Wikidata property for authority control (libraries)

Wikidata property for a system of authority control developed by a library or a library network (for VIAF sources, use Q55586529)

Wikidata property for authority control (libraries) is …
instance of (P31):
type of Wikidata propertyQ107649491

sublass of (P279):
Wikidata property for authority controlQ18614948

P1889different fromWikidata property to identify archivesQ115916159
Wikidata property to identify librariesQ100698536
P1269facet ofWorld Wide WebQ466
library scienceQ199655

Reverse relations

instance of (P31)
P10141Academy of Athens authority ID
P9252Amathus ID
P9097American Academy in Rome ID
P9409American University of Beirut's Libraries title ID
P5731Angelicum ID
P8944Archivio dei possessori ID
P12707Authority file of the Iraqi Authors ID
P3964BDCYL authority ID
P11959BHL item ID
P6211BIBSYS work ID
P1143BN (Argentine) editions
P3788BNMM authority ID
P9117BVFE author ID
P6907BVLarramendi ID
P4802BVPB authority ID
P6492BVPH authority ID
P2961BVPH publication ID
P9504Beirut Arab University's Libraries title ID
P9178Biblioteca Franco Serantini ID
P9179Biblioteca Iglesia Nacional Española en Roma ID
P4440Biblioteca Nacional de México ID
P6496Biblioteca Virtual Andalucía authority ID
P11936Biblioteca centrale Cappuccini authority ID
P9522Biblioteca di Santa Sabina ID
P9534Biblioteche della Custodia di Terra Santa a Gerusalemme ID
P6173Bitraga author ID
P6175Bitraga work ID
P10375Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library ID
P5199British Library system number
P6493CCBAE publication ID
P1871CERL Thesaurus ID
P10075CREPČ institution ID
P10076CREPČ person ID
P1670Canadiana Authorities ID (former scheme)
P9282Catalogue of the Capitular Library of Verona author ID
P11180Central Library of Volos authority ID
P7865CoBiS author ID
P9287Cyprus Bibliography ID
P9250Cyprus Library ID
P9251Cyprus University of Technology ID
P3184Czech National Bibliography ID
P2456DBLP author ID
P8122DLL Catalog author ID
P8123DLL Catalog work ID
P8795Diamond Catalogue ID for persons and organisations
P3932Digital Valencian Library author ID
P11158Dimitri and Aliki Perrotis Central Library ID
P9661EBAF authority ID
P11243EPA ID
P1084EUL editions
P4672Early Modern Letters Online location ID
P1802Early Modern Letters Online person ID
P9253European University Cyprus ID
P9678Franciscan Center of Christian Oriental Studies ID
P3307Galiciana authority ID
P3004Galiciana work ID
P1844HathiTrust ID
P9943Hill Museum & Manuscript Library ID
P10518ICCROM authority ID
P9871INAPP author ID
P9874INAPP work ID
P9861Iași Central University Library ID
P10662IndexCat ID
P8223K-Scholar ID
P11249KBR person ID
P9964Kalliope-Verbund (GND) ID
P9918Kallías ID
P9337Keratsini-Drapetsona libraries' catalogue authority ID
P1182LIBRIS editions
P4760LTI Korea Library writer ID
P11185Levadia Library ID
P2879Library of the National Congress of Argentina ID
P11156MMB ID
P11155Municipal Library of Trikala ID
P8947Museo Galileo authority ID
P1739NACSIS-CAT bibliography ID
P1054NDL Bib ID
P9836NDL Persistent ID
P1315NLA Trove people ID
P3390NLB authority ID
P1213NLC authorities
P1695NLP ID (old)
P3959NNL item ID
P11097National Library of Indonesia Control Headings ID
P949National Library of Israel ID (old)
P7682National Library of New Zealand ID
P1003National Library of Romania ID
P12595National Library of Uruguay authority ID
P2966National Library of Wales Authority ID
P6786National Library of Wales Catalogue ID
P7472National Marine Biological Library ID
P243OCLC control number
P5331OCLC work ID
P648Open Library ID
P11518Oroklini Library ID
P12458Parsifal cluster ID
P6490Patrimonio Digital de Castilla-La Mancha authority ID
P11192Piraeus Bank Group Cultural Foundation Library (A) ID
P11193Piraeus Bank Group Cultural Foundation Library (B) ID
P9247Pontifical University of Salamanca ID
P5739Pontificia Università della Santa Croce ID
P8982Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana ID
P6373Portuguese National Library work ID
P1463Post-Reformation Digital Library author ID
P947RSL ID (person)
P7444Rijksmuseum Research Library authority ID
P9536SAIA authority ID
P5485SBN books ID
P9081SEARCH on line catalogue ID
P3987SHARE Catalogue author ID
P7609SHARE Catalogue work ID
P1025SUDOC editions
P9322SVKKL authority ID
P1044SWB editions
P12198Shanghai Library era ID
P12226Shanghai Library movie ID
P12199Shanghai Library organization ID
P6702Shanghai Library person ID
P6703Shanghai Library place ID
P12197Shanghai Library surname ID
P6329Share-VDE 1.0 author ID
P8871Southwest Harbor Public Library item ID
P9164Svenska Institutet i Rom ID
P7034Syriaca work ID
P10069Tabakalera ID
P10844Teresianum authority ID
P12502UCA authority ID
P11182UOM ID
P11944USP Libraries Catalogue ID
P9147Union Catalog of Armenian Continuing Resources ID
P8750Unione Romana Biblioteche Scientifiche ID
P11686University of Barcelona authority ID
P1580University of Barcelona authority ID (former scheme)
P8602University of Ghana Digital Collections (UGSpace) ID

different from (P1889)
Q115916159Wikidata property to identify archives
Q100698536Wikidata property to identify libraries

subclass of (P279)
Q55586529Wikidata property for authority control by VIAF member
Q112678614Wikidata property of BVMC identifier

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