
Blog for East and Southeast European Studies

ostblog.hypotheses.org is …
instance of (P31):

External links are
P973described at URLhttps://ostblog.hypotheses.org/6572
P856official websitehttps://ostblog.hypotheses.org
P1042ZDB ID2885749-5

P495country of originGermanyQ183
P1343described by sourceSeitenwechsel, July 2024: News from the IOS libraryQ130547069
P407language of work or namemultiple languagesQ20923490
P921main subjecthistoryQ309
Eastern EuropeQ27468
Southeast EuropeQ263686
area studiesQ928786
Russian invasion of UkraineQ110999040
COVID-19 pandemicQ81068910
P361part ofHypothèses.orgQ23041645
P123publisherLeibniz Institute for East and Southeast European StudiesQ1664940
P1680subtitleOst- und Südosteuropa im Fokus der Wissenschaft

Reverse relations

published in (P1433)
Q119027137#CHARKIW: A city close to Russia - Russia's war against Ukraine
Q119027142#ODESA: The City’s Twisted Farewell to Russia’s Imperial Past
Q105246223#closedbutopen - Information supply in times of the coronavirus
Q1107702981991-2021: From Yugoslavia, its successor states and interdependent neighbours
Q105246241COVID-19 and Kazakhstan: An Overview
Q130735330Can Memory Europeanize Us? The EU Memory Framework and Contested Memories of the Yugoslav Wars in Contemporary Serbia
Q119026820Closer to Russian Annexation?
Q110770301Comment on 30 years of independent North Macedonia: Why the country finally deserves the opening of EU accession negotiations
Q105246245Coronavirus in Russia: Countrywide policies and regional specifics
Q105246231Covid-19 and sardines in Bosnia-Herzegovina: assembly line work during the pandemic
Q119027143Current media offerings on the Russian war against Ukraine
Q105246232Die Corona-Pandemie in Südosteuropa: Eine Einleitung zu diesem Blog
Q105246236Ein Präsident tritt ab. Hashim Thaçi vor dem Sondergericht in Den Haag
Q105706965From East to West. How post-communist migration is changing Europe
Q119026829From a multifaceted place of remembrance to urbicide - the fate of the city of Mariupol
Q119027133Kosovar ‘war aims’
Q130572707More dependent, more unequal, dead sooner: where Viktor Orbán's illiberal democracy is leading us
Q125544115Odesa's historic centre: a tour of an endangered world heritage site
Q119027136On the historical existence of the (Ukrainian) nation
Q110770302Parliamentary elections in Bulgaria: Between anti-politics and a lack of majorities
Q110770304Reconfiguring politics in Moldova
Q130547069Seitenwechsel, July 2024: News from the IOS library
Q131463446The Orange Revolution 2004/05 - Ukrainian civil society moves westwards
Q119027140The burden of the past and the challenges of the present
Q119026832The end of a Russophile tradition? Bulgaria's public opinion on Putin is tilting
Q105246225The story of a frozen flag: Understanding what is happening in Belarus
Q130559561The “Puppet State” Next Door – Polish Perceptions of Ukraine
Q110770305Transnistria Needs a Multi-party System
Q119027145Ukrainian cultural and educational institutions in the bombing and information war. Between conformity, resistance and humanitarian aid
Q119027134Warning shots from Kosovo: an end to the West's naivety is urgently needed
Q119027138What does the ‘de-Russification’ of Ukrainian cities mean?
Q125544106‘In Ukraine we have a house and a car": The situation of Ukrainian refugees in Regensburg

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