location of a resource

URL is …
instance of (P31):
Wikidata qualifierQ15720608
Wikidata property related to data communication, storage, and retrievalQ59910380
Wikidata property related to websitesQ84764641

External links are
P7964corresponding HTML autocomplete attributeurl
P1628equivalent propertyhttp://ogp.me/ns#url
P2236external subpropertyhttps://schema.org/contentUrl
P10787FactGrid property IDP887
P1282OpenStreetMap tag or keyKey:url
P3254property proposal discussionhttps://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Property_proposal/Archive/48#P2699
P11914Wikibase World IDP1

P2302property constraintallowed-entity-types constraintQ52004125
property scope constraintQ53869507
format constraintQ21502404
conflicts-with constraintQ21502838
allowed qualifiers constraintQ21510851
P2875property usage tracking categoryCategory:Pages using Wikidata property P2699Q126375201
P1659related propertyreference URLP854
official websiteP856
full work available at URLP953
email addressP968
described at URLP973
source code repository URLP1324
IRC channel URLP1613
equivalent propertyP1628
official blog URLP1581
formatter URLP1630
web feed URLP1019
archive URLP1065
equivalent classP1709
user manual URLP2078
file formatP2701
embed URL templateP2720
source website for the propertyP1896
formatter URI for RDF resourceP1921
Wikimedia import URLP4656
third-party formatter URLP3303
webcam page URLP4238
search formatter URLP4354
privacy policy URLP7101
newspaper archive URLP7213
mobile formatter URLP7250
Commons compatible image available at URLP4765
download URLP4945
glossary entry at Wikipedia URLP5178
itch.io URLP7294
peer review URLP7347
Wikimedia page-version URLP7569
Wikimedia community discussion URLP7930
IM channel URLP8009
mailing list archive URLP8934
word lookupP8942
service status information URLP9138
external georeferencing URLP9361
official demo URLP11201
sitemap URLP11212
email unsubscribe URL or emailP11221
translation contribution URLP11254
contact page URLP11266
ground level 360 degree view URLP5282
SPARQL endpoint URLP5305
Academia.edu profile URLP5715
API endpoint URLP6269
WordLift URLP6363
charter URLP6378
non-free artwork image URLP6500
official map URLP9601
citizen's initiatives URLP9732
Wikimedia Incubator URLP9748
freedom of information requests URLP10214
official shop URLP10225
press information URLP11268
impressum URLP11326
credits URLP11556
login URLP11903
registration page URLP11904
sequenced genome URLP6800
calendar feed URLP6818
terms of service URLP7014
podcast logo URLP10286
official jobs URLP10311
error-report URL or e-mailP10923
shortened URL formatterP11136
P2668stability of property valuesometimes changesQ24025284
P1629Wikidata item of this propertyURLQ42253
P2559Wikidata usage instructionsUtilizar con preferencia una propiedá específica como P856 (sitiu oficial), P854 (URL de referencia) y P1065 (URL d'archivu); d'otra miente, calificar con P642.
Utilitzeu preferentment una propietat especialitzada com ara el lloc web oficial P856, l'URL de referència P854 o l'URL d'arxiu P1065. En cas contrari, classifiqueu-vos amb P642.
Verwende vorrangig eine spezielle Eigenschaft wie P856, P854 oder P1065. Muss ansonsten mit P642 verwendet werden.
Preferably use a specialized property like official website P856, reference URL P854, or archive URL P1065. Otherwise, qualify with P642.
Utilice preferiblemente una propiedad especializada como el sitio web oficial P856, la URL de referencia P854 o la URL de archivo P1065. De lo contrario, califique con P642.
Utilisez préférentiellement une propriété spécifique comme site officiel P856, URL de référence P854 ou archive de l'URL P1065. Sinon, utilisez un qualificateur avec P642.
Lebih baik dipergunakan dengan atribut khusus seperti situs resmi P856, situs rujukan P854 atau situs arsip P1065. Serta dinyatakan memenuhi syarat dalam cakupan P642
Utilizzare preferibilmente una proprietà specifica come P856 (sito ufficiale), P854 (URL di riferimento) e P1065 (URL d'archivio); altrimenti, usare un qualificatore con P642.
အထူးပြု ဂုဏ်သတ္တိ ကို ရည်ညွန်း အသုံးပြုသည့် တရားဝင်ဝက်ဘ်ဆိုက် P856၊ ရည်ညွှန်း လိပ်စာ P854 သို့မဟုတ် မော်ကွန်းတိုက် လိပ်စာ P1065။ သို့တည်းမဟုတ် အလားတူ အခြင်းအရာ P642။
Gebruik bij voorkeur een meer specifieke eigenschap zoals P856 (officiële website), P854 (website voor bronvermelding) of P1065 (archief website). Of gebruik dit eigenschap met P642 als kwalificatie.
Tercihen resmî web sitesi P856, kaynak URL P854 veya arşiv URL'si P1065 gibi bir özellik ile birlikte kullanın. Aksi takdirde, niteleyici olarak P642 (kapsamında) ile birlikte kullanın.

Reverse relations

subproperty of (P1647)
P6269API endpoint URL
P12270Flora of the Hawaiian Islands URL
P8009IM channel URL
P1613IRC channel URL
P12273Montana Plant Life URL
P12490Papers with Code URL
P5305SPARQL endpoint URL
P9748Wikimedia Incubator URL
P4656Wikimedia import URL
P7569Wikimedia page-version URL
P6363WordLift URL
P1065archive URL
P6818calendar feed URL
P6378charter URL
P9732citizen's initiatives URL
P11266contact page URL
P11556credits URL
P8214curriculum vitae URL
P973described at URL
P4945download URL
P968email address
P11221email unsubscribe URL or email
P1709equivalent class
P1628equivalent property
P10923error-report URL or e-mail
P9361external georeferencing URL
P1630formatter URL
P10214freedom of information requests URL
P953full work available at URL
P5282ground level 360 degree view URL
P11326impressum URL
P7294itch.io URL
P13282land acknowledgement
P12454location information URL
P11903login URL
P8934mailing list archive URL
P1581official blog URL
P11201official demo URL
P10311official jobs URL
P9601official map URL
P12634official server list URL
P856official website
P12203official wiki URL
P7347peer review URL
P11268press information URL
P7101privacy policy URL
P854reference URL
P11904registration page URL
P6800sequenced genome URL
P9138service status information URL
P11212sitemap URL
P1324source code repository URL
P1896source website for the property
P963streaming media URL
P7014terms of service URL
P12677timetable/schedule URL
P11254translation contribution URL
P2078user manual URL
P1019web feed URL
P4238webcam page URL

related property (P1659)
P6269API endpoint URL
Q126375201Category:Pages using Wikidata property P2699
P8009IM channel URL
P1613IRC channel URL
P402OpenStreetMap relation ID
P968email address
P2701file format
Q4105693web document

properties for this type (P1963)
Q105299872A-SCORE Scholarly Resource
Q111628973Discord Webhook
Q111638077Pinterest board
Q112058486Quora answer
Q235557file format
Q26085352file format family
Q102345381social media account
Q36774web page

Q42253URLWikidata propertyP1687

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