Multivariate Relationships Between Cognition and Brain Anatomy Across the Psychosis Spectrum

scientific article published on 31 March 2018

Multivariate Relationships Between Cognition and Brain Anatomy Across the Psychosis Spectrum is …
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P932PMC publication ID6167203
P698PubMed publication ID29759822

P50authorGodfrey D. PearlsonQ21114976
Carol TammingaQ29904486
John A SweeneyQ60446005
Robert D. GibbonsQ46996511
P2093author name stringMatcheri S Keshavan
Brett A Clementz
Neeraj Tandon
Jennifer E McDowell
Amanda L Rodrigue
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P921main subjectpsychosisQ170082
multivariate statisticsQ1952580
P577publication date2018-03-31
P1433published inBiological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and NeuroimagingQ24040314
P1476titleMultivariate Relationships Between Cognition and Brain Anatomy Across the Psychosis Spectrum

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