dissolved, abolished or demolished date

point in time at which the subject (organisation, building) ceased to exist; see "date of official closure" (P3999) for closing a facility, "service retirement" (P730) for retiring equipment, "discontinued date" (P2669) for stopping a product

dissolved, abolished or demolished date is …
instance of (P31):
Wikidata property for items about organizationsQ18608993
Wikidata property with datatype 'time'Q18636219
Wikidata property for Wikivoyage listingsQ24239898

External links are
P1628equivalent propertyhttps://schema.org/dissolutionDate
P1282OpenStreetMap tag or keyKey:end_date
P3254property proposal discussionhttps://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Property_proposal/Archive/8#P576

P3709category for value different from Wikidata???Q22013000
P3713category for value not in WikidataCategory:Dissolved or abolished not in Wikidata, but available on WikipediaQ22012999
P3734category for value same as Wikidata???Q27673343
P8882complementary propertyinceptionP571
P2302property constraintsubject type constraintQ21503250
difference-within-range constraintQ21510854
property scope constraintQ53869507
allowed-entity-types constraintQ52004125
single-best-value constraintQ52060874
P2875property usage tracking categoryCategory:Pages using Wikidata property P576Q20990069
P1659related propertyend timeP582
service retirementP730
discontinued dateP2669
date of official closureP3999
date of resignationP9667
P1813short nameupphörde
P2668stability of property valuenever changesQ23611288
P1647subproperty ofend timeP582
P1629Wikidata item of this propertydate of dissolution, abolition or demolitionQ29933798
P2559Wikidata usage instructionsSee "date of official closure" (P3999) for closing a facility, "service retirement" (P730) for retiring equipment, "discontinued date" (P2669) for stopping a product.
Ver P3999 para el cierre de un edificio, P730 para una retirada de un servicio, y P2669 para la parada de un producto.
Véxase «data de peche oficial» (P3999) para o peche dun edificio, «data de retiro do servizo» (P730) para o retiro dun servizo, e «data de descontinuación» (P2669) para a parada dun producto.
對於關閉的設施請見"正式關閉日期" (P3999),對於退役的設施請見"服務終止日期" (P730),對於產品結束生命週期請用"終止日期" (P2669)。

Reverse relations

subproperty of (P1647)
P570date of death
P9667date of resignation
P8556extinction date

related property (P1659)
Q22012999Category:Dissolved or abolished not in Wikidata, but available on Wikipedia
Q20990069Category:Pages using Wikidata property P576
Q97656993Pocket Girls
P746date of disappearance
P3999date of official closure
P9667date of resignation
P2669discontinued date
P582end time
P8556extinction date
P585point in time
P730service retirement
Q22013000Categoria:P576 differente su Wikidata
Q27673343Categoria:P576 uguale su Wikidata

properties for this type (P1963)
Q851257Japan Agricultural Cooperatives
Q56351315Japanese high school
Q183288National Olympic Committee
Q128621199Transdisciplinary arts festival
Q56061administrative territorial entity
Q13027888baseball team
Q2658935beauty contest
Q841248college of technology in Japan
Q24863351compulsory education school in Japan
Q152081concentration camp
Q80905563defunct diplomatic mission
Q115368202defunct government institution
Q55097243defunct organization
Q105855428defunct sports competition
Q96378286demolished synagogue
Q19860854destroyed building or structure
Q96354572destroyed convent
Q96353874destroyed monastery
Q96382832destroyed mosque
Q126682939digital arts festival
Q109662392domestic violence shelter
Q5358913elementary school in Japan
Q220505film festival
Q19953632former administrative territorial entity
Q96084375former building or structure
Q19899465former church
Q28739697former county of China
Q116856480former faculty
Q64578911former hospital
Q96225078former periodical
Q3024240historical country
Q124466786historical ecclesiastical position
Q124467070historical episcopal title
Q114962596historical position
Q124467322historical religious function
Q5918768intendancy of the Spanish Empire
Q106688647kindergarten in Japan
Q955824learned society
Q55521176lower secondary school in Japan
Q1701174monastery ruins
Q96382534mosque ruin
Q1640628network service
Q126682969new media arts festival
Q2085381publishing company
Q55488railway station
Q47443726recurring tennis tournament
Q2986735royal commission
Q1156073royal house
Q5633421scientific journal
Q35069054single season league
Q82969709softball team
Q207338string quartet
Q96377522synagogue ruin
Q1067164transport service itinerary

complementary property (P8882)
P580start time

inappropriate property for this type (P8952)
Q11514315historical period

Q29933798date of dissolution, abolition or demolitionWikidata propertyP1687

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