Pavel Borský

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Born 1964-01-01 in Brno (Q14960)

Pavel Borský is …
instance of (P31):

External links are
P6844abART person ID104809
P9037BHCL UUID54fe74dd-b670-4016-856a-033b932f1950
P227GND ID188379088
P691NL CR AUT IDxx0024351
P214VIAF cluster ID85453019

P734family nameBorskýQ44436749
P101field of workart historyQ50637
P735given namePavelQ43082565
P1412languages spoken, written or signedCzechQ9056
P106occupationart historianQ1792450
P21sex or gendermaleQ6581097
P937work locationLesnáQ10816747

Reverse relations

author (P50)
Q122137625Joseph Hardtmuth: architekt knížat z Liechtensteinu
Q122031288Město Pohořelice
Q122010971Nový dům Brno 1928

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