Tsūzoku Sangokushi no uchi Kan U ga gishin Sōsō wo yurusu zu

three pieces of ukiyo-e by Utagawa Kuniyoshi

Wikimedia Commons category is Tsūzoku Sangokushi no uchi Kan U ga gishin Sōsō wo yurusu zu by Utagawa Kuniyoshi

Tsūzoku Sangokushi no uchi Kan U ga gishin Sōsō wo yurusu zu is …
instance of (P31):
series of printsQ19960510

P170creatorUtagawa KuniyoshiQ317736
P2635number of parts of this work3
P6954online access statusopen accessQ232932
P179part of the seriesA Popular Romance of the Three KingdomsQ96482508
P1476title通俗三國志之内 關羽義心曹操釋圖

Reverse relations

Q96482508A Popular Romance of the Three Kingdomshas part(s)P527

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