
a browser interface for CVS and Subversion version control repositories

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Abstract is: ViewVC (formerly ViewCVS) is an open-source tool for viewing the contents of CVS and SVN repositories using a web browser. It allows looking at specific revisions of files as well as side-by-side diffs of different revisions. It is written in Python and the view parameters can be modified directly in a URL using a REST style interface.

ViewVC is …
instance of (P31):
free softwareQ341

External links are
P4162AUR packageviewvc
P3442Debian stable packageviewvc
P3463Fedora packageviewvc
P646Freebase ID/m/067gt2
P7427FreeBSD portdevel/viewvc
P3499Gentoo packagewww-apps/viewvc
P8443Homebrew formula nameviewvc
P7966NetBSD package IDwww/viewvc
P856official website
P1972Open Hub IDviewvc
P7788openSUSE packageviewvc DBApp ID8698
P6931Repology project nameviewvc
P1324source code repository URL
P2209SourceForge projectviewcvs
P3473Ubuntu packageviewvc

P275copyright license2-clause BSD LicenseQ18517294
P6216copyright statuscopyrightedQ50423863
P178developerGreg SteinQ5606290
P366has useversion controlQ189439
P306operating systemMicrosoft WindowsQ1406
P277programmed inPythonQ28865
P348software version identifier1.2.3

Reverse relations

Q97351824Pygmentsused byP1535

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