NIOSH National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory

division of the U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

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Abstract is: The National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory (NPPTL) is a research center within the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, devoted to research on personal protective equipment (PPE). The NPPTL was created in 2001 at the request of the U.S. Congress, in response to a recognized need for improved research in PPE and technologies. It focuses on experimentation and recommendations for respirator masks, by ensuring a level of standard filter efficiency, and develops criteria for testing and developing PPE. The laboratory conducts research and provides recommendations for other types of PPE, including protective clothing, gloves, eye protection, headwear, hearing protection, chemical sensors, and communication devices for safe deployment of emergency workers. It also maintains certification for N95 respirators, and hosts an annual education day for N95 education. Its emergency response research is part of a collaboration with the National Fire Protection Association. The NPPTL also maintains a searchable listing of equipment that it has certified. In the 2010s, the NPPTL has focused on pandemic influenza preparedness, CBRNE incidents, miner PPE, and nanotechnology.

NIOSH National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory is …
instance of (P31):
government agencyQ327333

External links are
P2671Google Knowledge Graph ID/g/11bw3h7r2m

P355has subsidiaryNIOSH National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory Office of the DirectorQ124637609
NIOSH Conformity Verification and Standards Development BranchQ124637610
NIOSH Personal Protective Technology Evaluation and Testing BranchQ124637611
NIOSH Personal Protective Technology Research BranchQ124637612
P131located in the administrative territorial entityBrucetonQ4978552
P1448official nameNational Personal Protective Technology Laboratory
P749parent organizationNational Institute for Occupational Safety and HealthQ60346
P807separated fromNIOSH Respiratory Health DivisionQ123344459
P1813short nameNPPTL

Reverse relations

employer (P108)
Q126512328Adam Miller
Q126519139Jay A. Parker

parent organization (P749)
Q124637610NIOSH Conformity Verification and Standards Development Branch
Q124637609NIOSH National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory Office of the Director
Q124637611NIOSH Personal Protective Technology Evaluation and Testing Branch
Q124637612NIOSH Personal Protective Technology Research Branch

sponsor (P859)
Q112236405100 years of respiratory protection
Q64126177A Control Banding Framework for Protecting the US Workforce from Aerosol Transmissible Infectious Disease Outbreaks with High Public Health Consequences
Q96168830A General Framework to Test and Evaluate Filtering Facepiece Respirators Considered for Crisis Capacity Use as a Strategy to Optimize Supply
Q27908530A comparison of facemask and respirator filtration test methods
Q108918073A comparison of performance metrics for cloth masks as source control devices for simulated cough and exhalation aerosols
Q58803989A comparison of total inward leakage measured using sodium chloride (NaCl) and corn oil aerosol methods for air-purifying respirators
Q23923700A cough aerosol simulator for the study of disease transmission by human cough-generated aerosols
Q124072513A finite element analysis of the effects of anchorage reaction forces and moments on structural stability of mast climbing work platforms
Q66476247A guide to air-purifying respirators.
Q77790594A guide to atmosphere-supplying respirators
Q119012687A manikin-based assessment of loose-fitting powered air-purifying respirator performance at variable flow rates and work rates
Q23912352A method to determine the available UV-C dose for the decontamination of filtering facepiece respirators
Q23922292A multidomain magnetic passive aerosol sampler: development and experimental evaluation
Q25933109A new approach to developing digital 3-D headforms
Q64234575A new approach to measure the resistance of fabric to liquid and viral penetration
Q26152096A new respirator fit test panel based on principal component analysis
Q23924201A novel algorithm for determining contact area between a respirator and a headform
Q23919401A numerical study of the performance of an aerosol sampler with a curved, blunt, multi-orificed inlet
Q77791699A pilot study of minimum operational flow for loose-fitting powered air-purifying respirators used in healthcare cleaning services
Q23921014A quantitative assessment of the total inward leakage of NaCl aerosol representing submicron size bioaerosol through N95 filtering facepiece respirators and surgical masks
Q23919007A recirculation aerosol wind tunnel for evaluating aerosol samplers and measuring particle penetration through protective clothing materials
Q105468906A review of decontamination methods for filtering facepiece respirators
Q26155146A review of isolation gowns in healthcare: fabric and gown properties
Q24630524A review of mine rescue ensembles for underground coal mining in the United States
Q108918944A simulation study to assess fluid leakage through the glove-gown interface in isolation settings
Q29009812A story of impact: NIOSH research recommendations are incorporated into national standards to enhance protection for EMS responders
Q24706838A summary of fatal accidents due to flyrock and lack of blast area security in surface mining, 1989 to 1999
Q91536232A technique to measure respirator protection factors against aerosol particles in simulated workplace settings using portable instruments
Q24706850A technology review of smart sensors with wireless networks for applications in hazardous work environments
Q60914344A tolerability assessment of new respiratory protective devices developed for health care personnel: A randomized simulated clinical study
Q24703766APR cartridge performance evaluation for firefighting
Q23919998Absence of consequential changes in physiological, thermal and subjective responses from wearing a surgical mask
Q77791866Activity modification in heat: critical assessment of guidelines across athletic, occupational, and military settings in the USA
Q108918232Addressing personal protective equipment (PPE) decontamination: methylene blue and light inactivates SARS-CoV-2 on N95 respirators and medical masks with maintenance of integrity and fit
Q66647799Advancing CO2 scrubber chemistries used in respiratory protective devices and refuge alternatives
Q66476386Advancing CO2 scrubber chemistries used in respiratory protective devices and refuge alternatives (2)
Q23921679An indoor environmental quality investigation of the Fayette County (Pennsylvania) courthouse
Q96593243Analysis of fall-related imminent danger orders in the metal/nonmetal mining sector
Q23920010Analysis of forces generated by N95 filtering facepiece respirator tethering devices: a pilot study
Q24273093Anthropometric survey of respirator users
Q26375353Anthropometric survey of respirator users
Q23912757Application of colorimetric indicators and thermo-hand method to determine base permeation through chemical protective gloves
Q27908496Application of direct-reading and elemental carbon analysis methods to measure mass-based penetration of carbon nanotubes through elastomeric half-face and filtering facepiece respirators
Q23915597Application of thermoregulatory modeling to predict core and skin temperatures in firefighters
Q112235416Applying the CDC Science Impact Framework to the results of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health and the Bureau of Labor Statistics 2001 survey of respirator use and practices
Q108918983Applying the social vulnerability index as a leading indicator to protect fire-based emergency medical service responders' health
Q77791328Approach to prioritizing respiratory protection when demand exceeds supplies during an influenza pandemic: a call to action
Q23920000Are exhalation valves on N95 filtering facepiece respirators beneficial at low-moderate work rates: an overview
Q26345343Assessing the efficacy of tabs on filtering facepiece respirator straps to increase proper doffing techniques while reducing contact transmission of pathogens
Q96615038Assessing the impact of safety climate constructs on worker performance in the mining industry
Q57093790Assessment of environmental and surgical mask contamination at a student health center - 2012-2013 influenza season
Q108918234Assessment of filtration efficiency, manikin fit performance, and strap performance for decontaminated N95 filtering facepiece respirators
Q38606815Assessment of half-mask elastomeric respirator and powered air-purifying respirator reprocessing for an influenza pandemic
Q57093493Assessment of influenza virus exposure and recovery from contaminated surgical masks and N95 respirators
Q26206879Assessment of personal protective equipment needs of first responders during a structural collapse event
Q64124122Assessment of respirator fit capability test criteria for full-facepiece air-purifying respirators
Q66652437Assessment of the use of reusable respirators (nonfiltering facepiece respirators) in healthcare organizations
Q66475564Assessment of two personal breathing recording devices in a simulated healthcare environment.
Q23924127Assessment of two portable real-time particle monitors used in nanomaterial workplace exposure evaluations
Q26215492Association of body mass index with facial dimensions for defining respiratory fit panels
Q24364922Association of body mass index with facial dimensions for defining respiratory fit test panels
Q89716030Associations between neighborhood social cohesion and physical activity in the United States, National Health Interview Survey, 2017
Q23920499Authors' reply to "Re: review of chamber design requirements for testing of personal protective clothing ensembles"
Q26158642Automated breathing and metabolic simulator (ABMS) CO2 test for powered and non-powered air-purifying respirators, airline respirators, and gas mask
Q25108136Automated breathing and metabolic simulator (ABMS) CO2 test for powered and non-powered air-purifying respirators, airline respirators, and gas masks
Q24169734B95: a new respirator for health care personnel
Q100745599Barrier Resistance of Double Layer Isolation Gowns
Q23909601Baseline evaluation with a sweating thermal manikin of personal protective ensembles recommended for use in West Africa
Q66476583Behavioral and technological adaptation.
Q107002021Behavioral safety compliance in an interdependent mining environment: supervisor communication, procedural justice, and the mediating role of coworker communication
Q108918984Best practices for dust control in coal mining, second edition
Q99985201Biomechanical modeling and 3D simulation of firefighting tasks
Q29009514Breakthrough 2004. Single vapor. Version 3.0.2
Q29009036Breakthrough: single vapor beta version 3.0.0
Q29009372Business systems support services (BSSS) contract
Q24704275CBRN respirator standards developmental processes
Q99985051COVID-19 and the workplace: research questions for the aerosol science community
Q23912015Capture of 0.1-um aerosol particles containing viable H1N1 influenza virus by N95 filtering facepiece respirators
Q23909605Cardiovascular responses to five cooling strategies wearing a prototype firefighter ensemble
Q108919097Cardiovascular responses to physical activity during work and leisure
Q29009951Career fire fighter dies from an out-of-air emergency in an apartment building fire - Connecticut
Q47682773Cerebral Hemodynamics and Executive Function During Exercise and Recovery in Normobaric Hypoxia
Q29009184Certified equipment list as of March 31, 2001
Q29009136Certified equipment list as of March 31, 2002
Q29009163Certified equipment list as of September 30, 2001
Q23912016Challenge of N95 filtering facepiece respirators with viable H1N1 influenza aerosols
Q23919400Change in permeation parameters and the decontamination efficacy of three chemical protective gloves after repeated exposures to solvents and thermal decontaminations
Q23919405Change in tensile properties of neoprene and nitrile gloves after repeated exposures to acetone and thermal decontamination
Q24703267Change in tensile strength and ultimate elongation of neoprene and nitrile gloves after repeated exposures to acetone and thermal decontaminations
Q115074605Characteristics associated with health care worker knowledge and confidence in elastomeric half-mask respirator use
Q66476230Chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) respiratory protection handbook
Q24826415Chemical/biological/radioactiver/nuclear (CBRN) respirator standards development
Q124072350Clasificación de NIOSH para filtros de respiradores
Q24169736Cleaning of filtering facepiece respirators contaminated with mucin and Staphylococcus aureus
Q28950809Clearing the air: surgical smoke and workplace safety practices
Q26053659Clinicians helping to reduce occupational pesticide illnesses through improved personal protective equipment practices
Q24703570Coating evaluation for a newly developed passive aerosol sampler based on magnets for determination of particle penetration through protective ensembles
Q77791693Cold-induced vasodilation responses before and after exercise in normobaric normoxia and hypoxia
Q108919102Comfortable SCBA weights from biomechanical models for firefighting tasks
Q23916665Commentary: the use of respirators to reduce inhalation of airborne biological agents
Q108918979Comparison of ISO work of breathing and NIOSH breathing resistance measurements for air-purifying respirators
Q53691811Comparison of Thermal Manikin Modeling and Human Subjects' Response During Use of Cooling Devices Under Personal Protective Ensembles in the Heat.
Q23924077Comparison of estimated core body temperature measured with the BioHarness and rectal temperature under several heat stress conditions
Q23911132Comparison of five methods for fit-testing N95 filtering-facepiece respirators
Q23920838Comparison of nanoparticle filtration performance of NIOSH-approved and CE-marked particulate filtering facepiece respirators
Q23924229Comparison of simulated workplace protection factors offered by N95 and P100 filtering facepiece and elastomeric half-mask respirators against particles of 10 to 400 nm
Q24826269Comparison of six quantitative fit test methods using full facepiece respirators with a measurement of exposure
Q23911134Comparison of six respirator fit-test methods with an actual measurement of exposure in a simulated health care environment: part I - protocol development
Q23911135Comparison of six respirator fit-test methods with an actual measurement of exposure in a simulated health care environment: part II - method comparison testing
Q112235920Comparison of three internationally certified firefighter protective ensembles: physiological responses, mobility, and comfort
Q89716087Computational fluid dynamics simulation of flow of exhaled particles from powered-air purifying respirators
Q98296199Conducting an evaluation of CBRN canister protection capabilities against emerging chemical and radiological hazards
Q29009663Conozca su respirador: su salud podría depender de ello - wEquipo de protección personal (EPP) para trabajadores de la salud
Q77790938Consideraciones para la selección del respirador en entornos de atención médica
Q23912399Considerations for recommending extended use and limited reuse of filtering facepiece respirators in healthcare settings
Q77791036Considerations for respirator selection in healthcare
Q24265921Considerations for selecting protective clothing used in healthcare for protection against microorganisms in blood and body fluids
Q24703052Considerations in training on-the-job trainers
Q119012844Constant vs. cyclic flow when testing face masks and respirators as source control devices for simulated respiratory aerosols
Q119012984Constant vs. cyclic flow when testing face masks and respirators as source control devices for simulated respiratory aerosols (dataset)
Q24719364Contact pressure study of N95 filtering face-piece respirators using finite element method
Q25018317Correlation between quantitative fit factors and protection factors measured under actual workplace environments at a steel foundry
Q23924218Correlation between quantitative fit factors and workplace protection factors measured in actual workplace environments at a steel foundry
Q23924222Correlation between respirator fit and respirator fit test panel cells by respirator size
Q23918386Correlation of respirator fit measured on human subjects and a static advanced headform
Q24717885Criteria for a recommended standard: occupational exposure to heat and hot environments
Q23916666Criteria for the collection of useful respirator performance data in the workplace
Q64125205Critical investigation of glove-gown interface barrier performance in simulated surgical settings
Q24276294Current intelligence bulletin 61: a strategy for assigning new NIOSH skin notations
Q66648729Current intelligence bulletin 61: a strategy for assigning new NIOSH skin notations
Q24353911Current intelligence bulletin 63: occupational exposure to titanium dioxide
Q124072348Cómo entender la diferencia: mascarilla quirúrgica, respirador N95, respirador elastomérico de media cara
Q124072503Cómo funciona su respirador elastomérico
Q24703666Cómo prevenir el asma y la muerte a causa de la exposición al MDI durante la aplicación con pistola del revestimiento en las cajas de las camionetas y otras aplicaciones similares. Resumen para trabajadores / empleadores
Q115074877Delivery of yoga properties across in-person and remote formats in a weight loss maintenance intervention
Q24169822Demonstration and sentinel surveillance system for ongoing and continuous monitoring of PPE usage by healthcare workers (HCW) in the US
Q23915110Detection of infectious influenza virus in cough aerosols generated in a simulated patient examination room
Q23911447Determining sample size and a passing criterion for respirator fit-test panels
Q24349181Detoxification of carbamate pesticides by halamine structures
Q97562748Developing a Methodology to Collect Empirical Data that Informs Policy and Practices for Stockpiling Personal Protective Equipment
Q24364619Development and characterization of a new test system to challenge personal protective equipment with virus-containing particles
Q28950644Development and validation of an alternative chemical permeation test cell
Q64998642Development of a Manikin-Based Performance Evaluation Method for Loose-Fitting Powered Air-Purifying Respirators.
Q23916811Development of a cobinamide-based end-of-service-life indicator for detection of hydrogen cyanide gas
Q24704658Development of a computer program for automating permeation testing data analysis
Q23919408Development of a computer program for permeation testing data analysis
Q24706765Development of a glove end of service life indicator (ESLI) for weak organic and inorganic acids
Q26344837Development of a hydrogen sulfide end-of-service-life indicator for respirator cartridges using cobinamide
Q23912749Development of a new test system to determine penetration of multi-walled carbon nanotubes through filtering facepiece respirators
Q23912750Development of a novel colorimetric indicator pad for detecting aldehydes
Q23912382Development of a test system to apply virus-containing particles to filtering facepiece respirators for the evaluation of decontamination procedures
Q23912759Development of a test system to evaluate procedures for decontamination of respirators containing viral droplets
Q45068970Development of an Inexpensive RGB Color Sensor for the Detection of Hydrogen Cyanide Gas.
Q23918385Development of an advanced respirator fit-test headform
Q24849533Development of colorimetric indicators: a new technique to determine acid, base, and aldehyde contaminations
Q25111075Development of colorimetric indicators: a new technique to determine glutaraldehyde and alkaline glutaraldehyde contamination
Q25932579Development of colorimetric indicators: a new technique to determine glutaraldehyde and alkaline glutaraldehyde contamination
Q23909490Diesel exhaust particle-induced alterations of pulmonary phase I and phase II enzymes of rats
Q27908606Differences in hospital managers', unit managers', and health care workers' perceptions of the safety climate for respiratory protection
Q23923991Digital 3-D headforms representative of Chinese workers
Q23924217Digital 3-D headforms with facial features representative of the current US workforce
Q23923702Dispersion and exposure to a cough-generated aerosol in a simulated medical examination room
Q107001940Do industrial N95 respirators meet the requirements to be used in healthcare? - A possible solution to respirator shortages during the next pandemic
Q33113243Does acute normobaric hypoxia induce anapyrexia in adult humans?
Q29009176Does back belt use prevent on-the-job back pain and injury?
Q108919392EHF audits: state of the art and lessons learned
Q24857599Ear and fingertip oxygen saturation measurements of healthcare workers wearing protective masks
Q112235402Effect of a 6-month sedentary behavior reduction intervention on well-being and workplace health in desk workers with low back pain
Q23921289Effect of boot weight and sole flexibility on gait and physiological responses of firefighters in stepping over obstacles
Q25017208Effect of boot weight on gait characteristics of men and women firefighters in negotiating obstacles
Q23911144Effect of calibration and environmental condition on the performance of direct-reading organic vapor monitors
Q23920648Effect of calibration environment on the performance of direct-reading organic vapor monitors
Q115074673Effect of cloth masks and N95 respirators on maximal exercise performance in collegiate athletes
Q90160711Effect of continuous cooling on inhibition and attention while wearing firefighter's PPE in a hot environment
Q115074514Effect of cooling on static postural balance while wearing firefighter's protective clothing in hot environment
Q24266594Effect of cycles of contamination and decontamination on chemical glove performance
Q24824915Effect of decontamination on the filtration efficiency of two filtering facepiece respirator models
Q23919775Effect of exhaled moisture on breathing resistance of N95 filtering facepiece respirators
Q23915603Effect of external airflow resistive load on postural and exercise-associated cardiovascular and pulmonary responses in pregnancy: a case control study
Q23920649Effect of interferents on the performance of direct-reading organic vapor monitors
Q26345375Effect of multiple alcohol-based hand rub applications on the tensile properties of thirteen brands of medical exam nitrile and latex gloves
Q115075794Effect of multiple alcohol-based hand rub treatments on tensile strength and elongation of thirteen brands of medical exam nitrile and latex gloves
Q25932425Effect of nosecups on inhaled gases, pressures, and temperatures in self-contained self-rescuer respirators
Q23920002Effect of pregnancy upon facial anthropometrics and respirator fit testing
Q24717860Effect of short-term heat acclimation training on kinetics of lactate removal following maximal exercise
Q26060020Effect of surgical masks worn concurrently over N95 filtering facepiece respirators: extended service life versus increased user burden
Q23920001Effect of upper strap downward displacement on N95 filtering facepiece respirator fit factors: a pilot study
Q23923001Effect of wearing an N95 filtering facepiece respirator on superomedial orbital infrared indirect brain temperature measurements
Q23915596Effect of wearing an N95 respirator on infrared tympanic membrane temperature measurements
Q25018220Effect on breathing resistance of a surgical mask worn over a N95 filtering facepiece respirator
Q112235513Effective coordination, collaboration, communication, and partnering are needed to close the gaps for occupational PFAS exposure
Q66480356Effects of 5-day heat acclimation on workers wearing personal protective clothing
Q23923857Effects of breathing frequency and flow rate on the total inward leakage of an elastomeric half-mask donned on an advanced manikin headform
Q23915605Effects of cooling on performance time and recovery in individuals wearing a prototype firefighter ensemble
Q24265898Effects of different ambient conditions on thermo-physiological responses to wearing CBRN ensemble
Q23909600Effects of fire fighter protective ensembles on mobility and performance
Q23915599Effects of liquid cooling garments on recovery and performance time in individuals performing strenuous work wearing a firefighter ensemble
Q25106115Effects of loggers' protective clothing on thermoregulation
Q24266473Effects of organic solvents on the laboratory filtration performance of electret N95 and P100 filtering facepiece respirators
Q122827723Effects of temperature and advanced cleaning practices on the removal of select organic chemicals from structural firefighter gear
Q23923705Effects of ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) on N95 respirator filtration performance and structural integrity
Q104467708Effects of volume, velocity, and composition on the resistance to synthetic blood penetration of N95 filtering facepiece respirators and other head/facial personal protective equipment
Q23923703Efficacy of face shields against cough aerosol droplets from a cough simulator
Q66631119Efficacy of face shields against cough aerosol droplets from a cough simulator
Q23911031Efficacy of predictive modeling as a scientific criterion in dermal hazard identification for assignment of skin notations
Q24706620Efficiency of respirator filters against nano-aerosols under high flow conditions
Q112235775Elastomeric half mask respirators: an alternative to disposable respirators and a solution to shortages during public health emergencies
Q124072366Elastomeric half-mask respirator disinfection practices among healthcare personnel
Q24718915Emergency responder injuries and fatalities: an analysis of surveillance data
Q24847079Emerging infectious threats: respiratory protection for personal safety
Q26061783Emerging technologies and the safety and health of working people: knowledge gaps and research directions
Q105468316Equipo de protección individual para la prevención de enfermedades altamente infecciosas debidas a la exposición a fluidos corporales contaminados en el personal sanitario
Q124072668Equipo de protección personal para trabajar en el frío
Q107001999ErgoMine 2.0
Q23909599Ergonomic comparison of a chem/bio prototype firefighter ensemble and a standard ensemble
Q23911137Errors associated with three methods of assessing respirator fit
Q26321759Establishment of the NIOSH National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory
Q23913143Estimating reusability of organic air-purifying respirator cartridges
Q23913141Estimating service lives of air-purifying respirator cartridges for reactive gas removal
Q23913142Estimating service lives of organic vapor cartridges III: multiple vapors at all humidities
Q24265930Estimating service lives of organic vapor respirator cartridges for multiple vapors at all humidities
Q25891865Estimating the permeation resistance of nonporous barrier polymers to sulfur mustard (HD) and Sarin (GB) chemical warfare agents using liquid simulants
Q107001879Evaluación de la eficacia de las lengüetas en las tiras de la mascarilla autofiltrante para mejorar las técnicas de retirada adecuadas al mismo tiempo que se reduce la transmisión por contacto de los patógenos
Q25017139Evaluating the representativeness of the LANL respirator fit test panels for the current U.S. civilian workers
Q26155022Evaluating the representativeness of the LANL respirator fit test panels for the current U.S. civilian workers
Q107001928Evaluation of CBRN respirator protection in simulated fire overhaul settings
Q23912305Evaluation of N95 respirator use with a surgical mask cover: effects on breathing resistance and inhaled carbon dioxide
Q33113237Evaluation of a passive method for determining particle penetration through protective clothing materials
Q119012688Evaluation of a prototype local ventilation system to mitigate retail store worker exposures to airborne particles
Q112236003Evaluation of a self-contained breathing apparatus involved in a fatality while operating at a structure fire: Division of Safety Research requested the evaluation of a Scott® Safety Air-Pak® Model X3
Q119013210Evaluation of a self-contained breathing apparatus involved in a fatality while operating at a structure fire: Lower Merion Fire Department, PA, requested the evaluation of a MSA model G1, 30-minute, 4500 psi unit
Q112236185Evaluation of a self-contained breathing apparatus involved in a fatality while operating at a structure fire: Watertown Fire Department request for a MSA model G1, 45 minute, 4500 psi unit
Q112235520Evaluation of a self-contained breathing apparatus involved in a near miss while operating at a structure fire: Bedford County, VA, Fire and Rescue requested the evaluation of a Scott® Safety Air-Pak 4.5
Q96593160Evaluation of apparatus used to test liquid through protective materials: comparison of a modified dot-blot apparatus to the ASTM penetration cell
Q112236669Evaluation of exhalation resistance and inspired carbon dioxide concentration in elastomeric half-mask respirators with modified or covered exhalation valves
Q112235905Evaluation of fit and strap extension performance of stockpiled filtering facepiece respirators from one U.S. facility
Q23911433Evaluation of five decontamination methods for filtering facepiece respirators
Q119012786Evaluation of fluid leakage at the coverall and glove interface in single and double glove conditions
Q26316574Evaluation of gowns and coveralls used by medical personnel working with Ebola patients against simulated bodily fluids using an Elbow Lean Test
Q23912401Evaluation of microwave steam bags for the decontamination of filtering facepiece respirators
Q24824926Evaluation of multiple (3-Cycle) decontamination processing for filtering facepiece respirators
Q23919409Evaluation of nano- and submicron particle penetration through ten nonwoven fabrics using a wind-driven approach
Q77789967Evaluation of personal exposure to surgical smoke generated from electrocautery instruments: a pilot study
Q23915600Evaluation of protective ensemble thermal characteristics through sweating hot plate, sweating thermal manikin, and human tests
Q24169735Evaluation of respiratory protection programs and practices in California hospitals during the 2009-2010 H1N1 influenza pandemic
Q96593325Evaluation of rigidity of surgical N95 respirators using a manikin-system: a pilot study
Q23917442Evaluation of sampling probes for fit testing N95 filtering facepiece respirators
Q115074881Evaluation of surgical N95 respirators covered with combinations of masks and face shield
Q119012702Evaluation of surgical N95 respirators covered with combinations of masks and face shield
Q23912041Evaluation of the benefit of the user seal check on N95 filtering facepiece respirator fit
Q122827762Evaluation of the effects of wiping decontamination for filter cartridges of elastomeric half-mask respirators (EHMRs)
Q24169716Evaluation of the filtration performance of 21 N95 filtering facepiece respirators after prolonged storage
Q23921006Evaluation of the filtration performance of NIOSH-approved N95 filtering facepiece respirators by photometric and number-based test methods
Q23921009Evaluation of the performance of the N95 companion: effects of filter penetration and comparison with other aerosol instruments
Q119012672Evaluation of the physical performance of disposable isolation gowns
Q24169707Evaluation of the rationale for concurrent use of N95 filtering facepiece respirators with loose-fitting powered air-purifying respirators during aerosol-generating medical procedures
Q24169719Evaluation of the survivability of MS2 viral aerosols deposited on filtering face piece respirator samples incorporating antimicrobial technologies
Q108918146Evaluation of total inward leakage for NIOSH-approved elastomeric half-facepiece, full-facepiece, and powered air-purifying respirators using sodium chloride and corn oil aerosols
Q36887786Examining factors that influence the existence of Heinrich's safety triangle using site-specific H&S data from more than 25,000 establishments
Q119012615Examining the impact of elastomeric half mask respirator knowledge and user barriers on safety climate perceptions in health care settings
Q122826917Examining the roles of training, fit testing, and safety climate on user confidence in respiratory protection: a case example with reusable respirators in health delivery settings
Q29010114Experimental study of surgical smoke and its control
Q126283494Experimental study on the thermal protection enhancement of novel phase change material integrated structural firefighting gloves under high-heat exposures
Q119014189Exploring perceptions of U.S. healthcare & public safety workers at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic
Q66476082Exploring respiratory protection practices for prominent hazards in healthcare settings
Q105468134Exploring the differences in safety climate among mining sectors
Q112235443Exploring worker experience as a predictor of routine and non-routine safety performance outcomes in the mining industry
Q112235385Exploring worker experience as a predictor of self-reported routine and nonroutine safety performance in the mining industry
Q25930338Exposure profile effects on the concentration of Freon®-113 in exhaled air
Q112235631Face mask fit modifications that improve source control performance
Q112235669Face mask fit modifications that improve source control performance (dataset)
Q23920003Face shields for infection control: a review
Q23920011Facemask use by children during infectious disease outbreaks
Q23924175Facial anthropometric differences among gender, ethnicity, and age groups
Q24981533Facial anthropometric differences among race/age groups
Q77791030Facial hairstyles and filtering facepiece respirators
Q23924213Facial shape variation of U.S. respirator users
Q96615011Fall protection: as easy as 1-2-3
Q96615008Fall protection: as simple as a-b-c
Q24723831Fatal accidents due to flyrock and lack of blast area security and working practices in mining
Q57101611Feasibility Assessment of a New Surveillance Tool for Respiratory Protective Devices Used in U.S. Healthcare
Q97554790Fentanyl and carfentanil permeation through commercial disposable gloves
Q99985112Field comparison of a roof bolter dry dust collection system with an original designed wet collection system for dust control
Q23909602Field evaluation of a new prototype self-contained breathing apparatus
Q24706703Field evaluation of gloves and protective clothing against organic solvents during auto body spray painting
Q25929673Filling the knowledge gaps for safe nanotechnology in the workplace: a progress report from the NIOSH Nanotechnology Research Center, 2004-2011
Q24706762Filter collection efficiency for nanoscale particles
Q24826346Filter performance degradation of electrostatic N95 and P100 filtering facepiece respirators by dioctyl phthalate aerosol loading
Q105468539Filtering facepiece respirators with an exhalation valve: measurements of filtration efficiency to evaluate their potential for source control
Q122826933Filtering facepiece respirators with an exhalation valve: measurements of filtration efficiency to evaluate their potential for source control (dataset)
Q66476869Filtering out confusion: frequently asked questions about respiratory protection - fit testing
Q66476868Filtering out confusion: frequently asked questions about respiratory protection - respirator reuse and extended use
Q66476870Filtering out confusion: frequently asked questions about respiratory protection - user seal check
Q105468913Filtration efficiency performance of non-NIOSH-approved international respiratory protective devices: phase two
Q24351696Filtration performance of FDA-cleared surgical masks
Q23921005Filtration performance of NIOSH-approved N95 and P100 filtering facepiece respirators against 4 to 30 nanometer-size nanoparticles
Q23918905Firefighters' physiological responses to boot weight and sole flexibility during ladder climbing and obstacle crossing
Q24703853First responders' protection during response to a tall building collapse
Q24704211Fit Assessment of N95 filtering-facepiece respirators in the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention strategic national stockpile
Q122827674Fit evaluation of NIOSH Approved N95 filtering facepiece respirators with various skin protectants: a pilot study
Q122827504Fit evaluation of NIOSH Approved N95 filtering facepiece respirators with various skin protectants: a pilot study (dataset)
Q23924017Fitting characteristics of N95 filtering facepiece respirators used widely in China
Q23911136Fitting characteristics of eighteen N95 filtering-facepiece respirators
Q58581350Flammability of Respirators and other Head and Facial Personal Protective Equipment
Q23913106Flat fold and cup-shaped N95 filtering facepiece respirator face seal area and pressure determinations: a stereophotogrammetry study
Q24583923Forces generated by N95 filtering facepiece respirator straps
Q24725426Guidance on emergency responder personal protective equipment (PPE) for response to CBRN terrorism incidents
Q25110869Guideline for the decontamination of chemical protective clothing and equipment
Q25112560Hazard assessment of first receivers in medical facilities responding to a toxic industrial chemical (TIC) or a chemical warfare agent (CWA) terrorism incident
Q24846916Hazard recognition: fall prevention in construction
Q23916936Head-and-face anthropometric survey of Chinese workers
Q23924219Head-and-face anthropometric survey of U.S. respirator users
Q23924214Head-and-face shape variations of U.S. civilian workers
Q23924200Headform and N95 filtering facepiece respirator interaction: contact pressure simulation and validation
Q126283447Health care workers' comfort ratings for elastomeric half mask respirators versus N95® filtering facepiece respirators during the COVID-19 pandemic
Q24706855Health hazard evaluation report: HETA-2010-0044-3109, NIOSH investigation of 3M model 8000 filtering facepiece respirators as re
Q25932379Health hazard evaluation report: evaluation of dermal exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in fire fighters
Q24703879Health hazard evaluation report: evaluation of dermal exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in fire fighters (summary)
Q24631113Health hazard evaluation report: evaluation of musculoskeletal disorders and traumatic injuries among employees at a poultry processing plant
Q58782454Healthcare personnel exposure in an emergency department during influenza season
Q108918993Heat safety in the workplace: modified Delphi consensus to establish strategies and resources to protect the US workers
Q64124123Heat stress assessment during intermittent work under different environmental conditions and clothing combinations of effective wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT)
Q99985197Heinrich revisited: a new data-driven examination of the safety pyramid
Q24719440Hoja informativa de NIOSH: El rendimiento óptimo de un respirador purificador de aire forzado depende del estado de su batería!
Q66664346Hoja informativa de NIOSH: ¿Qué tienen de especial los respiradores purificadores de aire (APR) para la protección respiratoria contra agentes químicos, biológicos, radiológicos y nucleares (CBRN)?
Q66664341Hoja informativa de NIOSH: ¿Qué tienen de especial los respiradores purificadores de aire forzado (PAPR) para la protección respiratoria contra agentes químicos, biológicos, radiológicos y nucleares (CBRN)?
Q29009078Hoja informativa sobre respiradores: Lo que debe saber antes de comprar capuchas de escape, máscaras antigases u otros respiradores para estar preparado en la casa y en el trabajo
Q24169740Hospital respiratory protection practices in 6 U.S. states: a public health evaluation study
Q26206704Hospital respiratory protection program toolkit: resources for respirator program administrators
Q112235463Hospital respiratory protection program toolkit: resources for respirator program administrators
Q66632782Hospital respiratory protection programs: usefulness of resources and informational gaps
Q96136668Household materials selection for homemade cloth face coverings and their filtration efficiency enhancement with triboelectric charging
Q23919596How to improve skin notation. Position paper from a workshop
Q108918770How to tell if your N95 respirator is NIOSH approved
Q119012877How to tell if your N95® respirator is NIOSH approved
Q119013289How to wear your filtering facepiece respirator
Q126284029Human factors/ergonomics contributions to an equitable personal protective equipment protections strategy
Q23910124Human subject testing of leakage in a loose-fitting PAPR
Q126283806Identifying leadership practices to support the uptake of reusable elastomeric half mask respirators in health delivery settings
Q100305460Impact of Abstract Versus Concrete Conceptualization of Genetic Modification (GM) Technology on Public Perceptions
Q23920005Impact of low filter resistances on subjective and physiological responses to filtering facepiece respirators
Q24169726Impact of multiple consecutive donnings on filtering facepiece respirator fit
Q108918104Impact of occupational heat stress on worker productivity and economic cost
Q23912040Impact of three biological decontamination methods on filtering facepiece respirator fit, odor, comfort, and donning ease
Q26151779Impact of three cycles of decontamination treatments on filtering facepiece respirator fit
Q66653323Implementing hospital respiratory protection programs: strategies from the field
Q24718896Improving respiratory protection programs in healthcare to reduce and control infection
Q24704027Improving respiratory protection through international partnerships by increasing knowledge, enhancing education and developing technologies
Q24706992Independent contractor fatalities in the mining industry: a look at contributing factors
Q124072356Infection precaution adherence varies by potential exposure risks to SARS-CoV-2 and job role: findings from a US medical center
Q23919997Infrared imaging for leak detection of N95 filtering facepiece respirators: a pilot study
Q25891628Inhalation flow rates during strenuous exercise
Q24718924Inhaled carbon dioxide and oxygen concentrations in three escape hood respirators during rest and exercise
Q87057316Initial Public Health Response and Interim Clinical Guidance for the 2019 Novel Coronavirus Outbreak - United States, December 31, 2019-February 4, 2020
Q23910437Inkjet printed chemical sensor array based on polythiophene conductive polymers
Q77792075Insights into emissions and exposures from use of industrial-scale additive manufacturing machines
Q99985097Inspect your boots for signs of wear
Q28950565Integration of FDA and NIOSH Processes Used to Evaluate Respiratory Protective Devices for Health Care Workers
Q66665961Integration of respiratory protection into practice among health care workers: a users guide for respiratory protection in North Carolina's hospitals
Q29009155Interim recommendations for firefighters and other first responders for the selection and use of protective clothing and respirators against biological agents
Q23916540Interlaboratory study of ASTM F2731, standard test method for measuring the transmitted and stored energy of firefighter protective clothing systems
Q23916541Interlaboratory study of ASTM F2731, standard test method for measuring the transmitted and stored energy of firefighter protective clothing systems
Q77791429Intersegmental differences in facial warmth sensitivity during rest, passive heat and exercise
Q64991667Interstitial Lung Diseases in the U.S. Mining Industry: Using MSHA Data to Examine Trends and the Prevention Effects of Compliance with Health Regulations, 1996-2015.
Q77790798Investigating effects of cold water hand immersion on selective attention in normobaric hypoxia
Q122826946Investigation of the barrier performance of disposable isolation gowns
Q23912869Inward leakage in tight-fitting PAPRs
Q23924226Inward leakage variability between respirator fit test panels - part I. Deterministic approach
Q23924124Inward leakage variability between respirator fit test panels - part II. Probabilistic approach
Q24169747Isolation gowns in health care settings: laboratory studies, regulations and standards, and potential barriers of gown selection and use
Q122827439Know before you apply: summarized quality requirements needed to achieve NIOSH approval
Q115074712Laboratory assessment of bacterial contamination of a sterile environment when using respirators not traditionally used in a sterile field environment
Q23924225Laboratory faceseal leakage evaluation of N95 filtering facepiece respirators against nanoparticles and "all size" particles
Q23924224Laboratory study to assess causative factors affecting temporal changes in filtering facepiece respirator fit: part I - pilot study
Q25932500Ladder simulation exercise for construction, mining, and other industries
Q99577917Lagging or leading? Exploring the temporal relationship among lagging indicators in mining establishments 2006-2017
Q115074825Large-format additive manufacturing and machining using high-melt-temperature polymers. Part I: real-time particulate and gas-phase emissions
Q115074815Large-format additive manufacturing and machining using high-melt-temperature polymers. Part II: characterization of particles and gases
Q112235781Lessons learned from the development and demonstration of a PPE inventory monitoring system for US hospitals
Q23924223Letter to the editor: Correction to "Head-and-face anthropometric survey of U.S. respirator users," (J Occup Environ Hyg 2005 Nov; 2(11):567-576)
Q77790932Los estilos de vello facial y los respiradores con mascarilla de filtrado
Q25891774Loss of start-up oxygen in CSE SR-100 self-contained self-rescuers
Q29009977MINER Act technology; past, present and the future
Q33113255MINER Act technology; past, present and the future
Q33113265MINER Act technology; past, present and the future
Q25018281MS2 coliphage as a surrogate for 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) virus (pH1N1) in surface survival studies on N95 filtering facepiece respirators
Q29508843Machine safety: new and updated consensus standards...what you need to know
Q23914089Measurement accuracy of heart rate and respiratory rate during graded exercise and sustained exercise in the heat using the Zephyr BioHarness(TM)
Q26206304Measurement of Freon-113 exposure dose in exhaled breath samples using GC/MS with preconcentration
Q23912342Measurement of mass-based carbon nanotube penetration through filtering facepiece respirator filtering media
Q105468066Medical claims paid by workers' compensation insurance among US Medicare beneficiaries, 1999-2016
Q23913162Medical fitness evaluation for respirator users: results of a national survey of private sector employers
Q24719105Metabolic and respiratory responses during the performance of a one-hour man test 4
Q77790709Milestones in respiratory protection
Q119014211Modeling and analyzing for thermal protection of firefighters' glove by phase change material
Q29009399MultiVapor version 2.1.3. Application - valid through December 31, 2009
Q29009886MultiVapor version 2.2.3. Application - valid through December 31, 2011
Q89874483N95 Respirators vs Medical Masks in Outpatient Settings-Reply
Q23919999N95 filtering facepiece respirator deadspace temperature and humidity
Q24169738N95 respirator use during advanced pregnancy
Q77790460N95 respirators vs medical masks for preventing influenza among health care personnel: a randomized clinical trial
Q23921011N95-companion measurement of Cout/Cin ratios for two N95 filtering facepiece respirators and one surgical mask
Q89716113NIOSH - Addressing current needs in the Healthcare and Social Assistance Industry Sector
Q89716103NIOSH - Public Safety Sector Program
Q24718312NIOSH CBRN respiratory protection standards update
Q24854789NIOSH CBRN respiratory protection standards update
Q24824042NIOSH Fact Sheet: getting optimal performance from a powered air -purifying respirator (PAPR) depends on the condition of its battery!
Q29009653NIOSH Fact Sheet: what's special about chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) air-purifying respirators (APR)?
Q24703941NIOSH Fact Sheet: what's special about chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) powered air-purifying respirators (PAPR)?
Q77789948NIOSH Personal Protective Technology Program
Q77792436NIOSH Public Safety Program
Q26323759NIOSH Respirator Standards Development Project for Certification of Respirators to Protect Emergency Responders from Terrorist Threats
Q25107558NIOSH alert: preventing asthma and death from MDI exposure during spray-on truck bed liner and related applications
Q96593284NIOSH anthropometric data and ISO digital headforms
Q29009722NIOSH bibliography of communication and research products 2011
Q29009784NIOSH fact sheet: NIOSH approval labels-key information to protect yourself
Q24825085NIOSH fact sheet: what's special about CBRN self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA)?
Q126283402NIOSH healthcare personal protective technology targets for 2020 to 2030
Q77792393NIOSH respirator filter classes
Q25933058NIOSH respirator selection logic
Q24718539NIOSH skin notation (SK) profile: acrylamide [CAS No. 79-06-1]
Q25930054NIOSH skin notation (SK) profile: formaldehyde/formalin [CAS No. 50-00-0]
Q26155250NIOSH skin notation (SK) profile: nitroglycerin [CAS No. 55-63- 8]
Q26059320NIOSH skin notation (SK) profile: p-phenylene diamine [CAS No. 106-50-3]
Q26375181NIOSH'S National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory: providing personal protective technology innovations for the 21st century
Q26158533NIOSH/BLS 2001/2002 national survey of respirator use and practices
Q23921008Nanoparticle filtration performance of NIOSH-certified particulate air-purifying filtering facepiece respirators: evaluation by light scattering photometric and particle number-based test methods
Q24997295Nanoparticle filtration performance of commercially available dust masks
Q23921012Nanoparticle filtration performance of filtering facepiece respirators and canister/cartridge filters
Q24703937Nanoparticle penetration through NIOSH-approved N95 filtering-facepiece respirators
Q23920843Nanoparticle penetration through filter media and leakage through face seal interface of N95 filtering facepiece respirators
Q66476240National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory
Q115074551National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory
Q29009066National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory (NPPTL)
Q29009057National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory, Respirator Branch
Q66631849National framework for personal protective equipment conformity assessment - infrastructure
Q26206233New permeation parameters for evaluating decontamination efficacy of chemical protective clothing materials
Q23923429New respirator fit test panels representing the current Chinese civilian workers
Q23924221New respirator fit test panels representing the current U.S. civilian work force
Q99561137New respirator performance monitor (RePM) for powered air-purifying respirators
Q105468146New technique to evaluate decontamination methods for filtering facepiece respirators
Q64136168Novel Test Method for the Evaluation of Fluid Leakage at the Glove-Gown Interface and Investigation of Test Parameters
Q89716073Numerical simulations of exhaled particles from wearers of powered air purifying respirators
Q23910309Occupational health nurses' achievement of competence and comfort in respiratory protection and preferred learning methods: results of a nationwide survey
Q108918164Occupational histoplasmosis: epidemiology and prevention measures
Q124072368Occupational injuries and illnesses among law enforcement officers, 2001-2019: findings from the Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation
Q107001947Occupational physical activity and cardiovascular disease in the United States
Q108918774Occupational respiratory protection authority by federal agency
Q64129858Opportunities to bridge gaps between respiratory protection guidance and practice in US health care
Q23910216Optical-fiber-mounted porous silicon photonic crystals for sensing organic vapor breakthrough in activated carbon
Q99985418Oxygen storage module with physisorption technology for closed-circuit respirators
Q99985108PPE CASE (Personal Protective Equipment Conformity Assessment Studies and Evaluations): filtration efficiency performance of non-NIOSH-approved international respiratory protective devices: phase one
Q96615028PPE CASE (Personal Protective Equipment Conformity Assessment Studies and Evaluations): performance of stockpiled air-purifying respirators, facility eight of ten: inhalation and exhalation resistance and filtration efficiency performance
Q96615023PPE CASE (Personal Protective Equipment Conformity Assessment Studies and Evaluations): performance of stockpiled air-purifying respirators, facility five of ten: inhalation and exhalation resistance and filtration efficiency performance
Q96615020PPE CASE (Personal Protective Equipment Conformity Assessment Studies and Evaluations): performance of stockpiled air-purifying respirators, facility four of ten: inhalation and exhalation resistance and filtration efficiency performance
Q96615030PPE CASE (Personal Protective Equipment Conformity Assessment Studies and Evaluations): performance of stockpiled air-purifying respirators, facility nine of ten: inhalation and exhalation resistance and filtration efficiency performance
Q96615013PPE CASE (Personal Protective Equipment Conformity Assessment Studies and Evaluations): performance of stockpiled air-purifying respirators, facility one of ten: inhalation and exhalation resistance and filtration efficiency performance
Q96615027PPE CASE (Personal Protective Equipment Conformity Assessment Studies and Evaluations): performance of stockpiled air-purifying respirators, facility seven of ten: inhalation and exhalation resistance and filtration efficiency performance
Q96615024PPE CASE (Personal Protective Equipment Conformity Assessment Studies and Evaluations): performance of stockpiled air-purifying respirators, facility six of ten: inhalation and exhalation resistance and filtration efficiency performance
Q96615032PPE CASE (Personal Protective Equipment Conformity Assessment Studies and Evaluations): performance of stockpiled air-purifying respirators, facility ten of ten: inhalation and exhalation resistance and filtration efficiency performance
Q96615018PPE CASE (Personal Protective Equipment Conformity Assessment Studies and Evaluations): performance of stockpiled air-purifying respirators, facility three of ten: inhalation and exhalation resistance and filtration efficiency performance
Q96615016PPE CASE (Personal Protective Equipment Conformity Assessment Studies and Evaluations): performance of stockpiled air-purifying respirators, facility two of ten: inhalation and exhalation resistance and filtration efficiency performance
Q89720022PPE CASE: evaluation of a self-contained breathing apparatus for potential contribution to a fatal event in the fire service - Christopher, Illinois Fire Department request for an MSA model Firehawk(R) M7
Q89720883PPE CASE: evaluation of a self-contained breathing apparatus for potential contribution to a fatal event in the fire service - Hamilton, Ohio Fire Department request for Survivair Panther 30 minute, 4500 psig unit
Q89720881PPE CASE: evaluation of a self-contained breathing apparatus for potential contribution to a fatal event in the fire service - Houston, Texas Fire Department request for Scott(R) Safety Air-Pak(R) 4.5, 4500 psi unit
Q89720058PPE CASE: evaluation of a self-contained breathing apparatus for potential contribution to a fatal event in the fire service - Valley Springs, South Dakota Fire Department request for Dräger ND2 PSS100 unit
Q89716438PPE CASE: evaluation of a self-contained breathing apparatus involved in a fatality and a near miss while operating at a structure fire - NIOSH Division of Safety Research DSR Clinton Fire Department request for two MSA model G1
Q99988227PPE CASE: evaluation of a self-contained breathing apparatus involved in a fatality in the fire service Worcester Fire Department requested the evaluation of a Scott Safety Air-Pak model 4.5, 45 minute, 4500 psi unit
Q89720034PPE CASE: evaluation of a self-contained breathing apparatus involved in a fatality while operating at a structure fire - Howard County Department of Fire and Rescue Services request for a MSA model G1
Q89720031PPE CASE: evaluation of a self-contained breathing apparatus involved in a fatality while operating at a structure fire and conducting overhaul - Watertown Fire Department request for a Scott(R) Safety Air-Pak model X3
Q89720060PPE CASE: evaluation of a self-contained breathing apparatus involved in a near miss in the fire service - Birmingham Alabama Fire Department request for a Scott(R) Safety Air-Pak(R) model 4.5 unit
Q89720879PPE CASE: evaluation of a self-contained breathing apparatus involved in a near miss in the fire service - Indianapolis, Indiana Fire Department requested the evaluation of a Scott(R) Safety Air-Pak(R) Plus 4.5, 4500 psi, 30 minute unit
Q89720063PPE CASE: evaluation of a self-contained breathing apparatus involved in a near miss in the fire service - Rock Creek Idaho Fire Department request for a Sperian TITAN(TM) unit
Q89720040PPE CASE: evaluation of a self-contained breathing apparatus involved in near miss during live training with a recruit at a state academy - East Hartford Fire Department request for a Scott(R) Safety Air-Pak 4.5
Q89720888PPE CASE: evaluation of five self-contained breathing apparatus for potential contribution to a fatal event in the fire service - Kansas City, Missouri Fire Department request for MSA Firehawk(R) M7 model, 4500 psi units
Q89716576PPE CASE: evaluation of six self-contained breathing apparatus for potential contribution to a fatal event in the fire service - Wilmington Delaware Fire Department request for five MSA model Firehawk(R) M7 and one MSA model G1 units
Q89720046PPE CASE: evaluation of three self-contained breathing apparatus involved in a fatality in the fire service - San Antonio County Fire Department request for three Scott(R) Safety Air-Pak(R) model AP50 4.5 units
Q89720885PPE CASE: evaluation of two self-contained breathing apparatus for potential contribution to a fatal event in the fire service - Pineville, North Carolina Fire Department request for Scott(R) Safety Air-Pak(R) 4.5, 4500 psi, 30 minute units
Q89716433PPE CASE: evaluation of two self-contained breathing apparatus involved in a fatality in the fire service - Worcester Fire Department requested the evaluation of two Scott(R) Safety Air-Pak(R) model 75, 45 minute, 4500 psi units
Q89720053PPE CASE: evaluation of two self-contained breathing apparatus involved in a near miss in the fire service - Loudoun County Fire Department request for two Scott(R) Safety Air-Pak(R) model AP50 4.5 units
Q89716058PPE CASE: firefighter SCBA facepiece sizing issues
Q99988222PPE CASE: inhalation and exhalation resistance and filtration performance of stockpiled air-purifying respirators: overall performance of nearly 4,000 respirators sampled from ten stockpile facilities
Q89716580PPE CASE: point-of-use assessment for self-contained self-rescuers randomly sampled from mining districts: first phase - sample period: May 2009 to July 2010
Q89716573PPE CASE: point-of-use assessment for self-contained self-rescuers randomly sampled from mining districts: second phase - sample period: January 2012 to June 2013
Q89716451PPE CASE: point-of-use assessment for self-contained self-rescuers randomly sampled from mining districts: third phase - sample period: February 2013 to December 2014
Q89716524PPE CASE: point-of-use assessment of emergency escape breathing devices for the U.S. Navy - sample period: 2010-2014
Q89716539PPE CASE: testing of stockpiled ANSI/AAMI PB70 Level 3 surgical gowns
Q89716641PPE CASE: testing of stockpiled ANSI/AAMI PB70 Level 4 surgical gowns
Q29010110PPE-Info database
Q107001884Pantallas faciales para el control de infecciones: una revisión
Q25932849Particulate respiratory protection - overview, emerging issues and research needs
Q23910308Perceived competence and comfort in respiratory protection: results of a nationwide survey of occupational health nurses
Q66476183Performance comparison of field portable instruments to the scanning mobility particle sizer using monodispersed and polydispersed sodium chloride aerosols
Q23919410Performance evaluation of 26 combinations of chemical protective clothing materials and chemicals after repeated exposures and decontaminations
Q26342238Performance of N95 FFRs against combustion and NaCl aerosols in dry and moderately humid air: manikin-based study
Q119013248Performance of stockpiled Level 3 surgical gowns sampled from six stockpile facilities
Q24169859Peripheral nerve function and lower extremity muscle power in older men
Q26284561Peripheral nerve function and lower extremity muscle power in older men
Q29009405Permeation calculator version 2.4
Q25112553Permeation testing using a newly developed data acquisition system
Q108918113Persistence of SARS-Co-V-2 on N95 filtering facepiece respirators: implications for reuse
Q66639858Personal Protective Technology Program
Q66649366Personal Protective Technology Program
Q112236289Personal Protective Technology Program
Q66476241Personal Protective Technology Program.
Q108918261Personal protective equipment and working in the cold
Q23910096Personal protective equipment for filovirus epidemics: a call for better evidence
Q24185886Personal protective equipment for preventing highly infectious diseases due to exposure to contaminated body fluids in healthcare staff
Q91952914Personal protective equipment for preventing highly infectious diseases due to exposure to contaminated body fluids in healthcare staff
Q122826949Personal protective equipment recommendations for response to chemical suicide incidents
Q124072508Personal protective equipment recommendations for response to chemical suicide incidents
Q32944407Personal protective equipment supply chain: lessons learned from recent public health emergency responses
Q24718231Personal protective equipment: lessons learned from terrorist attacks
Q23923927Pesticide detoxifying functions of N-halamine fabrics
Q112235632Physical activity in the workplace: does just working meet activity recommendations?
Q24169748Physiologic and fit factor profiles of N95 and P100 filtering facepiece respirators for use in hot, humid environments
Q25106943Physiological and thermoregulatory responses to wearing N95 filtering facepiece respirators
Q23920006Physiological burden associated with the use of filtering facepiece respirators (N95 Masks) during pregnancy
Q24853205Physiological consequences of boot weight and sole type in men and women firefighters
Q29009308Physiological consequences of stitched- and cement-soled boots in men and women firefighters
Q23918902Physiological effects of boot weight and design on men and women firefighters
Q23918669Physiological evaluation of air-fed ensembles
Q29247573Physiological evaluation of cooling devices in conjunction with personal protective ensembles recommended for use in West Africa
Q29247571Physiological evaluation of personal protective ensembles recommended for use in West Africa
Q26154985Physiological impact of flame resistant clothing: managing heat stress
Q26154928Physiological impact of the N95 filtering facepiece respirator on healthcare workers
Q24825076Physiological measurement comparison from a portable sensor system and standard laboratory equipment during graded exercise
Q23909603Physiological monitoring in firefighter ensembles: wearable plethysmographic sensor vest versus standard equipment
Q24350715Physiological response to alterations in [O2] and [CO2]: relevance to respiratory protective devices
Q23923476Physiological responses to wearing a prototype firefighter ensemble compared with a standard ensemble
Q112235299Physiological stress in flat and uphill walking with different backpack loads in professional mountain rescue crews
Q23922946Pilot study of aromatic hydrocarbon adsorption characteristics of disposable filtering facepiece respirators that contain activated carbon
Q96593536Planning for epidemics and pandemics: assessing the potential impact of extended use and reuse strategies on respirator usage rates to support supply-and-demand planning efforts
Q90389528Pneumoconiosis ICD-CM Diagnosis Codes on Medicare Claims for Federal Black Lung Program Beneficiaries
Q122827390Pneumoconiosis incidence and prevalence among US Medicare beneficiaries, 1999-2019
Q119013087Point-of-use assessment for closed-circuit escape respirators sampled from mines that use both Subpart O and Subpart H approved units: first phase
Q23910013Porous silicon-based optical microsensors for volatile organic analytes: effect of surface chemistry on stability and specificity
Q50117068Postexercise whole-body sweating increases during muscle metaboreceptor activation in young men.
Q36887810Powered air-purifying respirator use in healthcare: effects on thermal sensations and comfort
Q47148042Prediction of WBGT-based clothing adjustment values from evaporative resistance
Q24996957Preparedness through daily practice: the myths of respiratory protection in healthcare
Q23913744Preparing for an influenza pandemic: personal protective equipment for healthcare workers
Q23915608Pressure drop of filtering facepiece respirators: how low should we go?
Q27908607Prevalence of respiratory protective devices in U.S. health care facilities: implications for emergency preparedness
Q107001820Probability of hyperthermia in a hot environment while wearing a liquid cooling garment underneath firefighters' protective clothing
Q126283616Proceedings of the 2022 Equitable PPE Protections Workshop: a national strategy for equitable PPE protections for all U.S. workers
Q26047325Progress toward safe nanotechnology in the workplace: a report from the NIOSH Nanotechnology Research Center. Project updates for 2007 and 2008
Q89716393Projectile fluid penetration and flammability of respirators and other head/facial personal protective equipment (FPFPPE)
Q24169854Proper use of surgical N95 respirators and surgical masks in the OR
Q66630568Protecting disaster rescue and recovery workers
Q24703632Protecting emergency responders. Volume 2. Community views of safety and health risks and personal protection needs
Q52668803Protecting healthcare personnel in outpatient settings: the influence of mandatory versus nonmandatory influenza vaccination policies on workplace absenteeism during multiple respiratory virus seasons
Q24850014Protecting the nanotechnology workforce: NIOSH nanotechnology research and guidance strategic plan, 2013-2016
Q23920849Protection factor for N95 filtering facepiece respirators exposed to laboratory aerosols containing different concentrations of nanoparticles
Q23919776Protective facemask impact on human thermoregulation: an overview
Q126283797Provider experiences with daily use of elastomeric half-mask respirators in healthcare
Q23924216Psychophysical assessment of assistive devices for transferring patients/residents
Q66638612Public Safety Program
Q66649368Public Safety Program
Q119013301Public Safety Program
Q112236160Public Safety Program
Q66475828Public Safety Program.
Q24169731Pulmonary and heart rate responses to wearing N95 filtering facepiece respirators
Q64125414Quality Assurance Sampling Plans in US Stockpiles for Personal Protective Equipment
Q77791157Quality assurance sampling plans in US stockpiles for personal protective equipment: a computer simulation to examine degradation rates
Q23919421Quantitative analysis of unique deposition pattern of submicron Fe3O4 particles using computer-controlled scanning electron microscopy
Q23912318Reaerosolization of MS2 bacteriophage from an N95 filtering facepiece respirator by simulated coughing
Q24351714Recapturing the sizing issues of respirator fit-test panels for emergency response
Q24273119Recent NIOSH research on fit-test
Q24250301Recommendations for reducing mine worker cumulative trauma exposure
Q24707132Recommended requirements, test methods, and pass/fail criteria for a "B95" respirator for healthcare workers
Q28950551Recommended test methods and pass/fail criteria for a respirator fit capability test of half-mask air-purifying respirators
Q112235362Reducing occupational exposure to SARS-CoV-2: a survey of changes in caseload and controls among medical examiner and coroners' offices in Pennsylvania during 2020
Q23911444Reducing respirator fit test errors: a multi-donning approach
Q23920108Regioregular polythiophene nanowires and sensors
Q23909604Relation between OMNI-RPE and heart rate wearing running clothes vs. firefighter ensembles during treadmill exercise
Q66636983Relationship between total heat loss and thermal protective performance of firefighter protective clothing and consequent influence on burn injury prediction via flame-engulfment manikin test
Q23909690Release of beryllium into artificial airway epithelial lining fluid
Q23923475Repeatability of physiological responses during two repeated protective clothing performance tests under identical test conditions
Q23915606Reproducibility of physiological measures in protective ensemble user performance testing
Q107001934Requirements for building thermal conditions under emergency operations in cold climates
Q24169746Resistance to synthetic blood penetration of National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health-approved N95 filtering facepiece respirators and surgical N95 respirators
Q25017406Respirator awareness: your health may depend on it - personal protective equipment for healthcare workers
Q24702851Respirator fact sheet: what you should know in deciding whether to buy escape hoods, gas masks, or other respirators for preparedness at home and work
Q23912758Respirator performance against nanoparticles under simulated workplace activities
Q77796933Respirator performance against nanoparticles under simulated workplace activities dataset
Q115075806Respirator probe bias evaluation using the advanced headform respirator test system
Q115074632Respirator selection guide for the construction industry
Q24719039Respirator usage in private sector firms, 2001
Q77791018Respirator use & infection control in healthcare
Q24850236Respirator use among ARTBA member companies
Q25893508Respirator use and practices
Q29010222Respirator use in a hospital setting: establishing surveillance metrics
Q24859767Respirator user instructions and NIOSH approval labels: are they understood and used?
Q66594745Respirator users notice. Subject: dust/mist filters approved under Title 30 CFR, Part 11
Q23920497Respiratory protection against airborne nanoparticles: a review
Q24169702Respiratory protection against bioaerosols: literature review and research needs
Q66631124Respiratory protection against nanoparticle exposure in workplaces
Q66631121Respiratory protection for emergency responders
Q23916809Respiratory protection for firefighters - evaluation of CBRN canisters for use during overhaul
Q23916810Respiratory protection for firefighters - evaluation of CBRN canisters for use during overhaul II: In mask analyte sampling with integrated dynamic breathing machine
Q105468174Respiratory protection in a time of crisis: NIOSH testing of international respiratory protective devices for emergency use
Q112235650Respiratory protection toolbox talk
Q112235823Respiratory protection toolbox talk
Q24846755Results of focus groups on respirator use and practices among road and transportation builders
Q77791009Resumen de los requisitos de la prueba de ajuste
Q23913742Reusability of facemasks during an influenza pandemic: facing the flu
Q24169721Reusable elastomeric air-purifying respirators: physiologic impact on health care workers
Q23919407Review of chamber design requirements for testing of personal protective clothing ensembles
Q23923426Risk of silicosis in cohorts of Chinese tin and tungsten miners, and pottery workers (I): an epidemiological study
Q23918925Robust gold nanoparticles stabilized by trithiol for application in chemiresistive sensors
Q29009797Safety and health in law enforcement
Q77789724Safety culture across cultures
Q119012660Safety culture in healthcare settings
Q23914583Salivary and serum cortisol levels during recovery from intense exercise and prolonged, moderate exercise
Q29009798Salud y seguridad en agencias del orden público
Q24169741Selecting models for a respiratory protection program: what can we learn from the scientific literature?
Q24850901Self-contained self-rescuer field evaluation: seventh-phase results
Q25017443Self-contained self-rescuer long term field evaluation combined eighth and ninth phase results
Q25930552Self-contained self-rescuer long term field evaluation tenth phase results
Q23914869Sensitivity analysis of important parameters affecting contact pressure between a respirator and a headform
Q26280964Setting the respirator research agenda
Q23924228Shape analysis of 3D head scan data for U.S. respirator users
Q119012920Sharps injury rates reported among U.S. workers: NEISS-Work 2006- 2020
Q24630984Short-term heat acclimation training does not improve kinetics of lactate removal following maximal exercise
Q23920839Simple respiratory protection--evaluation of the filtration performance of cloth masks and common fabric materials against 20-1000 nm size particles
Q112235826Simple solutions for dusty environments at metal/nonmetal mines
Q23924170Simulated effects of head movement on contact pressures between headforms and N95 filtering facepiece respirators - part 1: headform model and validation
Q23924171Simulated effects of head movement on contact pressures between headforms and N95 filtering facepiece respirators part 2: simulation
Q23918029Simulated workplace protection factors for half-facepiece respiratory protective devices
Q23914972Simulating the interaction between a respirator and a headform using LS-DYNA
Q23924169Simulation and evaluation of respirator faceseal leaks using computational fluid dynamics and infrared imaging
Q66643862Simulation study: does the air exhaled from a PAPR wearer contaminate the sterile field in an operating room?
Q107002062Slide guard effectiveness on steep-sloped roofs
Q27908526Speech intelligibility assessment of protective facemasks and air-purifying respirators
Q104104171Speech intelligibility test methodology applied to powered air-purifying respirators used in healthcare
Q24998067Statistical performance of proposed panel fit test
Q25892926Strategic plan for NIOSH nanotechnology research and guidance. Filling the knowledge gaps
Q95315405Strategies for Optimizing the Supply of N95 Filtering Facepiece Respirators During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)Pandemic
Q23917526Study of contact characteristics between a respirator and a headform
Q124072525Styles de poils faciaux et masques respiratoires filtrants
Q23915598Subjective perceptions and ergonomics evaluation of a liquid cooled garment worn under protective ensemble during an intermittent treadmill exercise
Q77791002Summary of respirator fit test requirements
Q23920004Surgical mask placement over N95 filtering facepiece respirators: physiological effects on healthcare workers
Q64062532Survival of Staphylococcus aureus on the outer shell of fire fighter turnout gear after sanitation in a commercial washer/extractor
Q26055766Survival of bacteriophage MS2 on filtering facepiece respirator coupons
Q66629790Technologies for the next generation closed-circuit escape respirators
Q66476391Technologies for the next generation closed-circuit escape respirators.
Q29009966Technology News 555 - new very high-pressure oxygen cylinders for use in closed-circuit self-contained self-rescuers (SCSRs)
Q23924227Temporal changes in filtering-facepiece respirator fit
Q126283420Testing the shock protection performance of Type I construction helmets using impactors of different masses
Q47720110The Effect of Inspiratory Resistance on Exercise Performance and Perception in Moderate Normobaric Hypoxia
Q26323753The Oxygen Cost of a Mine Escape
Q27908608The Respiratory Protection Effectiveness Clinical Trial (ResPECT): a cluster-randomized comparison of respirator and medical mask effectiveness against respiratory infections in healthcare personnel
Q124072414The association between safety climate and noncombat injury events among United States Air Force workers
Q24718888The effect of ambient aerosol concentration and exercise on Portacount quantative fit factors
Q25930336The effect of ambient aerosol concentration and exercise on portacount quantitative fit factors
Q24630762The effect of soil accumulation on multiple decontamination processing of N95 filtering facepiece respirator coupons using physical methods
Q23924220The effect of subject characteristics and respirator features on respirator fit
Q26279294The effect of subject characteristics and respirator features on respirator fit
Q26323742The efficacy of the Bitrex Qualitative Fit Test Method with N95 filtering-facepiece respirators
Q23912979The evolution of skin notations for occupational risk assessment: a new NIOSH strategy
Q24276229The evolving mining workforce: training issues
Q108918737The history of the evaluation of particulate respirator fitting characteristics in the U.S. approval requirements
Q23915374The impact of firefighter personal protective equipment and treadmill protocol on maximal oxygen uptake
Q119012671The impact of surface tension on the barrier performance of gowns and coveralls
Q23924078The influence of exercise on cognitive performance in normobaric hypoxia
Q115075209The necessity for improved hand and finger protection in mining
Q112235452The necessity for improved hand and finger protection in mining
Q23913750The personal protective technology program at NIOSH
Q23923555The rate of body heat storage in subjects wearing a prototype firefighter ensemble
Q96593380The respirator fit capability test: enhancing the efficacy of filtering facepiece respirators
Q119012578The role of emergency incident type in identifying first responders' health exposure risks
Q77790521The role of risk avoidance and locus of control in workers' near miss experiences: implications for improving safety management systems
Q77791635The surface tension of synthetic blood used for ASTM F1670 penetration tests
Q23912756The thermo-hand method: evaluation of a new indicator pad for acid permeation of chemical protective gloves
Q23912748The use of aldehyde indicators to determine glutaraldehyde and alkaline glutaraldehyde contamination in chemical protective gloves
Q23919836Thermal burden of N95 filtering facepiece respirators
Q77793062Thermal capacity of fire fighter protective clothing
Q26059089Thermal imaging comparison of maximum surface temperatures achieved on N95 filtering facepiece respirators with and without exhalation valves at sedentary breathing volumes
Q77790996Three key factors required for a respirator to be effective
Q24266682Three-dimensional facial parameters and principal component scores: association with respirator fit
Q77796915Total Inward Leakage (TIL) for respiratory protective devices
Q23920846Total inward leakage measurement of particulates for N95 filtering facepiece respirators - a comparison study
Q23920841Total inward leakage of nanoparticles through filtering facepiece respirators
Q122827092Total outward leakage of half-mask respirators and surgical masks used for source control
Q90647012Training and Fit Testing of Health Care Personnel for Reusable Elastomeric Half-Mask Respirators Compared With Disposable N95 Respirators
Q126283914Training on the rapid removal of an unresponsive firefighter from turnout gear and self-contained breathing apparatus
Q32944335Transfer of bacteriophage MS2 and fluorescein from N95 filtering facepiece respirators to hands: measuring fomite potential
Q77790925Tres factores clave necesarios para que el respirador sea eficaz
Q77790599Types of respiratory protection
Q38765812Umbilical temperature correlation with core and skin temperatures at rest, in the heat and during physical activity
Q24718329Understanding and controlling the hazards of surgical smoke
Q112235646Understanding filtering facepiece respirators
Q112236540Understanding filtration efficiency testing and fit testing in filtering facepiece respirators (FFRs)
Q108918771Understanding filtration efficiency testing and fit testing in filtering facepiece respirators (FFRs)
Q108918776Understanding filtration efficiency testing and fit testing in filtering facepiece respirators (FFRs)
Q24979790Understanding the breathing gas capacities (ratings) of escape respirators for mineworker use
Q77793814Understanding the difference: surgical mask and N95 respirator
Q77790723Understanding the difference: surgical mask, N95 respirator, elastomeric half facepiece respirator
Q112236328Understanding why workers fall
Q124072502Understanding your elastomeric respirator
Q24846921Use of aftermarket replacement component parts for NIOSH-Approved respirators
Q24273110Use of respiratory protection among responders at the World Trade Center site - New York City, September 2001
Q24719413Usefulness of respirator manufacturer user's instructions and NIOSH approval labels
Q26206741Using OSHA inspection data to analyze respirator protection program compliance
Q119013221Using core elements of health and safety management systems to support worker well-being during technology integration
Q112235774Using public feedback about the use of elastomeric half mask respirators to inform a national deployment study within health settings
Q66475653Using sensemaking theory to improve risk management and risk communication: what can we learn?
Q126283788Using the number of N95® filtering facepiece respirator models as an indicator of supply chain stability in a US health-care system
Q66475699Using trunk posture to monitor heat strain at work.
Q77791024Uso de respiradores y control de infecciones en la atención médica
Q23912400Validation and application of models to predict facemask influenza contamination in healthcare settings
Q66476067Validation of computational fluid dynamics models for evaluating loose-fitting powered air-purifying respirators
Q23924126Variations in head-and-face shape of Chinese civilian workers
Q119022361Verifying shelf life for NIOSH Approved® filtering facepiece respirators (FFRs)
Q24706849Violations of federal and state pesticide & pesticide-related personal protective equipment standards among agricultural employers in Oregon
Q23910438Volatile organic compound detection using nanostructured copolymers
Q23910439Volatile organic compound discrimination using nanostructured polythiophene sensors
Q24704246Wearing an N95 respirator concurrently with a powered air-purifying respirator: effect on protection factor
Q77791225What are air-purifying respirators?
Q77790602What are atmosphere-supplying respirators?
Q23915375What do firefighters desire from the next generation of personal protective equipment? Outcomes from an international survey
Q112235821What employers need to know about histoplasmosis
Q112235822What workers should know about histoplasmosis
Q24704700Which substances prompt respirator use?
Q77791042Why are annual fit tests required?
Q66630559Work of breathing for respiratory protective devices; method implementation, intra-, inter-laboratory variability and repeatability
Q26328823Work practices
Q119012929Workers' compensation injury claims among firefighters in Ohio, 2001-2017
Q77791410You've just completed your annual respirator training... Can you answer all of these questions?
Q77791352¿Por qué se requieren las pruebas de ajuste anuales?

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