St. John's Red Storm men's soccer

American college soccer team

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Abstract is: The St. John's Red Storm men's soccer team represents St. John's University in New York City, New York in all in NCAA Division I soccer competitions. They compete in the Big East Conference and have experienced consistent success in both conference and national competitions. From 1992 to 2013, the Red Storm went to the NCAA Division I Men's Soccer Tournament in 20 of 22 seasons, with four appearances in the College Cup semifinals and two appearances in the final, winning the national championship in 1996. The team posted 27 consecutive seasons with a win percentage of .500 or better from 1987 to 2013 before suffering three consecutive losing seasons from 2014 to 2016. In conference play, the St. John's men's soccer team has won six conference regular season championships and nine conference tournament championships; the most recent being in 2011. They are currently coached by Dave Masur who will be in his 24th season leading the Red Storm in 2014.

St. John's Red Storm men's soccer is …
instance of (P31):
college sports teamQ18558301
association football teamQ15944511

External links are
P646Freebase ID/m/0r8qftp
P856official website

P6112category for members of a teamCategory:St. John's Red Storm men's soccer playersQ8809166
P17countryUnited States of AmericaQ30
P831parent clubSt. John's Red StormQ3422788
P641sportassociation footballQ2736
P910topic's main categoryCategory:St. John's Red Storm men's soccerQ21084618

Reverse relations

season of club or team (P5138)
Q1083881081979 St. John's Redmen soccer team
Q1083881071980 St. John's Redmen soccer team
Q1083881061981 St. John's Redmen soccer team
Q1083881051982 St. John's Redmen soccer team
Q1083881041983 St. John's Redmen soccer team
Q1083881021984 St. John's Redmen soccer team
Q1083881011985 St. John's Redmen soccer team
Q1083881001986 St. John's Redmen soccer team
Q1083880991987 St. John's Redmen soccer team
Q1083880981988 St. John's Redmen soccer team
Q1083880971989 St. John's Redmen soccer team
Q1083880961990 St. John's Redmen soccer team
Q1083880951991 St. John's Redmen soccer team
Q1083880941992 St. John's Redmen soccer team
Q1083880921993 St. John's Redmen soccer team
Q1083880911994 St. John's Red Storm men's soccer team
Q1083880901995 St. John's Red Storm men's soccer team
Q1072929641996 St. John's Red Storm men's soccer team
Q1083880891997 St. John's Red Storm men's soccer team
Q1083880881998 St. John's Red Storm men's soccer team
Q1083880861999 St. John's Red Storm men's soccer team
Q1083880852000 St. John's Red Storm men's soccer team
Q1083880832001 St. John's Red Storm men's soccer team
Q1083880822002 St. John's Red Storm men's soccer team
Q1083880812003 St. John's Red Storm men's soccer team
Q1083880802004 St. John's Red Storm men's soccer team
Q1083880792005 St. John's Red Storm men's soccer team
Q1083880782006 St. John's Red Storm men's soccer team
Q1083880772007 St. John's Red Storm men's soccer team
Q1083880762008 St. John's Red Storm men's soccer team
Q1083880752009 St. John's Red Storm men's soccer team
Q1083880742010 St. John's Red Storm men's soccer team
Q1083880722011 St. John's Red Storm men's soccer team
Q1083880712012 St. John's Red Storm men's soccer team
Q1083880702013 St. John's Red Storm men's soccer team
Q1083880692014 St. John's Red Storm men's soccer team
Q1083880682015 St. John's Red Storm men's soccer team
Q1083880672016 St. John's Red Storm men's soccer team
Q1083880652017 St. John's Red Storm men's soccer team
Q1083880642018 St. John's Red Storm men's soccer team
Q1083880632019 St. John's Red Storm men's soccer team
Q1083880622020 St. John's Red Storm men's soccer team
Q1083880612021 St. John's Red Storm men's soccer team

coach of sports team (P6087)
Q108387682Bill Clarke
Q108387680Dave Masur
Q108387681Fred Agnostakis

Q1369775Steven Oldmember of sports teamP54
Q45915461996 NCAA Division I Men's Soccer ChampionshipwinnerP1346
Q21084618Category:St. John's Red Storm men's soccercategory's main topicP301
Q8809166Category:St. John's Red Storm men's soccer playerscategory combines topicsP971

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