What is important is "one's own drive". Design and culture in Pillnitz

German blog post in SLUBlog, 2016

What is important is "one's own drive". Design and culture in Pillnitz is …
instance of (P31):
blog postQ17928402

External links are
P953full work available at URLhttps://blog.slub-dresden.de/beitrag/2016/04/16/wichtig-ist-der-eigene-antrieb-design-und-kultur-in-pillnitz

P50authorJens BemmeQ56880673
P972catalogRegional bibliography of SaxonyQ61729277
P275copyright licenseCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalQ20007257
P6216copyright statuscopyrightedQ50423863
P407language of work or nameGermanQ188
P921main subjectbicycleQ11442
history of technologyQ465352
Kunstgewerbemuseum DresdenQ1331753
P577publication date2016-04-16
P1433published inSLUBlogQ65966503
P1476titleWichtig ist "Der eigene Antrieb". Design und Kultur in Pillnitz

Reverse relations

Q111905883Der eigene Antrieb — oder wie uns das Rad bewegtdescribed by sourceP1343

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