Wikidata property for authority control for people | Q19595382 |
Wikidata property to identify organizations | Q21745557 |
Wikidata property for an identifier that does not imply notability | Q62589320 |
Wikidata property related to websites | Q84764641 |
Wikidata property to identify online accounts | Q105388954 |
P3254 | property proposal discussion | |
P8966 | URL match pattern | ^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?weibo\.com\/(?:u\/)?([0-9a-zA-Z_]{1,20})$ |
P9073 | applicable 'stated in' value | Q92526 | |
P3709 | category for value different from Wikidata | Category:Sina Weibo ID different from Wikidata | Q51292076 |
P3713 | category for value not in Wikidata | Category:Sina Weibo ID not in Wikidata | Q53173657 |
P3734 | category for value same as Wikidata | Category:Sina Weibo ID same as Wikidata | Q51292077 |
P10726 | class of non-item property value | Weibo user ID | Q116153457 |
P2667 | corresponding template | Template:Weibo | Q14191586 |
P17 | country | People's Republic of China | Q148 |
P1630 | formatter URL |$1 | |
P7250 | mobile formatter URL |$1 | |
P2302 | property constraint | format constraint | Q21502404 |
conflicts-with constraint | Q21502838 | ||
subject type constraint | Q21503250 | ||
allowed qualifiers constraint | Q21510851 | ||
allowed-entity-types constraint | Q52004125 | ||
property scope constraint | Q53869507 | ||
label in language constraint | Q108139345 | ||
P2875 | property usage tracking category | Category:Pages using Wikidata property P3579 | Q44275648 |
P4354 | search formatter URL |$1&Refer=index | |
P2668 | stability of property value | never changes | Q23611288 |
P1647 | subproperty of | website account on | P553 |
Q44275648 | Category:Pages using Wikidata property P3579 |
Q51292076 | Category:Sina Weibo ID different from Wikidata |
Q53173657 | Category:Sina Weibo ID not in Wikidata |
Q51292077 | Category:Sina Weibo ID same as Wikidata |
P3789 | Telegram username |
Q14191586 | Template:Weibo |
P553 | website account on |
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