(P625, lat/long) | 55.9244 / -3.1723 |
street | Q79007 |
P3120 | TOID | 4000000006295179 |
P17 | country | United Kingdom | Q145 |
P7959 | historic county | Midlothian | Q67317221 |
P131 | located in the administrative territorial entity | City of Edinburgh | Q2379199 |
closed:cycleway:both | lane |
closed:cycleway:both:lane | exclusive |
highway | tertiary |
lanes | 2 |
lit | yes |
maxspeed | 20 mph |
name | Mayfield Road |
note | was due to revert to two-way traffic in October 2022, but hasn't. check https://www.openstreetmap.org/note/2807103 |
oneway | no |
sidewalk | both |
surface | asphalt |
cycleway:both | lane |
cycleway:both:lane | exclusive |
highway | tertiary |
lanes | 2 |
lit | yes |
maxspeed | 20 mph |
name | Mayfield Road |
sidewalk | both |
surface | asphalt |
closed:cycleway:both | lane |
closed:cycleway:both:lane | exclusive |
highway | tertiary |
lanes | 2 |
lit | yes |
maxspeed | 20 mph |
name | Mayfield Road |
note | was due to revert to two-way traffic in October 2022, but hasn't. check https://www.openstreetmap.org/note/2807103 |
oneway | no |
sidewalk | right |
surface | asphalt |
Category:Mayfield Road, Edinburgh | wikimedia |
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