human | Q5 |
P1960 | Google Scholar author ID | GakZjjIAAAAJ |
P2798 | Loop ID | 1047572 |
P496 | ORCID iD | 0000-0003-4975-560X |
P1153 | Scopus author ID | 7007074182 |
P166 | award received | Henry Darcy Medal | Q64980956 |
P69 | educated at | Asian Institute of Technology | Q727675 |
Colorado State University | Q1111640 | ||
University of Ceylon | Q7895254 | ||
P108 | employer | Colorado School of Mines | Q1111367 |
P106 | occupation | researcher | Q1650915 |
environmental engineer | Q19377727 |
Q117377677 | <em>AGU Advances</em> Goes Online |
Q59836689 | A Connectivity-Based Modeling Approach for Representing Hysteresis in Macroscopic Two-Phase Flow Properties |
Q111491976 | A generalized approach for estimation of in‐plane curvature in invasion percolation models for drainage in fractures |
Q61470077 | A new tracer-density criterion for heterogeneous porous media |
Q63203913 | Advances in Groundwater Remediation: Achieving Effective In Situ Delivery of Chemical Oxidants and Amendments |
Q57256314 | Assessing Multicomponent DNAPL Biostabilization Potential. II: Aroclor 1242 |
Q57256318 | Assessing Multicomponent DNAPL Biostabilization.I: Coal Tar |
Q44014037 | Biodegradation of propylene glycol and associated hydrodynamic effects in sand |
Q50969876 | Biologically enhanced mass transfer of tetrachloroethene from DNAPL in source zones: experimental evaluation and influence of pool morphology. |
Q59788707 | CO 2 leakage in shallow aquifers: A benchmark modeling study of CO 2 gas evolution in heterogeneous porous media |
Q59788716 | CO2 Leakage Into Shallow Aquifers: Modeling CO2 Gas Evolution and Accumulation at Interfaces of Heterogeneity |
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Q52035909 | Convergent-flow tracer tests in heterogeneous media: combined experimental-numerical analysis for determination of equivalent transport parameters. |
Q125100376 | Development of an experimental approach to study coupled soil‐plant‐atmosphere processes using plant analogs |
Q89541911 | Dimensional effects of inter-phase mass transfer on attenuation of structurally trapped gaseous carbon dioxide in shallow aquifers |
Q86639866 | Dissolution of dense non-aqueous phase liquids in vertical fractures: effect of finger residuals and dead-end pools |
Q59282030 | Editorial: Building on the legacy of Water Resources Research |
Q47770753 | Effect of NAPL Source Morphology on Mass Transfer in the Vadose Zone |
Q79361144 | Effects of heterogeneity and experimental scale on the biodegradation of diesel |
Q59304899 | Effects of incomplete remediation of NAPL-contaminated aquifers: experimental and numerical modeling investigations |
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Q43321726 | Empirical correlations to estimate agglomerate size and deposition during injection of a polyelectrolyte-modified Fe0 nanoparticle at high particle concentration in saturated sand. |
Q60058517 | Enhancing capillary trapping effectiveness through proper time scheduling of injection of supercritical CO2 in heterogeneous formations |
Q60058520 | Evaluation of relative permeability functions as inputs to multiphase flow models simulating supercritical CO 2 behavior in deep geologic formations |
Q60058524 | Experimental Investigation of Supercritical CO2 Trapping Mechanisms at the Intermediate Laboratory Scale in Well-defined Heterogeneous Porous Media |
Q60058522 | Experimental analysis of spatial correlation effects on capillary trapping of supercritical CO2 at the intermediate laboratory scale in heterogeneous porous media |
Q59788714 | Experimental study of gas evolution in heterogeneous shallow subsurface formations during leakage of stored CO2 |
Q47338165 | Experimental study of the effects of DNAPL distribution on mass rebound |
Q60058523 | Experimental study on effects of geologic heterogeneity in enhancing dissolution trapping of supercritical CO2 |
Q59788719 | Heterogeneity-enhanced gas phase formation in shallow aquifers during leakage of CO2 -saturated water from geologic sequestration sites |
Q60058515 | Imaging and quantification of spreading and trapping of carbon dioxide in saline aquifers using meter-scale laboratory experiments |
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Q112712331 | Integration of Artificial Recharge and Recovery Systems for Impaired Water Sources in Urban Settings: Overcoming Current Limitations and Engineering Challenges |
Q60058518 | Intermediate Scale Laboratory Testing to Understand Mechanisms of Capillary and Dissolution Trapping during Injection and Post-Injection of CO 2 in Heterogeneous Geological Formations |
Q59788705 | Intermediate-Scale Experimental Study to Improve Fundamental Understanding of Attenuation Capacity for Leaking CO2 in Heterogeneous Shallow Aquifers |
Q60058526 | Investigation of mechanisms of supercritical CO 2 trapping in deep saline reservoirs using surrogate fluids at ambient laboratory conditions |
Q60058516 | Investigation of representing hysteresis in macroscopic models of two-phase flow in porous media using intermediate scale experimental data |
Q53666077 | Long-term mass transfer and mixing-controlled reactions of a DNAPL plume from persistent residuals |
Q56968012 | Modeling gasoline fate and transport in the unsaturated zone |
Q60058514 | Modelling plume behavior through a heterogeneous sand pack using a commercial invasion percolation model |
Q59788727 | Multi-scale Experimentation and Numerical Modeling for Process Understanding of CO2 Attenuation in the shallow subsurface |
Q44305610 | On integrating groundwater transport models with wireless sensor networks |
Q112712316 | Optimal Decision Making Algorithm for Managed Aquifer Recharge and Recovery Operation Using Near Real-Time Data: Benchtop Scale Laboratory Demonstration |
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Q34228396 | Study of the effect of wind speed on evaporation from soil through integrated modeling of the atmospheric boundary layer and shallow subsurface. |
Q117377675 | Thank You to Our 2019 Reviewers |
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Q59788729 | What controls carbon dioxide gas phase evolution in the subsurface? Experimental observations in a 4.5m-long column under different heterogeneity conditions |
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