
music genre

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Abstract is: The valona is a popular narrative song- and poetry-form of the Mexican state of Michoacán. Its main characteristics are a bitter sense of humor, bawdy content, and social concerns. The lyrics of a Valona are composed as groupings of ten-line strophes, each line made up of eight syllables; musically, all valonas are sung (in fact, almost recited) to just a single tune, with an instrumental refrain after each strophe, which can vary. As a narrative popular genre, the valona is literarily and musically related to the Mexican corrido. In a broader stylistic sense, it is akin with other Mexican genres composed in ten minor-verse strophes (décimas or ), such as some huapangos and the , along with certain other Latin American genres, such as the Chilean and the rhapsodes of the Argentine payadores.

The articles in Wikimedia projects and languages

      Valona (song)wikipedia
      Valona (genere musicale)wikipedia

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