
central database maintained by the French Ministry of Culture

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Abstract is: Joconde is the central database created in 1975 and now available online, maintained by the French Ministry of Culture, for objects in the collections of the main French public and private museums listed as Musées de France, according to article L. 441-1 of the Code du patrimoine amounting to more than 1,200 institutions. "La Joconde" is the French name of the Mona Lisa, which like about half of the collections of the Louvre, is included in the database, as one of 295 items by, after, or connected with Leonardo da Vinci; of these, only 42 works are by Leonardo da Vinci, including 6 paintings. By November 2012, Joconde contained over 475,000 object online and over 290,000 with images, from 366 collections in France, including 209,350 drawings, 63,547 paintings, 34,561 prints, 34,102 sculptures or 16,631 costumes and their accessories and is still expanding. By June 2022 it counted 636,405 objects. The database is not only dedicated to the information of the public but as well to the needs of the administrators and curators of the museums, thanks to the online presentation of professional tools to facilitate notably the museums collections cataloguing and state inventory (récolement). This explains the great precision of the listings. Since the museums participate on a voluntary basis to the regular enrichment of the database, some can present a large part of their collection, while others appear only because of the mere permanent deposits made by the first ones. Live on the French Minitel system from 1992, the database went online in 1995. Originally just for objects from the fine arts and decorative arts, in 2004 Joconde was united with what had been separate databases for objects from archeology and ethnology. It comes under the "Direction des Musées de France" (DMF) section of the Ministry. A small number of the best known objects have a prose commentary. Not all images are in colour, especially for the archaeological collections. When an object created after the mid-20th century has no image this is most often for copyright reasons. On the original database, the listing of 49 search criterias is highly structured, using a special vocabulary, which allows for very specific and accurate searches, helped as well by the index. Since July 9, 2019, Joconde is available on the Plateforme Ouverte du Patrimoine (POP), the general database of the ministry of culture, which gathers 8 databases and offers only 9 main advanced search criterias, but 3,976,845 objects, on 25 June 2022, including 253,677 drawings, 146,620 paintings or 226,777 sculptures. The former search page of Joconde is still available, but no more updated since 19 March 2019.

Wikimedia Commons category is Images from Joconde

Joconde is …
instance of (P31):

External links are dataset ID5b448216a3a729752eb11d6f
P646Freebase ID/m/05b6sqf
P856official website

P407language of work or nameFrenchQ150
P176manufacturerMinistry of Culture of FranceQ384602
P138named afterMona LisaQ12418
P361part ofPOPQ68471231
P2353statistical unitwork of artQ838948
P1687Wikidata propertyJoconde work IDP347
Joconde author IDP7711
Joconde domain IDP7712
Joconde epoch IDP7786
Joconde object type IDP7844
Joconde location IDP7850
Joconde inscription IDP7884
Joconde time period IDP7885
Joconde discovery IDP7960
Joconde creation IDP7961
Joconde technique IDP8192
Joconde use IDP10186

Reverse relations

collection (P195)
Q59273785La Deûle à Haubourdin
Q112209039Statue de Paul Brouardel
Q40328573Dé à jouer 98.7.40
Q61855464Jardin au clair de Lune

described by source (P1343)
Q58209224Alexandre Marie Dreux
Q58193213C. Berthal
Q58193970Camille Choisnard
Q58193753Célestin Cellier
Q58193403Fanny Burat
Q58209333Francis Dupuis
Q58194232G. Cordier
Q58193257Henri Bordeau
Q58213879Isabelle Ferré
Q58214417Joseph Ferdinand François Godefroy de Veaux
Q58214446La Perche
Q58192942Léon Bigot
Q58193345Léon-Antoine Brard
Q58214329Pierre Jean François Gaudar de Laverdine
Q58214460Pierre Merlot
Q58209083Pierre Paul Detenre
Q58214251Étienne-Odot Garot Dubuisson

applicable 'stated in' value (P9073)
P7711Joconde author ID
P7961Joconde creation ID
P7960Joconde discovery ID
P7712Joconde domain ID
P7786Joconde epoch ID
P7884Joconde inscription ID
P7850Joconde location ID
P7844Joconde object type ID
P8192Joconde technique ID
P7885Joconde time period ID
P10186Joconde use ID
P347Joconde work ID

Q68471231POPhas part(s)P527

The articles in Wikimedia projects and languages

      Category:Images from Jocondewikimedia
Egyptian Arabic (arz / Q29919)جوكوندwikipedia
      Base Jocondewikipedia
      Base Jocondewikipedia
Basque language (eu / Q8752)Jocondewikipedia
      Joconde (catalogue)wikipedia

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