
molecular modelling software package

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Abstract is: Ghemical is a computational chemistry software package written in C++ and released under the GNU General Public License. The program has graphical user interface based on GTK+2 and supports quantum mechanical and molecular mechanic models, with geometry optimization, molecular dynamics, and a large set of visualization tools. Ghemical relies on external code to provide the quantum-mechanical calculations — MOPAC provides the semi-empirical MNDO, MINDO, AM1, and PM3 methods, and MPQC methods based on Hartree–Fock calculations. The chemical expert system is based on OpenBabel, which provides basis functionality like atom typing, rotamer generation and import/export of chemical file formats.

Ghemical is …
instance of (P31):
free softwareQ341

External links are
P3442Debian stable packageghemical
P2537Free Software Directory entryGhemical
P646Freebase ID/m/07cvxm
P3499Gentoo packagesci-chemistry/ghemical
P856official website DBApp ID1645
P6931Repology project nameghemical
P1324source code repository URL

P275copyright licenseGNU General Public License, version 2.0Q10513450
P6216copyright statuscopyrightedQ50423863
P1547depends on softwareOpenBabelQ612752
P1414GUI toolkit or frameworkGTKQ189464
P366has usecomputational chemistryQ369472
P306operating systemUnix-like operating systemQ14656
P277programmed inC++Q2407
P348software version identifier3.0.0

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