Yuriy S Dedkov


Yuriy S Dedkov is …
instance of (P31):

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P13049DDB person (GND) ID128834676
P227GND ID128834676
P496ORCID iD0000-0001-7904-2892
P1153Scopus author ID7004034263
P214VIAF cluster ID20745947

P69educated atTU DresdenQ158158
RWTH Aachen UniversityQ273263
Saint Petersburg State UniversityQ27621
P108employerTU DresdenQ158158
RWTH Aachen UniversityQ273263
Fritz Haber Institute of the MPGQ514590
Innovations for High Performance MicroelectronicsQ829654
University of KonstanzQ835440
Shanghai UniversityQ1343386

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author (P50)
Q39620836Adsorption of NO2 on WSe2: DFT and photoelectron spectroscopy studies.
Q47962193Adsorption of Water and Ammonia on Graphene: Evidence for Chemisorption from X-ray Absorption Spectra.
Q83728868Charge transport in proteins probed by resonant photoemission
Q48368721Comment on "Spin-Orbit Coupling Induced Gap in Graphene on Pt(111) with Intercalated Pb Monolayer".
Q92315938Dirac Electron Behavior for Spin-Up Electrons in Strongly Interacting Graphene on Ferromagnetic Mn5Ge3
Q63109450Electronic Structure of Regular Bacterial Surface Layers
Q42767473Electronic structure and imaging contrast of graphene moiré on metals.
Q83693653Electronic structure and magnetic properties of the graphene/Fe/Ni111 intercalation-like system
Q95849431Epitaxial graphene/Ge interfaces: a minireview
Q83339599Ge(001) as a template for long-range assembly of π-stacked coronene rows
Q104139092Graphene Layer Morphology as an Indicator of the Metal Alloy Formation at the Interface
Q38543546Graphene growth and properties on metal substrates.
Q38992263Graphene on ferromagnetic surfaces and its functionalization with water and ammonia
Q51744329In situ fabrication of quasi-free-standing epitaxial graphene nanoflakes on gold.
Q49944562Layer-by-Layer Decoupling of Twisted Graphene Sheets Epitaxially Grown on a Metal Substrate
Q84412844Magnetite: a search for the half-metallic state
Q51889589Method of measurements with random perturbation: application in photoemission experiments.
Q53134848Multichannel scanning probe microscopy and spectroscopy of graphene moiré structures.
Q84229159On the physisorption of water on graphene: a CCSD(T) study
Q79943573Photoemission and near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure studies of the bacterial surface protein layer of Bacillus sphaericus NCTC 9602
Q89512280Quantum Well States for Graphene Spin-Texture Engineering
Q80904812Rashba effect in the graphene/ni(111) system
Q36555475Restoring a nearly free-standing character of graphene on Ru(0001) by oxygen intercalation
Q47334496Size-Selected Epitaxial Nanoislands Underneath Graphene Moiré on Rh(111)
Q86524126Specific many-electron effects in X-ray spectra of simple metals and graphene
Q30315414Structural and electronic properties of epitaxial multilayer h-BN on Ni(111) for spintronics applications
Q39312705Structural and electronic properties of graphene nanoflakes on Au(111) and Ag(111).
Q52807406The graphene/n-Ge(110) interface: structure, doping, and electronic properties.
Q52884197Theoretical description of X-ray absorption spectroscopy of the graphene-metal interfaces.
Q28830120Understanding the growth mechanism of graphene on Ge/Si(001) surfaces
Q42737072Understanding the origin of band gap formation in graphene on metals: graphene on Cu/Ir(111).
Q92358497Unoccupied electronic band structure of pentagonal Si nanoribbons on Ag(110)
Q82594391Wave-vector conservation upon hybridization of 4f and valence-band states observed in photoemission spectra of a Ce monolayer on W(110)
Q80746995YCo2: intrinsic magnetic surface of a paramagnetic bulk material

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