Wikidata property to identify organizations | Q21745557 |
Wikidata property for authority control, with reciprocal use of Wikidata | Q24075706 |
Wikidata property related to research | Q80840868 |
Wikidata property related to science | Q61058429 |
P1793 | format as a regular expression | [a-z0-9]{9} |
P12508 | ONIX codelist ID | 44/40 |
P3254 | property proposal discussion | |
P1896 | source website for the property | |
P8966 | URL match pattern | ^https?:\/\/ror\.org\/([a-z0-9]{9}) |
^https?:\/\/findthatcharity\.uk\/orgid\/XI-ROR-(\d{2}[a-z0-9]{5}\d{2}) |
P10726 | class of non-item property value | Research Organization Registry ID | Q63565260 |
P2429 | expected completeness | eventually complete | Q21873974 |
P1630 | formatter URL |$1 | |
P4876 | number of records | 106900 | |
P2302 | property constraint | format constraint | Q21502404 |
distinct-values constraint | Q21502410 | ||
subject type constraint | Q21503250 | ||
allowed-entity-types constraint | Q52004125 | ||
single-best-value constraint | Q52060874 | ||
property scope constraint | Q53869507 | ||
P1659 | related property | GRID ID | P2427 |
Ringgold ID | P3500 | ||
P3303 | third-party formatter URL |$1 | |$1 |
Q110235640 | Research Organisation Registry |
Q63565260 | Research Organization Registry ID |
Q43229 | organization | properties for this type | P1963 |
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