Tissa H. Illangasekare

professor of environmental engineering

Tissa H. Illangasekare is …
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P1960Google Scholar author IDGakZjjIAAAAJ
P2798Loop ID1047572
P496ORCID iD0000-0003-4975-560X
P1153Scopus author ID7007074182

P166award receivedHenry Darcy MedalQ64980956
P69educated atAsian Institute of TechnologyQ727675
Colorado State UniversityQ1111640
University of CeylonQ7895254
P108employerColorado School of MinesQ1111367
environmental engineerQ19377727

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author (P50)
Q117377677<em>AGU Advances</em> Goes Online
Q59836689A Connectivity-Based Modeling Approach for Representing Hysteresis in Macroscopic Two-Phase Flow Properties
Q111491976A generalized approach for estimation of in‐plane curvature in invasion percolation models for drainage in fractures
Q61470077A new tracer-density criterion for heterogeneous porous media
Q63203913Advances in Groundwater Remediation: Achieving Effective In Situ Delivery of Chemical Oxidants and Amendments
Q57256314Assessing Multicomponent DNAPL Biostabilization Potential. II: Aroclor 1242
Q57256318Assessing Multicomponent DNAPL Biostabilization.I: Coal Tar
Q44014037Biodegradation of propylene glycol and associated hydrodynamic effects in sand
Q50969876Biologically enhanced mass transfer of tetrachloroethene from DNAPL in source zones: experimental evaluation and influence of pool morphology.
Q59788707CO 2 leakage in shallow aquifers: A benchmark modeling study of CO 2 gas evolution in heterogeneous porous media
Q59788716CO2 Leakage Into Shallow Aquifers: Modeling CO2 Gas Evolution and Accumulation at Interfaces of Heterogeneity
Q117028959Confronting Racism to Advance Our Science
Q52035909Convergent-flow tracer tests in heterogeneous media: combined experimental-numerical analysis for determination of equivalent transport parameters.
Q125100376Development of an experimental approach to study coupled soil‐plant‐atmosphere processes using plant analogs
Q89541911Dimensional effects of inter-phase mass transfer on attenuation of structurally trapped gaseous carbon dioxide in shallow aquifers
Q86639866Dissolution of dense non-aqueous phase liquids in vertical fractures: effect of finger residuals and dead-end pools
Q59282030Editorial: Building on the legacy of Water Resources Research
Q47770753Effect of NAPL Source Morphology on Mass Transfer in the Vadose Zone
Q79361144Effects of heterogeneity and experimental scale on the biodegradation of diesel
Q59304899Effects of incomplete remediation of NAPL-contaminated aquifers: experimental and numerical modeling investigations
Q42643092Effects of single-fracture aperture statistics on entrapment, dissolution and source depletion behavior of dense non-aqueous phase liquids
Q43321726Empirical correlations to estimate agglomerate size and deposition during injection of a polyelectrolyte-modified Fe0 nanoparticle at high particle concentration in saturated sand.
Q60058517Enhancing capillary trapping effectiveness through proper time scheduling of injection of supercritical CO2 in heterogeneous formations
Q60058520Evaluation of relative permeability functions as inputs to multiphase flow models simulating supercritical CO 2 behavior in deep geologic formations
Q60058524Experimental Investigation of Supercritical CO2 Trapping Mechanisms at the Intermediate Laboratory Scale in Well-defined Heterogeneous Porous Media
Q60058522Experimental analysis of spatial correlation effects on capillary trapping of supercritical CO2 at the intermediate laboratory scale in heterogeneous porous media
Q59788714Experimental study of gas evolution in heterogeneous shallow subsurface formations during leakage of stored CO2
Q47338165Experimental study of the effects of DNAPL distribution on mass rebound
Q60058523Experimental study on effects of geologic heterogeneity in enhancing dissolution trapping of supercritical CO2
Q59788719Heterogeneity-enhanced gas phase formation in shallow aquifers during leakage of CO2 -saturated water from geologic sequestration sites
Q60058515Imaging and quantification of spreading and trapping of carbon dioxide in saline aquifers using meter-scale laboratory experiments
Q58457230Impacts of the 2004 tsunami on groundwater resources in Sri Lanka
Q112712331Integration of Artificial Recharge and Recovery Systems for Impaired Water Sources in Urban Settings: Overcoming Current Limitations and Engineering Challenges
Q60058518Intermediate Scale Laboratory Testing to Understand Mechanisms of Capillary and Dissolution Trapping during Injection and Post-Injection of CO 2 in Heterogeneous Geological Formations
Q59788705Intermediate-Scale Experimental Study to Improve Fundamental Understanding of Attenuation Capacity for Leaking CO2 in Heterogeneous Shallow Aquifers
Q60058526Investigation of mechanisms of supercritical CO 2 trapping in deep saline reservoirs using surrogate fluids at ambient laboratory conditions
Q60058516Investigation of representing hysteresis in macroscopic models of two-phase flow in porous media using intermediate scale experimental data
Q53666077Long-term mass transfer and mixing-controlled reactions of a DNAPL plume from persistent residuals
Q56968012Modeling gasoline fate and transport in the unsaturated zone
Q60058514Modelling plume behavior through a heterogeneous sand pack using a commercial invasion percolation model
Q59788727Multi-scale Experimentation and Numerical Modeling for Process Understanding of CO2 Attenuation in the shallow subsurface
Q44305610On integrating groundwater transport models with wireless sensor networks
Q112712316Optimal Decision Making Algorithm for Managed Aquifer Recharge and Recovery Operation Using Near Real-Time Data: Benchtop Scale Laboratory Demonstration
Q47175400Particle size distribution, concentration, and magnetic attraction affect transport of polymer-modified Fe(0) nanoparticles in sand columns
Q43350362Partitioning and Interfacial Tracers for Differentiating NAPL Entrapment Configuration: Column-Scale Investigation
Q43328299Partitioning of dissolved chlorinated ethenes into vegetable oil.
Q84375988Polymer-modified Fe0 nanoparticles target entrapped NAPL in two dimensional porous media: effect of particle concentration, NAPL saturation, and injection strategy
Q61470010Predictive modeling of flow and transport in a two-dimensional intermediate-scale, heterogeneous porous medium
Q57437350Principles of ISCO Related Subsurface Transport and Modeling
Q47795331Role of co-occurring competition and facilitation in plant spacing hydrodynamics in water-limited environments
Q34228396Study of the effect of wind speed on evaporation from soil through integrated modeling of the atmospheric boundary layer and shallow subsurface.
Q117377675Thank You to Our 2019 Reviewers
Q117377671Thank You to Our 2020 Peer Reviewers
Q108300561Thank You to Our 2020 Reviewers
Q117377666Thank You to Our 2021 Peer Reviewers
Q51800333The effect of entrapped nonaqueous phase liquids on tracer transport in heterogeneous porous media: laboratory experiments at the intermediate scale
Q50931983The significance of heterogeneity on mass flux from DNAPL source zones: an experimental investigation
Q112712312Trace organic chemical attenuation during managed aquifer recharge: Insights from a variably saturated 2D tank experiment
Q57690727Transport and Recovery of Bacteriophage PRD1 in a Sand and Gravel Aquifer: Effect of Sewage-Derived Organic Matter
Q82356751Transport and deposition of polymer-modified Fe0 nanoparticles in 2-D heterogeneous porous media: effects of particle concentration, Fe0 content, and coatings
Q112607991Twenty-three unsolved problems in hydrology (UPH) – a community perspective
Q111492882Two-phase flow in rough-walled fractures: Comparison of continuum and invasion-percolation models
Q59788729What controls carbon dioxide gas phase evolution in the subsurface? Experimental observations in a 4.5m-long column under different heterogeneity conditions

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