick
Q9638626Portrait of Sebastián Martínez y Pérez
Q19911709Portrait of Tiburcio Pérez y Cuervo, the Architect
Q22443796Portrait of Tommaso di Folco Portinari
Q19913191Portrait of a Bearded Man in Black
Q19913378Portrait of a Bearded Man in White
Q17813326Portrait of a Bearded Man with a Ruff
Q19912606Portrait of a Boy
Q19913777Portrait of a Boy
Q19913880Portrait of a Boy
Q78607777Portrait of a Boy
Q19913097Portrait of a Boy with a Falcon
Q7232319Portrait of a Carthusian
Q19913197Portrait of a Child
Q19913783Portrait of a Child
Q19913785Portrait of a Child
Q19913793Portrait of a Child
Q19913796Portrait of a Child
Q19914017Portrait of a Child
Q19913869Portrait of a Churchman
Q19912829Portrait of a Dwarf
Q19913903Portrait of a Girl
Q19912805Portrait of a Horseman
Q19912055Portrait of a Knight of Malta
Q19912173Portrait of a Mameluke, said to be Roustam Raza
Q3937410Portrait of a Man
Q6371404Portrait of a Man
Q19376279Portrait of a Man
Q19905059Portrait of a Man
Q19905075Portrait of a Man
Q19905154Portrait of a Man
Q19905235Portrait of a Man
Q19905241Portrait of a Man
Q19905419Portrait of a Man
Q19906163Portrait of a Man
Q19906240Portrait of a Man
Q19911443Portrait of a Man
Q19911585Portrait of a Man
Q19911597Portrait of a Man
Q19911901Portrait of a Man
Q19911987Portrait of a Man
Q19912011Portrait of a Man
Q19912104Portrait of a Man
Q19912117Portrait of a Man
Q19912266Portrait of a Man
Q19912405Portrait of a Man
Q19912569Portrait of a Man
Q19912614Portrait of a Man
Q19912623Portrait of a Man
Q19912669Portrait of a Man
Q19912738Portrait of a Man
Q19912769Portrait of a Man
Q19912783Portrait of a Man
Q19912885Portrait of a Man
Q19913079Portrait of a Man
Q19913102Portrait of a Man
Q19913117Portrait of a Man
Q19913192Portrait of a Man
Q19913206Portrait of a Man
Q19913266Portrait of a Man
Q19913291Portrait of a Man
Q19913308Portrait of a Man
Q19913317Portrait of a Man
Q19913354Portrait of a Man
Q19913365Portrait of a Man
Q19913366Portrait of a Man
Q19913398Portrait of a Man
Q19913626Portrait of a Man
Q19913678Portrait of a Man
Q19913702Portrait of a Man
Q19913742Portrait of a Man
Q19913745Portrait of a Man
Q19913749Portrait of a Man
Q19913754Portrait of a Man
Q19913757Portrait of a Man
Q19913765Portrait of a Man
Q19913773Portrait of a Man
Q19913779Portrait of a Man
Q19913781Portrait of a Man
Q19913787Portrait of a Man
Q19913798Portrait of a Man
Q19913800Portrait of a Man
Q19913814Portrait of a Man
Q19913818Portrait of a Man
Q19913822Portrait of a Man
Q19913824Portrait of a Man
Q19913828Portrait of a Man
Q19913833Portrait of a Man
Q19913851Portrait of a Man
Q19913852Portrait of a Man
Q19914019Portrait of a Man
Q19914034Portrait of a Man
Q19914036Portrait of a Man
Q19914040Portrait of a Man
Q19914053Portrait of a Man
Q19914062Portrait of a Man
Q19914064Portrait of a Man
Q19914068Portrait of a Man
Q19914073Portrait of a Man
Q19914087Portrait of a Man
Q19914094Portrait of a Man
Q19914103Portrait of a Man
Q19914106Portrait of a Man
Q19914251Portrait of a Man
Q19913865Portrait of a Man
Q19913868Portrait of a Man
Q19913872Portrait of a Man
Q19913882Portrait of a Man
Q19913886Portrait of a Man
Q19913898Portrait of a Man
Q19913901Portrait of a Man
Q19913925Portrait of a Man
Q19913930Portrait of a Man
Q19913931Portrait of a Man
Q19913935Portrait of a Man
Q19913936Portrait of a Man
Q19913958Portrait of a Man
Q19913993Portrait of a Man
Q19913996Portrait of a Man
Q19914002Portrait of a Man
Q19914015Portrait of a Man
Q20167120Portrait of a Man
Q19905155Portrait of a Man ("The Auctioneer")
Q19905320Portrait of a Man (Self-Portrait?)
Q19911434Portrait of a Man (Sir Ralph Sadler?)
Q19912558Portrait of a Man Wearing the Order of the Annunziata of Savoy
Q19905185Portrait of a Man in Armor with Two Pages
Q19913061Portrait of a Man in Profile
Q19912898Portrait of a Man in White
Q19913669Portrait of a Man in a Blue Coat
Q19913655Portrait of a Man in a Brown Coat
Q19912638Portrait of a Man in a Fur-Trimmed Coat
Q19911525Portrait of a Man in a Red Cap
Q19905218Portrait of a Man in a Turban
Q19913230Portrait of a Man in a White Fur Coat
Q19913234Portrait of a Man of the Moncheaux Family
Q19912076Portrait of a Man with Gloves
Q19913379Portrait of a Man with Gloves
Q19912690Portrait of a Man with a Black-Plumed Hat
Q19905365Portrait of a Man with a Breastplate and Plumed Hat
Q19913193Portrait of a Man with a Gold Chain
Q19913056Portrait of a Man with a High Hat
Q19911704Portrait of a Man with a Moor's Head on His Signet Ring
Q19913039Portrait of a Man with a Pointed Collar
Q19911507Portrait of a Man with a Rosary
Q19912759Portrait of a Man with a Rosary
Q19906129Portrait of a Man with a Shell
Q19912986Portrait of a Man with a Watch
Q19912587Portrait of a Man, Possibly Jean de Langeac (died 1541), Bishop of Limoges
Q19912252Portrait of a Man, Possibly Ottavio Farnese (1524–1586), Duke of Parma and Piacenza
Q19913068Portrait of a Man, Possibly a Botanist
Q19905161Portrait of a Man, Possibly an Architect or Geographer
Q19914088Portrait of a Man, Said to Be Alexander von Humboldt (1769–1859)
Q19913927Portrait of a Man, Said to Be Arnold Franz
Q19913937Portrait of a Man, Said to Be James Madison (1751–1836)
Q19913820Portrait of a Man, Said to Be John Cecil (1628–1678), Fourth Earl of Exeter
Q19913797Portrait of a Man, Said to Be John Durham
Q19914096Portrait of a Man, Said to Be Mr. De Wolf
Q19913830Portrait of a Man, Said to Be Mr. Fitzgerald
Q19913921Portrait of a Man, Said to Be Philip Wharton (1613–1696), Fourth Baron Wharton
Q19911671Portrait of a Man, Said to be Christopher Columbus (born about 1446, died 1506)
Q20167032Portrait of a Man, probably a Member of the Van Beresteyn Family
Q19911484Portrait of a Married Couple (Lorenz Kraffter and Honesta Merz?)
Q19913229Portrait of a Member of the de Thou Family
Q19912027Portrait of a Military Officer
Q19905321Portrait of a Monk in Prayer
Q19913928Portrait of a Moravian Woman
Q19912585Portrait of a Noblewoman, Probably Isabella of Portugal (1397–1472)
Q19905305Portrait of a Old Man
Q19913064Portrait of a Prelate
Q19912081Portrait of a Seated Man
Q19914271Portrait of a Surgeon
Q19912069Portrait of a Venetian Senator
Q19913194Portrait of a Widow
Q18011393Portrait of a Woman
Q19905091Portrait of a Woman
Q19905181Portrait of a Woman
Q19905338Portrait of a Woman
Q19905459Portrait of a Woman
Q19905460Portrait of a Woman
Q19905990Portrait of a Woman
Q19911479Portrait of a Woman
Q19911781Portrait of a Woman
Q19911918Portrait of a Woman
Q19911984Portrait of a Woman
Q19912035Portrait of a Woman
Q19912119Portrait of a Woman
Q19912370Portrait of a Woman
Q19912383Portrait of a Woman
Q19912424Portrait of a Woman
Q19912461Portrait of a Woman
Q19912591Portrait of a Woman
Q19912610Portrait of a Woman
Q19912656Portrait of a Woman
Q19912680Portrait of a Woman
Q19912857Portrait of a Woman
Q19912878Portrait of a Woman
Q19912962Portrait of a Woman
Q19913046Portrait of a Woman
Q19913142Portrait of a Woman
Q19913256Portrait of a Woman
Q19913285Portrait of a Woman
Q19913326Portrait of a Woman
Q19913404Portrait of a Woman
Q19913665Portrait of a Woman
Q19913679Portrait of a Woman
Q19913695Portrait of a Woman
Q19913733Portrait of a Woman
Q19913735Portrait of a Woman
Q19913739Portrait of a Woman
Q19913741Portrait of a Woman
Q19913744Portrait of a Woman
Q19913767Portrait of a Woman
Q19913770Portrait of a Woman
Q19913782Portrait of a Woman
Q19913801Portrait of a Woman
Q19913802Portrait of a Woman
Q19913811Portrait of a Woman
Q19913813Portrait of a Woman
Q19913817Portrait of a Woman
Q19913825Portrait of a Woman
Q19913832Portrait of a Woman
Q19913837Portrait of a Woman
Q19913840Portrait of a Woman
Q19913856Portrait of a Woman
Q19914021Portrait of a Woman
Q19914027Portrait of a Woman
Q19914055Portrait of a Woman
Q19914070Portrait of a Woman
Q19914076Portrait of a Woman
Q19914078Portrait of a Woman
Q19914085Portrait of a Woman
Q19914089Portrait of a Woman
Q19914090Portrait of a Woman
Q19914098Portrait of a Woman
Q19914101Portrait of a Woman
Q19914108Portrait of a Woman
Q20166971Portrait of a Woman
Q19913863Portrait of a Woman
Q19913879Portrait of a Woman
Q19913906Portrait of a Woman
Q19913910Portrait of a Woman
Q19913914Portrait of a Woman
Q19913924Portrait of a Woman
Q19913940Portrait of a Woman
Q19913948Portrait of a Woman
Q19913954Portrait of a Woman
Q19913959Portrait of a Woman
Q19913970Portrait of a Woman
Q19913975Portrait of a Woman
Q19913977Portrait of a Woman
Q19913979Portrait of a Woman
Q19913987Portrait of a Woman
Q19913991Portrait of a Woman
Q19913994Portrait of a Woman
Q19914008Portrait of a Woman
Q19913182Portrait of a Woman (Marianna Panciatichi, marchesa Paolucci delle Roncole, 1835–1919, or her sister-in-law, Beatrice Ferrari-Corbelli di Reggio, contessa di Lucciano)
Q19913659Portrait of a Woman Holding a Book
Q19912895Portrait of a Woman as Diana
Q19911967Portrait of a Woman in Gray
Q19913652Portrait of a Woman in a Rose Dress
Q19911679Portrait of a Woman of the Slosgin Family of Cologne
Q19913809Portrait of a Woman with Tapestry Work
Q19912057Portrait of a Woman with a Balance
Q19913155Portrait of a Woman with a Lace Collar
Q3937681Portrait of a Woman with a Man at a Casement
Q19913201Portrait of a Woman, Called Héloïse Abélard
Q19905250Portrait of a Woman, Called the Marchesa Durazzo
Q19912774Portrait of a Woman, Called the Marquise Perrin de Cypierre
Q19913842Portrait of a Woman, Possibly Barbara (1768–1829), Marchioness of Donegall
Q19905256Portrait of a Woman, Possibly Madame Claude Lambert de Thorigny (Marie Marguerite Bontemps, 1668–1701)
Q19911716Portrait of a Woman, Probably Susanna Lunden
Q19913329Portrait of a Woman, Said to Be Caritas Pirckheimer (1467–1532)
Q19912400Portrait of a Woman, Said to Be Emily Bertie Pott (died 1782)
Q19913980Portrait of a Woman, Said to Be Emma (1765–1815), Lady Hamilton
Q19913732Portrait of a Woman, Said to Be Lady Agnes Anne Wrothesley
Q19913892Portrait of a Woman, Said to Be Lady Dering
Q19913843Portrait of a Woman, Said to Be Lady Sophia Boyle
Q19913973Portrait of a Woman, Said to Be Lucy Percy (1600?–1660), Countess of Carlisle
Q19914092Portrait of a Woman, Said to Be Madame Récamier (1777–1849)
Q19913844Portrait of a Woman, Said to Be Marie de Mautesson
Q19913972Portrait of a Woman, Said to Be Princess Apraxine
Q19914082Portrait of a Woman, Said to Be the Comtesse de Guiche
Q19912497Portrait of a Woman, Said to be Madame Charles Simon Favart (Marie Justine Benoîte Duronceray, 1727–1772)
Q20167179Portrait of a Woman, probably a Member of the Van Beresteyn Family
Q19906269Portrait of a Woman; (reverse, now covered by relining canvas) Study of a Child's Head
Q19912189Portrait of a Young Boy
Q19913158Portrait of a Young Boy
Q19906042Portrait of a Young Man
Q19911500Portrait of a Young Man
Q19911579Portrait of a Young Man
Q19912729Portrait of a Young Man
Q19913161Portrait of a Young Man
Q19913243Portrait of a Young Man
Q19913831Portrait of a Young Man
Q20166964Portrait of a Young Man
Q19914277Portrait of a Young Man of the Van Steynoert Family
Q3937730Portrait of a Young Man with a Book
Q19913942Portrait of a Young Man, Probably Robert Devereux (1566–1601), Second Earl of Essex
Q19904805Portrait of a Young Man; (reverse) Girl Making a Garland
Q958088Portrait of a Young Woman
Q19911475Portrait of a Young Woman
Q19912059Portrait of a Young Woman
Q19912654Portrait of a Young Woman
Q19912750Portrait of a Young Woman
Q19913156Portrait of a Young Woman
Q19913381Portrait of a Young Woman
Q19913816Portrait of a Young Woman
Q19913854Portrait of a Young Woman
Q20166944Portrait of a Young Woman
Q19913871Portrait of a Young Woman
Q19913915Portrait of a Young Woman
Q20168379Portrait of a Young Woman
Q19913662Portrait of a Young Woman as a Vestal Virgin
Q19911644Portrait of a Young Woman with a Fan
Q19913238Portrait of a Young Woman, Called Miss Sparrow
Q19913065Portrait of a Young Woman, said to be Gabrielle de Caraman, Marquise de la Fare
Q5712837Portrait of a man
Q18011394Portrait of a man
Q18589381Portrait of a man with gloves in hand
Q19911413Portrait of an Italian Woman
Q19914023Portrait of an Officer
Q19914049Portrait of an Officer
Q19913888Portrait of an Officer
Q19913998Portrait of an Officer
Q19914012Portrait of an Officer
Q19913391Portrait of an Old Man
Q19905326Portrait of an Old Woman
Q19905452Portrait of an Olivetan Monk
Q13562917Portrait of an old man
Q19913215Portraits at the Stock Exchange
Q19913245Potted Pansies
Q19913323Pozzuoli and the Bay of Naples
Q19905195Prayer in the Mosque
Q19913819Prince Klemens Wenzel Lothar von Metternich (1773–1859)
Q19914242Prince Regent Luitpold of Bavaria (1821–1912)
Q19912130Princess Elizabeth (1596–1662), Later Queen of Bohemia
Q19914022Princess María Francisca de Asis de Borbón and Her Son Infante Carlos Luis María Fernando de Borbón
Q19913425Princess Pauline Metternich (1836–1921) on the Beach
Q19913294Princess Varvara Nikolaevna Gagarina (1762–1802)
Q19905096Processional Crucifix
Q19913249Project for a Room for King Ludwig II (1854–1886) of Bavaria
Q19913731Putti Harvesting Wheat
Q19912849Putti with a Medallion
Q19913664Putti with a Medallion
Q17305070Pygmalion and Galatea
Q19905423Queen Charlotte
Q78639467Queen Henrietta Maria
Q19911989Queen's Gate at Aigues-Mortes
Q19913698Race Horses
Q19912124Rapids on the Petite Creuse at Fresselines
Q19912219Ravine at Sorrento
Q19913513Ravine at Sorrento
Q78639585Rebecca and the Wounded Ivanhoe
Q19913644Recess of the Court
Q19912880Reclining Nude
Q19912091Reclining Nude (Thin Adeline)
Q16667013Red Sunset on the Dnieper
Q734082Regatta at Sainte-Adresse
Q19905287Rembrandt (1606–1669) as a Young Man
Q19905094Rembrandt's Son Titus
Q19905350Rest on the Flight into Egypt
Q19911632Rest on the Flight into Egypt
Q19912058Retreat from the Storm
Q3937360Return from the Hunt by Piero di Cosimo
Q19913621Rhine Landscape
Q19913834Richard Abell
Q19912152Richard Humphreys, the Boxer
Q19912868Richmond Castle, Yorkshire
Q19913511River Landscape
Q19913573River Landscape with Castle Ruins
Q19913146River View with a Village Church
Q19912477River and Rocks
Q19912692River with a Distant Tower
Q19913081Road in the Woods
Q19905415Roadside Halt
Q19913437Robert Shurlock (1772–1847)
Q19913439Robert Shurlock (1772–1847)
Q19911856Rochers à Fontainebleau (Rocks in the Forest)
Q78637353Rocky Outcrop by a Stream in the Roman Campagna
Q19912247Rodolfo Gonzaga (1451–1495)
Q111272665Roman Charity
Q19911969Roman Girl at a Fountain
Q19905973Roman Landscape
Q111272656Roman Landscape with a Shepherd and Sheep
Q19913033Rome with St. Peter's and Castel Sant'Angelo
Q19913088Roses and Lilies
Q19912751Roses in a Bowl
Q17436671Rouen Cathedral, Portal, Sunlight
Q19547185Rubens, His Wife Helena Fourment, and One of Their Children
Q19912604Rue Eugène Moussoir at Moret: Winter
Q12149027Rue de l'Épicerie, Rouen (Effect of Sunlight)
Q19913535Ruins in the Roman Campagna
Q19912906Rustic Interior
Q19912603Sahurs Meadows in Morning Sun
Q19911522Saint Adalbert and Saint Procopius
Q19911501Saint Agapitus of Praeneste in the Arena; (interior) The Beheading of Saint Agapitus of Praeneste
Q16621885Saint Andrew
Q19911491Saint Andrew
Q19913103Saint Anne Enthroned with the Virgin and Child
Q19912243Saint Anthony Abbot (with Saint John the Baptist)
Q19911822Saint Anthony of Padua
Q19911895Saint Bartholomew
Q19904891Saint Benedict
Q19905433Saint Benedict
Q19905114Saint Catherine Disputing and Two Donors
Q19912186Saint Catherine of Alexandria
Q20167186Saint Catherine of Alexandria
Q19905270Saint Catherine of Alexandria in Prison
Q19911688Saint Catherine of Siena Exchanging Her Heart with Christ
Q19912204Saint Cecilia
Q19912144Saint Christopher Carrying the Infant Christ
Q3946909Saint Christopher and the Infant Christ
Q19905446Saint Clare
Q3947010Saint Dominic
Q19905327Saint Dominic Resuscitating Napoleone Orsini
Q55649196Saint Dominic in Penitence
Q19913005Saint Donatian; Saint Victor Presenting a Donor
Q19913710Saint Elias's Fiery Ascension
Q19912061Saint Francis
Q19911615Saint Francis in Ecstasy
Q78614458Saint Francis of Assisi
Q3947206Saint George
Q19913713Saint George
Q19911993Saint Giles with Christ Triumphant over Satan and the Mission of the Apostles
Q19912298Saint James the Greater (with the Virgin of the Annunciation)
Q19912760Saint Jerome
Q19911455Saint John on Patmos
Q20167149Saint John on Patmos, Madonna and Child Enthroned, and Death of the Virgin; The Crucifixion
Q19911572Saint John the Baptist Bearing Witness
Q19911622Saint John the Baptist Bearing Witness
Q19914295Saint John the Baptist Preaching
Q19911921Saint John the Baptist; Saint Francis Receiving the Stigmata
Q19911537Saint John the Baptist; Saint Lucy
Q19911773Saint John the Evangelist
Q19911981Saint John the Evangelist Causes a Pagan Temple to Collapse
Q19911983Saint John the Evangelist Raises Satheus to Life
Q19911980Saint John the Evangelist with Acteus and Eugenius
Q19913261Saint Julian
Q19912244Saint Julian the Hospitaler (with Saint Nicholas of Bari)
Q19912582Saint Justina of Padua
Q3538918Saint Lawrence Enthroned with Saints and Donors
Q19911882Saint Louis of Toulouse
Q19912879Saint Lucy
Q19912182Saint Lucy and Her Mother at the Shrine of Saint Agatha; Saint Lucy Giving Alms; Saint Lucy before Paschasius; Saint Lucy Resisting Efforts to Move Her
Q19912703Saint Margaret and the Dragon
Q19912743Saint Margaret of Cortona
Q19911536Saint Mary Magdalen Holding a Crucifix; (reverse) The Flagellation
Q3947666Saint Matthew and the Angel
Q19911898Saint Matthias
Q19911613Saint Maurice
Q19912584Saint Michael
Q19913706Saint Michael
Q19912023Saint Michael and the Dragon
Q19911896Saint Michael the Archangel
Q19912267Saint Michael; The Mass of Saint Gregory; Saint Jerome
Q19904855Saint Nicholas Providing Dowries
Q20167114Saint Nicholas Resuscitating Three Youths
Q19905323Saint Nicholas of Tolentino Reviving a Child
Q19905252Saint Nicholas of Tolentino Reviving the Birds
Q19911642Saint Paul
Q19912778Saint Paul
Q19905349Saint Paul with Paolo Pagagnotti; Christ Appearing to His Mother
Q19905430Saint Peter Martyr Healing the Leg of a Young Man
Q20167167Saint Peter and Simon Magus
Q52912826Saint Philip Neri (1515–1595)
Q19911553Saint Remigius Replenishing the Barrel of Wine; (interior) Saint Remigius and the Burning Wheat
Q19911865Saint Reparata Being Prepared for Execution
Q19911798Saint Reparata Tortured with Red-Hot Irons
Q19911806Saint Reparata before the Emperor Decius
Q19911977Saint Roch
Q19912905Saint Romuald
Q3949246Saint Rosalie Interceding for the Plague-stricken of Palermo
Q3947943Saint Sebastian
Q19904893Saint Silvester Gozzolini
Q19912426Saint Stephen (with the Angel of the Annunciation)
Q19905361Saint Teresa of Ávila Interceding for Souls in Purgatory
Q19905126Saint Thecla Praying for the Plague-Stricken
Q19905043Saint Thomas Aquinas Aided by Saints Peter and Paul
Q19905214Saint Ursula and Her Maidens
Q19913368Saint Vincent, Patron Saint of Lisbon
Q19904888Saint Zenobius Resuscitating a Dead Child
Q3949327Saints Augustine and Francis, a Bishop Saint, and Saint Benedict
Q19913717Saints Boris and Gleb
Q19911997Saints Catherine of Alexandria, Barbara, Agatha, and Margaret
Q19912717Saints John the Evangelist and Lawrence
Q19905072Saints Matthew and Francis
Q9396558Saints Michael and Francis
Q19914231Saints Nicholas of Tolentino, Roch, Sebastian, and Bernardino of Siena, with Kneeling Donors
Q19911493Saints Peter and John Healing the Lame Man
Q3927386Saints Peter, Martha, Mary Magdalen, and Leonard
Q3949369Saints Roch, Anthony Abbot and Lucy
Q19905383Saints and Scenes from the Life of the Virgin
Q19896685Salisbury Cathedral from the Bishop's Garden
Q19906256Salome Dancing before Herod
Q78610935Salome with the Head of John the Baptist
Q19912026Salome with the Head of Saint John the Baptist
Q20167006Salome with the Head of Saint John the Baptist
Q19904861Saltash with the Water Ferry, Cornwall
Q19911432Salvator Mundi
Q19911641Salvator Mundi
Q19912373Salvator Mundi
Q19911545Samson Captured by the Philistines
Q19911923Samson and Delilah
Q19912633Samuel P. Avery (1822–1904)
Q19912808Sandy Road with a Farmhouse
Q19913576Santa Maria del Sasso, near Bibbiena
Q19912421Santa Maria della Salute
Q20166938Scene from a Novella
Q19913469Scene from the Gallic Wars: The Gaul Littavicus, Betraying the Roman Cause, Flees to Gergovie to Support Vercingétorix
Q19913307Scene in a Courtyard
Q19912561Scene in the Jewish Quarter of Constantine
Q19912246Scenes from a Legend; Coats of Arms
Q19911467Scenes from the Life of Christ
Q19913073Scenes from the Life of King Nebuchadnezzar
Q19911541Scenes from the Life of Saint John the Baptist
Q19905127Scenes from the Story of the Argonauts
Q20167108Scenes from the Story of the Argonauts
Q19913547Schloss Emming, between Windach and Geltendorf, seen from the East
Q61363155Schloss Milkel in Moonlight
Q78633322Seated Arab Man with Horse
Q19912754Seated Peasant
Q19911580Sebastian Andorfer (1469–1537)
Q7311573Self portrait
Q111272630Self-Portrait at Spurveskjul
Q19914071Self-Portrait of an Unidentified Artist
Q19904842Self-Portrait with Two Pupils
Q19912484Self-Portrait with a Harp
Q19911684Self-Portrait with a Straw Hat
Q19905424Selvaggia Sassetti (born 1470)
Q19905315Sentimental Conversation
Q19912226Serena Pulitzer Lederer (1867–1943)
Q19905355Señora de Sorolla (Clotilde García del Castillo, 1865–1929) in Black
Q19913444Shepherd with a Flock of Sheep
Q19905313Shepherd's Idyll
Q7494497Shepherdess Seated on a Rock
Q19912552Shepherds and Sheep
Q19913423Ship by Moonlight
Q19913507Shipyard at Le Havre
Q12088934Shrovetide Revellers
Q19913889Sir George Armytage (1761–1836), Fourth Baronet
Q19914091Sir Henry Blount (1602–1682)
Q19911998Sir Henry Capel (1638–1696)
Q19912788Sir James Dashwood (1715–1779)
Q19912468Sir John Shurley of Isfield (1565–1632)
Q19913451Sir Joshua Reynolds (1723–1792)
Q19913900Sir Joshua Reynolds (1723–1792)
Q19913964Sir Joshua Reynolds (1723–1792)
Q19913055Sir Peter Paul Rubens (1577–1640)
Q19913908Sir William Hood
Q19913290Six Apostles
Q19911812Skating at Sloten, near Amsterdam
Q78632905Sketch for "Reception of Emperor Napoleon III and Empress Eugénie by the Kabyle Leaders at Algiers on September 18, 1860"
Q19913356Sky at Dusk
Q19911699Soap Bubbles
Q20167054Soap Bubbles
Q19912566Soldier Playing the Theorbo
Q19912909Soldiers Bivouacking
Q19912137Sophia (1464–1512) of Poland
Q19913279Sports on a Frozen River
Q19912572Spring (Fruit Trees in Bloom)
Q19905413Spring Flowers
Q19911791Spring Morning
Q19913448Spring in Brittany
Q19905366Steamboats in the Port of Rouen
Q19905190Still Life
Q19912494Still Life
Q19913434Still Life of Fruit and Game
Q111272634Still Life of Fruit and Nuts
Q111272633Still Life of Grapes and Peaches
Q19911925Still Life with Apples and Pears
Q19904841Still Life with Apples and a Pot of Primroses
Q19912006Still Life with Cheese
Q19912712Still Life with Flowers and Fruit
Q19912439Still Life with Flowers and Prickly Pears
Q19905466Still Life with Flowers, Fan, and Pearls
Q19905170Still Life with Fruit, Glassware, and a Wanli Bowl
Q19912911Still Life with Ham
Q19911857Still Life with Jar, Cup, and Apples
Q19905426Still Life with Lobster and Fruit
Q19913093Still Life with Oysters, a Silver Tazza, and Glassware
Q19912206Still Life with Pansies
Q19905290Still Life with Peaches
Q19905362Still Life with Peaches and Grapes
Q19912425Still Life with Poppy, Insects, and Reptiles
Q19913228Still Life with Roses and Fruit
Q19912323Still Life with Silver
Q20168185Still Life with Silver and Gold Plate, Shells, and a Sword
Q19913650Still Life with Strawberries
Q19912375Still Life with Teapot and Fruit
Q20167092Still Life with a Ginger Jar and Eggplants
Q19912043Still Life with a Glass and Oysters
Q19912305Still Life with a Nautilus, Panther Shell, and Chip-Wood Box
Q19911680Still Life with a Skull and a Writing Quill
Q113727375Still Life with a Vase of Flowers, Melon, Peaches, and Grapes
Q19911905Still Life: A Banqueting Scene
Q19913297Still Life: A Basket of Grapes and Other Fruit
Q19913474Stormy Coast Scene after a Shipwreck
Q19913338Stormy Sky
Q19912033Study Head of a Woman
Q19911976Study Head of a Young Woman
Q19912806Study Head of an Old Man
Q19905420Study Head of an Old Man with a White Beard
Q19913262Study for "Portrait of an Indian"
Q19912454Study for "The Destruction of Sodom"
Q19911951Study for "Young and His Daughter"
Q19913386Study for a Monument to a Princely Figure
Q19912283Study for a Portrait of a Woman
Q111729960Study for the Ceiling of the Marquand Music Room
Q19913485Study of Light in a Vaulted Interior
Q78633111Study of Palm Trees
Q19913561Study of Rocks, Shrubs, and Tree Trunks at Monte Casale near Sansepolcro, Tuscany
Q19912660Study of Rushing Water
Q19913361Study of Trees and Bushes
Q19905286Study of Two Heads
Q111272647Study of Water and Plants
Q19913330Study of a Boy in a Blue Jacket
Q20167232Study of a Female Nude
Q19913738Study of a Girl in Red
Q19905121Study of a Nude Man
Q111730114Study of a Nude Man
Q19913611Study of a Tree Limb
Q19913501Study of the Roots of a Fallen Tree
Q19912755Summer Flowers
Q19912094Sunday at the Church of Saint-Philippe-du-Roule, Paris
Q19912890Sunset after a Storm on the Coast of Sicily
Q19906262Sunset near Arbonne
Q19913169Sunset on the Normandy Coast
Q19913311Sunset on the Rhine
Q19914303Sunset, Rome
Q19913174Sunset, Sorrento
Q19905417Surprised, or Infidelity Found Out
Q19912913Susanna and the Elders
Q19905194Tahitian Landscape
Q19912053Tavern Scene
Q19913258Teasing a Sleeping Girl
Q19912157Telemachus and the Nymphs of Calypso
Q19913177Terrace of the Capuchin Garden, Sorrento
Q19911594The Abduction of Rebecca
Q19911788The Abduction of Rebecca by a Knight Templar
Q19911410The Abduction of the Sabine Women
Q19911637The Adoration of the Christ Child
Q2489939The Adoration of the Magi
Q19905125The Adoration of the Magi
Q19905229The Adoration of the Magi
Q19911414The Adoration of the Magi
Q19911482The Adoration of the Magi
Q19911561The Adoration of the Magi
Q19911670The Adoration of the Magi
Q19912072The Adoration of the Magi
Q19912102The Adoration of the Magi
Q19913286The Adoration of the Magi
Q19905110The Adoration of the Shepherds
Q19906250The Adoration of the Shepherds
Q19911449The Adoration of the Shepherds
Q19911972The Adoration of the Shepherds
Q20168278The Adoration of the Shepherds
Q78611674The Adoration of the Shepherds
Q78643015The Adoration of the Shepherds
Q19911847The Adoration of the Shepherds with Saint Catherine of Alexandria
Q19911689The Afternoon Meal (La Merienda)
Q19911609The Agony in the Garden
Q111729631The Agony in the Garden
Q19912651The Allegory of the Sorbonne
Q19905937The Angel Appearing to Zacharias
Q19913483The Aniene River at Subiaco
Q3202076The Annunciation
Q19905169The Annunciation
Q19911422The Annunciation
Q19911483The Annunciation
Q19911516The Annunciation
Q19911528The Annunciation
Q19911552The Annunciation
Q19911592The Annunciation
Q19912347The Annunciation
Q19912420The Annunciation
Q19912865The Annunciation
Q19913370The Annunciation
Q19913540The Annunciation
Q19913712The Annunciation
Q19912923The Annunciation of the Death of the Virgin
Q19906202The Antechamber of the Sala del Maggior Consiglio
Q19912508The Antique Shop
Q19912016The Apotheosis of the Spanish Monarchy
Q19912230The Apotheosis of the Spanish Monarchy
Q19905831The Arab Falconer
Q78633159The Arab Sage
Q19913492The Arch of Constantine Seen from the Colosseum
Q19911676The Arch of Titus and the Forum, Rome
Q20167220The Arrival in Bethlehem
Q19913216The Artist's Cousin, Probably Mrs. William Bell (Mathilde Musson, 1841–1878)
Q20168218The Artist's Sitting Room in Ritterstrasse
Q19913403The Artist's Wife (Périe, 1849–1887) Reading
Q19911478The Ascension of Christ
Q19912356The Assumption of the Virgin
Q19904866The Assumption of the Virgin with Saints Michael and Benedict
Q19905130The Baker's Cart
Q19905317The Ballet from "Robert le Diable"
Q19912798The Banks of the Bièvre near Bicêtre
Q20168365The Banks of the Oise
Q19911677The Banks of the Rance, Brittany
Q19912456The Banks of the Seine at Conflans
Q19911646The Baptism of Christ
Q19911654The Baptism of Christ
Q19912695The Baptism of Christ
Q19913358The Basilica of Constantine, Rome
Q78634151The Basilica of Constantine, Rome
Q19912406The Bath, Jávea
Q20167269The Bathing Pool
Q19904793The Battle between Christians and Moors at El Sotillo
Q19911502The Battle of Vercellae
Q19912270The Bay of Naples
Q19913333The Bay of Naples with Vesuvius and Castel dell'Ovo
Q19912024The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist
Q19912127The Bell Inn
Q19912855The Betrayal of Christ
Q19912529The Billiard Room
Q19905391The Birth and Naming of Saint John the Baptist; (reverse) Trompe-l'oeil with Painting of The Man of Sorrows
Q19912377The Birth of Cupid
Q19912326The Birth of Venus
Q19906266The Birth of the Virgin
Q19911442The Birth of the Virgin
Q19905237The Bodmer Oak, Fontainebleau Forest
Q18616822The Boulevard Montmartre on a Winter Morning
Q96184894The Bouquet of Violets
Q19913219The Brawl
Q19913339The Bridge at La Cava, Kingdom of Naples
Q6382435The Bridge at Villeneuve-la-Garenne
Q19905377The Brioche
Q19906251The Building of Westminster Bridge
Q18613324The Burial of Christ
Q19912784The Burial of Saint Martha
Q19911523The Burial of Saint Wenceslas
Q19911982The Burial of Saint Zenobius
Q19911614The Burning of Sodom
Q19912150The Calling of Saint Matthew
Q78613673The Calling of Saint Matthew
Q19905247The Calm Sea
Q19911672The Calmady Children (Emily, 1818–?1906, and Laura Anne, 1820–1894)
Q19911487The Capture of Carthage
Q19912386The Card Party
Q19911459The Card Players
Q19912018The Card Players
Q19911810The Cascade
Q19912007The Cascade
Q20168242The Cemetery at Pronoia near Nauplia
Q19914239The Chariot of Apollo
Q19912014The Chariot of Aurora
Q19911685The Chess Players
Q19913472The Children of Martin Anton Heckscher: Johann Gustav Wilhelm Moritz (1797–1865), Carl Martin Adolph (1796–1850), and Leopold (born 1792)
Q19911696The Choir of the Capuchin Church in Rome
Q19913715The Christ Child with Saints Boris and Gleb
Q19905453The Cigarette (Jeanne Daurmont)
Q19905123The Circumcision
Q3823444The Circus Parade
Q19911849The Collector of Prints
Q20167018The Companions of Rinaldo
Q19913281The Congregation of the Mother of God
Q19911786The Conquest of Naples by Charles of Durazzo
Q20167013The Conversion of Saint Paul
Q19906264The Coronation of the Virgin
Q19911518The Coronation of the Virgin
Q19912464The Coronation of the Virgin
Q19911807The Coronation of the Virgin, and Saints
Q19912111The Country Dance
Q19913157The Court of the Princess
Q19904875The Crucified Christ
Q19904862The Crucifixion
Q19905180The Crucifixion
Q19905200The Crucifixion
Q19905266The Crucifixion
Q19905302The Crucifixion
Q19905919The Crucifixion
Q19906247The Crucifixion
Q19911473The Crucifixion
Q19911673The Crucifixion
Q19911922The Crucifixion
Q19912177The Crucifixion
Q19912194The Crucifixion
Q19912904The Crucifixion
Q19912928The Crucifixion
Q19913021The Crucifixion
Q19913247The Crucifixion
Q19914247The Crucifixion
Q78611539The Crucifixion
Q19905422The Crucifixion of Saint Peter with a Donor; The Legend of Saint Anthony Abbot with a Donor; The Annunciation
Q19912208The Crucifixion with Donors and Saints Peter and Margaret
Q19911601The Crucifixion with Saints and a Donor
Q7728258The Crucifixion with the Virgin and St John
Q19913058The Crucifixion, (reverse) Saint Francis of Assisi; The Resurrection, (reverse) An Abbot Saint, Possibly Saint Benedict
Q18760714The Curious
Q19912376The Curious Little Girl
Q19905282The Dance
Q18758802The Dance Class
Q19912823The Dance Lesson
Q19913635The Dancers
Q7476471The Dancing Class
Q728373The Daughters of Catulle Mendès
Q19912044The Dead Christ in the Tomb with Two Angels
Q2752079The Dead Christ with Angels
Q53858027The Death of Cleopatra
Q19912279The Death of Harmonia
Q1752990The Death of Socrates
Q19904860The Death of the Virgin
Q78638616The Declaration of Love
Q19912068The Deer
Q19912340The Defense of Champigny
Q2270778The Denial of Saint Peter
Q19912676The Departure of Saints Paula and Eustochium for the Holy Land
Q78638243The Departure of the Gondola
Q19906241The Descent from the Cross
Q19912286The Descent from the Cross
Q19905184The Disillusioned Medea ("The Enchantress")
Q19912188The Dispatch of the Messenger
Q19912511The Dispatch-Bearer
Q19905263The Dissolute Household
Q19914267The Doge's Palace Seen from San Giorgio Maggiore
Q19913316The Dormition of the Virgin
Q111272611The Dormition of the Virgin
Q19911435The Dormition of the Virgin; (reverse) Christ Carrying the Cross
Q19914245The Dream after the Ball
Q19911421The Dream of Aeneas
Q19904853The Dream of the Shepherd (Der Traum des Hirten)
Q19905186The Drinkers
Q19905236The Drummond Children
Q19913227The Edge of the Woods
Q19905458The Edge of the Woods at Monts-Girard, Fontainebleau Forest
Q19905378The Empress Elizabeth of Russia (1709–1762) on Horseback, Attended by a Page
Q19905264The Englishman (William Tom Warrener, 1861–1934) at the Moulin Rouge
Q19904833The Entombment
Q20168285The Environs of Paris
Q19913344The Etruscan Ruin
Q19911986The Execution of Saint John the Baptist
Q19905715The Experts
Q19911916The Fair at Bezons
Q19913029The Family of Mr. Westfal in the Conservatory
Q19912621The Farm at Les Collettes, Cagnes
Q19912776The Farrier
Q19912662The Faïence Restorer
Q19911692The Feast of Acheloüs
Q18177493The Ferryman
Q19905277The Fifteen Mysteries and the Virgin of the Rosary
Q19904843The Finding of Moses
Q19913628The First Communion
Q19911819The Fishermen (Fantastic Scene)
Q19912179The Fishing Boat
Q19911589The Flagellation
Q19905508The Flagellation of Christ
Q19911607The Flagellation; (reverse) The Madonna of Mercy
Q19912929The Fletcher Mansion, New York City
Q19911686The Flight into Egypt
Q19911994The Flight into Egypt
Q78638479The Flight into Egypt
Q111272641The Flight into Egypt
Q19913432The Flood Gate
Q19911620The Flowering Orchard
Q19911635The Ford
Q18686212The Forest Stream
Q3965263The Forest at Pontaubert
Q19912312The Forest in Winter at Sunset
Q19913390The Forest of Fontainebleau
Q19912682The Forge
Q379906The Fortune Teller
Q19905284The Fountain
Q19905131The Four Trees
Q19911603The French Comedians
Q2494850The Funeral
Q462688The Garden of the Tuileries on a Spring Morning
Q19905101The Garden of the Tuileries on a Winter Afternoon
Q19911912The Garden of the Tuileries on a Winter Afternoon
Q19912803The Gardener
Q78638736The Garter
Q19912307The Gate to the Temple of Luxor
Q19911999The Gathering of Manna
Q19905499The Giralda, Seville
Q19913043The Glorification of Saint Anthony Abbot
Q19911582The Glorification of the Barbaro Family
Q19912138The Glorification of the Eucharist
Q19912109The Glorification of the Giustiniani Family
Q19905573The Glorification of the Royal Hungarian Saints
Q19911770The Golden Age
Q19912261The Golden Age
Q19905111The Good Samaritan
Q19911871The Good Samaritan
Q19912549The Good Samaritan
Q19913619The Gorges at Amalfi
Q19905095The Grand Canal above the Rialto
Q78640358The Grand Canal, Venice, Looking South toward the Rialto Bridge
Q78640156The Grand Canal, Venice, Looking Southeast, with the Campo della Carità to the Right
Q19912056The Grandchildren of Sir William Heathcote, 3rd Baronet
Q19912221The Grape Harvest
Q78633479The Great Pyramid, Giza
Q19911668The Green Wave
Q19913178The Grotto of Posillipo, Naples
Q18654821The Gulf of Marseilles Seen from L'Estaque
Q20168291The Gypsies
Q78611346The Hall of Antiquities at Charlottenborg Palace, Copenhagen
Q19905735The Hamlet of Optevoz
Q19904852The Happy Mother
Q776175The Harvesters
Q19913222The Hidden Brook
Q19911769The Highland Family
Q19904858The Holy Family
Q19911535The Holy Family
Q19912030The Holy Family with Angels
Q19905261The Holy Family with Saint Anne and the Young Baptist and His Parents
Q19905092The Holy Family with Saint Elizabeth, Saint John, and a Dove
Q3842383The Holy Family with Saint Mary Magdalen
Q19905285The Holy Family with Saint Paul and a Donor
Q19911538The Holy Family with Saints Anne and Catherine of Alexandria
Q20167153The Holy Family with Saints Francis and Anne and the Infant Saint John the Baptist
Q19906057The Holy Family with Shepherds
Q19911652The Holy Family with the Infant Saint John the Baptist
Q3944459The Holy Family with the Young Saint John the Baptist
Q19905281The Honorable Henry Fane (1739–1802) with Inigo Jones and Charles Blair
Q40432The Horse Fair
Q19913885The Hours
Q19905318The House with the Cracked Walls
Q19912126The Houses of Parliament (Effect of Fog)
Q20167205The Huis ten Bosch at The Hague and Its Formal Garden (View from the East)
Q20167199The Huis ten Bosch at The Hague and Its Formal Garden (View from the South)
Q19905340The Hunt Breakfast
Q19911694The Immaculate Conception
Q19905461The Interior of an Atelier of a Woman Painter
Q19911867The Interrupted Sleep
Q19911623The Investiture of Bishop Harold as Duke of Franconia
Q78639075The Island of San Michele, Venice
Q19905103The Italian Brigand's Wife
Q19912556The Japanese Robe
Q19905454The Jetty at Cassis, Opus 198
Q19911780The Journey of the Magi
Q19911452The Judgment of Paris
Q19905857The Judgment of Solomon
Q7744027The Kearsarge at Boulogne
Q19913255The Labors of Hercules
Q19905462The Lacemaker
Q19912155The Lacemaker
Q19904835The Lamentation
Q19905177The Lamentation
Q19911616The Lamentation
Q19911628The Lamentation
Q19911634The Lamentation
Q19911839The Lamentation
Q19912357The Lamentation
Q52936777The Lamentation
Q19912856The Lamentation and the Entombment
Q19913674The Large Bouquet
Q3208203The Last Communion of Saint Jerome
Q19905344The Last Communion of Saint Mary of Egypt
Q19905465The Last Judgment
Q19912260The Last Supper
Q19913101The Last Token: A Christian Martyr
Q19911724The Laundress
Q19911759The Le Cellier Altarpiece
Q19905115The Legend of Cloelia
Q19912678The Legend of the Infant Servius Tullius
Q18177495The Letter
Q19911512The Letter
Q19912250The Life and Miracles of Saint Godelieve
Q19905227The Life of Christ
Q19905202The Life of the Virgin
Q19911811The Love Letter
Q19914274The Love Letter
Q19822324The Love Song
Q19911949The Lute Player
Q19905117The Man of Sorrows
Q19911663The Man of Sorrows
Q19913430The Man of Sorrows with Two Angels
Q19912434The Manneporte
Q3820962The Manneporte near Étretat
Q19911655The Mariner's Wife
Q19911526The Marriage Feast at Cana
Q19905139The Marriage of Cupid and Psyche
Q3967211The Marriage of the Virgin
Q19905196The Marriage of the Virgin
Q19912488The Martyrdom of Saint Adrian; The Martyrdom of Two Saints, Possibly Ache and Acheul
Q19911426The Martyrdom of Saint Barbara
Q111272629The Martyrdom of Saint John the Baptist
Q19911480The Martyrdom of Saint Lawrence; (reverse) Giving Drink to the Thirsty
Q19911457The Mass of Saint Basil
Q19913134The Mass of Saint Gregory
Q19913283The Massacre of the Innocents
Q3224381The Matador Saluting
Q3853812The Meditation on the Passion
Q19911503The Meeting
Q19912317The Meeting of Alexander the Great and Diogenes
Q78638360The Meeting of Antony and Cleopatra
Q19912893The Mill of Montmartre
Q19913637The Milliner
Q111729763The Milliner
Q19904859The Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes
Q19911708The Miraculous Communion of Saint Catherine of Siena
Q19911890The Missionary's Adventures
Q116444817The Monastery of San Benedetto above the Aniene River at Subiaco
Q19911640The Monet Family in Their Garden at Argenteuil
Q19905244The Mourning Virgin; The Man of Sorrows
Q20167260The Mouth of a Cave
Q19912180The Muse: History
Q19912770The Music Room
Q19912036The Musician
Q655705The Musicians
Q19911710The Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine of Siena
Q19911558The Natchez
Q19911787The Nation Is in Danger, or the Enrollment of Volunteers at the Place du Palais-Royal in July 1792
Q19905032The Nativity
Q19906253The Nativity
Q19911870The Nativity
Q19912096The Nativity
Q19912097The Nativity
Q19912348The Nativity
Q19912359The Nativity
Q19912850The Nativity
Q19911559The Nativity with Donors and Saints Jerome and Leonard
Q19912339The Nativity with Saints
Q111272649The Net Mender (Garnbinderen)
Q19913159The Newborn Baby
Q20167080The Night Patrol at Smyrna
Q19905322The Night-Hag Visiting Lapland Witches
Q19913160The Nightingale Sings
Q78632756The North Cape by Moonlight
Q19905421The Nymph of Fontainebleau
Q19913278The Old Castle
Q19912191The Old Italian Woman
Q3988570The Organ Rehearsal
Q19905254The Outer Harbor of Brest
Q19913592The Outskirts of a Village
Q19913913The Painter Louis Joseph Maurice (1730–1820)
Q19912085The Painter's Daughter Mary (1750–1826)
Q19912846The Palace of Aurora
Q19914298The Palace of Donn'Anna, Naples
Q19905392The Palazzo Reale and the Harbor, Naples
Q19905324The Parable of the Mote and the Beam
Q15876313The Parc Monceau
Q19912190The Pardon in Brittany
Q19913089The Path through the Irises
Q19913145The Peddler
Q19912634The Pelkus Gate near Utrecht
Q19911827The Penitence of Saint Jerome
Q3210251The Penitent Magdalen
Q19911417The Penitent Magdalen
Q19913267The Pigeon House
Q19911892The Pink Dress (Albertie-Marguerite Carré, later Madame Ferdinand-Henri Himmes, 1854–1935)
Q19912643The Pont Neuf
Q19911855The Pool at the Jas de Bouffan
Q19912029The Portico of a Country Mansion
Q20167246The Potato Peeler
Q5967867The Preaching of John the Baptist
Q19913371The Presentation in the Temple
Q19914235The Presentation in the Temple
Q19911876The Presentation of Christ in the Temple
Q19912679The Proposal
Q19913709The Protection of the Mother of God
Q19911914The Public Garden at Pontoise
Q19911419The Public Viewing David’s "Coronation" at the Louvre
Q19911682The Pérussis Altarpiece
Q20166930The Rape of Tamar
Q19905134The Reader
Q19913943The Reader
Q19905275The Rebuke of Adam and Eve
Q19912196The Rehearsal Onstage
Q19911722The Rehearsal of the Ballet Onstage
Q19912313The Repast of the Lion
Q19912548The Reprimand
Q19911624The Rest on the Flight into Egypt
Q19912777The Rest on the Flight into Egypt
Q19905215The Resurrection
Q19912344The Resurrection
Q19913714The Resurrection of Christ and the Harrowing of Hell
Q19913730The Resurrection of Christ and the Harrowing of Hell
Q111730093The Return of Persephone
Q19906260The Return of the Cattle
Q19912765The Return to the Fold
Q19911948The Reverend Philip Cocks (1735–1797)
Q19913031The Rhine at Remagen
Q19905342The Ridotto Pubblico at Palazzo Dandolo
Q19912416The River
Q19913293The Road from Moret to Saint-Mammès
Q19820383The Road from Versailles to Louveciennes
Q19913606The Roman Theater, Taormina
Q19913209The Rope Dance
Q19905225The Ropewalk in Edam
Q19913205The Route Nationale at Samer
Q19914282The Sack of Jerusalem by the Romans
Q19912142The Sackville Children
Q19905066The Sacrifice of Iphigenia
Q19905442The Sacrifice of Isaac
Q19905106The Sacrifice of Polyxena
Q19905359The Sacrifice of Polyxena
Q19905637The Saithwaite Family
Q20168315The Sea
Q3212765The Seine at Bougival
Q19912575The Seine at Vétheuil
Q19913047The Seine: Morning
Q19913150The Sense of Sight
Q78633797The Serbian Concubine (Un Envoi de Serbie)
Q19905128The Serenade
Q19912060The Servant Justified
Q19912635The Sheepfold
Q19905165The Shepherd's Song
Q19911777The Sibyl
Q3212828The Siesta
Q19911959The Silver Tureen
Q19912195The Singer in Green
Q17579092The Smoker, or Three Heads
Q17183419The Smokers by Adriaen Brouwer
Q19905335The Sofa
Q19912047The Sorrow of Telemachus
Q4891521The Source
Q19905309The Source of the Loue
Q2024709The Spanish Singer
Q19912470The Spinner
Q19913162The Spring (La Source)
Q19911944The Spy
Q19905339The Start of the Race of the Riderless Horses
Q19905118The Stolen Kiss
Q7766694The Storm
Q19912120The Story of Esther
Q20166923The Story of Joseph
Q19912009The Streetwalker
Q19911885The Stroller (Suzanne Hoschedé, later Mrs. Theodore Earl Butler, 1868–1899)
Q19912626The Strong Family
Q78633879The Sultan's Tiger
Q16025001The Supper at Emmaus
Q19911775The Swing
Q19912288The Tame Magpie
Q19911506The Tears of Saint Peter
Q19913473The Temple of Vesta, Tivoli
Q19911524The Temptation
Q19912859The Temptation of Saint Anthony
Q19914233The Temptation of Saint Anthony
Q111272644The Temptation of Saint Mary Magdalen
Q19914254The Theological Virtues: Faith, Charity, Hope
Q19912530The Third Duke of Dorset's Hunter with a Groom and a Dog
Q3228340The Third-Class Carriage
Q19911681The Three Ages of Man
Q19911809The Three Graces
Q19911802The Toilette of Venus
Q19905120The Translation of the Holy House of Loreto
Q19912089The Trinity
Q19912100The Trinity
Q19912795The Trinity Adored by All Saints
Q19912010The Triumph of Aemilius Paulus
Q19912787The Triumph of Bacchus
Q19913112The Triumph of Bacchus
Q3998939The Triumph of Fame
Q20166993The Triumph of Henry IV
Q19911521The Triumph of Marius
Q19906105The Triumph of Mordecai
Q19911726The Trojan Women Setting Fire to Their Fleet
Q19912861The Twelve Apostles: Saints Bartholomew, Andrew, Matthew, James the Greater, Thaddeus, Philip, James the Lesser, Simon, Peter, Paul, Thomas, and John
Q19905304The Two Central Figures in "Derby Day"
Q19905191The Two Sisters
Q19911828The Two Sisters
Q19912578The Valley of the Nervia
Q19905400The Van Moerkerken Family
Q78639198The Villa Loredan, Paese
Q19913252The Village of La Celle-sous-Moret
Q19905296The Virgin
Q19913352The Virgin Adored by Saints
Q19905390The Virgin Adoring the Host
Q19913301The Virgin of the Nativity
Q19913315The Vision of Saint Anthony of Padua
Q1220013The Vision of Saint John
Q18511742The Visit
Q19911542The Visit
Q19911492The Visit to the Nursery
Q19911610The Vocation of Saint Aloysius (Luigi) Gonzaga
Q19911587The Wedding of Stephen Beckingham and Mary Cox
Q18437007The Wolf and Fox Hunt
Q39013The Woman in the Waves
Q19912908The Yard of the Inn at Emmaus
Q19896869The Young Bather
Q19905292The Young Saint John the Baptist
Q6163639The Young Virgin
Q19912271Thomas (1740–1825) and Martha Neate (1741–after 1795) with His Tutor, Thomas Needham
Q19913686Thomas Howard (1585–1646), Second Earl of Arundel, after Rubens
Q19912410Thomas Wriothesley (1505–1550), First Earl of Southampton
Q19913170Thorvaldens Museum, Copenhagen
Q19913633Three Dancers Preparing for Class
Q19913720Three Female Saints
Q19914005Three Jockeys
Q3998131Three Miracles of Saint Zenobius
Q19912008Three Tahitian Women
Q19905386Thusnelda at the Triumphal Entry of Germanicus into Rome
Q19912087Tiger and Cubs
Q55594053Tiger in Repose
Q1321055Tilla Durieux
Q19906080Tobias Curing His Father's Blindness
Q19912090Tobias and the Angel
Q19905373Tobit Burying the Dead
Q20167193Totila before Saint Benedict
Q19912071Tottenham Church
Q18177480Toussaint Lemaistre (1807/8–1888)
Q19913848Traveling Players
Q19913580Tree Foliage
Q19913499Trees in the Bois de Boulogne, Paris
Q20168372Triumph of the Amazons
Q19913242Trompe l'oeil with Palettes and Miniature
Q19913104Troops at Rest
Q19912430Troops on the March
Q19905331Twelve Heads
Q19912526Two Angels
Q19913218Two Dancers
Q19914011Two Dancers
Q59590709Two Dancers, Half-length
Q19913377Two Men
Q21994841Two Men before a Waterfall at Sunset
Q26221197Two Peasant Women Digging in Field with Snow
Q3235403Two Tahitian Women
Q19912110Two Tritons at the Feast of Acheloüs
Q19911649Two Young Peasant Women
Q17629102Two children teasing a cat
Q17281208Two men contemplating the Moon
Q19911515Ulrich Fugger (1490–1525)
Q19913167Uprooted Tree at Olevano Romano
Q19911963Uvedale Tomkyns Price (1685–1764) and Members of His Family
Q19912045Valdemar Hjartvar Købke (1813–1893), the Artist's Brother
Q19913269Valley of the River Loire
Q19911453Vanitas Still Life
Q19912667Vanitas Still Life
Q19905328Vaprio d'Adda
Q19905372Vase of Flowers (Pink Background)
Q19905269Vase of Flowers and Conch Shell
Q19911990Vase of Flowers in a Niche
Q78634220Vaulted Interior
Q19911939Venice from the Bacino di San Marco
Q20018653Venice, from the Porch of Madonna della Salute
Q19913140Venice: The Dogana and Santa Maria della Salute
Q19912920Venice: The Rialto
Q4009570Venus and Adonis
Q19911647Venus and Adonis
Q4009580Venus and Cupid
Q19911596Venus and Cupid
Q9372005Venus and Mars
Q19911412Venus and the Lute Player
Q19913933Vertumnus and Pomona
Q19913571View at Auvers-sur-Oise
Q19913564View from Olevano towards the West
Q20168233View from the Citadel Ramparts in Copenhagen by Moonlight
Q19905298View from the Colosseum toward the Palatine
Q19912657View from the Quai d'Orsay
Q19913536View from the Villa Medici, Rome
Q19911793View from the Villa d'Este, Tivoli
Q19913578View in a Broad Valley, Italy
Q19912065View in a Park
Q19913166View in the Dolomites
Q19911790View in the Gardens of the Villa d'Este
Q19913516View in the Rhône Valley
Q19913351View in the Roman Campagna
Q19913522View in the Roman Campagna
Q19913609View in the Roman Campagna
Q19913350View in the Roman Campagna (Colonna?)
Q19913327View in the Stables of the Villa of Maecenas, Tivoli
Q19913478View in the Tiergarten, Berlin
Q19905173View near Rouen
Q19911789View of Beirut
Q19913355View of Châtenay
Q19912435View of Genzano
Q20168250View of Genzano with a Rider and Peasant
Q19911834View of Haarlem and the Haarlemmer Meer
Q19913500View of Ischia from the Sea
Q19904840View of La Crescenza
Q19913198View of Lormes
Q19820399View of Marly-le-Roi from Cœur-Volant
Q19914308View of Monte Sant'Angelo from the Villa Auriemma near Sorrento
Q19913337View of Orange with Mont Ventoux
Q19912831View of Ornans
Q19905174View of Porta Pinciana from the Gardens of the Villa Ludovisi
Q20168198View of San Vito with Monte Guadagnolo in the Distance
Q19912446View of Tivoli from Santa Maria del Giglio
Q883994View of Toledo
Q19906244View of Vétheuil
Q19913775View of a Harbor
Q19913624View of an Italian City
Q19911590View of the Basilica of Constantine from the Palatine, Rome
Q20167039View of the Colosseum and the Arch of Constantine from the Palatine
Q19913037View of the Colosseum, Rome
Q20167067View of the Domaine Saint-Joseph
Q19906267View of the Seacoast near Wargemont in Normandy
Q19912395View of the Seine
Q19912597View of the Town of Alkmaar
Q19905300View of the Villa Torlonia, Frascati, at Dusk
Q78634080View on the Aventine Hill, Rome
Q19905175View on the Quirinal Hill, Rome
Q19913541View over Hallingdal
Q19912835Village by a River
Q19912176Virgil's Tomb by Moonlight, with Silius Italicus Declaiming
Q19905104Virgil's Tomb, Naples
Q19911490Virgin Suckling the Child
Q3842392Virgin and Child
Q19904832Virgin and Child
Q19905445Virgin and Child
Q19906263Virgin and Child
Q19911445Virgin and Child
Q19911496Virgin and Child
Q19911562Virgin and Child
Q19911571Virgin and Child
Q19911574Virgin and Child
Q19911578Virgin and Child
Q19911690Virgin and Child
Q19911721Virgin and Child
Q19911761Virgin and Child
Q19911805Virgin and Child
Q19912082Virgin and Child
Q19912248Virgin and Child
Q19912415Virgin and Child
Q3842407Virgin and Child (Bache)
Q111272646Virgin and Child Enthroned
Q19912265Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints Catherine and Jerome
Q19913277Virgin and Child Enthroned with Scenes from the Life of the Virgin
Q20167100Virgin and Child in a Niche
Q19911530Virgin and Child in an Apse
Q19906249Virgin and Child with Angels
Q7934007Virgin and Child with Four Angels
Q3948737Virgin and Child with Saint Anne
Q19911702Virgin and Child with Saint Catherine of Alexandria
Q19894606Virgin and Child with Saints Catherine of Alexandria and Barbara
Q19912398Virgin and Child with the Pietà and Saints
Q19912320Virgin and Child with the Young Saint John the Baptist and Angels
Q19911818Virtue and Abundance
Q19912134Vsevolod Mikhailovich Garshin (1855–1888)
Q19905448Vétheuil in Summer
Q19913328Wanderer in the Storm
Q19911829Wandering Minstrels
Q78639801Warwick Castle
Q19911903Washerwoman, Study
Q7973309Water Lilies
Q19912256Water Lilies
Q19905470Waterfall at Mont-Dore
Q19905394Waterfall at Terni
Q19913347Waterfalls and Rocks at Terni
Q19913346Waterfalls at Terni
Q19912677Weaning the Calves
Q78633249Wedding Procession
Q20168264Welsh Landscape with a Ruined Castle by a Lake
Q78633618Western Gentleman in Oriental Costume
Q18689458Wheat Field with Cypresses
Q19905217Wheat Fields
Q19912296Wide River Landscape
Q19912600William Archer Shee (1810–1899), the Artist's Son
Q19912721William Edward Dighton (1822–1853) in Middle Eastern Dress
Q19914237William Forsyth (1749–1814)
Q19912391William Man Godschall (1720–1802)
Q19913737William Paulet Carey (1759–1839)
Q19912629William Robertson (1753–1835), Lord Robertson
Q19913456William Roper (1493/94–1578)
Q19912303William Scott-Elliot of Arkleton (1811–1901)
Q19913310Winter Landscape, Holland
Q19913203Winter Scene
Q19912683Woman Bathing in a Shallow Tub
Q19913639Woman Combing Her Hair
Q19913763Woman Drying Her Arm
Q19913641Woman Drying Her Foot
Q19912688Woman Having Her Hair Combed
Q78161748Woman Playing a Guitar
Q19913676Woman Standing Beside Railing with Poodle
Q20167702Woman at a Balcony
Q19912242Woman before a Mirror
Q111272527Woman in Turkish Dress, Seated on a Sofa
Q19905240Woman in a Riding Habit (L'Amazone)
Q19912231Woman in the Garden of Monsieur Forest
Q19913374Woman on a Sofa
Q839359Woman with a Lute
Q8030760Woman with a Parrot
Q1057817Woman with a Pink
Q19912019Woman with a Rake
Q19913634Woman with a Towel
Q386453Woman with a Water Jug
Q19912277Woman with a Water Pitcher, and a Man by a Bed ("The Maidservant")
Q19911707Women Picking Olives
Q19913545Women Sewing at a Table
Q19911808Wooded Upland Landscape
Q19911942Woodland Road
Q17355822Yonker Ramp and his Sweetheart
Q19912617Young Girl in a Pink-and-Black Hat
Q19905769Young Herdsmen with Cows
Q19911495Young Ladies of the Village
Q942523Young Lady in 1866
Q19912121Young Man Holding a Book
Q19912836Young Mother Gazing at Her Child
Q19912254Young Woman Knitting
Q19912287Young Woman Peeling Apples
Q19912969Young Woman Praying
Q19912209Young Woman Reading
Q19906245Young Woman Seated on a Sofa
Q78611206Young Woman with Her Hand over Her Mouth
Q19912883Young Woman with Ibis
Q19905418Young Woman with a Pearl Necklace
Q19912063Young Woman with a Red Necklace
Q113262Young man in Mayo costume
Q19912128Île aux Fleurs near Vétheuil
Q19914264Île aux Orties near Vernon

Q160236Metropolitan Museum of Arthas subsidiaryP355

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