blog post | Q17928402 |
P953 | full work available at URL | |
P5933 | X post ID | 1286555653469855744 |
P50 | author | Jens Bemme | Q56880673 |
P972 | catalog | Regional bibliography of Saxony | Q61729277 |
P2860 | cites work | Information sheet for local museums in the Kingdom of Saxony | Q60675580 |
P407 | language of work or name | German | Q188 |
P921 | main subject | Wikidata | Q2013 |
xEditsXnearby | 1lib1nearby | Q97624528 | ||
P5008 | on focus list of Wikimedia project | xEditsXnearby | 1lib1nearby | Q97624528 |
P577 | publication date | 2020-07-23 | |
P1433 | published in | SLUBlog | Q65966503 |
P1476 | title | Fragen gibt es überall. #1Lib1Nearby-Sommerprojekte für #MenschenInBibliotheken |
Q123680174 | 1Lib1Nearby with Wikidata |
Q110594700 | Announcement 57th BibChatDE: How much Wikiverse is already in our libraries? |
Q100606445 | Baumnetze – Geschichte(n) sammeln, teilen, erforschen |
Q100988209 | Baumnetze, Landesgeschichte und offene Datenberge – Wissen durch Knotenbildung mit Wikidata zum 8. |
Q107395304 | Call for blog posts for the multilingual knowledge of the near surroundings with ‚Nearby‘ queries |
Q112072245 | Citizen Science City – A plea for open cultural data as a driver of digital education |
Q106945474 | Digital homeland research (InnoX2021) |
Q110233852 | Digitale Heimatforschung – das war 2021 |
Q104596182 | Digitale Landeskunde – das war 2020 |
Q100723390 | History fragments in descriptions of texts and in the metadata of a pedunculate oak in Dresden |
Q115404958 | Linked Open Storytelling – digital science communication with open cultural data of regional studies |
Q100157372 | Linked Open Storytelling: Heimatforschung in Europa profitiert von Open Science |
Q122747570 | Linking walnut avenues: mapping deeds, roads or tree networks openly, data points and data mountains |
Q111480263 | Lunch break – pause & sort, because: hackathon is all the time |
Q107675424 | Maintenance work and data management for Saxonica with #Wikisource + #Wikidata |
Q108565588 | Nearby*ism : das multilinguale Weltwissen der nahen Umgebung |
Q127101658 | Open geodata from twin towns - also relevant for libraries |
Q105909089 | Wikipedia (20): Erfahrungswissen aus 'Handschriften, Alten Drucken und Landeskunde' |
Q97624528 | xEditsXnearby | 1lib1nearby | described by source | P1343 |
Q65966503 | SLUBlog | has part(s) | P527 |
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