United Nations Peace Medal

DBpedia resource is: http://dbpedia.org/resource/United_Nations_Peace_Medal

Abstract is: The United Nations Peace Medal is a commemorative medal produced by the United Nations to promote peace. First made by Franklin Mint in 1971, a new design is produced annually, with limited editions offered for sale in gold, silver, and bronze. Gold medals may be formally presented by UN officials as a diplomatic gift to heads of state, former UN Secretaries-General, and dignitaries visiting the UN Headquarters.

United Nations Peace Medal is …
instance of (P31):
peace awardQ9639292

External links are
P2671Google Knowledge Graph ID/g/120kh8pc
P12375TracesOfWar award ID5748

P2517category for recipients of this award???Q125526086
P1027conferred byUnited NationsQ1065
P186made from materialprecious metalQ271449
P5008on focus list of Wikimedia projectWikiProject Q68235346Q68235346

Reverse relations

award received (P166)
Q4678285Ada Norris
Q539385Alfred Worden
Q4731943Allen Weinstein
Q449037Alvin Ailey
Q213512Bill Cosby
Q1257Boutros Boutros-Ghali
Q45068Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden
Q737664Carlos P. Romulo
Q467395Daisaku Ikeda
Q278656David Scott
Q461553Dixy Lee Ray
Q543737Eric Bogle
Q41178Haile Selassie I
Q297801James Irwin
Q1259Javier Pérez de Cuéllar
Q179266Jiddu Krishnamurti
Q18528287Kathleen Courtney
Q21536066Kathleen Mary Burrow
Q6387971Ken Kragen
Q208301Khalid of Saudi Arabia
Q1260Kurt Waldheim
Q765165Leonid Brezhnev
Q196073Lim Hyung-joo
Q377796Maurice Kendall
Q315572Nobusuke Kishi
Q1364026Norman Cousins
Q7074818Obert C. Tanner
Q208537Pau Casals
Q3091203Ryōichi Sasakawa
Q8877Steven Spielberg
Q11384533Takashi Satō
Q7678153Takeshi Terauchi
Q1264U Thant
Q178698W. H. Auden

The articles in Wikimedia projects and languages

Catalan (ca / Q7026)Medalla de la Pau de les Nacions Unideswikipedia
      FNs Fredsmedaljewikipedia
      United Nations Peace Medalwikipedia
      Médaille de la paix des Nations unieswikipedia

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