immersive analytics

data visualization and analysis using immersive environments

immersive analytics is …
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data visualizationQ6504956

P1343described by sourceImmersive Analytics: Theory and Research AgendaQ115431505

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Q61632245A Data-Globe and Immersive Virtual Reality Environment for Upper Limb Rehabilitation after Spinal Cord Injury
Q114600843A Map You Can Walk Into: Immersive Cartography and the Speculative Potentials of Data
Q47118052A Public Database of Immersive VR Videos with Corresponding Ratings of Arousal, Valence, and Correlations between Head Movements and Self Report Measures
Q46493190A Study of Layout, Rendering, and Interaction Methods for Immersive Graph Visualization
Q91507154A Survey of Full-Body Motion Reconstruction in Immersive Virtual Reality Applications
Q61632322A framework for immersive FEM visualisation using transparent object communication in a distributed network environment
Q57536931A geoscience perspective on immersive 3D gridded data visualization
Q39818145An Immersive Virtual Peer for Studying Social Influences on Child Cyclists' Road-Crossing Behavior
Q30572135An immersive environment for the direct visualization and segmentation of volumetric data sets
Q30967139An investigation of immersiveness in virtual reality exposure using physiological data
Q93000769Application of the Relative Visual Performance Model in a Virtual Reality Immersive System
Q50562230Assessing Knowledge Retention of an Immersive Serious Game vs. a Traditional Education Method in Aviation Safety.
Q113800509Augmenting Immersive Telepresence Experience with a Virtual Body
Q45991367Autocalibration of Multiprojector CAVE-Like Immersive Environments
Q92697642Biosignal-Based Multimodal Emotion Recognition in a Valence-Arousal Affective Framework Applied to Immersive Video Visualization
Q91572708Comfortable Immersive Analytics With the VirtualDesk Metaphor
Q115384362Communicating complexity: interactive model explorers and immersive visualizations as tools for local planning and community engagement
Q89291545ConfocalVR: Immersive Visualization for Confocal Microscopy
Q91099344DXR: A Toolkit for Building Immersive Data Visualizations
Q99631009DarkSky Halos: Use-Based Exploration of Dark Matter Formation Data in a Hybrid Immersive Virtual Environment
Q57122761Data Tectonics: A Framework for Building Physical and Immersive Data Representations
Q92695287Designing for Mobile and Immersive Visual Analytics in the Field
Q56572282Distributed data and immersive collaboration
Q30558716Drumming in immersive virtual reality: the body shapes the way we play
Q100529417Embodied Navigation in Immersive Abstract Data Visualization: Is Overview+Detail or Zooming Better for 3D Scatterplots?
Q100996593Evaluating Usability Aspects of a Mixed Reality Solution for Immersive Analytics in Industry 4.0 Scenarios
Q90457457Evaluating an Immersive Space-Time Cube Geovisualization for Intuitive Trajectory Data Exploration
Q90846656Evaluation of 3D Pointing Accuracy in the Fovea and Periphery in Immersive Head-Mounted Display Environments
Q46240296Evaluation of a low-cost 3D sound system for immersive virtual reality training systems
Q113230859Exploring the Utility of Social-Network-Derived Collaborative Opportunity Temperature Readings for Informing Design and Research of Large-Group Immersive Learning Environments
Q38083366Extended Pie Menus for Immersive Virtual Environments
Q40353419Extrafoveal Video Extension for an Immersive Viewing Experience
Q99561172Eyes-free Target Acquisition During Walking in Immersive Mixed Reality
Q92250632Feasibility of using a fully immersive virtual reality system for kinematic data collection
Q92796431Fly with the flock: immersive solutions for animal movement visualization and analytics
Q92936195Follow the Smoke: Immersive Display of Motion Data With Synthesized Smoke
Q64123904From Virtual Reality to Immersive Analytics in Bioinformatics
Q30473617High-density data sonification of stock market information in an immersive virtual environment
Q91894133Immersive Analytics Lessons From the Electronic Visualization Laboratory: A 25-Year Perspective
Q115431505Immersive Analytics: Theory and Research Agenda
Q39163877Immersive Collaborative Analysis of Network Connectivity: CAVE-style or Head-Mounted Display?
Q58643461Immersive Data Comprehension: Visualizing Uncertainty in Measurable Models
Q39285422Immersive Molecular Visualization with Omnidirectional Stereoscopic Ray Tracing and Remote Rendering
Q113205759Immersive Photographic Environments as Interactive Repositories for Preservation, Data Collection and Dissemination of Cultural Assets
Q89765778Immersive Process Model Exploration in Virtual Reality
Q92140375Immersive Technology and Medical Visualisation: A Users Guide
Q91572849Immersive Telepresence and Remote Collaboration using Mobile and Wearable Devices
Q90972141Immersive Three-Dimensional Modeling and Virtual Reality for Enhanced Visualization of Operative Neurosurgical Anatomy
Q91572862Immersive Virtual Colonoscopy
Q37423522Immersive Virtual Reality for Visualization of Abdominal CT.
Q57536933Immersive Visualization and Analysis of LiDAR Data
Q113446881Immersive Visualization and Curation of Archaeological Heritage Data: Çatalhöyük and the Dig@IT App
Q47579675Immersive Visualization to Support Scientific Insight
Q86179104Immersive group-to-group telepresence
Q98396632Immersive technologies as a solution for general data protection regulation in Europe and impact on the COVID-19 pandemic
Q80007225Immersive virtual anatomy course using a cluster of volume visualization machines and passive stereo
Q31143489Immersive virtual reality in computational chemistry: Applications to the analysis of QM and MM data
Q42555380Immersive visualization for enhanced computational fluid dynamics analysis
Q81415656Immersive visualization training of radiotherapy treatment
Q80007297Immersive visualization with automated collision detection for radiotherapy treatment planning
Q55132062Immersive visualization.
Q94513710In Reply to the Letter to the Editor Regarding "Immersive Three-Dimensional Modeling and Virtual Reality for Enhanced Visualization of Operative Neurosurgical Anatomy"
Q38410251Inter-reflection Compensation of Immersive Projection Display by Spatio-Temporal Screen Reflectance Modulation
Q59562455Interaction for Immersive Analytics
Q91828451Interpersonal Affordances and Social Dynamics in Collaborative Immersive Virtual Environments: Passing Together Through Apertures
Q50987386JackIn Head: Immersive Visual Telepresence System with Omnidirectional Wearable Camera
Q94513707Letter to the Editor Regarding "Immersive Three-Dimensional Modeling and Virtual Reality for Enhanced Visualization of Operative Neurosurgical Anatomy"
Q89765781Live Semantic 3D Perception for Immersive Augmented Reality
Q52654348Locomotive Recalibration and Prism Adaptation of Children and Teens in Immersive Virtual Environments
Q36307378Measurement Tools for the Immersive Visualization Environment: Steps Toward the Virtual Laboratory.
Q56904364Minimally immersive flow visualization
Q114820578Multi-Touch Querying on Data Physicalizations in Immersive AR
Q48323355Multi-parallel open technology to enable collaborative volume visualization: how to create global immersive virtual anatomy classrooms
Q57192737NeuroCave: A web-based immersive visualization platform for exploring connectome datasets
Q36771657Open-source tools for immersive environmental visualization
Q91099364Origin-Destination Flow Maps in Immersive Environments
Q101568275Output-Sensitive Avatar Representations for Immersive Telepresence
Q36899711Perceptual Calibration for Immersive Display Environments
Q57300921Personality variables in risk perception, learning and risky choice after safety training: Data of two empirical intervention studies contrasting immersive VR and PowerPoint
Q92040872PinNPivot: Object Manipulation using Pins in Immersive Virtual Environments
Q40436031Planning, implementation and optimization of future space missions using an immersive visualization environment (IVE) machine.
Q47212733Quo vadis CAVE: does immersive visualization still matter?
Q48545888Real-time interaction with a humanoid avatar in an immersive table tennis simulation
Q91790546Real-time visualization and interaction with static and live optical coherence tomography volumes in immersive virtual reality
Q30989801Reconstruction and exploration of three-dimensional confocal microscopy data in an immersive virtual environment
Q48797492Redirecting Walking and Driving for Natural Navigation in Immersive Virtual Environments
Q90078752Refocusable Gigapixel Panoramas for Immersive VR Experiences
Q36372657Reusable Client-Side JavaScript Modules for Immersive Web-Based Real-Time Collaborative Neuroimage Visualization
Q91828445SLAMCast: Large-Scale, Real-Time 3D Reconstruction and Streaming for Immersive Multi-Client Live Telepresence
Q87367669ScreenX: Public Immersive Theatres with Uniform Movie Viewing Experiences
Q104467833Self-Illusion: A Study on High-Level Cognition of Role-Playing in Immersive Virtual Environments from Non-Human Perspective
Q89456358Semantics for an Integrative and Immersive Pipeline Combining Visualization and Analysis of Molecular Data
Q100529429Shared Surfaces and Spaces: Collaborative Data Visualisation in a Co-located Immersive Environment
Q100529398ShuttleSpace: Exploring and Analyzing Movement Trajectory in Immersive Visualization
Q99718858Spatial Presence, Performance, and Behavior between Real, Remote, and Virtual Immersive Environments
Q38965406Subliminal Reorientation and Repositioning in Immersive Virtual Environments using Saccadic Suppression
Q59399836Successful education for AEC professionals: case study of applying immersive game-like virtual reality interfaces
Q92225765Survey of Immersive Analytics
Q51556614Taking Immersive VR Leap in Training of Landing Signal Officers
Q52930466The Effect of Realistic Appearance of Virtual Characters in Immersive Environments - Does the Character's Personality Play a Role?
Q50230356The Hologram in My Hand: How Effective is Interactive Exploration of 3D Visualizations in Immersive Tangible Augmented Reality?
Q40191617The Use of Immersive Visualization for the Control of Dental Anxiety During Oral Debridement
Q115433006The affordance of virtual reality to enable the sensory representation of multi-dimensional data for immersive analytics: from experience to insight
Q46885211The digital workshop: exploring the use of interactive and immersive visualisation tools in participatory planning
Q51918553The effect of visual and interaction fidelity on spatial cognition in immersive virtual environments
Q51988750The immersive visualization probe for exploring n-dimensional spaces
Q43916382The impact of a character posture model on the communication of affect in an immersive virtual environment
Q93101347There Is No Spoon: Evaluating Performance, Space Use, and Presence with Expert Domain Users in Immersive Analytics
Q98194792Tilt Map: Interactive Transitions Between Choropleth Map, Prism Map and Bar Chart in Immersive Environments
Q99708949Toward Mass Video Data Analysis: Interactive and Immersive 4D Scene Reconstruction
Q57558307Towards a Knowledge Based Environment for the Cognitive Understanding and Creation of Immersive Visualization of Expressive Human Movement Data
Q111848967UnityMol prototype for FAIR sharing of molecular-visualization experiences: from pictures in the cloud to collaborative virtual reality exploration in immersive 3D environments
Q100732321Uplift: A Tangible and Immersive Tabletop System for Casual Collaborative Visual Analytics
Q30980880Upper limb rehabilitation after spinal cord injury: a treatment based on a data glove and an immersive virtual reality environment.
Q115002750Using case studies in engineering ethics education: the case for immersive scenarios through stakeholder engagement and real life data
Q30967120Using semi-automated image processing and desktop systems to incorporate actual patient volumetric data in immersive surgical planning and viewing systems for multiple patients.
Q47272604V-scope: design and implementation of an immersive and desktop virtual reality volume visualization system.
Q92688422VRIA: A Web-based Framework for Creating Immersive Analytics Experiences
Q46143701iBET: Immersive visualization of biological electron-transfer dynamics
Q38621817iCAVE: an open source tool for visualizing biomolecular networks in 3D, stereoscopic 3D and immersive 3D.

Q124478906I-SOLVEnamed afterP138

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