historical position

charge, function or position that existed at a time in history, but that currently does not exist. social role with a set of powers and responsibilities within a private or public organization or the state

Wikimedia Commons category is Historical positions

historical position is …
sublass of (P279):
former entityQ15893266

P1963properties for this typeinceptionP571
organization directed by the office or positionP2389
dissolved, abolished or demolished dateP576
substitute/deputy/replacement of office/officeholderP2098
position holderP1308
P1687Wikidata propertyposition heldP39

Reverse relations

instance of (P31)
Q124761141падваявода вісліцкі
Q117396260Capità general de Granada
Q124289954Capità general de la Regió Militar Nord-Oest
Q123001041Capità general de la Regió Militar Sud
Q124310732Capità general de la Regió Pirinenca Occidental
Q131936821Director General de RTVV
Q123760545Governador civil de les Illes Canàries
Q124327566Governador militar de Navarra
Q17301761Síndic Forà
Q17301765Síndic de la Universitat
Q19717355Veguer de la Ciutat
Q40897543governador civil de la província de Sòria
Q55692460governador civil de la província de les Canàries
Q11932853governador general del Regne de Mallorca
Q129254539Hejtman Žateckého kraje
Q19700527König von Nepal
Q119164062Künigliche Hofkammer-Präsidenten
Q37152410Zivilgouverneur der Provinz Guadalajara
Q38058793Zivilgouverneur der Provinz Palencia
Q33395409Zivilgouverneur der Provinz Sevilla
Q38059170Zivilgouverneur der Provinz Zamora
Q33208514Zivilgouverneur der Provinz Ávila
Q28541943Abbasid caliph
Q2064467Admiral of Castile
Q112175392Admiral of the Royal Navy of the Lord King of Aragon
Q4698218Air Training Officer
Q1264365Alferes-mor de Portugal
Q14723495Almohad caliph
Q14959045Almoravid emir
Q98729876Ambassador of Czechoslovakia in France
Q69657283Ambassador of East Germany to Algeria
Q110722228Ambassador of France to South Vietnam
Q55775566Ambassador of Ghana to the Soviet Union
Q124540991Ambassador of Iran to East Germany
Q53256545Ambassador of Lebanon to West Germany
Q53257769Ambassador of Lebanon to the Soviet Union
Q125626349Ambassador of Mozambique to the GDR
Q118631798Ambassador of Mozambique to the Soviet Union
Q111510610Ambassador of Scotland to Denmark
Q111510371Ambassador of Scotland to France
Q110693217Ambassador of Spain in the Archduchy of Austria
Q110629398Ambassador of Spain to the Kingdom of Great Britain
Q110620705Ambassador of the Byzantine Empire to the Holy See
Q111478815Ambassador of the Byzantine Empire to the Ottoman Empire
Q111478905Ambassador of the Byzantine Empire to the Republic of Genoa
Q111478814Ambassador of the Byzantine Empire to the Republic of Venice
Q110800402Ambassador of the King of Castile to the King of Aragon
Q110712439Ambassador of the Kingdom of England to the Tsardom of Russia
Q110621538Ambassador of the Kingdom of Spain to the Kingdom of England
Q110713757Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to the Soviet Union
Q110713933Ambassador of the Republic of China to the Russian Empire
Q110713951Ambassador of the Republic of China to the Soviet Union
Q110677763Ambassador of the Russian Empire in the Austro-Hungarian Empire
Q111441969Ambassador of the Russian Empire to Prussia
Q110712952Ambassador of the Russian Empire to the Republic of China
Q110661216Ambassador of the Russian Empire to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Q111497082Ambassador of the Safavid Empire to Spain
Q110712709Ambassador of the Soviet Union to the Republic of China
Q111497451Ambassador of the Spanish Empire to the Safavid Empire
Q110712250Ambassador of the Tsardom of Russia to China
Q56821030Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to the Austro-Hungarian Empire
Q110788650Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to the Chinese Empire
Q110811981Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to the Ottoman Empire
Q110661148Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to the Russian Empire
Q110709353Ambassador of the United States to the Austrian Empire
Q110627677Ambassador of the United States to the Ottoman Empire
Q2158655Amman of Brussels
Q6412254Apostolic King of Hungary
Q54301407Apostolic Nuncio to Cologne
Q111480753Aragonese ambassador to the Byzantine Empire
Q110636748Archduke of Austria
Q126919804Auditor General
Q112898268Austro-Hungarian Ambassador to Persia
Q20988137Avoyer de Lucerne
Q114094380Ayuda de Cámara del Rey de España
Q253779Ban of Croatia
Q96229368Burgess of Bristol
Q18577504Byzantine emperor
Q115252544CPSU member
Q107147053Capitán General
Q55340845Captain General of Aragon
Q2937345Captain General of Catalonia
Q106253512Captain General of Navarra
Q106102639Captain General of the 5th Military Region
Q1186959Captain General of the Church
Q106155452Captain General of the Eastern Pyrenean Military Region
Q106155756Captain General of the Pyrenean Military Region
Q111841382Carolingian Roman emperor
Q62113252Chairman of the All-Ukrainian Central Executive Committee
Q4376674Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR
Q62113182Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR
Q4376682Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars
Q62113171Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars
Q62113417Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR
Q5068105Chairman of the Provisional Government of the Irish Free State
Q889294Chairman of the State Council
Q62113341Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR
Q2955963Chancelier de Bretagne
Q122883701Chancellor of Transylvania
Q23040339Chancellor of the Royal Academy of Turku
Q1068918Chef der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD
Q56598597Chief of Army Equipment and Commander of the Replacement Army
Q113729401Chieftain of the Tervingi
Q110713891Chinese representative in the Russian Empire
Q24069432Civil Governor of the Province of Madrid
Q45062382Civil gobernor of Castelló province in Spain
Q40156951Civil governor of Huesca
Q113672517Co-Monarch of Portugal
Q107462949Commander-in-Chief of the I Organic Division
Q108226522Commander-in-Chief of the II Organic Division
Q107525351Commander-in-Chief of the III Organic Division
Q107440365Commander-in-Chief of the IV Organic Division
Q107440239Commander-in-Chief of the V Organic Division
Q108241952Commander-in-Chief of the VII Organic Division
Q108236815Commander-in-Chief of the VIII Organic Division
Q120776610Consul of Austria-Hungary in El Salvador
Q120497267Contador of the Caja Real de San Salvador
Q124986704Councillor of the Council of Hacienda
Q123914711Councillor of the Council of the Indies
Q15994062Crown Prince of Greece
Q762457Despot of Epirus
Q105834899Despot of the Morea
Q115953232Duke of Amalfi
Q16145107Duke of Burgundy
Q21101016Duke of Naples
Q61793446Duke of Neopatras
Q114979942Emir of Murcia
Q115206831Emir of Sarakusta
Q51954429Emir of Sicily
Q83487309Emir of the Taifa of Valencia
Q166877Emperor of Austria
Q106547235Emperor of Brazil
Q268218Emperor of China
Q10962705Emperor of Ethiopia
Q5352166Emperor of India
Q23665193Emperor of Korea
Q890052Emperor of Mexico
Q2618625Emperor of all the Russias
Q5373953Emperor of the French
Q5373955Emperor of the Serbs
Q11942418Ensign of the Royal Banner of Aragon
Q61883100Ensign of the Royal Banner of Castile
Q61883146Ensign of the Royal Banner of León
Q111441879Envoy of the Austrian Empire to Prussia
Q132337238Envoy of the German Empire to Sweden
Q14979753Fatimid Caliph
Q109852918First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan
Q111487155French Ambassador to the Republic of Texas
Q110788740French ambassador to the Chinese Empire
Q6299726General Secretary of the Central Committee's Secretariat
Q130615703General Secretary of the Communist Party of Great Britain
Q1048744General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
Q54875187General captain of Valencia
Q501503German Emperor
Q56284542Ghana's ambassador to Serbia and Montenegro
Q107978264Governor General of the Sahara Province
Q107154965Governor and Captain General of Cuba
Q130613811Governor of Celebes
Q130626803Governor of East-Sumatra
Q11411993Governor of Fujian-Taiwan
Q5589675Governor of Madina
Q107188250Governor of Melilla
Q130625406Governor of Surakarta
Q130614022Governor of Westcoast of Sumatra
Q130633642Governor of Yogyakarta
Q60399105Governor of the Spanish Netherlands
Q641589Governor-General of India
Q2558541Governor-General of the Irish Free State
Q1542521Governor-General of the Philippines
Q112971336Grand Commander of the five kingdoms of Spain
Q18639254Grand Duke of Bosnia
Q3257510Grand Duke of Finland
Q111737373Grand Duke of Frankfurt
Q2639920Grand Duke of Lithuania
Q47374067Grand Guardian of the Crown Prince
Q24349070Grand Inquisitor of Spain
Q22673588Grand Master of the Knights Templar
Q11443866Grand Minister of of the Crown Prince
Q699660Grand Pensionary
Q47374316Grand Preceptor of the Crown Prince
Q3188066Great judge
Q50975712Hafsid sultan
Q113474333Head of the Imperial House of Brazil
Q21672838High Commissioner of Spain to Morocco
Q56760917High Commissioner of the United Kingdom to Malaya
Q1549367High Inquisitor
Q24349141High Inquisitor of Castille
Q181765Holy Roman Emperor
Q62268687Hungarian ambassador to the Soviet Union
Q6006682Imperial Commissioner
Q96204804Inquisidor-mor de Portugal
Q110788422Japanese ambassador to the Chinese Empire
Q56206634Judge General of Finance
Q60768555Judge of the High Court of Admiralty
Q113727930Judge of the Tervingi
Q116785942Kazakh khan
Q62067016King Consort of Hungary
Q124662282King of Arakan
Q113354325King of Artaxoa
Q4389210King of Bavaria
Q45341328King of Bohemia
Q84020495King of Croatia
Q3439798King of France and Navarre
Q16852400King of Hanover
Q28548469King of Hejaz
Q116195778King of India
Q18810066King of Ireland
Q693614King of Jerusalem
Q22997793King of Lombards
Q3273712King of Poland
Q3240735King of Prussia
Q55375123King of Rome
Q111730433King of Sardinia and Corsica
Q111730452King of Sardinia and Duke of Savoy
Q111594854King of Saxony
Q115249732King of Serbia
Q127257200King of Westphalia
Q111595857King of Württemberg
Q3439814King of the French
Q511123King of the Geats
Q3930902King of the Goths
Q87071077King of the Hellenes
Q22953196King of the Ostrogoths
Q1788734King of the Romanians
Q9068570King of the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarve
Q1607898King of the Wends
Q60828279Lieutenant General of the Kingdom of Aragon
Q122851750Lieutenant General of the States of the Crown of Aragon
Q1402428Lord Chancellor of France
Q23933655Lord Chancellor of Scotland
Q58876855Lord of the Netherlands
Q123458888Lord-lieutenant of Somogy County
Q48896564Mamluk sultan
Q27956904Margrave of Brandenburg
Q65680013Mayor of Tainan
Q6797876Mayordomo mayor of the King of Spain
Q32979666Member of the Cortes republicanas
Q110907217Member of the Crown Council of Romania
Q20162079Member of the Los Angeles Common Council
Q107621932Member of the Parliament of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic
Q108495011Member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee
Q27491113Member of the Russian Constituent Assembly
Q106160497Military Governor of Barcelona
Q106204173Military Governor of Guipúzcoa
Q106204102Military Governor of Zaragoza
Q110778366Minister Plenipotentiary of Spain in Beijing
Q621709Minister President of Prussia
Q6865766Minister for Co-ordination of Defence
Q10941242Minister of Ceremonies
Q2367317Minister of Defence
Q3387159Minister of Defence
Q23901411Minister of Foreign Affairs and of the Royal Household
Q121076024Minister of Governance, Development, and Public Instruction
Q100999362Minister of Transport and Posts of Hungary
Q33083287Minister of War
Q120828173Minister of War and Marine
Q106199857Minister of the Air Force
Q15895305Minister of the Spanish Navy
Q85863009Minister-Chairman of the Provisional Government
Q58005590Monarch of Castile and Leon
Q110324075Monarch of Great Britain
Q111533926Monarch of Lower Navarre
Q58800860Monarch of Portugal
Q116727716Monarch of Romania
Q115223703National Head of the Movement
Q30623692North Korean Ambassador to East Germany
Q1077786Palatine of Hungary
Q127386834Panamanian Ambassador to Taiwan
Q131288379Premier of North Solomons Province
Q2114953President of East Germany
Q1999471President of the Confederate States
Q16020745President of the Council of Ministers
Q119828915President of the Crown Council of Ethiopia
Q4376681President of the Executive Council of the Irish Free State
Q62119441President of the Provisional State Council
Q58330145President of the Republic of Spain
Q1255261President of the Soviet Union
Q116731705President of the State Council of France
Q62569716President of the Volkskammer
Q116246417Prime Minister (Taiwan)
Q52995381Prime Minister of Comoros
Q12370487Prince of Moscow
Q36789395Prince of Romania
Q14918629Prince of Samos
Q110471264Prince-Elector of Saxony
Q52634166Prior of the Caporioni
Q99399573Procurador en Cortes (Spain)
Q27998669Protector of the Confederation of the Rhine
Q115223640Provincial Head of the Movement
Q111446667Prussian ambassador to Bavaria
Q111438817Prussian ambassador to Spain
Q102329242Recorder of Windsor
Q7050658Reich Chancellor
Q104165710Reichsminister des Innern
Q110712210Representative of the Russian Empire to China
Q842606Roman emperor
Q61985935Royal Governor of Chile
Q165948Sapa Inca
Q115147301Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
Q61815000Servant of St. Mary and Lord of Albarracin
Q11045649Shandong Xunfu
Q40032487Soviet Ambassador to the United States
Q115153315Soviet Union Ambassador to Mongolia
Q110628348Spanish ambassador to Yugoslavia
Q110693173Spanish ambassador to the Austrian Empire
Q110694729Spanish ambassador to the German Reich
Q108176035Spanish ambassador to the Ottoman Empire
Q110778396Spanish ambassador to the Republic of China
Q110635266Spanish ambassador to the Russian Empire
Q47462159Spanish ambassador to the Soviet Union
Q111448346Spanish envoy in Bavaria
Q111448374Spanish envoy in Saxony
Q111440572Spanish envoy to Prussia
Q111448318Spanish envoy to the Hanseatic cities
Q111447307Spanish envoy to the Holy Roman Empire
Q45899956Spanish governor of Puerto Rico
Q7586016Sri Lankan Ambassador to the Soviet Union
Q15032073Sultan of Tafilalt
Q28471602Sultan of Zanzibar
Q28477721Sultan of the Seljuq Empire
Q121408632Susuhunan of Surakarta
Q65083132Teniente a guerra
Q2874492Title of Godfrey of Bouillon
Q12370489Tsar of All Russia
Q12298699Tsar of Bulgaria
Q67497236Umayyad Caliph
Q121027849Undersecretary of Agriculture
Q121025294Undersecretary of Development
Q121026402Undersecretary of Education
Q121024846Undersecretary of Foreign Relations
Q120827446Undersecretary of Foreign Relations and Justice
Q120737025Undersecretary of Foreign Relations, Justice and Beneficence
Q104766975Undersecretary of Governance
Q121076236Undersecretary of Governance and Development
Q121026940Undersecretary of Justice and Beneficence
Q7889287United States Ambassador to Czechoslovakia
Q1452316United States Ambassador to East Germany
Q7889351United States Ambassador to North Yemen
Q1837664United States Ambassador to South Vietnam
Q7889375United States Ambassador to South Yemen
Q7889400United States Ambassador to Yugoslavia
Q110709310United States Ambassador to the Austro-Hungarian Empire
Q110709502United States Ambassador to the Republic of China (1912-1949)
Q109453593United States Ambassador to the Soviet Union
Q110709417United States ambassador to the Chinese Empire
Q110661415United States ambassador to the Russian Empire
Q28001382Uruguayan Ambassador to East Germany
Q11954414Veguer de Fora
Q7925007Vice-President of the Executive Council of the Irish Free State
Q33159789Vicepresident of the Council of Ministers of the Kingdom of Italy
Q102151408Viceroy of Corsica
Q888768Viceroy of Kush
Q2669745Viceroy of Liangguang
Q102132828Viceroy of Mallorca
Q102149811Viceroy of New Granada
Q42079568Viceroy of New Spain
Q13424373Viceroy of Norway
Q42077331Viceroy of Peru
Q102127367Viceroy of Sardinia
Q62535283Viceroy of Sicily
Q7925245Viceroy of Three Northeast Provinces
Q12221235Viceroy of Valencia
Q77380502Viceroy of the Indies
Q60032452Viceroy of the Portuguese Provinces of India
Q9094454Viceroy of the Rio de la Plata
Q1416040Voivode of Transylvania
Q735687Voivode of Vilnius
Q3917350Voivodes of Nowogródek
Q7939812Voivodes of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth
Q61961757Wali of Al-Ándalus
Q104161710Wali of Ifriqiya
Q110699849West German ambassador to Spain
Q111841409Western Roman emperor
Q61433255Yaa Naa
Q110801958Yugoslav ambassador to Spain
Q120643164Ziyarid emir
Q20012916adelantado mayor of Castile
Q5668163alférez del rey
Q29645923ambassador of Algeria to the Soviet Union
Q110794783ambassador of Aragon to England
Q100500334ambassador of Austria-Hungary to France
Q105157618ambassador of Austria-Hungary to German Empire
Q70230809ambassador of Austria-Hungary to Russia
Q106681853ambassador of Austria-Hungary to the Ottoman Empire
Q101111886ambassador of Austria-Hungary to the United States
Q107565041ambassador of Belarus to Yugoslavia
Q39664576ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to Serbia and Montenegro
Q40236253ambassador of Canada to Czechoslovakia
Q40236583ambassador of Canada to East Germany
Q40236561ambassador of Canada to North Yemen
Q40236562ambassador of Canada to South Yemen
Q40236170ambassador of Canada to West Germany
Q40236044ambassador of Canada to Yugoslavia
Q40231387ambassador of Canada to the Soviet Union
Q38153330ambassador of Cuba to East Germany
Q106473629ambassador of Czechoslovakia to Hungary
Q22341683ambassador of East Germany to the Soviet Union
Q40747104ambassador of Egypt to the Soviet Union
Q112231599ambassador of France to Serbia and Montenegro
Q29637474ambassador of France to the Ottoman Empire
Q61003714ambassador of France to the Two Sicilies
Q20888470ambassador of German Empire to the United States
Q30160513ambassador of Germany to Czechoslovakia
Q30160510ambassador of Germany to Yugoslavia
Q63139653ambassador of Hungary to Czechoslovakia
Q62616396ambassador of Hungary to East Germany
Q63284983ambassador of Hungary to Yugoslavia
Q38351253ambassador of Iceland to Czechoslovakia
Q38351285ambassador of Iceland to East Germany
Q38361187ambassador of Iceland to Serbia and Montenegro
Q38351244ambassador of Iceland to Yugoslavia
Q38351292ambassador of Iceland to the Soviet Union
Q124542178ambassador of Iran to West Germany
Q110725341ambassador of Israel to Czechoslovakia
Q110725005ambassador of Israel to Serbia and Montenegro
Q110721920ambassador of Israel to the Soviet Union
Q106299775ambassador of Italy to Austria-Hungary
Q11563908ambassador of Japan to Manchukuo
Q30158971ambassador of Mexico to Czechoslovakia
Q30159003ambassador of Mexico to East Germany
Q30159027ambassador of Mexico to Yugoslavia
Q38257975ambassador of Morocco to Yugoslavia
Q123968383ambassador of Nicaragua to Taiwan
Q112430907ambassador of Norway to the Soviet Union
Q124471696ambassador of Pakistan to East Germany
Q124471505ambassador of Pakistan to West Germany
Q124518895ambassador of Pakistan to Yugoslavia
Q124471678ambassador of Pakistan to the Soviet Union
Q106777296ambassador of Palestine to Czechoslovakia
Q107620056ambassador of Palestine to West Germany
Q87133202ambassador of Peru to the Soviet Union
Q112178230ambassador of Poland to East Germany
Q125266249ambassador of Poland to Yugoslavia
Q111439803ambassador of Prussia to Saxony
Q66685941ambassador of Romania to East Germany
Q111438843ambassador of Saxony to Spain
Q110801454ambassador of Spain in Serbia and Montenegro
Q110685730ambassador of Spain to Austria-Hungary
Q41486701ambassador of Spain to Czechoslovakia
Q110694917ambassador of Spain to East Germany
Q55074391ambassador of Spain to Korea
Q110693799ambassador of Spain to West Germany
Q55075679ambassador of Spain to Zaire
Q110795839ambassador of Spain to the Kingdom of Portugal
Q30504459ambassador of Spain to the Republic of Venice
Q110629395ambassador of Spain to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Q110714313ambassador of Taiwan to the Soviet Union
Q56824766ambassador of Tuscany to the Great Britain
Q40338072ambassador of West Germany to Canada
Q112245595ambassador of West Germany to Cuba
Q112245545ambassador of West Germany to Guatemala
Q112245605ambassador of West Germany to Haiti
Q112245610ambassador of West Germany to Jordan
Q112245589ambassador of West Germany to Luxembourg
Q112245615ambassador of West Germany to the Dominican Republic
Q92069033ambassador of Yugoslavia to the United Kingdom
Q106086317ambassador of the Austrian Empire to Great Britain
Q110853085ambassador of the Austrian Empire in the Ottoman Empire
Q111441904ambassador of the Austro-Hungarian Empire to Prussia
Q110788394ambassador of the Austro-Hungarian Empire to the Chinese Empire
Q110794320ambassador of the Austro-hungarian empire to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Q110802454ambassador of the Chinese Empire to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Q110685015ambassador of the German Empire to Austria-Hungary
Q110788445ambassador of the German Reich to the Chinese Empire
Q111441869ambassador of the Holy Roman Empire to Prussia
Q110794984ambassador of the King of Aragon to King of Castile
Q110800747ambassador of the King of England to the King of Castile
Q110625675ambassador of the Kingdom of England to the Kingdom of France
Q111496365ambassador of the Kingdom of Great Britain to the Russian Empire
Q111496836ambassador of the Kingdom of Great Britain to the Tsardom of Russia
Q110788668ambassador of the Kingdom of Italy in the Chinese empire
Q110795672ambassador of the Kingdom of Portugal to Spain
Q110802613ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the Chinese Empire
Q110852928ambassador of the Ottoman Empire in the Russian Tsardom
Q110853061ambassador of the Ottoman Empire to the Austrian Empire
Q110852968ambassador of the Ottoman Empire to the Austro-Hungarian Empire
Q110852832ambassador of the Ottoman Empire to the Russian Empire
Q92330655ambassador of the Ottoman Empire to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Q110844340ambassador of the Russian Empire to the Ottoman Empire
Q56761119ambassador of the United Kingdom to Czechoslovakia
Q56809589ambassador of the United Kingdom to East Germany
Q56826468ambassador of the United Kingdom to Genoa
Q56761135ambassador of the United Kingdom to Hanover
Q56761136ambassador of the United Kingdom to Hawaii
Q56824972ambassador of the United Kingdom to North Vietnam
Q56824729ambassador of the United Kingdom to Persia
Q56761187ambassador of the United Kingdom to Sardinia
Q56761189ambassador of the United Kingdom to Saxony
Q56810855ambassador of the United Kingdom to South Vietnam
Q57591300ambassador of the United Kingdom to South Yemen
Q56809582ambassador of the United Kingdom to West Germany
Q56761226ambassador of the United Kingdom to Württemberg
Q56822788ambassador of the United Kingdom to Yugoslavia
Q56822854ambassador of the United Kingdom to Zaire
Q56824799ambassador of the United Kingdom to the Central American Republics
Q56761209ambassador of the United Kingdom to the Elector of Cologne
Q56761211ambassador of the United Kingdom to the Grand Duchy of Tuscany
Q56818255ambassador of the United Kingdom to the Soviet Union
Q56824741ambassador of the United Kingdom to the United Arab Republic
Q15057711caliph of Córdoba
Q50413926capitán general de la Cuarta Región Militar
Q117394817captain general of the IX Military Region
Q62113276chairman of the All-Ukrainian Revolutionary Committee
Q130685555chief Ottoman imperial architect
Q5551744civil governor
Q33416825civil governor of Albacete
Q36870028civil governor of Almería
Q11924567civil governor of Barcelona
Q40257808civil governor of Biscay
Q36859635civil governor of Cadiz
Q40261054civil governor of Cuenca
Q38090471civil governor of Cáceres
Q40260454civil governor of Gipuzkoa
Q40819105civil governor of Girona
Q37159593civil governor of Jaén
Q36862346civil governor of Murcia Province
Q38181128civil governor of Málaga
Q39558446civil governor of Toledo
Q40982569civil governor of Valencia
Q37160251civil governor of Valladolid
Q38090231civil governor of Zaragoza
Q41159235civil governor of the Balearic Islands
Q40156414civil governor of the province of Alicante
Q40155768civil governor of the province of Badajoz
Q33400749civil governor of the province of Granada
Q36870698civil governor of Álava
Q16919908civilian official
Q107463162comandante en jefe de la VI División Orgánica
Q106869746corregidor of Barcelona
Q26295432count of Cerdagne
Q106435433count of Melgueil
Q15628644deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union
Q65952548deputy voivode of Vilnius
Q115249855despot of Lovech
Q18574332despot of Serbia
Q58796672duke of Milan
Q61015055député de la Savoie au Parlement sarde
Q14565744emir of Cordoba
Q33083118emir of Granada
Q116151598emir of Larida
Q115556865emir of Qàlat al-Ayyub
Q61802597emir of Seville
Q116151748emir of Tulaytula
Q5361370emperor of Manchukuo
Q28150764emperor of Trebizond
Q23906200emperor of the Occident
Q25474707ensign of the royal banner of Navarra
Q111439793envoy of Saxony to Prussia
Q111439655envoy of Saxony to the United Kingdom
Q111479059envoy of the Byzantine Empire to the Abbasid Caliphate
Q56761104envoy of the United Kingdom to Bavaria
Q7889387envoy of the United States to Texas
Q106628558escrivão da chancelaria
Q27831917exarch of Ravenna
Q102131448general lieutenant of Catalonia
Q112106770governador civil
Q18384454king of France
Q22923081king of Franks
Q121143195king of Klungkung
Q622602king of Macedonia
Q26425683king of Majorca
Q58006791king of Sardinia
Q111728534king of Scotland (jure uxoris)
Q100401257king of Sidon
Q27924386king of Tiryns
Q100401310king of Tyre
Q29168087king of West Francia
Q22953238king of Wisigoths
Q100235719king of Yugoslavia
Q28054704king of the Huns
Q65028901king of the Suebi
Q28121087king of the Vandals
Q123576158lay abbot of Saint-Maurice-d'Agaune
Q17301774lieutenant general (Crown of Aragon)
Q20110796list of Safavid monarchs
Q108619002list of members of the Supreme Soviet of the Byelorussian SSR (1947–1950)
Q108626601list of members of the Supreme Soviet of the Byelorussian SSR (1951–1954)
Q117322042lord lieutenant of Baranya County
Q114496900lord lieutenant of Fejér County
Q119155672lord lieutenant of Hajdú County
Q27569220lord of Moldavia
Q673697lord of Wallachia
Q116865661lord-lieutenant of Abaúj County
Q122150223lord-lieutenant of Abaúj-Torna County
Q105953111lord-lieutenant of Alsó-Fehér County
Q117195498lord-lieutenant of Arad
Q117195500lord-lieutenant of Arad county
Q116693361lord-lieutenant of Bars County
Q105579848lord-lieutenant of Belső-Szolnok County
Q125511112lord-lieutenant of Beszterce-Naszód County
Q117804052lord-lieutenant of Borsod county
Q123173333lord-lieutenant of Bács-Bodrog County
Q116878049lord-lieutenant of Békés County
Q118517101lord-lieutenant of Csanád County
Q116895819lord-lieutenant of Csongrád county
Q130304433lord-lieutenant of Csík county
Q119155888lord-lieutenant of Debrecen
Q125511100lord-lieutenant of Doboka County
Q125996900lord-lieutenant of Esztergom County
Q105953728lord-lieutenant of Fehér County
Q130486666lord-lieutenant of Győr
Q130325600lord-lieutenant of Győr County
Q117237227lord-lieutenant of Heves and Külső-Szolnok County
Q116693532lord-lieutenant of Hont County
Q116872700lord-lieutenant of Hódmezővásárhely
Q117089206lord-lieutenant of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County
Q122155556lord-lieutenant of Kassa
Q117088181lord-lieutenant of Kolozs County
Q130337001lord-lieutenant of Komárom County
Q105582288lord-lieutenant of Küküllő County
Q122966666lord-lieutenant of Miskolc
Q29865336lord-lieutenant of Nyitra County
Q117191808lord-lieutenant of Pancsova
Q118669425lord-lieutenant of Pest-Pilis-Solt County
Q120000100lord-lieutenant of Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun County
Q123421111lord-lieutenant of Szabolcs County
Q117220024lord-lieutenant of Szeged
Q130367777lord-lieutenant of Szepes County
Q106649390lord-lieutenant of Szolnok-Doboka County
Q121359001lord-lieutenant of Temes County
Q121436300lord-lieutenant of Temesvár
Q121358999lord-lieutenant of Tolna County
Q106592856lord-lieutenant of Torda County
Q130383338lord-lieutenant of Torontál county
Q105597609lord-lieutenant of Udvarhely County
Q126710000lord-lieutenant of Ung County
Q120000112lord-lieutenant of Vas County
Q118669565lord-lieutenant of Veszprém County
Q114463817lord-lieutenant of Zala County
Q116861335lord-lieutenant of Zemplén County
Q125363400lord-lieutenant of a county of Bereg
Q123422224lord-lieutenant of a county of Bihar
Q122872893lord-lieutenant of Árva County
Q98714302master of the works
Q63940549maître de recherche at CNRS
Q115168134member of the Central Committee of the CPSU
Q42029042member of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR
Q17856046member of the Reichstag of Nazi Germany
Q17850767member of the Reichstag of the Weimar Republic
Q14324101member of the Supreme Soviet of Belarus
Q107392550member of the Supreme Soviet of the Byelorussian SSR of the 1st convocation
Q42530449member of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic
Q17026934military commander
Q106160558military governor
Q84081227military governor of Cartagena
Q19598808military official
Q37993558minister for Constituent Assembly of the Kingdom of Italy
Q15284622minister for Supplies and Food Consumption of the Kingdom of Italy
Q39418258minister of Agriculture of the Kingdom of Italy
Q26251991minister of Agriculture, Industry and Trade of the Kingdom of Italy
Q38057385minister of Agriculture, Industry and Trade of the Kingdom of Italy
Q26911615minister of Air Force of the Kingdom of Italy
Q26457371minister of Finance and Treasury of the Kingdom of Italy
Q26456736minister of Finance of the Kingdom of Italy
Q26248695minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Italy
Q39422981minister of Industry and Trade of the Kingdom of Italy
Q26243819minister of Interior of the Kingdom of Italy
Q26305375minister of Justice of the Kingdom of Italy
Q33205067minister of Labor and Social Security of the Kingdom of Italy
Q39424430minister of Labor and Social Security of the Kingdom of Italy
Q33205117minister of National Economy of the Kingdom of Italy
Q26437544minister of Public Education of the Kingdom of Italy
Q26277644minister of Public Works of the Kingdom of Italy
Q107093978minister of Supply
Q26457103minister of Treasury of the Kingdom of Italy
Q26844985minister of War of the Kingdom of Italy
Q33205097minister of Weapons and Ammunition of the Kingdom of Italy
Q43240102minister of the Army
Q26243697minister of the Kingdom of Italy
Q26877864minister of the Navy of the Kingdom of Italy
Q15895369ministro de la Guerra
Q18810062monarch of England
Q111842705monarch of France
Q271148monarch of Italy
Q18810063monarch of Scotland
Q58631963monarch of the Crown of Aragon
Q58006517monarch of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies
Q111722535monarch of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Q24349189monarch of the kingdom of Aragon
Q7132430papal apocrisiarius to Constantinople
Q157740president of Germany
Q33753220president of the Second Republic of Spain
Q123562274prince elector of Lübeck
Q23775115prince-elector of Bavaria
Q6087309procurador en Cortes
Q59389145provincial master of the Knights Templar
Q106628565regedor da Casa do Cível
Q130640753resident of Aceh
Q130624241resident of Ambon
Q130622653resident of Bagelen
Q130632695resident of Banda
Q130626931resident of Banjoemas
Q130632725resident of Banjoewangi
Q130614011resident of Banka
Q130614007resident of Bantam
Q130623815resident of Benkoelen
Q130614016resident of Besoeki
Q130632658resident of Blitar
Q130626393resident of Bodjonegoro
Q130632665resident of Bondowoso
Q130623747resident of Central-Priangan
Q130624237resident of Djambi
Q130632676resident of Djember
Q130627001resident of East-Sumatra
Q130633661resident of Indramajoe
Q130626874resident of Japara
Q130625140resident of Kadoe
Q130627301resident of Klaten
Q130625175resident of Krawang
Q130623891resident of Lampoengsche Districten
Q130624994resident of Madoera
Q130626699resident of Malang
Q130626167resident of Menado
Q130624216resident of Molukken
Q130625476resident of New-Guinea
Q130627116resident of Padangsche Bovenlanden
Q130614002resident of Palembang
Q130624207resident of Pasoeroean
Q130626320resident of Pati
Q130632762resident of Preanger Regencies
Q130623711resident of Priangan
Q130626629resident of Probolingo
Q130623418resident of Riouw
Q130624221resident of South- and East-Borneo
Q130624559resident of Surakarta
Q130614029resident of Tapanuli
Q130624196resident of Tegal
Q130614037resident of Ternate
Q130623492resident of Timor
Q130624038resident of West-Borneo
Q130627187resident of West-Sumatra
Q111510069scottish ambassador to the Holy See
Q29166132sovereign of Navarre
Q110639042spanish ambassador to the Republic of China (1949-1973)
Q14566713sultan of Morocco
Q15315411sultan of the Ottoman Empire
Q118129011the highest waiter of the Kingdom of Bohemia
Q26821381vicar musician
Q23775070viceroy of Aragon
Q880323viceroy of Catalonia
Q14698333viceroy of Ifriqiya
Q33134467viceroy of Naples
Q83637209viceroy of Navarra
Q42085900viceroy of Portugal
Q3646741voivode of Bracław
Q2981254voivode of Kyiv
Q125898386Ban de Belgrade
Q125898831Vice-ban de Belgrade
Q125898178Vice-ban de Croatie
Q112246092ambassadeur d'Autriche en Allemagne de l'Ouest
Q125947666ambassadeur de Lituanie en Union soviétique
Q112531773ambassadeur de Norvège en Yougoslavie
Q112179555ambassadeur de Pologne dans l'Empire ottoman
Q112308467ambassadeur de Suisse en Allemagne de l'Est
Q112347808ambassadeur de la république du Texas aux États-Unis
Q112234818ambassadeur du Japon en Allemagne de l'Ouest
Q112232630ambassadeur du Japon en Union soviétique
Q112254837ambassadeur du Royaume-Uni en république populaire du Congo
Q43239342chef de la Caserne militaire de Franco
Q109588251directeur de la programmation, des affaires financières et immobilières
Q40258491gouvernement civil de la province de Lugo
Q39558956gouverneur civil de la province d'Oviedo
Q33408919gouverneur civil de la province de Burgos
Q39396880gouverneur civil de la province de Ciudad Real
Q39750004gouverneur civil de la province de Courdoue
Q38045114gouverneur civil de la province de La Corogne
Q39682341gouverneur civil de la province de Las Palmas
Q38047906gouverneur civil de la province de León
Q40210099gouverneur civil de la province de Pontevedra
Q33393612gouverneur civil de la province de Salamanque
Q44554575gouverneur civil de la province de Santander
Q33206649gouverneur civil de la province de Ségovie
Q63411602intendant de la généralité de Strasbourg
Q32979783ministre sans portefeuille de la République espagnole en exil
Q5938894ministre secrétaire général du Mouvement
Q116771852vice-président du Dahomey
Q9377079voïvode d'Inowrocław
Q9063044Procuratore generale d'Aragona
Q21099576portavoce del governatore generale
Q106204158военный губернатор провинции Кастельон
Q40264082гражданский губернатор провинции Логроньо
Q44685974гражданский губернатор провинции Льейда
Q40262436гражданский губернатор провинции Наварра
Q38047455гражданский губернатор провинции Оренсе
Q45067876гражданский губернатор провинции Санта-Крус-де-Тенерифе
Q44732418гражданский губернатор провинции Таррагона
Q39757602гражданский губернатор провинции Теруэль
Q42308661гражданский губернатор провинции Уэльва
Q26714567наместник новогрудский
Q123760093наместник смоленский
Q120779122староста полоцкий
Q123778398Вітебський намісник

subclass of (P279)
Q111079458Ambassador of the Republic of China in Spain
Q122982258President of the Brazilian Council of Ministers
Q30082664class of ambassadors of a no longer existing country
Q30064737class of ambassadors to a no longer existing country
Q124466786historical ecclesiastical position
Q124467070historical episcopal title

Q124662819Office dissolvedfacet ofP1269
P39position heldWikidata item of this propertyP1629
Q19589090Category:Oberaltensekretärcategory combines topicsP971

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