described at URL

item is described at the following URL

described at URL is …
instance of (P31):
Wikidata property related to researchQ80840868
Wikidata property related to websitesQ84764641
curated Wikidata propertyQ121928698

External links are
P1628equivalent property
P10787FactGrid property IDP146
P3254property proposal discussion
P8966URL match pattern^(https:\/\/podpedia\.org\/.+$)

P2302property constraintrequired qualifier constraintQ21510856
allowed-entity-types constraintQ52004125
property scope constraintQ53869507
format constraintQ21502404
conflicts-with constraintQ21502838
P2875property usage tracking category???Q61035506
P1659related propertyexternal data available at URLP1325
described by sourceP1343
full work available at URLP953
exact matchP2888
curriculum vitae URLP8214
P2668stability of property valuevalues can be addedQ23611840
sometimes changesQ24025284
P1647subproperty ofURLP2699
P1629Wikidata item of this propertyInternet researchQ6056040
P2559Wikidata usage instructionsIf an external identifier links to the same URL, consider using that property instead of this one to reduce redundancy.
外部識別子が同じ URL にリンクしている場合は、冗長性を減らすために、このプロパティの代わりにそのプロパティを使用することを検討してください。

Reverse relations

subproperty of (P1647) profile URL
P5178glossary entry at Wikipedia URL

related property (P1659)
Q37508599Category:Pages using Wikidata property P973
P4765Commons compatible image available at URL
Q105732646Forest of Reading Festival
Q107057624Heart & Soul Whisperer Art Gallery
Q28857986Lorna Jane
Q107055116Vogue Smiles Melbourne
Q99586748Zenaidy Castro
P1343described by source
P1325external data available at URL
P6500non-free artwork image URL
P856official website
P854reference URL
P1659related property

properties for this type (P1963)
Q5393308Buddhist temple
Q108509955comarcal council elections
Q96747290metropolitan election
Q152450municipal election
Q335778polling place

P4669tabular software versionsuggested data fieldsP10629
Q6056040Internet researchWikidata propertyP1687