Oracle NoSQL Database

a NoSQL-type distributed key-value database from Oracle Corporation

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Abstract is: Oracle NoSQL Database is a NoSQL-type distributed key-value database from Oracle Corporation. It provides transactional semantics for data manipulation, horizontal scalability, and simple administration and monitoring. Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service is a managed cloud service for applications that require low latency, flexible data models, and elastic scaling for dynamic workloads. Oracle NoSQL Database is a multi-model, multi-region, multi-cloud, active-active database designed to provide a highly available, scalable, performant, flexible, and reliable data management solution to meet today’s most demanding workloads. It can be deployed in enterprise data centers and cloud environments. It is well-suited for high volume and velocity workloads, like Internet of Things, 360-degree customer view, online contextual advertising, fraud detection, mobile application, user personalization, and online gaming. Developers can use a single application interface to build applications that run in enterprise and cloud environments.Developers focus on application development and data store requirements rather than managing back-end servers, storage expansion, cluster deployments, topology, software installation/patches/upgrades, backup, operating systems, and availability. NoSQL database scales to meet dynamic application workloads and throughput requirements. Users create tables to store their application data and perform database operations. A NoSQL table is similar to a relational table with additional properties including provisioned write units, read units, and storage capacity. Users provision the throughput and storage capacity in each table based on anticipated workloads. NoSQL Database resources are allocated and scaled accordingly to meet workload requirements. Users are billed hourly based on the capacity provisioned. NoSQL Database supports tabular model. Each row is identified by a unique key, and has a value, of arbitrary length, which is interpreted by the application. The application can manipulate (insert, delete, update, read) a single row in a transaction. The application can also perform an iterative, non-transactional scan of all the rows in the database.

Oracle NoSQL Database is …
instance of (P31):

sublass of (P279):
key–value databaseQ20706915

External links are
P646Freebase ID/m/0n45jzn
P856official website

P275copyright licenseApache LicenseQ616526
P6216copyright statuscopyrightedQ50423863
P366has useNoSQL database management systemQ82231
P277programmed inJavaQ251

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