gene frequency

proportion of one particular in the total of all alleles for one genetic locus in a breeding population

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genetic phenomenaQ65359289

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P1417Encyclopædia Britannica Online IDscience/gene-frequency
P486MeSH descriptor IDD005787
P672MeSH tree codeG05.330

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main subject (P921)
Q56514957"Genetic Drift" in an Italian Population
Q47990264?-and non-?-thalassaemia in Sardinia and their frequencies
Q71276503A Blood Group Genetic Survey in the Dudh Kharias of the Ranchi District (Bihar, India)
Q51630939A Commentary on Genetic affinity and admixture of northern Thai People along their migration route in Northern Thailand: evidence from autosomal STR loci
Q34141083A Common Haplotype in NAPEPLD Is Associated With Severe Obesity in a Norwegian Population‐Based Cohort (the HUNT Study)
Q52769981A Comparison of Two Methods for Making Statistical Inferences on Nei's Measure of Genetic Distance
Q44043978A General Solution to a Genetic Selection Problem Involving Recessive Lethals
Q33989479A Markov process of gene frequency change in a geographically structured population
Q43767500A Note on the Distribution of PTC Taste Sensitivity Genes in India
Q39339378A Reassessment of the HL-A System in Khoisan Populations of South West Africa
Q54749969A Spanish population study of the STR loci D2S1338, D19S433, Penta D, and Penta E
Q67544794A collation of marker gene and dermatoglyphic diversity at various levels of population differentiation
Q69775522A comparison of gene frequency and anthropometric distance matrices in seven villages of four Indian tribes
Q34015756A comparison of the genetic infrastructure of the Ye'cuana and the Yanomama: a likelihood analysis of genotypic variation among populations
Q34154206A counting method of maximum likelihood for estimating haplotype frequency in the HL-A system
Q33988592A formula to predict the transmission frequency of acentric fragments
Q52416154A general approach to genetic equilibria with an uneven sex ratio
Q36524555A general program for estimation of haplotype frequencies from population diploid data
Q43940085A general program to estimate gene-frequencies by the method of maximum-likelihood
Q53440189A genetic study of bovine lymphocyte antigens (BoLA) and their frequency in several breeds
Q66972372A genetic study of intergradation between Mytilus edulis and Mytilus galloprovincialis
Q44759431A genetic study of two French Guiana Amerindian populations. I. Serum proteins and red cell enzymes
Q44134451A genetic study on the Newars of Nepal Valley
Q71719755A mathematical model for interaction of gene frequencies in a parasite and its host
Q35202960A mother-child segregation distortion for the Rh system. New evidence for another compatibility system associated with Rh
Q45025161A new model for measuring breeding genetic distance
Q44849431A new model for measuring breeding genetic distance. II. Polygenic traits
Q66843883A new polymorphic enzyme, uridine monophosphate kinase: gene frequencies and a linkage analysis
Q43551333A note on assortative mating, linkage and genotypic frequencies
Q66940336A note on determining measures of deviation from random mating
Q52800580A note on deviation from Hardy-Weinberg proportions due to differences in gene frequencies between parental males and females
Q52812850A note on genetic distance
Q53976171A note on the estimation of allele frequencies
Q41533274A note on the estimation of the ABO gene frequencies and the coefficient of inbreeding
Q33990572A note on the variance of the number of loci having a given gene frequency
Q70506289A population genetic study of cleft chin in India
Q36513242A program for maximum likelihood estimation and likelihood ratio tests in one-locus ABO-like systems based upon population phenotype data
Q67436922A rare PGM1 variant in Chilean Aymara Indians
Q47923222A rare homozygous phenotype of superoxide dismutase, SOD 2
Q72782195A rare phenotype of phosphoglucomutase-2 first detected in Mongoloids
Q41885905A single-gene-dependent abnormality of adoral membranelles in Tetrahymena pyriformis, species 1
Q42971947A stable equilibrium with minimum average fitness
Q71852884A study of five variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) loci in the Greek population
Q72072164A study of the genetic polymorphism of human inter-alpha-trypsin-inhibitor (ITI) in the Han population, Chengdu, China
Q35201833A study of the genetical structure of the Cuban population: red cell and serum biochemical markers
Q44833572A survey of glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase deficiency in the North Central Province of Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon)
Q58881596A survey of six genetic markers on the populations of Punjab and Rajasthan (India)
Q43473215A test for rare male mating advantage at an ?enzyme locus? inDrosophila
Q66972914A third common allele in the transferrin system, Tf C3 , detected by isoelectric focusing
Q72347717ABO Blood Group Frequencies in Andhra Pradesh (1955–1960)
Q44324885ABO Blood Groups, P.T.C. Taste Sensitivity, Sickle Cell Trait, Middle Phalangeal Hairs, and Colour Blindness in the Coastal Nicobarese of Great Nicobar
Q39710776ABO and Rh blood groups in the Outer Hebrides
Q67714171ABO gene distribution in the state of Rajasthan
Q40685603AIpha-1-Antitrypsin Phenotypes in Newborns from Central and Southern Italy
Q28203515Absence of the Diego Antigen, a Genetic Characteristic of Early Immigrants to South America
Q41046412Acetylation of sulfamethazine in a Nigerian population
Q54595711Addendum to a paper of W. Ewens
Q71784270Adenylate kinase polymorphism (EC: gene frequencies and practicability in forensic serology
Q68259413Age and sex of chronic carriers of HBs antigen among 130,000 blood donors
Q40468474Alkaptonuria in the Trenčín District of Czechoslovakia
Q67868487Allele Frequencies of Human Complement Factor I in a Sample from Iwate, Northern Japan, with the Description of Geographical Cline
Q39362577Allele Frequency-Based Analyses Robustly Map Sequence Sites Under Balancing Selection in a Malaria Vaccine Candidate Antigen
Q84661982Allele frequencies and concordance study between the Identifiler and the PowerPlex ESX17 systems in the Basque Country population
Q54749955Allele frequencies of two Y-STRs in a Chinese population
Q53488202Allelic frequency of a p53 polymorphism in human lung cancer
Q41667741Allozyme genotype-environment relationships in natural populations of Drosophila buzzatii
Q41741540Allozyme variability and relatedness in six crayfish species
Q40668294Alpha-1-antitrypsin in umbilical cord serum: Pi phenotypes and relationships with idiopathic respiratory distress syndrome
Q40653483Alpha-I-antitrypsin (Pi) phenotypes in Lyon, France: departure from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
Q35202812Alpha1-antitrypsin: further genetic heterogeneity revealed by isoelectric focusing
Q40099240An Analysis of Red Cell Enzymatic Markers in the Province of Bologna (Italy)
Q55898412An Example of Anti-JraCausing Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn and Frequency of JraAntigen in the Japanese Population
Q46923592An anthropobiological study in Basse Kotto (Central Africa). I. Erythrocyte and sero-genetic markers: An analysis of the genetic differentiation
Q52858639An application of kinship process to the gene frequencies: Linkage disequilibrium due to random drift in Mendelian genetics with reversible mutation and in molecular genetics
Q52803700An explicit formula for frequency changes in genetic algebras
Q67909869An increased frequency of allele A6 of the proto-oncogene HRAS1 in cancer patients
Q53746147Analysis of ABO Mating Type Frequencies
Q42241844Analysis of Ha-ras 1 allele frequencies in hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer
Q44635601Analysis of Sepik populations of Papua New Guinea suggests an increase of CYP2C19 null allele frequencies during the colonization of Melanesia
Q39556498Analysis of antigenic drift in recently isolated influenza A (H1N1) viruses using monoclonal antibody preparations
Q35570864Analysis of genetic and environmental sources of variation in serum cholesterol in Tecumseh, Michigan. I. Analysis of the frequency distribution for evidence of a genetic polymorphism
Q66832707Analysis of linkage disequilibria between allozyme loci in natural populations ofDrosophila melanogaster
Q36522799Analysis of multilocus genetic systems in Tecumseh, Michigan. I. Definition of the data set and tests for goodness-of-fit to expectations based on gene, gamete, and single-locus phenotype frequencies
Q72592647Analysis of the relation of the frequency of new gene mutations for Mendelian diseases to parental age
Q47756373Anthropological Studies of South-Sinai Bedouins
Q41048847Anthropological significance of phenylketonuria
Q34354643Are Elevated Levels of IGF-1 Caused by Coronary Arteriesoclerosis?: Molecular and Clinical Analysis
Q50209732Assessing the effect of colony counting methods and genetic drift on ames bioassay results
Q67364225Association between alphas1-, beta- and kappa-casein loci in two Italian cattle breeds
Q67320446Assortative mating, linkage and genotypic frequencies
Q52754075Atypical Cholinesterase Gene E 1 a : Rarity in Negroes and Most Orientals
Q42036886Average heterozygosity revisited
Q67057676Basic factors influencing gene expressivity and penetrance in tapeto-retinal abiotrophy
Q52440904Bernstein's and gene-counting methods in generalized ABO-like systems
Q67828700Beta-thalassaemia mutations and the underlying beta gene cluster haplotypes in the Greek population
Q39251103Biochemical characterization of a red cell UMP kinase variant found in the Warao Indians of Venezuela
Q40609834Biochemical genetic markers in the Kadazans of Sabah, Malaysia
Q53162832Biochemical genetics of Fundulus heteroclitus (L.). IV. Spatial variation in gene frequencies of Idh-A, Idh-B, 6-Pgdh-A, and Est-S
Q50537883Biochemical genetics of Fundulus heterolitus (L.). I. Temporal and spatial variation in gene frequencies of Ldh-B, Mdh-A, Gpi-B, and Pgm-A
Q71275299Blood Groups, Abnormal Haemoglobins and Other Genetical Characters in Three Gujarati-Speaking Groups
Q46575528Blood Type Gene Frequency and Mental Ability
Q52119491Blood Type Gene Frequency and Mental Ability: Premature Conclusions?
Q47675351Blood and Serum Group Typings in Koreans
Q44561685Blood antigen, serum protein, and milk protein gene frequencies and genetic interrelationships in Holstein cattle
Q70672998Blood group gene frequencies in an Amish deme of Northern Indiana: comparison with other Amish demes
Q69173818Blood group gene frequencies. An indication of the genetic constitution of population samples in Cape Town
Q46156397Blood group, erythrocyte acid phosphatase, serum group specific component, haptoglobin and transferrin gene frequencies amongst the Gogodara (Balimo), Kuman (Minj) and Enga (Laiagam) and peoples of New Guinea
Q70342305Blood groups of six Indian bands of north-eastern British Columbia
Q45189764Blood polymorphism frequencies in the Sara Majingay of Chad
Q66943731Blood type analyses of creole-like cattle: a comparison with Longhorns and mixed controls
Q57120707Blood types in cattle of Iberian ancestry and in Holsteins at various altitudes
Q54595367Blood typing in Western Sicily. Distribution of phenotypes, genes and genotypes of the ABO and Rh blood groups in a large sample of the population of Palermo and the province. Immunohematological and statistical study
Q41538535Blood-group gene frequencies in West Virginia
Q68040520Borrelia burgdorferi infection in Europe: an HLA-related disease?
Q66970276Breed differences in frequency of BoLA specificities
Q41169576Calculation of disease susceptibility gene frequency in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
Q69110077Calculation of gene-frequencies of the Ka sign and degree of exclusion probability using this sign in serological paternity expert evaluation
Q67656798Calculator programs in general genetics. I. Computing genetic distance
Q41363052Carbonic anhydrase heterozygosity and FST distributions in Kenyan baboon troops
Q34703110Cat Gene Frequencies in Chicago and Other Populations of the United States
Q69595687Cat Gene Frequencies in Five Texas Communities
Q72169954Cat Gene Frequencies in Two Australian Cities
Q46911901Cat gene frequencies in Richmond, California
Q39982037Caucasian Genes in American Negroes
Q35231676Chances of proving nonpaternity with a system determined by triple allelic codominant genes
Q43908911Change in gene frequency under selection in a finite population: A comment
Q69380891Change in the selective value of heterozygotes as a function of allelic frequency in Drosophila melanogaster
Q41242227Change of fitness value caused by selection in population cages of Drosophila melanogaster
Q37584351Change of gene frequencies by natural selection under population number regulation
Q43484406Changes in polymorphic gene frequencies in strains of chickens selected for resistance to Marek's disease
Q40080352Changes of cholesterol and triglycerides in suckling infants: relationship with genetic markers of beta-lipoproteins
Q44551317Chiasma frequency variation with altitude in Cepaea hortensis (můll.)
Q44122085Clines in the colour polymorphism of Philaenus spumarius in Eastern Central Europe
Q26785691Clinicopathological Significance of CDKN2A Promoter Hypermethylation Frequency with Pancreatic Cancer
Q28243090Cloning and characterization of the human sperm receptor ligand ZP3: evidence for a second polymorphic allele with a different frequency in the Caucasian and Japanese populations
Q51843727Commentary: Etiological hypotheses of mental disorders at the molecular level may not help psychiatry
Q52794288Comments on C. C. Li's paper on measuring genetic distance
Q47837805Common and uncommon immunoglobulin haplotypes among Lebanese communities
Q36544405Common polymorphism of peptidase A: Formal genetics and population data
Q44994908Comparative gene frequencies between the canchim breed of Brazil beef cattle and their foundation breeds
Q44904055Comparison of Genetic (Factorial Correspondence Analysis) and Geographical Distances
Q52483409Comparison of the observed and anticipated distribution of genotypes in Drosophila funebris 2d chromosome at 2 different temperature regimes
Q35232319Complex segregation analysis. II. Multiple classification
Q41675060Computer technology of gene geographic analysis of a gene pool: III. Derivation of trend surfaces
Q52978473Concepts of substitutional load in finite populations
Q33990744Conditions for the existence of clines
Q40173100Conditions necessary for quantifying ethyl methanesulfonate-induced mutations to purine-analogue resistance in Chinese hamster V79 cells
Q35202361Consanguinity analysis in heterogeneous populations
Q67894015Conservation and divergence of repeated structures in Plasmodium genomes: the molecular drift
Q47296707Convenient and quantitative determination of the frequency of a mutant allele using solid-phase minisequencing: application to aspartylglucosaminuria in Finland
Q51661898Counting methods (EM algorithm) in human pedigree analysis: linkage and segregation analysis
Q47285891Cultural barriers associated with large gene frequency differences among Italian populations
Q96437185Cystic Fibrosis mutation W19X in Tunisia: Second case identified
Q47846878Cystic fibrosis in the South West African Afrikaner. An example of population drift, possibly with heterozygote advantage
Q46187598Cystic fibrosis mutations in the Tunisian population
Q54749930DNA polymorphism study at D1S80, DYS19, DYS287, and DYF155S2 in two tribal populations from Central India
Q72003841DR beta 1 allelic distribution in the Spanish population
Q35203642Decreased HLA heterogeneity in parents of children with Down syndrome
Q70696981Dental racial characteristics in 3 contemporary populations of Western Susque (Jujuy, Argentina)
Q71807672Departure from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium should be systematically tested in studies of association between genetic markers and disease
Q67020382Dependency of Concordance Probability on Gene Frequencies in Genetic Systems for the Diagnosis of Twin Zygosity. A Graphical Presentation Enabling the Rapid, Optimal Choice of Genetic System
Q39313529Detection of mucopolysaccharidosis gene carriers by a modified method of toluidine blue staining of the blood smear
Q36524501Detection of the Fixation Coefficient F from MNS Blood Group Data
Q41736466Determination of phenotypes of esterases (Set) in fresh saliva and saliva stains by disc electrophoresis and the distribution of Set phenotypes in the Japanese population
Q40631821Development of a real‐time RT‐PCR assay for the quantification of the most frequent MLL/AF9 fusion types resulting from translocation t(9;11)(p22;q23) in acute myeloid leukemia
Q34654082Developmental implications of multiple tissue studies in glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase-deficient heterozygotes
Q35098206Deviations from Hardy-Weinberg Frequencies Caused by Assortative Mating in Hybrid Populations
Q54062125Differences among Yanomama Indian villages: Do the patterns of allele frequencies, anthropometrics and map locations correspond?
Q40624750Different phenotypes of the group-specific component (Gc) in chimpanzees
Q35202733Dissection of a continuous distribution: red cell galactokinase activity in blacks
Q39989908Distribution of Adenylate Kinase and Phosphoglucomutase Isoenzymes in the Population of the City of New York
Q44412034Distribution of DRD4 and DAT1 alleles from dopaminergic system in a mixed Chilean population
Q67712258Distribution of Gm and Inv Factors in Two Samples of the Greek Population
Q44125927Distribution of HLA Antigens in Zoroastrians
Q39536281Distribution of HLA Antigens in a Mexican-American Population and a Comparison with Two Similar Populations from Different Geographical Locales
Q67434394Distribution of HLA antigens in Polish and German populations in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Q66957431Distribution of Haptoglobin Subtypes in French Basques
Q57223660Distribution of ORM1, C6, C7 and APO C-II allele frequencies in populations from mainland Italy and Sardinia
Q54749951Distribution of allele frequencies of one VNTR and two STR loci in five population groups of South India
Q35084221Distribution of allelic frequencies in a finite population under stepwise production of neutral alleles
Q43932632Distribution of blood groups among Indians in South America. VI. In Paraguay
Q47917663Distribution of enzyme groups and serum proteins in a North German population
Q70483333Distribution of gene frequencies in a geographically structured finite population. I. Distribution of neutral genes and of genes with small efect
Q69421690Distribution of gene frequencies in a geographically structured population III. Distribution of deleterious genes and genetic correlation between different localities
Q70483337Distribution of gene frequencies in a geographically structured population: II.Distribution of deleterious genes and of lethal genes
Q41821274Distribution of gene frequency as a test of the theory of the selective neutrality of polymorphisms
Q67527403Distribution of human blood group ABO, Rh, MN, and ABO(H) secretion in 9 endogamous group of Kumbhars from Maharashtra
Q72010645Distribution of the Gc Serum Types in Finland
Q44253854Distribution of the blood groups of the Norwegian Lapps
Q54098771Distribution of the group specific (Gc) serum component in the populations of the Markham Valley, New Guinea
Q35232553Distribution of the group-specific components in Greece
Q35196418Distribution of three alpha-chain beta-hexosaminidase A mutations among Tay-Sachs carriers
Q71081209Distribution of transferrin alleles in a population of Polish Merino sheep in the region of lower Silesia
Q69759093Distributions of time to fixation of neutral genes
Q44138398Dominant and recessive effects of induced lethals in female mice by exposure to gamma-irradiation during the 10th to 14th day of intrauterine life
Q66982054Dominant cataract mutations induced by gamma-irradiation of male mice
Q67016901Dose-response relationships and R.B.E. values of dominant lethals induced by X-rays and 1.5-MeV neutrons in prophase-1 oocytes and in mature sperm of the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae Koch (acari, tetranychidae)
Q52812045Drift variances of FST and GST statistics obtained from a finite number of isolated populations
Q58976433Dry Cerumen—a Prevalent Genetic Trait among American Indians
Q67543832Duffy system distribution in Spanish population (author's transl)
Q34015752Dynamics of a lactate dehydrogenase polymorphism in the wood louse Porcellio scaber latr.: evidence for partial assortative mating and heterosis in natural populations
Q52429470Dynamics of correlated genetic systems. II. Simulation studies of chromosomal segments under selection
Q39693974Ecologically conditioned changes in gene frequencies for polymorphic systems in the nonnative population of the northeastern USSR
Q28280621Effect of overall phenotypic selection on genetic change at individual loci
Q37460915Effect of temporal fluctuation of selection coefficient on gene frequency in a population
Q52431729Effect of the genetic background on recombination frequency in the cn-vg region of the second chromosome of natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster
Q35202723Effects of reproductive compensation and genetic drift on X-linked lethals
Q33843967Effects of various medical and social pracitices on the frequency of genetic disorders
Q35202491Efficiency and robustness of pedigree segregation analysis
Q42980239Electrophoretic differences between sympatric ecotypes
Q41072833Enzyme Polymorphism and Species Discrimination in Fruit Flies of the Genus Dacus (Tephritidae)
Q41069144Enzyme polymorphisms: gene frequency distributions with mutation and selection for optimal activity
Q69422567Epigenetic skeletal features in population comparison. 3. Correlation between epigenetic distance and the grade of allopatry
Q33959525Epistasis and the genetic divergence of photoperiodism between populations of the pitcher-plant mosquito, Wyeomyia smithii
Q27021805Epistasis and the sensitivity of phenotypic screens for beta thalassaemia
Q33984439Equilibrium, convergence and stability at a sex-linked locus under natural selection
Q39190150Erythrocyte glyoxalase I polymorphism in several population groups in Israel
Q69786998Erythrocytic glutamatic-pyrivic-transaminase (E.C. and gene frequency in Northern Germany (author's transl)
Q36516531Esterase D polymorphism: Gene frequencies and family data
Q43639265Esterase D polymorphism: High-voltage agarose-gel electrophoresis and distribution of phenotypes in different European populations
Q30658468Esterase D: Some Population and Formal Genetical Data
Q33990737Esterase gene frequency differences and linkage equilibrium in Drosophila virilis populations from different ecological habitats
Q35232067Estimating the effective size of human populations
Q41012522Estimation of Haplotype Frequency and Linkage Disequilibrium Parameter in the HLA System1
Q35197126Estimation of Hardy-Weinberg and pairwise disequilibrium in the apolipoprotein AI-CIII-AIV gene cluster
Q33953810Estimation of allele frequencies at isoloci
Q30744243Estimation of gene frequencies from segregation data and a study of selection in ABO blood groups
Q67775714Estimation of gene frequencies using the mother-child stochastic matrix (author's transl)
Q67276056Estimation of the frequency of recessive X-chromosome-associated traits among females
Q35199739Estimation of the marker gene frequency and linkage disequilibrium from conditional marker data
Q72394603Estimation of the probability of paternity. II. Blood groups of the P, Kell and Duffy systems and serum systems Hp, Gm, Ge, and Inu
Q67434390Ethnic communities in Israel: the genetic blood markers of the Babylonian Jews
Q38914471Ethnic communities in Israel: the genetic blood markers of the Moroccan Jews
Q47199225Ethnic distribution of allele aLELY, a low‐expression allele of red‐cell spectrin a‐gene
Q52438548Eukaryotic evolution based on information in chromosomes on allele frequencies
Q33991220Evidence for coadaptation: negative correlation between lethal genes and polymorphic inversions in Drosophila melanogaster
Q68450744Evidence for random genetic drift in laboratory populations of Drosophila ananassae
Q37321984Evidence for selection by male mating success in natural populations of Drosophila pseudoobscura
Q41516960Evidence that Enzyme Polymorphisms Are Selectively Neutral, but Blood Group Polymorphisms Are Not
Q52461633Evolution of the third kind
Q40749634Evolutionary drift of the argF and argI genes. Coding for isoenzyme forms of ornithine transcarbamylase in E. coli K12
Q52745495Exact Significance Levels of Goodness-of-Fit Tests for the Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
Q44872470Exact calculation of gene frequency (q2 - q+pq = 0)
Q33992152Experimental population genetics of meiotic drive systems. I. Pseudo-Y chromosomal drive as a means of eliminating cage populations of Drosophila melanogaster
Q52807520F-statistics and analysis of gene diversity in subdivided populations
Q68259405Family diffusion of HBs antigen
Q52859976Fibrinogen genes and peripheral arterial disease
Q41538320Finger ridge-count variability in Sub-Saharan Africa
Q36516329Fitting of multifactor models to family data
Q52744274Fixation of Genes Having Large or Small Effects on a Trait with an Intermediate Optimum
Q31042608Fixed-bin analysis for statistical evaluation of continuous distributions of allelic data from VNTR loci, for use in forensic comparisons
Q72058245Forensic DNA typing using AmpliType PM (Amp-PM) kit--allele frequency distributions of the five marker loci in Japanese population, and evaluation of Amp-PM markers for typing of saliva stain and hair
Q47918009Frequencies of ABO system blood groups and haptoglobins in Uzbekistan. The problems of sampling studies
Q51835864Frequencies of Bcl I, E22E, and N363S of h-GR/NR3C1 restriction fragment length polymorphisms of glucocorticoid receptor gene in Polish adult population
Q52751607Frequencies of Pseudocholinesterase Variants in Icelanders, Greeks and Pakistanis
Q33959815Frequencies of mitochondrial DNA haplotypes in laboratory cage populations of the mosquito, Aedes albopictus
Q72030996Frequencies of polymorphisms in the rhodopsin gene of Japanese retinitis pigmentosa and normal individuals
Q41736457Frequencies of salivary genetic marker systems in the Japanese population and their application to forensic medicine
Q67737657Frequencies of types and Gm gene complexes in the Polish population
Q67429457Frequencies of various birth defects of Targhee and Columbia sheep
Q93796348Frequency and distribution of ABO and RHO(D) blood groups in Shiraz
Q41074808Frequency and heredity of ADA types in the Polish population
Q46202071Frequency distribution and discrimination probability of twelve protein genetic variants in human blood as functions of race, sex, and age
Q66943780Frequency distribution of histocompatibility-2 antigenic specificities in the Japanese wild mouse genetically remote from the European subspecies
Q70985011Frequency distributions for chloroplast genes in Chlamydomonas zygote clones: Evidence for random drift
Q72315501Frequency of Atypical Pseudocholinesterase in Groups of Individuals of Different Ethnographical Origin
Q72605285Frequency of Gc Alleles and a Variant Gc Allele in Iceland
Q66942405Frequency of Glutathione Reductase, Pyruvate Kinase and Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency in a Spanish Population
Q42084218Frequency of HL-A genes, phenotypes and haplotypes among Moscow residents
Q79083761Frequency of HLA class 1 and 2 alleles in Brazilian patients with AIDS and cytomegalovirus retinitis
Q48179610Frequency of HLA-DPB1 alleles, including a novel DPB1 sequence, in the Northern Ireland population
Q70488573Frequency of Hemoglobin Types in Five Breeds of Sheep
Q43854310Frequency of X-chromatin in pregnant women during the second trimester of gestation
Q46006626Frequency of color genes in Faeroe Islands sheep
Q39779595Frequency of genes and blood groups of the systems ABO, MN, Rh and P of Belorussians and Poles in the Grodno region
Q39977529Frequency of genes and heredity of AK types in the Polish population
Q50574085Frequency of hemochromatosis mutation (HFE) in the Danish population
Q39707728Frequency of locus E1 variants of plasma butyrylcholinesterase in a French population
Q41665713Frequency of the Tay-Sachs disease splice and insertion mutations in the UK Ashkenazi Jewish population
Q54242561Frequency of the XbaI, EcoRI, PvuII and MspI polymorphisms of the apolipoprotein B gene in relation to hypercholesterolaemia in the general population
Q41514444Frequency of the gene for cystic fibrosis with a view of replacement and recognition effects and reproduction by homozygotes
Q68296296Frequency of the phenylalanine deletion (ΔF508) in the CF gene of Belgian cystic fibrosis patients
Q66706892Fucosidosis in Calabria: founder effect or high gene frequency
Q36555828Further Data on the Genetics of the ABO-, MN- and PTC-Systems of the Norwegian Lapps
Q28274110Further data on mitochondrial malic enzyme in man
Q35232544Further observations on the frequency of the Nya blood-group antigen and its genetics
Q71611363Further studies on the distribution of genetic variants of lactate dehydrogenase in India
Q54085524G-6PD deficiencyamong lepers and healthy people in Brazil
Q45105211GLO I and Bf phenotype distribution in a West German population sample
Q44714047GM and KM allotypes and GM RFLP allogenotypes in Micronesians from Nauru
Q54344872GPT system, with special reference to the silent gene GPT
Q38951977Gc (vitamin D binding protein) subtype polymorphism and variants distribution among Saharan, Middle East, and African populations
Q71275315Gc Polymorphism in Venezuelan Mestizos
Q71139751Gene E1 of serum pseudo-cholinesterase (A.C.A.H.) in American Indians
Q72060613Gene Frequencies in the Cat Population of a French Rural District
Q58958147Gene Frequencies of ABO Blood Groups with Partial Sub-classification of One Allele
Q67927241Gene and genotypic frequency and percent of bitter tasters of phenyl-thiocarbamide in a student community of different castes
Q44500540Gene differentiation in three tribes of American Indians
Q38573735Gene diversity at allozyme loci in the cottonwood leaf beetle,Chrysomela scripta
Q52803661Gene diversity in Indian populations
Q53776433Gene dosage studies with pleiotropic mutants of Serratia marcescens superactive in the synthesis of marcescin A and certain other exocellular proteins
Q37594759Gene duplication in tetraploid fish: model for gene silencing at unlinked duplicated loci
Q67057369Gene flow and genetic drift in a species subject to frequent local extinctions
Q33990631Gene flow and selection in a natural population of Drosophila melanogaster
Q47297972Gene flow in the Pleistocene
Q66848728Gene frequences in Icelandic cats
Q44128135Gene frequencies and admixture estimates in the state of Puebla, Mexico
Q40734478Gene frequencies and genetic linkage disequilibrium for the HLA-linked genes Bf, C2, C4S, C4F, 21-hydroxylase deficiency, and glyoxalase I
Q32094095Gene frequencies and linkage data on EsD in man
Q53983201Gene frequencies and racial intermixture in a Mestizo population from Mexico City
Q54749907Gene frequencies for two Y-chromosomal STR loci in Chinese population
Q67684122Gene frequencies in the HL-A system in blood samples from Schleswig-Holstein
Q67577331Gene frequencies in the cat deme of Tampa, Florida
Q69664411Gene frequencies in the cat population of The Hague
Q41029619Gene frequencies in the domestic cats of Reno, Nevada: confirmation of a recent hypothesis
Q43928684Gene frequencies of an isolated population of Drosophila pseudoobscura
Q43430579Gene frequencies of blood groups in Dutch swine breeds
Q40132427Gene frequencies of both forms of galactosaemia in the western Hungarian province of Vas (author's transl)
Q72632791Gene frequencies of pancreatic amylase (Amy2) in Western Germany (D�sseldorf region)
Q71582121Gene frequencies of red cell adenosine deaminase, adenylate kinase, phosphoglucomutase, acid phosphatase and serum ?1-antitrypsin (Pi) in a German population
Q40009831Gene frequencies of red cell adenylate kinase and adenosine deaminase in the population of Northern Bavaria (Germany) (author's transl)
Q72931291Gene frequencies of red-cell uridine-5-monophosphate Kinase (UMPK) in Western Germany (D�sseldorf region)
Q41485882Gene frequencies of six serum and enzymatic genetic systems (Hp, Gc, AP, PGM, Amy 1, Amy 2) in the population of Upper Kysuca Region (author's transl)
Q53685284Gene frequencies of soluble glutamic-pyruvic-transaminase in a northern German population (Hamburg)
Q69668863Gene frequencies of some enzyme polymorphisms in Mediterranean countries (author's transl)
Q70747435Gene frequencies of transferrin (TfC) subtypes in Western Germany (D�sseldorf region)
Q72149478Gene frequencies ofPl alleles for the alkaline phosphatase of human placenta in a random sample of the population of Rome
Q41497675Gene frequency and fitness change in an age-structured population
Q72469958Gene frequency clines of the beta-hemoglobin locus in various human populations and their simulation by models involving differential selection
Q42973959Gene frequency distributions as a test of selective neutrality
Q39211153Gene frequency estimates for samples of black and white twins from the Philadelphia metropolitan area
Q72138468Gene frequency estimation by a counting method
Q69454682Gene frequency of hereditary galactosemia with reference to the Duarte variant
Q67591405Gene frequency patterns in the Levene subdivided population model
Q47342099Gene geography of South America: testing models of population displacement based on archeological evidence
Q35570578General models for segregation analysis
Q67584210Genes and people in the Caspian Littoral: a population genetic study in Northern Iran
Q59065377Genetic Differences between Cod Groups in the Lofoten Area
Q40361801Genetic Drift: The Problem and its Possible Solution by Frozen-Embryo Storage
Q45299144Genetic Polymorphisms of Sulfotransferases (SULT1A1 and SULT1A2) in a Turkish Population
Q71104892Genetic Studies of the Seneca Indians: Haptoglobins, Transferrins, G-6-PD Deficiency, Hemoglobinopathy, Color Blindness, Morphological Traits and Dermatoglyphics
Q41737270Genetic Studies on the Kolams of Andhra Pradesh, India
Q39585150Genetic Variation in the M Antigen of Group A Streptococci: Reassortment of Type-Specific Markers and Possible Antigenic Drift
Q47882527Genetic and Linguistic Affinities between Human Populations in Eurasia and West Africa
Q34654317Genetic and antigenic studies and partial purification of a human serum lipoprotein carrying the Lp antigenic determinant
Q24675144Genetic and demographic aspects of Nova Scotia Niemann-Pick disease (type D)
Q41673844Genetic composition of the Chilean population: the Yamanas from Ukika
Q41829180Genetic differentiation of blood polymorphic systems among three isolated human populations in central Japan
Q52427671Genetic distance of the malarial mosquitoes, Anopheles beklemishevi and Anopheles messeae (Diptera, Culiccidae), and their intraspecific polymorphism
Q41615470Genetic divergence of insular populations of deer mice
Q28741369Genetic diversity in India and the inference of Eurasian population expansion
Q53166989Genetic diversity in spawning cod along the Norwegian coast
Q67556504Genetic drift and the response to selection in simulated populations: the simulation model and gene and genotype responses
Q33990835Genetic drift in a cline
Q68111051Genetic drift in an outbred stock of mice
Q41921420Genetic drift in clines which are maintained by migration and natural selection
Q52883054Genetic drift in exogamous marriage systems
Q35203143Genetic drift in sex-linked lethal disorders
Q43639950Genetic epidemiology of alpha‐1 antitrypsin deficiency in North America and Australia/New Zealand: Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States of America
Q39672420Genetic evidence of gene flow from Indians to Malays
Q35201176Genetic factors and malaria in the Temuan
Q67029125Genetic factors in spontaneous autoimmune thyroiditis in OS chickens
Q53889237Genetic frequencies of the ABO and rhesus blood groups in the Tunisian population
Q67367820Genetic investigations in a Northern Brazilian island. II. Random drift
Q40921918Genetic markers in migrants to Israel
Q47867876Genetic markers in refractory and susceptible malaria patients in village Bhanera, Distt. Ghaziabad, U.P
Q71866273Genetic polymorphism and gene geography of the indigenous population of the Ural region. I. Genetic structure of the peoples of the Ural region
Q73292476Genetic polymorphism of the thiopurine S-methyltransferase of healthy Han Chinese
Q58272390Genetic polymorphisms in Afghanistan
Q67675629Genetic polymorphisms of human parotid salivary proteins (Pa, Pb, Pr, Db and Pm) and salivary amylase isozyme in Japanese population
Q45803483Genetic recombination of Herpes simplex virus, the role of the host cell and UV-irradiation of the virus
Q44215817Genetic structure of a tribal population, the Yanomama Indians. XIII. Dental microdifferentiation
Q43675606Genetic structure of the population of Sicily
Q40635206Genetic studies in Cameroon: red cell enzyme and serum protein polymorphisms
Q39663947Genetic studies in Saudi Arabia: Red cell enzyme, haemoglobin and serum protein polymorphisms
Q35569103Genetic studies in relation to kuru. 3. Distribution of the inherited serum group-specific protein (Ge) phenotypes in New Guineans: an association of kuru and the Gc Ab phenotype
Q46354248Genetic studies in three South American black populations
Q40197923Genetic studies on the Gc subtypes
Q71517988Genetic studies on the Ge protein group system in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in adults: distribution of the characteristics of the Ge system and their heredity in three generations
Q44032590Genetic study of five populations of Bihar, India
Q58187318Genetic study of the Cuiva Indians of Venezuela
Q33993385Genetic variability and divergence in grayling, Thymallus arcticus
Q42094169Genetic variation in Hawaiian Drosophila. VIII. Heterozygosity and genic changes in isolated populations of D. engyochracea
Q46315207Genetic variation in Nigeria. I. The genetics of phenylthiourea tasting ability
Q67834853Genetic variation in composite and parental populations: expectations for levels of dominance and gene frequency1
Q52852220Genetic variation in constant environments
Q33812194Genetic variation in natural island populations of members of the Drosophila nasuta and Drosophila ananassae subgroups
Q43540879Genetic variation in the Bribri and Cabecar Amerindians from Talamanca, Costa Rica
Q71680320Genetic variation in the eel II. Transferrins, haemoglobins and esterases in the eastern North Atlantic. Possible interpretations of phenotypic frequency differences
Q40069955Genetical investigation of adenylate kinase in the population of the Lübeck area using agarose-thin-layer electrophoresis (author's transl)
Q39135740Genetics and asexual reproduction of the sea anemone Metridium senile
Q35570742Genetics of acheiropodia (the handless and footless families of Brazil). VII. Population dynamics
Q41030078Genetics of hyperuricemia in families with gout
Q37777929Genetics of unipolar major depressive disorder
Q44664346Genetics of uro-genital cancer: prostate and ovary
Q36592589Geographical cline of allele frequency of group-specific component (GC) in the Japanese populations: An analysis of data obtained by immunoelectrophoresis
Q52605920Geographical variability and subpopulational genetic organization of oak leafroller moth
Q39912108Geographical variation of lactate dehydrogenase and phosphoglucomutase in the loach Misgurnus anguillicaudatus
Q37428340Germ Line Basis for Antibody Diversity: Immunoglobulin V H - and C H -gene Frequencies Measured by DNA·RNA Hybridization
Q43975383Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency in the Albanian ethnic minority of Cosenza province, Italy
Q71065707Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency in Iraq
Q67009028Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency in Mali. Epidemiology and pathological aspects
Q70943676Glyoxalase I Polymorphism: Gene Frequencies in Two Italian Populations
Q44639058Gm and Inv Allotypes in French Guiana Indians
Q66957428Gm and Inv Allotypes in a Gypsy Sample
Q41354648Gm and Km(Inv) frequencies in two Roumanian populations
Q39168067Gm, Am and Km immunoglobulin allotypes of two populations in Tunisia
Q52409824Group selection, individual selection, and the evolution of genetic drift
Q54376951Group-Specific Component (Gc) Alleles among Haitian Immigrants
Q40685596Group-Specific Component, Alphai-Antitrypsin and Esterase D in Canadian Eskimos
Q41059816Growth of deleterious mutant genes in a large population
Q43931100H-excess A1 and Aint variants among the Bulgarian population
Q79186548HFE Gene Mutations in Chile
Q50543667HL-A Antigen, Gene, and Haplotype Frequencies in Denmark
Q39339415HL-A Antigens in a Chinese Population
Q39736179HL-A Frequencies in Down's syndrome
Q47857847HL-A Phenotype and Haplotype Frequencies in a German Population
Q43811563HL-A System in the Japanese Population 1
Q35201104HL-A antigens in North American black families
Q69585972HL-A antigens in solid tumors
Q67367240HL-A distribution amongst Bengalee population
Q47927727HL-A population studies in 445 individuals from Hamburg, respecting 8 LA and 15 Four-antigens including U 18 (W 16) and CM (W 18)
Q39570578HLA Antigens in Three Common Populations in South East Asia - Chinese, Malay and Filipino
Q72653069HLA Frequencies in a Mexican American Population
Q39592239HLA Frequencies in a Mexican Mestizo Population
Q33574409HLA antigen frequencies in flax byssinosis patients
Q44790545HLA antigen, gene, and haplotype frequencies in Thailand
Q41042617HLA antigens as possible markers of heterogeneity in schizophrenia
Q35201551HLA antigens in Japanese populations
Q28289078HLA class I and class II polymorphisms in Tunisian Berbers
Q39393204HLA frequencies among rejectors and low responders to kidney allografts
Q39581162HLA gene and haplotype frequencies in the population of southern Poland
Q46959275HLA- A, B, DR and DQ alleles study in Tunisian patients with atopic dermatitis
Q41592717HLA-A, B Haplotype Frequencies in 5,202 Unrelated Danes by a Maximum-Likelihood Method of Gene Counting
Q36820245HLA-A, B, C gene and haplotype frequencies in Vienna. An analysis of family data
Q39522097HLA-D Typing with Homozygous Cells Identified in an American Indigenous Isolate. I. Population Studies
Q51643239HLA-DQ Alleles in White and African American Patients With Juvenile-Onset Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis
Q44338755HLA-DR-DQ haplotype frequencies in a Norwegian population
Q33587664Haemoglobin D Ouled Rabah (beta 19[Bl] asn leads to lys) in a Tuareg tribe of the Southern Sahara
Q59027356Haemoglobin Types in Deer
Q44035624Haemolytic disease of the newborn due to anti-Dia and incidence of the Dia antigen in Poland
Q72313663Hairy Pinnae in Indian Populations
Q79290610Haplotype Frequency Estimation in the Presence of Genotyping Errors
Q72313652Haptoglobin Phenotype and Gene Frequencies in the Population of Rome
Q71275291Haptoglobin Types in Gypsies from Slovakia (Czechoslovakia)
Q72315506Haptoglobin Types in the Population of the Gran Canaria
Q45891341Haptoglobin subtypes (study conducted at Budapest)
Q40627038Haptoglobin subtypes in Hungary
Q44374593Haptoglobin subtypes in a Bengalee population sample
Q48030543Haptoglobin types in Hungary
Q42108985Hb E gene in imphal, manipur (India)
Q34244834Hemoglobin E: Distribution and population dynamics
Q67243285Hemoglobin S and Some Other Hemoglobinopathies in Eti-Turks
Q93819843Hemoglobin and transferrin systems and concentration of some minerals in the blood of cows
Q39982095Hemoglobinopathies: genetics and implications for studies of human reproduction
Q68259409Hepatitis B and ratio of masculinity
Q39043897Hereditary blood factors of North Sinai inhabitants
Q67757179Hereditary retinoblastoma: penetrance, expressivity and age of onset
Q39156941Heterogeneous heterozygosities in Mus musculus populations
Q72204269Heterozygous advantage and its relationship to increased heterozygote fertility
Q33986327Heterozygous effects and frequency changes of lethal genes in populations
Q72053276High frequency of HLA DQA1*0301 in Yakuts: no correlation with IDDM incidence
Q44740745High gene frequency of factor XI (PTA) deficiency in Ashkenazi Jews
Q52710835High mutant gene frequencies in a population of Drosophila immigrans
Q40700789Highland and Lowland Populations of Lesotho
Q35570225Histocompatibility antigens in a genetically isolated American indian tribe
Q39038758Histocompatibility-2 system in wild mice. X. Frequencies of H-2 and Ia antigens in wild mice from Europe and Africa
Q44302113Holzinger's HC Revised
Q40178452Homozygosity of adenylate kinase allele 3: Two cases
Q47762457Hopi Indians, Inbreeding, and Albinism
Q33990515How many genes are selected in populations of Dacus oleae
Q72395531Human Leukocyte Antigenic Specificity HL-A3: Frequency of Occurrence
Q71866790Human Platelet Antigen Gene Frequencies in the Austrian Population
Q33668919Human acetylator polymorphism: estimate of allele frequency in Libya and details of global distribution
Q35570917Human erythrocyte galactokinase and galactose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase: a population survey
Q44938499Human leukocyte A and B antigen, gene and haplotype frequencies in the population of the city of São Paulo in Brazil
Q41817990Human mitochondrial glutamic-oxaloacetic-transaminase, GOTM: Formal genetics
Q50543101Human red cell acid phosphatase: quantitative evidence of a silent gene PO, and a Danish population study
Q39800589Huntington's disease (chorea) in New York State. Approximate gene prevalence in New York City and on Long Island
Q42909036Hypervariability in a minisatellite 3' of the apolipoprotein B gene: Allelic distribution and influence on lipid profiles in Han Children from central China
Q39220338Hypohaptoglobinemia in rural and urban populations of Bahia state, Brazil
Q53162939H‐2 Antigen Frequencies Among Wild Mice From Chile
Q90338970IGF1 polymorphisms and colon cancer risk in Tunisian population
Q94581845IGF1 polymorphisms and colon cancer risk in Tunisian population
Q72774462Identification of PGM, (Phosphoglucomutase EC by Isoelectric Focusing in a Swedish Population
Q39208573Identification of a new serum protein polymorphism as transferrin
Q33719613Identifying disease polymorphisms from case–control genetic association data
Q53802841Identity of genes by descent within and between populations under mutation and migration pressures
Q39593997Immunogenetic studies on wild pigs in Japan
Q48473944Immunogenetics of a thymus antigen in lymphoma-prone and lymphoma-resistant colonies of wild mice
Q67367822Immunoglobulin Gm and Km genetic markers in Vietnamese
Q46902359Immunoglobulin allotypes in African populations. I. Gm--Am haplotypes in a Nigerian population
Q44863817Immunoglobulin haplotypes of two population groups in Iran
Q24618492In search of low-frequency and rare variants affecting complex traits
Q66941954In vivo point-mutation systems
Q71718578Incidence of C and c genes (Carabelli's complex) in the present population of Pastos Chicos Valley (Jujuy, Argentina)
Q71835176Incidence of Gm-1 in Indians in Bombay
Q68120622Incidence of cystic fibrosis in Saguenay-Lac-St.-Jean (Quebec, Canada)
Q33588368Incidence, prevalence, and gene frequency studies of chronic childhood spinal muscular atrophy
Q39339368Inclusion Analysis of FifthHistocompatibility TestingWorkshop Sera in 25 Populations
Q36549305Incomplete family data, selection and population studies of transferrins and blood groups in cattle
Q39536413Increased Frequency of HLA-DRW4 in Chronic Active Hepatitis
Q39570585Increased Frequency of HLA-Dw3 in North-American Black Patients with Juvenile Onset Diabetes
Q67566586Increased HLA-B7 antigen frequency in South Carolina blacks in association with sarcoidosis
Q67518569Increased frequency of the long (S) allotype of CR1 (the C3b/C4b receptor, CD35) in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus
Q33957666Inferring the evolutionary histories of the Adh and Adh-dup loci in Drosophila melanogaster from patterns of polymorphism and divergence
Q33958588Influence of gene flow and breeding tactics on gene diversity within populations
Q44417626Influence of the polymorphism of apolipoprotein E in cerebral vascular disease
Q69401235Influencing of the human gene pool by modern medicine
Q68232669Inheritance of sperm head abnormality types in mice - the role of the Y chromosome
Q66703981Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and properdin factor B
Q71080706Interaction and gene association and dispersion in diallel crosses where gene frequencies are unequal
Q54060237Intermixture and Selection
Q66971493Interpopulation variability in gene frequencies between neighbouring villages (author's transl)
Q37601894Interspecific cytoplasmic gene flow in the absence of nuclear gene flow: evidence from Drosophila
Q67689986Intra and intertribal genetic variation within a linguistic group: the Ge-speaking indians of Brazil
Q43631140Inverting the information matrix in gene-frequency estimation in systems like ABO
Q47966028Investigations on the Occurrence of Glucose-6-Phosphate-Dehydrogenase Deficiency in Hungary
Q71275283Isolation by Distance in Japan and Sweden Compared with Other Countries
Q33989664Isozyme allelic frequencies related to selection and gene-flow hypotheses
Q33988558Isozyme frequency patterns in Drosophila pavani associated with geographical and seasonal variables
Q67740215Juvenile diabetes mellitus: HLA-antigen frequencies dependent on the age of onset of the disease
Q47285513Kin selection in density regulated populations
Q70602919Kinetic Path of Genes Undergoing Selection
Q52533606Kinship and covariance
Q36685608Korean population data on the PCR-based loci LDLR, GYPA, HBGG, D7S8, Gc, HLA-DQA1, and D1S80
Q70967162LDH calcutta-1: A mutation of the B subunit of human lactate dehydrogenase
Q45165525Lack of association between type 1 diabetes and the glucokinase gene
Q67362735Lack of linkage between hereditary angioedema and the A and B loci of the HLA system
Q35570115Large deviations in the distribution of rare genes
Q67745627Letter: Gene frequency of sucrase-isomaltase deficiency
Q54475591Letter: The Duffy system. Gene frequencies and family study
Q42150876Letters to the editors: Remarks on the Lewontin-Krakauer test
Q42111536Letters to the editors: Testing the heterogeneity of F values
Q33992159Linkage disequilibrium in natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster Seasonal variation
Q37489712Loci Differentially Affected by Selection in Two American Black Populations
Q67428598MNSs and Miltenberger Frequencies in 211 Chinese
Q42930065Maintenance of genetic variation with a frequency-dependent selection model as compared to the overdominant model
Q42763218Maximum likelihood analysis of population differences in allelic frequencies
Q52812052Mean and variance of FST in a finite number of incompletely isolated populations
Q37599082Mechanism of a case of genetic coadaptation in populations of Drosophila melanogaster
Q52109415Mental retardation and multiple congenital anomalies of unknown etiology: frequency of occurrence in similarly affected sibs of the proband
Q44273365Microevolutionary change in arikara crania: A multivariate analysis
Q44267262Mid-Phalangeal Hair, Hand Clasping and Handedness Among Khatris and Baniyas of Patiala, India
Q48063232Mitochondrial DNA-Based Genetic Structure Analysis of Pudong White Pigs
Q72125520Mixed Self- and Cross-Fertilization in a Tetrasomic Species
Q41505969Models of parent-offspring conflict. II. Promiscuity
Q70506293Models of race and cline
Q54103947Molecular exploration of the R91W (RPE65 gene) in Tunisian patients with early onset retinal dystrophy and early onset retinitis pigmentosa
Q35077077Moments for sum of an arbitrary function of gene frequency along a stochastic path of gene frequency change
Q66843524Monomorphism and heterozygosity
Q43931179Mutant allele frequencies in domestic cat populations of six Soviet cities
Q52788578Mutation rates from rare variants of proteins in Indian tribes
Q68042485Myasthenia gravis and HLA phenotypes in Jamaicans
Q52433210New studies of the alcohol dehydrogenase cline in D. melanogaster from Mexico
Q42039823Nonrandom distribution of Gm haplotypes in East Asia
Q43143488Number of independent genes examined in family surveys and its effect on gene frequency estimation
Q72518907Obstructive Lung Disease and α 1 -Antitrypsin Deficiency Gene Heterozygosity
Q71843111Occurrence, inheritance and gene frequencies of the blood group factor A hel in swine with special reference to the dilution of the Helix extract
Q41714068Oka: An Erythrocytic Antigen of High Frequency
Q52885550On estimating the frequency of a recessive gene in a random mating population
Q67338238On measuring genetic distance by selection intensity
Q67324539On sojourn times at particular gene frequencies
Q71680673On the Effects of Genetic Counselling on Gene Frequencies
Q39571312On the distribution of some genetic markers in Libya
Q72363878On the frequencies of serum protein polymorphism Hp, Gc, Gm, InV and Lp in Greece
Q46813533On the geographical variability of the red cell PGM1 and acid phosphatase gene frequencies
Q66993298On the nature of sickle-cell disease in the Arabian Peninsula
Q44285624On the population genetics of acid phosphatase in erythrocytes (E C phenotype and allele frequency in Southwestern Germany
Q72072987On the population genetics of adenylate kinase: gene frequency in a Southwestern German sample
Q44840932On the population genetics of phenylketonuria in the G.D.R
Q43449288On the statistics of the ?genetic fingerprint?
Q72420050On the theory of artificial selection in finite populations
Q44720171On two models for the frequency distribution of lethals in Drosophila observed in F3s derived from a single F1 gonadal mosaic female, and the transmissibility
Q52445755Origin of Stable Flies (Diptera: Muscidae) on West Florida Beaches: Electrophoretic Analysis of Dispersal
Q44888058Origin of the Koreans: a population genetic study
Q67941199Origin of the Romany gypsies--genetic evidence
Q35246654Orosomucoid (ORM) typing by isoelectric focusing: evidence for an additional duplicated ORM1 locus haplotype and close linkage of two ORM loci
Q67436913PGM1 subtyping by means of acid starch gel electrophoresis
Q44441372PON1-192 Phenotype and Genotype Assessments in 918 Subjects of the Stanislas Cohort Study
Q41496193PTC-Tasting ability in populations living in Kirghizia with special reference to hypersensitivity: Its relation to sex and age
Q44664203Pancreatic amylase polymorphism: another example of a distinctive gene frequency among Sardinians
Q44741445Partial gene duplication and posterior pituitary peptide
Q67017215Penetrance of gene for absent c-triradius from 567 sets of monozygotic twins
Q70696986Permanent dentition of the contemporary population of Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes (Salta, Argentina)
Q40685609Phenotype and Gene Distribution of Alpha-1-Antitrypsin in a North Italian Population
Q71681474Phenotype and gene frequencies of polymorphic serum proteins in the pig
Q53563239Phenotypic drift and clonal variation in differentiation antigen expression on AKR T-cell lymphoma lines grown in vitro
Q67663893Phenotypic frequencies of SGPT and C3 fraction of complement in a Parisian population
Q67383499Phenylthiocarbamide Taste Threshold Distribution Among the Rastogis of India
Q59085496Phosphoglucomutase Frequencies in Habbanite Jews and Icelanders
Q53972594Phosphoglucomutase polymorphism detected by isoelectric focusing: gene frequencies, evolution and linkage
Q39191382Phosphoglucomutase, adenylate kinase and acid phosphatase polymorphism in some Jewish populations of Israel
Q67600061Phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI) variants in the Netherlands
Q54142723Pi Phenotypes in Greeks
Q70510367Pi system in Norman and Amerindian populations
Q71618214Placental alkaline phosphatase polymorphism in some Italian populations
Q36523383Placental alkaline phosphatase: Population studies in Sardinia and data on the anthropological value of this genetic marker
Q62495687Plasma Cholinesterase Studies on South-Eastern Bantu of Mozambique
Q67777105Plasma cholinesterase variants - an unexpectedly high incidence of the silent allele
Q72173104Plasma transferrin phenotype and gene frequencies in the population of Rome (Italy)
Q46413630Plasminogen (PLG) gene frequencies in the Iberian Peninsula: heterogeneity analysis
Q82228959Platelet polymorphisms: Frequency distribution and association with coronary artery disease in an Indian population
Q42079234Polymorphism and predictability at the alpha-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase locus in Colias butterflies: gradients in allele frequency within single populations
Q69466900Polymorphism at the molecular level of genes that determine erythrocyte acid phosphatase in the population of the Peruvian plateau
Q33991702Polymorphism in a cyclic parthenogenetic species: Simocephalus serrulatus
Q41560742Polymorphism in the Australian Acrididæ II. Changes in colour pattern gene frequencies in the plague locust, Chortoicetes terminifera
Q45170594Polymorphism of ABO, MN, rhesus and P blood groups among four east Georgian populations
Q67380670Polymorphism of Esterase D in Some Population Groups in Japan
Q69409725Polymorphisms and genetic affinities of the Ainu of Hokkaido
Q67921463Polymorphisms of the enzyme systems galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase (GALT) and esterase D (EsD) in the province of Cádiz, southern Spain
Q35202157Polymorphisms of the haptoglobin peptide chains in Pyrenean populations
Q36585505Population Data for the Transferrin Variants in the Australian Merino
Q30881939Population data of the STRs D2S1338 and D19S433 from northeast of Spain
Q30784675Population data on the AmpFlSTR SGM plus PCR amplification kit in Germans and Austrians
Q53165284Population differences of aspartate aminotransferase and peptidase in the bay mussel Mytilus edulis
Q66942382Population frequency distribution of erythrocyte glyoxylase I (EC in the greater Detroit area
Q30784669Population genetic data of eight tetrameric short tandem repeats (STRs) in Casablanca resident population to use in forensic casework
Q36515140Population genetic data on properdin factor B (Bf) in Northern Germany
Q54749915Population genetics for the CODIS core STR loci in the population of Northeastern Poland
Q39070513Population genetics in the American tropics. v. the sterility content in the second chromosomes ofDrosophila melanogaster from Fusagasugá, Colombia
Q35202036Population genetics in the province of Ferrara. I. Genetic distances and geographic distances
Q33993522Population genetics of Drosophila amylase. II. Geographic patterns in D. pseudoobscura
Q41065341Population genetics of a "colonising" lizard: natural selection for allozyme morphs in Anolis grahami
Q38971535Population genetics of abnormal haemoglobins in Burkina Faso, West Africa
Q72423949Population genetics of adenosine deaminase (EC: Gene frequencies in Southwestern Germany
Q33990984Population genetics of euphydryas butterflies. I Genetic variation and the neutrality hypothesis
Q53649752Population genetics of nine STR loci: TH01, TPOX, CSF1PO, vWA, FESFPS, F13A01, D13S317, D7S820 and D16S539 in a Korean population
Q72423957Population genetics of red cell acid phosphatase (EC: Frequencies of phenotypes and alleles in Czechoslovakia
Q67291310Population genetics of red cell and serum markers in the four Albanian communities of Molise, Italy
Q45416370Population genetics of red cell glyoxalase I (E.C.: Gene frequencies in southwestern Germany
Q72072985Population genetics of red cell phosphoglucomutase (E C Gene frequencies in Southwestern Germany
Q70665484Population genetics of soluble glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (EC: Gene frequencies in Southwestern Germany
Q39244294Population genetics ofPlasmodium falciparumwithin a malaria hyperendemic area
Q71745088Population systems and their structural components. Genetic stability and variability
Q52868676Power of assaying inbreeding through sampling of phenotypes and mating types
Q67339550Predominance of the haemoglobin E gene in a mongoloid population in Assam (India)
Q78884267Preliminary Observations on Haemoglobin Gene Frequencies in the Lake Chad Region
Q39582465Preliminary surveys for the prevalence of the thalassaemia genes in some African populations
Q43485440Prevalence of malaria in Ao Nagas and its association with G6PD and HbE
Q36455387Principal axis analysis of gene frequency data
Q35111598Probability of Gene Fixation in an Expanding Finite Population
Q47376299Probability of fixation of genes in populations of variable size
Q43988455Progress in the neutral mutation - random drift controversy
Q72363875Pseudocholinesterase-variants in Thailand and Japan
Q72352134Pseudocholinesterases and human red cell acid phosphatases in Koreans
Q36494871Puzzling role of genetic risk factors in human longevity: "risk alleles" as pro-longevity variants
Q41984025Quantitative evidence of a silent gene Po of human red cell acid phosphatase in south Polish population
Q46327934Quantitative study of the ABO system in several groups of African populations
Q68505497Random genetic drift inferred from surnames in Old Colony Mennonites
Q39799452Randomness tests on the sequence of ascal segregation classes in Neurospora crassa
Q29583867Rare and low-frequency coding variants alter human adult height
Q44035320Rates of change in gene frequency in tetrasomic organisms
Q70746296Rates of the schizophrenic genotype in relatives of psychotic persons
Q43799742Real frequency of weak B phenotype
Q46439506Red Cell Glutamate-Pyruvate Transaminase Gene Frequencies in Gambia, West Africa
Q72348489Red Cell and Saliva Studies for the Evaluation of ABH and Lewis Factors Among the Caucasian and Aboriginal Populations of Western Australia
Q72203106Red cell blood groups of the Peruvian Cashinahua
Q67685856Red cell enzyme types in psoriasis
Q67301777Red cell esterase-D polymorphism in the population of Tuscany
Q44826188Red cell glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency and haemoglobin variants among ten endogamous groups of Maharshtra and West Bengal
Q47846508Red cell glutamic-pyruvic transaminase gene frequencies in the region of the Po delta (Ferrara, Northern Italy)
Q44118779Red cell glyoxalase I polymorphism in Japanese: confirmation of a low GLO frequency
Q39952391Red cell uridine monophosphate kinase polymorphism in Japanese
Q41737553Relative sensitivity of electrophoretic media in the analysis of haptoglobin gene frequencies
Q39749175Representative HL-A phenotype and haplotype frequencies of the german population
Q42126877Reproductive isolation with little genetic divergence in sympatric populations of brown trout (Salmo trutta)
Q57497930Response to clopidogrel and of the cytochrome CYP2C19 gene polymorphism
Q70590782Results of haptoglobin types investigations in Hungary
Q60134939Rh Gene Frequencies in Britain
Q66984206Role of genetic drift in the high frequency of Tay-Sachs disease among Ashkenazic Jews
Q89442077Role of metalloproteinases MMP-2 in asthma
Q44204427Second, Third Locus and 4a/4b Antigen Associations in Negroids and Gaucasoids
Q41766991Selection at a multiallelic locus: Feller's transformation
Q34617364Selection in a Subdivided Population With Dominance or Local Frequency Dependence
Q71651591Selective differentiation of the ABO blood group gene frequencies in Europe
Q41596401Sequencing and population analysis of four novel HLA-DPA1 alleles
Q72672041Serological Activity of Low Frequency Antigens of the MNSs System and Reappraisal of the Miltenberger Complex
Q53975038Serum alkaline phosphatase phenotypes and secretor status in several Jewish populations in Israel
Q44701334Serum genetic markers in a Newfoundland isolate with a familial aggregate of Hodgkin's disease
Q52808574Serum markers in Portugal: C3, Gc, Hp and Tf
Q58135747Serum protein and red cell enzyme polymorphisms in Oraon tribe, India
Q33990506Sex chromosome meiotic drive systems in Drosophila melanogaster I. Abnormal spermatid development in males with a heterochromatin-deficient X chromosome (sc-4sc-8)
Q43494362Some Genetic Characteristics of the HL-A System in the Russian Population
Q44003432Some enzyme polymorphisms in Malaysian mothers and their newborn
Q70438098Some genetic studies of newborn infants
Q45071271Some observations on the dentition of an isolated group in northeast Poland
Q33965110Spatial structure of two-locus genotypes under isolation by distance
Q72391671Stability of Solutions to Certain Nonlinear Difference Equations of Population Genetics
Q72714229Staining method for oxidase activity of plasma ceruloplasmin and gene frequency of rare ceruloplasmin variants in a Chinese population
Q36273122Statistical Inference in the Wright-Fisher Model Using Allele Frequency Data
Q34539196Stepwise mutation model and distribution of allelic frequencies in a finite population
Q66927791Stochastic selection in large and small populations
Q33993893Studies of esterase-6 in Drosophila melanogaster. II. The genetics and frequency distributions of naturally occurring variants studied by electrophoretic and heat stability criteria
Q72314901Studies of natural populations of Mus. 3. Coat color polymorphisms
Q39536272Studies of the HLA-D Determinants in the Hungarian Population
Q72971946Studies of the distribution of the Hp-, Gc- and Gm-groups in Pakistan
Q72371184Studies on isoniazid conversion in Thailand
Q67383486Studies on the Geographical Distribution of Australia Antigen
Q70428687Studies on the frequencies of inborn errors of metabolism in Eastern and Western Austria
Q39894913Studies on the polymorphisms of Pi, Bf, Gm serum levels of immunoglobulins and complement components in patients with Down's syndrome and other diseases
Q69378281Study of CDE and CdE genes in several families of Parisian blood donors
Q46843641Study of an additional 58 DNA markers in five human populations from four continents
Q71980017Study of transferrin and hemoglobin types in cattle
Q39399918Sunshine and the geographical distribution of the alleles of the Gc system of plasma proteins
Q72347714Survey of the Blood Groups and PTC Taste Among the Rajbanshi Caste of West Bengal (ABO, MNS, Rh, Duffy and Diego)
Q66957120Symposium no. 13; Population genetics. Introduction by the chairman
Q28263617Syndactyly: Frequency of specific types
Q40927811Synthetic Maps of Human Gene Frequencies in Europeans
Q39706797Table of the general likelihood ratios Y/X (according to Essen-Möller) of the Rh-blood gropu system (author's transl)
Q71626422Table of variance of ABO gene frequency estimates
Q43496405Tables to calculate the probability of mono dizygoticity in twins. Study of Mexican population groups
Q72326032Taste Sensitivity to Phenylthiocarbamide among three Mongoloid Populations of the Indian Border
Q67586211Taste sensitivity to phenylthiourea (PTC), tongue rolling, and hand clasping among Peruvian and other native American populations
Q71462081Tay-Sachs Disease is Probably not Increasing
Q67664388Tay-Sachs disease: genetic drift among the Ashkenazim Jews
Q35570850Tay-Sachs disease: high gene frequency in a non-Jewish population
Q33991713Testing for selective neutrality of electrophoretically detectable protein polymorphisms
Q41060322Testing the neutral mutation hypothesis by distribution of single locus heterozygosity
Q67352139Tests for Association of Gene Frequencies at Several Loci in Random Mating Diploid Populations
Q41719291The C3 component of complement; gene frequency variation in Iraq
Q67246978The Distribution of ABO and Rh Blood Groups in North Indian Populations
Q46509565The Distribution of Genetic Polymorphisms Among Chinese in Taiwan
Q47857904The Distribution of HL-A Antigens and Genes in the Yugoslav Population
Q44788742The Distribution of Haptoglobin Subtypes in the Finnish Population
Q69445059The Distribution of the HL-A Antigens and Genes in a German Population
Q52716796The Estimation of Gene Frequency, Based on a Particular Mixed Leukocyte Culture Experiment
Q30660182The Fifth Histocompatibility Workshop gene frequency data: a phylogenetic analysis
Q67712261The Gm and Inv Factors in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Q47946063The Gm and Inv allotypes of some Ashkenazic Jews living in northern U.S.A
Q67437093The HL-A System in Thais
Q71275287The Inbreeding Coefficient in Northeastern Brazil
Q41737286The Inherited Blood Factors of Some Northern Nigerians
Q72147725The Lewis blood groups and their correlation with ABO(H) group specific substances
Q69690755The MNS groups in a population of blood donors
Q44640559The Northern and Southeastern Ojibawa: blood group systems and the causes of genetic divergence
Q38906302The Nubians of Kom Ombo: Serum and Red Cell Protein Types
Q35202176The Philadelphia variant of galactokinase
Q40099234The Polymorphism of Red Cell Uridine Monophosphate Kinase in two Samples of the Italian Population
Q52438968The Relationship between Separation Time and Genetic Distance Based on Angular Transformations of Gene Frequencies
Q70677841The Serum IgG Allotype Gm(1) in Scotland
Q43775762The TSD gene among Ashkenazic Jews: founder effect and genetic drift
Q39453797The World Distribution of the Electrophoretic Variants of the Red Cell Enzyme Esterase D
Q67675640The acetylator polymorphism in four populations of Afghanistan
Q39623347The alcohol dehydrogenase polymorphism in populations of Drosophila melanogaster. I. Selection in different environments
Q33391048The allele frequencies of HPA 1-16 determined by PCR-SSP in Chinese Cantonese donors
Q69809639The application of the HL-A-system in cases of disputed paternity. Studies on 110 families (author's transl)
Q46015732The association of HLA antigens A3, B7, and DW2 with 330 multiple sclerosis patients in the United States
Q43959535The blood groups, serum groups, red-cell isoenzymes and haemoglobins of the Sandawe and Nyaturu of Tanzania
Q43146356The ceiling principle is not always conservative in assigning genotype frequencies for forensic DNA testing
Q43581736The colour polymorphism in Enoplognatha ovatum (Clerck) (araneae: theridiidae)--temporal stability and spatial variability
Q71074306The combined effects of positive assortative mating and selection
Q47628911The contribution of ecological genetics to evolutionary theory: detecting the direct effects of natural selection on particular polymorphic loci
Q41414566The cw antigen in the population of Gorizia
Q40473561The discrimination of phenotypes for rate of disappearance of isonicotinoyl hydrazide from serum
Q41592722The distribution of HLA antigens and genes in the Greek population
Q67424571The distribution of HLA antigens in the Motilones Indians of Venezuela
Q44506099The distribution of HLA in a Polynesian population-Western Samoans
Q70900153The distribution of LH types in some North Indian populations
Q41625865The distribution of common phenotype of sperm diaphorase in the Japanese
Q46872225The distribution of haptoglobin and transferrin types in northeast New Guinea
Q36525671The distribution of red cell enzyme and serum protein groups in a population of Dani (Pit River, West Irian)
Q36525674The distribution of serum protein and enzyme groups among the Batak of Samosir Island (Sumatra, Indonesia)
Q39640861The distribution of the Rh(D) blood types in Japan
Q33985515The effect of radiation on small competing populations of Drosophila melanogaster. II. The changing frequencies of autosomal recessive lethals
Q52496481The effect of storage on the frequency of translocations in Drosophila melanogaster
Q33988869The effects of environmental heterogeneity on the genetics of finite populations
Q42200861The effects of hitchhiking on a gene for recombination
Q33993643The effects of mutagen-sensitive mutants of Drosophila melanogaster in nonmutagenized cells
Q39221082The effects of selection and human preference on coat colour gene frequencies in urban cats
Q70980537The elevator effect or a lift in a lift: How a locus in neutral equilibrium can provide a free ride for a neutral allele at another locus
Q41625931The erythrocyte acid phosphatase isoenzyme distribution among the negroid population of rhodesia
Q43834235The estimation of Wright's fixation index from genotypic frequencies
Q34015373The estimation of fitnesses from population data
Q66839102The estimation of pairwise relationships
Q33991396The evolution of one- and two-locus systems
Q42796784The first arrival time and mean age of a deleterious mutant gene in a finite population
Q82040419The fitting of gene frequencies to data on rhesus reactions
Q72051832The frequency of MCAD mutation (K329E) in the Finnish population
Q43633733The frequency of hemoglobinopathies: the results of nine years of observations
Q67565038The frequency of recessive lethal heterozygotes among inidividuals obtained from inbred strains. A random-number simulation study
Q54400358The functional polymorphism in monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 gene increases susceptibility to gastric cancer
Q50877709The gene frequency of phenylketonuria among Thai population -- a preliminary report
Q70986667The gene frequency of serum albumin variants in Chinese and the electrophoretic characterization of several serum albumin variants
Q35570591The genetic structure of a tribal population, the Yanomama Indians XI. Gene frequencies for 10 blood groups and the ABH-Le secretor traits in the Yanomama and their neighbors; the uniqueness of the tribe
Q33991033The genetic structure of a tribal population, the Yanomama Indians. XIV. Clines and their interpretation
Q41791432The genetics of Drosophila subobscura populations. IX. Studies on linkage disequilibrium in four natural populations
Q39891521The genetics of LD2. I. Gene frequency: an estimation
Q71271628The genetics of erythrocyte phosphoglucomutase. Gene frequencies and family studies in blood donors from Hessen
Q47669019The genetics of shovel shape in maxillary central incisors in man
Q71007780The in vitro transmission frequency of the t12 mutation in the mouse
Q44406710The incidence of genetic disease and the impact on man of an altered mutation rate
Q39499040The incidence of red-green colourblindness in the populations of Tripolitania, Cyrenaica and Fezzan in Libya, and of the Kikuyu, Kamba, Taita, Taveta and Luo tribes of Kenya
Q34233254The influence of cultural factors on the demography and pattern of gene flow from the Makiritare to the Yanomama Indians
Q33978893The influence of light on gene frequency changes in laboratory populations of ebony and non-ebony Drosophila melanogaster
Q35201379The karaite community of Iraq in Israel: a genetic study
Q33984719The mode of selection at the polymorphic esterase 6 locus in cage populations of Drosophila melanogaster
Q41674477The molecular basis of α-thalassemias: Frequent occurrence of dysfunctional α loci among non-Asians with Hb H disease
Q41300363The mutability of the Minute loci and sex-linked recessive lethals in Drosophila melanogaster
Q44440729The natural history of man in Shetland
Q40636880The occurrence of inter-locus disequilibrium in combinations of genetic marker systems in man. A study on material from Swedish paternity cases
Q34532438The occurrence of new mutants in the X-linked recessive Lesch-Nyhan disease
Q67837252The phenotype and gene frequencies of human platelet specific antigens among Chinese in Taiwan
Q71789475The polymorphonuclear neutrophil Fc gamma RIIIb deficiency is more frequent than hitherto assumed
Q67580647The population structure associated with the Ewens sampling formula
Q43573971The primary hereditary dystonias: genetic classification of 768 families and revised estimate of gene frequency, autosomal recessive form, and selected bibliography
Q72289388The principle of historicity in evolution
Q72420051The rate of selection advance for non-additive loci
Q67451283The relation of sex, age, smoking status, birth rank and parental ages to pseudocholinesterase activity and phenotypes in a sample of Australian Caucasian adults
Q38527013The relative numbers of different genes in exponential microbial cultures
Q68259401The role of immigration in the geographic distribution of the HBs antigen
Q67533691The role of variable selective factors in the maintainence of polymorphism in Drosophila melanogaster: models and comparison to experimental populations
Q59204207The transient distribution of allele frequencies under mutation pressure
Q54617133The use of correction factors in the determination of mutant frequencies in populations of human diploid skin fibroblasts
Q70269557The use of surnames for interpreting gene frequency distribution and past racial admixture
Q36614185The value of dual mating data in estimating genetic parameters
Q33988723The variance of the number of loci having a given gene frequency
Q41835862Theory of the allelism between Drosophila lethals collected at different times
Q72058253Three short tandem repeat loci in Japanese population
Q72562172Thyroid cancer with amyloid stroma, Sipple syndrome, congenital megacolon with plexus hyperplasia: one and the same autosomal dominant disease with complete penetrance
Q59204211Total number of individuals affected by deleterious mutant genes in a finite population
Q67865574Transferrin types in Turkish people
Q44127159Twin Azygotic Test for the Study of Hereditary Qualitative Traits in Twin Populations
Q43947099U-shaped gene frequency distributions
Q52855028Variability in the amount of heterozygosity maintained by neutral mutations
Q67828702Variability of the Rh system in a central Pyrenean population (Aran Valley)
Q33992615Variance component analysis of allozyme frequency data from eastern populations of Drosophila melanogaster
Q42159045Variance of gene frequencies from recurrent selection in finite populations
Q63916494Variation across the allele frequency spectrum
Q43521045Variation in the genetic structure of Peromyscus populations. I. Genetic heterozygosity--its relationship to adaptive divergence
Q40001878Variation of Several Erythrocyte Enzymes in the Dayaks of Sarawak
Q43945088Wandering distributions and the electrophoretic profile. II
Q45201188X-linked Blood Groups, Xg, in Australian Aborigines and New Guineans
Q47375217Y-Chromosome DNA Haplotype XI in Eastern Europe
Q67709127alpha S-and-beta casein gene frequencies in ewe and cow genome
Q67522577pMCT 118 (D1S80): a new allelic ladder and an improved electrophoretic separation lead to the demonstration of 28 alleles

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