Wikidata property related to science

Wikidata property

Wikidata property related to science is …
instance of (P31):
type of Wikidata propertyQ107649491

sublass of (P279):
Wikidata propertyQ18616576

P1889different fromWikidata property related to researchQ80840868
P1269facet ofscienceQ336

Reverse relations

instance of (P31)
P10707AccessScience ID
P7718Complex Portal accession ID
P10287DFG Science Classification
P9604DiVA authority-person
P6582Dutch Instrument Makers ID
P10910Korean Academy of Science and Technology member ID
P10133Russian Academy of Sciences person ID
P11741SINTA affiliation ID
P9268Science Magazine author ID
P10376ScienceDirect topic ID
P11037Springer Nature journal ID
P10861Springer Nature person ID
P2349Stuttgart Database of Scientific Illustrators ID
P11697Ticino Scienza IBSA Foundation ID
P4594arXiv author ID
P189location of discovery
P7347peer review URL
P11413sampling rate
P1136solved by
P2579studied in
P5065wind speed

subclass of (P279)
Q47512165Wikidata property related to computing
Q22963600Wikidata property related to engineering
Q56249073Wikidata property related to genealogy
Q110560778Wikidata property related to meteorology
Q119301849Wikidata property related to method, methodology or mode of actions
Q52425722Wikidata property related to natural science
Q107156662Wikidata property related to numismatics
Q96533552Wikidata property related to social science
Q56248906Wikidata property related to the Early Modern period

Q80840868Wikidata property related to researchdifferent fromP1889

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