Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications

Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications is …
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P495country of originKingdom of the NetherlandsQ29999
P407language of work or nameEnglishQ1860
P1476titleRecent advances in computer science and communications

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published in (P1433)
Q111899646A Cluster Analysis Method of Software Development Activities Based on Event Log
Q128589566A Comparative Analysis of Feature Selection Algorithms in Cross Domain Sentiment Classification
Q114252605A Comparative Study on the Application of Text Mining in Cybersecurity
Q126545032A Comprehensive Review of Load Balancing Techniques in Cloud Computing and Their Simulation with CloudSim Plus
Q128907576A Comprehensive Study of Deep Learning Techniques to Predict Dissimilar Diseases in Diabetes Mellitus Using IoT
Q114592032A Concept of Captcha Based Dynamic Password
Q114951845A Defense Mechanism Based on Improved Allocation Strategy of VMs Co-Resident Attack in Power Cloud Platform
Q129081442A Dynamic Task Scheduling Algorithm for Cloud Computing Environment
Q127520055A Fully Convolutional Neural Network for Recognition of Diabetic Retinopathy in Fundus Images
Q113258656A Hybrid Hyper-Heuristic Flower Pollination Algorithm for Service Composition Problem in IoT
Q127495560A Hybrid Technique for Selection and Minimization of Test Cases in Regression Testing
Q126584276A Localization Scheme for Underwater Acoustic Wireless Sensor Networks using AoA
Q127708850A Method for Webpage Classification Based on URL Using Clustering
Q129223684A Novel DWT-ERT-based Fault Location for Distribution Network
Q120833884A Novel Encryption of Text Messages Using Two Fold Approach
Q122998798A Novel Model for Aligning Knowledge Management Activities within the Process of Developing Quality Software
Q123002806A Novel Permutation Based Encryption Using Tree Traversal Approach
Q128779800A Novel Simplified AES Algorithm for Lightweight Real-Time Applications: Testing and Discussion
Q114951968A Novel and Secure Hybrid iWD-MASK Algorithm for Enhanced Image Security
Q120967561A Novel and Secure Image Encryption Scheme Based on Chaotic Logistic Map and Random Scrambling Using a Special Parameter of Gray Code Transformation
Q114951849A Practical Conflicting Role-Based Cloud Security Risk Evaluation Method
Q126412016A QoS Metric Approach for Web Service Pertinence for the Cloud
Q128626396A Review Study of Modified Swarm Intelligence: Particle Swarm Optimization, Firefly, Bat and Gray Wolf Optimizer Algorithms
Q128114700A Review of Multi-Objective Evolutionary Based Fuzzy Classifiers
Q126987394A Review on Different Biometric Template Protection Methods
Q127973608A Robust Real Time Object Detection and Recognition Algorithm for Multiple Objects
Q127243763A Sentiment Score and a Rating Based Numeric Analysis Recommendations System: A Review
Q128226023A Stack Autoencoders Based Deep Neural Network Approach for Cervical Cell Classification in Pap-Smear Images
Q114951841A Study of Malware Propagation Dynamics in Wireless Sensor Network Using Spatially Correlated Security Model
Q126587707A Survey of Load Balancing and Implementation of Clustering-Based Approach for Clouds
Q128174211A Thorough Review of Deep Learning in Autism Spectrum Disorder Detection: From Data to Diagnosis
Q127218349A Trust Based Neighbor Identification Using MCDM Model in Wireless Sensor Networks
Q126620388A Two-Sided Matching Method for Green Suppliers and Manufacturers with Intuitionistic Linguistic Preference Information
Q114951759AI-based security protocols for IoT applications: A critical review
Q128234816ANN-Based Relaying Algorithm for Protection of SVC- Compensated AC Transmission Line and Criticality Analysis of a Digital Relay
Q126651830An Accomplished Energy-Aware Approach for Server Load Balancing in Cloud Computing
Q126744296An Anatomy of a Hybrid Color Descriptor with a Neural Network Model to Enhance the Retrieval Accuracy of an Image Retrieval System
Q123357202An Asymmetric Optical Cryptosystem of Double Image Encryption Based on Optical Vortex Phase Mask Using Gyrator Transform Domain
Q129082315An Automated Technique for Optic Disc Detection in Retinal Fundus Images Using Elephant Herding Optimization Algorithm
Q126808125An Automatic Question Generation System Using Rule-Based Approach in Bloom’s Taxonomy
Q127495788An Automatic Text Summarization Method with the Concern of Covering Complete Formation
Q127366814An Efficient Computational Model for Assessing the Stability Characteristics of Electro-active Natural Bio-resources
Q127279230An Efficient Speculative Task Detection Algorithm for MapReduce Schedulers
Q126585699An Energy Efficient Routing Approach to Enhance Coverage for Application-Specific Wireless Sensor Networks Using Genetic Algorithm
Q128307323An Energy Efficient Routing Protocol Based On New Variable Data Packet (VDP) Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks
Q123241906An Image Encryption Scheme Based on Hybrid Fresnel Phase Mask and Singular Value Decomposition
Q127401149An Improved Approach to Analyze Accidents and Promote Road Safety using Association Rule Mining and Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Methods
Q113258654An Intelligent Artificial Bee Colony and Adaptive Bacterial Foraging Optimization Scheme for Reliable Breast Cancer Diagnosis
Q128574638An Intelligent Resource Manager Over Terrorism Knowledge Base
Q128307430An Optimal Feature Selection Method for Automatic Face Retrieval Using Enhanced Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm
Q128005713An Optimal Framework for Spatial Query Optimization Using Hadoop in Big Data Analytics
Q127470341An Optimized Classification of Apps Reviews for Improving Requirement Engineering
Q127355317An Un-Supervised Approach for Backorder Prediction Using Deep Autoencoder
Q128491870Analysis and Synthesis of A Human Prakriti Identification System Based on Soft Computing Techniques
Q114951782Analysis of Blockchain Security Applications in Electronic Health Records Standardization
Q126413454Analysis of Optimum Precoding Schemes in Millimeter Wave System
Q126546177Analysis of Performance of Two Wavelet Families Using GLCM Feature Extraction for Mammogram Classification of Breast Cancer
Q127353582Analysis of Voice Cues in Recognition of Sarcasm
Q127227679Android Quiz Application Based on Face Recognition
Q113192204Anuvaadika: Implementation of Sanskrit to Hindi Translation Tool Using Rule-Based Approach
Q113421380Application of Data Science over IOT & Its Security Approaches
Q128061429Aspect-Oriented System Coupling Metric and its Validation
Q113421385Automating Duplicate Detection for Lexical Heterogeneous Web Databases
Q127355479Bayesian Spam Detection Framework on Mobile Device
Q114951948Big Data Security Challenges and Solution of Distributed Computing in Hadoop Environment: A Security Framework
Q113421390Big Data Security Issues from the Perspective of IoT and Cloud Computing: A Review
Q114951806Big Data over Cloud, its Infrastructure & Security
Q127242214Bio-signals Compression using Auto-Encoder
Q126525568Biometric Cryptosystems: Towards a Light and Precise Remote Authentication
Q128833654Brain Tumor Detection from MR Images Employing Fuzzy Graph Cut Technique
Q126445270Breast Cancer Classification Using Discrete Wavelet Transformation and Deep Learning
Q128834573Bug Report Summarization by Using Swarm Intelligence Approaches
Q128234132Burrows Wheeler Transform and Wavelet Tree Based Retrieval of Genome Sequence in an Indexed Genome Database
Q129250603CNN-FastText Multi-Input (CFMI) Neural Networks for Social Media Clickbait Classification
Q128844265Catechize Global Optimization through Leading Edge Firefly Based Zone Routing Protocol
Q114044382Category Classification of the Training Set Combined with Sentence Multiplication for Semantic Data Extraction Using GENI Algorithm
Q126783528Centre-of-Mass Based Gait Recognition for Person Identification
Q127367153Classification and Analysis of Static Metric Based Antipattern Detection in Service Computing
Q127470467Classification of Diabetes by Kernel Based SVM with PSO
Q127518836Clustering Algorithm for Community Detection in Complex Network: A Comprehensive Review
Q127639312Collaborative Packet Dropping Intrusion Detection in MANETs
Q128207904Combinatorial Double Auction Based Meta-scheduler for Medical Image Analysis Application in Grid Environment
Q128127977Comparative Performance Evaluation of Keyword and Semantic Search Engines using Different Query Set Categories
Q114951869Comparative Study of Cryptography for Cloud Computing for Data Security
Q126864779Comparative Study of Fuzzy PID and PID Controller Optimized with Spider Monkey Optimization for a Robotic Manipulator System
Q114951973Complexity and Nesting Evolution in Open Source Software Systems: Experimental Study
Q113393037Coral Reef Classification Using Improved WLD Feature Extraction with Convolution Neural Network Classification
Q128288488Cost-Aware Ant Colony Optimization for Resource Allocation in Cloud Infrastructure
Q127341655Cost-effective Heuristic Workflow Scheduling Algorithm in Cloud Under Deadline Constraint
Q128897082Cross-Attention Based Text-Image Transformer for Visual Question Answering
Q114044366Deep Image Segmentation Based on Morphological Edge Operator
Q128085974Deep Learning Based Sentiment Classification on User-Generated Big Data
Q128208149Defining Theoretical Foundations to Unified Metamodel For Model Reusability
Q126340844Design and Development of the Novel Electrothermal Wall-Hanging Boiler
Q111518480Design and Implementation of Low Energy Wireless Network Nodes Based on Hardware Compression Acceleration
Q128588905Design of Dynamic Morphological Analyser for Hindi Nouns Using Rule Based Approach
Q128088269Design of Relation Extraction Framework to Develop Knowledge Base
Q127612778Design, Development and Comparison of Heuristic Driven Algorithms Based on the Crossed Domain Products’ Reviews for User’s Summarization
Q126538173Designing an Expert System for the Diagnosis of Multiple Myeloma by Using Rough Set Theory
Q128830080Determining Network Communities Based on Modular Density Optimization
Q129657522Diagnosis and Management System of Healthcare Resources for Pulmonary Cardio-vascular Diseases Based on Supervised Machine Learning
Q114044383Dimensionality Reduction Technique in Decision Making Using Pythagorean Fuzzy Soft Matrices
Q127242564Dimensionality Reduction Techniques for IoT Based Data
Q126990359Distance Aware VM Allocation Process to Minimize Energy Consumption in Cloud Computing
Q126662178Distributed Content-Based Image Retrieval of Satellite Images on Hadoop
Q127470258Dynamic Consolidation of Virtual Machine: A Survey of Challenges for Resource Optimization in Cloud Computing
Q128309424Dynamic Data Placement Strategy with Network Security Issues in Distributed Cloud Environment for Medical Issues: An Overview
Q126305330Dynamic Feature Extraction Method of Phone Speakers Based on Deep Learning
Q114951820Editorial: Image, Video Forensics, and Multimedia Content Security
Q126863866Effectiveness of Online Learning and its Comparison Using Innovative Statistical Approach
Q127179283Effects of the Dynamic and Energy Based Feature Extraction on Hindi Speech Recognition
Q127941821Efficient Dynamic Resource Allocation in Hadoop Multiclusters for Load- Balancing Problem
Q127791551Efficient FIR Filter Architecture using FPGA
Q127590855Empowered AODV Protocol in Wireless Sensor Network using Three Variable RSA Cryptosystem
Q127471731Energy Efficient Clustering and Routing Algorithm for WSN
Q129001670Energy Saving Using Green Computing Approach for Internet of Thing (IoT) Based Tiny Level Computational Devices
Q127562168Energy-Efficient Routing Protocol for Network Life Enhancement in Wireless Sensor Networks
Q126666914Energy-Efficient and Degree-Distance Clustering Based Hierarchical Routing Protocol for WSNs
Q126855676Enhanced Auxiliary Cluster Head Selection Routing Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks
Q127083016Enhanced Mseec Routing Protocol Involving Tabu Search with Static and Mobile Nodes in Wsns
Q128722010Enhancing Image Captioning Using Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks
Q127367431Enhancing Resiliency Feature in Smart Grids through a Deep Learning Based Prediction Model
Q114951844Enhancing Security in Key Management Using Hybrid Cache Supported One Way Hash Chain Technique
Q126636674Exhaust Emission Characteristics of a Three-Wheeler Auto Diesel Engine Fueled with Pongamia, Mahua and Jatropha Biodiesels
Q128088628Feature Selection Method Based on Grey Wolf Optimization and Simulated Annealing
Q127901203Fuzzy Control Algorithm for Estimation and Interaction of Dynamic Arm Motion
Q127469735GRADE: A Novel Gravitational Density-Based Clustering Approach in the Multi-Objective Framework
Q127336738Genes Expression Classification Through Histone Modification Using Temporal Neural Network
Q128062480Greedy Load Balancing Energy Efficient Routing Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks
Q127518979Hybrid Deep Neural Model for Duplicate Question Detection in Trans-Literated Bi-Lingual Data
Q128117885IMSM: An Interval Migration Based Approach for Skew Mitigation in MapReduce
Q128127540IP Traceback using Flow Based Classification
Q126745721Identification of Key Nodes in Distributed Access Control Model
Q128553036Improving Recommender Systems Using Co-Appearing and Semantically Correlated User Interests
Q128200696Improving Sentiment Analysis using Hybrid Deep Learning Model
Q126561274Infrared patch-image model based on non-convex weighted nuclear norm minimization
Q126666503Inspirations from Nature for Meta-Heuristic Algorithms: A Survey
Q128899683Into the World of Underwater Swarm Robotics: Architecture, Communication, Applications and Challenges
Q128535379Intuitionistic Fuzzy Shapley-TOPSIS Method for Multi-Criteria Decision Making Problems Based on Information Measures
Q128388558Intuitionistic Level Set Segmentation for Medical Image Segmentation
Q114951848IoT Based Comprehensive Autonomous Home Automation and Security System Using M2M Communication
Q126659223Iot Secured Disjunctive XOR Two Factor Mutual Authentication for Users
Q126546902Isolated Word-Based Spoken Dialogue System Using Odia Phones
Q122874476Key Issues in Software Reliability Growth Models
Q113421376Knowledge Representation and The Semantic Web: An Historical Overview of Influences on Emerging Tools
Q129219376Komodo Dragon Mlipir Algorithm-based CNN Model for Detection of Illegal Tree Cutting in Smart IoT Forest Area
Q127321499Localization and Tracking of Mobile Jammer Sensor Node Detection in Multi-Hop Wireless Sensor Network
Q113258657Logistic Step Size Based Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Optimum Induction Motor Speed Control
Q126864577Low Power and High Speed Sequential Circuits Test Architecture
Q126786378Lung Cancer Prediction Using Random Forest
Q126638830Machine Learning Based Parametric Estimation Approach for Poll Prediction
Q128832558Malicious Route Detection in Vehicular Ad-hoc Network using Geographic Routing with Masked Data
Q126563024Mathura (MBI) - A Novel Imputation Measure for Imputation of Missing Values in Medical Datasets
Q127495503Matrix Factorization-based Improved Classification of Gene Expression Data
Q129622220Maximizing Emotion Recognition Accuracy with Ensemble Techniques on EEG Signals
Q128308708Mining of Closed High Utility Itemsets: A Survey
Q128815823Moving Object Detection and Recognition Using Optical Flow and Eigen Face Using Low Resolution Video
Q127487225Multi-Level Image Segmentation of Color Images Using Opposition Based Improved Firefly Algorithm
Q126525694Multisensory Decision Level Fusion for Improvement in Urban Land Classification
Q127218585Numerical Studies of Blood Flow in Left Coronary Model
Q128003639Optimal Adaptive Data Dissemination Protocol for VANET Road Safety Using Optimal Congestion Control Algorithm
Q128817090Optimal Privacy Preserving Technique Over Big Data Analytics Using Oppositional Fruit Fly Algorithm
Q126628745Optimized Overcurrent Relay Coordination in a Microgrid System
Q127611256Optimized Solution of TSP (Travelling Salesman Problem) Based on Mendelian Inheritance
Q127960031Peak Average Power Reduction in NOMA by using PTSCT Technique
Q126587226Performance Comparison of Web Backend and Database: A Case Study of Node.JS, Golang and MySQL, Mongo DB
Q128637863Performance Evaluation of Edge Orientation Histograms Based System for Real-time Object Detection in Two Separate Platforms
Q127242210Performance Evaluation of Neural Network for Human Classification Using Blob Dataset
Q126651385Performance Optimization of IoT Networks Within the Gateway Layer
Q113258652Predicting Rainfall-induced Landslide Using Bee Colony Algorithm Based on Support Vector Regression.
Q127073110Predicting Suitable Agile Method Using Fuzzy AHP
Q128062314Prediction of Customer Plan using Churn Analysis for Telecom Industry
Q127709374Prediction of Tetralogy of Fallot using Fuzzy Clustering
Q128648317Probabilistic and Fuzzy based Efficient Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Q127953703Project Management Knowledge Areas and Skills for Managing Software and Cloud Projects: Overcoming Challenges
Q126745392Quantitative Analysis and Evaluation of Tractor Gear Shifting Comfort with Entropy-Based Matter-Element Model
Q128308857Real Time Acoustic Feature Analysis for Gender Identification
Q128266549Real-Time Detection of Road Lane-Lines for Autonomous Driving
Q113223418Recent Advances in Robot Trajectory Planning in a Dynamic Environment
Q126303873Recent Advances on GERT Method Based on Bayesian Networks
Q126332427Recognition of Persian Sign Language Alphabet Using Gaussian Distribution, Radial Distance and Centroid-Radii
Q126331882Reliability Analysis and Modeling of Green Computing Based Software Systems
Q126545392Research on Edge Detection of Agricultural Pest and Disease Leaf Image Based on LVQ Neural Network
Q122657666Review on Applicability and Utilization of Blockchain Technology in Ubiquitous Computing
Q126418701Risk Factor Identification, Classification and Prediction Summary of Chronic Kidney Disease
Q126648438Role of Self Phase Modulation and Cross Phase Modulation on Quality of Signal in Optical Links
Q128341527SDRFHBLoc- A Secure Framework for Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks
Q128833429SEGIN-Minus: A New Approach to Design Reliable and Fault-Tolerant MIN
Q113223424SQL Versus NoSQL Databases to Assess Their Appropriateness for Big Data Application
Q128869749SVM and HMM Classifier Combination Based Approach for Online Handwritten Indic Character Recognition
Q126658134Safety Monitoring and Warning System for Subway Construction Workers Using Wearable Technology
Q128688458Secure Digital Databases using Watermarking based on English-Character Attributes
Q114845540Secure Virtual Machine Live Migration using Advanced Metric Encryption
Q129281047Sentiment Polarity Classification Using Conjure of Genetic Algorithm and Differential Evolution Methods for Optimized Feature Selection
Q114951965Signcryption-Based Security Framework for Low Computing Power Devices
Q114365533Software Reliability Prediction of Open Source Software Using Soft Computing Technique
Q113421412Software-Defined Security Architecture for a Smart Home Networks Using Token Sharing Mechanism
Q113258655Solving the Job Shop Scheduling Problem with an Enhanced Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm through Local Search Heuristic
Q128832696Source Redundancy Management and Host Intrusion Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks
Q128073574Speech Recognition Using Elman Artificial Neural Network and Linear Predictive Coding
Q127974723State-of-the-Art: A Systematic Literature Review of Image Segmentation in Latent Fingerprint Forensics
Q127438469Statistical Analysis of Machine Translation Evaluation Systems for English- Hindi Language Pair
Q127595235Supervised Classifier Approach for Intrusion Detection on KDD with Optimal MapReduce Framework Model in Cloud Computing
Q113223417Systematic Review of Machine Learning–Based Open-Source Software Maintenance Effort Estimation
Q128810642Target Signal Communication Detection of Black Flying UAVs Based on Deep Learning Algorithm
Q127301320Technique for Optimization of Association Rule Mining by Utilizing Genetic Algorithm
Q128613207Techniques and Trends for Fine-Grained Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis: Recent Survey
Q128287693The Application of the Positive Semi-Definite Kernel Space for SVM in Quality Prediction
Q128065598The Inverse Edit Term Frequency for Informal Word Conversion Using Soundex for Analysis of Customer’s Reviews
Q126747089The Prototype for Drone Self-Navigation Utilizing in Underground Mine
Q126407048Time-Frequency Spectral Power Assessment of Rolling Element Bearing Faults Using Adaptive Modified Morlet Wavelet Transform
Q126431555Time-Synchronization Free Localization Scheme with Mobility Prediction for UAWSNs
Q128240256To Improve the Web Personalization Using the Boosted Random Forest for Web Information Extraction
Q127366834Transaction Scheduling Heuristics in Mobile Distributed Real Time Database System
Q128899799Tree-Based Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Effective Multicast Routing in Mobile Adhoc Network
Q123198622Unsymmetric Image Encryption Using Lower-Upper Decomposition and Structured Phase Mask in the Fractional Fourier Domain
Q127213973Utility-Based SK-Clustering Algorithm for Privacy Preservation of Anonymized Data in Healthcare
Q114951962Viability of Adaptive Network Security Exercising Tradeoff between Performance and Security
Q128680557Web Service Composition in Cloud: A Fuzzy Rule Model
Q127476256Web Service Discovery Using Bio-Inspired Holistic Matching Based Linked Data Clustering Model for RDF Data
Q128883284Withdrawal Notice: An Improved Collaborative Filtering Method through Content Association
Q128962215Withdrawal Notice: Big Data Opportunities in the Telecommunication Sector: A Case Study of a Moroccan Mobile Networks Operator
Q126306831Withdrawal Notice: BotGuard: Clustering and correlation of network traffic for Botnet detection
Q126526966Withdrawal Notice: Empowering Secured Outsourcing in Cloud Storage Through Data Integrity Verification
Q126404748Withdrawal Notice: Lossless Watermarking Algorithm Based on Multiple- Base Notational System and Pixel Difference
Q128991697Withdrawal Notice: The Effectiveness of Hierarchical Structure on Cloud Systems
Q114752210YARN Schedulers for Hadoop MapReduce Jobs: Design Goals, Issues and Taxonomy
Q126666889YOLOv3-Tesseract Model for Improved Intelligent form Recognition

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