curated Wikidata property

Wikidata property for which only selective statements are added instead of an exhaustive list

curated Wikidata property is …
sublass of (P279):
Wikidata propertyQ18616576

Reverse relations

instance of (P31)
P1855Wikidata property example
P3335associated hazard
P117chemical structure
P94coat of arms image
P1299depicted by
P973described at URL
P41flag image
P11738handled, mitigated, or managed by
P7420image with frame
P154logo image
P5869model item
P11464model lexeme
P12090non-self-identified name
P10606notable role
P800notable work
P1659related property
P15route map
P158seal image
P12089self-identified name
P21sex or gender
P12020state of transmission
P14traffic sign
P12041type of musical notation

P12208counterexamplehas characteristicP1552

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