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Q64135372 | "Emergency in the East"? Occasional literature references on the state and history of democracy in Saxony |
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Q111295144 | 23rd Board Game Studies Colloquium (13.-16. April 2021) |
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Q119334123 | 30 Years of the NIOSH Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing Program |
Q96618829 | 40 Years of Safety Research |
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Q96618836 | 50 Years of Protecting Worker Respiratory Health |
Q125848137 | 50,000 Lessons on How to Read: a Relation Extraction Corpus |
Q96618645 | 5th Annual National Stand Down to Prevent Falls in Construction |
Q109333244 | 60 Minutes of DH: eScriptorium for Handwritten Text Recognition in Humanities Research |
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Q76494428 | 9. November 1938!? Wie das öffentliche Pogromgedenken individuelle Erinnerung überschreibt |
Q112842845 | A (not so) short history of historical network research – part 1 |
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Q111687710 | A Call for a Temporary Moratorium on "The DAO" |
Q109303923 | A Call to Action on Digital Cultural Heritage in Germany |
Q119333848 | A Case Study to Demonstrate Noise and Ergonomic Issues in the Workplace |
Q107523394 | A Chronic Lack of Nuance & a Love of the Hypothetical: A Library Story |
Q96619404 | A Comprehensive Approach to Workforce Health |
Q110321198 | A Conversation With: Klimeks |
Q126353050 | A Deeper Look into Protecting Wildland Firefighter Safety and Health |
Q119334094 | A Final Look at Our 50th Anniversary Commemoration |
Q119333709 | A Focus on the Occupational Safety and Health of Women in Mining |
Q96618609 | A Framework for Productive Aging and Work |
Q47153883 | A Good Part-of-Speech Tagger in about 200 Lines of Python |
Q100319768 | A Guide to Respirators Used for Dust in Construction |
Q96619114 | A Hard Day's Night: Training Provides Nurses with Strategies for Shift Work and Long Work Hours |
Q96619158 | A Health and Safety Evaluation at an Airline Catering Facility |
Q130472205 | A Linked Data Movie Quiz: “The answers are out there; and so are the questions” |
Q80977250 | A Look Back at Our GDC 2017 Display |
Q96618533 | A Mini-Symposium on Cumulative Risk Assessment in the Occupational Setting |
Q96619227 | A NIOSH Role in Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention |
Q132178330 | A New Partnership Focuses on the Occupational Safety and Health Needs of Lone Workers |
Q72863691 | A Note To Our Readers |
Q111906145 | A Nuclear 9/11? |
Q96619080 | A Partnership: NIOSH and Mexican Consulates help support the health and safety of workers |
Q109278638 | A Path through the Conceptual Jungle of the Public Humanities |
Q96619138 | A Perfect Romance: A Valentine's Day Guide to the Necessary Considerations of CBRN APR Use |
Q105468399 | A Physico-chemical and Toxicological Evaluation of Fracking Sand Dusts |
Q111689283 | A Proposal for a Self-Regulatory Organization for the U.S. Virtual Currency Industry |
Q48719074 | A Reconciliation Recipe for Wikidata |
Q126353109 | A Reflection on World Futures Day 2024: NIOSH Efforts to Help Build a Better Tomorrow |
Q130328337 | A Review of Twelve Blue |
Q96619067 | A Robot May Not Injure a Worker: Working safely with robots |
Q97301933 | A Song of Metal and Fire: Games of Stones (Part 2) |
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Q96619230 | A Voice in the Wilderness: Alice Hamilton and the Illinois Survey |
Q119334197 | A Way Forward: The Translational Impacts of World Trade Center Health Program Research |
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Q96619209 | A Wrench in the Gear: Lockout/tagout in the food industry |
Q113715187 | A common standard for geckelemuckpeschünck: results of the workshop "From handwriting to machine-readable text" |
Q131843684 | A distorção da democracia pela extrema direita |
Q111746900 | A journey through time and networks: a short story from a PhD candidate at the DH Lab |
Q130328457 | A manifesto supporting a creative digital literature |
Q123892243 | A massive mea culpa and apology for a bad Mass Effect review |
Q114755564 | A new cargo carrier [cargo bike]. – Volldampf, Januar 1898 |
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Q117816991 | A professor found her name on an article she didn’t write. Then it got worse |
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Q131392419 | A three-day Editathon on Plastic Pollution in the Environment |
Q105530710 | AALL 2018 Recap: FCIL-SIS Teaching Foreign and International Legal Research Interest Group |
Q124101899 | ABLES: A Leader in Public Health Lead Surveillance |
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Q126353079 | AJPH Highlights Health Worker Mental Health |
Q105531029 | ASIL 2019 Recap: The Law (and Politics) of Displacement |
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Q130328254 | Abstract Language #2: ottar ormstad’s bokstavteppekatalogen |
Q116671063 | Acadêmicos são premiados por artigo contra falseamento da ciência – ABC |
Q96619175 | Accurate and Efficient Assessments of Working Posture |
Q105962424 | Achtung, heilige Gefühle! |
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Q130281115 | Adding citations between existing articles in Wikidata |
Q96619106 | Addressing the Hazards of Temporary Employment |
Q119334255 | Addressing the Opioid Overdose Epidemic in Construction: Minimize Work Factors that Cause Injury and Pain |
Q96619207 | Adjusting to Work in the Heat: Why Acclimatization Matters |
Q96619295 | Advanced Headforms for Evaluating Respirator Fit |
Q119334210 | Advanced Sensor Technologies and the Future of Work |
Q107005754 | Advancements in Elastomeric Respirator Technology for Use as Source Control |
Q131433617 | Advancing BHL’s Data for a Sustainable Future: Meet Tiago, Our New Wikimedian-in-Residence |
Q96619076 | Advancing Worker Well-being Across the Working Life: NIOSH's New Center for Productive Aging & Work |
Q123221492 | Advent 1: Christmas experiences of a nine-year-old 1802 |
Q131330105 | Advent in the ‘Rabbit Hole’, for and with your inner nerd |
Q115784616 | Afrique : des étudiants toujours plus mobiles |
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Q130418090 | Ageing at high speed: the Indo-UK ‘Ageing’ workshop, Mumbai |
Q110841247 | Agenda 2032: Rebellious Libraries as the Fifth Power |
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Q130330126 | Air-B-N-Me: Self Representation in the Digital Age |
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Q55994649 | Algorithms and insults: Scaling up our understanding of harassment on Wikipedia |
Q119333866 | Algorithms and the Future of Work |
Q96619348 | All-terrain Vehicles and Work |
Q113632476 | Altrincham's Forgotten Castle: Watch Hill |
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Q96618665 | Amy Chambers, MS, and Lauren Chubb, DrPH: Advancing Safety and Health for Miners |
Q119334318 | An Ancient Hazard in a 21st Century Workplace: The Power of Partnerships and Collaboration Investigating Respirable Crystalline Silica in Hydraulic Fracturing |
Q100319766 | An Expanded Focus for Occupational Safety and Health |
Q130704079 | An Oberfrohna correspondence as a palimpsest in the digital age: a database processes historical letters with the help of citizen scientists |
Q126353061 | An Urgent Call to Address Work-related Psychosocial Hazards and Improve Worker Well-being |
Q119333765 | And to All a Safe Flight: Transportation Safety Tips for Santa |
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Q131584219 | Animal Crossing - Nintendo’s Ultimate Creation |
Q110594700 | Announcement 57th BibChatDE: How much Wikiverse is already in our libraries? |
Q110484146 | Announcing Our 2020 Sidewalk Film Festival at the Drive-in Award Winners! |
Q119334252 | Antigen Testing for SARS-CoV-2 in Non-healthcare Workplaces |
Q65588800 | Antike und Antikenrezeption in sächsischen Museen. Ausstellungsgeschichte – Bestandsentwicklung – Technologiewandel |
Q131351960 | Apocalypse! Why Graham Hancock’s Use of the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis in His Netflix Series Ancient Apocalypse Is All Wet |
Q106916985 | Approaching Integrative Learning: Assignments Linking 'Narratives of Travel' Courses |
Q85713460 | Aprimorar artigos sobre evolução na Wikipédia em Português através de aulas: Professor Yuri Leite – Wikimedia Blog |
Q131351842 | Archaeologist Helps Pseudoarchaeologist find His Lane |
Q131407775 | Archiving scholarly blogs with Rogue Scholar |
Q96618900 | Arduous Duty: Using Three Data Sources to Create a Single Wildland Fire Fighter On-Duty Death Surveillance System |
Q96619018 | Are Hospital Cleaning Staff at Risk When Using a One-step Cleaner? |
Q119333895 | Are Insurer Risk Control Services Effective? |
Q96618352 | Are There Nano- and Microplastics in the Workplace? |
Q96619563 | Are your ears really protected? Find out with NIOSH's QuickFitWeb |
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Q106903593 | Article Summary: Ashman et al. (2019) Explicit Instruction vs. Problem Solving First when Element Interactivity is High |
Q96618350 | Artificial Intelligence Crowdsourcing Competition for Injury Surveillance |
Q96618425 | Artificial Intelligence: Implications for the Future of Work |
Q124531886 | Artists travelling in Saxony and Europe in the 17th century |
Q96618365 | Asociación para educar sobre la seguridad y salud del trabajador a personas que están aprendiendo inglés en Alaska |
Q96619448 | Assaults on Nursing Assistants |
Q105468408 | Assessing Lifting Risk Factors Using Wearable Motion Sensors |
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Q104822276 | Auf Spurensuche in der Musikstadt Leipzig |
Q107143692 | Auf dem Weg zur Quelle – ein ‚Reisebericht‘ von Andreas Wagner |
Q105984649 | Aufbruch – Anpassung – Selbstbehauptung: Die ostdeutsche Frauenbewegung in den 1990er Jahren am Beispiel Leipzigs |
Q98492337 | Aufmerksamkeitswandel für die Kunst aus dem ‚Osten’: Transformationen der Kunstförderung und Kunstgeschichtsforschung seit den späten 1980er Jahren |
Q108254414 | Augustusburger Protokolle |
Q105845430 | Aus der Blogosphäre: Neun (geisteswissenschaftliche) Blogs, die wir gerne lesen |
Q105753941 | Ausstellung über Fotografien und Fotografieren als Kontaktzone |
Q105754906 | Ausstellung „Umbruch Ost“ mit Fotografien der Freiberger Fotofreunde |
Q105754982 | Ausstellungen und Bildergalerien online entdecken |
Q109303784 | Austausch mit Modellcharakter |
Q86864439 | Australia's Classification System Is Finally Being Reviewed |
Q63860344 | Auswirkungen des Nationalsozialismus auf die zweisprachigen Kirchgemeinden der Evangelisch-Lutherischen Landeskirche Sachsens |
Q107052471 | Author copyright in name only |
Q104831003 | Automatically maintained citations with Wikidata and Cite Q |
Q131407778 | Automating data exports from Apple Health |
Q123488400 | Autumn Beginnings: My New DH-Season at the IEG in Mainz |
Q122943318 | Autumn destinations and their significance, 1887, 1908 and nowadays |
Q24383932 | Avengers Composer Alan Silvestri To Return For Infinity War |
Q116789791 | BHL is Round Tripping Persistent Identifiers with the Wikidata Query Service |
Q96619475 | Balancing Open Government and Privacy Protection |
Q131392564 | Bangladesh's First Wikicamp in Chattogram |
Q130306631 | Basquiat meets Mario Brothers? Digital poet Jason Nelson on the meaning of art games |
Q96618372 | Bathroom Breaks |
Q113627121 | Baukultur und klimagerechte Architektur in Dresden: Auftaktworkshop am 7. September |
Q100606445 | Baumnetze – Geschichte(n) sammeln, teilen, erforschen |
Q100988209 | Baumnetze, Landesgeschichte und offene Datenberge – Wissen durch Knotenbildung mit Wikidata zum 8. |
Q96619142 | Be Pioneers to Protect Our Volunteers! |
Q132178326 | Beards and Respirators: Navigating No Shave November Safely |
Q64869589 | Beaufoy Merlin Showman and Photographer |
Q112644497 | Beaverton History Trivia |
Q96619418 | Bed Bugs! |
Q115004005 | Beer shack, jug, church jug. In: Tour Book of Estonia with continuation of tours to the towns of North Livonia, 1897 |
Q111283470 | Belege für die mittelhochdeutsche Spielbezeichnung “mîle” |
Q121297358 | Benin's Approach to Fighting Jihadists Is Fueling the Cycle of Violence |
Q109526764 | Bergbaukultur im Erzgebirge – Einblicke durch die Verbandszeitschrift BERGGLÖCKCHEN |
Q105836136 | Bericht über den ersten Austausch zwischen dem Wismut-Erbe Zeitzeug:innen Projekt und der Gedenkstätte Amthordurchgang Gera |
Q131584237 | Berkeley's Intro to CS Demographics |
Q110716573 | Best D&I practices for venture capital and private equity |
Q110244540 | Better air quality is the easiest way not to die |
Q116817435 | Between Saxony, Prussia and Austria - the Schönburg dominions in the late 18th century |
Q96618575 | Beyond Determining Compliance: How Can Workers' Compensation Insurers' Exposure Data Be Improved and Used? |
Q130328521 | Biblumliteraria. Literatura electrónica |
Q110679726 | Bilancujeme GLAM za rok 2021 a prozrazujeme novoroční přání |
Q105753848 | Bildarchive. Wissensordnungen | Arbeitspraktiken | Nutzungspotenziale |
Q111688381 | Bitcoin Community Survey 2014 |
Q96619044 | Black History Month: Saluting Two NIOSH Pioneers of Diversity |
Q96618897 | Black History Month: Recognizing Two Young NIOSH Researchers |
Q110295131 | Blast in the Past: Image concerns in paper about comet that might have destroyed Tall el-Hammam |
Q111689455 | Blockchain for International Development: Using a Learning Agenda to Address Knowledge Gaps |
Q111689355 | Blockchain-Enabled Open Science Framework |
Q96618773 | Blog Series to Highlight Musculoskeletal Health Research at NIOSH |
Q124101895 | Bloodborne Pathogen Exposures Continue in Operating Room Settings |
Q111296718 | Board Game Studies Colloquium 2022, CfP |
Q111283127 | Board Game Studies Colloquium Paris 2020 (blog post) |
Q111292291 | Board Game Studies Journal issue 14 is out now |
Q107805337 | BodenKulturen - Wechselbeziehungen für die Analyse von Natur, Technik, Gesellschaft und ihrer naturräumlichen Fundamente |
Q104713666 | Bodiam Castle and the exploration of space |
Q96619583 | Body Art |
Q119812117 | Book Review: Atlas of AI |
Q111690281 | Book Review: Before Babylon, Beyond Bitcoin: From Money that We Understand to Money that Understands Us by David Birch |
Q129081222 | Book Review: Beyond Money: A Postcapitalist Strategy by Anitra Nelson |
Q127700840 | Book Review: Under the March Sun: The Story of Spring Training by Charles Fountain |
Q128341731 | Book Review: What Are Universities For? by Stefan Collini |
Q96619063 | Books with Workplace Safety and Health Themes |
Q130328964 | Border Connections in Electronic Literature |
Q105907034 | Borna: 700 Jahre „Stadt“ |
Q105908387 | Bornas Großer Stadtbrand 1668 |
Q108117698 | Bornas Kunigundenkirche : Sakralbau – Gottesackerkirche – Denkmal |
Q105906249 | Bornas offene Fragen |
Q96619359 | Brain Injury in the NFL |
Q106903380 | Breaking Down How A Nanodegree Program Works |
Q61718572 | Breaking down the language barrier |
Q130279479 | Briefing (Q2045234): We will celebrate. Please enable cookies |
Q119334270 | Bringing Strategic Foresight to OSH |
Q96618364 | Brote de silicosis entre los trabajadores de mesones de piedra de ingeniería en cuatro estados |
Q119334173 | Bruceton Research Center – Protecting Workers for 110 Years |
Q105985216 | Brückenbauerinnen: Zur Integration afghanischer Frauen in Deutschland |
Q104914602 | Budoucnost patří otevřeným propojeným datům, shodli se knihovníci a wikidatisté na Biblio workshopu |
Q96619150 | Building Better Buoyancy – Developing Innovative Life Vests for Commercial Fishermen |
Q132859968 | Building the (Open) Data Ecosystem |
Q110627492 | Bundesservice Telekommunikation — wie ich versehentlich eine Tarnbehörde in der Bundesverwaltung fand |
Q96618478 | Burden, Need and Impact: An Evidence-Based Method to Identify Worker Safety and Health Research Priorities |
Q98786173 | Bury me in Chicago because I want to remain politically active |
Q96619414 | Buy Quiet |
Q96619200 | Buy Quiet Update |
Q109415446 | Buyer Persona erstellen: Eine verständliche Anleitung |
Q121832825 | Böse Menschen haben keine Lieder. Notizen zu Fußballhymnen, Vereinsliedern und Fangesängen in der Bundesliga |
Q113115765 | Bürger, Bauer, Bettelmann? Ökonomische Implikationen intergenerationalen Transfers sozioökonomischer Charakteristika (Deutschland, 16.-20. Jahrhundert) |
Q91402630 | Bürgerkriegsähnliche Zustände in Sachsen? Neue Regionalstudie zur politischen Gewalt in der Endphase der Weimarer Republik erschienen |
Q104886617 | Bürgerwissenschaft, Bibliothek und offene Kulturdaten |
Q108625437 | Bürgerwissenschaften an und mit Bibliotheken im Weißbuch „Citizen Science-Strategie 2030 für Deutschland“ |
Q132178343 | COFE – The Future of Forest Operations |
Q109774523 | COP26: Após ataques, Txai Suruí teme pela segurança no Brasil |
Q119334161 | COPD Awareness |
Q107005751 | COVID-19 Poses Big Challenges for Small Construction Firms |
Q100319799 | COVID-19 Stress Among Your Workers? Healthy Work Design and Well-Being Solutions Are Critical |
Q105246241 | COVID-19 and Kazakhstan: An Overview |
Q107005746 | COVID-19 and Wildland Firefighters |
Q105468386 | COVID-19 and Workplace Fatigue: Lessons Learned and Mitigation Strategies |
Q106903496 | Calculatrice Numworks : équations, saisie naturelle et transfert de scripts Python |
Q114832503 | Calculer votre impact prévisionnel peut-il faire décoller votre Startup d’Etat ? |
Q107395304 | Call for blog posts for the multilingual knowledge of the near surroundings with ‚Nearby‘ queries |
Q114436073 | Call: Local history calendar (yesterday) today [[tomorrow]] |
Q109329652 | Calling for data publication workshops in historical research |
Q125208836 | Camenzer Wochenschrift - Freedom of the press with open data |
Q96618779 | Can Drones Make Construction Safer? |
Q105468402 | Can Exoskeletons Reduce Musculoskeletal Disorders in Healthcare Workers? |
Q130735330 | Can Memory Europeanize Us? The EU Memory Framework and Contested Memories of the Yugoslav Wars in Contemporary Serbia |
Q96619168 | Can Predictive Analytics Help Reduce Workplace Risk? |
Q96618386 | Can Pregnant Workers Receive and Administer Flu Vaccines? Yes! |
Q96619144 | Can Workplace Exposures Increase Risks of Birth Defects? – Epidemiology in Action |
Q130305664 | Can cash transfer programmes help mental health outcomes among Africa’s young people?: |
Q117382043 | Can't Delete: Why We Stay on Social Media | Psychology Today |
Q119334006 | Cancer Incidence, Latency, and Survival in World Trade Center Rescue/Recovery Workers |
Q100319798 | Cannabis and Work: Implications, Impairment, and the Need for Further Research |
Q100319764 | Cannabis and Work: The Need for More Research |
Q113152434 | Canons: Specific and General aṣl |
Q124310973 | Capital of the Völkisch? A study of nationalist movements in Dresden during the German Empire and the Weimar Republic |
Q96618956 | Capturing Work-related Injuries from Emergency Department Data |
Q96618979 | Cardiovascular Health Status by Occupational Group |
Q123002123 | Carsten Hjort Lange: Civil War Seen Through the Lens of Ancient History, in: Stasis – Avenues to Ancient Civil War, October 10, 2023, doi: 10.59350/5b9hv-1xz57 |
Q96619334 | Catching the Flu: NIOSH Research on Airborne Influenza Transmission |
Q96618459 | Celebrate National Safety Month |
Q100319805 | Celebrate National Safety Month |
Q126353107 | Celebrating 20 Years of Research: Highlights From NIOSH's Nanotechnology Research Center's Field Studies Team |
Q132178352 | Celebrating 20 Years of the Nanotechnology Research Center: Highlights from Engineering Controls and Personal Protective Equipment |
Q132178335 | Celebrating 20 Years of the Nanotechnology Research Center: Measuring the Small Things |
Q107005734 | Celebrating 25 Years of the National Occupational Research Agenda |
Q131392270 | Celebrating International Museum Day 2024 on Bangla Wikipedia through Open Knowledge |
Q119333817 | Celebrating National Ergonomics Month |
Q132178329 | Celebrating National Ergonomics Month |
Q96618965 | Celebrating National Farm Safety and Health Week: Farm Safety: A Legacy to Be Proud Of |
Q105468393 | Celebrating Nurses |
Q119333812 | Celebrating the 3rd International Symposium to Advance Total Worker Health® |
Q119334128 | Center for Direct Reading and Sensor Technologies |
Q67922512 | Ceny za rozvoj české Wikipedie ve fotografii i jinak |
Q126353074 | Changing Mindsets on Hearing Disorders Associated with Work Hazards |
Q116728109 | Changing the face of Wikipedia |
Q119334293 | Changing with the Times: The Journey to Interactive Charts |
Q96618573 | Characterizing 3D Printing Emissions and Controls in an Office Environment |
Q116211517 | Chemnitz 1734 - a look back in and with a contemporary chronicle |
Q82266328 | Chemnitz und Sachsen als „wichtige Kerne einer regionalen, deutschen und globalen Industriegeschichte“ |
Q98492058 | Chemnitzer Bürgerbeteiligung im Wandel der Zeiten |
Q96618658 | Chia-Chia Chang, MBA, MPH; Adele Childress, PhD; and Sara Tamers, PhD: Advancing Total Worker Health initiatives through Partnerships, Workforce Development, and Research |
Q105468385 | Choosing the “Right” Fatigue Monitoring and Detection Technology |
Q63009227 | Christian Complains About Atheist Students at a High School |
Q105908727 | Christian Gotthelf Brückner – innovatives Unternehmertum im frühen 19. Jahrhundert |
Q114407547 | Christian Vanderheids Mariage und Franz Ungers Plagiat |
Q96618680 | Christine M. Branche, PhD, Protecting America's Construction Workers |
Q77871556 | Cientistas da Bahia ainda são anônimos para jovens do estado | Ciência e Cultura |
Q120720904 | Citing Boetticher's "nineteenth-century paintings", art volumes and illustrated books to link old and new mountains of data linked openly |
Q117348190 | Citizen Science goes Saxon Bibliography: Wikisource transcripts enrich SLUB catalogue |
Q107233769 | Citizen Science in Bibliotheken – Rückblick auf den 51. BibChatDe |
Q129984495 | Citizen Science in Dresden: Projects and topics of the SLUB Dresden |
Q119499972 | Citizen Science in the Historical Sciences |
Q118424563 | Citizen Science, Digitality, Regional History, Wikimedia - Current Publications 'nearby' Saxorum |
Q103381483 | Citizen Science, Wikiversum und Sächsische Bibliografie: Veranstaltungen, Zweitveröffentlichungen und Neuerscheinungen |
Q110896089 | Citizen Science: Questions are everywhere - in Berlin, Dresden ... and Bochum |
Q120434152 | Citizens access architecture and everyday life in the GDR - Citizen Science approaches for archival materials in the scientific collections at the Leibniz Institute for Spatial Social Research |
Q128367566 | Ciência da Vida após a Morte em debate |
Q86752443 | Classification Board Responds To Senator's Call To Ban Anime |
Q96619112 | Cleaning for Asthma-Safer Schools Reduces Asthma Risk, Saves Money |
Q124101903 | Clearing Up Myths About Older Workers While Understanding and Supporting an Aging Workforce |
Q96619173 | Climate Change and Occupational Safety and Health |
Q119333940 | Climatologic Conditions, Chronic Disease and Work: Emerging Evidence and Implications |
Q119026820 | Closer to Russian Annexation? |
Q105754064 | Clubabend – Der Weg ins Feld |
Q123102507 | Clustering Book Editions Blogpost |
Q125398866 | Coal feed wagon with roller crusher from the Hirschfelde power station |
Q96619239 | Coccidioidomycosis: An Enduring Work-Related Disease |
Q131407766 | Code from some mountaintop |
Q114832502 | Coder la législation au bénéfice des citoyens ! |
Q114832500 | Coder le moins possible |
Q111713350 | Coding da Vinci Ost³ – Textile industry in rural areas |
Q96619055 | Coffee Workers at Risk for Lung Disease |
Q131754452 | Coffee as an Intoxicant in Islamic Law |
Q96619402 | Cold Stress |
Q127602064 | Coleridge’s Experimental Poetics: A Review |
Q96619113 | Collaboration with Wikipedia |
Q96619155 | Collecting Data on Worker Hearing Loss: Epidemiology in Action |
Q100319801 | Collecting Occupation and Industry Data in Public Health Surveillance Systems for COVID-19 |
Q123699960 | Collecting links, thinking data and vice versa: topics, archives, history, media and geodata |
Q130377699 | Colophons of Judeo-Iranian Manuscripts: A Delicate Balance of Jewish and Non-Jewish Traditions |
Q116549868 | Colouring Dresden: last details before platform launch |
Q80977034 | Come see us at Portland Retro Gaming Expo 2017! |
Q96618696 | Coming Soon to a Workplace Near You: Field-based respirable crystalline silica monitoring |
Q114832499 | Comment améliorer son support ? |
Q114832497 | Comment construire votre service public numérique ? |
Q114832496 | Comment former les intrapreneurs de Startup d'État ? |
Q114832495 | Comment gérer l'avenir d'une Startup d'État ? - l’exemple de transport.data.gouv.fr |
Q114832494 | Comment j’ai mis fin à ma Start-up d’État en 3 semaines |
Q110770301 | Comment on 30 years of independent North Macedonia: Why the country finally deserves the opening of EU accession negotiations |
Q114832493 | Comment récolter les irritants d'un maximum d’utilisateurs en très peu de temps ? |
Q114832492 | Comment utiliser métriques pirates et tunnels de conversion au bénéfice de vos usagers |
Q96619569 | Commercial Fishing Safety |
Q119333981 | Commercial Vehicle Operators and Legionnaires’ Disease |
Q110684338 | Common Struggles: Policy-based vs. scholar-led approaches to open access in the humanities (thesis deposit) |
Q66385171 | Community digest: Virtual exhibitions help make Estonian artworks accessible to everyone |
Q131843691 | Como a ciência pode conversar com os saberes ancestrais? |
Q124319533 | Competing demands: on combining different activities during my Postdoc |
Q105468397 | Computer Vision Development for Estimating Trunk Angles |
Q96619277 | Conducting Responder Health Research and Biomonitoring During and Following Disasters |
Q116188149 | Configuration de l'islam sur le campus universitaire du Point-G à Bamako |
Q125544109 | Congealed Labor, Preserved Fish: From the Adriatic towards a global history of the canned sardine |
Q125570226 | Congressional Gold Medals for Assange, Hale, Barlow, Winner, Manning, Edmonds, Sterling, Drake, Snowden, Ellsberg |
Q96619177 | Connecting Occupational Public Health and Patient Care Through Electronic Health Records (EHRs) |
Q100319796 | Considerations for Covering N95s to Extend Use |
Q96619435 | Construction Equipment Visibility |
Q96618502 | Construction Fall Fatalities Still Highest Among All Industries: What more can we do? |
Q119333623 | Construction Helmets and Work-related Traumatic Brain Injury |
Q96619581 | Contingent Workers |
Q96618904 | Continuous Personal Dust Monitor |
Q96619323 | Contractors Wanted: Help NIOSH Advance Research to Protect Workers from Silica |
Q130327258 | Contrapoemas & Anfipoemas |
Q131584222 | Contrary Views on the Main Question |
Q96618338 | Controlar a fadiga em momentos de crise: Orientação para enfermeiros, gerentes e outros funcionários de serviços de saúde |
Q96619269 | Controlling Exposures to Workers Who Make or Use Nanomaterials |
Q96619024 | Convenience Store Compliance to Reduce Workplace Violence |
Q129997694 | Conversation analysis has many applications, from Silicon Valley to medicine” |
Q96619441 | Cops and Cars |
Q111655189 | Corona and science. Or why I have to change my project to a large extent |
Q105246245 | Coronavirus in Russia: Countrywide policies and regional specifics |
Q130305665 | Cost of depression in the workplace across eight diverse countries – collectively US$250 billion: |
Q96619315 | Cost-effective Rollover Protective Structure (CROPS) |
Q123163303 | Court Lady - Wardrobe Mistress - Washerwoman. Women in the Female Court Estates of the Saxon Electoral and Royal Households in the Late 18th and Early 19th Centuries |
Q105246231 | Covid-19 and sardines in Bosnia-Herzegovina: assembly line work during the pandemic |
Q125544119 | Creating 'Islands of Agreement and Civility' through Humanitarian Negotiations. A Conflict Management and Disaster-Mitigation Strategy in Russia’s War against Ukraine |
Q119333713 | Critical Steps Your Workplace Can Take Today to Prevent Suicide |
Q116951947 | Criticism engulfs paper claiming an asteroid destroyed Biblical Sodom and Gomorrah |
Q64878723 | Crossing the Blue Mountains, Sydney |
Q122963383 | Crossref acquires Retraction Watch data and opens it for the scientific community |
Q96618788 | Cured-in-Place-Pipe (CIPP): Inhalation and Dermal Exposure Risks Associated with Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer, and Drinking Water Pipe Repairs |
Q66730943 | Current Estimates for Likelihood of X-Risk? |
Q119027143 | Current media offerings on the Russian war against Ukraine |
Q114600451 | Cycling associations „Solidarität“ vs. „Freiheit“ – Leipziger Volkszeitung, 1904 |
Q119803213 | Cycling in the footsteps of brown rule [National Socialism] in Dresden |
Q124024846 | Cycling knowledge in the year of blog posts 2024 |
Q59771366 | Cycling tourism in old road books : Open Access for cyclists |
Q109374967 | Czech Wiki Photo 2020 – výsledky |
Q111688245 | DAOs, DACs, DAs and More: An Incomplete Terminology Guide |
Q96618843 | DERMaL eToolkit |
Q131822574 | DF Weekly: What does the Switch 2 motherboard leak say about system performance? |
Q112582696 | DH Lab Retreat 2022: Delving into goals, tasks and values |
Q109336440 | DH fun on the road: 3D models from your photos using photogrammetry |
Q119792187 | DHBenelux 2023 blog post |
Q105961847 | Da liegt der Hund nicht begraben! |
Q96619330 | Dangers of Bathtub Refinishing |
Q104349714 | Daniel "Chappie" James, Jr. (1920-1978) |
Q24326402 | Daniel Hart Scoring Disney’s ‘Pete’s Dragon’ |
Q105906936 | Das Archiv des Kirchspiels Kohren-Sahlis |
Q116198082 | Das Höllenspiel (Schubert, Halle a.d. Saale) |
Q114030277 | Das Kakelorum, die Traunl – ein Glücksspielgerät |
Q83365951 | Das zeigte die Sächsische Akademie der Künste nach 1800: Ausstellungskataloge in Wikisource |
Q105754789 | Das zweite Original – Fotografie neu ordnen: Reproduktionen |
Q105760514 | Das Älteste ist das Neueste |
Q53870396 | Data Management: Streamlining Your Research and Publication Pipeline |
Q125567704 | DatenlaubeJam method: Editathon for history splinters, history associations and their historical sources |
Q96619038 | Daylight Saving: Suggestions to help workers adapt to the time change |
Q118868754 | De Pygame à l’informatique quantique |
Q106417483 | Deadcrow – Night Wonder EP |
Q106417485 | Deadcrow – Night Wonder EP |
Q109333286 | Dealing with uncertainty and capturing the underrepresented |
Q130553219 | Dealing with ‘fallen’ girls and women and ‘drifters’ in Europe. Appeal to remedy a research desideratum |
Q130223115 | Debriefing (Q2669680): Learning, together and with open data in summer 24/8 |
Q111285808 | December 4: World Dice Day |
Q66085436 | Declaração do Universo Racionalista sobre o projeto de lei concernente à ideologia do Programa Escola sem Partido |
Q116348122 | Deconstructing 'The Twitter Files' |
Q96618961 | Deepwater Horizon |
Q131754453 | Defining Femininity between Local and Global Islam: A Manuscript on Henna Application for Men |
Q119333912 | Demonstrating the Ability to Protect Healthcare Personnel from COVID-19 in High-Risk Settings |
Q119029275 | Der Erste Weltkrieg und die ukrainische Staatsgründung: Geschichtsportal Deutschland und die Ukraine im 20. Jahrhundert |
Q119026803 | Der Friede von Brest-Litovsk und die ukrainische Staatsgründung – Geschichtsportal »Deutschland und die Ukraine im 20. Jahrhundert« |
Q63840498 | Der Herausgeber des ersten Buches in sorbischer Sprache: Zum 400. Todesjahr des Pfarrers Albin Moller |
Q101436422 | Der Kirche Raum geben. Eine digitale Führung in Großrückerswalde |
Q105962376 | Der Leipziger Tolstoi-Prozess 1901 |
Q67759065 | Der Lichtenburger Konvent von 1576 |
Q113561602 | Der Radfahrer, 01.04.1927. - Cycling memories. By Siegfried Doerschlag |
Q105962479 | Der Teufel gehört nicht auf die Bühne! |
Q84347482 | Der Weg war das Ziel – Reisen (nicht nur in Sachsen) im 18. Jahrhundert |
Q113336072 | Der Würfelsammler – Jakob Gloger im Interview |
Q78048043 | Der einfache Mann … im Limbacher Land |
Q71594934 | Der rote Abreißkalender. Revolutionsgeschichte als Wandschmuck |
Q104901743 | Des débuts de l’histoire des jeux vidéo en Autriche et en Suisse : une étude comparative des industries |
Q119029276 | Deutschland und die Ukraine in den 1920er und 1930er Jahren |
Q96619528 | Diacetyl and Food Flavorings |
Q107772252 | Did Martin Luther Write Sin Boldly? |
Q114558862 | Didier Raoult porte plainte pour diffamation et injures publiques contre le professeur de maths Alexander Samuel |
Q105984764 | Die Amerikarezeption in der deutschen Frauenbewegung im 19. Jahrhundert |
Q109832290 | Die Bürgerinnenstadt. Neue Publikationen zur Leipziger Frauengeschichte |
Q105246232 | Die Corona-Pandemie in Südosteuropa: Eine Einleitung zu diesem Blog |
Q75682119 | Die Datenlaube der Gartenlaube |
Q121536471 | Die Datenlaube is coming to school: links and sources for special learning achievements |
Q105907283 | Die Firma Hermann Rossbach in Mylau |
Q121094348 | Die Geschichte Digitaler Spiele in Österreich 3: Von MUDs, Serious Games, Lern- und Werbespielen in den 1990er Jahren |
Q71944640 | Die Geschichte Sachsens hat nur Westentaschenformat – im Medienwandel |
Q105907470 | Die Herren von Mylau |
Q118162127 | Die Kunst der Entscheidung: Erfahrungen aus einem Praxisprojekt |
Q105961973 | Die Pest in der Frühen Neuzeit – ein ferner Spiegel |
Q121624255 | Die Pferdedecken des Teufels |
Q102066940 | Die Radikalisierung der „Reichsbürger“ in Sachsen. Eine Studie zu biographischen Verläufen im historischen, gesellschaftlichen, politischen und ökonomischen Kontext |
Q112895818 | Die Rauenzeller Mikwa als Zeugnis mittelalterlichen Landjudentums in Mittelfranken |
Q112913894 | Die Ruhr oder wie das Ruhrgebiet zu seinem Namen kam |
Q105986380 | Die Runden Tische 1989/90 in der DDR. Institutionen zivilgesellschaftlichen Engagements? |
Q105986259 | Die Transformation liegt auf der Straße: Politischer Wandel und die Änderung von Straßennamen in Kattowitz |
Q105906965 | Die Wasserversorgung Bornas in früherer Zeit |
Q111605548 | Die Welt als Würfel (Ausstellung der Sammlung Gloger) |
Q124555959 | Die Werte der Digital Humanities in ihren Institutionen |
Q121077195 | Die Wissenschaft hat festgestellt oder die Legende vom Fortschritt |
Q100899084 | Die andere Seite der Migration: Auswanderung und das Ost-West-Gefälle Europas |
Q112942320 | Die ausgegrabene Koksofenbatterie der Zeche Rheinpreußen Schacht I/II in Homberg am Rhein |
Q107503532 | Die historische Entwicklung Sachsens seit dem Mittelalter im Überflugmodus |
Q105332598 | Die mehrsprachige Datenlaube – obersorbisch beispielsweise |
Q96343147 | Die sächsische Organisation des Armenwesens im 18. Jahrhundert – ein landesgeschichtliches Desiderat |
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Q96618330 | Die weitreichenden Folgen arbeitsbedingter Müdigkeit |
Q108900426 | Die „Heimat“ der „Auslandssachsen“ – Propaganda und Emotionen im Nationalsozialismus |
Q80977065 | Digging for treasure in Aladdin’s source code |
Q106903646 | Digital Badges: Clever Proof of Information Literacy |
Q130326902 | Digital Fiction iPad Project: the Good and Bad Stuff |
Q115153354 | Digital Remembrance Culture in Saxony - Results and Impressions from the Networking Conference at the SLUB |
Q119334235 | Digital Version of the Impactful Revised NIOSH Lifting Equation Applications Manual Now Available |
Q115644325 | Digital archives of the COVID-19 pandemic: research notes |
Q106903371 | Digital badging spreads as more colleges use vendors to create alternative credentials |
Q131278316 | Digital giving, sharing and free knowledge for people in libraries: vBIB24 in December |
Q121433666 | Digital indexing histories with the State Archives |
Q126326710 | Digital infrastructure policy. Call for Edits for the WikiBiblioCon 2024 ‘in the Port of Hamburg’ |
Q110436247 | Digital strategy in evolution: Issues and responses emerging from the project to develop a digital transformation strategy for Museum Victoria |
Q131923741 | Digital surveying of court society. The court diaries of John George II of Saxony (1656-1680) as an early modern data repository and source of digital history |
Q110436211 | Digital tools and how we use them: The destruction and reconstruction of tangible cultural heritage in Syria |
Q107593754 | Digitale Heimatforschung mit Wikidata – ein Workshopbericht über verlinkendes Datendenken |
Q110233852 | Digitale Heimatforschung – das war 2021 |
Q104596182 | Digitale Landeskunde – das war 2020 |
Q111046501 | Digitale Landeskunde: A Global Project |
Q108131718 | Digitale historische Tourenbücher fürs Stadtradeln |
Q98968471 | Digitales Forschungsportal „Wismut‐Erbe“: Ziele, Methodik, Quellen |
Q125534411 | Dipshit Secrets of our Rotten World |
Q109278789 | Disability History as Public History? On questions of inclusion and target group-oriented science communication using the example of a digital exhibition project |
Q126353111 | Dispelling Myths to Make Healthy Hearing a Reality |
Q106369426 | Diving Into "WAVE," The New Genre That's Destined To Blow Up In 2021 |
Q109545657 | Diving into Reddit: authority networks in history forums |
Q111686849 | Djay Pro 2 comes with AI that can mix songs together for you - The Verge |
Q96619250 | Do We Need to Challenge Respirator Filters With Biological Aerosols? |
Q126192807 | Document events with open text, image and metadata |
Q114995799 | Documentos revelam como era realizado o controle político e ideológico na USP durante a ditadura militar |
Q131584211 | Does Lisa's identity really matter? |
Q96618446 | Does Slip-Resistant Footwear Reduce Slips, Trips, and Falls in Food Service? |
Q110716495 | Does sustainability reduce the cost of capital? |
Q96619439 | Does the NIOSH Science Blog Improve Communication? |
Q96619309 | Does your workplace culture help protect you from hepatitis? |
Q109327183 | Doing Digital History with Python I: reading (messy) XML & JSON data |
Q109327409 | Doing Digital History with Python II: creating custom Word Clouds |
Q109330378 | Doing Digital History with Python III: topic modelling with Gensim, spaCy, NTLK and SciKit learn |
Q109333291 | Doing Digital History with Python IV: web automation |
Q80977216 | Dooly Bravo Land, a rare look at 90s Korean game development |
Q111285593 | Drahndl, Glückszirkel, Tourniquet, Zeiger-Roulette: Glücksspiele mit Drehnadel |
Q107005748 | Dream to Reality: NIOSH Early Years |
Q132631986 | Dresden and the 13th February 1945: Event - Myth - Reflection |
Q98843408 | Dresden aus historischen Perspektiven – ein 4D-Stadtmodell zum virtuellen Erkunden |
Q105755052 | Dresden, Große Meißner Straße 6 |
Q106695970 | Dresdner Totengedenkbuch 1914–1918. Gemeinsames Crowdsourcingprojekt bürgerschaftlicher Vereine und wissenschaftlicher Bibliothek |
Q96619352 | Drive Safely Work Week |
Q96619166 | Drive Safely Work Week 2014 |
Q119333774 | Driving Safety Tips to Keep Your Employees Safe this Holiday Season |
Q96618355 | Drug Overdose in the Workplace and the Role of Opioids |
Q104918497 | Druhé české setkání projektu Wikidata se soustředilo na výměnu zkušeností |
Q99508789 | Duplicate PAS Numbers and Trite BM Dumbdown, "Roman coins and the First Brexit" |
Q111448548 | Durch Partizipation zum Kontrakt. Gestaltungsprozesse einer praxisbezogenen Forschungsdatenleitlinie |
Q131470712 | Durch Projektkoordination Räume der Zusammenarbeit schaffen: Erfahrungen aus der „Digitalen Kartenwerkstatt Altes Reich“ (DigiKAR) |
Q67173500 | Dva dny s Wikipedií v Havlíčkově Brodě |
Q124150057 | Dynamic Documents with Jupyter, R Markdown, and Bookdown |
Q119333909 | Día Mundial contra el Cáncer 2020. Reflexiones acerca de una década de investigación de NIOSH sobre el cáncer |
Q130327492 | E-Poetry 2007 Paris Cellfone Documentary Extravaganza (Grand Text Auto) |
Q93482855 | ECOS 33 (1) Spring 2012. Cometh the hour? Peter Shirley |
Q93482908 | ECOS 34 (1) Spring 2013. The future of England's green agencies: with writing from Peter Shirley and Simon Leadbeater |
Q93483011 | ECOS 34 (2) Summer 2013. Helping the State of Nature - public duty and political evasion. Writing from: Adrian Phillips, Michael Jeeves, Ian Bond, Peter Shirley |
Q93482797 | ECOS 36 (2) Summer 2015. Freeing up nature - from ourselves and from market forces. Peter Shirley, p.2 |
Q93482739 | ECOS 37 (1) Spring 2016 Mind the gap - Reflections on revitalising conservation. Peter Shirley |
Q93482680 | ECOS 38 (2): Not only but also |
Q93482622 | ECOS 38 (5): Book Review: Inheritors of the earth |
Q93482568 | ECOS 39 (1): A Green Future |
Q93482521 | ECOS 39(6): The people’s manifesto for wildlife – solid ideas or flaky ideals? |
Q93482486 | ECOS 40(2): Nature custodians - facing our great paradox |
Q93482429 | ECOS 40(3): Nature's place - what should live where? |
Q93482398 | ECOS 40(5): Book Review: Invasive Aliens |
Q93482393 | ECOS 40(5): Gloom & doom, but room for optimism? |
Q130330342 | ELO 2018: Database Collaboration, Facial Recognition, and Third Generation Electronic Literature |
Q119333925 | ERCs Partner to Offer Webinar Series on Human Factors and Ergonomics and Industrial Hygiene |
Q114452419 | ETSI MEC Standard Explained: part I |
Q114452452 | ETSI MEC Standard Explained: part II |
Q113152594 | Early Ḥanafī Jurists, Court Practice, and the Authority of General Afflictions (ʿUmūm al-Balwā) |
Q111669464 | Easter Long Distance Journey Dresden-Berlin, 1899 |
Q130318628 | Eating fossils |
Q119333660 | Economic Security and Worker Well-being |
Q100319791 | Economic Security during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Healthy Work Design and Well-being Perspective |
Q117589215 | Economist Mark Skidmore publishes antivax propaganda disguised as a survey |
Q72287950 | Editing a Fairer Wikipedia: The Women’s Classical Committee Editathon |
Q111550379 | Edition project: Song book Cyclists club of Stendal of 1884 |
Q107052477 | Editorial ethics: the detection of plagiarism by automated means |
Q119333922 | Education and Training Concerning Masks and Respirators for Construction Workers |
Q96618413 | Effectiveness of New Guidelines to Prevent Workplace Hand-Wrist MSDs |
Q105962259 | Ein Frühmittelalter (fast) ohne Blasphemie |
Q105972810 | Ein Leben „mit viel Sonne und Freiheit“. Forschungen zur NS-Homosexuellenverfolgung in Sachsen |
Q105246236 | Ein Präsident tritt ab. Hashim Thaçi vor dem Sondergericht in Den Haag |
Q73603367 | Ein bisschen Heimat? Landesgeschichte in einer globalisierten Welt |
Q105906279 | Ein digitales Stadtmodell für die Zeit um 1500? |
Q105755024 | Ein neuer Blick: Portraits von Bernd Torchala |
Q105834622 | Ein sorbisches „In dulci jubilo“ in Bethlehem/Pennsylvania |
Q105755068 | Eindeutig uneindeutig – Medienpraxis von „Amateur*innen“ |
Q61467057 | Eindrucksvolle Wandlungsprozesse: Das „sächsische Manchester“ im Kaiserreich |
Q105754508 | Eindrucksvolle Zwischenbilanz auf dem Weg zum Sächsischen Klosterbuch |
Q104804622 | Eine Dresdner Institution – Zum Tode von Ingrid Wenzkat |
Q84857563 | Eine verpasste Chance. Öffentliches Erinnern 100 Jahre nach der Staatsgründung Jugoslawiens |
Q81275404 | Einseitiger Blick auf Dresden und Sachsen in und nach der Revolution |
Q64869564 | Einstein’s Theory of Relativity Proven in Australia, 1922 |
Q96619336 | El trabajo con vehículos todo-terreno |
Q130327729 | Electronic Literature Review ELR |
Q130328189 | Electronic Literature as Cultural Heritage (Confessions of an Incunk) |
Q106417467 | Elemento Eletrónico #15 – Wavemob |
Q112939645 | Elias Piluland, Hocus Pocus und das zeitkürzende Spielhaus |
Q110619174 | Else Haugsted - en hacker fra den kolde krig |
Q113059319 | Emacs as a Tool for Modern Science |
Q96618817 | Embracing Partnerships to Translate Research into Practice in Agriculture: Launching the National ROPS Rebate Program |
Q96619181 | Emergency Preparedness Month |
Q121097611 | Empirical Evidence for Reincarnation? Examining Stevenson's Most Impressive Case | Skeptical Inquirer |
Q131407772 | Emptying Innovation - one metric at a time |
Q106398302 | Enabling African Diaspora Philanthropy |
Q55833318 | Enabling Cost-Effective Multimodal Trip Planners through Open Transit Data – National Center for Transit Research |
Q96618702 | Engineering in the Division of Safety Research |
Q132178348 | Enhancing Workplace Safety: A Systematic Review of Hearing Protection Fit-Testing Systems and Training |
Q114958053 | Ensuring Leaders Get the Desired Results from Their Teams |
Q131700682 | Entenda o caso de Maria da Penha, que originou lei de proteção a mulheres vítimas de violência no Brasil |
Q131843671 | Environmental organizations unite and sign a document calling on the European Commission and CITES to reject trade of Spix's Macaw and Lear's Macaw |
Q105468383 | Envisioning the Future of Construction: Challenges and Opportunities for Occupational Safety and Health |
Q106979454 | Epistle 3 |
Q96619096 | Ergonomics Climate Assessment |
Q119333768 | Ergonomics Tips for the North Pole |
Q96619588 | Ergonomics for Construction Workers |
Q96239840 | Erinnerungen an Professor Dr. Gerhard Lindemann (1963-2020) |
Q105849096 | Erinnerungen des Diplom-Bergingenieurs Jürgen Ziller |
Q96619408 | Erionite: An Emerging North American Hazard |
Q111285446 | Erklärungsansätze für mhd. “mîle” (1): Afrz. “mine”? |
Q111295181 | Erklärungsansätze für mhd. “mîle” (2): Nhd. Mühle? |
Q88387054 | Ethnografie und visuelle Anthropologie in Zeiten des Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 |
Q116206581 | EuroCarto 2022 – presenting DigiKAR to the international cartographic community |
Q133277549 | Europe's? You name (and edit) it - without the slightest thought of completeness |
Q119333760 | Evaluation of the Characteristics of Workers Injured on the Job Requiring Hospitalization and Employer Compliance with OSHA’s Reporting Requirement for these Work-Related Hospitalizations |
Q96619349 | Even a Dummy Knows October is Protect Your Hearing Month |
Q75047143 | Every English-Language Video Game Magazine Still In Print |
Q119334132 | Evolution of the NIOSH Logo |
Q95693032 | Exiting the Vampire Castle |
Q105468394 | Exoskeletons and Occupational Health Equity |
Q96618825 | Exoskeletons in Construction: Will they reduce or create hazards? |
Q119334061 | Exoskeletons: Potential for Preventing Work-related Musculoskeletal Injuries and Disorders in Construction Workplaces |
Q107014783 | Expanding Vaccine Manufacturing Capacity Solely Within the Pharma Cartel is a Recipe for Perpetual Vaccine Apartheid and Artificial Scarcity |
Q115566083 | Expanding Wikipedia’s coverage of African topics |
Q96618586 | Expanding and Improving Occupational Safety and Health Content in Wikipedia. It Matters. |
Q132178341 | Exploring Approaches to Keep an AI-Enabled Workplace Safe for Workers |
Q119334271 | Exploring Cognitive Impairment among 9/11-exposed Individuals |
Q96618526 | Exploring Individual and Organizational Stress-reducing Interventions across Industries |
Q106528059 | Exploring Wave, Beatport's Newest Genre |
Q124101913 | Exploring Workers' Compensation Injury Claims among Firefighters |
Q109336465 | Exploring connections: Digital workshop on Network Analysis with Python |
Q66491081 | Exploring offline access to Wikipedia: WikiFundi, an editing tool for remote schools |
Q119334179 | Exploring the Future of Worker Health and Safety in the Post-Pandemic World |
Q119333917 | Exposure Assessment of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Refined Coal Tar Sealant Applications |
Q130305666 | Extending COVID-related reforms to conditional cash transfers could improve the life chances of young people in Colombia: |
Q119334167 | Extinguishing the Risk of Forever Chemicals: State of the science to protect first responders |
Q96618465 | Extramural Spotlight: Airline Pilot Mental Health |
Q96619007 | Extreme Heat: Are you prepared for summer work? |
Q84857556 | Extreme weather and violence in Russia: Evidence across age and gender |
Q64869593 | F. S. Burnell war reporter and radio host |
Q96619082 | FACE Investigation Documents Factors Contributing to a Worker's Death Inside Pressure Cooker |
Q96618437 | FACE Investigations Make Recommendations to Improve the Safety of New Types of Robots |
Q132637282 | FAIR blog-to-blog citations |
Q120855949 | FAMI training: Theoretical vocational training |
Q125544114 | FAQ #10: Zerbombte Kirchen, geplünderte Archive: Warum? Was kann man retten – und wie? |
Q111077452 | FaceBook closing organization pages such as libraries |
Q131584216 | Facebook Stalks Me |
Q96619546 | Faces of Black Lung |
Q96619069 | Factors Associated with Poor Control of 9/11-related Asthma |
Q96618331 | Fadiga relacionada ao trabalho vai além do ambiente laboral |
Q114832491 | Faire grandir le simulateur d’aides pour les jeunes d’1jeune1solution.gouv.fr |
Q131584242 | Fairness of Life – Can CS Level the Playing Field? |
Q96618869 | Fall Fatalities among Oil and Gas Extraction Workers, 2005-2014 |
Q119334010 | Falls Campaign 2022: Making Research Work |
Q116671065 | Falsas controversias deben refutarse activamente |
Q99731876 | Familienerinnerungen: Leben und Wirtschaften am Rande der Lommatzscher Pflege |
Q124101904 | Family Farms: When Working From Home Can Put Children at Risk |
Q66385139 | Farhad Fatkullin named Wikimedian of the Year for 2018 |
Q96618474 | Farm Dinner Theater |
Q132178346 | Farmworker Appreciation Day 2024 – Celebrate the workers who bring us our daily bread (and everything else on our plate) |
Q96618641 | Fatal Falls Overboard in Commercial Fishing |
Q107358453 | Female scientists’ pages keep disappearing from Wikipedia—what’s going on? |
Q96618823 | Fentanyl Exposure Risks for Law Enforcement and Emergency Response Workers |
Q96618596 | Fentanyls and the Safety of First Responders: Science and Recommendations |
Q61448930 | Fernwehforschung und Arbeiter-Radfahrerwissen mit dem „Vorwärts“ |
Q96619139 | Fighting Ebola: A Grand Challenge for Development – How NIOSH is Helping Design Improved Personal Protective Equipment for Healthcare Workers |
Q111153383 | Finding good questions. Dresden and 13 February |
Q126353080 | Finding the Right Fit—Is Your Respirator "The One"? |
Q107621799 | Fine of the Month: December 2007 |
Q96619526 | Fire Fighter Fatality Investigation and Prevention Program |
Q96618858 | Firefighter Cancer Rates: The Facts from NIOSH Research |
Q119333930 | Fireworks |
Q131392294 | First Editathon in Bangla Wikivoyage |
Q96619383 | First Father's Day Tied to the Workplace |
Q96619297 | First NIOSH Comic Helps Dispel Internet "Myth" |
Q96619157 | First, Do No Harm: Temporary Threshold Shift Screening Is Not Worth the Risk |
Q133248739 | Five minutes of... Minecraft |
Q111967623 | Flask : développer sa première application web en Python |
Q127756560 | Flipdeck |
Q96618763 | Flu Virus Generated in Coughs and Exhalations |
Q117789115 | Fluss und Vergessen |
Q109679396 | Fokus gesamteuropäische Ebene: die Rolle der Kunst im Dreißigjährigen Krieg |
Q131776670 | Food as a synthesis of the arts. Interdisciplinary culinary aesthetics from 1800 to the present day: a lecture series with impulses for culinary research in Dresden |
Q115784618 | Formes d’expression de la foi à l’Université de Dakar (Sénégal) |
Q108716424 | Forschungsfragen entlang der A 13? |
Q105760369 | Fotografie schenkt neue Lebensfreude |
Q97668365 | Fragen gibt es überall. #1Lib1Nearby-Sommerprojekte für #MenschenInBibliotheken |
Q96619288 | Free On-line Violence Prevention Training for Nurses |
Q96619201 | Free Online Emergency Responder Health Monitoring and Surveillance Training |
Q124495839 | Free and Open Source Fonts Selected by Filippos Fragkogiannis |
Q105754959 | Freiberg, zu Fuß, mit Fotoapparat |
Q100135161 | Freiwilligkeit und Fürsorge in Transformation: Lokales Engagement im Dreiländereck |
Q88563098 | French homeland intelligence threatens a volunteer sysop to delete a Wikipedia Article |
Q96619571 | Frequency of Respirator Fit Testing |
Q96618721 | Frequent Exertion and Frequent Standing Among US Workers |
Q119334223 | From Brick and Mortar to Beyond: Protecting Workers in the Wholesale and Retail Trade Industries |
Q105706965 | From East to West. How post-communist migration is changing Europe |
Q132774939 | From Groups to Teams: Promoting Collaboration and Inclusion through Metacognition |
Q119026829 | From a multifaceted place of remembrance to urbicide - the fate of the city of Mariupol |
Q110436212 | From at risk to open access: The Endangered Archives of the world |
Q113714866 | From current to digital – experience basic research using historical sources! |
Q120109467 | From rockets to wood carburettors. The Institute of Automotive Engineering at the TH Dresden during the Second World War |
Q116861337 | From royal stage to selfie magnet. Spatial-medial construction of the modern residential city around 1900 |
Q80976563 | From the Game Informer Archives: Lost NES Games! |
Q112303665 | From the blogosphere: Civic pride in Waldenburg |
Q117382044 | From virtual parties to ordering food, how Americans are using the internet during COVID-19 |
Q105964771 | Fromme Folterknechte |
Q107301083 | Frosch auf dem Hochrad: Erstveröffentlichung, Katalog, Lizenz, Kopie, Archäologie, SVG – und die Aura des Originals |
Q109592600 | Fundstücke aus der Gedenkstätte Pirna-Sonnenstein |
Q61727767 | Fürstliche Laborpartner in der alchemistischen Praxis. Das Netzwerk des Kurfürstenpaares August (1526-1586) und Anna (1532-1585) von Sachsen |
Q96619189 | GAO Report on Adding Cancers to WTC Covered Conditions |
Q105531002 | GDPR and Data Privacy at the ABA TECHSHOW |
Q111283212 | Game of Seven: Addendum |
Q109333300 | Games for the humanities / religious studies – scarce or simply hard to find? |
Q112052226 | Games of 21 Combinations (blog post) |
Q92278321 | Ganztagsangebot „Junge Historiker“ – eine Zusammenarbeit von Marienoberschule und Stadtarchiv Treuen |
Q96618570 | Gases and vapors continue to pose hazards on oil and gas well sites during gauging, fluid transfer, and disposal |
Q84094830 | Gender Bender DNA Twister Extreme Review |
Q84095419 | Gender Bender DNA Twister Extreme Review |
Q110716478 | Gender diversity increases performance and IRR – report |
Q131543205 | General |
Q113330909 | General German Sports Exhibition in Munich 1899 |
Q109327448 | Geohumanities I: Ortsdaten mit Geojson.io erfassen und bearbeiten |
Q109330370 | Geohumanities II: Gestaltung und Druck einfacher Karten in QGIS |
Q109336426 | Geohumanities III: analysing early modern mobility through birth and apprenticeship letters |
Q105907009 | Gerichtsbarkeit in Borna |
Q105672691 | Gespräch über Nachhaltigkeitsmoral – ein Streitstück |
Q110039103 | Get all the Gartenlaube Text in Wikisource |
Q111811831 | Getpad |
Q96619394 | Getting Closer to Understanding the Economic Burden of Occupational Injury and Illness |
Q119334303 | Getting Creative |
Q105418677 | Getting Serious About Repealing Section 230 |
Q119334312 | Getting the Word Out: NIOSH Publications and Products |
Q77442387 | Getting the Words Out (and Back In) |
Q37795318 | Ghost Stories – Idi Amin’s torture chambers |
Q108832269 | Glad You Asked: A Snapshot of the Current State of Data Citation |
Q96619498 | Going Green: Safe and Healthy Jobs |
Q96619479 | Going Green: Safe and Healthy Jobs 2 |
Q96618522 | Good Clean Fun: Cleaning Considerations for Elastomeric Respirators |
Q105962399 | Grabräuber und das Geschäft mit menschlichen Überresten |
Q96618631 | Graduate Students Use Coursework to Provide Health Communication Support on NIOSH Projects |
Q130307555 | Grammars for Generative Art (Part III) |
Q130306251 | Grand Text Auto |
Q110229272 | GraphQL for WikiData (WikiCite) |
Q96619306 | Green Buildings and Human Health |
Q96618583 | Grounds for Change: Reducing Noise Exposure in Grounds Management Professionals – Part 1 |
Q96618577 | Grounds for Change: Reducing Noise Exposure in the Grounds Management Professions – Part 2 |
Q66711907 | Grundlagen der Bibliotheksarbeit: Offenheit als Maxime in der Forschung |
Q106394882 | Grüße aus Europas Küchen. Speisefolgen, sächsische Menükarten und Potentiale offener Daten |
Q24258874 | Guardians Of The Galaxy And X-Men: Days Of Future Past Receive BAFTA Nominations |
Q24206585 | Guardians Of The Galaxy, Flash, And The Walking Dead Win Big At Saturn Awards |
Q101851860 | Guest post: "Saxony’s Arboreal Curiosities, or: How to Root (Hi)Stories"; by Solvejg Nitzke |
Q58338504 | Guest post: Joseph Kony is not in Uganda (and other complicated things) |
Q107657680 | Gute Beratung und Beteiligung bei unklarer Wirtschaftsperspektive – was Menschen in der Lausitz auf die Beine stellen |
Q62747791 | Görlitzer Schätze hinter dicken Mauern |
Q96619496 | H1N1: Protecting Healthcare Workers |
Q63787951 | Haben Früchte eine Nationalität? Zur Wissensgeschichte der Obstbaukunde im 19. Jahrhundert |
Q96619399 | Hair, Formaldehyde, and Industrial Hygiene |
Q96618770 | Halloween Quiz |
Q108123616 | Handlungsfelder eines Bischofs. Thilo von Merseburg und seine Zeit |
Q132178318 | Happy Holidays from NIOSH |
Q96619147 | Happy Holidays from NIOSH- 2014 |
Q96619362 | Happy N95 Day! |
Q96619284 | Happy N95 Day! A Guide to N95 Resources |
Q124651606 | Happy birthday! #dehypo12 |
Q64869775 | Hargraves Cradle – Used to Make Australia’s First Payable Discovery of Gold |
Q102272016 | Hat Sachsen ein besonderes Problem mit Rechtsextremismus? Neuer Sammelband sucht Antworten |
Q106862775 | Have You Ever Listened to “Wave/Witch House”? |
Q124101885 | Hazardous Exposures to Silica in Metal and Nonmetal Mining Indicate the Need for Better Prevention |
Q96619087 | Health Effects from 9/11: Lessons Learned |
Q126353113 | Health Equity, Work, and Motor Vehicle Safety |
Q119334153 | Health Hazard Evaluation Program |
Q119333967 | Health Worker Mental Health Initiative |
Q96619225 | Health and Safety on the Open Market |
Q96618531 | Health for the Holidays: Risks and Recommendations for the Retail Industry |
Q96618811 | Health-related Quality of Life (HRQOL): Variation across occupation groups |
Q96618714 | Healthcare Personnel Working with Flu-like Illness |
Q96619014 | Healthy Vision Month |
Q96618939 | Hear and Now Noise Safety Challenge Winners: Part 1 of 3 |
Q96618937 | Hear and Now Noise Safety Challenge Winners: Part 2 of 3 |
Q96618935 | Hear and Now Noise Safety Challenge Winners: Part 3 of 3 |
Q96618969 | Hear and Now: The Noise Safety Challenge |
Q105468406 | Hearing Loss Among Construction Workers: Chemicals Can Make It Worse |
Q96618832 | Heat Index: When humidity makes it feel hotter |
Q100319773 | Heat Stress Imposed by PPE Worn in Hot and Humid Environments |
Q96618327 | Heat Stress in Construction |
Q96618674 | HeeSun Choi, PhD, and Christina Socias-Morales, DrPh: Creating Safer Workplaces |
Q104183772 | Heimat Dresden – schön und schwierig |
Q104533003 | Heimat – Versuche in der Moderne Halt zu finden |
Q97416273 | Heimat? Many. Without the slightest thought of completeness |
Q105078522 | Heimatkonstruktionen in historischer Perspektive I: Heimatinszenierungen im Deutschen Kaiserreich – Traditionsbewusstsein versus Fortschrittsoptimismus |
Q105233232 | Heimatkonstruktionen in historischer Perspektive II: „Linke“ Heimatbilder und -konstruktionen in der Weimarer Republik – die sächsische Naturfreundebewegung |
Q105413738 | Heimatkonstruktionen in historischer Perspektive III: Heimatpraktiken im Übergang von der DDR zur vereinigten Bundesrepublik |
Q96619444 | Helical CT Scans and Lung Cancer Screening |
Q96618834 | Help Put an End to Preventable Deaths During National Safety Month 2017 |
Q96618991 | Help Set the Research Agenda for the Healthcare and Social Assistance Sector |
Q96619001 | Help Set the Research Priorities for Occupational Respiratory Diseases |
Q96618718 | Help Us Redesign the NIOSH Pocket Guide |
Q96619396 | Help Wanted: Spray Polyurethane Foam Insulation Research |
Q96619077 | Help for Small Businesses |
Q124101889 | Help for the Holidays: Preventing Fatigue, Violence, and Stress in Retail |
Q96619319 | Help! What do you want from a mobile Pocket Guide? |
Q119334031 | Here Comes the Sun! Tips to Adapt to Daylight Saving Time |
Q72813715 | Heterotopien in der Transformationsstadt. Räume und Raumpraktiken der alternativen Szene in Dresden und Wrocław vor und nach 1989 |
Q96618805 | High Blood Pressure and Obesity in Miners |
Q96619127 | High Prevalence of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome among Poultry Workers |
Q96619458 | High Speeds, Higher Decibels |
Q96619119 | Higher Nurse-to-Patient Ratio Law Improves Nurse Injury Rates by One-Third |
Q119333878 | Highlights from a New Report on Indicators of Workplace Violence |
Q119333732 | Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in the Agricultural Community |
Q71143767 | Hilfe für die Datenlaube: mit [[Wikisource+Wikidata]] die freie Quellensammlung verbessern |
Q130641024 | Historians and the archives of today: the LivArch project and the process of documenting the war in Ukraine |
Q113712420 | Historical facts from the Kamenz Forest Festival |
Q109949765 | Historische Karten, Landeskunde, ihre Links und Metadaten. Digitale Communities waren Thema der vBIB21-Konferenz |
Q66476794 | Historische Orte mit offenen Daten: HOV + Wikidata |
Q105972937 | Historisches Arbeiten in Zeiten der Corona |
Q105995044 | Historisches Raschau – eine Ortsgeschichte in Gebäudebiografien |
Q106369433 | History Of Wave: The Origins Of A Futuristic Sound |
Q100723390 | History fragments in descriptions of texts and in the metadata of a pedunculate oak in Dresden |
Q119555336 | History of education "from below". Doctoral project "School in transition - the transformation of the Saxon school system using the example of the Leipzig school districts (1980-2005)" |
Q96618895 | Hit the Mark: Firearms training without damaging your hearing |
Q95993186 | Hoffnungsschimmer oder Tropfen auf heiße Steine? Sachsens ländlicher Raum im Wandel |
Q96619061 | Holiday Gifts from NIOSH |
Q119334265 | Home Healthcare Workers: A Growing and Diverse Workforce at High Risk for Workplace Violence |
Q105972882 | Home-Office – „das geht bei meiner Tätigkeit nicht …“ |
Q119333666 | Honoring Science and Service at NIOSH |
Q96619428 | Horrible Bosses: Workplace violence in the real world |
Q106369444 | Hot Seat: Luke Byatt on four years of Futuremag Music |
Q106647722 | How Authoritative is Wikipedia? |
Q106496207 | How COVID affects Women, Girls and Gender Equality |
Q96618589 | How Can we Measure Impulse Noise Properly? |
Q100319777 | How Collecting and Analyzing COVID-19 Case Job Information Can Make a Difference in Public Health |
Q96619301 | How Does Work Affect the Health of the U.S. Population? Free Data from the 2010 NHIS-OHS Provides the Answers |
Q132178334 | How Employers Can Advance the 2024 National Strategy for Suicide Prevention |
Q96619030 | How Employers Can Keep Older Drivers Safe at Work |
Q111686854 | How Machine Learning Will Affect DJing + Music Production |
Q129786665 | How Rust is tested |
Q132178322 | How Tribal Communities Can Use the Health Hazard Evaluation (HHE) Program |
Q123522369 | How We Know Journalism is Good for Democracy |
Q96619229 | How Well Do You Think You Are Protected? |
Q115566135 | How a Wiki Scholar improved a Nobel laureate’s biography |
Q131763711 | How archives benefit from geocoordinates in Wikidata – Call for Contributions |
Q130305667 | How best to mobilise social support to improve children and young people’s loneliness: |
Q113989872 | How do I start? Learning the basics of open cultural data by indexing handwritten sources of the Moravian Church of the Brethren |
Q118175936 | How journalists can cover RFK Jr.’s antivax presidential run responsibly |
Q109744978 | How libraries can support scientists in their blog projects |
Q112107367 | How many biographies of classicists does Wikipedia have? |
Q112107112 | How many women edit Wikipedia? |
Q123929722 | How spoken Wikisource works |
Q110436248 | How the Brooklyn Museum Improves Visitor Engagement Through Digital Technology |
Q66538747 | How the world’s first Wikidata Visiting Scholar created linked open data for five thousand works of art |
Q110716539 | How three titans of PE do diversity, equity and inclusion |
Q96619366 | How to Avoid Bear Attacks (and other small business concerns) |
Q96619051 | How to Make Safer, More Knowledgeable Drivers—On and Off the Job |
Q132178315 | How to Protect Workers and the Public from Wildfire Smoke |
Q96619048 | How to Put Leading Indicators into Practice |
Q114067372 | How to Repair the American Mind: Solving America’s Cognitive Crisis | Skeptical Inquirer |
Q132178319 | How to Use the New NLE Calc App Features to Help Prevent Back Injuries |
Q115704185 | How to be a PhD supervisor |
Q110436210 | How to be a digital leader and advocate: The changing role of the digital department |
Q129997368 | How to write a "good" REF Environment Statement |
Q130418091 | How unpaid carers “pay” the costs of dementia |
Q50558199 | How we're using machine learning to visually enrich Wikidata |
Q24326397 | Howard Shore to Score Disney’s ‘Pete’s Dragon’ |
Q130327601 | Hvis Adam i stedet havde spist en løg |
Q130327989 | Hyperizons: Hypertext Fiction |
Q96619332 | Hypertension and Low Wages |
Q114669932 | I Don’t Want to Belong to Any Club That Will Accept Me as a Member |
Q130307543 | I Love E-Poetry |
Q96618706 | I Will Survive! Air-Purifying Respirator Cartridge/Canister |
Q125534343 | I have set myself on fire outside the Trump Trial. |
Q107639177 | I never signed up for this! Privacy implications of email tracking |
Q105530747 | IALL 2018 Recap: Privacy in European Cross-Border Settings |
Q131584196 | IAT – Religion |
Q118143787 | ICOM new Museum Definition embraces Living Heritage |
Q109326982 | IEG DH Lab at NetSciX 2020 |
Q111077514 | IL 2006: MySpace & Facebook |
Q113495159 | IPFS and their gateways |
Q119792244 | ISWC 2019 blog post |
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Q119792490 | ISWS 2018 poster |
Q106903583 | If Sapiens were a blog post |
Q119027132 | If Ukraine’s Fate Is not a Menu à La Carte, then Ukrainian Voices Must Be Heard |
Q115784622 | If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? Religiosity and the concept of Holistic Education in Higher Educational Institutions in Nigeria |
Q96619088 | Illustrating the Point: Choosing the right ART for the message |
Q96619083 | Illustrating the Point: Choosing the right ARTIST for the message |
Q106603140 | Illustrationen freistellen für Die Gartenlaube |
Q105849318 | Im Gespräch mit Dr. Rudolf Daenecke – Umweltfragen |
Q105849546 | Im Gespräch mit Gerd Schneider – Arbeitskämpfe |
Q105849683 | Im Gespräch mit Herrn Dr. Tröger – Wendeerfahrungen |
Q105834819 | Im Gespräch mit Lothar Kircheis |
Q131407774 | Imagined Future: Data democracy at Pint of Science 2074 |
Q96619530 | Immigrant Worker Safety and Health |
Q132178351 | Impact Wellbeing™ Guide Workshop Series Brings Together Hospital Leaders to Improve Healthcare Worker Wellbeing |
Q116641227 | Imperial Commoners in Brazil and West Africa (1640–1822): A Global History from a Correspondence Network Perspective |
Q100319788 | Improve Sleep: Tips to Improve Your Sleep When Times Are Tough |
Q107523556 | Improve Your Customer Service Skills: Go Gender Neutral! |
Q96619520 | Improved Criteria for Emergency Medical Protective Clothing |
Q132178317 | Improved Recruitment and Retention of Women Firefighters with Elevated Attention to their Health and Safety |
Q96618615 | Improving Occupational Safety and Health in the Construction and Mining Industries |
Q107005741 | Improving Our Understanding of Nonfatal Occupational Injuries |
Q96618532 | Improving Programs to Control Hazardous Energy: New website offers tools and templates |
Q96619313 | Improving Respirator Use and Compliance in Healthcare – An Invitation |
Q96618989 | Improving Workers' Health Across the Globe |
Q96619095 | Improving the Safety and Health of Bison Handlers |
Q68167180 | In 10 days - the second Czech Wikiconference! |
Q80976696 | In Search of the First Video Game Commercial |
Q86864798 | In South Korea, Gamers Stage An Inquisition Against Feminists |
Q110162468 | In der Schreibwerkstatt – Citizen Science, Saxorum und mehr |
Q112144993 | In search of the least viewed article on Wikipedia |
Q104838134 | In the border region. (My) Europe between Saxony, the Czech Republic and Poland |
Q96619194 | Including Work Information in Electronic Health Records |
Q106903610 | Increase Student Learning in Only 3 Seconds |
Q131481177 | Increasing the effort: Growth and commitment at the Capacity Exchange Team |
Q96618361 | Industrial Exoskeletons |
Q120706506 | Industrial culture: where our money is printed |
Q115627779 | Industriegeschichte und Industriekultur von und in Leipzig. Ansätze zu ihrer Erforschung und Vermittlung |
Q97354056 | Industriekultur in Sachsen – ein Thema mit Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft |
Q96619575 | Influenza Pandemic and the Protection of Healthcare Workers with Personal Protective Equipment |
Q65966398 | Information sheet for own research in the summer: there are questions all over the world |
Q109327281 | Initial familiarity with Transkribus: The User Conference 2020 |
Q96618431 | Injured Workers More Likely to Die from Suicide or Opioid Overdose |
Q96618360 | Injury Among Temporary and Permanent Workers in Ohio |
Q87001216 | Innovationen – in der (sächsischen) Landeskunde? |
Q105961895 | Inquisition – Realität und Mythos* |
Q111282783 | Insights into 900 years of Plauen's town history |
Q110436205 | Instagram Trends: Visual Narratives of Embodied Experiences at the Museum of Islamic Art |
Q63092364 | Inszenierte Heimat. Heimatfeste in der mitteldeutschen Industrieregion zwischen Traditionsbewusstsein und Fortschrittsoptimismus (1898 bis 1933) |
Q101210091 | Integrating Wikidata at the Library of Congress |
Q110952463 | Integrating library data into an authority file: The challenges of MARC XML and inconsistent transcription practices |
Q130331164 | Interactive fiction in the ebook era |
Q66491076 | Interactive maps, now in your language |
Q130328637 | Interdisciplinaridade |
Q105440429 | Interim report of the "SFB 1853" - two years #DieDatenlaube |
Q131392414 | International Museum Day Datathon 2023 |
Q124101916 | International Women in Engineering Day |
Q131407770 | Interpreting the quantified self |
Q96619161 | Intervening for Work Stress: Work-life Stress and Total Worker Health Approaches |
Q123907487 | Interview with Dean Takahashi |
Q124735966 | Interview with Prof. Dr. Bruno Reinhardt |
Q124735955 | Interview with Prof. Olutayo C. Adesina |
Q105834807 | Interviews mit Wismut-Zeitzeug:innen in Zeiten der Pandemie |
Q114832488 | Intrapreneur de Startup d'État, les conditions du succès |
Q114832484 | Intrapreneurs de Startups d'État, comment les trouver ? |
Q105468404 | Introducing an Occupational Health Resource: The Occupational Noise Job Exposure Matrix |
Q110436213 | Introducing socio-technical changes through “Mobile First” in the Museum Application Domain |
Q96618881 | Introducing the Hearing Loss Prevention Program evaluation checklist |
Q130351029 | Introducing the Knowledge Graph: things, not strings |
Q80977157 | Introducing the VGHF Writing Fund! |
Q117605795 | Introducing the playing cards for the Ethics of Open Sharing |
Q114853681 | Introducing “Migrant Connections:” A Digital History Research Hub for Learning and Participatory Activity by/for/with Citizen Scholars |
Q110722145 | Introduction to historical (social) network analysis – Part I |
Q111087415 | Introduction to historical (social) network analysis – Part II |
Q112222066 | Introduction à l’informatique quantique avec IBM Qiskit |
Q96619542 | Introduction: Respiratory Health Consequences Resulting from the Collapse of the World Trade Center |
Q111690225 | Investing in Bitcoin: Survey & Report |
Q120375760 | Is Good Monitoring and Evaluation the Secret to Success for World Bank Programs? |
Q131754454 | Is Independent Legal Reasoning Incompatible with Following Earlier Jurists? Rethinking the Claim of Jurists’ Disloyalty to Taqlīd |
Q126353093 | Is Occupational Physical Activity Harmful to Health? |
Q130581517 | Is Style Important? Giulia Boggio on Questioning Visual Language and Bringing Her Ethics to Work |
Q96619149 | Is There a Link Between Firefighting and Cancer? – Epidemiology in Action |
Q130306523 | Is e-literature just one big anti-climax? |
Q124528896 | Is it love? Open link relationships with Wikidata and FactGrid for the arts |
Q87827967 | Ist die sächsische Geschichte eine Abfolge von Höhepunkten? |
Q109515249 | Iste libellus pertinet … Goethe? |
Q96618395 | It's National Bosses Day. Who is your dream boss? |
Q96618890 | It's National Ladder Safety Month |
Q108106652 | It’s the Data, Stupid: What Elsevier’s purchase of SSRN also means |
Q62513426 | I’ll Be Speaking in Wisconsin Next Week |
Q105267457 | Jak se fotilo pro Wikiprojekty v roce 2019 |
Q96619071 | James Bond Exposed…To 50 Years of Occupational Hazards |
Q100386533 | Jan Szczepan Wolfram (1825-1870) |
Q115088199 | Japanese Views on Saxon Social and Economic History: Nobushige Matsuo |
Q106510522 | Jedem Marktplatz seinen Albert. Urbane Denkmalpraxis im Königreich Sachsen |
Q105753911 | Jena 1989 revisited |
Q106903589 | Jeu de 7 familles de l’informatique |
Q124438094 | Jewish students in Saxony. From the source to a web portal |
Q96618782 | Job Complexity, Race, and Socioeconomic Status: Examining Health Disparities from an Occupational Perspective |
Q132178337 | Job Satisfaction in the Logging Industry |
Q96618554 | Job Strain, Long Work Hours, and Suicidal Thoughts |
Q105468401 | Jobs and Exposures That Increase Risk for Developing COPD Later in Life |
Q122865066 | Johannes Wienand: Stasis. An Academic Blog on Ancient Civil War, in: Stasis – Avenues to Ancient Civil War, October 9, 2023, doi: 10.59350/377m7-vkt78 |
Q129167430 | John Hawke: Aurelia; Jillian Pattinson: Babel Fish [Review] |
Q96619346 | Joint Pain in the Workplace |
Q116951946 | Journal investigating Sodom comet paper for data problems |
Q115784620 | Journées de commémoration du mouvement historique du 9 février 1990 |
Q131302786 | Just semantics? Open: Citizen Science Masterclass |
Q112621384 | K-9 Mail joins the Thunderbird family |
Q119792217 | K-Cap 2019 blog post |
Q117598967 | Kamenzer Wochenschrift, issue 14, 26-03-1848 |
Q106417466 | Kareful and the evolution of wave music |
Q106369449 | Kareful’s Introduction To Wave Music |
Q100717879 | Karl Friston: How should we respond to an upsurge in covid-19 cases? |
Q113511328 | Katechismus des Radfahrsportes: Ein Gang durch die radsportliche Litteratur, 1897 |
Q96602815 | Katholisches Sachsen. (K)eine transkulturelle Verflechtungsgeschichte |
Q128227460 | Keen, Roubini and Baker win Revere Award for Economics |
Q132178336 | Keeping Emergency Responders Safe: NIOSH Efforts Since 9/11 |
Q126353058 | Keeping Junior Firefighters Safe and Healthy: The Fire Department's Role in Promoting Positive Childhood Experiences |
Q119333844 | Keeping Manufacturing Workers Safe: National Manufacturing Day/Month and Beyond |
Q100319790 | Keeping Momentum in NORA Councils: Different Ways to Achieve Partner Engagement |
Q111619559 | Keeping Presidents in the Nuclear Dark (Episode #1: The Case of the Missing Permissive Action Links) |
Q96618493 | Keeping Teens Safe and Healthy at Work: It Takes Teamwork! |
Q96619422 | Keeping Workers Hydrated and Cool Despite the Heat |
Q96618976 | Keeping Workers Safe on the Road |
Q96619164 | Keeping the Momentum Going for Total Worker Health |
Q72731217 | Kelsey Lewin Named VGHF’s Co-Director |
Q63805123 | Kirche und Alltag in den zweisprachigen Gemeinden der schlesischen Oberlausitz während der 1920er Jahre |
Q119792061 | Knowledge Graphs for Data Integration - UHasselt 2023 |
Q111354562 | Knowledge and Open Data of Wikipedia & Co at the 57th BibChatDe |
Q107484948 | Knowledge and equity: analysis of three models |
Q125776957 | Knowledge communication & wikiversity |
Q105879363 | Kolonialwaren u. Spirituosen • Paul Müller • |
Q79727949 | Kompakte Darstellung der Chemnitzer Stadtgeschichte |
Q90575249 | Kompakter Überblick zur sächsischen Parlamentarismusgeschichte |
Q119027133 | Kosovar ‘war aims’ |
Q84858375 | Kulturelle Vermittler zwischen Deutschland und der Ukraine im 20 und 21 Jahrhundert |
Q67077879 | Kulturerbe: die Katharinenkirche und die Reformation in Zwickau |
Q105964709 | Kurze Verteidigung der Promotion |
Q114832482 | L'amélioration continue au service de l'augmentation de l'impact sur Mes Aides |
Q114832480 | L'intrapreneur : un rôle crucial aux multiples facettes |
Q114832477 | L'intrapreneur de Startup d'État, un entrepreneur comme les autres ? |
Q131983309 | LLM Biases: Expected and Unexpected Model Design Effects in Historical Newspaper Article Extraction on the Messina Earthquake |
Q107031541 | La Red de Bibliotecas en Finlandia |
Q106648103 | La Science ouverte au Campus Condorcet, ce n’est pas si compliqué ! |
Q115784633 | La chorale universitaire de Niamey |
Q106903320 | La classe inversée à l’université,… une pédagogie innovante à benchmarker ! | Le blog de JC2 |
Q96618333 | La fatiga relacionada con el trabajo va más allá del ámbito laboral |
Q115784621 | La fête de Tabaski au campus de l’Université Abdou Moumouni de Niamey : entre festivités et solidarité estudiantines |
Q115784631 | La journée de fraternité au Foyer Berlier de Niamey |
Q130330374 | La littérature numérique francophone : enjeux théoriques et pratiques pour l’identification d’un corpus |
Q115784624 | La nuit culturelle de l’étudiant musulman, une soirée à l’image des recommandations islamiques |
Q107484941 | La voie diamantée du libre accès |
Q96619190 | Labor Day 2014 |
Q96618974 | Labor Day 2016: A Statement by NIOSH Director John Howard, MD |
Q96618799 | Labor Day 2017: A Statement by NIOSH Director, John Howard, MD |
Q96618422 | Labor Day 2019 Message: Future of Work and Total Worker Health |
Q100319759 | Labor Day 2020: Statement by John Howard, M.D., Director, NIOSH |
Q119334263 | Labor Day 2021: Statement by John Howard, M.D., Director, NIOSH |
Q119333882 | Labor Day 2022: A Statement by NIOSH Director, John Howard, MD |
Q124101908 | Labor Day 2023: Statement by NIOSH Director, John Howard, MD |
Q132178344 | Labor Day Message 2024 |
Q96619089 | Labor Day Message from NIOSH Director, John Howard, M.D. |
Q96618560 | Labor Day Message from NIOSH Director, John Howard, MD |
Q96618820 | Ladder Safety in the Wholesale and Retail Trade Sector: Take the Right Steps towards Safety |
Q96619286 | Ladder Safety: There's an App for That |
Q107312382 | Landes- oder Bundesfürsten? Die sächsischen Monarchen als komplementäre oder konkurrierende Vaterfiguren des Deutschen Kaiserreiches während des Ersten Weltkrieges (1914–1918) – ein Promotionsprojekt |
Q70298215 | Landesgeschichte in der Öffentlichkeit: #LGpubhist19 bot aktuelle Perspektiven |
Q104713386 | Landeskunde digital – das war 2020 |
Q96618884 | Landscaping Safety and Health |
Q98492906 | Landschaft nach Plan. Die Transformation des ländlichen Raumes in der SBZ und DDR (1945-1989/1990) |
Q126811661 | Large-Scale Research with Historical Newspapers: A Turning Point through Generative AI |
Q107031589 | Las 15 bibliotecas digitales que debemos conocer |
Q64878697 | Last of Shackleton’s Antarctic Expedition Rescued 10 January 1917 |
Q119333750 | Law Enforcement Appreciation Day |
Q96618453 | Law Enforcement Officers' Health Effects from Exposure to Opioids: Two Case Investigations |
Q114832451 | Le Board, une planche de salut ? |
Q126519188 | Le Centre Princesse Máxima se distancie catégoriquement des oncologues controversés de « l'étude anti-vax » |
Q116235216 | Le Maoulid au campus de l’UAM de Niamey (Niger) : entre festivités et expression de l’amour du Prophète |
Q69603377 | Le blâme n’est pas un jeu |
Q114832447 | Le lancement de sprint : forcément interminable et douloureux ? |
Q114832443 | Le pitch à 6 mois |
Q114260904 | Le port du voile : un phénomène nouveau à Bamako ? |
Q114832438 | Le registre des taxis : comment une API permet d'adapter la mission de service public des taxis au numérique |
Q105973207 | Lea Grundig – Eine Migrantin im 20. Jahrhundert |
Q132887278 | Leap Year is a Metroidbrainia for people who hate Metroidbrainias |
Q119334112 | Learning from Workplace Fatality Investigations |
Q96618671 | Lee Greenawald, PhD: An up and coming leader in PPE |
Q105760485 | Leerstand: Platz für Ideen |
Q114832436 | Les 6 prochains mois d’une Startup d’État |
Q106903515 | Les badges de compétences au cœur de la formation de demain |
Q125524098 | Les enlèvements, une stratégie d'expansion pour les groupes extrémistes violents au Bénin |
Q62513523 | Lexicographical data on Wikidata: Words, words, words |
Q93482383 | Liberating nature: False hopes from the lockdown? |
Q111687970 | Liberation Through Radical Decentralization |
Q125524078 | Liberté, égalité, séparation : quelles déclinaisons de la laïcité au Burkina Faso ? |
Q107005736 | Lifejackets for Lobstermen |
Q105468392 | Lighting Interventions to Reduce Circadian Disruption in Rotating Shift Workers |
Q120669663 | Like Clockwork, Journalists Cast Suspicion on Salafis Following a Jihadist Attack |
Q107523601 | Lingua Franca – The History of the Book in Translation |
Q100157372 | Linked Open Storytelling: Heimatforschung in Europa profitiert von Open Science |
Q109336459 | LinkedArt: exploring network analysis in art history |
Q71947365 | Linking the OLAC Video Game Vocabulary with Wikidata |
Q122747570 | Linking walnut avenues: mapping deeds, roads or tree networks openly, data points and data mountains |
Q117086355 | Links from data mountain to data mountain - lots of 'Gartenlaube content' in digital collections |
Q57616164 | Lise Nørgaard og ligelønnen |
Q94367522 | Literarische Erinnerungsorte zwischen Sachsen, Tschechien und Polen: ein Konzept zu ihrer touristischen Nutzung |
Q130306252 | Literatura Electrónica |
Q130328359 | Literatura digital. Cul de Sac |
Q109278705 | Live is live |
Q67132773 | Live, Die, Repeat — How Time Loops Took Over Video Games |
Q113152519 | Lived or Non-Lived Ḥadīth? Content vs. Narrator Criteria in Early Ḥanafī Law |
Q128366181 | Livro de três cientistas investiga experiências de quase morte, mediunidade e vidas passadas |
Q131843683 | Livros para desradicalizar |
Q65665320 | Local history research in Europe – Call for Participation |
Q132178320 | Logging Mechanization and Impacts on Health |
Q110883210 | Lokale Kirchengeschichte in der Coronazeit. Ein Erfahrungsbericht zur Serie #KircheninLeipzig |
Q126353090 | Long COVID and Occupational Medicine Practice |
Q111295909 | Long Lawrence, a stick die from England |
Q105397219 | Long Road To Lexeme |
Q96619136 | Long-Haul Truck Driver Health Survey Results |
Q80977092 | Look at this beautiful new toy you bought us!!! |
Q107484946 | Look to the commons for the future of R&D and science policy |
Q116727469 | Looking back at spring 2021 as we forge ahead |
Q124101884 | Looking to the Past and the Future of NIOSH Nanotechnology Guidance |
Q119333619 | Los cascos para la construcción y las lesiones cerebrales traumáticas relacionadas con el trabajo |
Q105246250 | Losing your own business is worse than losing a salaried job |
Q96618450 | Low Back Pain among Workers: The Problem and What to Do About It |
Q96619424 | Low-dose CT Scans and Lung Cancer Screening in the Occupational Setting |
Q111480263 | Lunch break – pause & sort, because: hackathon is all the time |
Q96619364 | Lung Cancer Screening in the Occupational Setting – An Update |
Q107005753 | Lung Disease in Textile Workers |
Q115784623 | L’association chrétienne “Campus Pour Christ” accueille les nouveaux bacheliers |
Q111285437 | L’avare oder der Geizhals – Siebenerspiele im Schweizer Spielemuseum |
Q130306061 | L’avventura è l’avventura |
Q114832459 | L’intrapreneur n’est pas un Product Owner |
Q114832472 | L’État passe en mode start-up |
Q106645077 | L’épistémologie opportuniste de Didier Raoult |
Q107052454 | L’évaluation automatisée en sciences humaines |
Q106417500 | M!NGO Delivers Trippy New Trap Tune “Outcast” via Vibe.Digital |
Q106903578 | MIT and 8 other universities partner on shared digital credential infrastructure |
Q106903579 | MIT introduces digital diplomas |
Q106903265 | MOOCs in 2015: Breaking Down the Numbers (EdSurge News) |
Q126647256 | Ma « notice d’information » Conspiracy Watch est une fraude |
Q62030108 | Macht Citizen Science glücklich? Bürgerwissenschaft in wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken |
Q96619473 | Mad as a Hatter: Mercury and Other Occupational Hazards at the Movies |
Q96618353 | Made for Each Other – a Valentine's Day Note about Approved Respirator Configurations |
Q96619329 | Maintaining a Relationship with your SCBA |
Q96618902 | Maintaining a Relationship with your Turnout Gear |
Q107675424 | Maintenance work and data management for Saxonica with #Wikisource + #Wikidata |
Q107406244 | Major indexing service sounds alarm on self-citations by nearly 50 journals |
Q96618612 | Make One Change for Safety this National Safety Month |
Q96618997 | Making Alaska a Safer Place to Work |
Q112038746 | Making Forgotten Things Visible Again: Trace Searchers Show Their Results at the 17th Youth History Day |
Q100319794 | Making Industry and Occupation Information Useful for Public Health: A guide to coding industry and occupation text fields |
Q96619253 | Making a Splash: Three Fishermen Saved by Personal Flotation Devices! |
Q124788700 | Making maps for the state department |
Q96619252 | Making of the New NIOSH Homepage |
Q96619557 | Making the Business Case for Prevention through Design |
Q96619372 | Making the Case for Paid Sick Leave |
Q64878812 | Mallarmé: Pages and A Throw of the Dice |
Q96618344 | Managing Fatigue During Times of Crisis: Guidance for Nurses, Managers, and Other Healthcare Workers |
Q96618345 | Manejo de la fatiga en tiempos de crisis: Directrices para enfermeros, administradores y otros trabajadores de atención médica |
Q100319735 | Manufacturing Day 2020: Staying Safer in 2020 |
Q119333999 | Manufacturing Monday Blog Series: Playground Equipment |
Q119333993 | Manufacturing Mondays Blog Series: May the 4th Be with Laser and Plasma Cutting Workers |
Q119333984 | Manufacturing Mondays Blog Series: Military Appreciation |
Q124621897 | Map Lab Holy Roman Empire: From a "patchwork quilt" to the depiction of complex historical spaces |
Q96619410 | Map: Occurrences of Erionite |
Q126489782 | MarcEdit and Metadata trends |
Q117235681 | March 18, 1848: To the People of Saxony! |
Q104025808 | Marie Frommer und Ingrid von Reyher: Frauen und technische Bildung (nicht nur) in Sachsen |
Q119026761 | Mariupol and the Origins and Avenues of Ukraine’s Transitional Justice Process |
Q24260035 | Marvel's Doctor Strange Wraps Filming |
Q123891536 | Mass Defect: Why Mass Effect falls short of its hype |
Q103366845 | Maulwurfmonitoring. Über das Vorkommen der Familie der Talpidae in Dresdner wissenschaftlichen Sammlungen |
Q96618855 | May is Better Hearing and Speech Month: For 45 Years NIOSH Helps Prevent Occupational Hearing Loss |
Q100319779 | Measuring Workplace Risks across States |
Q96619022 | Measuring the Impact of Hearing Loss on Quality of Life |
Q96618708 | Medical Mystery Solved: What Sent a Pregnant Prison Worker to the Hospital? |
Q96618711 | Medical Mystery: What Sent a Pregnant Prison Worker to the Hospital? |
Q96618462 | Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder |
Q106634891 | Meerane in Postkarten: Quellen der Lokalgeschichte |
Q61710717 | Meet the Jon Jones Who Keeps Getting Nasty Tweets Meant for the Other Jon Jones |
Q66491080 | Meet the scientist working to increase the number of underrepresented scientists and engineers on Wikipedia |
Q106574353 | Mehr als ein „Schein-Parlament“ – der sächsische Landtag 1946–1952 |
Q105907053 | Mein Ort digital |
Q124101900 | Mental Health, Alcohol Use, and Substance Use Resources for Workers and Employers |
Q114832433 | Mes Aides dans les mains des experts |
Q95394062 | Methoden, Themen und Kontexte der Landesgeschichtsforschung in Deutschland (auch) aus sächsischer Perspektive |
Q105836113 | Methodisches Vorgehen und Oral History |
Q27804525 | Michael Giacchino Confirms He's Scoring Spider-Man: Homecoming |
Q105962460 | Mildernde Umstände? |
Q105468398 | Millersville University Students Support NIOSH Research |
Q108188993 | Mindfulness: Spiritual transcendence or neoliberal scam |
Q133248663 | Minecraft Apparently Under Siege By Angry Addicts Demanding More Updates |
Q119334040 | Mining, Maritime, and More: NIOSH’s Spokane Research Laboratory’s Expanded Mission Serves Broad Array of Industries |
Q119334299 | Mission Possible: Measuring Worker Well-Being |
Q130238119 | Mit dem fOERder-Award 2016 auf dem Weg zur Wikiversity MOOC Extension |
Q75019756 | MoMA returns Nazi looted painting to rightful heirs |
Q119333718 | Modern Coal Miners Have Higher Death Rates From Lung Diseases Than Their Predecessors |
Q114832431 | Moderniser l’État grâce aux Startups d’État |
Q106903270 | Modèle éducatif selon Khan |
Q112325836 | Mon blog dans les oignons |
Q69460485 | Monumente der Störung – Disruptive Eingriffe ins Dresdner Stadtbild |
Q96619122 | Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report: Workers' Memorial Day 2015 |
Q96619234 | Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report: Workers' Memorial Day, April 28, 2014 |
Q130572707 | More dependent, more unequal, dead sooner: where Viktor Orbán's illiberal democracy is leading us |
Q123282325 | More than just clicking - a review of the Wikisource-Conference at the SLUB Open Science Lab |
Q131843707 | More than three decades after misconduct ruling, researcher’s IQ test paper is retracted |
Q27067721 | More ‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’ filming locations in NYC this weekend |
Q126353088 | Most-viewed NIOSH Products in 2023 |
Q132178314 | Most-viewed NIOSH Products in 2024 |
Q105468389 | Most-viewed NIOSH Products of 2020 |
Q119333744 | Most-viewed NIOSH Products of 2022 |
Q96619160 | Motor Vehicle Safety and Law Enforcement Officers |
Q96619062 | Movies with Workplace Safety and Health Themes |
Q96619509 | Multifaceted Approach to Assess Indoor Environmental Quality |
Q111296854 | Multifunktionales Spielbrett |
Q108971298 | Multilinguales regionales Weltwissen – Regiowikis mit Wikipedia-Sprachversionen in Wikidata verknüpfen |
Q110686505 | Multilingualism is integral to accessibility and should be part of European research assessment reform |
Q132171741 | Murky infection control policies at the Paris Olympics – Olympic and Paralympic Analysis |
Q119334126 | Musculoskeletal Disorders Research at NIOSH |
Q96618668 | Musculoskeletal Health Research to Benefit Construction Workers |
Q96618740 | Musculoskeletal Health Research to Benefit Couriers, Messengers, and Baggage Handlers |
Q96618644 | Musculoskeletal Health Research to Benefit Surface Stone, Sand, and Gravel Miners |
Q96618746 | Musculoskeletal Health Research to Benefit Temporary Retail Workers |
Q64869838 | Museum Mythbusters – the graphite elephant story |
Q110436250 | Museum Transformation Strategies in the Digital Age |
Q106369447 | Music Genres You Probably Didn’t know Exists |
Q105964751 | Muslimische Lästerer gegen hinduistische Götter? |
Q107523543 | My Gender Journey at Work |
Q110635790 | My Nearby projects – from Open Data Camp 2021 into the New Year of Citizen Science |
Q119792540 | My PhD explained |
Q111077440 | MySpace as a teaching tool |
Q105908768 | Mylauer Burg- und Bauherren – Quellen und Befunde |
Q105908318 | Mylauer Unternehmen zur Zeit der Industrialisierung |
Q104696988 | Myth Augustus II the Strong |
Q114964085 | Märkische Radfahrer-Zeitung, 18 January 1900 |
Q84056677 | Månedens DF´er juni 2010 |
Q84055364 | Månedens DF´er november 2010 |
Q96619186 | N95 Day 2014: Respirator Preparedness – Where Technology Meets Good Practices |
Q96619091 | N95 Day 2015: The tools to build a culture of proper respiratory protection practices |
Q96618971 | N95 Day 2016: Proper Use, Filtration, and Fit – The Three-Legged Stool of Respiratory Protection |
Q96618796 | N95 Day 2017: When to think Beyond the N95 FFR |
Q96618557 | N95 Day 2018: Getting Down to the Particulars about Filter Class |
Q119334051 | N95 Love – Staying True to the NIOSH Approval |
Q96619104 | N95 Respirator Use During Pregnancy – Findings from Recent NIOSH Research |
Q96619488 | N95 Respirators and Surgical Masks |
Q96619400 | NFL Players Tackling Heart Disease |
Q124101912 | NIEHS and NIOSH Explore the Expansion of Recovery Friendly Workplace Programs |
Q107005740 | NIOSH 50th Anniversary Honored by National Toxicology Program |
Q124101894 | NIOSH Ag Centers Celebrate 10 Years on YouTube |
Q105468388 | NIOSH Celebrates 50 Years in 2021 |
Q96619171 | NIOSH Celebrates National Farm Safety and Health Week |
Q96619066 | NIOSH Co-hosts Motor Vehicle Safety Webinar |
Q105468379 | NIOSH Directors |
Q96619585 | NIOSH Dose Reconstruction Program |
Q119333898 | NIOSH Education and Research Centers: Research |
Q119334071 | NIOSH Education and Research Centers: Training |
Q105468391 | NIOSH Efforts to Keep Workers and the Country Safe During the Pandemic |
Q96618343 | NIOSH Encourages Worker Well-Being Research |
Q126353084 | NIOSH Global Collaborations on Workplace Safety of Nanomaterials |
Q96619307 | NIOSH HPD Well-Fit™: The Future is Fit-Testing |
Q96618528 | NIOSH Info: What was hot in 2018 |
Q96619042 | NIOSH Ladder Safety App Evolves with User Feedback |
Q96618419 | NIOSH Launches Respiratory Protection Week in Celebration of 100 Years of Respiratory Protection |
Q96619011 | NIOSH Mine Emergency Escape Simulation Technology Available for Developers |
Q119333883 | NIOSH Miner Health Program Addresses Substance Use and Work |
Q119333854 | NIOSH News for National Nanotechnology Day! |
Q119334076 | NIOSH Noise: A 50-Year Timeline of Research and Intervention |
Q96618749 | NIOSH Presents: An Occupational Safety and Health Perspective on Robotics Applications in the Workplace |
Q96618849 | NIOSH Presents: Research on Managing Fatigue in the Workplace, Lessons Learned |
Q107005733 | NIOSH Program Portfolio: Promoting research collaboration for 16 years and counting |
Q96619099 | NIOSH Research Highlights Importance of Rigorous Standards for Gowns Used to Protect Healthcare Workers |
Q96619397 | NIOSH Research on Work Schedules and Work-related Sleep Loss |
Q119333796 | NIOSH Rising Stars |
Q126353037 | NIOSH Risk Assessment of Engineered Nanomaterials |
Q96619559 | NIOSH Seeks Input on Direct Reading Exposure Assessment Methods (D.R.E.A.M.) Workshop |
Q96619117 | NIOSH Study Evaluates Risks for Pregnant Flight Attendants |
Q119333648 | NIOSH TWH Affiliate Program Rapidly Creating New Worker Well-being Opportunities |
Q96619344 | NIOSH Takes a Stand |
Q96619086 | NIOSH Travel Health and Safety Resource Kit for Workers with International Assignments |
Q96618340 | NIOSH Ventilated Headboard Provides Solution to Patient Isolation During an Epidemic |
Q96618400 | NIOSH Working Hours, Sleep and Fatigue Forum: A Recap and Future Directions |
Q96619450 | NIOSH and Electronic Health Records |
Q96618628 | NIOSH and FDA Collaboration Streamlines Regulatory Oversight for N95 Filtering Facepiece Respirators |
Q96618546 | NIOSH and USDA Partner to Protect Workers after Hurricane Florence |
Q96618606 | NIOSH in Alaska: Improving Worker Safety |
Q119334104 | NIOSH in Cincinnati – 50 Years of OSH Research and Service |
Q119334065 | NIOSH in Cincinnati – A Pictorial History, Part II |
Q119334107 | NIOSH in Cincinnati-A Pictorial History Part 1 |
Q119334097 | NIOSH in Denver |
Q119334243 | NIOSH “L” Building Marks 25 Years of Innovative Research |
Q96618987 | NIOSH's Engineering Controls Database |
Q96619461 | NIOSH's Role in the Deepwater Horizon Response |
Q96618952 | NIOSH's State-of-the-Art Facility in Morgantown Celebrates 20 Years |
Q96619115 | NIOSH, Nail Guns, and Consensus Standards: Where We Stand |
Q96618527 | NIOSH, Wiki Education Foundation, and Harvard University Work Together to Make Occupational Safety and Health Content Accessible to All |
Q132178327 | NIOSH-developed Tools for Monitoring Respirable Crystalline Silica in the Mining Environment |
Q100381588 | NKlink – nový nástroj propojující Wikidata se světem Národních autorit |
Q96618802 | NLE Calc: A Mobile Application Based on the Revised NIOSH Lifting Equation |
Q96619008 | NMAM 5th Edition |
Q96619518 | NO2 Emission Increases Associated with the Use of Certain Diesel Particulate Filters in Underground Mines |
Q119334139 | NOIRS |
Q96619550 | NORA Symposium 2008 |
Q107005747 | NTOF: Understanding Worker Deaths through Surveillance |
Q132178340 | NTRC Marks 20 Years of Studying Nanotoxicology: Highlights from the Toxicology and Internal Dose Team |
Q130327003 | NURBS theory | conceptualizing cultural processes: from discrete categories to continuous curves |
Q67184537 | Na první české Wikikonferenci se sešli tvůrci Wikipedie s jejími uživateli |
Q105640620 | Nachlese zum Workshop „Akteure der Kulturförderung in der Wendezeit“ des Leibniz-Instituts für Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Europa (GWZO) am 24. November 2020 |
Q111295693 | Nachtrag zum Zeiger-Roulette – Glücksspiele mit Drehnadel: Virolla und Baboia in Katalonien |
Q96619515 | Nail Salon Table Evaluation |
Q96618398 | Nanotechnology Research at NIOSH |
Q96619511 | Nanotechnology: Human and Environmental Exposure Assessment of Nanomaterials Workshop |
Q96619561 | Nanotechnology: Should carbon nanotubes be handled in the workplace like asbestos? |
Q96618656 | Naomi Swanson, PhD: Advancing Worker Health Through Improved Organization of Work and Ergonomic Design |
Q131755015 | Narrating Change |
Q116671060 | Narrativa em disputa: Estudiosos criticam exaltação do Golpe de 64 |
Q119333657 | National Correctional Workers Appreciation Week 2023 |
Q96619216 | National Doughnut Day |
Q96618792 | National Employ Older Workers Week Webinar |
Q96618963 | National Employ Older Workers Week is a Chance to Reflect on the Safety and Health Needs of Older Workers |
Q96618521 | National Engineers Week |
Q119333915 | National Marble Day: A Look at the Manufacturing of Glass Marbles |
Q119334241 | National Nanotechnology Day: A big day for small things |
Q96618852 | National Police Week and NIOSH's Work in Officer Safety |
Q96618777 | National Protect Your Hearing Month – Time to Fill the "Know-Do" Gap |
Q96619003 | National Safety Month |
Q119333952 | National Safety Month |
Q119333643 | National Safety Month 2023 |
Q132178354 | National Safety Month 2024 |
Q61727607 | Nationalsozialistischer Terror in Sachsen – erste Gesamtdarstellung erschienen |
Q132178324 | Native American Heritage Month: Honoring American Indian and Alaska Native Workers |
Q93634446 | Nearby: die St.-Jakobus-Kirche in Pesterwitz |
Q131481145 | Negacionismo científico em torno da existência do sistema de recifes do Amazonas revela a existência de um “bolsonarismo de esquerda” |
Q107434024 | Negotiating Longing and Despair as Frontier Citizens of the Indian State |
Q77871558 | Nelson Papavero | Ciência e Cultura |
Q123079011 | Net-Zero America: Potential Pathways, Infrastructure, And Impacts |
Q130306253 | Netpoetic |
Q111295455 | Neu bei GeSpiele: Listen |
Q101099299 | Neue Heimat Sachsen? ‚Heimat‘ als Argument in der Aushandlung von Migrationsgesellschaft |
Q81424373 | Neue Studie auf alten Wegen: Das Offizierkorps der sächsischen Armee im 18. Jahrhundert |
Q83876086 | Neuerscheinung zur Geschichte Sachsens: Spaltungen in der Weimarer Republik |
Q105754745 | Neues aus dem Homeoffice ‒ Einige Überlegungen und Beobachtungen zur Nutzung digitaler Medien in der Amateurfotografie |
Q63981648 | Neues und Altes zur sächsischen Geschichte vom Ersten zum Zweiten Weltkrieg |
Q112913706 | Neues zur Baugeschichte der Elisabethkirche in Marburg an der Lahn |
Q96618951 | Never fear! NEAT 2.0 is here! – How to perform nanomaterial exposure assessment in the workplace |
Q124101898 | New Burnout Prevention Training for Public Health |
Q96618949 | New Curriculum Helps Workers with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Learn How to Stay Safe on the Job |
Q119334045 | New Data Available! Assess Causes of Death by Industry and Occupation |
Q27996650 | New Doctor Strange Teaser Trailer is an Epic First Look at the Film! |
Q96619327 | New Findings on Lung Tumor Formation in Laboratory Mice Exposed to Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes |
Q119334017 | New NIEHS Resources to Prevent and Address Opioid Misuse and Promote Recovery Friendly Workplace Programs |
Q96618920 | New NIOSH Sound Level Meter App |
Q96619058 | New NIOSH Study Supports the OSHA Annual Fit Testing Requirements for Filtering Facepiece Respirators |
Q96618911 | New NIOSH Training Offers Fatigue Management for Pilots in the Land of the Midnight Sun |
Q96619078 | New Research Identifies 5 Best Practices for Keeping Contractors Safe |
Q96618759 | New Research on Worker Tobacco Use |
Q96618785 | New Software Tracks Health of Emergency Responders |
Q112245619 | New contributions to the role of the nobility in the Reformation |
Q117220248 | New overview of Saxon regional studies |
Q125726824 | New perspectives on Saxony in the 18th century - Jacek Kordel |
Q131406421 | New perspectives on one of the longest-lived Wettiners |
Q125838611 | New study reveals the science behind Ouija boards |
Q119333987 | Newly Archived Webinar Recordings Highlighting How Emerging Technologies Can Prevent Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders |
Q111735154 | Newly-Released Documents Shed Light on Government-Funded Research Into Worm Holes, Anti-Gravity and Invisibility Cloaks |
Q116817481 | News from "Lichtenanger" or: Memories of Hellerau |
Q111716944 | News from State Program for Digitization for Science and Culture of the Free State of Saxony: Transcriptions and small digital Editions |
Q67200588 | Nezapomeňte pod stromečkem na Wikipedii |
Q119333633 | Nghiên cứu Nguy cơ Bị Dị tật Bẩm sinh ở Con của Thợ Làm Móng và Thợ Làm Tóc Đang Mang thai |
Q96619219 | Nickel Nanoparticles: A Case of Sensitization Associated with Occupational Exposure |
Q80976663 | Nintendo’s (First) Lost Donkey Kong Game |
Q114832430 | No more digital bullshit please |
Q106417479 | Noah B - Night's Edge EP [Terrorhythm] |
Q105961955 | Noch eine Geschichte der Blasphemie? |
Q96618872 | Noise Exposure Among Federal Wildland Fire Fighters |
Q119334296 | Noise Myths Debunked – Fact and Fiction Behind all the Cicada Buzz |
Q96618731 | Non-occupational Uses of Respiratory Protection – What Public Health Organizations and Users Need to Know |
Q126353086 | Nonfatal Occupational Injury Surveillance Data: Examples from Michigan |
Q96618931 | Nonstandard Work Arrangements |
Q116858192 | Norddeutsche Radsport-Zeitung, 21. Februar 1901 |
Q105246230 | Nordmakedonien und bulgarischer Geschichtsimperialismus: Eine aktuelle Publikation der Bulgarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und ihr politischer Kontext |
Q100272670 | North Korea’s Ruling Family: A Detailed Look at Members |
Q96618529 | North Pole Medical Mystery SOLVED! |
Q111702089 | North german cycling sports newspaper, 1900-1901 |
Q105972863 | Notbetrieb macht erfinderisch |
Q130327429 | Notes on N. Katherine Hayles: Literature and the Literary: Why Electronic Literature is Key to Their Future |
Q119334014 | Noticias recientes sobre el trabajo en turnos de noche y el cáncer: ¿Qué significa para los trabajadores? |
Q126726810 | Nový nástroj Wikinside nám usnadní práci a pomůže růst |
Q96618328 | Nurses' and Other Health Professionals' Wellness and Safety Resource Update |
Q131433665 | O golpe foi um plano de longo prazo |
Q126353091 | ONDCP Launches New Recovery Ready Workplace Toolkit |
Q109303625 | ORCIDgraph |
Q96619454 | OSH in the Movies: The full list |
Q96619452 | OSH in the Movies: This Time It's Personal |
Q75945917 | Oberlausitzer Bibliotheken, Archive und Museen im Medienwandel |
Q114676732 | Oberlausitzer Radfahrerbund in Kamenz – Kamenzer Wochenschrift, 2. Mai 1900 |
Q96619494 | Occupational Disease and Nanoparticles |
Q96618390 | Occupational Exposure Banding and Workplace Chemicals |
Q96619046 | Occupational Exposure Limits – State of the Science |
Q96618927 | Occupational Exposure to Bisphenol A (BPA) in U.S. Manufacturing Companies |
Q96619169 | Occupational Exposures at Electronic Scrap Recycling Facilities |
Q96619137 | Occupational Exposures to New Drycleaning Solvents |
Q96618943 | Occupational Hazards and Climate |
Q96618909 | Occupational Health Internship Program – Apply Now for Summer 2017 |
Q96618924 | Occupational Health Issues in the USA |
Q96619120 | Occupational Health Safety Network |
Q96618947 | Occupational Safety and Health Economics Workshop |
Q96619246 | Occupations with High Obesity Prevalence in Washington State |
Q125544115 | Odesa's historic centre: a tour of an endangered world heritage site |
Q115704166 | Of monsters and mentors: PhD disasters, and how to avoid them |
Q66491069 | Offline-Pedia converts old televisions into Wikipedia readers |
Q119333742 | Oil and Gas Workers Count |
Q96618402 | Older Wholesale and Retail Workers in Nonstandard Work Arrangements |
Q96618981 | Olympic Work |
Q110436259 | On Digital Content Strategy |
Q131351934 | On Digital Populism in Brazil |
Q120135032 | On Learning Languages (a DH Fellowship Report) |
Q130306555 | On Reading 300 Works of Electronic Literature: Preliminary Reflections |
Q107277189 | On The Real Tragedy of Secular Modernity: Anand Vivek Taneja |
Q117156370 | On self-sensual celebrations or the celebrating self-sense |
Q130306647 | On the Art of Producing a Phenomenally Short Fiction Collection over the Net Using Twitter: ‘The 24-Hr. Micro-Elit Project |
Q115784630 | On the Tarmac, Waiting for Take-off |
Q119027136 | On the historical existence of the (Ukrainian) nation |
Q131407783 | On the internet, everyone knows you’re a dog |
Q124101891 | On-duty Injuries Among Ohio Law Enforcement Officers |
Q126087609 | Once upon a time, I crossed Digital Art History |
Q96619085 | One Size Does Not Fit All |
Q117457661 | Ontologie-Entwurfsmuster zur Modellierung raumkonstitutierender Attribute frühneuzeitlicher Orte in der Digitalen Kartenwerkstatt Altes Reich (DigiKAR) |
Q114986244 | Open Access Monographs: Digital Scholarship as Catalyst |
Q110684322 | Open Access: Toward the Internet of the Mind |
Q126082031 | Open Citizen Science - Guiding principles for libraries |
Q123198845 | Open cultural data as an association project - the Dresden History Society in the Wikiverse |
Q111756123 | Open data and applications on Saxon regional history in the tripoint: Coding da Vinci Ost 3 |
Q127101658 | Open geodata from twin towns - also relevant for libraries |
Q123776903 | Open metadata for your own texts, projects and publications: Shift happens - with Scholia and digital editions |
Q131407764 | Openly licensed streetview with Panoramax |
Q110716561 | Opinion: Venture capital firms are blind to the benefits of diversity |
Q131843637 | Oportunidade de AEx busca promover inclusão de temas avançados na Wikipédia e ampliação das divulgações científicas – ESCOLA POLITÉCNICA |
Q96618808 | Opportunities for Integrating Safety and Health into Sustainable Building Projects: Have You Tried the Prevention through Design (PtD) Pilot Credit? |
Q96618683 | Opportunities to Advance Occupational Health Research by Considering Work as a Social Determinant of Health |
Q114796466 | Order Studies and Standard Data - the Example of the Royal Saxon House Order of the Raven Crown |
Q96618648 | Ototoxicant Chemicals and Workplace Hearing Loss |
Q96618387 | Outbreak of Silicosis among Engineered Stone Countertop Workers in Four States |
Q119333990 | Outdoor Workers and Poisonous Plant Exposures |
Q96619093 | Overlapping Vulnerabilities |
Q111688382 | Overview of Bitcoin Community Survey Feb-Mar 2013 |
Q107005739 | Overview of The ASTM F3502-21 Barrier Face Covering Standard |
Q105468384 | Overview of the ASTM F3407 Standard Test Method for Respirator Fit Capability |
Q120645621 | Own Metadata for Research and Science Communication |
Q109491700 | Own metadata for own blogposts – Bibliographies with open data and Wikidata |
Q96619005 | PPE-Info Database |
Q111292300 | Palamedes Redivivus (1678) und der handschriftliche Anhang des Dresdener/Zittauer Exemplars |
Q111282907 | Palamedes Redivivus (blog post) |
Q96619094 | Palm Tree Worker Suffocated by Palm Fronds – Another Death in California |
Q110436206 | Paradigm Shift: Museums of Mexico |
Q110770302 | Parliamentary elections in Bulgaria: Between anti-politics and a lack of majorities |
Q119334037 | Partnering to Design Safe and Healthy Workplaces for the Construction Workforce |
Q96618383 | Partnering to Educate English-Language Learners in Alaska on Worker Safety and Health |
Q100319752 | Partnering to Prevent Suicide in the Construction Industry – Building Hope and a Road to Recovery |
Q96619027 | Partnering to Promote Workplace Safety and Health in Tribal Communities |
Q132178353 | Partnering to Reduce the Risk to Firefighters Responding to High-risk Buildings |
Q96619081 | Partnership Increases Capacity in Agricultural Safety on the Navajo Nation |
Q118985352 | Passports as Pretext: How Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Could Start |
Q119027141 | Past political repression creates long-lasting mistrust |
Q119333944 | Pausas para ir al baño |
Q106034752 | Paying for a Green New Deal with Modern Monetary Theory |
Q84940017 | People Want to Fuck the Grinch |
Q131351873 | Peritos em pé de guerra - revista piauí |
Q96619264 | Persistent Pain in the Neck! What Resources Help you Prevent MSDs in the Workplace? |
Q96619513 | Persistent Pulmonary Fibrosis, Migration to the Pleura, and Other Preliminary New Findings after Subchronic Exposure to Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes |
Q119333716 | Personal Protective Equipment Fit in the Construction Sector |
Q111285788 | Personifizierte Spielsammlung: Daniel Rabel, Recit du Jeu (1625) |
Q111533456 | Personifizierte Spielsammlung: Das spielende Jahrhundert (Alconiere/Geiger, 1838) |
Q115699019 | Personifizierte Spielsammlung: Ein Kupferstich in den Frauenzimmer-Gesprächspielen |
Q111285651 | Personifizierte Spielsammlung: Nicolas de Larmessin, Habit de Tabletier (1695) |
Q114027183 | Personifizierte Spielsammlungen von Jerzy Skarżyński |
Q132178328 | Perspectives on Forest Operations Safety |
Q124339199 | Pesterwitz miniatures - travelogues, digital sources, cataloging stories with open data |
Q54599697 | Peter Suber on the State of Open Access: Where Are We, What Still Needs To Be Done? |
Q84857560 | Petersburger Passagen. Das Gesicht St. Petersburgs im neuen Geoportal des IOS |
Q110770299 | Phantomschmerzen: Bulgariens Geschichtspolitik und die Blockade der EU-Beitrittsverhandlungen mit Nordmakedonien. |
Q121833701 | Photo competition: Wiki Loves Monuments 2023 from September |
Q64869845 | Photographing the 1874 Transit of Venus |
Q96619036 | Pi at Work |
Q115773841 | Picture-text walks with Robert Lorenz, regional art and product development - fashion with history(s) in and from Görlitz |
Q124563526 | Pingback: Linkbuilding blogs with Linked Open Storytelling |
Q80976490 | Pixels In Print (Part 1): The First Arcade Video Game Ads |
Q117600374 | Plagiarism in Abiy Ahmed’s PhD Thesis: How will Addis Ababa University handle this? |
Q106417493 | Plastician announces Rinse FM departure |
Q106417499 | Plastician's Terrorhythm label releases new compilation Turquoise: download it for free inside |
Q71986253 | Platform Mapping |
Q101562968 | PlayStation 5 launches in November, starting at $399 for PS5 Digital Edition and $499 for PS5 with Ultra HD Blu-Ray Disc Drive |
Q96619426 | Pleuropulmonary disease in a polyacrylate facility |
Q67921509 | Pojďte na Svět knihy, bude tam Wikipedie! |
Q96619553 | Police and Stress |
Q123176878 | Polizeipräsidium Plauen: Archival records now searchable online |
Q104533384 | Polyphonie der Heimat – oder: Eine praxistheoretische und emotionshistorische Untersuchung von Heimatkonstruktionen in Sachsen, 1969-2000 |
Q96619565 | Portfolio Management at NIOSH |
Q110694923 | Posilujeme program Partnerství a GLAM a také advokační činnost |
Q96618505 | Potential Hazards of Additive Manufacturing |
Q120635843 | Power from wind: Open data on AWS |
Q96619279 | Powerful New Videos Encourage Those Who Qualify to Seek Care through the World Trade Center Health Program |
Q119333886 | Pre-pandemic Mental Health and Well-being of Healthcare Workers |
Q119333902 | Precarious Work, Job Stress, and Health-related Quality of Life |
Q96619192 | Preliminary Field Studies on Worker Exposures to Volatile Chemicals during Oil and Gas Extraction Flowback and Production Testing Operations |
Q96618380 | Preparing Your Fleet for Automated Vehicles |
Q124101887 | Preparing for the Future: NIOSH Applications of Strategic Foresight |
Q132178338 | Prevent Fungal Diseases in the Workplace |
Q96619536 | Preventing Back Injuries in Health Care Settings |
Q96619522 | Preventing Death and Injury in Tractor Overturns with Roll-Over Protective Structures |
Q96619282 | Preventing Deaths in Manure Storage Facilities Through Proper Ventilation |
Q96618525 | Preventing Electrocution of Construction Contract Workers |
Q96619592 | Preventing Fire Fighter Fatalities from Cardiovascular Events |
Q96619534 | Preventing Health Hazards from Metal Working Fluids |
Q107005752 | Preventing Needlestick Injuries at COVID–19 Vaccination Sites |
Q105468395 | Preventing Needlesticks and Sharps Injuries: Reflecting on the 20th Anniversary of the Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act |
Q96619577 | Preventing Needlesticks in Surgical Personnel |
Q119334267 | Preventing Opioid Overdose Deaths in the Workplace |
Q96619196 | Preventing Skin Cancer |
Q119334027 | Preventing Struck-by Fatalities Related to Excavator Quick Couplers, Buckets, and Attachments |
Q100319737 | Preventing Struck-by Injuries in Construction |
Q107005742 | Preventing Struck-by Injuries in Construction: Lift Zone Safety |
Q96618456 | Preventing Trenching Fatalities |
Q96619555 | Preventing Violence against Taxicab Drivers |
Q96619065 | Preventing Wood Chipper Fatalities |
Q119334101 | Prevention Through Design |
Q126353081 | Prevention Through Design to Address Continuing Construction Workplace Deaths and Injuries |
Q96619471 | Prevention in Health Reform |
Q124101917 | Prevention of Injuries and Fatalities Involving Overturn of Drill Rigs and other Specialty Equipment for Foundation Construction |
Q96619420 | Prevention through Design Standard |
Q62852288 | Preview |
Q109336307 | Priests’ libraries in the Dutch Republic |
Q125074234 | Priests’ libraries – Part 2: making our data operable |
Q132178333 | Primary Care and the Working Patient — Occupational Health Principles in Practice |
Q130417919 | Principle 'Linked Open by Default' |
Q110684333 | Principles for Open Scholarly Infrastructures |
Q126353040 | Prioritizing our Healthcare Workers: The Importance of Addressing the Intersection of Workplace Violence and Mental Health and Wellbeing |
Q131584204 | Processing Part 1 |
Q131584229 | Processing Part 2 |
Q119333616 | Programa de Salud del World Trade Center: Más de una década de proveer monitoreo y tratamiento médico |
Q112126163 | Projektmanagement in den Digital Humanities – World Café auf der DHd 2022 |
Q96619153 | Prolonged Standing at Work |
Q96618508 | Promoción del bienestar de las trabajadoras a través de la salud maternal e infantil: Adaptaciones para facilitar la lactancia materna en el lugar de trabajo |
Q124101905 | Promoting Best Practices for Clinical Care of 9/11-exposed Members |
Q119333781 | Promoting Partnerships to Explore the Impacts of Technological Change on Work and Well-being |
Q96618523 | Promoting Worker Well-Being through Maternal and Child Health: Breastfeeding Accommodations in the Workplace |
Q111690280 | Proof of Stake: How I Learned to Love Weak Subjectivity |
Q96618349 | Proper N95 Respirator Use for Respiratory Protection Preparedness |
Q126353039 | Proposed Framework for Developing and Evaluating Total Worker Health® Education and Training Programs |
Q96619092 | Protect Yourself at Work: A Series of Print and Video Materials for Spanish-speaking Immigrant Workers |
Q96619355 | Protecting Emergency Responders |
Q107005732 | Protecting Firefighters |
Q100319746 | Protecting Machine Operators from Silica Dust: Enclosed Cabs |
Q96619116 | Protecting Nail Salon Workers |
Q119333778 | Protecting Temporary Workers: Best Practices for Host Employers |
Q105468381 | Protecting Worker Hearing |
Q124101915 | Protecting Workers and the Public from Wildfire Smoke |
Q96619162 | Protecting Workers from Ebola: Eight Knowledge Generation Priorities |
Q132178332 | Protecting Workers on the Roadways: The Use of Truck-Mounted Attenuators in the Fire and Emergency Services |
Q96618999 | Protecting Young Workers in Retail Jobs |
Q126353076 | Protecting the Well-being of the Nation's Health Workforce |
Q132178350 | Providing Clarity Regarding the Regulation of Respirators Used in Health Care Settings |
Q105002816 | Prozkoumejte Česko na Wikidatech: 10 nejlepších Queries datového žurnalisty |
Q67923175 | První letošní číslo časopisu Wikimedium už je online |
Q69361703 | První českou knihu o Wikipedii napsali sami wikipedisté |
Q67171842 | První český oficiální časopis o Wikipedii |
Q110678796 | První český wikidatista-rezident: Institut umění – Divadelní ústav vykročil k otevřeným propojeným datům |
Q119333728 | Psychosocial Hazards Often Overlooked in Construction Industry |
Q112074954 | Public Gaslighting and Family Privacy |
Q114853545 | Public Humanities as Individualization of Research and Science Communication |
Q109248003 | Public Humanities as an open stage or: Why science in social media should also be fun |
Q110973662 | Public and Scientists’ Views on Science and Society |
Q101002874 | Publication case study - Miss Svenson's Classroom Detention |
Q96619412 | Puncture: Exposure for Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure |
Q114832429 | Qu'est-ce qu'une équipe autonome ? |
Q106903370 | Qu'est-ce que le microlearning? |
Q61583919 | Quellen zur Geschichte des Turnens in Dresden von der Mitte des 19. bis zur Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts |
Q105906295 | Quellen zur Reformationszeit in Borna. Ein Anfang … |
Q131584208 | Question 1.14 |
Q108215166 | Questioning Street Names Leipzig |
Q119982245 | RDF Named Graphs Blogpost |
Q109329659 | RESILIENCE – A Research Infrastructure for Religious Studies |
Q112256687 | RFC 1661: The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) |
Q112256781 | RFC 7480: HTTP usage in the Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP) |
Q112257806 | RFC 8415: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6) |
Q112263735 | RFC 9110: HTTP Semantics |
Q112264956 | RFC 9112: HTTP/1.1 |
Q112264804 | RFC 9113: HTTP/2 |
Q112263642 | RFC 9114: Hypertext Transfer Protocol Version 3 (HTTP/3) |
Q112264564 | RFC 9204: QPACK: Header Compression for HTTP/3 |
Q112255694 | RFC 9250: DNS over Dedicated QUIC Connections |
Q112254453 | RFC 9260: Stream Control Transmission Protocol |
Q113486962 | RFC 9285: The Base45 Data Encoding |
Q105754878 | ROBERT-STERL-PREIS 2020 – Mona Pourebrahim „GELASSENHEIT“ |
Q111600566 | RSA 2022 in Dublin |
Q111675225 | RV Stendal 1884, in: Radlerin und Radler, 15. April 1899 |
Q119334002 | Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Teleworking During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Q112423009 | Racing calendar for 1912 |
Q85713425 | Racionalidades médicas e práticas integrativas em saúde: estudos teóricos e empíricos |
Q106646572 | Radfahren in der Oberlausitz: Radfahrerbünde, Tourenbücher, Meisterschaften und Forschungsbedarf |
Q114552700 | Radio : Patrice Berger « gourmand de vie », « le sage du village »… |
Q54606827 | Radio Berkman: Open Accessories |
Q115590865 | Radlerin und Radler: Christmas 1901. The Bicylce of the future |
Q61986951 | Rape Day will not ship on Steam |
Q127843935 | Rape-Revenge Films: A Critical Study, by Alexandra Heller-Nicholas – Book Review by Marietta Steinhart |
Q112914044 | Rassismus – Eine wissenschaftliche Argumentationshilfe |
Q130418092 | Re-thinking dementia care: Day Care vs. Recreation |
Q109327038 | ReIReS meetings in Paris |
Q96619211 | Reaching Towards a Healthier, Safer Workplace:NIOSH looks at healthcare worker familiarity with recommended respiratory protection practices |
Q125544118 | Reacții populare de de-mobilizare și pacifism în regiunile de frontieră din România, Polonia și URSS între cele două războaie mondiale |
Q130326645 | Reading Hypertext: Reading Blue Hyacinth |
Q54555842 | Realising the BOAI Vision: Peter Suber's Advice |
Q105246234 | Rebooting the State Council Increases Putin’s Power |
Q107005738 | Recent News about Night Shift Work and Cancer: What Does it Mean for Workers? |
Q107005731 | Recognizing Exemplary Science and Service |
Q105468403 | Recognizing Health Literacy at NIOSH |
Q110770304 | Reconfiguring politics in Moldova |
Q131897019 | Recordando a Gabriel García Márquez, a 10 años de su partida |
Q75047650 | Recovering Nintendo’s Lost SimCity for the NES |
Q109327130 | Redesigning the “engage!” board game – my public humanities internship |
Q119334021 | Reducción de las enfermedades ocupacionales crónicas: Programa Multisectorial CRC |
Q96618406 | Reducing Fatigue and Stress in the Retail Industry: Workplace solutions |
Q119334310 | Reducing Occupational Chronic Disease: CRC Cross Sector Program |
Q96619299 | Reducing Taxicab Homicides |
Q96618955 | Reducing Whole Body Vibration to Improve the Safety and Health of Bus Drivers |
Q96619273 | Reducing Worker Exposure to ETS |
Q119334287 | Reducing the Risk of Rhabdomyolysis and Other Heat-Related Illnesses in Landscaping and Tree Care Workers |
Q96619538 | References for "Preventing Back Injuries in Health Care Settings" |
Q96619544 | References for "Respiratory Health Consequences Resulting from the Collapse of the World Trade Center" |
Q96619591 | References: Truck Driver Safety and Health |
Q66491002 | Refining the Definition of “Open” in Open Content |
Q132178316 | Reflecting on 2024: Workplace and Worker Safety, Health, and Well-being |
Q119333859 | Reflecting on the NIOSH Education and Research Centers’ Continuing Education and Outreach |
Q111170894 | Reflecting – on good or bad blogging, but no Thread |
Q96619459 | Reflections on the INTERPHONE Study of Cell Phones and Brain Cancer |
Q112939608 | Regeltexte zum Rümpfen |
Q115616699 | Regional history digital. Some thoughts on the publication of the anthology |
Q89071278 | Regionale Kulturdatenquellen: alte Texte über Sachsen mit Wikisource verbessern |
Q105296136 | Regionalportal Saxorum. Ein Internetangebot zu Geschichte, Alltag und Kultur in Sachsen |
Q65288899 | Regionenbezogene Sinnstiftung durch Antikerezeption in der sächsischen Landes- und Regionalgeschichtsschreibung des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts |
Q105468378 | Relationship Advice on Valentine's Day: Quality Assurance—In a Respirator, That Is |
Q107005757 | Relationship Advice on Valentine’s Day: Quality Assurance—In a Respirator, That Is |
Q119334055 | Release of National Academies Consensus Study Report on Protecting Workers and the Public From Inhalation Hazards |
Q113549958 | Religions numériques en Afrique |
Q113152281 | Religious Groups and Scholars of Islam in the Syrian Revolution |
Q112915601 | Reliquien des Nationalismus |
Q106903558 | Remixer et concevoir un jeu de plateau sur l’open access |
Q131369990 | Rencontres et culture arméniennes : présentation de l’association arménienne d’Auvergne |
Q115777361 | Rep. Judy Morgan: The Stalwart Democrat |
Q111328696 | Report from Hessen: Wikisource and Citizen Science – for Nassau |
Q121307577 | Report of the Workshop "Religions on Campus: Coexisting Traditions, Reformulating the Secular and Life Projects" |
Q121307560 | Report – Workshop 16-17 November, 2021 |
Q96619222 | Reports of Worker Fatalities during Flowback Operations |
Q130752134 | Repository Wikimedia Commons and interwikilinks |
Q96619034 | Research Day 2016 Brings Together Students, Alumni, and Professionals |
Q100319770 | Research Questions for Aerosol Scientists Addressing COVID-19 and the Workplace |
Q119333683 | Research Shows Benefits of Reduced Aerial Ladder Rung Spacing |
Q123746634 | Research data and methods for artworks with Wikimedia Commons |
Q109329637 | Research in times of COVID |
Q98843179 | Research questions at the interfaces between library, SLUB textlab and Digital Humanities |
Q96619532 | Research to Practice for Injury Prevention |
Q109332795 | Research visit in New Zealand: Modelling the spread of COVID-19 on higher-order networks |
Q119333752 | Researching Risk of Birth Defects Among Children of Male Firefighters |
Q119333626 | Researching Risk of Birth Defects Among Pregnant Nail Salon Workers and Hairdressers |
Q130553168 | Researching the association's history online: Materials on the Royal Saxon Antiquities Society in the SLUB Digital Collections |
Q119334067 | Resolve to Protect the Safety and Health of Workers Manufacturing Fitness Equipment |
Q48721267 | Resource discovery and Wikidata |
Q96619258 | Respirator Care = Safe to Wear! |
Q96619111 | Respiratory Hazards for Latino Horse Farm Workers |
Q96619540 | Respiratory Health Consequences Resulting from the Collapse of the World Trade Center |
Q119334120 | Respiratory Health Research at NIOSH |
Q96618342 | Respiratory Protection During Outbreaks: Respirators versus Surgical Masks |
Q119334260 | Respiratory Protection Week 2021 Resources and Review |
Q119333880 | Respiratory Protection Week 2022: Staying Committed to Proper Respiratory Protection Practices |
Q124101907 | Respiratory Protection Week 2023: Filling in the Gaps |
Q96619492 | Respiratory Protection for Terrorist Threats and Other Emergencies |
Q96619406 | Respiratory Protection for Workers Handling Engineered Nanoparticles |
Q100319756 | Respiratory Protection vs. Source Control – What's the difference? |
Q56377493 | Response to comments on the article “The social construction of technological stasis: The stagnating data structure in OpenStreetMap” |
Q130306556 | Responses to "On Reading 300 Works of Electronic Literature: Preliminary Reflections" |
Q131754729 | Resuscitating the Sharīʿa in South Asia |
Q96618755 | Retail Worker Safety and Health during the Holidays |
Q112526724 | Retraction leads to review change at SAGE journal |
Q118220545 | Retrieving and displaying data from Wikipedia with YQL |
Q80976997 | Review Roundup: Was E.T. Really the “Worst Game Ever”? |
Q112774351 | Review of A Critical Edition of 'Umdat Al-Nāzir 'alā Al-Ashbāh wa'l-Nazā 'ir |
Q127696224 | Review: The Space Between Trees |
Q104517409 | Richard Pouyat, National Program Lead for Air and Soil Quality, USDA Forest Service |
Q96618471 | Right Sensors Used Right: A Life-cycle Approach for Real-time Monitors and Direct Reading Methodologies and Data. A Call to Action for Customers, Creators, Curators, and Analysts. |
Q100319745 | Rising to the Challenges and Opportunities Presented by the Future of Work: NIOSH introduces its Future of Work Initiative |
Q119333893 | Risk-Based Model to Resume Field Research and Public Health Service During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Q96618864 | Risky Business |
Q105962441 | Rituelle Lästerungen |
Q112008380 | Road race „Zittau–Leipzig“ (204km) |
Q111686850 | Robot DJ uproar and the secret behind automation-resistant jobs |
Q117196699 | Rollenspielzeitschriften 2022 |
Q105964683 | Rote Karte für Blasphemie |
Q63407696 | Rurbanität in Dresden und München 1870 bis 1914 |
Q119026835 | Russia’s Aggression against Ukraine and the Idealised Symbolism of Nuremberg |
Q118985228 | Russlands Passportisierung des Donbas |
Q67159466 | Rádi jsme se s vámi potkali na Světu knihy 2009 |
Q106494841 | SDG 1 No Poverty - UN Sustainable Development Goals |
Q106497230 | SDG 2 Zero Hunger - UN Sustainable Development Goals |
Q96619480 | SPIROLA: A Solution for More Effective Use |
Q113365069 | SRB newspaper, Weltrunde, 8. Juli 1899 |
Q96631791 | SUCHE Gutachter*innen: Fliegende Frauen und Männer in der digitalen Heimatforschung |
Q61467047 | Sachsen im industriellen Zeitalter |
Q86521499 | Sachsens Industrie zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts und ihre Darstellung in den „Historisch-biographischen Blättern“ |
Q68458152 | Sachsens weibliche Seite. Historische Frauenbiografien an Elbe und Mulde |
Q132178349 | Safe 3D Printing is for Everyone, Everywhere |
Q96619374 | Safe Handling of Advanced Nanomaterials |
Q96619220 | Safe Handling of Hazardous Drugs |
Q96618624 | Safe-in-Sound Award Celebrates 10 Years and New Partner |
Q96619376 | Safer and Healthier at Any Age: Strategies for an Aging Workforce |
Q96618677 | Safety Across Cultures |
Q100319784 | Safety Culture and Health Care |
Q124101901 | Safety Culture in Healthcare Settings |
Q96619429 | Safety Has Not Been Asked to Prom |
Q119333747 | Safety Intervention Grant Programs Can Be Effective in Preventing Workplace Injuries |
Q96619393 | Safety Pays. Falls Cost |
Q96619214 | Safety Sustainability |
Q96619303 | Safety and Health for Fire Fighters |
Q96619154 | Safety and Health for Immigrant Workers |
Q96619486 | Safety and Health for Tattooists and Piercers |
Q96619467 | Safety and Health for Younger Workers |
Q96619505 | Safety and Health in the Horse-Racing Industry |
Q96619385 | Safety and Health in the Theater: Keeping Tragedy out of the Comedies…and Musicals…and Dramas |
Q96619340 | Safety for Santa |
Q124101911 | Safety for Workers in Elementary and Secondary Schools |
Q102196144 | Sakura Wars Takes Center Stage on PS4 April 28 |
Q117312372 | Salafists and the Missing State in the Sahel |
Q105003025 | Samet na školách s Wikipedií |
Q132145284 | Samizdat literature as a source for national and regional historical research? |
Q106807647 | Sanctifying the Senses: Thoughts on Beyoncé as Liberative Praxis |
Q119334109 | Santa’s Workshop Keeps Spirits Bright with Total Worker Health Strategies |
Q130306762 | Saul Bass Title Sequences (selections) |
Q119333955 | Save Your Hearing Day |
Q96619579 | Saving Miners' Lives with Video-based Training |
Q106292030 | Saxon industrial history locally and regionally: current research results |
Q64005398 | Saxony’s Arboreal Curiosities, or: How to Root (Hi)Stories |
Q26836254 | Saxorum. Ein Weblog für interdisziplinäre Landeskunde in Sachsen |
Q105987158 | Schleichende Erosion – Hong Kongs ungewisse Zukunft |
Q63213807 | Schloss Lichtenburg in der sächsischen Geschichte |
Q66384739 | Schůzka české technické wikikomunity na letošním Hackathonu: začala práce na návodu pro veřejné instituce, které mají zájem o Wikidata |
Q114853640 | Science Ink – Scholarly communication off the track |
Q131148887 | Science by the People: Participation, Power, and the Politics of Environmental Knowledge |
Q110686511 | Science needs to inform the public. That can’t be done solely in English |
Q119333825 | Scientific Peer Review During the Pandemic and Beyond: Changes, Benefits, and Impacts |
Q69917475 | Screenwriter Patricia Louisianna Knop Dies at 78 |
Q119333872 | Seasoned Employees in the Landscaping Services Industry |
Q123846864 | Seasons of Green DH and Thirsty Computing |
Q96619500 | Secondhand Smoke and Casino Dealers |
Q128720407 | Section 230 is Good, Actually |
Q115566144 | Seeing yourself in the world |
Q130547069 | Seitenwechsel, July 2024: News from the IOS library |
Q131407767 | Seizing my means of computation |
Q131407759 | Self-deploying more of my own small web |
Q131897018 | Semblanza de Julio Cortázar, ¿realidad o fantasía? |
Q96619242 | Semi-Autonomous Motor Vehicles: What Are the Implications for Work-related Road Safety? |
Q86863268 | Senator Calls For Review Of All Anime And Manga In Australia |
Q86862250 | Senator Says Sword Art Online 'Undoubtedly Features The Abuse Of Children' |
Q109375120 | Seniorské Wikiměsto letos s rekordní účastí |
Q110436264 | Serendipity and readability: Building an engaging online collection site with limited resources |
Q106509420 | Serielles Erzählen, Gastbeiträge und punktgenaue Metadaten in Gartenlaube-Illustrationen : strategische #Wisskomm mit #LinkedOpenStorytelling für die #DigitalHumanities |
Q96618428 | Serpientes venenosas: un peligro olvidado para quienes trabajan al aire libre |
Q119333869 | Setting Objectives for Fatigue Detection Technologies |
Q105985047 | Sexismus. Oder die #MeNot-Illusion |
Q114728922 | Seznamte se s porotou Czech Wiki Photo 2021 |
Q119333641 | Sharing quality information on all things related to hearing: Wiki4WorldHearingDay2023 |
Q112074945 | She Works Hard for the Money/Man/Shoes/Herself/Her Sisters… |
Q96618958 | Shift Work and Sleep |
Q119333978 | Shiftwork May Lead to Health Problems among Police Officers: What Can be Done? Using Buffalo Cardio-Metabolic Occupational Police Stress (BCOPS) Study Data to Examine First Responder Health |
Q105485577 | Shizuka R.I.P. |
Q96618892 | Short Sleep Duration by Occupation Group |
Q106903513 | Si je sketchnote, j’apprends ? |
Q121120105 | Signs of a publishing paradigm shift - Georg Fischer and Dario Haux on the unbundling of science and publishing |
Q96619255 | Silica Hazards from Engineered Stone Countertops |
Q96619107 | Silicosis Update |
Q96618550 | Simplify: How to quickly code industry and occupation data |
Q100319775 | Skin Irritation from Prolonged Use of Tight-Fitting Respirators |
Q96619465 | Skin…Exposed! |
Q106417495 | Skit Talks on the Origins of WAVEMOB and What Classifies Wave Music in His Reddit AMA |
Q96619398 | Sleep and Work |
Q96619370 | Sleep, Pain, and Hospital Workers |
Q96618404 | Small Business International Travel: NIOSH Has You Covered |
Q96618480 | Small Business Week: Take time to Celebrate! |
Q113088573 | Small Editions for Digital Humanities |
Q125365549 | Small editions with links: On popular cooking [soup kitchen] in the family, 1883 |
Q125843952 | Smells like team spirit – DH Lab retreat 2024 |
Q96619248 | So How Accurate Are These Smartphone Sound Measurement Apps? |
Q124101892 | Social Connection and Worker Well-being |
Q117382045 | Social Media Fact Sheet |
Q96619262 | Social Media at NIOSH – The Year in Review |
Q56119994 | Social media and crisis management |
Q115784632 | Socially Distant, Spiritually Connected: Religious activities on the University of Ibadan campus amid the coronavirus pandemic |
Q48714853 | Some ways Wikidata can improve search and discovery |
Q86863587 | Someone Filed An FOI Request About Warface, A Game First Classified In 2013 |
Q96619064 | Songs with Workplace Safety and Health Themes |
Q98636483 | Sorbische Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft in der Transformation. Kulturelles Erbe zwischen ethnischer Selbstvergewisserung und ökonomischer Inwertsetzung |
Q106417487 | Sorsari – Worlds Away EP |
Q106673307 | Sources of cycling history @deHypotheses |
Q100707252 | Soutěž Popiš památku je za námi! Zde jsou vítězové |
Q100134487 | Soziales Erbe: Postsozialistische Vereinigungen ehemaliger DDR-Betriebskollektive zwischen Traditionalisierung und neuer Vergemeinschaftung |
Q96618366 | Special Delivery! Remember the Workers Behind Your Holiday Packages |
Q131430985 | Special status in the ‘University Reorganisation East’? The transformation of TU Dresden after 1989/90 |
Q78313742 | Speculation: The Future of Citizen Science in Saxony |
Q108731296 | Speedy Literature Reviews Using Wikidata and Mining Tools |
Q27981330 | Spider-Man Takes Flight in the First, Tiny Glimpse at Spider-Man: Homecoming |
Q24075225 | Spider-Man: Homecoming Now Casting High School Extras |
Q111285609 | Spiele im Bild, spielerische Bilder |
Q111285682 | Spielkarten(ver)kleidung |
Q128367580 | Spiritualism in Brazil: Alive and Kicking | Skeptical Inquirer |
Q96619482 | Spirola Figures |
Q96618728 | Spirometry Training Video Release |
Q106890695 | Spitzenmode aus dem Vogtland. Katalogband zur Bedeutung der Kunstschule Plauen für die Textilindustrie der Region und darüber hinaus |
Q24073917 | Spoilers: The Secret Ending of Iron Man 2 Revealed |
Q102128120 | Spolupráce s Institutem umění-Divadelním ústavem – aneb proč by každá instituce měla mít wikidatistu-rezidenta |
Q110679073 | Spolupráce s Institutem umění-Divadelním ústavem – aneb proč by každá instituce měla mít wikidatistu-rezidenta |
Q96619163 | Spooky Safety |
Q113827418 | St. John Vianney’s Pastoral Plan for Eucharistic Revival |
Q119026824 | Staatlichkeit und das Mantra des Exports im Jugoslawien der 1970er und 1980er Jahre: Wie der Schiffbau zum Kentern eines sozialistischen Staates beitrug |
Q107368366 | Stadtgeschichte digital. Den „Tabakrausch an der Elbe“ online erforschen |
Q100319772 | Stand-Down for Falls in Its 7th Year: Fatal Falls are Falling |
Q107005745 | Stand-Down for Falls in Its 8th Year: Continuing Need to Prevent Falls in Construction in the U.S. and Internationally |
Q119333669 | Standing Down to Prevent Falls in Construction |
Q96619016 | Standing–Down to Prevent Falls in Construction |
Q131397977 | Start of Bengali-German Community Exchange Project |
Q96619456 | State-based Occupational Safety and Health Surveillance |
Q119333875 | Statement From WTC Health Program Administrator John Howard, M.D. Commemorating 21 Years Since September 11, 2001 |
Q119334257 | Statement by Dr. John Howard Commemorating 20 Years Since September 11, 2001 |
Q96618408 | Statement by Dr. John Howard on the September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance |
Q100319750 | Statement by Dr. John Howard on the September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance 2020 |
Q124101888 | Stay Safe and Warm This Holiday Season Like Frosty the Worker |
Q119333756 | Staying Safe Up on the Rooftop and in Extreme Temperatures |
Q88438379 | Stets zu Diensten: Häusliches Dienstpersonal in städtischen Bürgerhaushalten in Sachsen (1835-1918) |
Q105962292 | Stichwort „Invektivität“ |
Q105908150 | Stoffdruckereien in Mylau |
Q96619469 | Strains, Sprains, and Pains in Home Healthcare: Working in an Uncontrolled Environment |
Q119333906 | Strategies for Advancing Occupational Safety and Health: Examining Health Inequities |
Q110436242 | Strategy 3.0: What is Digital Strategy Now? |
Q96619368 | Stress and Health in Law Enforcement |
Q119333696 | Struck-By Injuries in the Construction Sector: Common Hazards, Barriers, and Opportunities to Keep Workers Safe |
Q110436203 | Structuring for digital success: A global survey of how museums and other cultural organizations resource, fund, and structure their digital teams and activity |
Q119333889 | Students Making Their Mark at NIOSH |
Q119334145 | Students’ Contributions to Wikipedia: Making it easier for everyone to find, understand, and use health information |
Q107475953 | Subscriptions no longer needed: flipping journals to Open Access while supporting existing OA publications |
Q130328504 | Subvirtiendo signos: la estrategia de la apropiación en la cultura contemporánea |
Q96619012 | Suicide Among Former NFL Players |
Q119334254 | Suicide Prevention for Healthcare Workers |
Q96618416 | Suicide Risk for Veterinarians and Veterinary Technicians |
Q107005744 | Suicides Among First Responders: A Call to Action |
Q96618341 | Summary of Recommendations from the Fire Fighter Fatality Investigation and Prevention Program from 2006—2014 |
Q96619551 | Summer Hazards for Workers |
Q126897740 | Summer course 24/8 with cultural data and edits for your own research |
Q128467739 | Summer projects: Travelling with Citizen Science or wanderlust and accompanying research |
Q115784617 | Sunday Dancing Club at MFM |
Q100319754 | Supplementing the Supply of N95s with Reusable Elastomeric Half Mask Respirators |
Q126353056 | Support for Existing Expertise: Community-focused training initiatives to improve the safety and health of Tribal buffalo herd workers |
Q126353059 | Supporting Mental Health in the Workplace |
Q119334238 | Supportive Leaders Drive Organizational Improvements and Employee Health and Well-Being |
Q100319792 | Surgical Smoke Inhalation: Dangerous Consequences for the Surgical Team |
Q126353070 | Sweating the Small Stuff: 20 years of NIOSH Research on Engineering Controls for Nanotechnology |
Q96618914 | Synthetic Biology and Occupational Risk |
Q96618752 | Systematic Review for Occupational Safety and Health Questions |
Q111689884 | Systemically important cryptocurrency networks – Fintech Policy |
Q113453165 | Sächsische Dorfzeitung, 05. August 1897. – „Aufruf.“ |
Q82232566 | Sächsische Industriestädte in interdisziplinärer und vergleichender Perspektive |
Q69736798 | Sächsische Ortsdaten in der Linked Open Data Cloud: Teilautomatisierte Anreicherung und Analyse der HOV-ID in Wikidata |
Q115668275 | Sächsische Radfahrer-Zeitung: 07. Januar 1899 |
Q111605545 | Sächsische Radfahrer-Zeitung: There should be enough work for the near future |
Q63976148 | Sächsische Theologen im Nationalsozialismus. Neuerscheinung gibt Einblicke in ihre Lebensläufe |
Q80976626 | TFW a Twitter bot solves a video game mystery |
Q24089311 | THOR Review |
Q64869608 | TR-1 The World’s First Transistor Radio |
Q126353043 | Tackling Mental Health Challenges in the Public Safety Sector: Implementing and Evaluating Mental Health Programs |
Q113383200 | Tactical Nearbyism in Maynooth – conference report for Wikimedia+Libraries International Convention 2022 |
Q131148888 | Tactics of Power and Empowerment in Knowledge-Making Infrastructures |
Q107005735 | Take Action Now to Prevent Heat-Related Illness at Work |
Q100319761 | Take Action to Protect Your Hearing |
Q96619504 | Take Aim at Protecting Yourself |
Q119333831 | Taking Action on Health Equity: A Tale of 2 Clinics |
Q107005743 | Taking it to the Streets… and the Mines |
Q96619437 | Tales of Toil |
Q110541220 | Tattooed Lady Betty Broadbent - 16 Questions |
Q116263599 | Tax Filing Simplification Act is Anything But Simple |
Q105530779 | Teaching FCIL Research Series: A New FCIL Librarian’s Very First FCIL Research Course |
Q131584194 | Tech vs. Nature |
Q100947968 | Technische Bildung in der Kleinstadt: die Beispiele Frankenberg und Hainichen |
Q96618737 | Technology at the North Pole |
Q115222469 | Tell Congress to Keep Copyright Out of Must-Pass Legislation |
Q110967926 | Text Mining in R and Python: 8 Tips To Get Started | R-bloggers |
Q109330409 | Text zu XML mit Python auf Basis des „Bomber’s Baedeker“ |
Q96619179 | Thank You Truck Drivers! |
Q96619156 | Thanksgiving Ergonomics: Reducing material handling injuries with engineering controls |
Q96619548 | The "No Fit Test" Respirator Research Workshop |
Q96618993 | The "S" in NIOSH |
Q110436214 | The (post) digital visitor: What has (almost) twenty years of museum audience research revealed? |
Q106903611 | The 100 Worst Ed-Tech Debacles of the Decade |
Q111657032 | The 15 kilometres turned around in terms of cultural history? |
Q64878825 | The 1886 Australian Photographic Journal |
Q96618535 | The 2018 Summer Occupational Health Internship Program (OHIP) |
Q109327155 | The Archaeology of Reading, COVID-19, and online teaching |
Q96618906 | The Art and Science of OELs for Nanomaterials |
Q119333762 | The Availability and Validity of Information on Children Exposed to the 9/11/2001 Disaster |
Q131808868 | The BBC’s fundamental misunderstanding of copyright |
Q111654543 | The Bautzen Archive Network. City and state branch archives under one roof |
Q111655623 | The Beeskow Municipal Archives |
Q131481156 | The Brazilian Far-Right and the Path to January 8th |
Q96618356 | The Burden of Work-Related Asthma |
Q96619490 | The Business Case for Safety and Health |
Q100319748 | The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Opioid Overdose Epidemic: A Perfect Storm for Workers? |
Q124101893 | The Cannabis Industry and Work-related Asthma and Allergies |
Q109296066 | The Challenge of Motivation – How Participants Stay on the Ball (or Not) |
Q96619416 | The Continuing Persistence of Silicosis |
Q67200635 | The Czech Wikipedia has 150,000 articles |
Q121094614 | The DH Lab as a living oxymoron |
Q111655611 | The Dahme-Spreewald District Archive in Luckau |
Q89411976 | The Dangerous Rogue States Operating in the Mideast — U.S. and Israel |
Q119319905 | The Dangers of Pseudohistorical Conspiracy Theories |
Q108833783 | The DataCite MDC Stack |
Q130730448 | The Dematerialization Crusade | Skeptical Inquirer |
Q111655131 | The Dresden Main State Archives. Saxony's history under one roof |
Q119333738 | The Effectiveness of DIY Air Filtration Units |
Q96619477 | The Effectiveness of Workplace Training |
Q131754726 | The Endangered Sharīʿa |
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Q96618515 | Towards a Biosocial Approach to Occupational Safety and Health |
Q124101910 | Training to Reduce Heat Stress Incidents Among Miners |
Q119334185 | Transformation of H&S Real-time Sensors Data into Information and Knowledge: Experiences, Future Needs, and Applied Processes |
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Q116234499 | Trois questions à Bello Adamou Mahamadou |
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Q132816920 | Trust, archives, and history. The IEG LivArch Workshop on documenting the ongoing war in Ukraine |
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Q96618520 | Twenty–Nine Year Summary of Silicosis in Michigan |
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Q96619126 | UPDATE: Reports of Worker Fatalities during Manual Tank Gauging and Sampling in the Oil and Gas Extraction Industry |
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Q102700755 | Un Bout du Monde: For citizen ownership of the media! |
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Q109336304 | Uncovering censorship in the 16th century with Transkribus and Python. Episode I: OCR with Latin prints |
Q109336322 | Uncovering censorship in the 16th century with Transkribus and Python. Episode II: Let Python speak to Transkribus |
Q109336330 | Uncovering censorship in the 16th century with Transkribus and Python. Episode III: Normalizing 16th century raw text |
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Q109336429 | Uncovering censorship in the 16th century with Transkribus and Python. Episode V: How did the censors actually change the text? |
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Q96619053 | Understanding Noise Exposure Limits: Occupational vs. General Environmental Noise |
Q119334249 | Understanding Workplace Ageism |
Q121105544 | Understanding machine unlearning: goldfish anatomy |
Q96618814 | Understanding respiratory protection options in Healthcare: The Overlooked Elastomeric |
Q105468390 | Understanding the Broad Class of Carbon Nanotubes and Nanofibers (CNT/F) Used or Produced in U.S. Facilities |
Q96618733 | Understanding the Economic Benefit Associated with NIOSH Research and Services: A New Analysis of NIOSH Impact by RAND |
Q96618362 | Understanding the Economic Benefit Associated with NIOSH Research and Services: A Second Report of NIOSH Impact by RAND |
Q96618336 | Understanding the Use of Imported Non-NIOSH-Approved Respirators |
Q131433656 | Unearthed emails: Monsanto connected to campaign to retract GMO paper |
Q84858459 | Ungleichheit und Migration in Europa: Das Beispiel der Gastarbeiter aus Jugoslawien |
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Q105531939 | Unterwegs in Leipzig zu Bach, Mendelssohn und den Schumanns. Sechs beschauliche Führungen nach Vorgaben von Petra Dießner und Anselm Hartinger |
Q119334290 | Updated OSHA-NIOSH Small Business Safety and Health Handbook: Making Workplaces Safer with Checklists |
Q62761098 | User Reviews Revisited |
Q119334240 | Using CPWR’s Small Study Program to Explore Emerging and Persistent Health and Safety Hazards and Innovative Solutions in the Construction Industry |
Q96618839 | Using Clear Communication at NIOSH |
Q96619502 | Using Digital Chest Images to Monitor the Health of Coal Miners and Other Workers |
Q130306465 | Using Gowalla to Create a Historical Narrative |
Q126353062 | Using Internal Traffic Control Plans to Prevent Construction Worker Injuries and Fatalities in Work Zones |
Q119334274 | Using Machine Learning to Code Occupational Surveillance Data: A Cooperative Effort between NIOSH and the Harvard Computer Society – Tech for Social Good Program |
Q96619507 | Using No-nose (Noseless) Bicycle Saddles to Prevent Genital Numbness and Sexual Dysfunction |
Q96618967 | Using Occupation and Industry Information to Better Serve Your Patient Population |
Q124101896 | Using Public Health Data to Protect Workers in the Oil and Gas Extraction Industry |
Q49263972 | Using Wikidata to build an authority list of Holocaust-era ghettos – EHRI Document Blog |
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Q96618687 | Using Worker Health Charts to Learn About Your Workplace |
Q96619265 | Using Workers' Compensation Records for Safety and Health Research |
Q107005750 | Using Workplace Absences to Measure How COVID-19 Affects America’s Workers |
Q96618995 | Using a Seat Belt: A safety priority on- and off-the-job |
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Q124101886 | Want to Improve the Well-Being of Health Workers? The System Itself Must Change |
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Q119027134 | Warning shots from Kosovo: an end to the West's naivety is urgently needed |
Q96619447 | Warning: Surgeon General Finds that Cigarette Smoking Is Even More Dangerous to Your Health |
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Q117193690 | When Might Is Wrong: Addressing Azerbaijan’s Refusal to Comply with the ICJ’s Order to Unblock the Lachin Corridor |
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