sex or gender

sex or gender identity of human or animal. For human: male, female, non-binary, intersex, transgender female, transgender male, agender, etc. For animal: male organism, female organism. Groups of same gender use subclass of (P279)

sex or gender is …
instance of (P31):
Wikidata property for items about peopleQ18608871
Wikidata property encoding a vCard valueQ26935994
Wikidata property about subject’s genderQ107417519
curated Wikidata propertyQ121928698
Wikidata property related to LGBTQ63870987
Wikidata property used as "depicts" (P180) qualifier on CommonsQ70564278

External links are
P7964corresponding HTML autocomplete attributesex
P1628equivalent property
P10787FactGrid property IDP154
P3254property proposal discussion

P3713category for value not in WikidataCategory:Sex or gender not in Wikidata, but available on WikipediaQ26220006
P7087inverse label itempeople or characters of this genderQ94084485
P8274living people protection classproperty that may violate privacyQ44601380
P2302property constraintconflicts-with constraintQ21502838
subject type constraintQ21503250
allowed qualifiers constraintQ21510851
none-of constraintQ52558054
property scope constraintQ53869507
one-of constraintQ21510859
allowed-entity-types constraintQ52004125
P2875property usage tracking categoryCategory:Pages using Wikidata property P21Q28039789
P1659related propertysexual orientationP91
grammatical genderP5185
personal pronounP6553
P2668stability of property valuevalues can be addedQ23611840
P1629Wikidata item of this propertybiological sexQ290
sex of humansQ4369513
sex or genderQ18382802
P2559Wikidata usage instructionsmennesker: mand (Q6581097), kvinde (Q6581072), interseksuel (Q1097630), transkvinde (Q1052281), transmand (Q2449503), genderqueer (Q48270); dyr: handyr (Q44148) eller hundyr (Q43445); Grupper af samme køn, brug "underklasse til" (P279)
Main: male (Q6581097), female (Q6581072), intersex (Q1097630), transgender female (Q1052281), transgender male (Q2449503). Animals: male animal (Q44148), female animal (Q43445). Groups of same gender use "subclass of" (P279)
사람을 다루는 항목에 쓸 때는 남성(Q6581097), 여성(Q6581072), 간성(Q1097630), 트랜스남성(Q2449503), 트랜스여성(Q1052281) 중에서 하나를, 기타 생물을 다루는 항목에 쓸 때는 수컷(Q44148), 암컷(Q43445) 중 하나를 사용하세요.
mensen: mannelijk (Q6581097), vrouwelijk (Q6581072), interseksueel (Q1097630), transvrouw (Q1052281), transman (Q2449503), genderqueer (Q48270); dieren: mannelijk (Q44148) of vrouwelijk (Q43445)
Principais: masculino (Q6581097), feminino (Q6581072), intersexual (Q1097630), mulher transgênero (Q1052281), homem transgênero (Q2449503). Animais: macho (Q44148), fêmea (Q43445). Grupos de mesmo gênero utilizam "subclasse de" (P279)
должно быть одним из: мужской (Q6581097), женский (Q6581072), интерсексуальность (Q1097630) (полный список на странице обсуждения)
повинна бути: чоловіча (Q6581097), жіноча (Q6581072) чи інтерсексуальність (Q1097630)
bitte für Menschen nur: männlich (Q6581097), weiblich (Q6581072), Intersexualität (Q1097630), Transfrau (Q1052281), Transmann (Q2449503) oder Genderqueer (Q48270); für Tiere männliches Tier (Q44148) oder weibliches Tier (Q43445)
このプロパティは生物学上の性別が分かるように使用します。ヒトならば、「男性 (Q6581097)」や「女性 (Q6581072)」か「性分化疾患 (Q1097630)」、または「トランスジェンダー女性 (Q1052281)」や「トランスジェンダー男性 (Q2449503)」。動物ならば、「雄 (Q44148)」か「雌 (Q43445)」。同性のグループは「上位クラス (P279)」を使用します。
Prìomh: fireann (Q6581097), boireann (Q6581072), neo-bhìnearaidh (Q48270), eadar-ghnè (Q1097630), boireann tar-ghnèitheach (Q1052281), fireann tar-ghnèitheach (Q2449503). Beathaichean: fireannach (Q44148), boireannach (Q43445)
pour les humains, soit masculin (Q6581097), féminin (Q6581072), intersexué (Q1097630), femme transgenre (Q1052281), homme transgenre (Q2449503), non-binaire (Q48270) ; pour les animaux, mâle (Q44148) ou femelle (Q43445). Pour les groupes du même genre, utilisez « sous-classe de » (P279)
Utama: jantan (Q6581097), betina (Q6581072), interseks (Q1097630), betina transgender (Q1052281), jantan transgender (Q2449503). Binatang: binatang jantan (Q44148), binatang betina (Q43445). Kumpulan-kumpulan dengan jantina yang sama gunakan "subkelas" (P279)

Reverse relations

related property (P1659)
Q23823797Category:Articles with template:Bio and P21 value missing (females)
Q23823801Category:Articles with template:Bio and P21 value missing (males)
Q28039789Category:Pages using Wikidata property P21
Q26220006Category:Sex or gender not in Wikidata, but available on Wikipedia
P5185grammatical gender
P6553personal pronoun
P13260romantic orientation
P10339semantic gender
P91sexual orientation

Wikidata property (P1687)
Q290biological sex
Q56022781by gender
Q4369513sex of humans
Q18382802sex or gender

properties for this type (P1963)
Q987057Olympic mascot
Q24630543female character
Q95074fictional character
Q15632617fictional human
Q26401003individual animal
Q10855152individual organism
Q11505877local assemblyperson of Japan
Q100911674male character
Q27929030male wolf
Q47543030regeneration of The Doctor

Wikidata property example for properties (P2271)
P10787FactGrid property ID
P7964corresponding HTML autocomplete attribute

uses property (P3176)
Q26955946Monitoring the Gender Gap with Wikidata Human Gender Indicators
Q27036482Reifying RDF: What Works Well With Wikidata?
Q27042389VIAFbot and the Integration of Library Data on Wikipedia
Q26912459WikiReading: A Novel Large-scale Language Understanding Task over Wikipedia
Q27055377‘Is’ to ‘Was’: Coordination and Commemoration on Posthumous Wikipedia Biographies

Q19389637biographical articleinappropriate property for this typeP8952

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