BBC Master

home computer released by Acorn Computers

DBpedia resource is:

Abstract is: The BBC Master is a home computer released by Acorn Computers in early 1986. It was designed and built for the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) and was the successor to the BBC Micro Model B. The Master 128 remained in production until 1993.

Wikimedia Commons category is BBC Master

BBC Master is …
instance of (P31):
computer modelQ55990535

sublass of (P279):
home computerQ473708

BBC Micro
Acorn Archimedes
External links are
P646Freebase ID/m/05pjmm
P11122HomeComputer Museum IDAcorn_BBC_Master ID850

P880CPUMOS Technology 6502Q255528
P306operating systemAcorn MOSQ4674556
P577publication date1986-01-01

Reverse relations

emulates (P4043)

Q749976BBC Microfollowed byP156
Q2708134Texas Instruments SN76489used byP1535
Q16082233BBC Master Compactsubclass ofP279
Q4674556Acorn MOSplatformP400

The articles in Wikimedia projects and languages

      Category:BBC Masterwikimedia
Arabic (ar / Q13955)بي بي سي ماسترwikipedia
      BBC Masterwikipedia
      BBC Masterwikipedia
      BBC Masterwikipedia
nbBBC Masterwikipedia
      BBC Masterwikipedia
Norwegian, Nynorsk (nn / Q25164)BBC Masterwikipedia
      BBC Masterwikipedia
      BBC Masterwikipedia
      Acorn Computer BBC Masterwikipedia
      BBC Masterwikipedia

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