Saba Balasubramanian


Saba Balasubramanian is …
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P856official website
P496ORCID iD0000-0001-5953-2843

P108employerUniversity of SheffieldQ823917

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author (P50)
Q85654370'Diagnostic radiography and thyroid cancer' - causation or simply an association?
Q85979013A Randomised Assessment of Trainee Doctors' Understanding and Interpretation of Diagnostic Test Results
Q37313778A breast cancer risk haplotype in the caspase-8 gene
Q36713560A case report on acute severe hyponatraemia following parathyroid surgery for primary hyperparathyroidism-A rare but life threatening complication.
Q64901828Acute non-traumatic adrenal haemorrhage-management, pathology and clinical outcomes.
Q39005039Adult Thyroglossal Duct Carcinoma of Thyroid Epithelial Origin: A Retrospective Observational Study
Q37330662Angiogenesis is associated with the onset of hyperplasia in human ductal breast disease.
Q87814571Authors reply to letter to editor: primary hyperparathyroidism: an analysis of failure of parathyroidectomy
Q87853784Authors' reply: Systematic review and meta-analysis of predictors of post-thyroidectomy hypocalcaemia (Br J Surg 2014; 101: 307-320)
Q64268305Cabozantinib and vandetanib for unresectable locally advanced or metastatic medullary thyroid cancer: a systematic review and economic model
Q92216959Calcium, vitamin D or recombinant parathyroid hormone for managing post-thyroidectomy hypoparathyroidism
Q94337640Calcium, vitamin D or recombinant parathyroid hormone for managing post‐thyroidectomy hypoparathyroidism
Q38114663Chylous mesenteric cyst: A diagnostic dilemma.
Q50097479Current predictive models do not accurately differentiate between single and multi gland disease in primary hyperparathyroidism: a retrospective cohort study of two endocrine surgery units.
Q84042440Dementia and Poor Surgical Outcomes: Reinventing the Wheel or Providing Empirical Evidence?
Q33412299Description and reporting of surgical data--scope for improvement?
Q38247385Effectiveness of preventative and other surgical measures on hypocalcemia following bilateral thyroid surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Q33702357Effects of prolonged exposure to low dose metformin in thyroid cancer cell lines.
Q51701367Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy to Aid Parathyroid Identification and Preservation in Central Compartment Neck Surgery: A Proof of Concept in a Rabbit Model.
Q33700874Epidemiology, management and outcomes of Graves' disease-real life data.
Q92887741Evaluation of malpractice litigation in thyroid disease in the National Health Service
Q39921521Expression of beta-dystroglycan is reduced or absent in many human carcinomas
Q87643716Iatrogenic/post-surgical hypoparathyroidism: where do we go from here?
Q35759871Incidence and predictors of post-thyroidectomy hypocalcaemia in a tertiary endocrine surgical unit
Q47450060Incidence, prevalence and risk factors for post-surgical hypocalcaemia and hypoparathyroidism.
Q36070676Incidentalomas during imaging for primary hyperparathyroidism--incidence and clinical outcomes
Q59261441Is there a role for routine laryngoscopy before and after parathyroid surgery?
Q33714084Long-term treatment-related morbidity in differentiated thyroid cancer: a systematic review of the literature
Q49578465Modification, validation and implementation of a protocol for post-thyroidectomy hypocalcaemia
Q53665038Multimedia educational tools for cognitive surgical skill acquisition in open and laparoscopic colorectal surgery: a randomized controlled trial.
Q47849694Near infrared fluorescence imaging of rabbit thyroid and parathyroid glands.
Q47691198Optimal Management of a Synchronous Diagnosis of Phaeochromocytoma and Colorectal Neoplasia.
Q38409333Osteoprotegerin (OPG) and Related Proteins (RANK, RANKL and TRAIL) in Thyroid Disease
Q92583654Outcomes After Urgent Thyroidectomy Following Rapid Control of Thyrotoxicosis in Graves' Disease are Similar to Those After Elective Surgery in Well-Controlled Disease
Q47386613Patients' perceptions and views of surgery and radioiodine ablation in the definitive management of Graves' disease.
Q41869956Phaeochromocytoma with hypercortisolism and hypercalcaemia
Q84562057Post-parathyroidectomy parathyroid hormone levels: the impact on patient survival - a single-centre study in a stage 5 chronic kidney disease population
Q87019099Primary hyperparathyroidism: an analysis of failure of parathyroidectomy
Q46181799Prophylactic central neck dissection for papillary thyroid cancer (Br J Surg 2013; 100: 410–418)
Q91856534Reoperation for Bleeding After Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery: Incidence, Risk Factors, Prevention, and Management
Q38890175Risk Profile of the RET A883F Germline Mutation: An International Collaborative Study
Q34981278Role of genetic polymorphisms in tumour angiogenesis
Q58733117Routine thyroglobulin, neck ultrasound and physical examination in the routine follow up of patients with differentiated thyroid cancer-Where is the evidence?
Q46252796Sentinel node biopsy in papillary thyroid cancer--what is the potential?
Q93161068Simultaneous presentation of parathyroid carcinoma, papillary thyroid cancer and ACTH-independent hypercortisolism due to benign cortical adenoma
Q84360162Study raises five questions
Q94336370Surgery versus surveillance for asymptomatic (mild) primary hyperparathyroidism in adults 50 years or older
Q38939775Systematic Review of Trends in the Incidence Rates of Thyroid Cancer.
Q38176830Systematic review and meta-analysis of predictors of post-thyroidectomy hypocalcaemia
Q37829975Systematic review and meta-analysis of sentinel node biopsy in thyroid cancer.
Q38636010The role of multimedia in surgical skills training and assessment.
Q38235174Thyroid incidentalomas on PET imaging--evaluation of management and clinical outcomes
Q37683923Treatment related morbidity in differentiated thyroid cancer-a survey of clinicians
Q92380148Tuberculosis as a differential for bilateral adrenal masses in the UK
Q64063663Two cases of spontaneous remission of primary hyperparathyroidism due to auto-infarction: different management and their outcomes
Q90070332Use of Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy for Intraoperative Tissue Differentiation During Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery
Q49914752Use of methylene blue and near-infrared fluorescence in thyroid and parathyroid surgery.
Q53047439Variation in the use of definitive treatment options in the management of Graves' disease: a UK clinician survey.

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