Wikidata property to identify online accounts

class of Wikidata properties

Wikidata property to identify online accounts is …
instance of (P31):
type of Wikidata propertyQ107649491

sublass of (P279):
Wikidata property for items about people or organisationsQ57955292
Wikidata property for an identifierQ19847637
Wikidata property related to online communitiesQ30041186

Reverse relations

instance of (P31)
P3502Ameblo username
P12066Aparat channel ID
P9928Baijiahao ID
P6455Bilibili UID
P12409Bluesky DID
P12361Bluesky handle
P12045Codeberg username
P10208Coub channel ID
P4226Cyworld ID
P2942Dailymotion channel ID
P7737DeviantArt username
P9101Discord username
P6450Douban username
P7120Douyin ID
P11705Facebook numeric ID
P4003Facebook page ID
P2013Facebook username
P3267Flickr user ID
P8919Gab username
P5434Gfycat user ID (archived)
P4013Giphy username
P2037GitHub username username
P10884Gitee username
P2847Google+ ID
P11532Hackage username
P7171Hacker News username
P10477ICQ user ID
P12546Instagram account numeric ID
P2003Instagram username
P6837Keybase username
Q125801444Kick username
P9271Kickstarter username
P12384Letterboxd user ID
P8976Lichess username
P9812Likee username
P7211Line Blog user ID
P4264LinkedIn company or organization ID
P6634LinkedIn personal profile ID
P11079Linktree ID
P3258LiveJournal ID
P4033Mastodon address
P3899Medium username
P9509Mixcloud ID
P8280Modelhub ID (archived)
P10558My World@Mail.Ru ID
P10352Naver TV ID
P12337Nebula channel ID
P5163Odnoklassniki ID
P9269Odnoklassniki user numeric ID
P8604OnlyFans ID
P8754OpenStreetMap numeric user ID
P11531Packagist username
P8904Parler username (archived)
P4175Patreon ID
P11713Patreon user numeric ID
P12622PeerTube channel address
P3836Pinterest username
P8842PromoDj ID
P11534PyPI username
P6459QQ user ID
P4411Quora username
P4265Reddit username
P11533RubyGems username
P11962Rumble channel
P10152Rutube channel ID
P11441Shōsetsuka ni Narō user ID
P2893Skype username
P4016SlideShare username
P2984Snapchat username
P3040SoundCloud ID
P11625Spotify user ID
P11898Stage 32 profile ID
P10922TamTam chat ID
P3789Telegram username
P11892Threads username
P7085TikTok username
P10858Truth Social username
P3943Tumblr username
P5797Twitch channel ID
P12229Twitch numeric channel ID
P8527Unsplash user ID
P4017Ustream username
P3185VK ID
P10230Viber group ID
P4015Vimeo ID
P3207Vine user ID
P3579Weibo user ID
P12542WhatsApp channel ID
P4174Wikimedia username
P6552X numeric user ID
P2002X username
P12038Xiaohongshu Profile
P10990YAPPY profile ID
P2397YouTube channel ID
P11245YouTube handle
P9934Zenodo communities ID
P6451Zhihu username
P10557Zotero ID user
P7590eBay username
P12022iNaturalist user ID
P5435pixiv user ID
P553website account on
P554website username or ID

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