blog post

individual entry on a blog

blog post is …
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sublass of (P279):

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Reverse relations

instance of (P31)
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Q96619150Building Better Buoyancy – Developing Innovative Life Vests for Commercial Fishermen
Q132859968Building the (Open) Data Ecosystem
Q110627492Bundesservice Telekommunikation — wie ich versehentlich eine Tarnbehörde in der Bundesverwaltung fand
Q96618478Burden, Need and Impact: An Evidence-Based Method to Identify Worker Safety and Health Research Priorities
Q98786173Bury me in Chicago because I want to remain politically active
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Q96619200Buy Quiet Update
Q109415446Buyer Persona erstellen: Eine verständliche Anleitung
Q121832825Böse Menschen haben keine Lieder. Notizen zu Fußballhymnen, Vereinsliedern und Fangesängen in der Bundesliga
Q113115765Bürger, Bauer, Bettelmann? Ökonomische Implikationen intergenerationalen Transfers sozioökonomischer Charakteristika (Deutschland, 16.-20. Jahrhundert)
Q91402630Bürgerkriegsähnliche Zustände in Sachsen? Neue Regionalstudie zur politischen Gewalt in der Endphase der Weimarer Republik erschienen
Q104886617Bürgerwissenschaft, Bibliothek und offene Kulturdaten
Q108625437Bürgerwissenschaften an und mit Bibliotheken im Weißbuch „Citizen Science-Strategie 2030 für Deutschland“
Q132178343COFE – The Future of Forest Operations
Q109774523COP26: Após ataques, Txai Suruí teme pela segurança no Brasil
Q119334161COPD Awareness
Q107005751COVID-19 Poses Big Challenges for Small Construction Firms
Q100319799COVID-19 Stress Among Your Workers? Healthy Work Design and Well-Being Solutions Are Critical
Q105246241COVID-19 and Kazakhstan: An Overview
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Q105468386COVID-19 and Workplace Fatigue: Lessons Learned and Mitigation Strategies
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Q114832503Calculer votre impact prévisionnel peut-il faire décoller votre Startup d’Etat ?
Q107395304Call for blog posts for the multilingual knowledge of the near surroundings with ‚Nearby‘ queries
Q114436073Call: Local history calendar (yesterday) today [[tomorrow]]
Q109329652Calling for data publication workshops in historical research
Q125208836Camenzer Wochenschrift - Freedom of the press with open data
Q96618779Can Drones Make Construction Safer?
Q105468402Can Exoskeletons Reduce Musculoskeletal Disorders in Healthcare Workers?
Q130735330Can Memory Europeanize Us? The EU Memory Framework and Contested Memories of the Yugoslav Wars in Contemporary Serbia
Q96619168Can Predictive Analytics Help Reduce Workplace Risk?
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Q96619144Can Workplace Exposures Increase Risks of Birth Defects? – Epidemiology in Action
Q130305664Can cash transfer programmes help mental health outcomes among Africa’s young people?:
Q117382043Can't Delete: Why We Stay on Social Media | Psychology Today
Q119334006Cancer Incidence, Latency, and Survival in World Trade Center Rescue/Recovery Workers
Q100319798Cannabis and Work: Implications, Impairment, and the Need for Further Research
Q100319764Cannabis and Work: The Need for More Research
Q113152434Canons: Specific and General aṣl
Q124310973Capital of the Völkisch? A study of nationalist movements in Dresden during the German Empire and the Weimar Republic
Q96618956Capturing Work-related Injuries from Emergency Department Data
Q96618979Cardiovascular Health Status by Occupational Group
Q123002123Carsten Hjort Lange: Civil War Seen Through the Lens of Ancient History, in: Stasis – Avenues to Ancient Civil War, October 10, 2023, doi: 10.59350/5b9hv-1xz57
Q96619334Catching the Flu: NIOSH Research on Airborne Influenza Transmission
Q96618459Celebrate National Safety Month
Q100319805Celebrate National Safety Month
Q126353107Celebrating 20 Years of Research: Highlights From NIOSH's Nanotechnology Research Center's Field Studies Team
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Q119333817Celebrating National Ergonomics Month
Q132178329Celebrating National Ergonomics Month
Q96618965Celebrating National Farm Safety and Health Week: Farm Safety: A Legacy to Be Proud Of
Q105468393Celebrating Nurses
Q119333812Celebrating the 3rd International Symposium to Advance Total Worker Health®
Q119334128Center for Direct Reading and Sensor Technologies
Q67922512Ceny za rozvoj české Wikipedie ve fotografii i jinak
Q126353074Changing Mindsets on Hearing Disorders Associated with Work Hazards
Q116728109Changing the face of Wikipedia
Q119334293Changing with the Times: The Journey to Interactive Charts
Q96618573Characterizing 3D Printing Emissions and Controls in an Office Environment
Q116211517Chemnitz 1734 - a look back in and with a contemporary chronicle
Q82266328Chemnitz und Sachsen als „wichtige Kerne einer regionalen, deutschen und globalen Industriegeschichte“
Q98492058Chemnitzer Bürgerbeteiligung im Wandel der Zeiten
Q96618658Chia-Chia Chang, MBA, MPH; Adele Childress, PhD; and Sara Tamers, PhD: Advancing Total Worker Health initiatives through Partnerships, Workforce Development, and Research
Q105468385Choosing the “Right” Fatigue Monitoring and Detection Technology
Q63009227Christian Complains About Atheist Students at a High School
Q105908727Christian Gotthelf Brückner – innovatives Unternehmertum im frühen 19. Jahrhundert
Q114407547Christian Vanderheids Mariage und Franz Ungers Plagiat
Q96618680Christine M. Branche, PhD, Protecting America's Construction Workers
Q77871556Cientistas da Bahia ainda são anônimos para jovens do estado | Ciência e Cultura
Q120720904Citing Boetticher's "nineteenth-century paintings", art volumes and illustrated books to link old and new mountains of data linked openly
Q117348190Citizen Science goes Saxon Bibliography: Wikisource transcripts enrich SLUB catalogue
Q107233769Citizen Science in Bibliotheken – Rückblick auf den 51. BibChatDe
Q129984495Citizen Science in Dresden: Projects and topics of the SLUB Dresden
Q119499972Citizen Science in the Historical Sciences
Q118424563Citizen Science, Digitality, Regional History, Wikimedia - Current Publications 'nearby' Saxorum
Q103381483Citizen Science, Wikiversum und Sächsische Bibliografie: Veranstaltungen, Zweitveröffentlichungen und Neuerscheinungen
Q110896089Citizen Science: Questions are everywhere - in Berlin, Dresden ... and Bochum
Q120434152Citizens access architecture and everyday life in the GDR - Citizen Science approaches for archival materials in the scientific collections at the Leibniz Institute for Spatial Social Research
Q128367566Ciência da Vida após a Morte em debate
Q86752443Classification Board Responds To Senator's Call To Ban Anime
Q96619112Cleaning for Asthma-Safer Schools Reduces Asthma Risk, Saves Money
Q124101903Clearing Up Myths About Older Workers While Understanding and Supporting an Aging Workforce
Q96619173Climate Change and Occupational Safety and Health
Q119333940Climatologic Conditions, Chronic Disease and Work: Emerging Evidence and Implications
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Q105754064Clubabend – Der Weg ins Feld
Q123102507Clustering Book Editions Blogpost
Q125398866Coal feed wagon with roller crusher from the Hirschfelde power station
Q96619239Coccidioidomycosis: An Enduring Work-Related Disease
Q131407766Code from some mountaintop
Q114832502Coder la législation au bénéfice des citoyens !
Q114832500Coder le moins possible
Q111713350Coding da Vinci Ost³ – Textile industry in rural areas
Q96619055Coffee Workers at Risk for Lung Disease
Q131754452Coffee as an Intoxicant in Islamic Law
Q96619402Cold Stress
Q127602064Coleridge’s Experimental Poetics: A Review
Q96619113Collaboration with Wikipedia
Q96619155Collecting Data on Worker Hearing Loss: Epidemiology in Action
Q100319801Collecting Occupation and Industry Data in Public Health Surveillance Systems for COVID-19
Q123699960Collecting links, thinking data and vice versa: topics, archives, history, media and geodata
Q130377699Colophons of Judeo-Iranian Manuscripts: A Delicate Balance of Jewish and Non-Jewish Traditions
Q116549868Colouring Dresden: last details before platform launch
Q80977034Come see us at Portland Retro Gaming Expo 2017!
Q96618696Coming Soon to a Workplace Near You: Field-based respirable crystalline silica monitoring
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Q96619569Commercial Fishing Safety
Q119333981Commercial Vehicle Operators and Legionnaires’ Disease
Q110684338Common Struggles: Policy-based vs. scholar-led approaches to open access in the humanities (thesis deposit)
Q66385171Community digest: Virtual exhibitions help make Estonian artworks accessible to everyone
Q131843691Como a ciência pode conversar com os saberes ancestrais?
Q124319533Competing demands: on combining different activities during my Postdoc
Q105468397Computer Vision Development for Estimating Trunk Angles
Q96619277Conducting Responder Health Research and Biomonitoring During and Following Disasters
Q116188149Configuration de l'islam sur le campus universitaire du Point-G à Bamako
Q125544109Congealed Labor, Preserved Fish: From the Adriatic towards a global history of the canned sardine
Q125570226Congressional Gold Medals for Assange, Hale, Barlow, Winner, Manning, Edmonds, Sterling, Drake, Snowden, Ellsberg
Q96619177Connecting Occupational Public Health and Patient Care Through Electronic Health Records (EHRs)
Q100319796Considerations for Covering N95s to Extend Use
Q96619435Construction Equipment Visibility
Q96618502Construction Fall Fatalities Still Highest Among All Industries: What more can we do?
Q119333623Construction Helmets and Work-related Traumatic Brain Injury
Q96619581Contingent Workers
Q96618904Continuous Personal Dust Monitor
Q96619323Contractors Wanted: Help NIOSH Advance Research to Protect Workers from Silica
Q130327258Contrapoemas & Anfipoemas
Q131584222Contrary Views on the Main Question
Q96618338Controlar a fadiga em momentos de crise: Orientação para enfermeiros, gerentes e outros funcionários de serviços de saúde
Q96619269Controlling Exposures to Workers Who Make or Use Nanomaterials
Q96619024Convenience Store Compliance to Reduce Workplace Violence
Q129997694Conversation analysis has many applications, from Silicon Valley to medicine”
Q96619441Cops and Cars
Q111655189Corona and science. Or why I have to change my project to a large extent
Q105246245Coronavirus in Russia: Countrywide policies and regional specifics
Q130305665Cost of depression in the workplace across eight diverse countries – collectively US$250 billion:
Q96619315Cost-effective Rollover Protective Structure (CROPS)
Q123163303Court Lady - Wardrobe Mistress - Washerwoman. Women in the Female Court Estates of the Saxon Electoral and Royal Households in the Late 18th and Early 19th Centuries
Q105246231Covid-19 and sardines in Bosnia-Herzegovina: assembly line work during the pandemic
Q125544119Creating 'Islands of Agreement and Civility' through Humanitarian Negotiations. A Conflict Management and Disaster-Mitigation Strategy in Russia’s War against Ukraine
Q119333713Critical Steps Your Workplace Can Take Today to Prevent Suicide
Q116951947Criticism engulfs paper claiming an asteroid destroyed Biblical Sodom and Gomorrah
Q64878723Crossing the Blue Mountains, Sydney
Q122963383Crossref acquires Retraction Watch data and opens it for the scientific community
Q96618788Cured-in-Place-Pipe (CIPP): Inhalation and Dermal Exposure Risks Associated with Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer, and Drinking Water Pipe Repairs
Q66730943Current Estimates for Likelihood of X-Risk?
Q119027143Current media offerings on the Russian war against Ukraine
Q114600451Cycling associations „Solidarität“ vs. „Freiheit“ – Leipziger Volkszeitung, 1904
Q119803213Cycling in the footsteps of brown rule [National Socialism] in Dresden
Q124024846Cycling knowledge in the year of blog posts 2024
Q59771366Cycling tourism in old road books : Open Access for cyclists
Q109374967Czech Wiki Photo 2020 – výsledky
Q111688245DAOs, DACs, DAs and More: An Incomplete Terminology Guide
Q96618843DERMaL eToolkit
Q131822574DF Weekly: What does the Switch 2 motherboard leak say about system performance?
Q112582696DH Lab Retreat 2022: Delving into goals, tasks and values
Q109336440DH fun on the road: 3D models from your photos using photogrammetry
Q119792187DHBenelux 2023 blog post
Q105961847Da liegt der Hund nicht begraben!
Q96619330Dangers of Bathtub Refinishing
Q104349714Daniel "Chappie" James, Jr. (1920-1978)
Q24326402Daniel Hart Scoring Disney’s ‘Pete’s Dragon’
Q105906936Das Archiv des Kirchspiels Kohren-Sahlis
Q116198082Das Höllenspiel (Schubert, Halle a.d. Saale)
Q114030277Das Kakelorum, die Traunl – ein Glücksspielgerät
Q83365951Das zeigte die Sächsische Akademie der Künste nach 1800: Ausstellungskataloge in Wikisource
Q105754789Das zweite Original – Fotografie neu ordnen: Reproduktionen
Q105760514Das Älteste ist das Neueste
Q53870396Data Management: Streamlining Your Research and Publication Pipeline
Q125567704DatenlaubeJam method: Editathon for history splinters, history associations and their historical sources
Q96619038Daylight Saving: Suggestions to help workers adapt to the time change
Q118868754De Pygame à l’informatique quantique
Q106417483Deadcrow – Night Wonder EP
Q106417485Deadcrow – Night Wonder EP
Q109333286Dealing with uncertainty and capturing the underrepresented
Q130553219Dealing with ‘fallen’ girls and women and ‘drifters’ in Europe. Appeal to remedy a research desideratum
Q130223115Debriefing (Q2669680): Learning, together and with open data in summer 24/8
Q111285808December 4: World Dice Day
Q66085436Declaração do Universo Racionalista sobre o projeto de lei concernente à ideologia do Programa Escola sem Partido
Q116348122Deconstructing 'The Twitter Files'
Q96618961Deepwater Horizon
Q131754453Defining Femininity between Local and Global Islam: A Manuscript on Henna Application for Men
Q119333912Demonstrating the Ability to Protect Healthcare Personnel from COVID-19 in High-Risk Settings
Q119029275Der Erste Weltkrieg und die ukrainische Staatsgründung: Geschichtsportal Deutschland und die Ukraine im 20. Jahrhundert
Q119026803Der Friede von Brest-Litovsk und die ukrainische Staatsgründung – Geschichtsportal »Deutschland und die Ukraine im 20. Jahrhundert«
Q63840498Der Herausgeber des ersten Buches in sorbischer Sprache: Zum 400. Todesjahr des Pfarrers Albin Moller
Q101436422Der Kirche Raum geben. Eine digitale Führung in Großrückerswalde
Q105962376Der Leipziger Tolstoi-Prozess 1901
Q67759065Der Lichtenburger Konvent von 1576
Q113561602Der Radfahrer, 01.04.1927. - Cycling memories. By Siegfried Doerschlag
Q105962479Der Teufel gehört nicht auf die Bühne!
Q84347482Der Weg war das Ziel – Reisen (nicht nur in Sachsen) im 18. Jahrhundert
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Q78048043Der einfache Mann … im Limbacher Land
Q71594934Der rote Abreißkalender. Revolutionsgeschichte als Wandschmuck
Q104901743Des débuts de l’histoire des jeux vidéo en Autriche et en Suisse : une étude comparative des industries
Q119029276Deutschland und die Ukraine in den 1920er und 1930er Jahren
Q96619528Diacetyl and Food Flavorings
Q107772252Did Martin Luther Write Sin Boldly?
Q114558862Didier Raoult porte plainte pour diffamation et injures publiques contre le professeur de maths Alexander Samuel
Q105984764Die Amerikarezeption in der deutschen Frauenbewegung im 19. Jahrhundert
Q109832290Die Bürgerinnenstadt. Neue Publikationen zur Leipziger Frauengeschichte
Q105246232Die Corona-Pandemie in Südosteuropa: Eine Einleitung zu diesem Blog
Q75682119Die Datenlaube der Gartenlaube
Q121536471Die Datenlaube is coming to school: links and sources for special learning achievements
Q105907283Die Firma Hermann Rossbach in Mylau
Q121094348Die Geschichte Digitaler Spiele in Österreich 3: Von MUDs, Serious Games, Lern- und Werbespielen in den 1990er Jahren
Q71944640Die Geschichte Sachsens hat nur Westentaschenformat – im Medienwandel
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Q118162127Die Kunst der Entscheidung: Erfahrungen aus einem Praxisprojekt
Q105961973Die Pest in der Frühen Neuzeit – ein ferner Spiegel
Q121624255Die Pferdedecken des Teufels
Q102066940Die Radikalisierung der „Reichsbürger“ in Sachsen. Eine Studie zu biographischen Verläufen im historischen, gesellschaftlichen, politischen und ökonomischen Kontext
Q112895818Die Rauenzeller Mikwa als Zeugnis mittelalterlichen Landjudentums in Mittelfranken
Q112913894Die Ruhr oder wie das Ruhrgebiet zu seinem Namen kam
Q105986380Die Runden Tische 1989/90 in der DDR. Institutionen zivilgesellschaftlichen Engagements?
Q105986259Die Transformation liegt auf der Straße: Politischer Wandel und die Änderung von Straßennamen in Kattowitz
Q105906965Die Wasserversorgung Bornas in früherer Zeit
Q111605548Die Welt als Würfel (Ausstellung der Sammlung Gloger)
Q124555959Die Werte der Digital Humanities in ihren Institutionen
Q121077195Die Wissenschaft hat festgestellt oder die Legende vom Fortschritt
Q100899084Die andere Seite der Migration: Auswanderung und das Ost-West-Gefälle Europas
Q112942320Die ausgegrabene Koksofenbatterie der Zeche Rheinpreußen Schacht I/II in Homberg am Rhein
Q107503532Die historische Entwicklung Sachsens seit dem Mittelalter im Überflugmodus
Q105332598Die mehrsprachige Datenlaube – obersorbisch beispielsweise
Q96343147Die sächsische Organisation des Armenwesens im 18. Jahrhundert – ein landesgeschichtliches Desiderat
Q105849436Die vergessenen Lehrlinge
Q96618330Die weitreichenden Folgen arbeitsbedingter Müdigkeit
Q108900426Die „Heimat“ der „Auslandssachsen“ – Propaganda und Emotionen im Nationalsozialismus
Q80977065Digging for treasure in Aladdin’s source code
Q106903646Digital Badges: Clever Proof of Information Literacy
Q130326902Digital Fiction iPad Project: the Good and Bad Stuff
Q115153354Digital Remembrance Culture in Saxony - Results and Impressions from the Networking Conference at the SLUB
Q119334235Digital Version of the Impactful Revised NIOSH Lifting Equation Applications Manual Now Available
Q115644325Digital archives of the COVID-19 pandemic: research notes
Q106903371Digital badging spreads as more colleges use vendors to create alternative credentials
Q131278316Digital giving, sharing and free knowledge for people in libraries: vBIB24 in December
Q121433666Digital indexing histories with the State Archives
Q126326710Digital infrastructure policy. Call for Edits for the WikiBiblioCon 2024 ‘in the Port of Hamburg’
Q110436247Digital strategy in evolution: Issues and responses emerging from the project to develop a digital transformation strategy for Museum Victoria
Q131923741Digital surveying of court society. The court diaries of John George II of Saxony (1656-1680) as an early modern data repository and source of digital history
Q110436211Digital tools and how we use them: The destruction and reconstruction of tangible cultural heritage in Syria
Q107593754Digitale Heimatforschung mit Wikidata – ein Workshopbericht über verlinkendes Datendenken
Q110233852Digitale Heimatforschung – das war 2021
Q104596182Digitale Landeskunde – das war 2020
Q111046501Digitale Landeskunde: A Global Project
Q108131718Digitale historische Tourenbücher fürs Stadtradeln
Q98968471Digitales Forschungsportal „Wismut‐Erbe“: Ziele, Methodik, Quellen
Q125534411Dipshit Secrets of our Rotten World
Q109278789Disability History as Public History? On questions of inclusion and target group-oriented science communication using the example of a digital exhibition project
Q126353111Dispelling Myths to Make Healthy Hearing a Reality
Q106369426Diving Into "WAVE," The New Genre That's Destined To Blow Up In 2021
Q109545657Diving into Reddit: authority networks in history forums
Q111686849Djay Pro 2 comes with AI that can mix songs together for you - The Verge
Q96619250Do We Need to Challenge Respirator Filters With Biological Aerosols?
Q126192807Document events with open text, image and metadata
Q114995799Documentos revelam como era realizado o controle político e ideológico na USP durante a ditadura militar
Q131584211Does Lisa's identity really matter?
Q96618446Does Slip-Resistant Footwear Reduce Slips, Trips, and Falls in Food Service?
Q110716495Does sustainability reduce the cost of capital?
Q96619439Does the NIOSH Science Blog Improve Communication?
Q96619309Does your workplace culture help protect you from hepatitis?
Q109327183Doing Digital History with Python I: reading (messy) XML & JSON data
Q109327409Doing Digital History with Python II: creating custom Word Clouds
Q109330378Doing Digital History with Python III: topic modelling with Gensim, spaCy, NTLK and SciKit learn
Q109333291Doing Digital History with Python IV: web automation
Q80977216Dooly Bravo Land, a rare look at 90s Korean game development
Q111285593Drahndl, Glückszirkel, Tourniquet, Zeiger-Roulette: Glücksspiele mit Drehnadel
Q107005748Dream to Reality: NIOSH Early Years
Q132631986Dresden and the 13th February 1945: Event - Myth - Reflection
Q98843408Dresden aus historischen Perspektiven – ein 4D-Stadtmodell zum virtuellen Erkunden
Q105755052Dresden, Große Meißner Straße 6
Q106695970Dresdner Totengedenkbuch 1914–1918. Gemeinsames Crowdsourcingprojekt bürgerschaftlicher Vereine und wissenschaftlicher Bibliothek
Q96619352Drive Safely Work Week
Q96619166Drive Safely Work Week 2014
Q119333774Driving Safety Tips to Keep Your Employees Safe this Holiday Season
Q96618355Drug Overdose in the Workplace and the Role of Opioids
Q104918497Druhé české setkání projektu Wikidata se soustředilo na výměnu zkušeností
Q99508789Duplicate PAS Numbers and Trite BM Dumbdown, "Roman coins and the First Brexit"
Q111448548Durch Partizipation zum Kontrakt. Gestaltungsprozesse einer praxisbezogenen Forschungsdatenleitlinie
Q131470712Durch Projektkoordination Räume der Zusammenarbeit schaffen: Erfahrungen aus der „Digitalen Kartenwerkstatt Altes Reich“ (DigiKAR)
Q67173500Dva dny s Wikipedií v Havlíčkově Brodě
Q124150057Dynamic Documents with Jupyter, R Markdown, and Bookdown
Q119333909Día Mundial contra el Cáncer 2020. Reflexiones acerca de una década de investigación de NIOSH sobre el cáncer
Q130327492E-Poetry 2007 Paris Cellfone Documentary Extravaganza (Grand Text Auto)
Q93482855ECOS 33 (1) Spring 2012. Cometh the hour? Peter Shirley
Q93482908ECOS 34 (1) Spring 2013. The future of England's green agencies: with writing from Peter Shirley and Simon Leadbeater
Q93483011ECOS 34 (2) Summer 2013. Helping the State of Nature - public duty and political evasion. Writing from: Adrian Phillips, Michael Jeeves, Ian Bond, Peter Shirley
Q93482797ECOS 36 (2) Summer 2015. Freeing up nature - from ourselves and from market forces. Peter Shirley, p.2
Q93482739ECOS 37 (1) Spring 2016 Mind the gap - Reflections on revitalising conservation. Peter Shirley
Q93482680ECOS 38 (2): Not only but also
Q93482622ECOS 38 (5): Book Review: Inheritors of the earth
Q93482568ECOS 39 (1): A Green Future
Q93482521ECOS 39(6): The people’s manifesto for wildlife – solid ideas or flaky ideals?
Q93482486ECOS 40(2): Nature custodians - facing our great paradox
Q93482429ECOS 40(3): Nature's place - what should live where?
Q93482398ECOS 40(5): Book Review: Invasive Aliens
Q93482393ECOS 40(5): Gloom & doom, but room for optimism?
Q130330342ELO 2018: Database Collaboration, Facial Recognition, and Third Generation Electronic Literature
Q119333925ERCs Partner to Offer Webinar Series on Human Factors and Ergonomics and Industrial Hygiene
Q114452419ETSI MEC Standard Explained: part I
Q114452452ETSI MEC Standard Explained: part II
Q113152594Early Ḥanafī Jurists, Court Practice, and the Authority of General Afflictions (ʿUmūm al-Balwā)
Q111669464Easter Long Distance Journey Dresden-Berlin, 1899
Q130318628Eating fossils
Q119333660Economic Security and Worker Well-being
Q100319791Economic Security during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Healthy Work Design and Well-being Perspective
Q117589215Economist Mark Skidmore publishes antivax propaganda disguised as a survey
Q72287950Editing a Fairer Wikipedia: The Women’s Classical Committee Editathon
Q111550379Edition project: Song book Cyclists club of Stendal of 1884
Q107052477Editorial ethics: the detection of plagiarism by automated means
Q119333922Education and Training Concerning Masks and Respirators for Construction Workers
Q96618413Effectiveness of New Guidelines to Prevent Workplace Hand-Wrist MSDs
Q105962259Ein Frühmittelalter (fast) ohne Blasphemie
Q105972810Ein Leben „mit viel Sonne und Freiheit“. Forschungen zur NS-Homosexuellenverfolgung in Sachsen
Q105246236Ein Präsident tritt ab. Hashim Thaçi vor dem Sondergericht in Den Haag
Q73603367Ein bisschen Heimat? Landesgeschichte in einer globalisierten Welt
Q105906279Ein digitales Stadtmodell für die Zeit um 1500?
Q105755024Ein neuer Blick: Portraits von Bernd Torchala
Q105834622Ein sorbisches „In dulci jubilo“ in Bethlehem/Pennsylvania
Q105755068Eindeutig uneindeutig – Medienpraxis von „Amateur*innen“
Q61467057Eindrucksvolle Wandlungsprozesse: Das „sächsische Manchester“ im Kaiserreich
Q105754508Eindrucksvolle Zwischenbilanz auf dem Weg zum Sächsischen Klosterbuch
Q104804622Eine Dresdner Institution – Zum Tode von Ingrid Wenzkat
Q84857563Eine verpasste Chance. Öffentliches Erinnern 100 Jahre nach der Staatsgründung Jugoslawiens
Q81275404Einseitiger Blick auf Dresden und Sachsen in und nach der Revolution
Q64869564Einstein’s Theory of Relativity Proven in Australia, 1922
Q96619336El trabajo con vehículos todo-terreno
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Q130328189Electronic Literature as Cultural Heritage (Confessions of an Incunk)
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Q106398302Enabling African Diaspora Philanthropy
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Q96618702Engineering in the Division of Safety Research
Q132178348Enhancing Workplace Safety: A Systematic Review of Hearing Protection Fit-Testing Systems and Training
Q114958053Ensuring Leaders Get the Desired Results from Their Teams
Q131700682Entenda o caso de Maria da Penha, que originou lei de proteção a mulheres vítimas de violência no Brasil
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Q106979454Epistle 3
Q96619096Ergonomics Climate Assessment
Q119333768Ergonomics Tips for the North Pole
Q96619588Ergonomics for Construction Workers
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Q133277549Europe's? You name (and edit) it - without the slightest thought of completeness
Q119333760Evaluation of the Characteristics of Workers Injured on the Job Requiring Hospitalization and Employer Compliance with OSHA’s Reporting Requirement for these Work-Related Hospitalizations
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Q96618825Exoskeletons in Construction: Will they reduce or create hazards?
Q119334061Exoskeletons: Potential for Preventing Work-related Musculoskeletal Injuries and Disorders in Construction Workplaces
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Q96618586Expanding and Improving Occupational Safety and Health Content in Wikipedia. It Matters.
Q132178341Exploring Approaches to Keep an AI-Enabled Workplace Safe for Workers
Q119334271Exploring Cognitive Impairment among 9/11-exposed Individuals
Q96618526Exploring Individual and Organizational Stress-reducing Interventions across Industries
Q106528059Exploring Wave, Beatport's Newest Genre
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Q66491081Exploring offline access to Wikipedia: WikiFundi, an editing tool for remote schools
Q119334179Exploring the Future of Worker Health and Safety in the Post-Pandemic World
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Q119334167Extinguishing the Risk of Forever Chemicals: State of the science to protect first responders
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Q84857556Extreme weather and violence in Russia: Evidence across age and gender
Q64869593F. S. Burnell war reporter and radio host
Q96619082FACE Investigation Documents Factors Contributing to a Worker's Death Inside Pressure Cooker
Q96618437FACE Investigations Make Recommendations to Improve the Safety of New Types of Robots
Q132637282FAIR blog-to-blog citations
Q120855949FAMI training: Theoretical vocational training
Q125544114FAQ #10: Zerbombte Kirchen, geplünderte Archive: Warum? Was kann man retten – und wie?
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Q107358453Female scientists’ pages keep disappearing from Wikipedia—what’s going on?
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Q96618596Fentanyls and the Safety of First Responders: Science and Recommendations
Q61448930Fernwehforschung und Arbeiter-Radfahrerwissen mit dem „Vorwärts“
Q96619139Fighting Ebola: A Grand Challenge for Development – How NIOSH is Helping Design Improved Personal Protective Equipment for Healthcare Workers
Q111153383Finding good questions. Dresden and 13 February
Q126353080Finding the Right Fit—Is Your Respirator "The One"?
Q107621799Fine of the Month: December 2007
Q96619526Fire Fighter Fatality Investigation and Prevention Program
Q96618858Firefighter Cancer Rates: The Facts from NIOSH Research
Q131392294First Editathon in Bangla Wikivoyage
Q96619383First Father's Day Tied to the Workplace
Q96619297First NIOSH Comic Helps Dispel Internet "Myth"
Q96619157First, Do No Harm: Temporary Threshold Shift Screening Is Not Worth the Risk
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Q109679396Fokus gesamteuropäische Ebene: die Rolle der Kunst im Dreißigjährigen Krieg
Q131776670Food as a synthesis of the arts. Interdisciplinary culinary aesthetics from 1800 to the present day: a lecture series with impulses for culinary research in Dresden
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Q100135161Freiwilligkeit und Fürsorge in Transformation: Lokales Engagement im Dreiländereck
Q88563098French homeland intelligence threatens a volunteer sysop to delete a Wikipedia Article
Q96619571Frequency of Respirator Fit Testing
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Q105706965From East to West. How post-communist migration is changing Europe
Q132774939From Groups to Teams: Promoting Collaboration and Inclusion through Metacognition
Q119026829From a multifaceted place of remembrance to urbicide - the fate of the city of Mariupol
Q110436212From at risk to open access: The Endangered Archives of the world
Q113714866From current to digital – experience basic research using historical sources!
Q120109467From rockets to wood carburettors. The Institute of Automotive Engineering at the TH Dresden during the Second World War
Q116861337From royal stage to selfie magnet. Spatial-medial construction of the modern residential city around 1900
Q80976563From the Game Informer Archives: Lost NES Games!
Q112303665From the blogosphere: Civic pride in Waldenburg
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Q84095419Gender Bender DNA Twister Extreme Review
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Q109330370Geohumanities II: Gestaltung und Druck einfacher Karten in QGIS
Q109336426Geohumanities III: analysing early modern mobility through birth and apprenticeship letters
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Q105672691Gespräch über Nachhaltigkeitsmoral – ein Streitstück
Q110039103Get all the Gartenlaube Text in Wikisource
Q96619394Getting Closer to Understanding the Economic Burden of Occupational Injury and Illness
Q119334303Getting Creative
Q105418677Getting Serious About Repealing Section 230
Q119334312Getting the Word Out: NIOSH Publications and Products
Q77442387Getting the Words Out (and Back In)
Q37795318Ghost Stories – Idi Amin’s torture chambers
Q108832269Glad You Asked: A Snapshot of the Current State of Data Citation
Q96619498Going Green: Safe and Healthy Jobs
Q96619479Going Green: Safe and Healthy Jobs 2
Q96618522Good Clean Fun: Cleaning Considerations for Elastomeric Respirators
Q105962399Grabräuber und das Geschäft mit menschlichen Überresten
Q96618631Graduate Students Use Coursework to Provide Health Communication Support on NIOSH Projects
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Q110229272GraphQL for WikiData (WikiCite)
Q96619306Green Buildings and Human Health
Q96618583Grounds for Change: Reducing Noise Exposure in Grounds Management Professionals – Part 1
Q96618577Grounds for Change: Reducing Noise Exposure in the Grounds Management Professions – Part 2
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Q101851860Guest post: "Saxony’s Arboreal Curiosities, or: How to Root (Hi)Stories"; by Solvejg Nitzke
Q58338504Guest post: Joseph Kony is not in Uganda (and other complicated things)
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Q63787951Haben Früchte eine Nationalität? Zur Wissensgeschichte der Obstbaukunde im 19. Jahrhundert
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Q132178318Happy Holidays from NIOSH
Q96619147Happy Holidays from NIOSH- 2014
Q96619362Happy N95 Day!
Q96619284Happy N95 Day! A Guide to N95 Resources
Q124651606Happy birthday! #dehypo12
Q64869775Hargraves Cradle – Used to Make Australia’s First Payable Discovery of Gold
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Q106862775Have You Ever Listened to “Wave/Witch House”?
Q124101885Hazardous Exposures to Silica in Metal and Nonmetal Mining Indicate the Need for Better Prevention
Q96619087Health Effects from 9/11: Lessons Learned
Q126353113Health Equity, Work, and Motor Vehicle Safety
Q119334153Health Hazard Evaluation Program
Q119333967Health Worker Mental Health Initiative
Q96619225Health and Safety on the Open Market
Q96618531Health for the Holidays: Risks and Recommendations for the Retail Industry
Q96618811Health-related Quality of Life (HRQOL): Variation across occupation groups
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Q96618937Hear and Now Noise Safety Challenge Winners: Part 2 of 3
Q96618935Hear and Now Noise Safety Challenge Winners: Part 3 of 3
Q96618969Hear and Now: The Noise Safety Challenge
Q105468406Hearing Loss Among Construction Workers: Chemicals Can Make It Worse
Q96618832Heat Index: When humidity makes it feel hotter
Q100319773Heat Stress Imposed by PPE Worn in Hot and Humid Environments
Q96618327Heat Stress in Construction
Q96618674HeeSun Choi, PhD, and Christina Socias-Morales, DrPh: Creating Safer Workplaces
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Q104533003Heimat – Versuche in der Moderne Halt zu finden
Q97416273Heimat? Many. Without the slightest thought of completeness
Q105078522Heimatkonstruktionen in historischer Perspektive I: Heimatinszenierungen im Deutschen Kaiserreich – Traditionsbewusstsein versus Fortschrittsoptimismus
Q105233232Heimatkonstruktionen in historischer Perspektive II: „Linke“ Heimatbilder und -konstruktionen in der Weimarer Republik – die sächsische Naturfreundebewegung
Q105413738Heimatkonstruktionen in historischer Perspektive III: Heimatpraktiken im Übergang von der DDR zur vereinigten Bundesrepublik
Q96619444Helical CT Scans and Lung Cancer Screening
Q96618834Help Put an End to Preventable Deaths During National Safety Month 2017
Q96618991Help Set the Research Agenda for the Healthcare and Social Assistance Sector
Q96619001Help Set the Research Priorities for Occupational Respiratory Diseases
Q96618718Help Us Redesign the NIOSH Pocket Guide
Q96619396Help Wanted: Spray Polyurethane Foam Insulation Research
Q96619077Help for Small Businesses
Q124101889Help for the Holidays: Preventing Fatigue, Violence, and Stress in Retail
Q96619319Help! What do you want from a mobile Pocket Guide?
Q119334031Here Comes the Sun! Tips to Adapt to Daylight Saving Time
Q72813715Heterotopien in der Transformationsstadt. Räume und Raumpraktiken der alternativen Szene in Dresden und Wrocław vor und nach 1989
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Q130641024Historians and the archives of today: the LivArch project and the process of documenting the war in Ukraine
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Q100723390History fragments in descriptions of texts and in the metadata of a pedunculate oak in Dresden
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Q96618895Hit the Mark: Firearms training without damaging your hearing
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Q96619061Holiday Gifts from NIOSH
Q119334265Home Healthcare Workers: A Growing and Diverse Workforce at High Risk for Workplace Violence
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Q119333666Honoring Science and Service at NIOSH
Q96619428Horrible Bosses: Workplace violence in the real world
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Q132178351Impact Wellbeing™ Guide Workshop Series Brings Together Hospital Leaders to Improve Healthcare Worker Wellbeing
Q116641227Imperial Commoners in Brazil and West Africa (1640–1822): A Global History from a Correspondence Network Perspective
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Q107523556Improve Your Customer Service Skills: Go Gender Neutral!
Q96619520Improved Criteria for Emergency Medical Protective Clothing
Q132178317Improved Recruitment and Retention of Women Firefighters with Elevated Attention to their Health and Safety
Q96618615Improving Occupational Safety and Health in the Construction and Mining Industries
Q107005741Improving Our Understanding of Nonfatal Occupational Injuries
Q96618532Improving Programs to Control Hazardous Energy: New website offers tools and templates
Q96619313Improving Respirator Use and Compliance in Healthcare – An Invitation
Q96618989Improving Workers' Health Across the Globe
Q96619095Improving the Safety and Health of Bison Handlers
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Q96618431Injured Workers More Likely to Die from Suicide or Opioid Overdose
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Q105440429Interim report of the "SFB 1853" - two years #DieDatenlaube
Q131392414International Museum Day Datathon 2023
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Q105468404Introducing an Occupational Health Resource: The Occupational Noise Job Exposure Matrix
Q110436213Introducing socio-technical changes through “Mobile First” in the Museum Application Domain
Q96618881Introducing the Hearing Loss Prevention Program evaluation checklist
Q130351029Introducing the Knowledge Graph: things, not strings
Q80977157Introducing the VGHF Writing Fund!
Q117605795Introducing the playing cards for the Ethics of Open Sharing
Q114853681Introducing “Migrant Connections:” A Digital History Research Hub for Learning and Participatory Activity by/for/with Citizen Scholars
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Q111087415Introduction to historical (social) network analysis – Part II
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Q96619542Introduction: Respiratory Health Consequences Resulting from the Collapse of the World Trade Center
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Q131754454Is Independent Legal Reasoning Incompatible with Following Earlier Jurists? Rethinking the Claim of Jurists’ Disloyalty to Taqlīd
Q126353093Is Occupational Physical Activity Harmful to Health?
Q130581517Is Style Important? Giulia Boggio on Questioning Visual Language and Bringing Her Ethics to Work
Q96619149Is There a Link Between Firefighting and Cancer? – Epidemiology in Action
Q130306523Is e-literature just one big anti-climax?
Q124528896Is it love? Open link relationships with Wikidata and FactGrid for the arts
Q87827967Ist die sächsische Geschichte eine Abfolge von Höhepunkten?
Q109515249Iste libellus pertinet … Goethe?
Q96618395It's National Bosses Day. Who is your dream boss?
Q96618890It's National Ladder Safety Month
Q108106652It’s the Data, Stupid: What Elsevier’s purchase of SSRN also means
Q62513426I’ll Be Speaking in Wisconsin Next Week
Q105267457Jak se fotilo pro Wikiprojekty v roce 2019
Q96619071James Bond Exposed…To 50 Years of Occupational Hazards
Q100386533Jan Szczepan Wolfram (1825-1870)
Q115088199Japanese Views on Saxon Social and Economic History: Nobushige Matsuo
Q106510522Jedem Marktplatz seinen Albert. Urbane Denkmalpraxis im Königreich Sachsen
Q105753911Jena 1989 revisited
Q106903589Jeu de 7 familles de l’informatique
Q124438094Jewish students in Saxony. From the source to a web portal
Q96618782Job Complexity, Race, and Socioeconomic Status: Examining Health Disparities from an Occupational Perspective
Q132178337Job Satisfaction in the Logging Industry
Q96618554Job Strain, Long Work Hours, and Suicidal Thoughts
Q105468401Jobs and Exposures That Increase Risk for Developing COPD Later in Life
Q122865066Johannes Wienand: Stasis. An Academic Blog on Ancient Civil War, in: Stasis – Avenues to Ancient Civil War, October 9, 2023, doi: 10.59350/377m7-vkt78
Q129167430John Hawke: Aurelia; Jillian Pattinson: Babel Fish [Review]
Q96619346Joint Pain in the Workplace
Q116951946Journal investigating Sodom comet paper for data problems
Q115784620Journées de commémoration du mouvement historique du 9 février 1990
Q131302786Just semantics? Open: Citizen Science Masterclass
Q112621384K-9 Mail joins the Thunderbird family
Q119792217K-Cap 2019 blog post
Q117598967Kamenzer Wochenschrift, issue 14, 26-03-1848
Q106417466Kareful and the evolution of wave music
Q106369449Kareful’s Introduction To Wave Music
Q100717879Karl Friston: How should we respond to an upsurge in covid-19 cases?
Q113511328Katechismus des Radfahrsportes: Ein Gang durch die radsportliche Litteratur, 1897
Q96602815Katholisches Sachsen. (K)eine transkulturelle Verflechtungsgeschichte
Q128227460Keen, Roubini and Baker win Revere Award for Economics
Q132178336Keeping Emergency Responders Safe: NIOSH Efforts Since 9/11
Q126353058Keeping Junior Firefighters Safe and Healthy: The Fire Department's Role in Promoting Positive Childhood Experiences
Q119333844Keeping Manufacturing Workers Safe: National Manufacturing Day/Month and Beyond
Q100319790Keeping Momentum in NORA Councils: Different Ways to Achieve Partner Engagement
Q111619559Keeping Presidents in the Nuclear Dark (Episode #1: The Case of the Missing Permissive Action Links)
Q96618493Keeping Teens Safe and Healthy at Work: It Takes Teamwork!
Q96619422Keeping Workers Hydrated and Cool Despite the Heat
Q96618976Keeping Workers Safe on the Road
Q96619164Keeping the Momentum Going for Total Worker Health
Q72731217Kelsey Lewin Named VGHF’s Co-Director
Q63805123Kirche und Alltag in den zweisprachigen Gemeinden der schlesischen Oberlausitz während der 1920er Jahre
Q119792061Knowledge Graphs for Data Integration - UHasselt 2023
Q111354562Knowledge and Open Data of Wikipedia & Co at the 57th BibChatDe
Q107484948Knowledge and equity: analysis of three models
Q125776957Knowledge communication & wikiversity
Q105879363Kolonialwaren u. Spirituosen • Paul Müller •
Q79727949Kompakte Darstellung der Chemnitzer Stadtgeschichte
Q90575249Kompakter Überblick zur sächsischen Parlamentarismusgeschichte
Q119027133Kosovar ‘war aims’
Q84858375Kulturelle Vermittler zwischen Deutschland und der Ukraine im 20 und 21 Jahrhundert
Q67077879Kulturerbe: die Katharinenkirche und die Reformation in Zwickau
Q105964709Kurze Verteidigung der Promotion
Q114832482L'amélioration continue au service de l'augmentation de l'impact sur Mes Aides
Q114832480L'intrapreneur : un rôle crucial aux multiples facettes
Q114832477L'intrapreneur de Startup d'État, un entrepreneur comme les autres ?
Q131983309LLM Biases: Expected and Unexpected Model Design Effects in Historical Newspaper Article Extraction on the Messina Earthquake
Q107031541La Red de Bibliotecas en Finlandia
Q106648103La Science ouverte au Campus Condorcet, ce n’est pas si compliqué !
Q115784633La chorale universitaire de Niamey
Q106903320La classe inversée à l’université,… une pédagogie innovante à benchmarker ! | Le blog de JC2
Q96618333La fatiga relacionada con el trabajo va más allá del ámbito laboral
Q115784621La fête de Tabaski au campus de l’Université Abdou Moumouni de Niamey : entre festivités et solidarité estudiantines
Q115784631La journée de fraternité au Foyer Berlier de Niamey
Q130330374La littérature numérique francophone : enjeux théoriques et pratiques pour l’identification d’un corpus
Q115784624La nuit culturelle de l’étudiant musulman, une soirée à l’image des recommandations islamiques
Q107484941La voie diamantée du libre accès
Q96619190Labor Day 2014
Q96618974Labor Day 2016: A Statement by NIOSH Director John Howard, MD
Q96618799Labor Day 2017: A Statement by NIOSH Director, John Howard, MD
Q96618422Labor Day 2019 Message: Future of Work and Total Worker Health
Q100319759Labor Day 2020: Statement by John Howard, M.D., Director, NIOSH
Q119334263Labor Day 2021: Statement by John Howard, M.D., Director, NIOSH
Q119333882Labor Day 2022: A Statement by NIOSH Director, John Howard, MD
Q124101908Labor Day 2023: Statement by NIOSH Director, John Howard, MD
Q132178344Labor Day Message 2024
Q96619089Labor Day Message from NIOSH Director, John Howard, M.D.
Q96618560Labor Day Message from NIOSH Director, John Howard, MD
Q96618820Ladder Safety in the Wholesale and Retail Trade Sector: Take the Right Steps towards Safety
Q96619286Ladder Safety: There's an App for That
Q107312382Landes- oder Bundesfürsten? Die sächsischen Monarchen als komplementäre oder konkurrierende Vaterfiguren des Deutschen Kaiserreiches während des Ersten Weltkrieges (1914–1918) – ein Promotionsprojekt
Q70298215Landesgeschichte in der Öffentlichkeit: #LGpubhist19 bot aktuelle Perspektiven
Q104713386Landeskunde digital – das war 2020
Q96618884Landscaping Safety and Health
Q98492906Landschaft nach Plan. Die Transformation des ländlichen Raumes in der SBZ und DDR (1945-1989/1990)
Q126811661Large-Scale Research with Historical Newspapers: A Turning Point through Generative AI
Q107031589Las 15 bibliotecas digitales que debemos conocer
Q64878697Last of Shackleton’s Antarctic Expedition Rescued 10 January 1917
Q119333750Law Enforcement Appreciation Day
Q96618453Law Enforcement Officers' Health Effects from Exposure to Opioids: Two Case Investigations
Q114832451Le Board, une planche de salut ?
Q126519188Le Centre Princesse Máxima se distancie catégoriquement des oncologues controversés de « l'étude anti-vax »
Q116235216Le Maoulid au campus de l’UAM de Niamey (Niger) : entre festivités et expression de l’amour du Prophète
Q69603377Le blâme n’est pas un jeu
Q114832447Le lancement de sprint : forcément interminable et douloureux ?
Q114832443Le pitch à 6 mois
Q114260904Le port du voile : un phénomène nouveau à Bamako ?
Q114832438Le registre des taxis : comment une API permet d'adapter la mission de service public des taxis au numérique
Q105973207Lea Grundig – Eine Migrantin im 20. Jahrhundert
Q132887278Leap Year is a Metroidbrainia for people who hate Metroidbrainias
Q119334112Learning from Workplace Fatality Investigations
Q96618671Lee Greenawald, PhD: An up and coming leader in PPE
Q105760485Leerstand: Platz für Ideen
Q114832436Les 6 prochains mois d’une Startup d’État
Q106903515Les badges de compétences au cœur de la formation de demain
Q125524098Les enlèvements, une stratégie d'expansion pour les groupes extrémistes violents au Bénin
Q62513523Lexicographical data on Wikidata: Words, words, words
Q93482383Liberating nature: False hopes from the lockdown?
Q111687970Liberation Through Radical Decentralization
Q125524078Liberté, égalité, séparation : quelles déclinaisons de la laïcité au Burkina Faso ?
Q107005736Lifejackets for Lobstermen
Q105468392Lighting Interventions to Reduce Circadian Disruption in Rotating Shift Workers
Q120669663Like Clockwork, Journalists Cast Suspicion on Salafis Following a Jihadist Attack
Q107523601Lingua Franca – The History of the Book in Translation
Q100157372Linked Open Storytelling: Heimatforschung in Europa profitiert von Open Science
Q109336459LinkedArt: exploring network analysis in art history
Q71947365Linking the OLAC Video Game Vocabulary with Wikidata
Q122747570Linking walnut avenues: mapping deeds, roads or tree networks openly, data points and data mountains
Q117086355Links from data mountain to data mountain - lots of 'Gartenlaube content' in digital collections
Q57616164Lise Nørgaard og ligelønnen
Q94367522Literarische Erinnerungsorte zwischen Sachsen, Tschechien und Polen: ein Konzept zu ihrer touristischen Nutzung
Q130306252Literatura Electrónica
Q130328359Literatura digital. Cul de Sac
Q109278705Live is live
Q67132773Live, Die, Repeat — How Time Loops Took Over Video Games
Q113152519Lived or Non-Lived Ḥadīth? Content vs. Narrator Criteria in Early Ḥanafī Law
Q128366181Livro de três cientistas investiga experiências de quase morte, mediunidade e vidas passadas
Q131843683Livros para desradicalizar
Q65665320Local history research in Europe – Call for Participation
Q132178320Logging Mechanization and Impacts on Health
Q110883210Lokale Kirchengeschichte in der Coronazeit. Ein Erfahrungsbericht zur Serie #KircheninLeipzig
Q126353090Long COVID and Occupational Medicine Practice
Q111295909Long Lawrence, a stick die from England
Q105397219Long Road To Lexeme
Q96619136Long-Haul Truck Driver Health Survey Results
Q80977092Look at this beautiful new toy you bought us!!!
Q107484946Look to the commons for the future of R&D and science policy
Q116727469Looking back at spring 2021 as we forge ahead
Q124101884Looking to the Past and the Future of NIOSH Nanotechnology Guidance
Q119333619Los cascos para la construcción y las lesiones cerebrales traumáticas relacionadas con el trabajo
Q105246250Losing your own business is worse than losing a salaried job
Q96618450Low Back Pain among Workers: The Problem and What to Do About It
Q96619424Low-dose CT Scans and Lung Cancer Screening in the Occupational Setting
Q111480263Lunch break – pause & sort, because: hackathon is all the time
Q96619364Lung Cancer Screening in the Occupational Setting – An Update
Q107005753Lung Disease in Textile Workers
Q115784623L’association chrétienne “Campus Pour Christ” accueille les nouveaux bacheliers
Q111285437L’avare oder der Geizhals – Siebenerspiele im Schweizer Spielemuseum
Q130306061L’avventura è l’avventura
Q114832459L’intrapreneur n’est pas un Product Owner
Q114832472L’État passe en mode start-up
Q106645077L’épistémologie opportuniste de Didier Raoult
Q107052454L’évaluation automatisée en sciences humaines
Q106417500M!NGO Delivers Trippy New Trap Tune “Outcast” via Vibe.Digital
Q106903578MIT and 8 other universities partner on shared digital credential infrastructure
Q106903579MIT introduces digital diplomas
Q106903265MOOCs in 2015: Breaking Down the Numbers (EdSurge News)
Q126647256Ma « notice d’information » Conspiracy Watch est une fraude
Q62030108Macht Citizen Science glücklich? Bürgerwissenschaft in wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken
Q96619473Mad as a Hatter: Mercury and Other Occupational Hazards at the Movies
Q96618353Made for Each Other – a Valentine's Day Note about Approved Respirator Configurations
Q96619329Maintaining a Relationship with your SCBA
Q96618902Maintaining a Relationship with your Turnout Gear
Q107675424Maintenance work and data management for Saxonica with #Wikisource + #Wikidata
Q107406244Major indexing service sounds alarm on self-citations by nearly 50 journals
Q96618612Make One Change for Safety this National Safety Month
Q96618997Making Alaska a Safer Place to Work
Q112038746Making Forgotten Things Visible Again: Trace Searchers Show Their Results at the 17th Youth History Day
Q100319794Making Industry and Occupation Information Useful for Public Health: A guide to coding industry and occupation text fields
Q96619253Making a Splash: Three Fishermen Saved by Personal Flotation Devices!
Q124788700Making maps for the state department
Q96619252Making of the New NIOSH Homepage
Q96619557Making the Business Case for Prevention through Design
Q96619372Making the Case for Paid Sick Leave
Q64878812Mallarmé: Pages and A Throw of the Dice
Q96618344Managing Fatigue During Times of Crisis: Guidance for Nurses, Managers, and Other Healthcare Workers
Q96618345Manejo de la fatiga en tiempos de crisis: Directrices para enfermeros, administradores y otros trabajadores de atención médica
Q100319735Manufacturing Day 2020: Staying Safer in 2020
Q119333999Manufacturing Monday Blog Series: Playground Equipment
Q119333993Manufacturing Mondays Blog Series: May the 4th Be with Laser and Plasma Cutting Workers
Q119333984Manufacturing Mondays Blog Series: Military Appreciation
Q124621897Map Lab Holy Roman Empire: From a "patchwork quilt" to the depiction of complex historical spaces
Q96619410Map: Occurrences of Erionite
Q126489782MarcEdit and Metadata trends
Q117235681March 18, 1848: To the People of Saxony!
Q104025808Marie Frommer und Ingrid von Reyher: Frauen und technische Bildung (nicht nur) in Sachsen
Q119026761Mariupol and the Origins and Avenues of Ukraine’s Transitional Justice Process
Q24260035Marvel's Doctor Strange Wraps Filming
Q123891536Mass Defect: Why Mass Effect falls short of its hype
Q103366845Maulwurfmonitoring. Über das Vorkommen der Familie der Talpidae in Dresdner wissenschaftlichen Sammlungen
Q96618855May is Better Hearing and Speech Month: For 45 Years NIOSH Helps Prevent Occupational Hearing Loss
Q100319779Measuring Workplace Risks across States
Q96619022Measuring the Impact of Hearing Loss on Quality of Life
Q96618708Medical Mystery Solved: What Sent a Pregnant Prison Worker to the Hospital?
Q96618711Medical Mystery: What Sent a Pregnant Prison Worker to the Hospital?
Q96618462Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder
Q106634891Meerane in Postkarten: Quellen der Lokalgeschichte
Q61710717Meet the Jon Jones Who Keeps Getting Nasty Tweets Meant for the Other Jon Jones
Q66491080Meet the scientist working to increase the number of underrepresented scientists and engineers on Wikipedia
Q106574353Mehr als ein „Schein-Parlament“ – der sächsische Landtag 1946–1952
Q105907053Mein Ort digital
Q124101900Mental Health, Alcohol Use, and Substance Use Resources for Workers and Employers
Q114832433Mes Aides dans les mains des experts
Q95394062Methoden, Themen und Kontexte der Landesgeschichtsforschung in Deutschland (auch) aus sächsischer Perspektive
Q105836113Methodisches Vorgehen und Oral History
Q27804525Michael Giacchino Confirms He's Scoring Spider-Man: Homecoming
Q105962460Mildernde Umstände?
Q105468398Millersville University Students Support NIOSH Research
Q108188993Mindfulness: Spiritual transcendence or neoliberal scam
Q133248663Minecraft Apparently Under Siege By Angry Addicts Demanding More Updates
Q119334040Mining, Maritime, and More: NIOSH’s Spokane Research Laboratory’s Expanded Mission Serves Broad Array of Industries
Q119334299Mission Possible: Measuring Worker Well-Being
Q130238119Mit dem fOERder-Award 2016 auf dem Weg zur Wikiversity MOOC Extension
Q75019756MoMA returns Nazi looted painting to rightful heirs
Q119333718Modern Coal Miners Have Higher Death Rates From Lung Diseases Than Their Predecessors
Q114832431Moderniser l’État grâce aux Startups d’État
Q106903270Modèle éducatif selon Khan
Q112325836Mon blog dans les oignons
Q69460485Monumente der Störung – Disruptive Eingriffe ins Dresdner Stadtbild
Q96619122Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report: Workers' Memorial Day 2015
Q96619234Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report: Workers' Memorial Day, April 28, 2014
Q130572707More dependent, more unequal, dead sooner: where Viktor Orbán's illiberal democracy is leading us
Q123282325More than just clicking - a review of the Wikisource-Conference at the SLUB Open Science Lab
Q131843707More than three decades after misconduct ruling, researcher’s IQ test paper is retracted
Q27067721More ‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’ filming locations in NYC this weekend
Q126353088Most-viewed NIOSH Products in 2023
Q132178314Most-viewed NIOSH Products in 2024
Q105468389Most-viewed NIOSH Products of 2020
Q119333744Most-viewed NIOSH Products of 2022
Q96619160Motor Vehicle Safety and Law Enforcement Officers
Q96619062Movies with Workplace Safety and Health Themes
Q96619509Multifaceted Approach to Assess Indoor Environmental Quality
Q111296854Multifunktionales Spielbrett
Q108971298Multilinguales regionales Weltwissen – Regiowikis mit Wikipedia-Sprachversionen in Wikidata verknüpfen
Q110686505Multilingualism is integral to accessibility and should be part of European research assessment reform
Q132171741Murky infection control policies at the Paris Olympics – Olympic and Paralympic Analysis
Q119334126Musculoskeletal Disorders Research at NIOSH
Q96618668Musculoskeletal Health Research to Benefit Construction Workers
Q96618740Musculoskeletal Health Research to Benefit Couriers, Messengers, and Baggage Handlers
Q96618644Musculoskeletal Health Research to Benefit Surface Stone, Sand, and Gravel Miners
Q96618746Musculoskeletal Health Research to Benefit Temporary Retail Workers
Q64869838Museum Mythbusters – the graphite elephant story
Q110436250Museum Transformation Strategies in the Digital Age
Q106369447Music Genres You Probably Didn’t know Exists
Q105964751Muslimische Lästerer gegen hinduistische Götter?
Q107523543My Gender Journey at Work
Q110635790My Nearby projects – from Open Data Camp 2021 into the New Year of Citizen Science
Q119792540My PhD explained
Q111077440MySpace as a teaching tool
Q105908768Mylauer Burg- und Bauherren – Quellen und Befunde
Q105908318Mylauer Unternehmen zur Zeit der Industrialisierung
Q104696988Myth Augustus II the Strong
Q114964085Märkische Radfahrer-Zeitung, 18 January 1900
Q84056677Månedens DF´er juni 2010
Q84055364Månedens DF´er november 2010
Q96619186N95 Day 2014: Respirator Preparedness – Where Technology Meets Good Practices
Q96619091N95 Day 2015: The tools to build a culture of proper respiratory protection practices
Q96618971N95 Day 2016: Proper Use, Filtration, and Fit – The Three-Legged Stool of Respiratory Protection
Q96618796N95 Day 2017: When to think Beyond the N95 FFR
Q96618557N95 Day 2018: Getting Down to the Particulars about Filter Class
Q119334051N95 Love – Staying True to the NIOSH Approval
Q96619104N95 Respirator Use During Pregnancy – Findings from Recent NIOSH Research
Q96619488N95 Respirators and Surgical Masks
Q96619400NFL Players Tackling Heart Disease
Q124101912NIEHS and NIOSH Explore the Expansion of Recovery Friendly Workplace Programs
Q107005740NIOSH 50th Anniversary Honored by National Toxicology Program
Q124101894NIOSH Ag Centers Celebrate 10 Years on YouTube
Q105468388NIOSH Celebrates 50 Years in 2021
Q96619171NIOSH Celebrates National Farm Safety and Health Week
Q96619066NIOSH Co-hosts Motor Vehicle Safety Webinar
Q105468379NIOSH Directors
Q96619585NIOSH Dose Reconstruction Program
Q119333898NIOSH Education and Research Centers: Research
Q119334071NIOSH Education and Research Centers: Training
Q105468391NIOSH Efforts to Keep Workers and the Country Safe During the Pandemic
Q96618343NIOSH Encourages Worker Well-Being Research
Q126353084NIOSH Global Collaborations on Workplace Safety of Nanomaterials
Q96619307NIOSH HPD Well-Fit™: The Future is Fit-Testing
Q96618528NIOSH Info: What was hot in 2018
Q96619042NIOSH Ladder Safety App Evolves with User Feedback
Q96618419NIOSH Launches Respiratory Protection Week in Celebration of 100 Years of Respiratory Protection
Q96619011NIOSH Mine Emergency Escape Simulation Technology Available for Developers
Q119333883NIOSH Miner Health Program Addresses Substance Use and Work
Q119333854NIOSH News for National Nanotechnology Day!
Q119334076NIOSH Noise: A 50-Year Timeline of Research and Intervention
Q96618749NIOSH Presents: An Occupational Safety and Health Perspective on Robotics Applications in the Workplace
Q96618849NIOSH Presents: Research on Managing Fatigue in the Workplace, Lessons Learned
Q107005733NIOSH Program Portfolio: Promoting research collaboration for 16 years and counting
Q96619099NIOSH Research Highlights Importance of Rigorous Standards for Gowns Used to Protect Healthcare Workers
Q96619397NIOSH Research on Work Schedules and Work-related Sleep Loss
Q119333796NIOSH Rising Stars
Q126353037NIOSH Risk Assessment of Engineered Nanomaterials
Q96619559NIOSH Seeks Input on Direct Reading Exposure Assessment Methods (D.R.E.A.M.) Workshop
Q96619117NIOSH Study Evaluates Risks for Pregnant Flight Attendants
Q119333648NIOSH TWH Affiliate Program Rapidly Creating New Worker Well-being Opportunities
Q96619344NIOSH Takes a Stand
Q96619086NIOSH Travel Health and Safety Resource Kit for Workers with International Assignments
Q96618340NIOSH Ventilated Headboard Provides Solution to Patient Isolation During an Epidemic
Q96618400NIOSH Working Hours, Sleep and Fatigue Forum: A Recap and Future Directions
Q96619450NIOSH and Electronic Health Records
Q96618628NIOSH and FDA Collaboration Streamlines Regulatory Oversight for N95 Filtering Facepiece Respirators
Q96618546NIOSH and USDA Partner to Protect Workers after Hurricane Florence
Q96618606NIOSH in Alaska: Improving Worker Safety
Q119334104NIOSH in Cincinnati – 50 Years of OSH Research and Service
Q119334065NIOSH in Cincinnati – A Pictorial History, Part II
Q119334107NIOSH in Cincinnati-A Pictorial History Part 1
Q119334097NIOSH in Denver
Q119334243NIOSH “L” Building Marks 25 Years of Innovative Research
Q96618987NIOSH's Engineering Controls Database
Q96619461NIOSH's Role in the Deepwater Horizon Response
Q96618952NIOSH's State-of-the-Art Facility in Morgantown Celebrates 20 Years
Q96619115NIOSH, Nail Guns, and Consensus Standards: Where We Stand
Q96618527NIOSH, Wiki Education Foundation, and Harvard University Work Together to Make Occupational Safety and Health Content Accessible to All
Q132178327NIOSH-developed Tools for Monitoring Respirable Crystalline Silica in the Mining Environment
Q100381588NKlink – nový nástroj propojující Wikidata se světem Národních autorit
Q96618802NLE Calc: A Mobile Application Based on the Revised NIOSH Lifting Equation
Q96619008NMAM 5th Edition
Q96619518NO2 Emission Increases Associated with the Use of Certain Diesel Particulate Filters in Underground Mines
Q96619550NORA Symposium 2008
Q107005747NTOF: Understanding Worker Deaths through Surveillance
Q132178340NTRC Marks 20 Years of Studying Nanotoxicology: Highlights from the Toxicology and Internal Dose Team
Q130327003NURBS theory | conceptualizing cultural processes: from discrete categories to continuous curves
Q67184537Na první české Wikikonferenci se sešli tvůrci Wikipedie s jejími uživateli
Q105640620Nachlese zum Workshop „Akteure der Kulturförderung in der Wendezeit“ des Leibniz-Instituts für Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Europa (GWZO) am 24. November 2020
Q111295693Nachtrag zum Zeiger-Roulette – Glücksspiele mit Drehnadel: Virolla und Baboia in Katalonien
Q96619515Nail Salon Table Evaluation
Q96618398Nanotechnology Research at NIOSH
Q96619511Nanotechnology: Human and Environmental Exposure Assessment of Nanomaterials Workshop
Q96619561Nanotechnology: Should carbon nanotubes be handled in the workplace like asbestos?
Q96618656Naomi Swanson, PhD: Advancing Worker Health Through Improved Organization of Work and Ergonomic Design
Q131755015Narrating Change
Q116671060Narrativa em disputa: Estudiosos criticam exaltação do Golpe de 64
Q119333657National Correctional Workers Appreciation Week 2023
Q96619216National Doughnut Day
Q96618792National Employ Older Workers Week Webinar
Q96618963National Employ Older Workers Week is a Chance to Reflect on the Safety and Health Needs of Older Workers
Q96618521National Engineers Week
Q119333915National Marble Day: A Look at the Manufacturing of Glass Marbles
Q119334241National Nanotechnology Day: A big day for small things
Q96618852National Police Week and NIOSH's Work in Officer Safety
Q96618777National Protect Your Hearing Month – Time to Fill the "Know-Do" Gap
Q96619003National Safety Month
Q119333952National Safety Month
Q119333643National Safety Month 2023
Q132178354National Safety Month 2024
Q61727607Nationalsozialistischer Terror in Sachsen – erste Gesamtdarstellung erschienen
Q132178324Native American Heritage Month: Honoring American Indian and Alaska Native Workers
Q93634446Nearby: die St.-Jakobus-Kirche in Pesterwitz
Q131481145Negacionismo científico em torno da existência do sistema de recifes do Amazonas revela a existência de um “bolsonarismo de esquerda”
Q107434024Negotiating Longing and Despair as Frontier Citizens of the Indian State
Q77871558Nelson Papavero | Ciência e Cultura
Q123079011Net-Zero America: Potential Pathways, Infrastructure, And Impacts
Q111295455Neu bei GeSpiele: Listen
Q101099299Neue Heimat Sachsen? ‚Heimat‘ als Argument in der Aushandlung von Migrationsgesellschaft
Q81424373Neue Studie auf alten Wegen: Das Offizierkorps der sächsischen Armee im 18. Jahrhundert
Q83876086Neuerscheinung zur Geschichte Sachsens: Spaltungen in der Weimarer Republik
Q105754745Neues aus dem Homeoffice ‒ Einige Überlegungen und Beobachtungen zur Nutzung digitaler Medien in der Amateurfotografie
Q63981648Neues und Altes zur sächsischen Geschichte vom Ersten zum Zweiten Weltkrieg
Q112913706Neues zur Baugeschichte der Elisabethkirche in Marburg an der Lahn
Q96618951Never fear! NEAT 2.0 is here! – How to perform nanomaterial exposure assessment in the workplace
Q124101898New Burnout Prevention Training for Public Health
Q96618949New Curriculum Helps Workers with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Learn How to Stay Safe on the Job
Q119334045New Data Available! Assess Causes of Death by Industry and Occupation
Q27996650New Doctor Strange Teaser Trailer is an Epic First Look at the Film!
Q96619327New Findings on Lung Tumor Formation in Laboratory Mice Exposed to Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
Q119334017New NIEHS Resources to Prevent and Address Opioid Misuse and Promote Recovery Friendly Workplace Programs
Q96618920New NIOSH Sound Level Meter App
Q96619058New NIOSH Study Supports the OSHA Annual Fit Testing Requirements for Filtering Facepiece Respirators
Q96618911New NIOSH Training Offers Fatigue Management for Pilots in the Land of the Midnight Sun
Q96619078New Research Identifies 5 Best Practices for Keeping Contractors Safe
Q96618759New Research on Worker Tobacco Use
Q96618785New Software Tracks Health of Emergency Responders
Q112245619New contributions to the role of the nobility in the Reformation
Q117220248New overview of Saxon regional studies
Q125726824New perspectives on Saxony in the 18th century - Jacek Kordel
Q131406421New perspectives on one of the longest-lived Wettiners
Q125838611New study reveals the science behind Ouija boards
Q119333987Newly Archived Webinar Recordings Highlighting How Emerging Technologies Can Prevent Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders
Q111735154Newly-Released Documents Shed Light on Government-Funded Research Into Worm Holes, Anti-Gravity and Invisibility Cloaks
Q116817481News from "Lichtenanger" or: Memories of Hellerau
Q111716944News from State Program for Digitization for Science and Culture of the Free State of Saxony: Transcriptions and small digital Editions
Q67200588Nezapomeňte pod stromečkem na Wikipedii
Q119333633Nghiên cứu Nguy cơ Bị Dị tật Bẩm sinh ở Con của Thợ Làm Móng và Thợ Làm Tóc Đang Mang thai
Q96619219Nickel Nanoparticles: A Case of Sensitization Associated with Occupational Exposure
Q80976663Nintendo’s (First) Lost Donkey Kong Game
Q114832430No more digital bullshit please
Q106417479Noah B - Night's Edge EP [Terrorhythm]
Q105961955Noch eine Geschichte der Blasphemie?
Q96618872Noise Exposure Among Federal Wildland Fire Fighters
Q119334296Noise Myths Debunked – Fact and Fiction Behind all the Cicada Buzz
Q96618731Non-occupational Uses of Respiratory Protection – What Public Health Organizations and Users Need to Know
Q126353086Nonfatal Occupational Injury Surveillance Data: Examples from Michigan
Q96618931Nonstandard Work Arrangements
Q116858192Norddeutsche Radsport-Zeitung, 21. Februar 1901
Q105246230Nordmakedonien und bulgarischer Geschichtsimperialismus: Eine aktuelle Publikation der Bulgarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und ihr politischer Kontext
Q100272670North Korea’s Ruling Family: A Detailed Look at Members
Q96618529North Pole Medical Mystery SOLVED!
Q111702089North german cycling sports newspaper, 1900-1901
Q105972863Notbetrieb macht erfinderisch
Q130327429Notes on N. Katherine Hayles: Literature and the Literary: Why Electronic Literature is Key to Their Future
Q119334014Noticias recientes sobre el trabajo en turnos de noche y el cáncer: ¿Qué significa para los trabajadores?
Q126726810Nový nástroj Wikinside nám usnadní práci a pomůže růst
Q96618328Nurses' and Other Health Professionals' Wellness and Safety Resource Update
Q131433665O golpe foi um plano de longo prazo
Q126353091ONDCP Launches New Recovery Ready Workplace Toolkit
Q96619454OSH in the Movies: The full list
Q96619452OSH in the Movies: This Time It's Personal
Q75945917Oberlausitzer Bibliotheken, Archive und Museen im Medienwandel
Q114676732Oberlausitzer Radfahrerbund in Kamenz – Kamenzer Wochenschrift, 2. Mai 1900
Q96619494Occupational Disease and Nanoparticles
Q96618390Occupational Exposure Banding and Workplace Chemicals
Q96619046Occupational Exposure Limits – State of the Science
Q96618927Occupational Exposure to Bisphenol A (BPA) in U.S. Manufacturing Companies
Q96619169Occupational Exposures at Electronic Scrap Recycling Facilities
Q96619137Occupational Exposures to New Drycleaning Solvents
Q96618943Occupational Hazards and Climate
Q96618909Occupational Health Internship Program – Apply Now for Summer 2017
Q96618924Occupational Health Issues in the USA
Q96619120Occupational Health Safety Network
Q96618947Occupational Safety and Health Economics Workshop
Q96619246Occupations with High Obesity Prevalence in Washington State
Q125544115Odesa's historic centre: a tour of an endangered world heritage site
Q115704166Of monsters and mentors: PhD disasters, and how to avoid them
Q66491069Offline-Pedia converts old televisions into Wikipedia readers
Q119333742Oil and Gas Workers Count
Q96618402Older Wholesale and Retail Workers in Nonstandard Work Arrangements
Q96618981Olympic Work
Q110436259On Digital Content Strategy
Q131351934On Digital Populism in Brazil
Q120135032On Learning Languages (a DH Fellowship Report)
Q130306555On Reading 300 Works of Electronic Literature: Preliminary Reflections
Q107277189On The Real Tragedy of Secular Modernity: Anand Vivek Taneja
Q117156370On self-sensual celebrations or the celebrating self-sense
Q130306647On the Art of Producing a Phenomenally Short Fiction Collection over the Net Using Twitter: ‘The 24-Hr. Micro-Elit Project
Q115784630On the Tarmac, Waiting for Take-off
Q119027136On the historical existence of the (Ukrainian) nation
Q131407783On the internet, everyone knows you’re a dog
Q124101891On-duty Injuries Among Ohio Law Enforcement Officers
Q126087609Once upon a time, I crossed Digital Art History
Q96619085One Size Does Not Fit All
Q117457661Ontologie-Entwurfsmuster zur Modellierung raumkonstitutierender Attribute frühneuzeitlicher Orte in der Digitalen Kartenwerkstatt Altes Reich (DigiKAR)
Q114986244Open Access Monographs: Digital Scholarship as Catalyst
Q110684322Open Access: Toward the Internet of the Mind
Q126082031Open Citizen Science - Guiding principles for libraries
Q123198845Open cultural data as an association project - the Dresden History Society in the Wikiverse
Q111756123Open data and applications on Saxon regional history in the tripoint: Coding da Vinci Ost 3
Q127101658Open geodata from twin towns - also relevant for libraries
Q123776903Open metadata for your own texts, projects and publications: Shift happens - with Scholia and digital editions
Q131407764Openly licensed streetview with Panoramax
Q110716561Opinion: Venture capital firms are blind to the benefits of diversity
Q131843637Oportunidade de AEx busca promover inclusão de temas avançados na Wikipédia e ampliação das divulgações científicas – ESCOLA POLITÉCNICA
Q96618808Opportunities for Integrating Safety and Health into Sustainable Building Projects: Have You Tried the Prevention through Design (PtD) Pilot Credit?
Q96618683Opportunities to Advance Occupational Health Research by Considering Work as a Social Determinant of Health
Q114796466Order Studies and Standard Data - the Example of the Royal Saxon House Order of the Raven Crown
Q96618648Ototoxicant Chemicals and Workplace Hearing Loss
Q96618387Outbreak of Silicosis among Engineered Stone Countertop Workers in Four States
Q119333990Outdoor Workers and Poisonous Plant Exposures
Q96619093Overlapping Vulnerabilities
Q111688382Overview of Bitcoin Community Survey Feb-Mar 2013
Q107005739Overview of The ASTM F3502-21 Barrier Face Covering Standard
Q105468384Overview of the ASTM F3407 Standard Test Method for Respirator Fit Capability
Q120645621Own Metadata for Research and Science Communication
Q109491700Own metadata for own blogposts – Bibliographies with open data and Wikidata
Q96619005PPE-Info Database
Q111292300Palamedes Redivivus (1678) und der handschriftliche Anhang des Dresdener/Zittauer Exemplars
Q111282907Palamedes Redivivus (blog post)
Q96619094Palm Tree Worker Suffocated by Palm Fronds – Another Death in California
Q110436206Paradigm Shift: Museums of Mexico
Q110770302Parliamentary elections in Bulgaria: Between anti-politics and a lack of majorities
Q119334037Partnering to Design Safe and Healthy Workplaces for the Construction Workforce
Q96618383Partnering to Educate English-Language Learners in Alaska on Worker Safety and Health
Q100319752Partnering to Prevent Suicide in the Construction Industry – Building Hope and a Road to Recovery
Q96619027Partnering to Promote Workplace Safety and Health in Tribal Communities
Q132178353Partnering to Reduce the Risk to Firefighters Responding to High-risk Buildings
Q96619081Partnership Increases Capacity in Agricultural Safety on the Navajo Nation
Q118985352Passports as Pretext: How Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Could Start
Q119027141Past political repression creates long-lasting mistrust
Q119333944Pausas para ir al baño
Q106034752Paying for a Green New Deal with Modern Monetary Theory
Q84940017People Want to Fuck the Grinch
Q131351873Peritos em pé de guerra - revista piauí
Q96619264Persistent Pain in the Neck! What Resources Help you Prevent MSDs in the Workplace?
Q96619513Persistent Pulmonary Fibrosis, Migration to the Pleura, and Other Preliminary New Findings after Subchronic Exposure to Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
Q119333716Personal Protective Equipment Fit in the Construction Sector
Q111285788Personifizierte Spielsammlung: Daniel Rabel, Recit du Jeu (1625)
Q111533456Personifizierte Spielsammlung: Das spielende Jahrhundert (Alconiere/Geiger, 1838)
Q115699019Personifizierte Spielsammlung: Ein Kupferstich in den Frauenzimmer-Gesprächspielen
Q111285651Personifizierte Spielsammlung: Nicolas de Larmessin, Habit de Tabletier (1695)
Q114027183Personifizierte Spielsammlungen von Jerzy Skarżyński
Q132178328Perspectives on Forest Operations Safety
Q124339199Pesterwitz miniatures - travelogues, digital sources, cataloging stories with open data
Q54599697Peter Suber on the State of Open Access: Where Are We, What Still Needs To Be Done?
Q84857560Petersburger Passagen. Das Gesicht St. Petersburgs im neuen Geoportal des IOS
Q110770299Phantomschmerzen: Bulgariens Geschichtspolitik und die Blockade der EU-Beitrittsverhandlungen mit Nordmakedonien.
Q121833701Photo competition: Wiki Loves Monuments 2023 from September
Q64869845Photographing the 1874 Transit of Venus
Q96619036Pi at Work
Q115773841Picture-text walks with Robert Lorenz, regional art and product development - fashion with history(s) in and from Görlitz
Q124563526Pingback: Linkbuilding blogs with Linked Open Storytelling
Q80976490Pixels In Print (Part 1): The First Arcade Video Game Ads
Q117600374Plagiarism in Abiy Ahmed’s PhD Thesis: How will Addis Ababa University handle this?
Q106417493Plastician announces Rinse FM departure
Q106417499Plastician's Terrorhythm label releases new compilation Turquoise: download it for free inside
Q71986253Platform Mapping
Q101562968PlayStation 5 launches in November, starting at $399 for PS5 Digital Edition and $499 for PS5 with Ultra HD Blu-Ray Disc Drive
Q96619426Pleuropulmonary disease in a polyacrylate facility
Q67921509Pojďte na Svět knihy, bude tam Wikipedie!
Q96619553Police and Stress
Q123176878Polizeipräsidium Plauen: Archival records now searchable online
Q104533384Polyphonie der Heimat – oder: Eine praxistheoretische und emotionshistorische Untersuchung von Heimatkonstruktionen in Sachsen, 1969-2000
Q96619565Portfolio Management at NIOSH
Q110694923Posilujeme program Partnerství a GLAM a také advokační činnost
Q96618505Potential Hazards of Additive Manufacturing
Q120635843Power from wind: Open data on AWS
Q96619279Powerful New Videos Encourage Those Who Qualify to Seek Care through the World Trade Center Health Program
Q119333886Pre-pandemic Mental Health and Well-being of Healthcare Workers
Q119333902Precarious Work, Job Stress, and Health-related Quality of Life
Q96619192Preliminary Field Studies on Worker Exposures to Volatile Chemicals during Oil and Gas Extraction Flowback and Production Testing Operations
Q96618380Preparing Your Fleet for Automated Vehicles
Q124101887Preparing for the Future: NIOSH Applications of Strategic Foresight
Q132178338Prevent Fungal Diseases in the Workplace
Q96619536Preventing Back Injuries in Health Care Settings
Q96619522Preventing Death and Injury in Tractor Overturns with Roll-Over Protective Structures
Q96619282Preventing Deaths in Manure Storage Facilities Through Proper Ventilation
Q96618525Preventing Electrocution of Construction Contract Workers
Q96619592Preventing Fire Fighter Fatalities from Cardiovascular Events
Q96619534Preventing Health Hazards from Metal Working Fluids
Q107005752Preventing Needlestick Injuries at COVID–19 Vaccination Sites
Q105468395Preventing Needlesticks and Sharps Injuries: Reflecting on the 20th Anniversary of the Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act
Q96619577Preventing Needlesticks in Surgical Personnel
Q119334267Preventing Opioid Overdose Deaths in the Workplace
Q96619196Preventing Skin Cancer
Q119334027Preventing Struck-by Fatalities Related to Excavator Quick Couplers, Buckets, and Attachments
Q100319737Preventing Struck-by Injuries in Construction
Q107005742Preventing Struck-by Injuries in Construction: Lift Zone Safety
Q96618456Preventing Trenching Fatalities
Q96619555Preventing Violence against Taxicab Drivers
Q96619065Preventing Wood Chipper Fatalities
Q119334101Prevention Through Design
Q126353081Prevention Through Design to Address Continuing Construction Workplace Deaths and Injuries
Q96619471Prevention in Health Reform
Q124101917Prevention of Injuries and Fatalities Involving Overturn of Drill Rigs and other Specialty Equipment for Foundation Construction
Q96619420Prevention through Design Standard
Q109336307Priests’ libraries in the Dutch Republic
Q125074234Priests’ libraries – Part 2: making our data operable
Q132178333Primary Care and the Working Patient — Occupational Health Principles in Practice
Q130417919Principle 'Linked Open by Default'
Q110684333Principles for Open Scholarly Infrastructures
Q126353040Prioritizing our Healthcare Workers: The Importance of Addressing the Intersection of Workplace Violence and Mental Health and Wellbeing
Q131584204Processing Part 1
Q131584229Processing Part 2
Q119333616Programa de Salud del World Trade Center: Más de una década de proveer monitoreo y tratamiento médico
Q112126163Projektmanagement in den Digital Humanities – World Café auf der DHd 2022
Q96619153Prolonged Standing at Work
Q96618508Promoción del bienestar de las trabajadoras a través de la salud maternal e infantil: Adaptaciones para facilitar la lactancia materna en el lugar de trabajo
Q124101905Promoting Best Practices for Clinical Care of 9/11-exposed Members
Q119333781Promoting Partnerships to Explore the Impacts of Technological Change on Work and Well-being
Q96618523Promoting Worker Well-Being through Maternal and Child Health: Breastfeeding Accommodations in the Workplace
Q111690280Proof of Stake: How I Learned to Love Weak Subjectivity
Q96618349Proper N95 Respirator Use for Respiratory Protection Preparedness
Q126353039Proposed Framework for Developing and Evaluating Total Worker Health® Education and Training Programs
Q96619092Protect Yourself at Work: A Series of Print and Video Materials for Spanish-speaking Immigrant Workers
Q96619355Protecting Emergency Responders
Q107005732Protecting Firefighters
Q100319746Protecting Machine Operators from Silica Dust: Enclosed Cabs
Q96619116Protecting Nail Salon Workers
Q119333778Protecting Temporary Workers: Best Practices for Host Employers
Q105468381Protecting Worker Hearing
Q124101915Protecting Workers and the Public from Wildfire Smoke
Q96619162Protecting Workers from Ebola: Eight Knowledge Generation Priorities
Q132178332Protecting Workers on the Roadways: The Use of Truck-Mounted Attenuators in the Fire and Emergency Services
Q96618999Protecting Young Workers in Retail Jobs
Q126353076Protecting the Well-being of the Nation's Health Workforce
Q132178350Providing Clarity Regarding the Regulation of Respirators Used in Health Care Settings
Q105002816Prozkoumejte Česko na Wikidatech: 10 nejlepších Queries datového žurnalisty
Q67923175První letošní číslo časopisu Wikimedium už je online
Q69361703První českou knihu o Wikipedii napsali sami wikipedisté
Q67171842První český oficiální časopis o Wikipedii
Q110678796První český wikidatista-rezident: Institut umění – Divadelní ústav vykročil k otevřeným propojeným datům
Q119333728Psychosocial Hazards Often Overlooked in Construction Industry
Q112074954Public Gaslighting and Family Privacy
Q114853545Public Humanities as Individualization of Research and Science Communication
Q109248003Public Humanities as an open stage or: Why science in social media should also be fun
Q110973662Public and Scientists’ Views on Science and Society
Q101002874Publication case study - Miss Svenson's Classroom Detention
Q96619412Puncture: Exposure for Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure
Q114832429Qu'est-ce qu'une équipe autonome ?
Q106903370Qu'est-ce que le microlearning?
Q61583919Quellen zur Geschichte des Turnens in Dresden von der Mitte des 19. bis zur Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts
Q105906295Quellen zur Reformationszeit in Borna. Ein Anfang …
Q131584208Question 1.14
Q108215166Questioning Street Names Leipzig
Q119982245RDF Named Graphs Blogpost
Q109329659RESILIENCE – A Research Infrastructure for Religious Studies
Q112256687RFC 1661: The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)
Q112256781RFC 7480: HTTP usage in the Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP)
Q112257806RFC 8415: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6)
Q112263735RFC 9110: HTTP Semantics
Q112264956RFC 9112: HTTP/1.1
Q112264804RFC 9113: HTTP/2
Q112263642RFC 9114: Hypertext Transfer Protocol Version 3 (HTTP/3)
Q112264564RFC 9204: QPACK: Header Compression for HTTP/3
Q112255694RFC 9250: DNS over Dedicated QUIC Connections
Q112254453RFC 9260: Stream Control Transmission Protocol
Q113486962RFC 9285: The Base45 Data Encoding
Q105754878ROBERT-STERL-PREIS 2020 – Mona Pourebrahim „GELASSENHEIT“
Q111600566RSA 2022 in Dublin
Q111675225RV Stendal 1884, in: Radlerin und Radler, 15. April 1899
Q119334002Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Teleworking During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Q112423009Racing calendar for 1912
Q85713425Racionalidades médicas e práticas integrativas em saúde: estudos teóricos e empíricos
Q106646572Radfahren in der Oberlausitz: Radfahrerbünde, Tourenbücher, Meisterschaften und Forschungsbedarf
Q114552700Radio : Patrice Berger « gourmand de vie », « le sage du village »…
Q54606827Radio Berkman: Open Accessories
Q115590865Radlerin und Radler: Christmas 1901. The Bicylce of the future
Q61986951Rape Day will not ship on Steam
Q127843935Rape-Revenge Films: A Critical Study, by Alexandra Heller-Nicholas – Book Review by Marietta Steinhart
Q112914044Rassismus – Eine wissenschaftliche Argumentationshilfe
Q130418092Re-thinking dementia care: Day Care vs. Recreation
Q109327038ReIReS meetings in Paris
Q96619211Reaching Towards a Healthier, Safer Workplace:NIOSH looks at healthcare worker familiarity with recommended respiratory protection practices
Q125544118Reacții populare de de-mobilizare și pacifism în regiunile de frontieră din România, Polonia și URSS între cele două războaie mondiale
Q130326645Reading Hypertext: Reading Blue Hyacinth
Q54555842Realising the BOAI Vision: Peter Suber's Advice
Q105246234Rebooting the State Council Increases Putin’s Power
Q107005738Recent News about Night Shift Work and Cancer: What Does it Mean for Workers?
Q107005731Recognizing Exemplary Science and Service
Q105468403Recognizing Health Literacy at NIOSH
Q110770304Reconfiguring politics in Moldova
Q131897019Recordando a Gabriel García Márquez, a 10 años de su partida
Q75047650Recovering Nintendo’s Lost SimCity for the NES
Q109327130Redesigning the “engage!” board game – my public humanities internship
Q119334021Reducción de las enfermedades ocupacionales crónicas: Programa Multisectorial CRC
Q96618406Reducing Fatigue and Stress in the Retail Industry: Workplace solutions
Q119334310Reducing Occupational Chronic Disease: CRC Cross Sector Program
Q96619299Reducing Taxicab Homicides
Q96618955Reducing Whole Body Vibration to Improve the Safety and Health of Bus Drivers
Q96619273Reducing Worker Exposure to ETS
Q119334287Reducing the Risk of Rhabdomyolysis and Other Heat-Related Illnesses in Landscaping and Tree Care Workers
Q96619538References for "Preventing Back Injuries in Health Care Settings"
Q96619544References for "Respiratory Health Consequences Resulting from the Collapse of the World Trade Center"
Q96619591References: Truck Driver Safety and Health
Q66491002Refining the Definition of “Open” in Open Content
Q132178316Reflecting on 2024: Workplace and Worker Safety, Health, and Well-being
Q119333859Reflecting on the NIOSH Education and Research Centers’ Continuing Education and Outreach
Q111170894Reflecting – on good or bad blogging, but no Thread
Q96619459Reflections on the INTERPHONE Study of Cell Phones and Brain Cancer
Q112939608Regeltexte zum Rümpfen
Q115616699Regional history digital. Some thoughts on the publication of the anthology
Q89071278Regionale Kulturdatenquellen: alte Texte über Sachsen mit Wikisource verbessern
Q105296136Regionalportal Saxorum. Ein Internetangebot zu Geschichte, Alltag und Kultur in Sachsen
Q65288899Regionenbezogene Sinnstiftung durch Antikerezeption in der sächsischen Landes- und Regionalgeschichtsschreibung des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts
Q105468378Relationship Advice on Valentine's Day: Quality Assurance—In a Respirator, That Is
Q107005757Relationship Advice on Valentine’s Day: Quality Assurance—In a Respirator, That Is
Q119334055Release of National Academies Consensus Study Report on Protecting Workers and the Public From Inhalation Hazards
Q113549958Religions numériques en Afrique
Q113152281Religious Groups and Scholars of Islam in the Syrian Revolution
Q112915601Reliquien des Nationalismus
Q106903558Remixer et concevoir un jeu de plateau sur l’open access
Q131369990Rencontres et culture arméniennes : présentation de l’association arménienne d’Auvergne
Q115777361Rep. Judy Morgan: The Stalwart Democrat
Q111328696Report from Hessen: Wikisource and Citizen Science – for Nassau
Q121307577Report of the Workshop "Religions on Campus: Coexisting Traditions, Reformulating the Secular and Life Projects"
Q121307560Report – Workshop 16-17 November, 2021
Q96619222Reports of Worker Fatalities during Flowback Operations
Q130752134Repository Wikimedia Commons and interwikilinks
Q96619034Research Day 2016 Brings Together Students, Alumni, and Professionals
Q100319770Research Questions for Aerosol Scientists Addressing COVID-19 and the Workplace
Q119333683Research Shows Benefits of Reduced Aerial Ladder Rung Spacing
Q123746634Research data and methods for artworks with Wikimedia Commons
Q109329637Research in times of COVID
Q98843179Research questions at the interfaces between library, SLUB textlab and Digital Humanities
Q96619532Research to Practice for Injury Prevention
Q109332795Research visit in New Zealand: Modelling the spread of COVID-19 on higher-order networks
Q119333752Researching Risk of Birth Defects Among Children of Male Firefighters
Q119333626Researching Risk of Birth Defects Among Pregnant Nail Salon Workers and Hairdressers
Q130553168Researching the association's history online: Materials on the Royal Saxon Antiquities Society in the SLUB Digital Collections
Q119334067Resolve to Protect the Safety and Health of Workers Manufacturing Fitness Equipment
Q48721267Resource discovery and Wikidata
Q96619258Respirator Care = Safe to Wear!
Q96619111Respiratory Hazards for Latino Horse Farm Workers
Q96619540Respiratory Health Consequences Resulting from the Collapse of the World Trade Center
Q119334120Respiratory Health Research at NIOSH
Q96618342Respiratory Protection During Outbreaks: Respirators versus Surgical Masks
Q119334260Respiratory Protection Week 2021 Resources and Review
Q119333880Respiratory Protection Week 2022: Staying Committed to Proper Respiratory Protection Practices
Q124101907Respiratory Protection Week 2023: Filling in the Gaps
Q96619492Respiratory Protection for Terrorist Threats and Other Emergencies
Q96619406Respiratory Protection for Workers Handling Engineered Nanoparticles
Q100319756Respiratory Protection vs. Source Control – What's the difference?
Q56377493Response to comments on the article “The social construction of technological stasis: The stagnating data structure in OpenStreetMap”
Q130306556Responses to "On Reading 300 Works of Electronic Literature: Preliminary Reflections"
Q131754729Resuscitating the Sharīʿa in South Asia
Q96618755Retail Worker Safety and Health during the Holidays
Q112526724Retraction leads to review change at SAGE journal
Q118220545Retrieving and displaying data from Wikipedia with YQL
Q80976997Review Roundup: Was E.T. Really the “Worst Game Ever”?
Q112774351Review of A Critical Edition of 'Umdat Al-Nāzir 'alā Al-Ashbāh wa'l-Nazā 'ir
Q127696224Review: The Space Between Trees
Q104517409Richard Pouyat, National Program Lead for Air and Soil Quality, USDA Forest Service
Q96618471Right Sensors Used Right: A Life-cycle Approach for Real-time Monitors and Direct Reading Methodologies and Data. A Call to Action for Customers, Creators, Curators, and Analysts.
Q100319745Rising to the Challenges and Opportunities Presented by the Future of Work: NIOSH introduces its Future of Work Initiative
Q119333893Risk-Based Model to Resume Field Research and Public Health Service During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Q96618864Risky Business
Q105962441Rituelle Lästerungen
Q112008380Road race „Zittau–Leipzig“ (204km)
Q111686850Robot DJ uproar and the secret behind automation-resistant jobs
Q117196699Rollenspielzeitschriften 2022
Q105964683Rote Karte für Blasphemie
Q63407696Rurbanität in Dresden und München 1870 bis 1914
Q119026835Russia’s Aggression against Ukraine and the Idealised Symbolism of Nuremberg
Q118985228Russlands Passportisierung des Donbas
Q67159466Rádi jsme se s vámi potkali na Světu knihy 2009
Q106494841SDG 1 No Poverty - UN Sustainable Development Goals
Q106497230SDG 2 Zero Hunger - UN Sustainable Development Goals
Q96619480SPIROLA: A Solution for More Effective Use
Q113365069SRB newspaper, Weltrunde, 8. Juli 1899
Q96631791SUCHE Gutachter*innen: Fliegende Frauen und Männer in der digitalen Heimatforschung
Q61467047Sachsen im industriellen Zeitalter
Q86521499Sachsens Industrie zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts und ihre Darstellung in den „Historisch-biographischen Blättern“
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Q124101901Safety Culture in Healthcare Settings
Q96619429Safety Has Not Been Asked to Prom
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Q96619303Safety and Health for Fire Fighters
Q96619154Safety and Health for Immigrant Workers
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Q96619505Safety and Health in the Horse-Racing Industry
Q96619385Safety and Health in the Theater: Keeping Tragedy out of the Comedies…and Musicals…and Dramas
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Q124101911Safety for Workers in Elementary and Secondary Schools
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Q96619579Saving Miners' Lives with Video-based Training
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Q114853640Science Ink – Scholarly communication off the track
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Q110686511Science needs to inform the public. That can’t be done solely in English
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Q69917475Screenwriter Patricia Louisianna Knop Dies at 78
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Q96619500Secondhand Smoke and Casino Dealers
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Q115566144Seeing yourself in the world
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Q96619242Semi-Autonomous Motor Vehicles: What Are the Implications for Work-related Road Safety?
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Q96618428Serpientes venenosas: un peligro olvidado para quienes trabajan al aire libre
Q119333869Setting Objectives for Fatigue Detection Technologies
Q105985047Sexismus. Oder die #MeNot-Illusion
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Q119333641Sharing quality information on all things related to hearing: Wiki4WorldHearingDay2023
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Q119333978Shiftwork May Lead to Health Problems among Police Officers: What Can be Done? Using Buffalo Cardio-Metabolic Occupational Police Stress (BCOPS) Study Data to Examine First Responder Health
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Q96618892Short Sleep Duration by Occupation Group
Q106903513Si je sketchnote, j’apprends ?
Q121120105Signs of a publishing paradigm shift - Georg Fischer and Dario Haux on the unbundling of science and publishing
Q96619255Silica Hazards from Engineered Stone Countertops
Q96619107Silicosis Update
Q96618550Simplify: How to quickly code industry and occupation data
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Q106417495Skit Talks on the Origins of WAVEMOB and What Classifies Wave Music in His Reddit AMA
Q96619398Sleep and Work
Q96619370Sleep, Pain, and Hospital Workers
Q96618404Small Business International Travel: NIOSH Has You Covered
Q96618480Small Business Week: Take time to Celebrate!
Q113088573Small Editions for Digital Humanities
Q125365549Small editions with links: On popular cooking [soup kitchen] in the family, 1883
Q125843952Smells like team spirit – DH Lab retreat 2024
Q96619248So How Accurate Are These Smartphone Sound Measurement Apps?
Q124101892Social Connection and Worker Well-being
Q117382045Social Media Fact Sheet
Q96619262Social Media at NIOSH – The Year in Review
Q56119994Social media and crisis management
Q115784632Socially Distant, Spiritually Connected: Religious activities on the University of Ibadan campus amid the coronavirus pandemic
Q48714853Some ways Wikidata can improve search and discovery
Q86863587Someone Filed An FOI Request About Warface, A Game First Classified In 2013
Q96619064Songs with Workplace Safety and Health Themes
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Q110679073Spolupráce s Institutem umění-Divadelním ústavem – aneb proč by každá instituce měla mít wikidatistu-rezidenta
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Q107005745Stand-Down for Falls in Its 8th Year: Continuing Need to Prevent Falls in Construction in the U.S. and Internationally
Q119333669Standing Down to Prevent Falls in Construction
Q96619016Standing–Down to Prevent Falls in Construction
Q131397977Start of Bengali-German Community Exchange Project
Q96619456State-based Occupational Safety and Health Surveillance
Q119333875Statement From WTC Health Program Administrator John Howard, M.D. Commemorating 21 Years Since September 11, 2001
Q119334257Statement by Dr. John Howard Commemorating 20 Years Since September 11, 2001
Q96618408Statement by Dr. John Howard on the September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance
Q100319750Statement by Dr. John Howard on the September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance 2020
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Q119333756Staying Safe Up on the Rooftop and in Extreme Temperatures
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Q96619469Strains, Sprains, and Pains in Home Healthcare: Working in an Uncontrolled Environment
Q119333906Strategies for Advancing Occupational Safety and Health: Examining Health Inequities
Q110436242Strategy 3.0: What is Digital Strategy Now?
Q96619368Stress and Health in Law Enforcement
Q119333696Struck-By Injuries in the Construction Sector: Common Hazards, Barriers, and Opportunities to Keep Workers Safe
Q110436203Structuring for digital success: A global survey of how museums and other cultural organizations resource, fund, and structure their digital teams and activity
Q119333889Students Making Their Mark at NIOSH
Q119334145Students’ Contributions to Wikipedia: Making it easier for everyone to find, understand, and use health information
Q107475953Subscriptions no longer needed: flipping journals to Open Access while supporting existing OA publications
Q130328504Subvirtiendo signos: la estrategia de la apropiación en la cultura contemporánea
Q96619012Suicide Among Former NFL Players
Q119334254Suicide Prevention for Healthcare Workers
Q96618416Suicide Risk for Veterinarians and Veterinary Technicians
Q107005744Suicides Among First Responders: A Call to Action
Q96618341Summary of Recommendations from the Fire Fighter Fatality Investigation and Prevention Program from 2006—2014
Q96619551Summer Hazards for Workers
Q126897740Summer course 24/8 with cultural data and edits for your own research
Q128467739Summer projects: Travelling with Citizen Science or wanderlust and accompanying research
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Q100319754Supplementing the Supply of N95s with Reusable Elastomeric Half Mask Respirators
Q126353056Support for Existing Expertise: Community-focused training initiatives to improve the safety and health of Tribal buffalo herd workers
Q126353059Supporting Mental Health in the Workplace
Q119334238Supportive Leaders Drive Organizational Improvements and Employee Health and Well-Being
Q100319792Surgical Smoke Inhalation: Dangerous Consequences for the Surgical Team
Q126353070Sweating the Small Stuff: 20 years of NIOSH Research on Engineering Controls for Nanotechnology
Q96618914Synthetic Biology and Occupational Risk
Q96618752Systematic Review for Occupational Safety and Health Questions
Q111689884Systemically important cryptocurrency networks – Fintech Policy
Q113453165Sächsische Dorfzeitung, 05. August 1897. – „Aufruf.“
Q82232566Sächsische Industriestädte in interdisziplinärer und vergleichender Perspektive
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Q111605545Sächsische Radfahrer-Zeitung: There should be enough work for the near future
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Q96619504Take Aim at Protecting Yourself
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Q96619179Thank You Truck Drivers!
Q96619156Thanksgiving Ergonomics: Reducing material handling injuries with engineering controls
Q96619548The "No Fit Test" Respirator Research Workshop
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Q67200635The Czech Wikipedia has 150,000 articles
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Q111655611The Dahme-Spreewald District Archive in Luckau
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Q96619244The History and Future of NIOSH Morgantown
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Q96619291The Importance of Occupational Safety and Health: Making for a "Super" Workplace
Q71949945The International Computer Game Collection is online
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Q122863786The Lachin corridor: statement by the PACE monitors for Azerbaijan and Armenia
Q111658993The Landau Municipal Archives
Q110686446The Language of (Future) Scientific Communication - Research Trends
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Q111844365The Legacy of a Regional Historian. Anthology with central writings by Manfred Kobuch published
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Q96619097The NIOSH eDoc: New way to get NIOSH information on the Move
Q126353046The Nanotechnology Research Center Carbon Nanotube Registry
Q119333654The National Firefighter Registry for Cancer: Understanding the Link Between Firefighting and Cancer
Q119333651The National Mesothelioma Virtual Bank: Advancing Research and Treatment
Q96618861The National Safety Stand-Down: Why Falls Remain a Deadly Problem in the Construction Sector and What We Can Do About It
Q96619198The National Tractor Safety Coalition: Taking a new systems-approach to a well-known problem
Q96618347The Need for Fit Testing During Emerging Infectious Disease Outbreaks
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Q119334135The OSH Act—A Response to Workplace Tragedies
Q96618878The Occupational Health Safety Network: Empowering and Optimizing Prevention Decision-Making
Q96619059The Opioid Overdose Epidemic and the Workplace
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Q96618580The Powerhouse: Students' contributions towards expanding and improving occupational safety and health content in Wikipedia
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Q96619387The Research Compendium: The NIOSH Total Worker Health™ Program: Seminal Research Papers 2012
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Q119334205The Rise and Fall of Lead in the Workplace
Q119333790The Risk of COPD is Increased for Workers in Certain Industries and Occupations and with Certain Occupational Exposures
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Q96619129The Silica/Asphalt Milling Machine Partnership – All Good Things Need Not Come to an End
Q124101914The Sound of Rockbursts: A new monitoring approach for longwall coal mines
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Q105246225The story of a frozen flag: Understanding what is happening in Belarus
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Q111659031The town archive of Annweiler am Trifels
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Q105266085The truth gets its shoes on: the Black Death on Wikipedia
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Q130326897Third Hand Plays: “automatype” by Daniel C. Howe
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