Weibo user ID

Weibo user's identifier

Weibo user ID is …
instance of (P31):
Wikidata property for authority control for peopleQ19595382
Wikidata property to identify organizationsQ21745557
Wikidata property for an identifier that does not imply notabilityQ62589320
Wikidata property related to websitesQ84764641
Wikidata property to identify online accountsQ105388954

External links are
P3254property proposal discussion
P8966URL match pattern^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?weibo\.com\/(?:u\/)?([0-9a-zA-Z_]{1,20})$

P9073applicable 'stated in' valueWeiboQ92526
P3709category for value different from WikidataCategory:Sina Weibo ID different from WikidataQ51292076
P3713category for value not in WikidataCategory:Sina Weibo ID not in WikidataQ53173657
P3734category for value same as WikidataCategory:Sina Weibo ID same as WikidataQ51292077
P10726class of non-item property valueWeibo user IDQ116153457
P2667corresponding templateTemplate:WeiboQ14191586
P17countryPeople's Republic of ChinaQ148
P1630formatter URL$1
P7250mobile formatter URL$1
P2302property constraintformat constraintQ21502404
conflicts-with constraintQ21502838
subject type constraintQ21503250
allowed qualifiers constraintQ21510851
allowed-entity-types constraintQ52004125
property scope constraintQ53869507
label in language constraintQ108139345
P2875property usage tracking categoryCategory:Pages using Wikidata property P3579Q44275648
P4354search formatter URL$1&Refer=index
P2668stability of property valuenever changesQ23611288
P1647subproperty ofwebsite account onP553

Reverse relations

related property (P1659)
Q44275648Category:Pages using Wikidata property P3579
Q51292076Category:Sina Weibo ID different from Wikidata
Q53173657Category:Sina Weibo ID not in Wikidata
Q51292077Category:Sina Weibo ID same as Wikidata
P3789Telegram username
P553website account on

Wikidata property (P1687)
Q116153457Weibo user ID

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